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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Proactive practices to prevent value co-destruction in knowledge-intensive business services : A multiple-case study on knowledge-intensive businesses in the Swedish IT-industry

Hagman, Andreas, Zivkovic, Viktor January 2019 (has links)
Interactions are of critical importance in business-to-business contexts, and value seems to be influenced by the interactions between the supplier, customer and other third parties where these interactions co-creates value. However, as the literature has mostly focused on the positive value co-creation, the interactions that result in failure is instead co-destroying value. This thesis is therefore going to study the negative interaction outcome, value co-destruction, in knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) firms from a supplier perspective, where interactions are shown to be critical, to explore proactive practices that could be utilized in order to prevent value co-destruction between the customer and the KIBS firm as well as practices to recover from value codestruction. Through a qualitative multiple-case study, the data was collected from KIBS representatives in the IT-industry in Sweden, that provided empirical data to further nuance the phenomenon. Customer education, unveiling business opportunities, customer surveys, and business events was discovered to be used for proactively preventing value co-destruction, where the authors also found the time aspect of the relationship between value co-creation and value co-destruction to be of importance in preventing miscommunications that result in value co-destruction. Therefore, the authors of this thesis argue that miscommunications and acknowledgment of the miscommunication that co-destroys value often occurs at different time points, where the proactive practices might be targeted towards preventing the miscommunication or targeted towards the recovery from the value co-destruction.

Identifying customer value in the new 5G ecosystem : A case study on Ericsson

Carlsson, William, Lidemyr, Fredrik January 2019 (has links)
The purpose with this study is to enhance the understanding of how a companies in the ICT industry can increase customer value in the new environment enabled by 5G. Furthermore, the study concretizes the interactions and experiences between different actors on the market, with focus on the subjective values, or as we call them, the non-functional differentiators. To be able to fulfil the purpose, the study explored the routines regarding the non-functional differentiators in the environment of 5G. In order to conduct this study, an exploratory research with an inductive qualitative approach was used. A single case-study design was chosen on the company of Ericsson. In total 25 interviews were held within five different business areas at Ericsson. The interviews were of semi-structured character and the data was analysed through a thematic analysis. The findings from the study revealed five different themes. The first two represent the new ecosystem with the key actors and the new environment. The next two themes illustrate the most important routines in this new environment. Lastly, the findings present the importance of relationship experience and which of the non-functional differentiators that has the most impact. The study has enhanced the understanding of how customer value could be increased by identifying the routines of the interactions between different actors and how they should be acclimatized in the new environment. This study contributes to the literature regarding the environment of the ecosystem, the routines of the co-creation process and experiences of the relationship in it. Furthermore, the study concretizes the routines in the co-creation process which will assist the managers in their work of generating customer value. However, the study is limited due its single case-study were only one of the key-actors was investigated. A suggestion for future research is to do a multi-case study, which includes the perspectives of not just one key-actor, but the other key-actors as well, i.e. Ericsson’s customers. An approach like this could validate our findings and thereby ensure the findings transferability.

Cocriação de valor: conceitos e implicações vistos sob a ótica da educação a distância no Brasil / Value co-creation: concepts and implications seen from the perspective of distance education in Brazil

