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L'interactome de la méthionine synthase / The interactom of methionine synthaseBassila, Christine 12 December 2016 (has links)
La découverte récente de nouveaux gènes, de mécanismes d’épissage alternatif et d’interactions entre les protéines du métabolisme intracellulaire de la Cbl suggère que de nouvelles interactions protéiques peuvent prendre part aux mécanismes de régulation de ce métabolisme. Nos données confirment, dans les cellules humaines des HepG2 et des fibroblastes de patients CblC et cblG, diverses interactions qui ont été jusqu'à présent que décrites in vitro ou chez les bactéries : MS avec méthionine synthase réductase (MSR), MS avec MMACHC et MMACHC avec MMADHC. Nos données révèlent également de nouvelles interactions : MMADHC avec MS, MMADHC avec MSR, MSR avec MMACHC et MS avec les isoformes de MAT. De plus, l'absence de MS ou MMACHC perturbe les interactions impliquant les autres partenaires protéiques de l'interactome MS. En conclusion, cette étude suggère que les différentes étapes du métabolisme intracellulaire de Cbl pourraient se produire dans un grand complexe multiprotéique composé d'au moins de MS, MSR, MMACHC, MMADHC et les isoformes de MAT, et qui contribuerait à protéger la Cbl du milieu cytoplasmique / The recent discovery of new genes, alternative splicing and protein-protein interactions between intracellular processing of vitamin B12 or cobalamin (Cbl) highlights the importance of an MS interactome. The goal of this PhD project is to further characterize the interactions of MS with other potential partners in a so-called MS interactome. Our data confirm for the first time in human cells (HepG2 cells and fibroblasts from cblC and cblG patients) various interactions that were so far only described in vitro or in bacteria: MS with methionine synthase reductase (MSR), MS with MMACHC, and MMACHC with MMADHC. Our data also reveal novel interactions: MMADHC with MTR, MMADHC with MSR, MSR with MMACHC and MS with MAT isoforms. Moreover, our data show that the absence of MS or MMACHC disturbs the interactions involving the other members of the MS interactome. In summary, this study suggests that different steps of the intracellular processing of Cbl could occur in a large multiprotein complex composed of at least MS, MSR, MMACHC, MMADHC and MAT isoforms that would contribute to protect the rare and highly reactive Cbl from the cytoplasmic milieu
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Efeitos dos polimorfismos no gene TC2 nas concentrações dos metabólicos marcadores da deficiência de cobalamina em gestantes e seus recém nascidos / Effects of polymorphisms in TC2 gene on concentrations of metabolites cobalamin deficient markers of metabolism in pregnant women and their neonatesTrentin, Renata 28 June 2006 (has links)
A transcobalamina II (TCII) é a única proteína que leva a cobalamina (Cbl) para dentro das células. A TCII ligada a Cbl é denominada Holo-TC. Polimorfismos no gene TC2 podem alterar tanto a função como a concentração de Holo-TC. Os objetivos deste estudo foram avaliar se o parâmetro Holo-TC é um bom marcador de deficiência de Cbl; avaliar o efeito dos polimorfismos TC2 P259R, I23V e Q234R nos marcadores da deficiência da Cbl; verificar os fatores de predição para os valores de tHcy, SAM/SAH, MMA e Holo-TC nas gestantes e seus recém- nascidos. A Holo-TC não foi bom marcador para discriminar as gestantes com e sem deficiência de Cbl, diferente do encontrado no grupo de recém nascidos. Os genótipos matemos para os polimorfismos TC2 P259R e I23V não foram associados com as alterações nos valores matemos de tHcy, MMA e Holo-TC. Os neonatos portadores dos genótipos PR+RR apresentaram menores valores da razão SAM/SAH e maiores de MMA. Os neonatos com genótipos 23V+23VV apresentaram menores valores de SAM e maiores valores de tHcy. A combinação dos genótipos IV+VV/PR+RR no grupo de gestantes foi associada a menores valores de SAM. Já os neonatos com a mesma combinação de genótipos apresentaram menores valores de SAM e da razão SAM/SAH. O folato sérico foi o melhor fator de predição para a variação da tHcy materna, e a Cbl para os valores de Holo-TC, e finalmente a creatinina e a Cbl foram os fatores de predição para os valores de MMA. A Cbl e o folato foram os preditores para a tHcy neonatal quando foi utilizado apenas as variáveis independentes maternas no modelo de regressão linear múltipla. No entanto, quando as variáveis independentes foram as neonatais, Cbl, folato sérico e SAM/SAH neonatais foram as selecionadas para explicar os valores de tHcy neonatal. Para os modelos neonatais de MMA, a Cbl materna foi a única selecionada quando o modelo foi feito com variáveis independentes maternas. E noutro modelo da MMA neonatal, a Cbl e o genótipo PR + RR neonatal explicaram a variabilidade do MMA neonatal. Para a razão SAM/SAH neonatal, foram o folato sérico e o genótipo RR maternos as variáveis selecionadas quando só foram colocadas as variáveis independentes maternas no modelo. E finalmente, a tHcy e genótipos PR + RR foram as variáveis neonatais selecionadas no modelo de regressão linear múltipla para a razão SAM/SAH neonatal. Podemos concluir que os genótipos para os polimorfismos TC2 P259R e I23V não estão associados a variabilidade dos valores matemos dos metabólitos, no entanto, no recém nascido esta associação foi evidenciada. / Transcobalamin II (TCII) is the only protein that can take cobalamin (Cbl) into cells. When TCII is bound to the Cbl it is called Holo-TC. Polymorphisms inTC2 gene can alter both the function and the concentration of Holo-TC. