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Dinámica trófica del mesozooplancton en dos sitios del estuario de Bahía Blanca con diferente nivel de impacto antrópicoDutto, María Sofía 05 March 2013 (has links)
Los organismos zooplanctónicos tienen un rol central en la transferencia de la
materia orgánica dentro de las redes tróficas marinas y constituyen indicadores útiles
para evaluar el estado ecológico de un ambiente. La determinación de las interacciones
tróficas brinda información importante para conocer el funcionamiento de un sistema.
Las técnicas moleculares tales como el análisis de ácidos grasos permiten dilucidar
relaciones alimentarias e identificar el origen de la materia orgánica en un ambiente
complejo como el acuático. El enriquecimiento en nutrientes y en materia orgánica
causado por la descarga de desechos urbanos e industriales es un fenómeno creciente
a lo largo de las costas. El estuario de Bahía Blanca, localizado al sur de la provincia de
Buenos Aires, es un sistema somero, turbio y eutrófico formado por canales, planicies
de marea e islas cubiertas con vegetación halófila. La costa norte recibe los efluentes de
importantes centros urbanos e industriales. La comunidad del mesozooplancton, el
comportamiento trófico y la composición de ácidos grasos del plancton fueron
estudiados en relación con el impacto de una de las principales descargas cloacales sin
tratamiento previo de la ciudad de Bahía Blanca en dos períodos climáticos
contrastantes. Los sitios estudiados fueron Canal Vieja, receptor de la descarga cloacal
y localizado en la costa norte del estuario y Bahía del Medio, canal de marea ubicado en
la zona interna-media del estuario. La influencia de la descarga cloacal en el ambiente
estuarino se reflejó principalmente en el contenido alto de nutrientes nitrogenados y
fosfatados disueltos por encima de los valores de enriquecimiento natural. Valores
menores de oxígeno disuelto y de pH en relación con el sitio control, fueron registrados
en el sitio receptor de la descarga cloacal. Aunque este disturbio no pareció ser
determinante en la estructura de la comunidad mesozooplanctónica, en el
comportamiento trófico o en la composición de ácidos grasos, se determinaron ciertas
variaciones. En el sitio control fue observado el patrón mesozooplanctónico típico y
también el consumo sobre las tres fuentes de alimento evaluadas (fitoplancton,
microzooplancton y detrito). El análisis de los ácidos grasos proporcionó información
relevante para un mejor conocimiento de la trama trófica estuarina. Confirmó el origen
diverso del contenido orgánico del material particulado del estuario indicando una
contribución pronunciada del componente detrítico proveniente de las marismas.
Evidenció la alta disponibilidad de las diatomeas en la comunidad microplanctónica por
encima del componente heterotrófico y ratificó que la omnivoría es un comportamiento
trófico natural del mesozooplancton del estuario mostrando asimismo, el importante rol
que el detrito y los aportes terrígenos desempeñan en la dieta del mesozooplancton en
este sistema estuarino. La influencia de la descarga cloacal y de los ambientes
circundantes a la misma (polo petroquímico, arroyo Napostá Grande) se reflejó en Canal
Vieja por el mayor aporte al material particulado en suspensión de bacterias y material
alóctono como restos de cereales y por ácidos grasos típicos de protozoos que
indicarían el desarrollo de ciertas especies en este sitio. El enfoque experimental y el
análisis de los ácidos grasos son herramientas valiosas y útiles para el estudio de las
relaciones tróficas y la determinación de aportes alóctonos y autóctonos en este sistema
estuarino altamente dinámico. / Zooplankton organisms play a central role in the transfer of organic matter in
marine food webs and are useful indicators for assessing the ecological status of an
environment. Trophic interactions provide important information to understand an
ecosystem functioning. Molecular techniques such as fatty acid analysis allow to
determine feeding relationships and to identify the organic matter source in a complex
environment as the aquatic. Enrichment in nutrients and organic matter caused by urban
and industrial waste is a growing phenomenon along coasts. The Bahía Blanca Estuary,
located in the south of Buenos Aires province, is a shallow, turbid and eutrophic system
formed by channels, tidal flats and islands covered by halophytic vegetation. Its north
coast receives wastewater of the major urban and industrial centers. The
mesozooplankton community, its trophic behavior and the fatty acid composition of the
plankton were studied in relation to the impact of one of the main untreated sewage from
the Bahía Blanca city in two contrasting climatic periods. The sampling sites were Canal
Vieja, which receives sewage discharge and is located on the north shore of the inner
estuary, and Bahía del Medio, a tidal channel located in the inner-middle estuary. The
influence of sewage in the estuarine environment was mainly reflected in higher content
of dissolved nitrogen and phosphate nutrients above natural enrichment values. Lower
values of dissolved oxygen and pH were also recorded in the sewage impacted site.
