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Ekosistemiese invloede op witboordjiemisdaadVan Zyl, Magdalena 05 September 2012 (has links)
M.A. / White-collar crime has had a significant impact on the economy and the quality of life of all the citizens of this country. The emphasis in addressing this problem has traditionally been on the limitation of risk to commit white-collar crime as well ason the 'typical' characteristics of white-collar offenders. The aim of this study was to understand this phenomenon from a different perspective: the ecosystems that have an influence on the causation and maintenance of white-collar crime. To determine which ecosystems played a role the researcher interviewed white-collar criminals who had already been convicted, and were serving prison sentences in the Gauteng Province. They were from both sexes, different race groups, different ages and they had committed different types of white-collar crime. The following ecosystems and subsystems were identified as contributing to causation and maintenance of white-collar crime: the individual: behaviour, emotion and relationships (in general and specific relationships). The bank environment Opportunity, as an element of all the systems, was also identified as a contributing factor. The researcher also identified two patterns in which the ecosystems interact. Different white-collar crime processes are indicated through these patterns. The main difference between these patterns is that some people commit the crime because they consider it to be the best solution to problem situation whereas other people commit the crime only because the opportunity to do so, exists. Most of the findings in the interviews can be confirmed by existing literature although there were some findings for which literature can't indicate a direct relationship. Recommendations are aimed at addressing the dynamics between the ecosystems as identified by the respondents. The most important aspect to bear in mind is that people do not function in isolation and constantly influence each other. We are co-creators of our reality and can therefore influence our environment by what we contribute to it through interaction and dialogue.
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Theft by corporate controllersSmukler, Elana 01 1900 (has links)
The pillaging of companies by those who control them is becoming a common
occurence in South Africa. The problem arises where those in control of a
company are its sole shareholders and the property they are charged with
stealing, though not legally belonging to them, is vested in an entity which itself
belongs to them. One defence is that there can be no theft where the
company consents to the appropriation of its funds. It is argued that a theft
is committed only where all the criminal elements of the crime of theft are
satisfied, notwithstanding the consent, or absence thereof, by the company.
Case law indicates that a conviction depends on the : solvency or insolvency
of the company; degree of control and victim of the appropriation. It is
submitted that it is inappropriate to base a conviction on these criteria. All
abuses of the corporate structure should be punished. / Mercantile Law / LL. M.
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Workers' compensation claimant fraud investigations : deterring light blue-collar crimeMahoney, Thomas Gregory January 2015 (has links)
Programme evaluation research examined the criminological and socio-legal issues of a Claimant Fraud Investigation Program (CFIP) operating inside the workers' compensation system. Qualitative and quantitative methods were used to evaluate the programmes' choice of deterrence as an instrumental mechanism for achieving compliance. Key aspects of the programme were analysed from both criminological and socio-legal standpoints. Justice and liberty tensions were examined in reference to the programmes' deterrence mechanisms and the perceptions of fourteen participants' were thematically analysed. The study develops an analytically useful concept of light blue-collar crime that could be applied to other organisations and scenarios. The study concluded the programme is not effective and has more of a symbolic than instrumental value. It conducts itself ethically, however, there are problems with its' choice of deterrence and the study indicates there is a low probability for a deterrent effect. Recommendations are made for other actors and institutions to play non-deterrence based roles intended to achieve compliance.
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Public Knowledge and Sentiments about Elite DevianceMichel, Cedric 30 January 2014 (has links)
A growing body of research has revealed that the financial cost and physical harmfulness of elite deviance overshadow the impact of street crime on society (Knowlton et al., 2011; Landrigan et al., 2002; Leigh, 2011; Lynch & Michalowski, 2006; Herbert & Landrigan, 2000; Rebovich & Jiandani, 2000; Reiman & Leighton, 2010). However, despite such discrepancies, crimes of the poor continue to outshine white-collar offenses in the news media (Barak, 1994; Barlow & Barlow, 2010; Ericson et al., 1991; Lynch & Michalowski, 2006; Lynch, Nalla & Miller, 1989; Lynch, Stretesky & Hammond, 2000), the criminal justice system (Calavita, Tillman, & Pontell, 1997; Maddan et al., 2011; Payne, Dabney, & Ekhomu, 2011; Tillman & Pontell, 1992) and even academia (Lynch, McGurrin & Fenwick, 2004; McGurrin, Jarrell, Jahn & Cochrane, 2013).
