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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Specifika a nedostatky smluvních závazkových vztahů v mezinárodní dopravě, stanovení a zajištění podmínek technologie přepravy zboží / Specific Features and Shortcomings of Contractual Obligations in International Transport, and the Establishment and Facilitation of Conditions Required by Goods Transportation Methods

Holubář, Josef January 2013 (has links)
This work deals with the specifics of relations between entities in the negotiation and implementation of international transport of goods. Since he is currently the most common way of transport of goods in Central Europe freight road transport of goods, the text is mainly dedicated to this issue. The underlying code for the obligations in this respect, the Convention CMR, which is devoted to a large part of the work. In other parts of the work is also introduced to the TIR Convention, the ADR Agreement concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods and the ATP Agreement, which defines the requirements for the transport of perishable foodstuffs. In the end, understand that INCOTERMS clauses with international trade and international transport of goods is closely related.

Development and Application of CPX-CMR protocol for Cardiopulmonary Evaluation of Acute Exercise, Physical Training Response, and Ketogenic Diet Interventions in Healthy Humans, Athletes, and Military Personnel

LaFountain, Richard A. January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Právní úprava mezinárodní pozemní přepravy / Law of international land transportation

Pálková, Alena January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this work is to summarize and systematically describe the overall conditions of the international ground freight services. In the introduction there is a brief characteristic of the current situation at the area of international trade with respect to the international freight services. In the second part there are mentioned and briefly described the related multilateral contracts (Convention on International Transport of Goods Under Cover of TIR Carnets, European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road ADR, Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs and on the Special Equipment to be Used for such Carriage ATP and European Agreement concerning the Work of Crews of Vehicles engaged in International Road Transport AETR). The main accent is put on the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR), which was negotiated by the contracting parties in Geneva, 19 May 1956 and which is the most important and comprehensive document in this branch of law. There is also mentioned the national law as a supportive source of law to be used for cases which are not covered by the CMR Convention as well as the Incoterms rules which are standard trade definitions most commonly used in international sales contracts. The third part analyzes the regulations with respect to the Czech Republic. It gives more details about the CMR Convention and its regulation of rights and liabilities of the contracting parties of the contract for the international carriage of goods by road and regulation of related documents. There are mentioned articles and provision of "Zákon o mezinárodním právu soukromém a procesním and Obchodní zákoník", which are applicable in the area of international carriage of goods and there is also referred to how the Incoterms influence logistics. The fourth part briefly describes other contract known by the Czech law and compares them with each other. There is also mentioned the current situation on the field of logistics and usage of individual contracts among the carriers and related contracting parties. The fifth part gives a brief overview of logistics from the international trade perspective. In conclusion there is a recapitulation of the above mentioned sources of law for the logistic area and it is stressed out, how important it is for the contracting parties of the contract for the international carriage of goods by road, mainly for the carrier, to be familiar with the regulations and to take account of them when negotiating the contract and choosing and training his employees.

Elektrischer Transport und remanentes Widerstandsschalten in \(Pt-Pr_{0.7}Ca_{0.3}MnO_3-Pt\) Sandwichstrukturen / Electric transport and remanent resistive switching in \(Pt-Pr_{0.7}Ca_{0.3}MnO_3-Pt\) sandwich structures