Carvalho, Danielle Daffre 15 May 2017 (has links)
Modalidade de ensino em crescimento no Brasil desde o início dos anos 2000 e com expectativa de contínua expansão, especialmente em função da cada vez maior facilidade de comunicação, seja via Internet, seja via celular ou tablet, a educação a distância (EaD) permite que indivíduos de áreas remotas ou aqueles com pouca disponibilidade de rotina regular para frequentar um curso tradicional, possam obter um diploma superior. Do ponto de vista das instituições de ensino, porém, as altas taxas de evasão são um obstáculo à manutenção e ampliação da oferta desta tipologia de curso. Para que haja a queda destas taxas, é necessário aumentar a lealdade dos estudantes e, para tanto, o valor percebido no curso, que, no caso da educação, faz sentido supor que seja criado entre alunos e universidade; isto porque, além de haver a necessidade de ambos os agentes para a prestação de serviço, o aluno possui papel fundamental para o sucesso do que se oferece (qualificação acadêmica). A literatura acadêmica do setor de serviços indica que, apesar de existir relação entre [cocriação de] valor e lealdade, esta, em geral, se apresenta mediada por qualidade e/ou satisfação. É neste contexto que este trabalho está inserido, apresentando como objetivo identificar os aspectos de cocriação de valor determinantes para a qualidade percebida e lealdade, com foco em educação a distância, por meio de uma pesquisa quantitativa com estudantes desta modalidade de ensino. Esta pesquisa foi antecedida pela exploração do tema com especialistas do setor que contribuíram com seus conhecimentos e experiências. Para a pesquisa quantitativa foi enviado questionário online de autopreenchimento para endereço eletrônico de estudantes de graduação EaD fornecidos por parceria com faculdades privadas e empresa de pesquisa voltada à educação. Ao final, foram obtidas 400 respostas válidas, usadas para entender o comportamento do aluno perante cocriação de valor e suas relações com demais dimensões de interesse (qualidade percebida, satisfação e lealdade). Duas vertentes mostraram-se relevantes na composição da cocriação de valor: coprodução, que engloba o compartilhamento de conhecimento, a interação faculdade-aluno e transparência na transmissão de valores e interesses da faculdade; e valor em uso, refletindo a experiência, o relacionamento e a capacidade de personalização do serviço educacional. Como era suposto, a cocriação mostrou-se influente na explicação dos construtos e tem a imagem da faculdade como uma dimensão importante em sua explicação. Quando observadas as relações entre variáveis latentes segundo o perfil do aluno, encontra-se que aqueles pertencentes à Geração Y são os que mais condicionam sua satisfação e lealdade à participação na criação do valor. / Growing type of education in Brazil since the early 2000s and with expectations of continued expansion, especially given the increasing ease of communication, whether via the Internet, whether via mobile phone or tablet, distance education (DE) allows individuals from remote areas or those with limited availability of regular routine to attend a traditional course, get a higher degree. From the perspective of educational institutions, however, the high dropout rates are an obstacle to the maintenance and expansion of supply of this type of course. In order to make these rates fall, it is necessary to increase the loyalty of students and, therefore, the perceived value, which in the case of education, it makes sense to assume created between students and university; this is because in addition to be a need for both agents to provide service, the student has fundamental role in the success of what is offered (academic qualification). The academic literature in the service sector indicates that although there is a relationship between [co-creation of] value and loyalty, this relation is usually presents mediated by quality and/or satisfaction. In this context, this work is inserted, aiming to identify the aspects of value co-creation that are determinants for perceived quality and loyalty, focusing on distance education, through a quantitative survey of students of this type of education. This research was preceded by an exploration of the theme with specialists of the sector who contributed with their knowledge and experiences. For the survey, an online self-completion questionnaire was sent to the e-mail of undergraduate students provided by a partnership with private colleges and a research company focused on education. In the end, 400 valid answers were obtained, used to understand the student\'s behavior in relation to value creation and their relationships with other dimensions of interest (perceived quality, satisfaction and loyalty). Two aspects have been relevant in the composition of value co-creation: co-production, which includes knowledge sharing, college-student interaction and transparency in the transmission of values and interests of the college; and value-in-use, reflecting the experience, the relationship and the capacity of personalization on the educational service. As was supposed, co-creation has proved to be influential in the explanation of constructs, and the image of college is an important dimension in its explanation. When the relationships between latent variables were observed according to the profile of the student, it was found that those belonging to Y Generation are the ones that present their satisfaction and loyalty conditioned to participation in the creation of value.

Design, favela e ativismos: experiências e aprendizados com a Redes da Maré no Rio de Janeiro / Design, favela, and activism: experiences and learning with \'Redes da Mare\' in Rio de Janeiro.

