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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Effect of Multidimensional Information Presentation on the Effectiveness and Efficiency of a Spatial Accounting Judgment

Tan, John K 10 July 2008 (has links)
This study is the first in a series of planned studies on the application of multidimensional visualization of business information and data within the context of accounting. The study's research question is: When is multidimensional visualization of information a better problem representation, improving both the effectiveness and efficiency of a spatial accounting judgment? To examine when multidimensional visualization can assist auditors in configural cue pattern recognition, the study employs the traditional DuPont analysis as the three pieces of key information to be represented on the X, Y, and Z axes of a single 3-D perspective display. To help determine when use of 3-D perspective display is beneficial in combining pieces of information, I rely on Vessey's (1991) Cognitive Fit Theory, and the Proximity Compatibility Principle (PCP) proposed by Wickens and Carswell (1995). The study has two hypotheses. Hypothesis H1 predicted that participants viewing a set of 2-D displays will be the most effective or most efficient in generating hypotheses for what caused the changes in the trend of accounting data or in estimating values. Hypothesis H2 predicted that participants viewing a single 3-D perspective display will be the most effective or most efficient in recognizing patterns of accounting data or in generating hypotheses for what caused the emerged pattern. To test the hypotheses of the study a 3 x 2 between-subjects design (display format x task) is used. The independent variables are display types and task types. Graphical display was manipulated at three levels: no graphical display (table only), 2-D display, and 3-D perspective display. Task was manipulated at two levels: trend analysis and pattern recognition task. The need for a fit between different types of spatial tasks and display formats is demonstrated by the findings of this study: 1) that 2-D displays appear to be more suitable for spatial tasks involving the generation of hypotheses for causes of trends in accounting data, while 2) 3-D perspective displays appear to be more suitable for spatial tasks involving pattern recognition in accounting data.

A Novel Approach to Ontology Management

Kim, Jong Woo 01 August 2010 (has links)
The term ontology is defined as the explicit specification of a conceptualization. While much of the prior research has focused on technical aspects of ontology management, little attention has been paid to the investigation of issues that limit the widespread use of ontologies and the evaluation of the effectiveness of ontologies in improving task performance. This dissertation addresses this void through the development of approaches to ontology creation, refinement, and evaluation. This study follows a multi-paper model focusing on ontology creation, refinement, and its evaluation. The first study develops and evaluates a method for ontology creation using knowledge available on the Web. The second study develops a methodology for ontology refinement through pruning and empirically evaluates the effectiveness of this method. The third study investigates the impact of an ontology in use case modeling, which is a complex, knowledge intensive organizational task in the context of IS development. The three studies follow the design science research approach, and each builds and evaluates IT artifacts. These studies contribute to knowledge by developing solutions to three important issues in the effective development and use of ontologies.

A Methodology and DSS for ERP Misfit Analysis

Shin, Shin-shing 27 May 2007 (has links)
Commercial off-the-shelf enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems have been adopted by large companies to support their inter- and intra-business processes. Midsize market firms are now investing in ERP systems too. However, research has indicated that about three quarters of attempted ERP projects turned out to be unsuccessful. A common problem encountered in adopting ERP software has been the issue of fit or alignment. This paper presents an ERP misfit analysis methodology, grounded on the task-technology fit theory and cognitive fit theory, for measuring misfits between ERP candidates and enterprise¡¦s requirements in ex-ante implementation. A decision support system prototype embedded the approach has been developed. A usability evaluation is performed on the prototype to demonstrate the approach. With this approach, organizations can more easily and systematically determine where the misfits are and the degree of misfits, thereby reducing the risks in implementing ERP systems. Our research contributes to the practical solution of the problem of misfit analysis.

A Novel Approach to Ontology Management

Kim, Jong Woo 01 August 2010 (has links)
The term ontology is defined as the explicit specification of a conceptualization. While much of the prior research has focused on technical aspects of ontology management, little attention has been paid to the investigation of issues that limit the widespread use of ontologies and the evaluation of the effectiveness of ontologies in improving task performance. This dissertation addresses this void through the development of approaches to ontology creation, refinement, and evaluation. This study follows a multi-paper model focusing on ontology creation, refinement, and its evaluation. The first study develops and evaluates a method for ontology creation using knowledge available on the Web. The second study develops a methodology for ontology refinement through pruning and empirically evaluates the effectiveness of this method. The third study investigates the impact of an ontology in use case modeling, which is a complex, knowledge intensive organizational task in the context of IS development. The three studies follow the design science research approach, and each builds and evaluates IT artifacts. These studies contribute to knowledge by developing solutions to three important issues in the effective development and use of ontologies.