Scherff, Malte 02 September 2015 (has links)
Diese Arbeit behandelt mögliche Ursachen der reversiblen Änderung des elektrischen Widerstandes von Praseodym-Kalzium-Manganat (PCMO) durch elektrische Spannungspulse. Für diesen Widerstandsschalteffekt werden entweder chemische oder rein strukturelle Änderungen im PCMO angenommen. In den Experimenten liegt das PCMO als gesputterter Dünnfilm in einem Sandwichkontakt zwischen zwei Edelmetallelektroden vor, wobei die Kontaktflächen durch Strukturierung nur wenige µm² betragen. Um insbesondere die elektrischen Transporteigenschaften der Kontakte und den Einfluss der Grenzflächen zwischen Oxid und Elektroden zu untersuchen, wurden elektrische Charakterisierungen der Sandwichkontakte bei verschiedenen elektrischen Feldstärken, Temperaturen und Magnetfeldern für verschiedene Herstellungsparameter des PCMOs und der Elektroden durchgeführt. Entgegen der üblichen Annahme von Raumladungszonen als bestimmender Faktor des Grenzflächenwiderstandes wurde sowohl in den Grenzflächenwiderständen als auch im Volumenanteil des Films ein elektrischer Transport durch kleine Polaronen beobachtet, wie er von PCMO-Volumenproben bekannt ist. Die damit verbundene Spannungsabhängigkeit der polaronischen Leitfähigkeit, die Änderungen durch elektrisch bzw. magnetisch induzierte kolossale Widerstandseffekte (CER bzw. CMR) sowie negativ-differentielle Effekte in Widerstand bzw. Leitfähigkeit durch Joulesche Erwärmung konnten in den komplexen, stark nicht-linearen Kennlinien zugeordnet werden. Die Befunde legen ein heterogenes Modell für den Grenzflächenwiderstand nahe: Präparationsbedingte, erhöhte Defektdichten, wie z.B. durch Sauerstoffleerstellen, führen lokal zu einem defektinduzierten Metall-Isolator-Übergang und damit zu elektrisch isolierenden Bereichen. Die verbleibenden Bereiche zeigen hingegen noch die Transporteigenschaften von nahezu defektfreien, gut leitfähigem PCMO und bestimmen über ihren effektiven Querschnitt den Grenzflächenwiderstand. Die bei hohen elektrischen Spannungen auftretenden remanenten Schalteffekte konnten einem einzigen Schaltmechanismus mit klar definierter Schaltpolarität zugeordnet werden, obwohl er an beiden Grenzflächen auch gleichzeitig auftreten und sich damit zusammen mit Relaxation- bzw. Akkumulationseffekten in komplexen Widerstandsänderungen überlagern kann. Weder die Wahl der Herstellungsparameter für die PCMO-Schicht noch der Oberelektrode verändern den generellen Schaltmechanismus, wodurch ein struktureller Mechanismus z.B. auf Basis einer empfindlichen langreichweitigen Ladungsordnung im Vergleich zu einer chemischen Änderung sehr unwahrscheinlich wird. Die gemachten Beobachtungen, insbesondere Schaltpolarität und Zeitabhängigkeiten, sind prinzipiell kompatibel mit einer feldgetriebenen Sauerstoff(leerstellen)migration. Hierzu könnte auch die experimentell beobachtete, im Einklang mit Simulationsergebnissen stehende, starke Joulesche Erwärmung während des Schaltens beitragen. Durch eine Änderung der Sauerstoffleerstellenverteilung könnten lokal an den Grenzflächen defektinduzierte Metall-Isolator-Übergänge auftreten, so dass der Widerstandhub als eine Änderung des effektiven Querschnitts der leitfähigen Bereiche an den Grenzflächen zu interpretieren wäre.

Civil-militära relationer i konkordans : den svenska Försvarsmaktens förtroendelyft / Civil-military relations in concordance : the rise of the public’s confidence in the Swedish Armed Forces