Montuori, Bruna Ferreira 12 April 2018 (has links)
As iniciativas comunitárias em assentamentos urbanos informais e áreas periféricas metropolitanas vêm resistindo por décadas questões de vulnerabilidade social por meio da cultura, arte, educação e outras práticas que resultam em engajamento social e transformações espaciais. Neste sentido, a presente pesquisa escolheu como recorte a atuação de um coletivo de ativistas culturais - ativos nos eixos \"Arte e Cultura\", \"Desenvolvimento Territorial\" e \"Comunicação\" - da organização não governamental Redes da Maré. Trata-se de uma iniciativa comunitária que atua desde 2007 em diversos espaços de uso coletivo do Complexo da Maré, um agrupamento de dezessete favelas localizadas na Zona Norte da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Este estudo de base experimental qualitativa tem como objetivo apresentar aspectos relevantes levantados em três etapas de colaboração realizadas no Complexo da Maré nos últimos dois anos de pesquisa. A partir da vivência e da troca de experiências e aprendizados da designer pesquisadora em parceria com coordenadores, funcionários e participantes da iniciativa, o trabalho apoiou-se em abordagens do design social participativo, codesign e design anthropology. Com foco nas formas de improvisação e os modos de cooperação presentes em ações que permeiam as atividades da iniciativa, esta pesquisa buscou gerar aprendizados e reflexões para designers e arquitetos brasileiros no intuito de suscitar caminhos para processos de co-criação no espaço urbano por meio de abordagens processuais, experimentais e colaborativas. Além disso, a investigação almeja dar relevância às práticas populares e periféricas nos espaços de uso coletivo da metrópole e, paralelamente, enriquecer o campo de atuação do design no âmbito informal e urbano. / The community initiatives in informal urban settlements and metropolitan suburban areas have been resisting questions of social vulnerability by way of culture, art, education and other practices that result in social engagement and spatial transformation for decades. In that sense this study chose as its subject the action of a collective of cultural activists - active in the axis \"Culture and Art\", \"Territorial Development\" and \"Communication\" - of the non-governmental organization Redes da Maré. This community initiative acts since 2007 in diverse spaces of collective use in Complexo da Maré, a grouping of seventeen favelas located in the north side (Zona Norte) of the city of Rio de Janeiro. This practice-led research study has the objective of introducing relevant aspects that emerged from three phases of collaboration executed in Complexo da Maré in the past two years of research. From the day to day exchange of knowledge and living experiences of the design researcher partnering with coordinators, staff and participants of the initiative, the research was supported by social participatory design, codesign and design anthropology approaches. Focusing on forms of improvisation and modes of cooperation present in actions that permeate in the initiative\'s activities, this research study sought to generate learning and reflections for brazilian designers and architects with the purpose of opening pathways for co-creation processes in the urban space by way of procedural, experimental and collaborative approaches. Furthermore, the investigation aims to give relevance to popular and suburban practices in the metropolitan spaces of collective use, and in parallel enrich the field of action of informal and urban design.

Communauté en ligne de co-création d'expérience touristique : le cas de l'Office Régional du Tourisme d'Analamanga (Madagascar) / Co-creation tourism experience in Online communities : the case study of Analamanga tourist office (Madagascar)

Ranaivosoa Rabemananjara, Antsa 23 October 2012 (has links)
L'apparition de nouvelles technologiques de l'information et de la communication, et plus particulièrement l'avènement du Web 2.0, offre des opportunités de co-création de valeur pour les entreprises et leurs clients. La "communauté en ligne de co-création" est une des diverses formes de co-création de valeur identifiées dans la littérature. Ce pendant, la majorité des recherches ont été menées autour des biens tangibles (chaussures de sport pour le cas de Nike, ou le secteur de l'automobile avec BMW). L'objectif de cette recherche est de comprendre en profondeur le concept de co-création de valeur, appliquée au secteur du tourisme (bien intangible),et d'identifier les opportunités qui peuvent s'offrir aux touristes et aux destinations, grâce à une collaboration créative à travers les interactions dans une communauté en ligne. Pour répondre à cette problématique, trois éléments théoriques de base ont été mobilisées: la co-création de valeur, la communauté en ligne et l'expérience touristique. Une étude de cas basée sur une approche qualitative - menée auprès de l'Office Régional du Tourisme ANAlamanga (ou ORTANA) - a permis d'éclairer cette problématique. / The new information and communication technology especially the uprising of the Web 2.0 gives opportunity for the co-creation of value between businesses and their customers. The “online co-creation communities” is one of the many varieties of co-creation of value identified in the literature. Meanwhile, the majority of researches were conducted by the tangible goods suppliers (Like the sportswear for Nike, or car manufacturing for BMW). The objective of this research is to understand in depth the concept of value co-creation when applied to the tourism industry and to identify opportunities that the tourists and destinations could have working together through online community interactions. To resolve this issue, three basic theory elements were put into place: co-creation of value, online community, and the touristic experience. A case study based on the qualitative approach - performed within Regional office of the Analamanga tourism ( Madagascar) - enabled us to clarify this issue.