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether the parameter Holo-TC is a good Cbl deficiency marker; to evaluate the effect of the polymorphisms TC2 P259R, I23V and Q234R in the Cbl deficiency markers; to verify the prediction factors for the values of tHcy, SAM/S~ MMA and Holo-TC in pregnant women and their neonates. Holo-TC has proved not be a good marker for discriminating pregnant women with Cbl deficiency from those without Cbl deficiency, unlike what was seen in the neonatal group. Maternal genotypes for polymorphisms TC2 P259R and I23 V were not related with the alterations ofmaternal values of tHcy, MMA and Holo-TC. The neonates presenting genotypes PR+RR showed lower SAM/SAH ratio values and higher MMA values. The neonates with genotypes 23V+23VV presented lower SAM values and higher tHcy values. The combination of genotypes IV+VV/PR+RR in the group of pregnant women was related with lower SAM values. On the other hand, the neonates presenting the same combination of genotypes presented lower SAM values and SAM/SAH ratio values. Se rum folate was the best predictor for the variation of the maternal tHcy, and Cbl for the Holo-TC values. The creatinine and the Cbl were the predictors for the values of MMA. Cbl and folate were the predictors for the neonatal tHcy when only the maternal independent variables were used in the multiple linear regression model. However, when the neonatal independent variables were used, Cbl, serum folate and SAM/SAH of neonates were selected to explain the neonatal tHcy values. For the neonatal models of MMA, only the maternal Cbl was selected for the model with maternal independent variables. In another neonatal MMA model, Cbl and neonatal PR + RR genotype explained the variability of the neonatal MMA. For the neonatal SAM/SAH ratio, serum folate and maternal RR genotype were the variables selected when only the maternal independent variables were used in the model. Finally, tHcy and genotypes PR + RR were the neonatal variables selected in the multiple linear regression model for the neonatal SAM/SAH ratio. We have concluded that the genotypes for the polymorphisms TC2 P25 9R and I23 V are not related to the variability of the maternal values of the metabolites; however, this relation is clear when evaluating the values observed in their newborn babies.
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Optimisation de la quantification de la chlordécone et mise au point d'un procédé de dégradation par des matériaux hybrides charbons actifs-cobalamine. / Optimization of chlordecone quantitication and development of a method of degradation by a hybrid material activated carbon-cobalamin.Ranguin, Ronald 10 December 2015 (has links)
La chlordécone (cld) de formule brute c10cl10o est un pesticide organochloré classé parmi les polluants organiques persistants (pop) par la convention de stockholm en 2009. Ce composé a été appliqué dans les soles bananières des antilles françaisede 1950 à 1993 : ce qui a conduit à une pollution généralisée de l’environnement dans les zones de production de banane. De plus il a été montré une imprégnation généralisée de la biosphère, avec un impact sanitaire décrit dans de nombreuses publications. Il est connu que la cld a une longue persistance dans les sols, conduisant à une contamination des eaux. Aussi, dans les zones polluées de la guadeloupe et de la martinique, les usines de production d'eau ont été équipées de filtres à charbon actif (ca). Cependant, après le traitement, le ca est contaminé, il est alors nécessaire de le régénérer.Un des axes de recherche de l’équipe covachim-m2e « connaissance et valorisation-chimie des matériaux environnement, énergie» est la fabrication de ca préparés à partir des ressources naturelles tropicales telle que la bagasse pour à la fois valoriser des quantités élevées de résidus lignocellulosiques disponibles localement, à un coût modéré, mais surtout pour une adsorption efficace de la cld, afin d’obtenir les informations par le mécanisme d’adsorption de la vb12 sur le ca. Un matériau hybride (mh) composé de ca de la vitamine b12 ou cobalamine (vb12) a été préparé à l’aide d’une fixation non-covalente, par adsorption de manière à préserver l’activité de déchloruration de la vb12.Il est montré que la vb12 réduite par le zinc zérovalent, est capable de dégrader cld, en accord avec les travaux de schrauzer publiés en 1978, montrant que la vb12, réduite par l’acétoine ou bien le borohydrure de sodium était capable dégrader la cld. Les intermédiaires de dégradation produits, ont été caractérisés par chromatographie en phase gazeuse couplée à un spectromètre de masse (cg-sm). Les cinétiques et isothermes