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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Är det där en åsna? : En studie av estetiska lärprocesser i ett ämnesöverskridande arbete mellan bild och religion / Is that a donkey? : A study of aesthetic learning processes in a cross-disciplinary work between art and religion

Rystad Ploska, Helena, Järpell, Emma January 2022 (has links)
Subject integration between art and the school's other subjects is something that is often highlighted as positive. But Lindström (2012) emphasizes that there is a problem with talking unspecified about aesthetics in school and can lead to a neglect of the qualifications needed to integrate art, crafts and design with the school's "academic subjects". Our aim is to create knowledge about how aesthetic learning processes are made visible and expressed in a cross-disciplinary work between religion and art in a high school class. The empirical material has been collected through qualitative observations and consists of data collected over three days and consists of eight hours extended on six lessons in art and religion. The field for the study is two classrooms in the school which the students attend. The results are analyzed based on a thematic analysis developed by Braun and Clarke (2006) and the themes are based on Lindström's (2012) definition and model of aesthetic learning processes, and what form of subject-integrated teaching prevails parallel integration, theme weeks or co-education. The results show that we can see that aesthetic learning processes become visible and that the students moved between all four categories in Lindström's model in the interdisciplinary work. We saw that the students worked THROUGH aesthetic learning processes when the students reflected on their creation. We saw that the students worked in aesthetic learning processes when they drew their Buddhas in dry pastel and tried different techniques and materials. We saw that the students worked WITH aesthetic learning processes, among other things when the students referred to their Buddhas in dry pastel. We saw that the students worked on aesthetic learning processes, for example when the students worked with and talked about the concept of layout.

Challenges in University-Industry Collaborations : Organisational Differences Leading to Challenges in University-Industry Collaborations in Student-Based Innovative Projects

Fussenegger, Johannes, Casado Lopez, David January 2021 (has links)
Background: Collaborations between universities and industries are common to foster innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises. Participants of these collaborations face several challenges related to these collaborations. Universities and Industries work in different environments and value different priorities. Current literature shows that the challenges due to the organisational differences in these collaborations lead to the most significant challenges. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore and analyse how participants of UI collaborations perceive and manage organisational differences between universities and industries when the industry participant is a SME and the academic are students. We also aspire to discover and outline some specific characteristics of the organisational differences appearing in student-SME collaborations. Method: To fulfil the purpose, a qualitative study was conducted. The empirical data was collected in ten semi-structured interviews. Two projects of two master programmes at Jönköping University and experienced facilitators of university-industry collaborations were interviewed. The focus of the interviews was to get to know the participants' experience related to the organisational differences. Conclusion: The study's findings show how organisational differences in student-SME collaborations are perceived differently than in generic UI collaborations. Three elements were found as the main aspects influencing the perception of the organisational differences in student-SME projects: individual factors, perspective and collaborative factors. Finally, the findings show a positive contribution towards innovation in the SME participating in these projects.

Att arbeta som ett team : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av ambulanssjuksköterskors upplevelser av samverkan

