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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

China blue collar workers : work stress, coping and mental health /

Lee Ching-man, Dorothy. January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (M. Soc. Sc.)--University of Hong Kong, 2003.

China blue collar workers work stress, coping and mental health /

Lee Ching-man, Dorothy. January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (M. Soc. Sc.)--University of Hong Kong, 2003. / Also available in print.

Lodi a novel /

Kapcala, Jason D. January 2010 (has links)
Thesis (M.F.A.)--West Virginia University, 2010. / Title from document title page. Document formatted into pages; contains v, 253 p. Includes abstract. Includes bibliographical references (p. 25).

China blue collar workers: work stress, coping and mental health

Lee Ching-man, Dorothy., 李靜敏. January 2003 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Mental Health / Master / Master of Social Sciences

Attitudes and perceptions of workers to sexual harassment.

Hardman, Lisa, mikewood@deakin.edu.au January 2000 (has links)
This thesis highlights the importance of workers’ perceptions of and attitudes to sexual harassment. Past researchers have found that a variety of individual factors (age, gender, gender role, and past experiences of sexual harassment), and organisational factors (gender ratio, sexual harassment policies and the role of employers), correlate with the incidence of sexually harassing behaviours. Two studies presented in this thesis extend this research and were designed to investigate how these factors relate to workers’ attitudes towards and perceptions of sexual harassment. Study one investigated 176 workers from a large, white-collar organisation. Study two sampled 75 workers from a smaller, blue-collar organisation. By comparing two different workplaces the effect of the organisational climate was investigated. Individuals from Study two experienced more sexual harassment, were more tolerant of sexual harassment and perceived less behaviour as sexual harassment compared with individuals from Study one. The organisational context was found to affect the way in which organisational and individual factors related to workers' attitudes to and their experiences of sexual harassment. However, the factors that influenced workers’ perceptions of sexual harassment were stable across both studies. Although workers’ attitudes to and their perceptions of sexual harassment were significantly correlated, they were influenced by different factors. Overall, workers’ perceptions of sexual harassment were influenced by their attitudes, the behavioural context, and the gender of the victim and perpetrator. In contrast, attitudes to sexual harassment appeared to be more strongly influenced by individual factors, such as age, gender, gender role, past experiences of sexual harassment, and perceptions of management’s tolerance of sexual harassment. The broader implications of these findings are discussed and recommendations for future research are suggested.

Gör cheferna som de säger? : Kunskapens betydelse för skillnader i uttalad och faktisk interaktion mellan chefer och blue-collar workers respektive knowledge workers.

Lindqvist, Madeleine, Stenholm, Björn January 2013 (has links)
Titel: Gör cheferna som de säger? Kunskapens betydelse för skillnader i uttalad och faktisk interaktion mellan chefer och blue-collar workers respektive knowledge workers. Nivå: Examensarbete i Företagsekonomi, Kandidatnivå, 15 hp Författare: Madeleine Lindqvist och Björn Stenholm Handledare: Per-Arne Wikström Datum: Juni 2013 Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka kunskapens betydelse för skillnader i uttalad och faktisk interaktion mellan chefer och blue-collar workers respektive knowledge workers.   Metod: Studien har genomförts med en kvalitativ metod. Semi-strukturerade intervjuer med anställda och chefer på olika företag har använts för att samla in det empiriska materialet. Den teoretiska referensramen har samlats in genom relevant kurslitteratur och vetenskapliga artiklar inom ämnet.   Resultat & Slutsats: Slutsatsen som dragits utifrån denna studie är att det inte gått att finna något glapp mellan chefers uttalade och faktiska handlingar. Däremot visar den på att svårigheten med kommunikation kvarstår trots kunskap om interaktion   Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Då vi anser att vårt tillvägagångssätt inte kunde stödja den klassiska teorin föreslår vi att samma forskningsfråga studeras med en deltagande metod då vi tror att det skulle ge ett annat resultat.   Ett annat förslag är att undersöka varför kommunikationen mellan chefer och anställda inte fungerar trots att båda parter är medvetna om problemet.   Uppsatsens bidrag: Studien bidrar till en ökad förståelse för de komplexa situationer som chefer med ledaransvar ställs inför och huruvida deras kunskap inom områden som kommunikation och interaktion kan hjälpa dem i sitt arbete.   Nyckelord: Espoused theory, theory-in-use, arbetsmotivation, knowledge workers, blue-collar workers

Tobacco use among blue collar workers in Nigeria: A survey of Construction Artisans in Ekiti state

Olomofe, Charles, Mamudu, Hadii, Quinn, Megan, Durowade, Kabir, Beynon, Caryl, Olomofe, Oluwafunmike, Wahlquist, Amy, Nwabueze, Christian 06 April 2022 (has links)
The prevalence of tobacco use among blue-collar workers such as construction artisans is disproportionately higher than in the general population, yet very limited studies have been conducted about such workers in Nigeria, the most populous country in sub-Sahara African (SSA). Therefore, this study aims to assess the prevalence and the associated risk factors of tobacco use among construction artisans in Ekiti State, Nigeria. This cross-sectional study employed a multi-stage stratified sampling technique to select participants (carpenters and bricklayers) artisans, journeymen, and their apprentices who were working in Ekiti State. Chi-square and logistic regression were conducted to delineate factors that are associated with tobacco use in this population. The results show that the prevalence of ever-smoke amongst respondents was 19.3%, and multivariate analysis showed that artisans who were within the age range 31-40 years were four times more likely to use tobacco (aOR=3.410; CI=1.476-7.878), compared with those that are less than 20 years. Additionally, being in school (aOR 2.007; CI= 1.026-3.927) and divorced/separated (aOR4.240; CI=1.307-13.759) were associated with tobacco use, compared with the respective populations. The increased prevalence of tobacco use among construction artisans is noteworthy, and few self-reported cases of addiction amongst users demand action from communities and government at all levels. There is need to improved access of artisans to accurate information and tailored messages on dangers of tobacco use. Moreover, smoking and worksite regulations and policies would be needed to curtail the smoking tendencies of these workers