d'adsorption de la vb12 sur ca ont été modélisées à l’aide de différents modèles mathématiques ceci permet de comprendre les interactions physico-chimiques mis en jeu entre les deux composants du matériau hybride lors du processus d’adsorption. Il a été révélé que la dynamique d’adsorption est bien décrite par le modèle du pseudo-second ordre. La fixation de la vb12 est plus importante sur le ca bagp1.5, préparé par activation de la bagasse par l’acide phosphorique, avec une valeur capacité d'adsorption maximale déduite du modèle de langmuir de 422 mg.g-1. L’adsorption est favorisée à haute température, et optimale à un ph de 6. En outre, afin d'étudier la stabilité du matériau hybride élaboré, la désorption de la vb12 adsorbée sur la bagp1.5 a également été suivie en milieu aqueux et dans l’éthanol. Le mh ainsi préparé a été caractérisé en utilisant différentes techniques, la méthode de boehm, la microscopie à balayage, la résonance raman, la spectrométrie de fluorescence x, la spectroscopie de photo-électron x, l’infra-rouge à transformée de fourieret aussi par adsorption d’azote.L’objectif de ce travail est d’optimiser la quantification de la cld et de ses intermédiaires de dégradation par une méthode en cg-sm et de mettre au point une méthode de dégradation de la cld en vue de la régénération des ca.Nos travaux ont montré que la vitesse de disparition de la cld est plus élevée pour le matériau hybride, que pour le charbon seul ou la vb12 seule. Les réactions de dégradation de la cld par la vb12 ont montré dans des conditions anaérobies, l’apparition de 3 intermédiaires dérivés de la cld. Ces intermédiaires ont été caractérisés en cg-ms à savoir la mono et dihydrochlordécone, ainsi qu’un dérivé pentachloroindène. / Chlordecone (cld) with an empirical formula c10cl10o is an organochlorine pesticide classified among the persistent organic pollutants (pops) by the stockholm convention in 2009. This compound was applied to banana plantation in the french west indies from 1950 to 1993: resulting to widespread environmental pollution in banana production areas. In addition it has been shown a generalized pollution of the biosphere, with a health impact described in many publications. It is known that cld has a long persistence in soils, leading to water contamination. Consequently, in the polluted areas of guadeloupe and martinique, the water production plants were equipped with activated carbon filters (ac). However, after water treatment, the ac is contaminated, it is then necessary to regenerate it.One of the research areas of the covachim-m2e team is the elaboration of ac from tropical natural resources such as bagasse to both add value the high amounts of lignocellulosic residues locally available at moderate cost, but as well especially for efficient adsorption of the cld. A hybrid material composed of activated carbon (ac) and vitamin b12 (vb12), known as cobalamin was prepared using a non-covalent attachment, by adsorption to preserve the dechlorination activity of vb12.It is shown that vitamin b12 reduced zerovalent zinc is able to degrade cld, in agreement with the work of schrauzer published in 1978, showing that vitamin b12, reduced by acetoin or sodium borohydride capable of degrading the cld. The intermediate degradation products, were characterized by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometric detection (gc-ms) to get right one vb12 adsorption mechanism. To get insight on vb12 adsorption mechanism, kinetic and adsorption isotherms of vb12 on ac were modeled using various mathematical models. It allows to understand the physical and chemical interactions involved between the two components of the hybrid material during the adsorption process. It was revealed that the adsorption dynamics is well described by the model of the pseudo-second order and brouers-sotolongo. Amount of the vb12 fixed on is more important on the bagp1.5 ac prepared by activation of the bagasse by the phosphoric acid, as a maximum adsorption capacity value derived from the langmuir model 422 mg.g-1. Adsorption is favored at high temperature, and at optimum value of ph 6. Furthermore, in order to study the stability of the prepared hybrid material, desorption of the adsorbed from bagp1.5 has also been followed in an aqueous medium and in absolute ethanol. Mh thus prepared was characterized using different technique, the method of boehm, scanning electron microscopy, raman resonance, and x-ray fluorescence spectrometry and x-ray photoelectron, infrared transform fourier spectroscopies and also by nitrogen adsorption.The objective of this work is to optimize the quantification of the cld and its intermeodiates by a gas chromatography method coupled with a mass spectrometer (gc-ms) and to develop a method of degradation of the cld for the regeneration of activated carbon.Our work has shown that the rate of disappearance of cld is higher for the hybrid material than vb12 alone. The degradation reactions of cld by vb12 under anaerobic conditions showed the appearance of 3 cld intermediates: mono and dihydrochlordecone and a pentachloroindène derivative that were characterized by gc-ms.