Hultén, Matilda, Jofré, Angelica January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Ambulanssjuksköterskan hamnar ofta i situationer där samverkan med andra organisationer är nödvändig. På en skadeplats leds arbetet av både ambulans, räddningstjänst och polis. För att detta arbete ska flyta på och främja patient omhändertagandet krävs det en god samverkan mellan dessa organisationer. Forskning visar på att trots att alla parter vill samverka sker detta inte alltid då varje organisation arbetar var för sig trots den tydliga viljan att samverka gränslöst.  Syfte: Att beskriva ambulanssjuksköterskors upplevelse av samverkan mellan blåljuspersonal på skadeplats. Metod: Metoden som användes i denna studie var en kvalitativ intervjustudie. Det genomfördes 15 semistrukturerade intervjuer som sedan transkriberades och sammanfördes till ett resultat genom ett kvalitativt induktivt tillvägagångssätt enligt Elo och Kyngäs metod. Resultat: Resultatet pekar på att samverkan mellan blåljuspersonal oftast fungerar väldigt bra men att det finns brister. De brister som framkom var framförallt i kommunikationen. Det var även viktigt att ha någon form av personkännedom, detta för att lättare känna en sammanhållning mellan organisationerna.  Inte bara vi och dem utan mer en gemenskap, en teamkänsla. Slutsats: Samverkan mellan blåljusorganisationerna sker på bästa sätt när arbetet följer de strukturer och koncept som finns samt när organisationerna strävar efter samma mål. En tydlighet i både kommunikation och ledarskap är viktigt för att få arbete att gå framåt. / Bakgrund: Ambulanssjuksköterskan befinner sig ofta i situationer där samarbete med andra yrken är nödvändigt. På en olycksplats leds arbetet av både ambulans, räddningstjänst och polis. För att göra detta arbete flytande och tillräckligt för patientsäkerheten måste de tre organisationerna arbeta tillsammans. Även om forskning visar att organisationerna vill arbeta tillsammans är det inte alltid så. Varje organisation arbetar för sig själv trots viljan att samarbeta och göra gränsen mellan organisationerna mer gränslös. Syfte: Att beskriva ambulanssjuksköterskors erfarenhet av samarbeten mellan akutorganisationer på olycksplatsen. Metod: Metoden i denna studie var en kvalitativ intervjustudie. Femton semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes, som sedan transkriberades och kombinerades till ett resultat genom en kvalitativ induktiv ansats enligt Elo och Kyngäs metod. Resultat: Resultaten som framkom visade att samverkan mellan räddningspersonal oftast fungerar mycket bra men att det finns brister. Bristerna var främst när det gällde kommunikation. Det var också viktigt att ha någon form av personlig kunskap till varandra, detta för att göra det lättare att känna en sammanhållning mellan yrkesgrupperna. Inte bara de och vi, mer en gemenskap där arbetet görs som ett team. Slutsats: Samverkan mellan akutorganisationerna är som mest flytande när arbetet följer befintliga strukturer och koncept och när organisationerna strävar efter samma mål. Tydlighet i både kommunikation och ledarskap är viktigt för att arbetet ska gå smidigt.

The role of online communication on social development in Maseru (Lesotho)

Lerotholi, Lelingoana Benedict January 2012 (has links)
A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters in Communication Science at the University of Zululand, South Africa, 2012. / Majority of developing societies are usually succumbing to numerous socio-economic challenges. Communities in Maseru, the capital of Lesotho, are not excluded from this trend. Online collaborations are consequently at the heart of addressing these challenges. This study examines the probability of encouraging and engaging online communication for social and economic development in Maseru. The promises of online communication for transforming society and advancing the new economy have rested on the arguments that online communication could expand and widen access to electronic commerce, enhance the quality of distance education, improve the general quality and standard of living , and eventually improve the economy of Maseru. Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) are very powerful tools for diffusing knowledge and information to society which is a fundamental aspect of the development process. The presence of new communication technologies has a greater influence on human lives than we ever thought. It is imperative that every community in Lesotho examines ways and means of adopting their information communication technology (ICT) infrastructure as soon as possible or face the possibility of social and economic stagnation and isolation. The Internet has ushered in innovative ways of socialising and conducting business. Although it has, through the process of globalization, created a wide space to engage in business and eradicate poverty, many societies are still isolated. There are many reasons for this which could range from voluntary isolation, inadequate infrastructure, ignorance or sheer laziness. The study was conducted within the paradigm of both qualitative and quantitative methods. Stratified and simple random sampling techniques were used and this allowed the researcher to divide the population of Maseru into various Strata. This research explored why Maseru is slow to adopt ICTs to enhance their economic and social development. Revelations from the study will benefit this community and will also assist in making recommendations for overcoming economic and social decline.

