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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Exploratory Study of the Variation in Japan's Embezzlement Rates via Institutional Anomie Theory

Aranha, Maira Fabio 01 December 2009 (has links)
Institutional anomie theory (IAT) explains the variation in crime at the societal level by the combination of cultural features, and the institutional balance of power between Economy and non-economic institutions. IAT has had empirical support at the national level as well as within country variation to explain both street and white-collar crimes. This study sought to explore embezzlement trends within IAT framework via the economic, family, political and educational institutions in Japan (1985-2005), a country that emulates some elements of American capitalism yet has strong collective cultural norms that is known for exerting strong informal social control. By converting the original rate data into z-scores the trends were standardized on the same scale, so variations in economic and structural conditions over time on Japanese embezzlement were easier to observe. The implications for IAT were discussed.


Null, Dawn Christina 01 May 2012 (has links)
There is little published literature on the health and nutrition status of inland river towboat crewmen. The purpose of the study was to better understand how life on the towboat affects health status, the crews' perceived benefits and barriers to good health, specifically eating practices and physical activity, and motivation to meet U.S.C.G. physical and BMI guidelines. The study utilized a cross-sectional design to explore relationships among variables utilizing a survey and body composition measurements. One hundred ninety-four crewmen participated. Findings indicate crewmen are at increased risk of chronic disease related to anthropometric measurements, lack of aerobic activity, and unhealthy eating practices. Surprisingly, though, men indicated they like healthy foods and would eat them if served. Therefore, men are not as opposed to menu changes as originally thought. Additionally, the towboat environment must be more supportive of healthy behaviors to promote change. Furthermore, given the towboat culture and tradition, a successful intervention must be based on an ecological approach, addressing individual-level, socio-cultural and environmental-level influences.

Theft by corporate controllers

Smukler, Elana 01 1900 (has links)
The pillaging of companies by those who control them is becoming a common occurence in South Africa. The problem arises where those in control of a company are its sole shareholders and the property they are charged with stealing, though not legally belonging to them, is vested in an entity which itself belongs to them. One defence is that there can be no theft where the company consents to the appropriation of its funds. It is argued that a theft is committed only where all the criminal elements of the crime of theft are satisfied, notwithstanding the consent, or absence thereof, by the company. Case law indicates that a conviction depends on the : solvency or insolvency of the company; degree of control and victim of the appropriation. It is submitted that it is inappropriate to base a conviction on these criteria. All abuses of the corporate structure should be punished. / Mercantile Law / LL. M.

White collar crime perspectives on deregulation under Trump

Deschner, Finn 13 September 2021 (has links)
This thesis employs a qualitative content analysis of media sources to investigate the erosion of controls on elite actors under the Trump administration. Findings demonstrate the emergence of an aggressive new trend of deregulatory politics, involving the wholesale disarming of a wide range of regulatory bodies and regulators, removal of protective policies and safety nets for consumers, minority populations, and the environmental sphere. Concerningly, much of the rhetoric through which such actions are justified opposes rational modes of governance and further polarizes U.S. racial divides while undermining the media, courts and legal structures, and the scientific community as external regulators. This populist bent belies the extent to which neoliberal continuities are maintained and expanded. These aggressive changes foreshadow increasing opportunities for white-collar crime and elite deviance, as elite actors are left to self-regulate and navigate a fast-changing and nebulous regulatory landscape with lacking oversight and accountability. The implications of these findings are significant to the field of white-collar crime, suggesting a widening arena of opportunity for elite deviance and warranting a renewed challenge to crimes of the powerful. / Graduate

Kriminologické aspekty korupce / Criminological aspects of corruption

Skopalíková, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
Criminological aspects of corruption Abstract This master thesis focuses on several selected criminological aspects of corruption, aiming to explore them from the criminological point of view. This master thesis, however, does not necessarily aim to provide practical solutions for control of corruption. The first part is focused on the criminology as a science, since it is the basis of this master thesis. The main topics of this part are the crimonology as a term, its subject and its brief history. Next, the attention is pointed towards definition of the term of corruption, given its disunited approaches to its definition, and compares the numerous takes on the definition from the literature and various institutions. The master thesis also brings forward various types and kinds of corruption, including petty corruption, grand corruption or state capture, as well as distinguishing between the types of corruption based on various factors. Given that the corruption may manifest in multiple forms or degrees of institutionalization, variants and syndromes of corruption according to Johnston are not omitted. Corruption is an important social phenomenon causing far-reaching consequences that may, however, not necessarily be easily seen, or they may even be overlooked. In order to understand this pathological...