Although sewage seemed not to be a decisive disturbance factor in the
mesozooplanktonic community structure, the trophic behavior or the fatty acid
composition, certain variations were determined. The typical mesozooplanktonic pattern
and grazing on the evaluated food sources (phytoplankton, microzooplankton and
detritus) was mainly observed at the control site. The fatty acid analysis provided
relevant information to a better understanding of the estuarine food web. Fatty acid
analysis confirmed the multiple origin of the organic content of particulate matter
indicating the pronounced detrital contribution from the marshes. It showed the high
availability of diatoms in the microplankton community above the heterotrophic
component. It confirmed that omnivory is a natural feeding behavior of estuarine
mesozooplankton also showing the important role detritus and terrigenous contributions
play in the mesozooplankton diet in this estuarine system. The impact of sewage
discharge and the influence of the surrounding environment (petrochemical pole,
Napostá Grande stream) were reflected at Canal Vieja by greater contribution to
suspended particulate matter of bacteria and allochthonous material such as cereal
debris, and typical protozoan fatty acids that would indicate the development of certain
species at this site. The experimental approach and the analysis of fatty acids are
valuable and useful tools for the study of trophic relationships and the assessment of
allochthonous and autochthonous contributions in this highly dynamic estuarine system.
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Avaliação da microbiota bacteriana e fúngica presente na cloaca de jabutis (Geochelone carbonaria) criados em domicílio e análise do potencial risco a saúde humana / Bacterial and fungal microbiota evaluation in the companion tortoise (Geochelone carbonaria) and the analysis of the potential risk to human healthPessoa, Carlos Alexandre 16 February 2009 (has links)
Os médicos veterinários que trabalham com répteis frequentemente são indagados pelos proprietários sobre os tipos de doenças que estes animais podem transmitir, bem como sobre as medidas profiláticas que devem ser implementadas para prevenir a transmissão de doenças. Desta forma, o conhecimento sobre os patógenos que estes animais albergam passa a ser importante para orientação dos proprietários quanto aos cuidados adequados que devem ser adotados com estes animais. Os microrganismos que compõem a microbiota podem se tornar patogênicos para seus hospedeiros quando os mesmos encontram-se debilitados, bem como a eliminação contínua destes microrganismos (pelas fezes, por exemplo) por répteis aparentemente saudáveis ou mesmo doentes, pode representar um importante problema para pessoas que tenham contato com eles. Crianças, idosos e indivíduos imunossuprimidos ou imunocomprometidos são bastante suscetíveis às infecções após manipulação de répteis criados como pet. Considerando-se que os répteis participam de forma crescente do mercado de animais criados como pet, suas características microbiológicas devem ser pesquisadas, visando evitar que eles adoeçam ou venham a óbito devido à ocorrência de doenças infecciosas e não transmitam zoonoses para aqueles que os manipulam. Este trabalho teve como objetivos o estudo da microbiota bacteriana e fúngica presente na cloaca de jabutis (Geochelone carbonária) criados em domicílio e análise do potencial risco a saúde humana. Foram realizados exames microbiológicos de swabs de cloaca de 100 jabutis-piranga visando a pesquisa de bactérias aeróbias, anaeróbias facultativas e fungos filamentosos e leveduras. Foram isolados 18 gêneros de bactérias, 06 gêneros de leveduras e 03 gêneros de fungos filamentosos. Os gêneros de microrganismos isolados com maior freqüência foram: Escherichia sp. (67%), Klebsiella spp. (54%), Bacillus spp. (42%), Candida spp. (42%), Citrobacter spp. (33%), Staphylococcus spp. (29%), Corynebacterium spp. (15%) e Aeromonas spp. (15%), dentre outros com menor freqüência. A freqüência de isolamentos de E. coli (67%) foi semelhante à de Klebsiella spp. (54%) e maior (P<0,05) do que as frequências de isolamentos de todos os outros microrganismos. Todos os microrganismos isolados podem representar risco para a saúde humana, devendo-se atentar para os cuidados com répteis criados como animais pet, particularmente quanto aos aspectos de higiene relacionados aos mesmos, visando assim a prevenção destes riscos. / Veterinarians who work with reptiles are frequently asked by owners about diseases that these animals can transmit, as well about the preventative measures that should be taken to prevent the transmission of diseases. Therefore, knowledge about pathogens that inhabit these animals and represent a potential zoonotic risk are very important in order to allow veterinarians to give proper recommendations about husbandry and preventative methods. Children, elderly people, and imunocompromised