Surprisingly, scholarly efforts that have investigated societal response to crimes of the powerful have limited their field of inquiry to public opinions about white-collar crime (e.g., Huff, Desilets, & Kane, 2010; Kane & Wall, 2006; Rebovich et al., 2000; Schoepfer, Carmichael & Piquero, 2007, etc.). While these studies have provided valuable empirical evidence of a growing concern among Americans regarding the danger posed by elite offenses, their failure to include a valid measure of lay knowledge about white-collar crime significantly limits our ability to infer the extent to which the public is familiar with the scope and magnitude of this social issue.
The present study seeks to address such limitation by providing the first measure of public knowledge about elite deviance. Four hundred and eight participants completed an online questionnaire that comprised measures of respondents' knowledge and sentiments (i.e., perceived seriousness and punitiveness) about white-collar crime. Results of statistical analyses revealed that participants were not sufficiently informed about elite deviance and suggest the existence of popular "myths" about white-collar crime; more specifically, a substantial number of subjects were not inclined to acknowledge hard-earned empirical evidence such as the greater physical harmfulness of elite deviance over street crime and to recognize that some elite offenses - which they admit are common in underdeveloped nations (e.g., human trafficking) - can be committed in the United States with little to no legal repercussion for the perpetrators. Further, less knowledgeable subjects and "myth" adherers (including men, those with higher income levels, more politically conservative subjects, Republicans, conservative Protestants, and those who believed that white-collar offenders see no wrong in their actions) were often more lenient in their attitudes towards elite deviance, both in terms of perceived seriousness and punitiveness, compared with street crime. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are thoroughly discussed.
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Fisiología reproductiva y desarrollo de métodos diagnósticos del estado reproductivo de la hembra de pécari de collar (Tayassu tajacu, Linnaeus 1758) de la AmazoníaMayor Aparicio, Pedro Ginés 27 July 2004 (has links)
Esta tesis doctoral pretende aportar conocimientos sobre la fisiología de la reproducción y estandarizar técnicas de diagnóstico de gran parte de los sucesos reproductivos que se desarrollan en la hembra de pécari de collar de la Amazonía. El examen anatomohistológico del aparato genital femenino de 24 hembras de pécari de collar procedentes de la caza en la Amazonía peruana nos ha permitido observar que la hembra de pécari de collar presenta características morfométricas y estructurales diferentes en oviductos, útero y vagina de acuerdo con la fase sexual de la hembra. Hembras no gestantes en fase folicular presentaron una menor hiperplasia endometrial y un mayor grosor del epitelio vaginal respecto a hembras no gestantes en fase luteal y hembras gestantes. Se realizó la descripción macroscópica y microscópica de los ovarios de pécari de collar. La tasa de ovulación fue de 2.3 ± 0.6 folículos y la mortalidad embrionaria fue de 0.4 ± 0.6 oocitos o embriones por hembra gestante. La hembra de pécari de collar presentó oleadas de crecimiento folicular que implican el crecimiento sincrónico de un grupo de folículos. Finalmente, se ha observado la presencia de folículos antrales grandes en hembras gestantes, lo que sugiere la existencia de crecimiento folicular durante el transcurso de la gestación. La inmunohistoquímica mostró que las células luteales del cuerpo lúteo activo presentan una intensa actividad de 3b-HSD en estado avanzado de gestación. El estudio de 47 ciclos estrales de 14 hembras de pécari de collar mantenidas en cautividad en Belém (Estado de Pará, Brasil) ha permitido demostrar la utilidad del examen citológico de la vagina y de los signos externos de los genitales como métodos diagnósticos de detección del periodo de estro y de aceptación de la monta de la hembra de pécari de collar mantenida en cautividad en la Amazonía. Teniendo como punto de referencia las medidas séricas de 17b-estradiol, se observó que la citología vaginal y la observación de los genitales externos detectaron de forma correcta el 80.8% y 88.4% del total de los periodos de estro, respectivamente. El estro se caracterizó por la presencia de moco vaginal, y la apariencia rojiza y tumefacta de los genitales externos. Las hembras en estro mostraron una elevada densidad de células superficiales e intermedias en la citología vaginal. Se observaron signos de monta en el último tercio de la