Hedman, Fredrik January 2020 (has links)
Studien avhandlar civil-militära relationer med en teori sprungen ur kontexten inhemsk militär intervention. Forskningsfältets rådande paradigm utmanas av Rebecca L. Schiffs konkordansteori, vilken här prövas i en kvalitativ fallstudie med två empiriska fall ur den svenska kontexten. Brister i den tidigare tillämpningen av konkordansteorin adresseras genom Sveriges unika kombination av historiska, kulturella och sociala förutsättningar. Fallen representerar nutida ytterligheter av det svenska folkets förtroende för Försvarsmakten – bottennoteringen 2008 respektive toppnoteringen 2017 – och har valts i syfte att undersöka hur teorin kan förklara utvecklingen av de civil-militära relationerna i de aktuella fallen. Studiens resultat visar att konkordansteorin är möjlig att applicera i en svensk nutida kontext och att den bidrar med förklaringskraft till utvecklingen i de civil-militära relationerna, men också att den är generaliserbar till fall som delar dess grundläggande karakteristik. / This study focuses on civil-military relations with a theory originated from the context of domestic military intervention. The prevailing paradigms of the research area are challenged by Rebecca L. Schiff's concordance theory. This theory is tested in a qualitative case study with two empirical cases from a Swedish context. Deficiencies in earlier applications of concordance theory are addressed through Sweden's unique combination of historical, cultural and social conditions. These cases represent contemporary extremes of the public’s confidence in the Swedish Armed Forces. The lowest score in 2008 and the top score in 2017, have been selected with the aim of exploring how the theory can explain the development of civil-military relations in these cases. The findings of this study show that concordance theory is applicable in a Swedish contemporary context. It contributes with explanatory power to the development of civil-military relations and it is also generalizable to cases that share its basic characteristics.

Bildqualität und Funktionsanalyse von Real-Time-Herz-MRT-Untersuchungen bei 3,0 T: Volumetrie mit Vergleich zweier Softwareprototypen und Analyse der myokardialen Deformation im Sinusrhythmus und bei Vorhofflimmern / Image quality and functional analysis in Real-Time-CMR in 3.0 T: volumetry comparing two software prototypes and myoakardial deformation in sinus rhythm and atrial fibrillation

Laubrock, Kerstin 19 November 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Designing k-Space Filters to Improve Spatiotemporal Resolution with Sector-Wise Golden Angle (SWIG) / Design av k-space filter för förbättrad spatiotemporal upplösning med sektorsvis gyllene vinkel

Ström Seez, Jonas January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to design and evaluate k-space weighting filters for simultaneously improving the spatial and temporal resolution of cardiovascular MRI, with the ultimate goal of improving the accuracy of quantitative flow measurements, which are important for diagnosis and follow-up of heart dysfunction. Two different k-space filters were implemented and evaluated retrospectively to already acquired data. In addition, evaluation was performed with respect to tapering of the filters in the radial k-space direction, as well as accelerated imaging using undersampling. To better utilize the properties of the golden-angle acquisition, a k-space filter was also implemented where the temporal footprint increased in discrete steps, referred to as rings. The temporal footprint of each ring was calculated according to the Fibonacci sequence, and the starting position for each ring was computed to satisfy the Nyquist criterion. The k-space filters were evaluated in comparison to non-filtered reconstructions of cine and phase-contrast images. Motion-mode images were created from the cine images and used to evaluate the edge sharpness of the septal wall indicating the spatial resolution of the image. Phase-contrast images were used to measure peak flow velocity over the mitral valve, and the myocardial velocity in the early and late filling phases. The resolution of the peak is highly dependent on the temporal resolution. Measuring the peak velocity gave an indication of the temporal resolution, which could be compared to non-filter reconstructions. This study showed that k-space filters adapted to the Nyquist criterion improve the temporal resolution of peak velocity measures. Further investigation is justified to conclude if the performance exceeded the best performing method without k-space filters. However, the k-space filter showed substantial agreement with the best performing temporal footprint without k-space filter. / Syftet med arbetet är att designa och utvärdera k-space viktade filter för att förbättra den spatiala och temporala upplösningen av kardiovaskulär MRI, med målet att förbättra noggrannheten i kvantitativa flödesmätningar, som är viktiga för diagnos och uppföljning av hjärtdysfunktion. Två typer av k-space filter skapades och utvärderades retrospektivt på redan inhämtade data. Dessutom utfördes utvärdering med avseende på avsmalning av filtren i den radiella k-rymdsriktningen, såväl som accelererad avbildning med undersampling. För att bättre utnyttja egenskaperna hos den gyllene vinkeln skapades det ena k-rumsfilter så att det temporala fotavtrycket ökade i diskreta steg, så kallade ringar. Det temporala fotavtrycket för varje ring beräknades enligt Fibonacci talen, och startpositionen för varje ring beräknades så att den uppfyllde Nyquistkriteriet. k-Spacefiltren utvärderades i jämförelse med icke-filtrerade rekonstruktioner av tidsupplösta, anatomiska bilder (cine) och tidsupplösta faskontrastbilder. Bilder i motion-mode skapades från cine-bilderna och användes för att utvärdera kantskärpan av hjärtats skiljevägg (septum), vilket användes som en indikator för bildens spatiala upplösning. Faskontrastbilder användes för att mäta den maximala flödeshastigheten över mitralisklaffen och myokardiets hastighet i den tidiga och sena fyllnadsfasen. Maximal flödeshastighet är starkt beroende av den temporala upplösningen och gav därav en indikation på den temporala upplösningen. Denna studie visade att k-rumsfilter anpassade till Nyquist-kriteriet förbättrar den temporala upplösningen av topphastigheten. Ytterligare undersökning behövs dock för att säkerställa att prestandan översteg den bäst presterande metoden utan k-rumsfilter. Bilder rekonstruerade med filtret visade dock god överensstämmelse med det minsta temporala fotavtrycket, utan filter.