Beyond the Aisles : Enhancing the Shopping Value of a One-Stop Shop with New Service

Pankonin, Paul January 2023 (has links)
This study explores how shopping value in one-stop stores, especially hypermarkets, can be improved by new services. It identifies additional service offerings that go beyond the traditional product-based approach. Given the dearth of literature on new services in grocery retailing, this study relies on Mehrabian and Russel's (1974) stimulus-organism-response (S-O-R) model as a basic framework. Using an explorative mixed-methods approach, the study begins with a qualitative phase in which semi-structured interviews are conducted to uncover consumers' everyday problems. These findings serve as the basis for designing innovative services. In the subsequent quantitative phase, the study tests the theoretical framework by introducing participants to three different services in an experimental study. Based on the manipulation of the cognitive fit of services, various relationships between variables such as retailer confusion, perceived convenience, shopping value, retailer image, and willingness to use were examined. Results highlight the central role of cognitive fit, perceived convenience, and retailer confusion as key factors in shopping value, emphasizing its significance in shaping the retail landscape. This research not only identifies novel service opportunities for hypermarkets but also demonstrates the efficacy of a mixed-methods approach in addressing the evolving needs of consumers and the retail sector. The study provides also valuable insights for retailers seeking to differentiate themselves and enhance the shopping value.

Användarens upplevelse av digitala och fysiska kommunikationssätt

Gutierrez Cortez, Madeleinne, Sebestyen, Cassandra January 2017 (has links)
Under de senaste åren har användning av digitala artefakter ökat vilket gett mindre plats till papper. Tidigare forskning illustrerar att läsning via papper är populärast utan någon indikation på att det faktiskt är bättre vad gäller inlärning. Syftet med arbetet är därför att se om det finns någon skillnad och likhet mellan bruksanvisningar på papper (fysiskt) eller skärm (digitalt). Studien grundar sig i teorin Cognitive fit theory förkortat CFT. Teorin har således modifierats till en egen modell där undersökning av valet mellan papper och skärm gjorts genom användarupplevelsen i inlärning (E-learning), tidigare erfarenheter, motivation och känslor. Dessa begrepp har uppkommit från CFT samt tidigare forskning och de har följaktligen följt med under hela processen. En till faktor som grundat sig i tidigare forskning och CFT är projektets frågeställning. Frågeställningen har undersökts och besvarats med hjälp av metoder såsom användartest, där användarna fått bygga ihop två ​LEGO-modeller av samma svårighetsgrad på de olika plattformarna skärm och papper. Användartestet kombinerades med Emotiv headset, som hjälpte till med mätning av hjärnans känslosystem. Rapporten visar även på projektets intervjuer, där deltagarna hade möjlighet att delge sina tankar om testet. Det slutgiltiga resultatet visade på att vissa stora faktorer spelar roll i valet mellan skärm och papper. Bland annat begrepp som erfarenhet, motivation och känslor samt jämförelser och likheter mellan de två plattformarna. Hälften av deltagarna ansåg att en fysisk bruksanvisning är ledande medan andra hälften ansåg den digitala bruksanvisningen som vanligast i och med tutorials och dylikt. Användartesterna gick som beräknat, en del motstridiga känslor uppkom dessvärre vilket kunde skapa större distraktioner hos deltagarna. En större omfattning om detta sker i rapportens olika kapitel. / In recent years, the use of digital artifacts has increased, giving less space to paper. Previous research illustrates that reading through paper is most popular without any indication that it is actually better with regard to learning. The purpose of the work is therefore to see if there is a difference and similarity between instructions on paper (physical) or screen (digital). The study is based on the theory Cognitive Fit theory shortened CFT. The theory has then been modified to an own model, where the choice between paper and screen has been made through the user experience in learning (E-learning), past experiences, motivation and emotions. These concepts have arisen from CFT as well as previous research and have consequently followed throughout the process. One factor to be found in earlier research and CFT is the issue of the project. The questionnaire has been investigated and answered using methods such as usability testing, where users were able to build two​ LEGO-models ​of the same difficulty on the various platforms screen and paper. The usability testing was combined with Emotiv headset, which helped to measure the brain's emotional system. Finally, interviews were conducted in order to be able to share the participants thoughts about the test. The final result showed that some major factors play a part in the choice between screen and paper. Among other things, concepts like experience, motivation and feelings, as well as comparisons and similarities between the two platforms. Half of the participants felt that a physical instruction manual was most common, while the other half considered the digital user manual as common with tutorials and so on. The user tests went as expected, some contradictory feelings emerged unfortunately which could create greater distractions among the participants. A greater extent about this is done in the various sections of the report.