duración del estro. Este estudio presenta el primer trabajo realizado mediante ecografía en tiempo real en el pécari de collar. El estudio ecográfico de 10 hembras gestantes permitió determinar el período medio de diagnóstico precoz de gestación a los 22 días de gestación (n=10). No obstante, el diagnóstico de gestación más temprano se realizó a los 18 días de gestación. La sensibilidad de la prueba en el día 26 fue del 100%, y la especificidad en el día 28 fue del 100%. Consecuentemente, se determinó que, a efectos prácticos, el diagnóstico ecográfico precoz de gestación en pécari de collar es preciso a los 28 días de gestación. Se obtuvieron medidas fetales lo largo de la gestación del pécari de collar con la finalidad de estimar la edad gestacional y predecir el momento del parto. Las medidas fetales que presentaron una mayor correlación con la edad gestacional fueron la longitud total, y el diámetro y la longitud torácica del feto. Sin embargo, debido a que las medidas torácicas sólo pueden ser calculadas a partir del día 40 de gestación, se asumió que la longitud total del feto es la medida de elección ya que puede ser obtenida desde la primera detección del embrión. El estudio del perfil hormonal de progesterona y de 17b-estradiol de 10 hembras gestantes del pécari de collar, nos permitió observar que las concentraciones de progesterona sérica se incrementaron a partir del 4° día tras la fecundación, llegando a concentraciones de 33.4 ± 5.6 ng/ml en el día 10 de gestación. En el periodo comprendido entre los 10 y 130 días de gestación las concentraciones de progesterona se mantienen entre 20 y 60 ng/ml. En la última semana previa al parto se produjo un descenso de las concentraciones de progesterona hasta niveles de 15 ng/ml. Los valores de 17_-estradiol se mantuvieron en niveles no detectables durante las dos primeras semanas de gestación. A partir del primer mes de gestación se produjo un incremento considerable de los niveles de 17_-estradiol hasta alcanzar concentraciones comprendidas entre 20 y 70 pg/ml que se mantuvieron entre los días 20 y 115 de gestación. A partir del día 120 de gestación los niveles de 17b-estradiol se incrementaron de forma regular hasta llegar a niveles máximos (131.4 ± 40.8 pg/ml) en el día del parto. El examen citológico del epitelio vaginal de 4 hembras gestantes permitió observar que entre los días 25 y 115 de gestación, la hembra gestante presentó un patrón de cambio del epitelio vaginal. No se observaron cambios en los signos externos de los genitales a lo largo de la gestación. El estudio del periodo post-parto de 20 hembras de pécari de collar permitió confirmar que esta especie puede presentar un celo ovulatorio y fértil en el período post-parto temprano. En 16 hembras se observó un pico de 17b-estradiol a los 7 ± 1.5 días post-parto se observó un pico de 17b-estradiol, llegando a valores de 53.4 pg/ml. En las hembras que presentaron pico de estradiol, se observó un patrón de cambio de las células del epitelio vaginal compatible con una citología de celo. Los niveles séricos de progesterona se incrementaron a partir del día 10 post-parto, llegando a niveles de 30. 8 ± 4.9 mg/ml en el día 18 después del parto. Nueve (45%) hembras fueron montadas por el macho el día 8.8 ± 1.3 post-parto, y 6 (30%) hembras resultaron gestantes. Cuatro (20%) hembras no mostraron sintomatología de celo post-parto y presentaron bajos niveles medios de progesterona y estradiol séricos En este estudio se presentan los parámetros reproductivos resultantes del seguimiento de una explotación de Belem (Estado de Pará, Brasil), y de una explotación de Iquitos (Perú). Los partos se distribuyeron homogéneamente a lo largo del año. La duración media de gestación fue de 138 días (n=12). El tamaño promedio de la camada fue de 1.9 crías por parto (n=53), con una tasa de sexos de 1:1.07 (machos:hembras). La edad media al primer parto fue a los 595 días (n=19), sin embargo el primer parto más temprano se observó en una hembra a los 381 días de edad. La edad media a la primera cópula fértil fue de 453 días (n=19), y la fecundación más temprana fue estimada a los 239 días. El celo post-parto fue observado a los 8.6 días tras el parto (n=18). El intervalo estimado de parto-concepción fue de 41 días (n=32). El intervalo medio entre partos fue de 179 días (n=32). La producción media en 14 hembras de Belém fue de 2.3 camadas/hembra/año, y de 4.4 crías/hembra/año (n=32). La producción media en 8 hembras de Iquitos fue ligeramente inferior con 2.1 camadas/hembra/año, y de 3.3 crías/hembra/año (n=8). Este estudio sugiere que el pécari de collar mantenido en condiciones de cautividad presenta una productividad reproductiva interesante para el desarrollo zootécnico de esta especie. / The aim of this