Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fordism""
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1 + 1 dimensional cobordism categories and invertible TQFT for Klein surfacesJuer, Rosalinda January 2012 (has links)
We discuss a method of classifying 2-dimensional invertible topological quantum field theories (TQFTs) whose domain surface categories allow non-orientable cobordisms. These are known as Klein TQFTs. To this end we study the 1+1 dimensional open-closed unoriented cobordism category K, whose objects are compact 1-manifolds and whose morphisms are compact (not necessarily orientable) cobordisms up to homeomorphism. We are able to compute the fundamental group of its classifying space BK and, by way of this result, derive an infinite loop splitting of BK, a classification of functors K → Z, and a classification of 2-dimensional open-closed invertible Klein TQFTs. Analogous results are obtained for the two subcategories of K whose objects are closed or have boundary respectively, including classifications of both closed and open invertible Klein TQFTs. The results obtained throughout the paper are generalisations of previous results by Tillmann [Til96] and Douglas [Dou00] regarding the 1+1 dimensional closed and open-closed oriented cobordism categories. Finally we consider how our results should be interpreted in terms of the known classification of 2-dimensional TQFTs in terms of Frobenius algebras.
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Algebraic topology of manifolds : higher orientability and spaces of nested manifoldsHoekzema, Renee January 2018 (has links)
Part I of this thesis concerns the question in which dimensions manifolds with higher orientability properties can have an odd Euler characteristic. In chapter 1 I prove that a k-orientable manifold (or more generally Poincare complex) has even Euler characteristic unless the dimension is a multiple of 2<sup>k+1</sup>, where we call a manifold k-orientable if the i<sup>th</sup> Stiefel-Whitney class vanishes for all 0 < i < 2<sup>k</sup> (k ≥ 0). For k = 0, 1, 2, 3, k-orientable manifolds with odd Euler characteristic exist in all dimensions 2<sup>k+1</sup>m, but whether there exist a 4-orientable manifold with an odd Euler characteristic is an open problem. In Chapter 2 I present calculations on the cohomology of the first two Rosenfeld planes, revealing that (O ⊗ C)P<sup>2</sup> is 2-orientable and (O ⊗ H)P<sup>2</sup> is at least 3-orientable. Part II discusses the homotopy type of spaces of nested manifolds. I prove that the space of d-dimensional manifolds with k-dimensional submanifolds inside R<sup>n</sup> has the homotopy type of a linearised model T<sub>k<d</sub>, which can be thought of as a space of off-set d-planes inside R<sup>n</sup> with a (potentially empty) off-set k-plane inside of it, compactified with a point at infinity representing the empty set. Applying an induction I generalise this result to the case of higher nestings, establishing that the space Ψ<sub>I</sub> (R<sup>n</sup>) of nested manifolds inside R<sup>n</sup>, for I a finite list of strictly increasing dimensions between 0 and n - 1, has the homotopy type of a linearised model space T<sub>I</sub>.
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Construction d'une version Arakelov d'un groupe faible de cobordisme arithmétique / Construction of an Arakelov version of a weak arithmetic cobordism groupRodriguez, Aurélien 16 January 2015 (has links)
Dans cette thèse nous construisons un groupe faible de cobordisme arithmétique dans le contexte de la géométrie d'Arakelov. Nous introduisons des versions faibles des groupes de K-théorie arithmétique et de Chow arithmétique, et en dégageons une notion de théorie homologique orientée de type arithmétique. Nous construisons alors un groupe universel parmi ces théories homologiques et prouvons ses principales propriétés structurelles. / In this thesis we construct a weak group of arithmetic cobordism in the context of Arakelov geometry. We introduce weak versions of arithmetic K-theory and arithmetic Chow groups, that give rise to the notion of oriented homological theory of arithmetic type. We then build a universal such homological theory, and prove its main structural features.