Biología reproductiva y conservación del Vencejo de Collar (Streptoprocne zonaris) en el centro sur de Cuba

Montes Espín, Rosalina 25 June 2019 (has links)
El Vencejo de Collar (Streptoprocne zonaris) es una especie con una amplia distribución en el continente americano, desde México, América Central y las Antillas hasta Sur América. En Cuba tiene una distribución restringida, localizándose al sur del Macizo Guamuhaya, sur de la Sierra Maestra y Sierra Cristal. La información sobre su biología y ecología es en general escasa, y especialmente en Cuba, donde hasta el presente solamente existen algunos reportes sobre su actividad. La obtención de información sobre el comportamiento y la biología reproductiva es parte importante de la ecología de las poblaciones de aves y a menudo esencial en la identificación de medidas de conservación eficaces para las especies declinantes y amenazadas. Frecuentemente, los datos de estudios de aves se utilizan para evaluar la situación de un territorio que debe recibir protección legal de los gobiernos y sus agencias. Las aves pueden constituir barómetros excelentes de la calidad ambiental de estos territorios. Varias especies de aves utilizan cuevas y abrigos rocosos como sitios de nidificación, entre las que se encuentra el vencejo de collar. En relación con la utilización de las cuevas por las aves como sitio de refugio y nidificación se ha planteado que pudiera ser una estrategia ante la presencia de depredadores o una adaptación ecológica al ambiente cársico. En el caso de los vencejos, la nidificación asociada a ríos y cascadas pudiera relacionarse con la termorregulación de los pichones altriciales, al hacer más constantes las temperaturas y elevar los valores mínimos durante la noche. En ese contexto de escasez de información sobre la especie en Cuba y el hecho de que entre sus lugares de refugio se encuentran algunas áreas de particular interés ambiental, sobre las que debería existir un adecuado manejo, se ha llevado a cabo este estudio sobre la ecología y la conservación de la especie en Cuba. Los resultados muestan que el período reproductivo del vencejo de collar (S. zonaris) en Topes de Collantes comienza a finales de abril hasta mediados de julio, con una duración de 77 días aproximadamente. Los materiales para la construcción de los nidos son colectados dentro de los sitios de nidificación, participando ambos progenitores en el acarreo y acondicionamiento de materiales. La combinación de ubicación y colocación más utilizada fue saliente de la pared y la altura más frecuente estuvo entre 3 y 4 m, lo que pudiera estar determinado por los procesos de formación de los sitios de nidificación. La construcción de nidos estuvo concentrada en los recintos con techo, lo que pudiera relacionarse con una mayor estabilidad microclimática que favorecería el desarrollo del proceso de reproducción, así como la protección ante posibles depredadores. El tamaño medio de puesta es de dos huevos y en determinadas circunstancias puede ser de tres huevos. El volumen de los huevos de la especie objeto de estudio estuvo relacionado con la reutilización de los puestos y con el éxito de la incubación. La reutilización de los nidos por S. zonaris está relacionada con la altura de los mismos. Los nidos usados por primera vez son construidos a mayor altura que los usados más de una vez. Esto pudiera deberse a que las parejas jóvenes o las parejas que han perdido sus puestos habituales ocupan los puestos que quedan disponibles a mayor altura. La mayoría de los puestos reutilizados se encontraron en los recintos techados, indicando hacia una estrategia para evitar a posibles depredadores. La construcción del nido comienza generalmente en la última semana de abril, coincidiendo con el inicio de la temporada de lluvia, probablemente para garantizar la disponibilidad de materiales para construir el nido y para sincronizar la ceba de pichones con las lluvias más intensas de la temporada y la mayor disponibilidad de recursos tróficos. El espectro comportamental de S. zonaris, observado durante la temporada reproductiva es amplio y complejo. Las diferentes conductas desplegadas por esta especie, durante dicho período, están influenciadas por el contenido de los nidos y las fases de la reproducción. Ello establece una relación entre el valor del nido para los individuos reproductores y la respuesta dada por estos ante la presencia de los investigadores en los sitios de nidificación. La presencia de excursionistas en los sitios de nidificación no influye directamente en el éxito reproductivo de S. zonaris, pero las evidencias de su incidencia indirecta hace necesario que se tomen medidas de manejo de estos sitios a fin de minimizar dichos impactos indirectos. Los estudios sobre la biología reproductiva de S. zonaris tributan a llenar importantes vacíos de conocimiento y aportan herramientas metodológicas que pueden ser utilizadas en la localización y manejo de los sitios de refugio y nidificación de esta especie. Igualmente pueden servir para futuras evaluaciones sobre el status de esta ave en el contexto cubano.

Tobacco use among blue collar workers in Nigeria: A survey of Construction Artisans in Ekiti state