study is to provide more knowledge on the reproductive physiology and the establishment of diagnostic methods of reproductive events which occur in the female of collared peccary from the Amazon region.The anatomicohistological observations of genital organs of 24 wild adult collared peccary females showed different histological features of the uterine tubes, uterus and vagina in accordance with the reproductive state of the female. Pregnant females and females in luteal phase showed a more developed hyperplasia of the endometrial simple tubular glands than females in the follicular phase. Females in follicular phase presented a thicker vaginal epithelium than pregnant females and females in luteal phase. A description of the macroscopic and microscopic features of the ovaries is presented. Observations indicate that the female collared peccary has a mean ovulation rate of 2.3 ± 0.6 follicles and the mean ovum mortality was 0.4 ± 0.6 oocytes or embryo per pregnancy. The female presented a follicular wave involving the synchronous growth of a group of follicles from which several seem to attain dominance over the others. The presence of antral follicles in pregnant females suggests that a follicular turnover could be taking place during pregnancy. Immunohistochemistry showed that luteal cells from active corpora lutea presented intensive 3b-HSD activity at advanced stages of pregnancy.The study of a total of 47 oestrous cycles of 14 captive collared peccary females allowed to determine the utility of vaginal cytology and external genitalia features as diagnosic method for predicting the oestrus and the period of sexual receptivity. Based on serum oestradiol-17b measurements, we have observed that vaginal smears have detected the 80.8% of the total oestruses and, appearance of external genitalia detected the 88.4% of the total oestrus. The oestrus was characterised by presence of vaginal mucus, and reddish and tumefacted appearance of external genitalia. Females in oestrus showed increased density of superficial and intermediate cells in vaginal smears. Mating was located on the last third of the oestrous length. This study presents the first work through real-time ultrasonography in captive collared peccary females. The ultrasonographic study of 10 pregnant females allowed to diagnose pregnancy, based on the detection of the embryo, on Day 22 in average (n=10). Nevertheless, the earliest definitive pregnancy diagnosis could be performed on Day 18. Sensitivity of the pregnancy diagnosis on Day 26 was 100%, and specificity on Day 28 was 100%. Consequently, from a practical point of view, we determined that pregnancy diagnosis through ultrasonography could be performed on Day 28 of pregnancy. Foetal measurements of collared peccary were collected in order to estimate gestational age and predict parturition day. The foetal measurements which presented higher correlations with the gestational age were crown-rump-length (CRL), thoracic length and diameter. CRL was assumed to be the most practical measurement because, contrary to thoracic foetometry, it was available since the first embryo detection.The study of progesterone and oestradiol-17b serum profiles in 10 pregnant females of collared peccary, allowed to determine an increase in progesterone levels by Day 4 after conception, reaching levels of 33.4 ± 5.6 ng/ml on Day 10 of pregnancy. Serum levels of progesterone between Days 10 and 130 of pregnancy were maintained at values between 20 and 60 ng/ml. Three or six days before parturition a decrease in progesterone levels (15 ng/ml) was detected. During the two first weeks of pregnancy, serum estradiol-17_ concentrations showed no detectable levels. From Day 15 of pregnancy onwards, the females showed an increase of concentration, reaching levels of 70 pg/ml between Days 20 and 115. From Day 120 onwards, oestradiol-17b levels regularly increased, reaching levels of 131.4 ± 40.8 pg/ml on parturition Day. The examination of vaginal cytology in 4 collared peccary females showed a pattern of change of the cells of vaginal epithelium between Day 25 and 115 of pregnancy. The external genitalia features showed no pattern of change along pregnancy of collared peccary.The study of the post-partum period of 20 collared peccary females allowed confirming the occurrence of an ovulatory and fertile oestrus in the early post-partum period. Sixteen out of the 20 collared peccary females presented a serum oestradiol-17_ peak (53.4 pg/ml) on Day 7 ± 1.5 of post-partum period. Serum progesterone levels increased from Day 10 to 18 post-partum, reaching levels of 30.8 ± 4.9 mg/ml. In these cycling females, a pattern of change on the cells of vaginal epithelium it was observed. Nine (45%) females presented sperm