Corporate Involvement in Charitable Engagements : Exploring the Dynamics of Corporate-Charity Collaborators / Företagsengagemang i välgörenhetsfrågor

Jansson, Mikaela, Ölander Gür, Katarina January 2023 (has links)
In today's business environment, organizations are expected to engage in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), which involves balancing their economic success with positive social and environmental impact. Collaborating with charitable organizations can be a way for companies to engage in socially responsible activities and given the increasing focus on CSR, there is a potential for an enhanced interaction between companies and charitable organizations. This study aims to provide knowledge for charitable organizations on how companies act in relation to charitable engagement and thus, help charities in the process of adapting their approach to establish and maintain relationships with companies. Specifically, it investigates how companies value external CSR initiatives, how they motivate and perceive their relationships with charitable organizations, and identifies typical traits of companies engaged in charitable work as a part of their CSR initiatives. The study was conducted using a qualitative approach, where the data was collected through an examination of 40 sustainability reports and nine semi-structured interviews with representatives from different companies. The findings reveal that companies value various aspects of external CSR initiatives, with six distinct themes identified: quality of life, environment, health, healthcare, education, and crises. Among these themes, quality of life is the most valued. Companies also place importance in aligning charitable engagement with their core business, although engagement related to crises is viewed differently and less connected to the core business. Companies engage in charitable activities due to societal expectations, fostering company pride, and enhancing brand perception. The nature of relationships established with charitable organizations varies among companies, with some prioritizing long-term strategic partnerships, others pure monetary donations, and some aligning their charitable work with product and marketing communication. Notably, some companies express a negative attitude towards the latter approach. During times of crisis, companies tend to lean towards pure donations, while larger companies in general show more openness to strategic collaborations with charities. The research findings can provide valuable insights for charitable organizations, enabling them to adapt their approaches to establishing and maintaining relationships with companies effectively. / I dagens affärsmiljö förväntas organisationer engagera sig i Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), vilket innebär att balansera sin ekonomiska framgång med positiva soicala och miljömässiga effekter. Att samarbeta med välgörenhetsorganisationer kan vara ett sätt för företag att ta sitt sociala ansvar ochmed tanke på det ökande fokuset på CSR finns det potential för ökad interaktion mellan företag och välgörenhetsorganisationer. Denna studie syftar till att tillhandahålla värdefull kunskap för välgörenhetsorganisationer om företags beteenden i relation till välgörenhetsengagemang och på så sätt hjälpa välgörenhetsorganisationer i processen att etablera och upprätthålla relationer med företag. Mer specifikt undersöker studien hur företag värderar externa CSR-initiativ, hur de motiverar och uppfattar sina relationer med välgörenhetsorganisationer, samt identifierar typiska egenskaper hos företag som engagerar sig i välgörenhetsarbete som en del av sina CSR-initiativ. Studien genomfördes med en kvalitativ metod, där data samlades in genom granskning av 40 hållbarhetsrapporter och nio semistrukturerade intervjuer med representanter från olika företag. Resultaten visar att företag värderar olika aspekter av externa CSR-initiativ, där sex olika teman har identifierats: levnadsstandard, miljö, hälsa, sjukvård, utbildning och kriser. Bland dessa teman är levnadsstandard det högst värderade. Företag lägger även vikt vid att koppla samman välgörenhetsengagemang med sin kärnverksamhet, även om engagemang relaterat till kriser betraktas annorlunda och är i mindre utsträckning kopplat till kärnverksamheten. Företag engagerar sig i välgörenhetsaktiviteter på grund av samhällets förväntningar, för att skapa en stolthet på företaget och för att förbättra varumärkesuppfattningen. De relationer som etableras med ideella organisationer varierar mellan företag, där vissa prioriterar långsiktiga strategiska partnerskap, andra renodlade monetära donationer och vissa anpassar sitt välgörenhetsarbete med produkt- och marknadskommunikation. Noterbart är att vissa företag uttrycker en negativ inställning till det sistnämnda tillvägagångssättet. Vid kriser tenderar företag att fokusera på rena donationer, medan större företag generellt visar större öppenhet för strategiska samarbeten med välgörenhets- organisationer. Forskningsresultaten kan ge värdefulla insikter för ideella organisationer och hjälpa dem att anpassa sina tillvägagångssätt för att etablera och upprätthålla relationer med företag på ett effektivt sätt.