individuals are increasingly susceptible to infections after reptile pet manipulation. The microorganisms which form the microbiota can become pathogenic for their host if the host is debilitated. Transmission of these microorganisms from healthy or sick reptiles can be hazardous for people that have contact with them. Considering that reptiles are increasing obtained as pet, their microbiota should be investigated in order to prevent transmission of disease to people who manipulate them. The purposes of this paper were to evaluate the bacterial and fungal microbiota in the companion tortoise (Geochelone carbonaria) and to analyze the potential public health risk. One hundred samples of feaces from cloaca were obtained from jabutis-piranga and microbiological examinations were made for the presence of aerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria, filamentous fungi and yeasts. Eighteen genus of bacteria, six genus of yeasts, and three genus of fungi were identified. The most frequently isolated genus were: Escherichia sp. (67%), Klebsiella spp. (54%), Bacillus spp. (42%), Candida spp. (42%), Citrobacter spp. (33%), Staphylococcus spp. (29%), Corynebacterium spp. (15%) and Aeromonas spp. (15%). The number of isolated E. coli (67%) was similar to that of Klebsiella sp. (54%), and was greater than (P<0.05) the total number of other species isolated. All isolated microorganisms present a public health risk. Therefore, care should be taken when obtaining these reptiles as pets, especially with regards to husbandry and proper hygiene in order to prevent the risk of contamination with the microbiota.
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Avaliação da microbiota bacteriana e fúngica presente na cloaca de jabutis (Geochelone carbonaria) criados em domicílio e análise do potencial risco a saúde humana / Bacterial and fungal microbiota evaluation in the companion tortoise (Geochelone carbonaria) and the analysis of the potential risk to human healthCarlos Alexandre Pessoa 16 February 2009 (has links)
Os médicos veterinários que trabalham com répteis frequentemente são indagados pelos proprietários sobre os tipos de doenças que estes animais podem transmitir, bem como sobre as medidas profiláticas que devem ser implementadas para prevenir a transmissão de doenças. Desta forma, o conhecimento sobre os patógenos que estes animais albergam passa a ser importante para orientação dos proprietários quanto aos cuidados adequados que devem ser adotados com estes animais. Os microrganismos que compõem a microbiota podem se tornar patogênicos para seus hospedeiros quando os mesmos encontram-se debilitados, bem como a eliminação contínua destes microrganismos (pelas fezes, por exemplo) por répteis aparentemente saudáveis ou mesmo doentes, pode representar um importante problema para pessoas que tenham contato com eles. Crianças, idosos e indivíduos imunossuprimidos ou imunocomprometidos são bastante suscetíveis às infecções após manipulação de répteis criados como pet. Considerando-se que os répteis participam de forma crescente do mercado de animais criados como pet, suas características microbiológicas devem ser pesquisadas, visando evitar que eles adoeçam ou venham a óbito devido à ocorrência de doenças infecciosas e não transmitam zoonoses para aqueles que os manipulam. Este trabalho teve como objetivos o estudo da microbiota bacteriana e fúngica presente na cloaca de jabutis (Geochelone carbonária) criados em domicílio e análise do potencial risco a saúde humana. Foram realizados exames microbiológicos de swabs de cloaca de 100 jabutis-piranga visando a pesquisa de bactérias aeróbias, anaeróbias facultativas e fungos filamentosos e leveduras. Foram isolados 18 gêneros de bactérias, 06 gêneros de leveduras e 03 gêneros de fungos filamentosos. Os gêneros de microrganismos isolados com maior freqüência foram: Escherichia sp. (67%), Klebsiella spp. (54%), Bacillus spp. (42%), Candida spp. (42%), Citrobacter spp. (33%), Staphylococcus spp. (29%), Corynebacterium spp. (15%) e Aeromonas spp. (15%), dentre outros com menor freqüência. A freqüência de isolamentos de E. coli (67%) foi semelhante à de Klebsiella spp. (54%) e maior (P<0,05) do que as frequências de isolamentos de todos os outros microrganismos. Todos os microrganismos isolados podem representar risco para a saúde humana, devendo-se atentar para os cuidados com répteis criados como animais pet, particularmente quanto aos aspectos de higiene relacionados aos mesmos, visando assim a prevenção destes riscos. / Veterinarians who work with reptiles are frequently asked by owners about diseases that these animals can transmit, as well about the preventative measures that should be taken to prevent the transmission of diseases. Therefore, knowledge about pathogens that inhabit these animals and represent a potential zoonotic risk are very important in order to allow veterinarians to give proper recommendations about husbandry