Estudo dos efeitos da co-criação de valor no desempenho percebido, satisfação e lealdade

Hofstatter, Cássia Rebelo 29 March 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T18:41:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 29 / Nenhuma / A co-criação de valor é pouco explorada no ensino superior e na área de serviços de um modo geral. Com um segmento que está em constante crescimento, como é o caso do ensino superior privado, desenvolver estudos que contemplem essa teoria pode ser estratégico. A co-criação de valor sinaliza que, em determinados segmentos, a participação do cliente é imprescindível para a verdadeira criação de valor, mesmo que a satisfação durante o processo possa ser questionada. Nesse sentido, pode-se dizer que a participação do aluno na relação ensino e aprendizagem é fundamental para a criação de valor. Alunos que interagem no processo da sua aprendizagem podem ter um aumento na sua satisfação, um melhor desempenho e se tornarem leal à universidade em que estudam. Esses aspectos contribuem para a retenção do aluno que é um dos principais objetivos das instituições de ensino superior privado que estão inseridas em um mercado de acentuada concorrência. Com o objetivo de explorar esse contexto, este estudo avalia os efeitos d

Cocriação de valor do consumidor: propensão à cocriação de valor entre empresa e consumidor no contexto de agentes virtuais de atendimento

Laurentino, Renato 29 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2019-01-22T11:23:51Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Renato Laurentino_.pdf: 2042175 bytes, checksum: 337314ffc10cc5bf0976577e8911e870 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2019-01-22T11:23:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Renato Laurentino_.pdf: 2042175 bytes, checksum: 337314ffc10cc5bf0976577e8911e870 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-08-29 / UNIDAVI - Centro Universitário para o Desenvolvimento do Alto Vale do Itajaí / Evolução tecnológica, uso de "robôs" nos atendimentos, consumidores mais exigentes, ativos e com comportamentos mais complexos e difíceis de serem previstos, enxergar o consumidor além de um mero receptor passivo, são alguns dos desafios a serem enfrentados pelas organizações. Compreender os motivadores comportamentais dos consumidores é fator imprescindível para a competitividade de um negócio. Este trabalho buscou analisar a intenção de uso da tecnologia de atendimento autônomo e a disposição do consumidor em cocriar quando no uso dos serviços prestados por um Agente Virtual de Atendimento (AVA), tendo por mediadores do processo, no modelo proposto, a percepção de utilidade, facilidade de uso e atitude. Como antecedentes, no modelo construído com base na revisão da literatura, seis foram propostos (Normas Subjetivas, Necessidade de Interação, Experiência, Auto-eficácia, Controle e Ansiedade). O método utilizado neste trabalho é o quantitativo com uma abordagem conclusiva descritiva que utilizou um levantamento com 943 respondentes de todo o Brasil, com idades entre 15 e 65 anos, a partir de uma survey com escala intervalar de sete pontos. A análise dos resultados foi feita com base em estatísticas multivariadas, utilizando-se como método de análise a Modelagem de Equações Estruturais no intuito de testar o modelo, investigar e analisar os elementos propostos e suas relações. O trabalho apresentou 18 hipóteses das quais 12 apresentaram-se significantes e 6 não apresentaram níveis de significância adequados. Como resultado mais relevante encontrou-se um forte caminho que propõe uma influência significante e positiva da facilidade de uso sobre a utilidade (sig<0,001 e β = 0,543), utilidade influenciando a atitude (sig<0,001 e β = 0,745), atitude impactando positivamente a intenção de uso (sig<0,001 e β = 0,917) e intenção de uso influenciando positivamente a disposição para cocriar (sig<0,001 e β = 0,656). Esta pesquisa demonstrou que o consumidor percebe-se inserido no processo de cocriação e encontra valor nesta relação, mesmo quando no uso de serviços prestados por Agentes Virtuais de Atendimento. Demonstrou também que um Agente Virtual de Atendimento pode ser uma boa solução na prestação de serviços uma vez que seja útil e eficaz do ponto de vista dos consumidores. / Technological evolution, the use of "robots" in the services, more demanding consumers, more active and with more complex behaviors and difficult to be foreseen, to see the consumer as well as a mere passive receiver are some of the challenges to be faced by the organizations. Understanding the behavioral motivators of consumers is an essential factor for the competitiveness of a business. This work sought to analyze the intention to use the technology of autonomous service and the willingness of the consumer to co-create when using the services provided by a Virtual Attendance Agent (AVA), having as mediators of the process, in the proposed model, the perception of utility , ease of use and attitude. As background, in the model built on the literature review, six were proposed (Subjective Norms, Need for Interaction, Experience, Self-efficacy, Control and Anxiety). The method used in this work is the quantitative one with a conclusive descriptive approach that used a survey with 943 respondents from all over Brazil, aged between 15 and 65 years, from a survey with an interval of seven points. The analysis of the results was made based on multivariate statistics, using as a method of analysis the Modeling of Structural Equations in order to test the model, investigate and analyze the proposed elements and their relationships. The study presented 18 hypotheses of which 12 were significant and 6 did not present adequate levels of significance. As a more relevant result, we found a strong path that proposes a significant and positive influence of ease of use on utility (sig <0.001 and β = 0.543), utility influencing attitude (sig <0.001 and β = 0.745), attitude impacting positively the intention to use (sig <0.001 and β = 0.917) and intention of use positively influencing the willingness to co-create (sig <0.001 and β = 0.656). This research demonstrated that the consumer perceives himself inserted in the process of co-creation and finds value in this relation, even when in the use of services provided by Virtual Agents of Attendance. It has also demonstrated that a Virtual Attendance Agent can be a good service delivery solution as it is useful and effective from the point of view of consumers.

Cocriação de valor em cadeias curtas de abastecimento alimentar : estudos de caso no Rio Grande do Sul