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Efeitos dos polimorfismos no gene TC2 nas concentrações dos metabólicos marcadores da deficiência de cobalamina em gestantes e seus recém nascidos / Effects of polymorphisms in TC2 gene on concentrations of metabolites cobalamin deficient markers of metabolism in pregnant women and their neonatesRenata Trentin 28 June 2006 (has links)
A transcobalamina II (TCII) é a única proteína que leva a cobalamina (Cbl) para dentro das células. A TCII ligada a Cbl é denominada Holo-TC. Polimorfismos no gene TC2 podem alterar tanto a função como a concentração de Holo-TC. Os objetivos deste estudo foram avaliar se o parâmetro Holo-TC é um bom marcador de deficiência de Cbl; avaliar o efeito dos polimorfismos TC2 P259R, I23V e Q234R nos marcadores da deficiência da Cbl; verificar os fatores de predição para os valores de tHcy, SAM/SAH, MMA e Holo-TC nas gestantes e seus recém- nascidos. A Holo-TC não foi bom marcador para discriminar as gestantes com e sem deficiência de Cbl, diferente do encontrado no grupo de recém nascidos. Os genótipos matemos para os polimorfismos TC2 P259R e I23V não foram associados com as alterações nos valores matemos de tHcy, MMA e Holo-TC. Os neonatos portadores dos genótipos PR+RR apresentaram menores valores da razão SAM/SAH e maiores de MMA. Os neonatos com genótipos 23V+23VV apresentaram menores valores de SAM e maiores valores de tHcy. A combinação dos genótipos IV+VV/PR+RR no grupo de gestantes foi associada a menores valores de SAM. Já os neonatos com a mesma combinação de genótipos apresentaram menores valores de SAM e da razão SAM/SAH. O folato sérico foi o melhor fator de predição para a variação da tHcy materna, e a Cbl para os valores de Holo-TC, e finalmente a creatinina e a Cbl foram os fatores de predição para os valores de MMA. A Cbl e o folato foram os preditores para a tHcy neonatal quando foi utilizado apenas as variáveis independentes maternas no modelo de regressão linear múltipla. No entanto, quando as variáveis independentes foram as neonatais, Cbl, folato sérico e SAM/SAH neonatais foram as selecionadas para explicar os valores de tHcy neonatal. Para os modelos neonatais de MMA, a Cbl materna foi a única selecionada quando o modelo foi feito com variáveis independentes maternas. E noutro modelo da MMA neonatal, a Cbl e o genótipo PR + RR neonatal explicaram a variabilidade do MMA neonatal. Para a razão SAM/SAH neonatal, foram o folato sérico e o genótipo RR maternos as variáveis selecionadas quando só foram colocadas as variáveis independentes maternas no modelo. E finalmente, a tHcy e genótipos PR + RR foram as variáveis neonatais selecionadas no modelo de regressão linear múltipla para a razão SAM/SAH neonatal. Podemos concluir que os genótipos para os polimorfismos TC2 P259R e I23V não estão associados a variabilidade dos valores matemos dos metabólitos, no entanto, no recém nascido esta associação foi evidenciada. / Transcobalamin II (TCII) is the only protein that can take cobalamin (Cbl) into cells. When TCII is bound to the Cbl it is called Holo-TC. Polymorphisms inTC2 gene can alter both the function and the concentration of Holo-TC. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether the parameter Holo-TC is a good Cbl deficiency marker; to evaluate the effect of the polymorphisms TC2 P259R, I23V and Q234R in the Cbl deficiency markers; to verify the prediction factors for the values of tHcy, SAM/S~ MMA and Holo-TC in pregnant women and their neonates. Holo-TC has proved not be a good marker for discriminating pregnant women with Cbl deficiency from those without Cbl deficiency, unlike what was seen in the neonatal group. Maternal genotypes for polymorphisms TC2 P259R and I23 V were not related with the alterations ofmaternal values of tHcy, MMA and Holo-TC. The neonates presenting genotypes PR+RR showed lower SAM/SAH ratio values and higher MMA values. The neonates with genotypes 23V+23VV presented lower SAM values and higher tHcy values. The combination of genotypes IV+VV/PR+RR in the group of pregnant women was related with lower SAM values. On the other hand, the neonates presenting the same combination of genotypes presented lower SAM values and SAM/SAH ratio values. Se rum folate was the best predictor for the variation of the maternal tHcy, and Cbl for the Holo-TC values. The creatinine and the Cbl were the predictors for the values of MMA. Cbl and folate were the predictors for the neonatal tHcy when only the maternal independent variables were used in the multiple linear regression model. However, when the neonatal independent variables were used, Cbl, serum folate and SAM/SAH of neonates were selected to explain the neonatal tHcy values. For the neonatal models of MMA, only the maternal Cbl was selected for the model with maternal independent variables. In another neonatal MMA model, Cbl and neonatal PR + RR genotype explained the variability of the neonatal MMA. For the neonatal SAM/SAH ratio, serum folate and maternal RR genotype were the variables selected when only the maternal independent variables were used in the model. Finally, tHcy and genotypes PR + RR were the neonatal variables selected in the multiple linear regression model for the neonatal SAM/SAH ratio. We have concluded that the genotypes for the polymorphisms TC2 P25 9R and I23 V are not related to the variability of the maternal values of the metabolites; however, this relation is clear when evaluating the values observed in their newborn babies.