cells through vaginal cytology on Day 8.8 ± 1.3 of the post-partum period, and 6 (30%) became pregnant. Four (20%) females showed no oestrous signs and progesterone and oestradiol-17_ levels presented basal values. Reproductive parameters of two collared peccary farms located in Iquitos (Peru) and Belém (State of Pará, Brazil) were analysed. Parturitions occurred throughout the year. The mean duration of the gestation was 138 days (n=12). The average litter size was 1.9 newborns per parturition (n=53). Collared peccary females had a newborn sex ratio of 48.2% males and 51.8% females. The mean age at first parturition was 615 days. Nevertheless, the earliest first parturition occurred at 381 days old. Mean age at first conception was 453 days (n=19), and the earliest estimated first conception was 239 days. First post-partum estrus was observed at 8.6 days (n=18). The estimated parturition-conception interval was 41 days (n=32). The mean farrowing interval was 179 days (n=32). Mean production was 2.35 litters per female and year. Taking into account the prolificacy and number of births per female and year, the reproductive production was 4.4 newborns per female and year (n=32). Production in Iquitos was 2.1 litters per female and year, and 3.3 newborns per female and year (n=8). This study suggests that collared peccary raised in captivity presents interesting reproductive parameters for the zootechnical development of this species.
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Communication competency/proficiency of the male and female professional : self-assessment versus supervisors' evaluation /Hill, Kathy Louise, January 1990 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Oklahoma, 1990. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 81-101).
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Gör cheferna som de säger? : Kunskapens betydelse för skillnader i uttalad och faktisk interaktion mellan chefer och blue-collar workers respektive knowledge workers.Lindqvist, Madeleine, Stenholm, Björn January 2013 (has links)
Titel: Gör cheferna som de säger? Kunskapens betydelse för skillnader i uttalad och faktisk interaktion mellan chefer och blue-collar workers respektive knowledge workers. Nivå: Examensarbete i Företagsekonomi, Kandidatnivå, 15 hp Författare: Madeleine Lindqvist och Björn Stenholm Handledare: Per-Arne Wikström Datum: Juni 2013 Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka kunskapens betydelse för skillnader i uttalad och faktisk interaktion mellan chefer och blue-collar workers respektive knowledge workers. Metod: Studien har genomförts med en kvalitativ metod. Semi-strukturerade intervjuer med anställda och chefer på olika företag har använts för att samla in det empiriska materialet. Den teoretiska referensramen har samlats in genom relevant kurslitteratur och vetenskapliga artiklar inom ämnet. Resultat & Slutsats: Slutsatsen som dragits utifrån denna studie är att det inte gått att finna något glapp mellan chefers uttalade och faktiska handlingar. Däremot visar den på att svårigheten med kommunikation kvarstår trots kunskap om interaktion Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Då vi anser att vårt tillvägagångssätt inte kunde stödja den klassiska teorin föreslår vi att samma forskningsfråga studeras med en deltagande metod då vi tror att det skulle ge ett annat resultat. Ett annat förslag är att undersöka varför kommunikationen mellan chefer och anställda inte fungerar trots att båda parter är medvetna om problemet. Uppsatsens bidrag: Studien bidrar till en ökad förståelse för de komplexa situationer som chefer med ledaransvar ställs inför och huruvida deras kunskap inom områden som kommunikation och interaktion kan hjälpa dem i sitt arbete. Nyckelord: Espoused theory, theory-in-use, arbetsmotivation, knowledge workers, blue-collar workers
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Health risk behaviours and perceived health among Shenzhen white collar workers /Wu, Dadong, Flora. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M. P. H.)--University of Hong Kong, 2007.
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A study on the association of individual and work-related factors with musculoskeletal disorders among display screen equipment (DSE) usersTsui, Sin-mei. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (M. Med. Sc.)--University of Hong Kong, 2005. / Also available in print.
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Health risk behaviours and perceived health among Shenzhen white collar workersWu, Dadong, Flora. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M. P. H.)--University of Hong Kong, 2007. / Also available in print.
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