Scarton, Luciana Maria January 2016 (has links)
As cadeias curtas de abastecimento alimentar tornaram-se formas alternativas de produção, comercialização e consumo de alimentos, redefiniram as relações e as interações com os espaços sociais e com o ambiente institucional, criando novas ligações entre os produtores e os consumidores. Também permitiram ao consumidor fazer novos juízos de valor com base no seu próprio conhecimento e experiência, fazendo com que, além das diferenças intrínsecas e funcionais do alimento, como sabor, nutrição e saúde, as características externas como a saúde pública, meio ambiente, ética e justiça social se tornassem critérios de avaliação, competição e características de qualidade. Em breve pesquisa bibliométrica, observou-se que os estudos sobre as cadeias curtas de abastecimento alimentar abrangeram uma variedade de temas, como por exemplo, desenvolvimento rural, geografia econômica, sustentabilidade e segurança alimentar, além de temas mais atuais, como agricultura urbana e comportamento do consumidor. Ou seja, observou-se uma mudança no foco analítico visto que os estudos passam a considerar as práticas de consumo alimentar como pontos centrais de análise. No entanto, considerando o aumento das preocupações com a natureza da colaboração e do conflito entre os atores envolvidos, esta tese buscou na abordagem da cocriação de valor uma forma de estudar e analisar essas relações nos três tipos de cadeias curtas de abastecimento alimentar. Abordando uma realidade na qual o consumidor deixou de ser um ator passivo e passou a ter papel de fundamental importância no mercado, a cocriação de valor tem ganhado um espaço cada vez maior na literatura empresarial, porém, como esta tese irá demonstrar, ainda não foi aplicada em cadeias curtas de abastecimento alimentar, revelando o caráter inédito deste estudo e uma oportunidade de pesquisa valiosa. Baseando-se nos estudos de Prahalad e Ramaswamy e Vargo e Lusch, assume-se que a cocriação de valor ocorre no mercado e no momento de uso de um produto ou serviço, pressupondo a existência de um novo contexto, no qual o valor está na experiência e não mais no produto em si, ou seja, ela ocorre quando o consumidor e a empresa estão intimamente envolvidos em, conjuntamente, criar o valor, que é único para o consumidor individual e para a sustentabilidade da empresa. Sendo assim, partindo dessas premissas e baseando-se nos elementos descritos pelos autores como fundamentais para se caracterizar uma relação cogeradora de valor − diálogo, acesso, risco e transparência (DART) − esta tese procura responder à seguinte pergunta de pesquisa: Existe cocriação de valor nos diferentes tipos de cadeias curtas de abastecimento alimentar? Para tanto, realizou-se 04 estudos de caso em diferentes regiões do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, abrangendo a tipificação de cadeias curtas de abastecimento alimentar descrita por Renting et al. (2003). Revisão integrativa de literatura, entrevistas on-line e pessoais, assim como observação direta foram as ferramentas escolhidas para o levantamento dos dados secundários. Os resultados revelaram que não há evidências de cocriação de valor em todas as cadeias curtas de abastecimento alimentar estudadas, ressaltando que as mesmas possuem especificidades importantes que precisam ser consideradas quando se analisam as relações entre os atores envolvidos. / Short food supply chains have become an alternative way of producing, selling, and consuming food, and redefined relations and interactions with social spaces and with the institutional environment, creating new connections between producers and consumers. They have also