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Vitamin B12 Deficiency Does Not Stimulate Amyloid-beta Toxicity in a Ceanorhabditis elegans Model of Alzheimer’s DiseaseShowemimo, Opeyemi F 01 May 2021 (has links)
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is symptomized by amyloid-beta plaques in the brain and accounts for more than 65 percent of dementia cases. Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) deficiency can result in similar cognitive impairment and roughly 15% of the elderly are vitamin B12 deficient. Vitamin B12 deficiency results in the accumulation of toxic methylmalonic acid and homocysteine. Hyperhomocysteinemia is a strong risk factor for AD. To test if vitamin B12 deficiency stimulates amyloid-beta toxicity, Caenorhabditis elegans expressing amyloid-beta in muscle were fed either vitamin B12-deficient OP50-1 or vitamin B12-rich HT115(DE3) E. coli bacteria. Increased amyloid-beta toxicity was found in worms fed the 0P50-1 diet. Supplementation of the OP50-1 diet with vitamin B12 did not rescue the increased C. elegans toxicity. Knockdown of either of the only two C. elegans vitamin B12-dependent enzymes metr-1 or mmmc-1 protected against toxicity. Therefore, vitamin B12 deficiency does not stimulate Alzheimer’s amyloid-beta-mediated toxicity in C. elegans.
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An Investigation of the Demethylation of γ-Butyrobetaine and Other Methylamines by the Human Gut Symbiont Eubacterium limosumEllenbogen, Jared Bert January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Folate and Cobalamin Serum Levels in Healthy Children and Adolescents and Their Association with Age, Sex, BMI and Socioeconomic StatusKreusler, Paulina, Vogel, Mandy, Willenberg, Anja, Baber, Ronny, Dietz, Yvonne, Körner, Antje, Ceglarek, Uta, Kiess, Wieland 05 May 2023 (has links)
This study proposes age- and sex-specific percentiles for serum cobalamin and folate, and analyzes the effects of sex, age, body mass index (BMI), and socioeconomic status (SES) on cobalamin and folate concentrations in healthy children and adolescents. In total, 4478 serum samples provided by healthy participants (2 months–18.0 years) in the LIFE (Leipzig Research Centre for Civilization Diseases) Child population-based cohort study between 2011 and 2015 were analyzed by electrochemiluminescence immunoassay (ECLIA). Continuous age-and sex-related percentiles (2.5th, 10th, 50th, 90th, 97.5th) were estimated, applying Cole’s LMS method. In both sexes, folate concentrations decreased continuously with age, whereas cobalamin concentration peaked between three and seven years of age and declined thereafter. Female sex was associated with higher concentrations of both vitamins in 13- to 18-year-olds and with higher folate levels in one- to five-year-olds. BMI was inversely correlated with concentrations of both vitamins, whilst SES positively affected folate but not cobalamin concentrations. To conclude, in the assessment of cobalamin and folate status, the age- and sex-dependent dynamic of the respective serum concentrations must be considered. While BMI is a determinant of both vitamin concentrations, SES is only associated with folate concentrations.