A SYSTEMATIC STUDY OF THERMODYNAMIC AND TRANSPORT PROPERTIES OF LAYERED Ca<sub>n+1</sub>(Ru<sub>1-x</sub>Cr<sub>x</sub>)<sub>n</sub>O<sub>3n+1</sub>

Durairaj, Vinobalan 01 January 2008 (has links)
Orbital degrees of freedom play vital role in prompting novel phenomena in ruthenium based Ruddlesden-Popper compounds through coupling of orbits to spin and lattice. Physical properties are then particularly susceptible to small perturbations by external magnetic fields and/or slight structural changes. Current study pertains to the impact when a more-extended 4d Ruthenium ion is replaced by a less-extended 3d Chromium ion. Perovskite CaRuO3 (n=∞) is characterized by borderline magnetism and non- Fermi liquid behavior – common occurrences in quantum critical compounds. Remarkably, Cr substitution as low as x=0.05 abruptly drives CaRu1−xCrxO3 from a paramagnetic state to an itinerant ferromagnetic state (MS~0.4μB/f.u.), where TC=123K for x=0.22. The Cr-driven magnetism is highly anisotropic suggesting an important role of spin-orbit coupling. Unlike other chemical substitutions in the compound, Cr does not induce any Metal-Insulator transition that is expected to accompany the magnetic transition. The results indicate a coupling of Ru-4d and Cr-3d electrons that is unexpectedly favorable for itinerant ferromagnetism, which often exists delicately in the ruthenates. Bilayered Ca3Ru2O7 (n=2), an abode of huge anisotropy, exhibits a wide range of physical properties – Colossal Magnetoresistance occurring only when the spin polarized state is avoided, Antiferromagnetic-Metallic (AFM-M) state, Quantum Oscillations (periodic in 1/B and in B) that are highly angular dependent, to mention a few. Experimental results obtained so far provide a coherent picture illustrating that orbital order and its coupling to lattice and spin degrees of freedom drive the exotic electronic and magnetic properties in this Mott-like system. Transport and thermodynamic studies on Ca3(Ru1-xCrx)2O7 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.20) reveal that AFM-M region is broadened with x that ultimately reaches 70K for x=0.20 (~8K for x=0). In this region, electron transport is enhanced and inhibited when B is applied along crystal’s respective axes, confirming an intrinsic half-metallic behavior. Moreover, the difference in coercivities of Ru and Cr magnetic ions pave way for the first-ever observation of a strong spin-valve effect in bulk material, a quantum phenomenon so far realized only in multilayer thin films or heterostructures. This discovery opens new avenues to understand the underlying physics of spin-valves and fully realize its potential in practical devices.