Five empirical studies on income distribution in Sweden

Palme, Mårten January 1993 (has links)
Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögskolan, 1993

Kompetensdiamanten : En kvalitativ studie om kompetensers olika betydelse vid rekrytering / The diamond of competences : A qualitative study of competences and their importance in the recruitment process

Pettersson, Martin, Priba, Michael January 2012 (has links)
Följande undersökning behandlar ämnet rekrytering med inriktning på kompetensens betydelse vid tillsättning av en tjänst. Vidare redogörs för hur rekryteringsföretag i en mellanstor svensk stad väljer ut individer ur en grupp av arbetssökande och på vilka premisser urvalen sker. Det vill säga om en arbetssökande väljs ut att bli tillsatt för en tjänst på grund av vederbörandes arbetserfarenhet, kunskap och utbildning, eller om det är tack vare dennes personliga egenskaper. Studien ämnar undersöka i vilken utsträckning ansvariga rekryterare värderar arbetssökandes formella kompetenser i förhållande till dess informella kompetenser. Undersökningen kommer också studera den estetiska kompetensens betydelse vid rekrytering. Med andra ord betydelsen av att som sökande klä sig rätt, komma hel och ren till arbetsintervjun. För studien använder vi oss av en kvalitativ metod i form av intervjuer. Dessa intervjuer är baserade på frågor från en upprättad intervjuguide som går att ta del av i slutet av uppsatsen som en bilaga. Dessa frågor resulterar i information från respondenterna som möjliggör för oss att besvara våra frågeställningar som presenteras i inledningen av denna undersökning. I undersökningen framkommer det att rekryterarna framhäver vikten av formell och informell kompetens beroende på vilken typ av tjänst som skall tillsättas. För rekryteringar på kollektivsidan tar man mer hänsyn till vad den sökande besitter för faktiskta kompetenser. Det vill säga vilka direkta kunskaper individen har som går att omsätta i arbetet, till exempel om den sökande kan köra truck och har körkort för detta. Om individen i fråga har akademisk bakgrund eller ej är mindre intressant för dessa jobb och rekryteringsprocesserna sker i regel snabbare än på tjänstemannasidan. Rekryteringar på tjänstemannasidan är istället mer omfattande, komplicerade och tidskrävande. Här läggs tonvikten på den sökandes akademiska bakgrund och arbetserfarenhet. På den formella kompetensen ställs i regel höga krav vid tillsättning av tjänstemän. Studien har visat att det första intrycket av den arbetssökande har betydelse för den ansvarige rekryteraren när de möts för en intervju. En sökande som kommer ordentligt klädd och har förmågan att presentera och framföra sig själv på ett tilltalande sätt har större chanser till en anställning än den individ som inte anstränger nämnvärt. / The following study deals with the subject recruitment, focusing on the competence relevant for appointment to a post. Furthermore it describes how the recruitment companies of a medium-sized Swedish city will select individuals from a group of candidates and on which premises the samples occurs. That is, if a job applicant is selected to be hired because of his work experience, knowledge and education, or if it is thanks to his personal qualities. The study intends to examine the extent to which responsible recruiters value the job seekers formal competences in relation to its informal competences. This study will examine the aesthetic competences importance in the recruitment process. In other words, the importance of the candidates to dress properly, be clean and tidy to the interview. For the study, we use a qualitative approach through interviews. These interviews are based on questions from a prepared interview guide that you can take part of at the end of the essay as an appendix. These questions will result in information from the respondents that will enable us to answer our question as mentioned in the introduction to this study. In the survey, it appears that recruiters emphasize the importance of formal and informal skills depending on the type of post to be appointed. When it comes to recruitment of blue-collar workers the recruiters takes more consideration of which actual skills the candidate possess. That is, which direct knowledge the individual have that he’s able to use at work, for example, if the applicant can drive a forklift and has a license to drive it. If the individual in question has an academic background or not is less interesting for these kinds of jobs and the recruitment processes are generally faster than the white-collar worker side. Recruitment at the white-collar side, is more extensive, complicated and time consuming. Here the emphasis is placed on the candidate's academic background and their work experience. When it comes to the formal qualifications there are usually high requirements for the employment of white-collar workers. The study has shown that the first impression of the job applicant is important for the responsible recruiter when they meet for an interview. An applicant that arrives properly dressed and have the ability to present and express himself in an appealing way have a greater chance of employment than the individual who doesn’t make an effort.

Manager characteristics and support for worksite health promotion programs that target women in small, blue-collar worksites

Belton, Leigh Wiley. January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--West Virginia University, 2001. / Title from document title page. Document formatted into pages; contains v, 68 p. Includes abstract. Includes bibliographical references (p. 49-68).

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