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Avaliação da taxa de metilação do DNA de leucócitos na região promotora dos genes IFNγ, Serpin B5 e Stratifin durante o período gestacional e sua relação com o metabolismo das vitaminas e metabólitos / Assessment of leukocyte DNA methylation index in the promoter region of IFNγ, Serpin B5 and Stratifin genes in women with different gestational ages and their relationship to the metabolism of vitamins and metabolitesSilva, Thaiomara Alves 15 October 2010 (has links)
A metilação do DNA é uma alteração epigenética que atua na regulação da expressão gênica. A deficiência de vitaminas (cobalamina, B6 e folato) pode interferir na taxa de metilação. O efeito da deficiência destas vitaminas foi determinado em estudos com cultura de células e em animais. No entanto, são raros os estudos realizados com seres humanos. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: avaliar a taxa de metilação do DNA de leucócitos na região promotora dos genes Interferon gama (IFNγ), Serpin B5 e Stratifin; verificar se existe associação entre as concentrações das vitaminas e dos metabólitos com a taxa de metilação do DNA dos 3 genes; e analisar quais são os fatores de predição para a taxa de metilação do DNA (variável dependente) considerando como variáveis independentes os valores séricos das vitaminas e metabólitos, em mulheres com idades gestacionais de 16, 28 e 36 semanas. Cento e oitenta e três mulheres foram convidadas a participar desse estudo, porém apenas 96 completaram o estudo prospectivo. Foram determinadas as concentrações séricas da cobalamina (Cbl), folato, vitamina B6, S-adenosilmetionina (SAM), S-adenosilhomocisteína (SAH), ácido metilmalônico (MMA), homocisteína total (tHcy) e folato eritrocitário. A taxa de metilação nos 3 genes foi determinada por qMSP (Quantitative Methylation Specific - Polimerase Chain Reaction). Várias mulheres estavam fazendo uso de suplementação com ácido fólico e/ou polivitamínicos. Diante deste fato foram formados 4 subgrupos: Grupo 1 (constituído por mulheres que não usaram suplementação), Grupo 2 (mulheres que usaram suplementação em todas as idades gestacionais estudadas - 16, 28 e 36 semanas), Grupo 3 (mulheres que usaram suplementação no início da gestação até a 16ª semana) e Grupo 4 (mulheres que usaram suplementação na 16ª e 28ª semana gestacional). Não houve diferença entre as taxas de metilação do DNA dos genes IFNγ, Serpin B5 e Stratifin durante o período gestacional estudado. As taxas de metilação no gene IFNγ do grupo 1 foram maiores, quando comparadas as taxas dos demais grupos. Em modelos de regressão linear múltipla, considerando o período gestacional como um todo, apenas a vitamina B6 e a tHcy foram diretamente associadas aos valores da taxa de metilação do gene IFNγ. No entanto, a vitamina B6 foi inversamente associada, enquanto que tHcy esteve diretamente associada aos valores da taxa de metilação do gene Stratifin. A taxa de metilação não sofre alterações durante a gestação; a vitamina B6 e a tHcy foram os fatores de predição para as taxas de metilação do DNA na região promotora dos genes IFNγ e Stratifin. / DNA methylation is an epigenetic modification that regulates gene expression. Cobalamin, vitamin B6 and folate deficiencies can impair the DNA methylation index. Studies involving cultured cells and animals have evaluated the effect of vitamin deficiencies in DNA methylation. However, few studies were conducted in humans. The goals of this study were: to evaluate the leukocyte DNA methylation index in the promoter region of interferon gamma (IFNγ), Serpin B5 and Stratifin genes; to assess the association between vitamins and metabolites concentrations and DNA methylation index in three genes; and to examine the predictive factors for DNA methylation index using as independent variables: serum folate, serum cobalamin, serum vitamin B6, erythrocyte folate, methylmalonic acid (MMA), total homocysteine (tHcy) in three gestational ages (16th, 28th and 36,th weeks). A hundred eighty three women were included, but only 96 completed the prospective study. The serum concentrations of cobalamin, folate, vitamin B6, S-adenosylmethionine (SAM), Sadenosylhomocysteine (SAH), MMA, tHcy were determined. The erythrocyte folate concentration was also evaluated. The DNA methylation index was determined in three genes by qMSP (Quantitative Methylation Specific - Polymerase Chain Reaction). Several women were taking folic acid supplementation and/or multivitamins. Four groups were formed according to supplementation use: Group 1 (women who take no supplementation), Group 2 (women who took supplements at 16th, 28th and 36th weeks of pregnancy), Group 3 (women who took supplements in early pregnancy and up to 16 weeks) and Group 4 (women who took supplements in the 16th and 28th week of pregnancy). There was no difference between the DNA methylation index in the IFNγ, Serpin B5 and Stratifin genes during the gestational periods studied. The DNA methylation index in the IFNγ gene in group 1 was higher than those indexes from other groups. In multiple linear regression models considering the gestational periods as a whole, only vitamin B6 and tHcy were directly associated to DNA methylation index in IFNγ gene. However, vitamin B6 was inversely associated, whereas tHcy was directly associated with values of DNA methylation in Stratifin. The DNA methylation index does not change during pregnancy, vitamin B6 and tHcy were the predictors of DNA methylation in the promoter region of IFNγ and Stratifin genes.