and preventative methods. Children, elderly people, and imunocompromised individuals are increasingly susceptible to infections after reptile pet manipulation. The microorganisms which form the microbiota can become pathogenic for their host if the host is debilitated. Transmission of these microorganisms from healthy or sick reptiles can be hazardous for people that have contact with them. Considering that reptiles are increasing obtained as pet, their microbiota should be investigated in order to prevent transmission of disease to people who manipulate them. The purposes of this paper were to evaluate the bacterial and fungal microbiota in the companion tortoise (Geochelone carbonaria) and to analyze the potential public health risk. One hundred samples of feaces from cloaca were obtained from jabutis-piranga and microbiological examinations were made for the presence of aerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria, filamentous fungi and yeasts. Eighteen genus of bacteria, six genus of yeasts, and three genus of fungi were identified. The most frequently isolated genus were: Escherichia sp. (67%), Klebsiella spp. (54%), Bacillus spp. (42%), Candida spp. (42%), Citrobacter spp. (33%), Staphylococcus spp. (29%), Corynebacterium spp. (15%) and Aeromonas spp. (15%). The number of isolated E. coli (67%) was similar to that of Klebsiella sp. (54%), and was greater than (P<0.05) the total number of other species isolated. All isolated microorganisms present a public health risk. Therefore, care should be taken when obtaining these reptiles as pets, especially with regards to husbandry and proper hygiene in order to prevent the risk of contamination with the microbiota.
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<p>Colonization by bacteria and fungi has been shown to reduce hatching success of sea turtle nests. Presence of microbial pathogens is commonly associated with egg failure, and in some species, it has even been shown to cause up to 90% nest mortality. Developing sea turtle embryos can only rely on non-specific defenses, such as the eggshell and the proteins present in the egg albumen. For a long time, it has been suggested that the fluid in which the eggs are coated during oviposition may contain antimicrobial properties that might protect eggs against potential pathogens that are found in the egg chamber. This study aimed to evaluate the antimicrobial properties of the cloacal fluid of loggerhead sea turtles. Cloacal fluid samples were collected at the Wassaw National Wildlife Refuge, Georgia during the 2021 nesting season (June-July). Protein fractionation of the samples was carried out using commercially available ultracentrifugation devices of 3K, 10K and 30K molecular cut-off weights. A microplate-based turbidimetric growth inhibition assay recorded the antimicrobial activity of the peptide fractions and the crude extract. We found that the cloacal fluid of loggerheads has antimicrobial properties against <i>Serratia marcescens</i> and <i>Morganella morganii</i>, and some mild action against <i>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</i>. Results obtained from the microplate-based turbidimetric assay were confirmed by assessing viability of cells upon 24 hours of exposure to the fluid. Furthermore, this study found that the cloacal fluid contains proteins with molecular weight ranging from approximately 5 to 250 kDa, and that proteins with higher molecular weights (MW>30kDa) are found in greater abundance. Further studies are needed to understand the mechanism of action of the proteins and peptides present in the cloacal fluid to potentially develop antimicrobial compounds that can be used to increase hatching success globally.</p>
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Effect of housing environment and laying hen strain on performance, egg quality and bone properties as well as cloacal and eggshell microbiologySharma, Milan Kumar 01 May 2020 (has links)
Laying hen welfare is gaining importance in the United States and several states have passed legislation for a welfareriendly housing environment, which has forced the egg industry to explore alternative housing environments. For this reason, our first objective was to determine the effect of housing environment and laying hen strain on production performance and egg quality. Results showed that production performance of the hens raised in the alternative housing system was similar to the conventional system. The second objective was to compare the eggshell and cloacal microbiology. Our results indicated that the microbial load observed was higher in the alternative system compared to the conventional system. The third objective was to determine the effects of housing environment and laying hen strain on tibia and femur bone properties. The results demonstrated that the alternative system provided better tibia and femur bone characteristics, but it varied among laying hen strains.