allowed the consumer to have new value judgements based on their own knowledge and experience, allowing, besides the intrinsic and functional differences of the food, such as flavor, nutrients and health, external characteristics, such as public health, environment, ethics, and social justice to become criteria for evaluation, competition and characteristics of quality. Through a brief bibliometric research, it was observed that studies about short food supply chains have covered a broad range of topics such as rural development, economic geography, sustainability, and food safety, and more current topics such as urban agriculture and consumer behavior. That is, there was a change in the analytical focus, and studies began considering food consumption practices as central points for analysis. However, considering the increase in the worries about the nature of the collaboration, and the conflict between the parts involved, this thesis tried, through the co-creation of value approach, a way to study and analyze these relations in the three kinds of short food supply chain. Approaching a reality in which the consumer went from a passive role to playing a fundamental part in the market, co-creation of value has been gaining more space in the business literature, but, as this thesis will show, still has not been applied to short food supply chains, then revealing the unprecedented character of this study, and a valuable research opportunity. Based on Prahalad and Ramaswamy and Vargo and Lusch, it is assumed that co-creation of value occurs in the market and in the moment the product or service is being used, presupposing the existence of a new context in which the value is in the experience, and not anymore in the product itself, which means it occurs when the consumer and the company are intimately involved in, together, creating a value that is unique for the individual consumer and for the sustainability of the company. So, starting from these premises and based on the elements described by the authors as fundamental to characterize a relation that co-generates value – the dialogue, access, risk and transparency (DART) – this thesis tries to answer the following research question: is there co-creation of value in the different kinds of short food supply chains? For that, four case studies were made in different regions of the Rio Grande do Sul state, covering the classification of short food supply chains described by Renting et al. (2003). Integrative review of the literature, online and personal interviews, as well as direct observation, were the tools chosen for secondary data collection. The results showed that there is no evidence of value creation in all the short supply chains studied, emphasizing that they have important specificities that should be considered when analyzing the relationships among the actors involved.

Not what we are : the (co)re-creation of self : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Design in Fashion at Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand

Deonarain, Jennifer Irene Unknown Date (has links)
Researching through design, this thesis explores the implementation of an online kit as a means through which the postmodern individual can participate in the creative processes of home sewing. Through the development of a knowledge network that is built on co-creation, a new approach to the traditional producer/consumer relationship is investigated. This network is used to encourage the fulfilment of self through the process of re-creation, while targeting the contemporary consumer by combining electronic resources and social networking with the hands-on nature of creative process.