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Effets de la carence en vitamine B12 au niveau cérébral chez le modèle murin invalidé pour le gène CD320 : approche comportementale et mécanismes moléculaires de l'apprentissage hippocampo-dépendant / Effects of vitamine B12 deficiency on the brain in the murine model invalidated for the CD 320 gene : Behavioral approch and molecular mechanisms of hippocampo-dependent learningMimoun, Khalid 18 December 2017 (has links)
Il est maintenant clairement établi que la vitamine B12 (cobalamine) joue un rôle important dans la formation des globules rouges, et joue un rôle essentiel dans l'efficacité du fonctionnement du système nerveux, comme les fonctions cognitives. La carence en vitamine B12 est répandue dans le monde et provoque une anémie mégaloblastique et des déficits neurologiques. La carence en vitamine B12 et l'hyperactivité glucocorticoïde (GC) contribuent à la détérioration de la plasticité et des fonctions de l'hippocampe. Pour comprendre comment la carence en cobalamine dans le système nerveux central génère des déficits neurologiques fonctionnels, nous avons utilisé un modèle de souris génétiquement modifiées, dont le gène codant le récepteur de la transcobalamine (souris CD320 KO) est invalidé exclusivement dans le cerveau. Nos analyses comportementales indiquent des déficits dans l'apprentissage visuo-spatial hippocampo-dépendant chez les souris KO. Les résultats ont montré qu'une dose journalière physiologique d'hydroxycortisone (8 mg / kg / jour I.P.) a un effet positif dans la restauration dans les performances d'apprentissage, chez les souris KO par rapport aux contrôles. Conformément aux déficits comportementaux, ce modèle knock-out montre une diminution de l'expression de protéines clés impliquées dans la plasticité cérébrale. Les résultats de western blot des extraits d'hippocampe ont révélé que les souris KO femelles montrent une diminution de l'expression des récepteurs des glucocorticoïdes (GR) et du coactivateur Proliférateur de péroxysome 1 (PGC-1), la protéine de réponse de croissance précoce -1 (EGR-1), Synapsines (Syn I, II), protéines clés connues pour être impliquées dans l'activité synaptique. L'étude du modèle CD320 KO pourrait permettre de mieux comprendre les effets de la carence en vitamine B12 observés chez l'homme, afin d’identifier des réponses potentielles aux différents troubles neurologiques associés ; notamment peut être un traitement palliatif basé sur les corticoïdes / It is now clearly established that vitamin B12 (or cobalamin), plays an important role in the formation of red blood cells, as well as it has a vital role in the efficient functioning of the nervous system such as cognitive functions. Vitamin B12 deficiency is widespread worldwide and causes megaloblastic anemia and neurological deficits. Vitamin B12 deficiency and the hyperactivity of the glucocorticoid (GC) contribute to the deterioration of hippocampal plasticity and functions. To understand whether cobalamin deficiency in the central nervous system produced functional neurologic deficits, we used a transcobalamin receptor / CD320 knockout mouse that lacks the receptor for the cellular uptake of cobalamin in the brain. Our behavioral analyses indicate deficits in hippocampo-dependant visuo-spatial learning capacities in KO mice. However, a daily physiological dose of hydroxycortisone (8 mg/kg/day I.P.) has a positive effect in improving learning performances in KO mice compared to controls. Consistent with the behavioral deficits, the knockout mouse shows impaired expression of key proteins implicated in synaptic plasticity. The results of western blot analyses of hippocampus extracts revealed that the knockout female mice showed decreased expressions of glucocorticoids receptors (GR), Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor coactivator 1 (PGC-1), early growth response protein -1 (EGR-1), Synapsines (Syn I, II), Protein arginine N-methyltransferase -1 (PRMT-1), key proteins known to be implicated in the synaptic activity. The study of the CD320 knock out model could help to better understand the effects of vitamin B12 deficiency observed in humans, in order to identify potential responses to various neurological associated disorders; with a putative palliative treatment approach using corticoids
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Efeito das concentrações das vitaminas (séricas e da dieta) e do polimorfismo MTHFR C677T na taxa de metilação global do DNA durante o período gestacional / Effect of serum vitamin, vitamin intake and MTHFR C677T gene polymorphism on global DNA methylation during pregnancyAnanka Midori Kubota 14 November 2008 (has links)