Developing a Statewide Infant Mental Health Association: From Grassroots Collaborations to Non-profit Organization Status

Moser, Michelle, Todd, Janet 10 November 2018 (has links)
For six years, under the informal leadership of a few professionals committed to fostering the healthy social and emotional development of infants and young children in Tennessee, a group of passionate individuals and agencies came together on a bimonthlly and subsequently quarterly basis for the purpose of building relationships, identifying existing resources and opportunities, and beginning to identify what is needed to address the mental health needs of the birth through age 5 population. From the initial meeting of 25 or so individuals, the attendance and agency representation steadily grew and the group’s identity as a valuable initiative was established. In this presentation, the expansion of this informal grassroots initiative into a formal non-profit corporation receiving funding from the Tennessee Department of Health to support developing the capacity and quality of the early childhood workforce will be described. The presenter also will describe the current work of the Association of Infant Mental Health in Tennessee (AIMHiTN), including the implementation of the Infant Mental Health (IMH) Endorsement® for Culturally Sensitive, Relationship-Focused Practice Promoting Infant Mental Health (IMH-E®), an internationally recognized credential.

Digital Capability and Business Model Reconfiguration : a co-evolutionary perspective

Golshan, Behrooz January 2018 (has links)
While IT-enabled innovations continue to disrupt long-lasting industries, emerging concepts and theories seek to explain implications of digitalisation on its value, competition and organisation. Over the past two decades, the notions of digital capability and business model reconfiguration as antecedents of organisational performance have become increasingly influential in the Information Systems literature. Appreciation of the role of strategic agility, external resources and interorganisational collaborations on IT-enabled value propositions has shaped the core logic and fundamental assumptions of the two aforementioned concepts. Nevertheless, the relationship between digital capability and business model reconfiguration remains underinvested and largely elusive. In order to reconcile such fragmented literature, the aim of this study is to investigate the coevolutionary dynamics of digital capability and business model reconfigurations. Digital capability reflects on the organisational ability to identify IT-enabled opportunities and deploy IS/IT to mobilise resources and structures in order to exploit those opportunities. Business model reconfiguration encapsulates management agenda to elevate value propositions for customers, partners and other stakeholders in order to create and capture value. It entails altering organisational resources and processes to enable such value propositions. Empirical data that is used in this thesis is gathered from an insurance company and contains information about the internal and external contexts, decisions, actions and performance between 2008 and 2016. There are four major phases during this time period. As identified, during each, the company revised its strategic intentions, invested in new IS/IT and human resources and reconfigured its business model. Results of this study illustrate that organisational digital capability drives strategic intentions for co-exploration and co-exploitation of value with partners. Such emerging strategies shape the configuration of the firm’s business model, which in turn leads to investments for generating the required IS competencies. This process increases the organisational digital capability, which affects the future cycles. Development of each IS competency is a result of co- exploration strategies. It is likely that such IS competencies are leveraged for co-exploitation in the future phases. In addition, Business-to-Business (B2B) IS competencies are instrumental in operationalising business models: however, as the number of partners grow and configuration of business models change, dyadic connections are likely to be replaced by standard ones.          Strategies of co-exploration and co-exploitation could lead to innovative, adoptive or evolutionary business model reconfigurations. However, for incumbent organisations, business model innovation seems to follow several business model adaptations and evolutions. That is, a great deal of organisational learning and tinkering with business models, strategic intentions and technological backbone is needed to innovate business models. The final contribution of this research is the analytical model devised for exploring the essence of strategic decision making in dynamic environments. Based on the Appreciative Systems Model, the model illustrates how the perception of the constant flux of events and ideas leads to strategic intentions based on value and reality judgments, which in turn triggers action to operationalise those understandings. Both formulating the intentions and executing them will change future events, perceived ideas and emerging intentions based on evolving values and standards.

Essays on Inter-Organizational Collaborations

Lan, Yingchao 25 September 2018 (has links)
No description available.


LUNA, PATRICIA G. 03 December 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Collaborative Partnerships Between Genetic Counselors and Genetic Advocacy/Support Groups: The Genetic Counseling Perspective

Williams, Misti D. 02 October 2006 (has links)
No description available.

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