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On the spin cobordism invariance of the homotopy type of the space R^inv(M)Pederzani, Niccolò 06 June 2018 (has links)
In this PhD thesis we investigate the space R^inv(M): the space of riemannian metrics on a spin manifold M whose associated Dirac operator is invertible. In particular we are interest in the bond between the topology of R^inv(M) and the topology of the underlying manifold M. We conjecture that the homotopy type of R^inv(M) is invariant under spin cobordism.
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Exact Lagrangian cobordism and pseudo-isotopySuárez López, Lara Simone 09 1900 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, on étudie les propriétés des sous-variétés lagrangiennes dans une variété symplectique en utilisant la relation de cobordisme lagrangien. Plus précisément, on s'intéresse à déterminer les conditions pour lesquelles les cobordismes lagrangiens élémentaires sont en fait triviaux.
En utilisant des techniques de l'homologie de Floer et le théorème du s-cobordisme on démontre que, sous certaines hypothèses topologiques, un cobordisme lagrangien exact est une pseudo-isotopie lagrangienne. Ce resultat est une forme faible d'une conjecture due à Biran et Cornea qui stipule qu'un cobordisme lagrangien exact est hamiltonien isotope à une suspension lagrangianenne. / In this thesis we study the properties of Lagrangian submanifolds of a symplectic manifold by using the relation of Lagrangian cobordism. More precisely, we are interested in determining when an elementary Lagrangian cobordism is trivial.
Using techniques coming from Floer homology and the s-cobordism theorem, we show that under some topological assumptions, an exact Lagrangian cobordism is a Lagrangian pseudo-isotopy. This is a weaker version of a conjecture proposed by Biran and Cornea, which states that any exact Lagrangian cobordism is Hamiltonian isotopic to a Lagrangian suspension.
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Coincidências em codimensão um e bordismo / Coincidences in codimension one and bordismPrado, Gustavo de Lima 11 February 2015 (has links)
Neste trabalho, estudamos coincidências entre duas aplicações contínuas f e g, de X em Y, onde X e Y são variedades diferenciáveis, conexas, sendo X fechada (n+1)-dimensional e Y sem bordo n-dimensional. Quando o domínio é a esfera e g é constante, consideramos homomorfismos w\' e w\'\' que juntos determinam o invariante de bordismo normal do par (f,g). Calculamos w\'\' para vários espaços e, em particular, para fibrados esféricos sobre esferas, obtemos que w\'\' é identicamente nulo se, e somente se, Y é trivial ou Y não é um S²-fibrado sobre S⁴. Finalmente, obtemos resultados tipo Wecken quando X é a esfera, e quando X é o espaço projetivo real de dimensão 3 e Y é a esfera de dimensão 2. / In this work, we study coincidences between two maps f and g, from X to Y, where X and Y are smooth manifolds, connected, being X closed (n+1)-dimensional and Y without boundary n-dimensional. When the domain is the sphere and g is constant, we consider homomorphisms w\' and w\'\' which together determine the normal bordism invariant of the pair (f,g). We calculate w\'\' for several spaces and, in particular, for sphere bundles over spheres, we obtain that w\'\' is identically null if and only if Y is trivial or Y is not an S²-bundle over S⁴. Finally, we obtain Wecken type results when X is the sphere, and when X is the 3-dimensional real projective space and Y is the 2-dimensional sphere.