Croissance cristalline, magnétisme critique et magnétorésistance colossale dans les manganites à structure Ruddlesden-Popper La<sub>1.2</sub>(Sr, Ca)<sub>1.8</sub>Mn<sub>2</sub><sub>O7</sub>

Velázquez, Matias 21 November 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Les composés lamellaires à structure Ruddlesden-Popper, de formule (La,Sr,Ca)_3Mn_2O_7, offrent la possibilité d'explorer le magnétisme bidimensionnel (2D) dans la famille des manganites. L'intérêt de ces derniers réside d'une part, dans leur magnétorésistance colossale, d'autre part, dans la polarisation totale en spin de l'état ferromagnétique. Afin d'accéder aux caractères intrinsèque et anisotrope de leurs propriétés physiques, des monocristaux de composition chimique La_1.2(Sr, Ca)_1.8Mn_2O_7 et de taille centimétrique ont été fabriqués par fusion de zone verticale associée au four à image. Ils ont ensuite fait l'objet de caractérisations par diffraction des rayons X et des neutrons, et par microscopie électronique en transmission haute résolution. Nous avons approfondi l'étude du comportement magnétique de La_1.2Sr_1.8Mn_2O_7 sur une large gamme de température, incluant la détermination de ses grandeurs magnétiques fondamentales: anisotropie magnétique, exposants critiques et "crossovers" au voisinage de la température de Curie, T_c 1̃08K. Au moyen de mesures fines d'aimantation et de susceptibilité, nous avons démontré l'apparition de corrélations quasi-2D vers 4̃20K, température à laquelle le modèle de Curie-Weiss tombe en désuétude. La_1.2Sr_1.8Mn_2O_7 peut être considéré comme un aimant de type Heisenberg quasi-2D avec des écarts notoires au modèle idéal: d'une part, l'anisotropie XY induisant un "crossover" avec la dimensionalité de spin à T_n1̃57K, d'autre part, les couplages tridimensionnels entre feuillets double pérovskite qui provoquent un second "crossover" avec la dimensionalité du réseau à T_d1̃17K. Le développement timide des corrélations ferromagnétiques 2D, ainsi que nos estimations des exposants critiques delta=(4.3±1.1) et gamma1̃.4 au voisinage de T_c, indiquent que la transition ferromagnétique dans La_1.2Sr_1.8Mn_2O_7 est essentiellement tridimensionnelle. A la transition paramagnétique -> ferromagnétique sont étroitement associés une transition isolant -> métal (T_(i-m)1̃28K), ainsi qu'un maximum de magnétorésistance négative (dp/p(8T))_[001]1̃1502̃x(dp/p(8T))_[110] pour La_1.2Sr_1.8Mn_2O_7, supérieur aux performances des pérovskites aux T_c similaires. Avec l'anisotropie marquée de la résistivité électrique et une faible métallicité ne s'établissant véritablement que dans les blocs de feuillets double pérovskite transparaÎt la structure lamellaire des composés La_1.2Sr_(1.8-y)Ca_yMn_2O_7 (y=0.0 et 0.2).

Structural Determinants of T Wave Alternans in Patients with Cardiomyopathy

Suszko, Adrian 26 March 2012 (has links)
Structural barriers can promote discordant action potential (AP) duration alternans, T wave alternans (TWA) and tachyarrhythmia in animal hearts and simulation studies. We hypothesized that heterogeneous scar (gray zone) and dense midwall scar (midwall core) would promote TWA in patients with cardiomyopathy by slowing conduction and uncoupling transmural APs, respectively. Scar core and gray zone were quantified in 40 cardiomyopathy patients using late gadolinium enhanced cardiac magnetic resonance imaging and related to the results of a clinically validated TWA test. The percentages of gray zone, epicardial core and midwall core were greater in the +TWA group, correlated with TWA magnitude and related to a lower heart rate onset for TWA. These specific scar patterns contribute to the genesis and severity of TWA in cardiomyopathy. Greater knowledge of the substrates that promote TWA in cardiomyopathy patients is valuable in determining those at risk of lethal ventricular arrhythmias.

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