Web2.0價值共創的商業模式之研究 / A Study on the Web2.0 Value Co-Creation Business Model

張麗萍, Chang, Li Ping Unknown Date (has links)
以Web 2.0 模式經營的網站正飛快的成長,這些經營者巧妙地引進外部的開發能力,與顧客或企業夥伴共創價值的商業模式非常值得深究。但國內的學術理論針對Web2.0商業模式發表的論文並不多,對於價值共創的商業模式了解有限,本研究整理並分析實際案例中關於Web2.0價值共創的商業模式的資訊,希望能夠針對價值共創的商業模式提供更系統化的解釋。 本研究架構分為兩個構面,分別為商業模式的解構及分析價值網絡中的價值交換,希望進一步探討的問題如下: 1. Web2.0價值共創的商業模式對參與的顧客和企業夥伴產生甚麼樣的價值? 如何吸引顧客與企業夥伴加入共創? 2. 能夠與顧客或企業夥伴共創價值的Web2.0商業模式中需要具備哪些要素? 3. Web2.0價值共創的商業模式如何創造營收? 本研究結合文獻探討及此研究的目的,獲得以下研究結論: 1. 參與共創為顧客帶來無形價值的滿足,為企業夥伴帶來直接收益或是間接轉移價值的機會; 經營者應維護顧客參與創作的園地,重視社群間互動的基礎滿足感,並且為企業夥伴舖設可以擷取利潤或轉移價值的管道。 2. Web2.0價值共創的商業模式,首先應具備4個基礎架構的建設,分別是(1)共創平台的建立(2)參與規則的建立(3)持續滿足顧客經驗的能力(4)企業夥伴價值轉移的機制。 3. Web2.0價值共創的商業模式中,經由「免付費服務」吸引人潮或潛在顧客加入共創,在營收模式上運用到免費增值的商業模式,藉由一部分的會員付費購買增值的附加商品或訂購產品來營利,或者是藉由第三方廣告商付費的模式,由廣告商付費給經營者以獲取營收。而部分網站經營者會透過發行虛擬貨幣,作為網站交易的媒介,透過參與活動累積虛擬貨幣,類似航空公司的飛行里程獎勵,可以提升會員的忠誠度。 / Websites managed via the Web 2.0 model are currently growing quickly,These managers have delicately introduced external developmental abilities, and the business model that works with clients and corporate partners to create value. However, there are very few domestic researches on the academic theories concerning the Web2.0 business model, and there is limited understanding for the business model of value co-creation. This study organizes and analyzes the information on business models with Web2.0 value co-creation in case study, in order to provide a more systematic explanation for value co-creation business models. The framework of this study is divided into two aspects, which are the deconstruction of business model and analysis of value exchange in the value network. The questions to be explored are as follows: 1. What kind of value does the business model of Web2.0 value co-creation create for participating customers and corporate partners? How to attract customers and corporate partners to participate in co-creation? 2. What are the crucial elements in Web2.0 business models that can co-create value with customers and corporate partners? 3. How does the business model of Web2.0 value co-creation create profit? To the above purposes, this study conducted literature review and acquired the following conclusions: 1. Participation in co-creation provides customers with the intangible value of satisfaction, and brings direct profit or opportunities for indirect transfer of value for corporate partners. Managers should protect the environment for customers to participate in creation, emphasize the basic satisfaction of interaction among social networks, and create channels for corporate partners to gain profits or to transfer value. 2. The business model of Web2.0 value co-creation should have four basic infrastructure established, which are (1) establishment of co-creation platform; (2) establishment of participation rules; (3) the ability to continuously satisfy customer experiences; and (4) mechanisms for value transfer for corporate partners. 3. In the business model of Web2.0 value co-creation, “free services” are used to attract people or potential customers to participate in co-creation, and the operational model utilizes a free value-added business model, in which profit is produced when some members pay to buy value-added products or order products, or when a third-party advertiser pays managers. Some website managers would issue virtual currency as a medium for website transactions. Participation in events accumulates virtual currency which can be used to enhance member loyalty.

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