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Extensions de fonctions d'un voisinage de la sphère à la boule / Extensions of functions from a neighborhood of the sphere to the ballSeigneur, Valentin 13 December 2018 (has links)
Étant donnée une fonction lisse ˜ f définie sur un voisinage de la sphère euclidienne de dimension n dans la boule, peut-on l’étendre en une fonction définie sur la boule bordée par la sphère, de manière à ce que l’extension n’ait aucun point critique ? Cette thèse propose d’étudier cette question, en supposant que la restriction de ˜ f à la sphère, notée f, est Morse. Ce problème a été introduit pour la première fois par Blank et Laudenbach en1970, et a aussi été posé par Arnol’d en 1981. Nous donnons une condition nécessaire d’extension sans points critiques qui s’appuie sur le complexe de Morse de la fonction f, et de la répartition des points critiques de f en deux ensembles : ceux dont la dérivée normale est négative et ceux dont la dérivée normale est positive. Cette condition nécessaire permet alors de donner un cadre algébrique à ce problème venant de la topologie différentielle et s’appuie principalement sur lesgrandes théories de la deuxième moitié du XXème siècle, à savoir celle des cobordismes de Thom,Smale, Milnor etc. Elle permet notamment de donner des conditions nécessaires et suffisantesdans certains cas plus restrictifs, et donne lieu à une condition nécessaire plus faible qui présentel’intérêt d’être calculable.Le point de départ des résultats est celui de Barannikov, qui le premier a traduit le problèmed’extension de fonction avec des conditions de dérivées normales en un problème de chemin defonctions générique qui ne présente pas de singularité globale. / Given a smooth function ˜ f defined on a neighborhood of the euclidian sphere of dimension n in the ball, is it possible to extend it to a function defined on the ball which has no critical points ? This thesis studies this question, assuming the f, the restriction of ˜ f to the sphere, is Morse.This problem was first introduced by Blank and Laudenbach in 1970. We give a necessary condition of extension without critical points that is based on Morsehomology and the repartition of the critical set of f into two sets : the set of points whosenormal derivative to the sphere interior to the ball is negative and the set of points whosenormal derivative is positive. This necessary condition is of algebraic nature and uses great theories of the second half of the XXth century, namely cobordism theory of Thom, Smale,Milnor etc. It also leads to a sufficient condition in some interesting cases, and to a weaker necessary condition for a general function ˜ f which is easily computable.The point-of-view is the one of Barannikov, who was the first to tackle this problem bymeans of considerations about path of functions
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Coincidências em codimensão um e bordismo / Coincidences in codimension one and bordismGustavo de Lima Prado 11 February 2015 (has links)
Neste trabalho, estudamos coincidências entre duas aplicações contínuas f e g, de X em Y, onde X e Y são variedades diferenciáveis, conexas, sendo X fechada (n+1)-dimensional e Y sem bordo n-dimensional. Quando o domínio é a esfera e g é constante, consideramos homomorfismos w\' e w\'\' que juntos determinam o invariante de bordismo normal do par (f,g). Calculamos w\'\' para vários espaços e, em particular, para fibrados esféricos sobre esferas, obtemos que w\'\' é identicamente nulo se, e somente se, Y é trivial ou Y não é um S²-fibrado sobre S⁴. Finalmente, obtemos resultados tipo Wecken quando X é a esfera, e quando X é o espaço projetivo real de dimensão 3 e Y é a esfera de dimensão 2. / In this work, we study coincidences between two maps f and g, from X to Y, where X and Y are smooth manifolds, connected, being X closed (n+1)-dimensional and Y without boundary n-dimensional. When the domain is the sphere and g is constant, we consider homomorphisms w\' and w\'\' which together determine the normal bordism invariant of the pair (f,g). We calculate w\'\' for several spaces and, in particular, for sphere bundles over spheres, we obtain that w\'\' is identically null if and only if Y is trivial or Y is not an S²-bundle over S⁴. Finally, we obtain Wecken type results when X is the sphere, and when X is the 3-dimensional real projective space and Y is the 2-dimensional sphere.