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L’errance psychique des sujets SDF : le manteau cloacal, l’effondrement scénique et la séduction / The psychic wandering of homeless subjects : cloacal coat, scenic collapse and seductionMathieu, Franck 04 November 2011 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur la vie psychique des populations sans domicile fixe, des exclus ou des sujets gravement précaires. Malgré les différents profils parsemant ce public, l’errance n’est pas un épiphénomène survenant autour de pathologies psychiatriques mais une maladie psychique profonde, singulière, et non réductible à d’autres entités nosographiques. C’est une configuration psychodynamique qui prend son origine dans une incapacité à se loger dans l’objet primaire, c’est-à-dire à se sentir contenu dans sa préoccupation et dans sa fonction de rêverie, créant un « trou noir » dans lequel l’errant menace sans cesse de tomber. Les mécanismes défensifs associés à cette psychodynamique ont des effets sur l’aménagement de l’extériorité : l’extériorité est un prisme où s’articulent l’espace, le corps, la sensorialité et l’objet. Si d’ordinaire, l’extériorité fonctionne de manière silencieuse, dans l’errance elle se révèle bruyante et symptomatique, si bien que les différents espaces qui constituent l’extériorité se collusionnent. Pour analyser ces emmêlements de l’extériorité, l’investigation clinique s’est effectuée sur les champs de la grande exclusion par la participation à des équipes mobiles psychiatrie-précarité et au Samu Social, mais également par la création de groupes de parole et à médiation au sein d’accueils de jour. La présentation des pratiques cliniques et du travail d’accompagnement social tentant de faire émerger un lien durable et sécurisé, fait partie des préoccupations de cette recherche. Au terme de ce travail, deux concepts sont proposés : celui de Manteau Cloacal, pouvant se définir comme une corruption autocalmante et autostimulante des enveloppes psychiques dans une recherche de contact avec l’objet primaire ; et celui d’Effondrement scénique, tentative pour forcer un « domicile psychique fixe » en l’objet par l’usage des sensations, de la mise en scène et d’une certaine forme de séduction. / This work concerns the psychic life of the populations without fixed residence, excluded or the seriously precarious subjects. In spite of the various profiles strewing this public, the wandering is not an epiphenomenon occurring around psychiatric pathologies but a major, singular psychic disease non-reducible with other nosographic entities. It is a psychodynamic configuration which takes its origin in incapacity to place itself in the primary object, i.e. to feel contained in its concern and its function of daydream, creating a « black hole » into which unceasingly the subject is likely to fall. The defensive mechanisms associated with this psychodynamic have effects on the externality: the externality is a prism where space, the body, the sensoriality and the object are articulated. So usually, the externality functions in a quiet way. But in the psychic wandering it appears noisy and symptomatic so that various spaces which constitute the externality mix. To analyze these mixings up of the externality, the clinical investigation was carried out on the fields of the great exclusion by the participation in psychiatry-precariousness mobile teams and Samu Social, but also by the creation of therapeutic group into social structures. Presentation of the clinical practices and the work of social accompaniment aiming to make emerge a durable and safe bond belonged to the concerns of this research. At the end of this work, two concepts are proposed: the Cloacal Coat, which can be defined as an anesthetic and stimulative psychic envelope in a search for contact with the primary object; and the Scenic Collapse, which attempt to force by the use of the sensoriality and a certain form of seduction, a « psychic residence » in the object.
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Cloacal Microbiota of Captive-bred and Wild Attwater’s Prairie-chicken, Tympanuchus Cupido AttwateriSimon, Stephanie E. 08 1900 (has links)
The Attwater’s prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus cupido attwateri; APC) is a species of grouse native to Texas coastal prairies and is on the critically endangered species list as a result of habitat destruction and overhunting. All of the current populations were captively bred and released into the wild. Survivorship for released APCs is very low, and individuals seldom survive to reproduce in the wild. One factor contributing to this may be an alteration in the gut microbiota as a result of captivity. Factors potentially influencing the gut microbial composition in captivity include antibiotic therapy, stress, and a predominantly commercially formulated diet. Recent studies have begun to shed light on the importance of the host microbial endosymbionts. Antibiotic administration, stress, diet, age, genotype and other factors have been shown to influence microbial populations in the gastrointestinal tracts of many different vertebrates. Sequencing of 16S rRNA gene amplicons on the Ion Torrent™ platform was used in this study to identify groups of bacteria in the cloacas as a surrogate for the gut microbiota in the APC. Antibiotic-treated and untreated birds, wild-hatched and captive-bred birds, and individuals sampled before and after release to the wild were examined. Significant differences were found between wild-hatched and captive raised birds both pre- and post release. In addition, there was extensive variation among the populations at the lower taxonomic ranks between individuals for each group of APCs. Principal coordinate analysis based on the weighted UniFrac distance metric further exhibited some clustering of individuals by treatment. These data suggest that captive breeding may have long-term effects on the cloacal microbiota of APCs with unknown consequences to their long-term health and survivorship.