A cobalamina (vitamina B12) e o ácido fólico são nutrientes essenciais para síntese de DNA, metionina e S-adenosilmetionina (SAM). A SAM é uma potente doadora de grupo metil necessário nas reações de metilação do DNA. Deficiências dessas vitaminas podem comprometer as concentrações da SAM e, indiretamente, a metilação do DNA. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito das concentrações de vitaminas (no sangue e na dieta), metabólitos (no soro) e do polimorfismo MTHFR C677T na taxa de metilação global do DNA. Participaram do estudo 103 gestantes, das quais foram colhidas amostras de sangue nas idades gestacionais de 16, 28 e 36 semanas. Foram realizadas as determinações dos valores de folato eritrocitário, e das concentrações séricas de folato, cobalamina, vitamina B6, homocisteína (tHcy), metionina, ácido metilmalônico (MMA), SAM e S-adenosilhomocisteína (SAH), além genotipagem para o polimorfismo MTHFR C677T por PCR-RFLP. A taxa de metilação global do DNA foi avaliada indiretamente por reação de extensão usando [3H]dCTP. Para avaliação nutricional foi aplicado um inquérito recordatório de 24 horas no dia de cada coleta. Devido ao uso de suplementação com ácido fólico e/ou polivitamínicos, as participantes foram classificadas em quatro grupos: grupo 1 (50 gestantes que não usaram suplementação); grupo 2 (14 mulheres que fizeram uso de suplementos nas três idades gestacionais); grupo 3 (21 participantes que usaram suplementação até a 16ª semana de gravidez) e grupo 4 (10 gestantes que utilizaram suplementação nas idades gestacionais de 16 e 28 semanas apenas). A taxa de metilação global do DNA foi menor na 28ª semana de gravidez quando comparada àquelas encontradas nas 16 e 36ª semanas em todos os grupos estudados. No grupo 1, as seguintes variáveis: concentrações de folato eritrocitário, vitamina B6 sérica, MMA, SAM, creatinina, vitamina B6 da dieta, proteínas de carnes (dieta), idade gestacional de 36 semanas e o genótipo CT + TT do polimorfismo MTHFR C677T foram associadas com a taxa de metilação do DNA, bem como as interações entre os genótipos CT + TT e folato eritrocitário ou sérico ou SAM; entre folato sérico e vitamina B6; entre creatinina e MMA ou vitamina B6 da dieta, e entre SAM e proteínas de carnes da dieta. As interações entre: 1 - menores concentrações de folato sérico e baixa ingestão de ácido fólico; 2 - maiores concentrações de MMA e baixa ingestão de vitamina B6; 3 - idade gestacional de 36 semanas e genótipo CT + TT do polimorfismo C677T no gene MTHFR foram associadas ao maior risco de apresentar menores taxas de metilação global do DNA no grupo 1. / Cobalamin (B12 vitamin) and folic acid are essential nutrients to DNA, methionine and S-adenosylmethinone (SAM) synthesis. SAM, the main methyl group donator, is necessary to DNA methylation reactions. Cobalamin and folic acid deficiencies might implicate SAM concentrations and, moreover, DNA methylation. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of serum vitamin and metabolites, vitamin intake and MTHFR C677T genetic polymorphism on global DNA methylation. Blood samples from 103 pregnant women were collected at gestational age of 16, 28 and 36 weeks. Red blood cell folate levels (RBC fol), and serum concentrations of folate (Fol), cobalamin, B6 vitamin, homocysteine (tHcy), methionine, methylmalonic acid (MMA), SAM and S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH) were evaluated. The MTHFR C677T polymorphism was detected by PCR-RFLP. A radiolabeled [3H]dCTP extension assay was used to assess the level of global DNA methylation. Nutrient intake was assessed by 24 hour dietary recall applied at 16, 28 and 36 weeks of pregnancy. According to folic acid and/or multivitamins supplementation, women were classified in four groups: group 1 (50 women with no supplementation); group 2 (14 subjects who took supplements at three gestational ages); group 3 (21 women which took supplements until 16 weeks of pregnancy) and group 4 (10 subjects that took supplements at gestational ages of 16 and 28 weeks, but not at 36 weeks). Global DNA methylation level was lower at 28 weeks compared with 16 or 36 weeks.of pregnancy in women from four studied groups. In the group 1, not only values of RBC fol; serum concentrations of B6 vitamin, MMA, SAM and creatinine; vitamin B6 and meat protein intake; gestational age of 36 weeks and MTHFR 677T allele (CT+TT genotypes) were related to global DNA methylation in these women, but also interactions between MTHFR 677T allele and RBC fol or serum Fol or SAM; among serum Fol and B6 vitamin; between creatinine and MMA or vitamin B6 intake; and among SAM and meat protein intake. The following interactions between: 1 - lower serum Fol concentration and lower folate intake; 2 - higher serum MMA concentration and lower B6 vitamin intake; and 3 - gestational age of 36 weeks and MTHFR 677T allele were associated with higher risk of global DNA hypomethylation in pregnant women from group 1.
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