Musikvideon som marknadsföringskanal : En kvantitativ studie om ungdomars syn på produktplacering i musikvideor / Music video as a marketing channel : A quantitative study about young adults’ view onproduct placement in music videos

Lundberg, Vendela, Ekelöw, Arvid January 2019 (has links)
Användandet av produktplacering som marknadsföringsmetod har ökat med åren, inte minst då konsumenter allt mer aktivt undviker traditionell marknadsföring. Genom att utnyttja produktplacering kan man väva in reklambudskap i handlingen på ett sätt som gör den oundviklig. Majoriteten av den forskning som finns om produktplacering pekar dock på att en för uppenbar varumärkesexponering bör undvikas då det ger upphov till negativa effekter bland konsumenter.Vår studie bygger vidare på Gillespie, Muehling och Kareklas (2018) studie som motbevisar att tydlig produktplacering enbart har negativa effekter med hjälp av författarnas Product Placement Fit Model. I modellen beskriver de hur uppenbar produktplacering kan kopplas till en novells eller films handling och känslomässiga tema för att på bästa sätt ge positiva varumärkesresponser bland konsumenter. Dessa två dimensioner benämner författarna som kognitiv- respektive affektiv överensstämmelse. Vår studie ämnar att (till följd av Gillespies, Muehlings och Kareklas rekomendation) ta reda på om detta även går att tillämpa för musikvideor genom att studera ungdomar och unga vuxnas förändringar i varumärkesinställning efter att de sett på musikvideor innehållandes produktplacering. 246 respondenter deltog i studiens undersökning och resultatet visade på att en uppenbar produktplacering med hög överensstämmelse både affektiv och kognitiv ger bäst effekt. Vidare kan en produktplacering med partiell överensstämmelse (det vill säga av antingen hög kognitiv- eller hög affektiv överensstämmelse) kan ge en positiv effekt på konsumentens varumärkesinställning men inte i samma utsträckning. Därmed är slutsatsen att Gillespie, Muehling och Kareklas modell och teorier går att applicera även för musikvideor bland ungdomar samt unga vuxna. / The use of product placement as a marketing strategy has increased in recent years, not least as a result of consumers avoiding traditional marketing. By utilizing product placement, a marketer enables the possibility to embed advertising in e.g. the storyline of a film in a way that makes it inevitable. Majority of existing research within the field suggests that a blatant product placement should be avoided at all costs since it can cause negative effects among consumers brand perceptions. Our study aim to follow up Gillespie, Muehling and Kareklas’ (2018) study which disproves that blatant placement exclusively has negative impact on consumers. The authors uses their model Product Placement Fit Model to describe the benefits with a blatant placement - given that the placement corresponds with a movie’s or a novel’s storyline and emotional theme. The authors describes that the placement needs affective and/or cognitive fit. Furthermore our study aim to examine if it is possible to apply this theories on music videos by studying youths and young adults brand attitudes. 246 respondents partook in the study and the result indicated that a blatant product placement with both affective and cognitive fit gives the best effect. Furthermore, a product placement with partial fit (i.e. affective or cognitive fit) can give a positive outcome, although not to the same extent as a placement that corresponds on both dimensions. Thereby, the conclusion is that Gillespie’s, Muehling’s and Kareklas’ model and theories are applicable to music videos while studying youths and young adults

The Role of Cognitive Effort in Decision Performance Using Data Representations: A Cognitive Fit Perspective

Bacic, Dinko 05 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Artificial Intelligence-based Public Healthcare Systems: G2G Knowledge-based Exchange to Enhance the Decision-making Process

Nasseef, O.A., Baabdullah, A.M., Alalwan, A.A., Lal, Banita, Dwivedi, Y.K. 07 September 2021 (has links)
Yes / With the rapid evolution of data over the last few years, many new technologies have arisen with artificial intelligent (AI) technologies at the top. Artificial intelligence (AI), with its infinite power, holds the potential to transform patient healthcare. Given the gaps revealed by the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic in healthcare systems, this research investigates the effects of using an artificial intelligence-driven public healthcare framework to enhance the decision-making process using an extended model of Shaft and Vessey (2006) cognitive fit model in healthcare organizations in Saudi Arabia. The model was validated based on empirical data collected using an online questionnaire distributed to healthcare organizations in Saudi Arabia. The main sample participants were healthcare CEOs, senior managers/managers, doctors, nurses, and other relevant healthcare practitioners under the MoH involved in the decision-making process relating to COVID-19. The measurement model was validated using SEM analyses. Empirical results largely supported the conceptual model proposed as all research hypotheses are significantly approved. This study makes several theoretical contributions. For example, it expands the theoretical horizon of Shaft and Vessey's (2006) CFT by considering new mechanisms, such as the inclusion of G2G Knowledge-based Exchange in addition to the moderation effect of Experience-based decision-making (EDBM) for enhancing the decision-making process related to the COVID-19 pandemic. More discussion regarding research limitations and future research directions are provided as well at the end of this study.

Reducing Error Rates in Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) Anomaly Detection via Information Presentation Optimization

Church, Donald Glen January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

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