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Osteotomia pélvica no tratamento das extrofias de bexiga e cloacaMendes, Pedro Henrique Barros January 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Luis Guilherme Macena (guilhermelg2004@gmail.com) on 2013-04-17T17:18:40Z
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TESE - Pedro Henrique Barros Mendes.pdf: 3141935 bytes, checksum: 6eb5e4239b6f1d2ddffabe135050d2d0 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012 / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Fernandes Figueira. Departamento de Ensino. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde da Criança e da Mulher. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil / Este estudo tem como finalidade principal descrever a experiência adquirida
pela equipe de cirurgiões do Departamento de Cirurgia Pediátrica do Instituto
Nacional de Saúde da Mulher, da Criança e do Adolescente Fernandes Figueira, da
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (INSMCA- IFF/FIOCRUZ), no período compreendido entre
os anos de 2002 e 2007, analisando a utilização da osteotomia pélvica como
coadjuvante no processo de reconstrução urológica das extrofias de bexiga e cloaca.
Um total de 15 pacientes integrou a amostra, com idades entre quatro meses e sete
anos, com idade média de, aproximadamente, 2,3 anos, sendo seis pacientes (40%)
do sexo feminino e nove (60%) do sexo masculino. Todos foram submetidos à
cirurgia de osteotomia pélvica e, entre eles, oito (53,3%) apresentavam extrofia de
bexiga e sete (46,7%) apresentavam extrofia de cloaca. A reconstrução vesical foi
realizada no mesmo tempo operatório da osteotomia em três pacientes e, nos outros
12, em um segundo procedimento. Na avaliação da relação entre a diastase
corrigida e a deiscência de sutura, não houve nenhum caso de deiscência de sutura
no pós operatório imediato ou tardio. Em todos os casos analisados, seja a
reconstrução vesical no mesmo ato cirúrgico ou em um segundo tempo operatório,
não houve a deiscência da ferida ou qualquer prejuízo à reconstrução urinária. O
tempo de uso de fixador externo variou entre 28 e 73, com uma média de 53 dias de
uso. Em relação às complicações, seis dos 15 pacientes apresentaram infecção do
trajeto dos pinos. O procedimento por nós utilizado se mostrou eficaz e nosso
objetivo foi alcançado, pois houve a diminuição da tensão da parede abdominal para
o reparo do defeito, com baixa morbidade e complicações pós operatórias similares
àquelas registradas na literatura especializada. / The main purpose of this study is to describe the experience obtained by the
team of surgeons from the Department of Pediatric Surgery National Institute of
Women's Health, Child and Adolescent Fernandes Figueira, Fundação Oswaldo
Cruz (INSMCA - IFF / FIOCRUZ), in the period of 2002-2007, analyzing the
experience with pelvic osteotomy as an adjunct in the reconstruction process of
bladder and cloacal exstrophy. A total of 15 patients composed the sample, aged
between four months and seven years, with an average age of approximately 2.3
years. Six patients (40%) were female and nine (60%) were male. All patients
underwent surgery for pelvic osteotomy, eight (53.3%) had bladder exstrophy and
seven (46.7%) cloacal exstrophy. The bladder reconstruction was performed during
the same surgical procedure of osteotomy in three patients and in a second
procedure in the other 12 patients. In assessing the relationship between the
corrected pubic diastase and suture dehiscence, there were no cases of suture
dehiscence in the immediate postoperative or late. In all cases, being the
reconstruction performed in the same bladder surgery or in a second time, neither
wound dehiscence nor any problem to the urinary reconstruction was observed. The
time of use of external fixation ranged between 28 and 73 days, with an average of
53 days. Regarding complications, six of 15 patients had pin tract infection. The
procedure used by us was efficient and achieved its objective, by decreasing the
tension of the abdominal wall to repair the defect, with low morbidity and
postoperative complications similar to those registered in the literature.
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Optimisation des méthodes de démarrage dans le dindonneauCaron Simard, Violette 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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