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Extension de l'homomorphisme de Calabi aux cobordismes lagrangiensMailhot, Pierre-Alexandre 09 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire traite de la construction d’un nouvel invariant des cobordismes lagrangiens. Cette construction est inspirée des travaux récents de Solomon dans lesquels une extension de l’homomorphisme de Calabi aux chemins lagrangiens exacts est donnée. Cette extension fut entre autres motivée par le fait que le graphe d’une isotopie hamiltonienne est un chemin lagrangien exact. Nous utilisons la suspension lagrangienne, qui associe à chaque chemin lagrangien exact un cobordisme lagrangien, pour étendre la construction de Solomon aux cobordismes lagrangiens. Au premier chapitre nous donnons une brève exposition des propriétés élémentaires des variétés symplectiques et des sous-variétés lagrangiennes. Le second chapitre traite du groupe des difféomorphismes hamiltoniens et des propriétés fondamentales de l’homomorphisme de Calabi. Le chapitre 3 est dédié aux chemins lagrangiens, l’invariant de Solomon et ses points critiques. Au dernier chapitre nous introduisons la notion de cobordisme lagrangien et construisons le nouvel invariant pour finalement analyser ses points critiques et l’évaluer sur la trace de la chirurgie de deux courbes sur le tore. Dans le cadre de ce calcul, nous serons en mesure de borner la valeur du nouvel invariant en fonction de l’ombre du cobordisme, une notion récemment introduite par Cornea et Shelukhin. / In this master's thesis, we construct a new invariant of Lagrangian cobordisms. This construction is inspired by the recent works of Solomon in which an extension of the Calabi homomorphism to exact Lagrangian paths is given. Solomon's extension was motivated by the fact that the graph of any Hamiltonian isotopy is an exact Lagrangian path. We use the Lagrangian suspension construction, which associates to every exact Lagrangian path a Lagrangian cobordism, to extend Solomon's invariant to Lagrangian cobordisms. In the first chapter, we give a brief introduction to the elementary properties of symplectic manifolds and their Lagrangian submanifolds. In the second chapter, we present an introduction to the group of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms and discuss the fundamental properties of the Calabi homomorphism. Chapter 3 is dedicated to Lagrangian paths, Solomon's invariant and its critical points. In the last chapter, we introduce the notion of Lagrangian cobordism and we construct the new invariant. We analyze its critical points and evaluate it on the trace of the Lagrangian surgery of two curves on the torus. In this setting we further bound the new invariant in terms of the shadow of the cobordism, a notion recently introduced by Cornea and Shelukhin.
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Quelques propriétés des sous-variétés lagrangiennes monotones : Rayon de Gromov et morphisme de SeidelCharette, François 08 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse présente quelques propriétés des sous-variétés lagrangiennes monotones. On résoud d'abord une conjecture de Barraud et Cornea dans le cadre monotone en montrant que le rayon de Gromov relatif à deux lagrangiennes dans la même classe d'isotopie hamiltonienne donne une borne inférieure à la distance de Hofer entre ces deux mêmes lagrangiennes. Le cas non-monotone de cette conjecture reste ouvert encore. On définit toutes les structures nécessaires à l'énoncé et à la preuve de cette conjecture.
Deuxièmement, on définit une nouvelle version d'un morphisme de Seidel relatif à l'aide des cobordismes lagrangiens de Biran et Cornea. On montre que cette version est chaîne-homotope aux différentes autres versions apparaissant dans la littérature. Que toutes ces définitions sont équivalentes fait partie du folklore mais n'apparaît pas dans la littérature.
On conclut par une conjecture qui identifie un triangle exact obtenu par chirurgie lagrangienne et un autre dû à Seidel et faisant intervenir le twist de Dehn symplectique. / We present in this thesis a few properties of monotone Lagrangian submanifolds. We first solve a conjecture of Barraud and Cornea in the monotone setting by showing that the relative Gromov radius of two Hamiltonian-isotopic Lagrangians gives a lower bound on the Hofer distance between them. The general non-monotone case remains open to this day. We define all the structures relevant to state and prove the conjecture.
We then define a new version of a Lagrangian Seidel morphism through the recently introduced Lagrangian cobordisms of Biran and Cornea. We show that this new version is chain-homotopic to various other versions appearing in the litterature. That all these previous versions are the same is folklore but did not appear in the litterature.
We conclude with a conjecture claiming that an exact triangle obtained by Lagrangian surgery is isomorphic to an exact triangle of Seidel involving the symplectic Dehn twist.
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