Olomofe, Charles, Mamudu, Hadii, Quinn, Megan, Durowade, Kabir, Beynon, Caryl, Olomofe, Oluwafunmike, Wahlquist, Amy, Nwabueze, Christian 06 April 2022 (has links)
The prevalence of tobacco use among blue-collar workers such as construction artisans is disproportionately higher than in the general population, yet very limited studies have been conducted about such workers in Nigeria, the most populous country in sub-Sahara African (SSA). Therefore, this study aims to assess the prevalence and the associated risk factors of tobacco use among construction artisans in Ekiti State, Nigeria. This cross-sectional study employed a multi-stage stratified sampling technique to select participants (carpenters and bricklayers) artisans, journeymen, and their apprentices who were working in Ekiti State. Chi-square and logistic regression were conducted to delineate factors that are associated with tobacco use in this population. The results show that the prevalence of ever-smoke amongst respondents was 19.3%, and multivariate analysis showed that artisans who were within the age range 31-40 years were four times more likely to use tobacco (aOR=3.410; CI=1.476-7.878), compared with those that are less than 20 years. Additionally, being in school (aOR 2.007; CI= 1.026-3.927) and divorced/separated (aOR4.240; CI=1.307-13.759) were associated with tobacco use, compared with the respective populations. The increased prevalence of tobacco use among construction artisans is noteworthy, and few self-reported cases of addiction amongst users demand action from communities and government at all levels. There is need to improved access of artisans to accurate information and tailored messages on dangers of tobacco use. Moreover, smoking and worksite regulations and policies would be needed to curtail the smoking tendencies of these workers

Att dela eller inte dela? : En kvantitativ studie om sambandet mellan stress och kunskapsdelning på arbetsplatsen / To share or not to share? : A quantitative study on the relationship between stress and knowledge sharing in the workplace

Sieburg, Anastasia, Skoglund-Landström, Ella January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Arbetsrelaterad stress kan relateras till arbetstagarnas hälsa och bidrar till hög personalomsättning och ökade kostnader. Samtidigt är kunskapsdelning en betydande resurs för organisationers förmåga att ta vara på kunskap, främja medarbetarnas välmående samt behålla sin personal. Det saknas konsensus i tidigare forskning på hur stress och kunskapsdelning samverkar samt hur tjänstemän respektive arbetare modererar detta samband. Denna studie syftar därav till att undersöka sambandet mellan stress och kunskapsdelning på arbetsplatsen samt om sambandet modereras av kategorierna white och blue collar.  Metod: Studiens data insamlades via en digital enkät bestående av 14 items som mäter stress (PSS-14) samt 11 items som mäter kunskapsdelning baserat på instrument utvecklat av Xiao m.fl. (2017), Wang m.fl. (2017) och Wang och Kwek (2018). Totalt var det 138 respondenter som hade svarat på samtliga frågor (inklusive kontrollvariabler). Multipel regressionsanalys med 5000 bootstraps iterationer användes för att studera korrelationen mellan arbetsrelaterad stress och kunskapsdelning. Det utfördes en analys av eventuell modererande effekt av arbetskategori på sambandet mellan stress och kunskapsdelning med hjälp av PROCESS-procedur för SPSS version 4.2 beta.  Resultat: Studiens resultat visar ett signifikant negativt samband mellan arbetsrelaterad stress och kunskapsdelning i arbetslivet på Beta = -.30 även efter kontroll för bakgrundsvariablerna sysselsättningsgrad, allmän hälsa och sömn. Ingen modererande effekt av arbetskategorierna white/blue collar kunde påvisas.  Slutsats: Resultatet ger insikt i sambandet mellan arbetsrelaterad stress och kunskapsdelning. Resultaten indikerar att en minskning av arbetsrelaterad stress kan främja kunskapsdelning och öka organisationernas förmåga att behålla anställda. Därmed kan kostnader för personalomsättning, rekrytering och frånvaro även minskas. / Background: Work-related stress can be linked to employees' health and contributes to high staff turnover and increased costs. At the same time, knowledge sharing is a significant resource for organizations' ability to leverage knowledge, promote employee well-being, and retain their employees. There is no consensus in previous research on how stress and knowledge sharing interact, as well as how white collar and blue-collar workers moderate this relationship. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the relationship between stress and knowledge sharing in the workplace, and whether the relationship is moderated by the categories of white and blue-collar workers. Method: The study's data was collected via a digital survey consisting of 14 items measuring stress (PSS-14) and 11 items measuring knowledge sharing based on instruments developed by Xiao et.al. (2017), Wang et.al. (2017) and Wang and Kwek (2018). In total, there were 138 respondents who had answered all questions (including control variables). Multiple regression analysis with 5000 bootstrap iterations was used to study the correlation between work-related stress and knowledge sharing. An analysis of the potential moderating effect of occupational category on the relationship between stress and knowledge sharing was also conducted using the PROCESS procedure for SPSS version 4.2 beta. Results: The study's results show a significant negative correlation between stress and knowledge sharing in the workplace at Beta= -.30 even after controlling for the background variables employment rate, general health, and sleep. No moderating effect of the white/blue collar work categories could be found. Conclusion: The results provide insight into the relationship between work-related stress and knowledge sharing. The results indicate that reducing work-related stress can promote knowledge sharing and increase the organization's ability to retain employees. Thus, costs for staff turnover, recruitment, and absenteeism can also be reduced.

Disco, Tattoos and Tutus: Blue Collar Performances on Wheels

Tolley, Rebecca 01 January 2012 (has links)
Book Summary: From television, film, and music to sports, comics, and everyday life, this book provides a comprehensive view of working-class culture in America.

Diffusion of Innovation and Fraud in the Subprime Mortgage Market

Koller, Cynthia 29 November 2010 (has links)
No description available.

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