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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude du déplacement collisionnel de la fréquence d'horloge du césium en présence du gaz tampon hélium ou xénon. Applications pour microcellules à haute température. / Study on collisional shift of cesium clock frequency in presence of helium or xenon buffer gas. Applications to high temperature microcells

Kroemer, Eric 08 July 2015 (has links)
Ce mémoire présente l'étude du déplacement collisionnel de la fréquence d'horloge du césium en présence du gaz tampon hélium ou xénon. L'introduction d'un gaz tampon dans les cellules à vapeur alcaline est nécessaire pour diminuer la largeur de raie de la résonance CPT par effet Dicke. Cependant, la présence de gaz tampon induit un déplacement quadratique de la fréquence d'horloge en fonction de la température de la cellule. Il est possible d'annuler la dépendance thermique du déplacement collisionnel en se plaçant à une température, dite d'inversion, déterminée par le ratio de gaz tampons introduits dans la cellule. Cette température est un point de fonctionnement de choix pour l'opération d'horloges atomiques miniatures et nécessite d'être de l'ordre de 90 voire 100 °C pour les applications à contraintes environnementales sévères. Nous avons mesuré les valeurs des coefficients de déplacement collisionnel de la fréquence d’horloge du césium en présence d’hélium et déterminé pour la première fois la valeur du coefficient quadratique en température. Concernant le xénon, les mesures des valeurs des coefficients de déplacement collisionnel sont incertaines en raison du caractère cubique non-attendu du déplacement collisionnel de la fréquence d’horloge du césium en présence de xénon. Ce comportement serait attribué à des interactions avec les molécules transitoires de van der Waals. Nous avons également établi qu'un mélange de gaz tampon néon-hélium permet d'obtenir des températures d'inversion supérieures à 80 °C. Des mesures dans des micro-cellules ont révélé des températures de l'ordre de 89 à 94 °C pour des mélanges à quelques pourcents d'hélium. / This thesis presents a study on collisional shift of cesium clock frequency in the presence of helium or xenon buffer gas. Introduction of buffer gas in alkaline vapour cells is necessary to narrow the CPT line-width by Dicke effect. Nevertheless, buffer gas induces a quadratic shift of the clock frequency versus temperature cell. Cancellation of collisional shift temperature dependence is possible at a so-called inversion temperature depending on the buffer gas ratio. This inversion temperature is great working point for micro atomic clocks. This temperature is required to be 90 or even 100 °C, especially to work in harsh environmental constraints. We measured collisional shift coefficients of cesium clock frequency in presence of helium buffer gas and we determined for the first time the value of the quadratic coefficient. About xenon buffer gas, the measurement of collisional shift coefficients is more difficult because of non-expected cubic behavior of collisional clock frequency shift which could be linked to the interaction with van der Waals molecules. We established that a neon-helium buffer gas mixture could allow an inversion temperature superior to more than 80 °C. Inversion temperatures from 89 to 94 °C are measured in cesium vapor microcells filled with a mixture containing a few percent of helium.

Etude des processus bi-électroniques induits par impact d'ions sur des cibles atomiques / Study of the bi-electronic processes induced by impact of ions on atomic targets

Ibaaz, Aicha 28 September 2017 (has links)
La compréhension des processus électroniques engendrés au cours des collisions atomiques ou moléculaires est essentielle au niveau fondamental mais aussi en raison des besoins d’informations quantitatives sur ces processus de plusieurs domaines d’application, notamment la physique médicale et la physique des plasmas. Notre objectif est de fournir une meilleure description de ces processus. Dans le cadre de la thèse, nous avons modélisé les processus électroniques ayant lieu au cours des collisions entre des ions nus et l’atome d’hélium, Aq+-He (2≤q≤10). Cette étude est effectuée dans la gamme des énergies intermédiaires (0.25-625 keV/u) en adoptant le modèle semi-classique non perturbatif de close coupling. Un intérêt particulier est porté sur l’étude des processus de simple et de double capture vu leur grande importance dans cette gamme des vitesses. Plus précisément, nous avons analysé la double capture en détail, en séparant celle peuplant les états liés à celle qui concerne les états auto-ionisants. Cette dernière est particulièrement complexe à modéliser car elle nécessite une bonne description des états doublement excités (au-delà des deux premiers seuils d’ionisation dans notre cas), difficile à implémenter dans une approche dépendante du temps non perturbative comme la nôtre. En analysant les sections efficaces de ces deux processus pour l’ensemble des systèmes étudiés, et en les comparant systématiquement aux données expérimentales et théoriques existantes, nous avons pu extraire un comportement général reliant les processus électroniques les plus favorables à la charge et à la vitesse du projectile considérée. / The understanding of the electronic processes occurring during atomic and molecular collisions concerns the fundamental level but also the needs for quantitative information on these processes, requested by several fields of application, in particular medical physics and plasma physics. Our goal is to provide a better description of these processes. In the framework of the thesis, we have modelled the electronic processes taking place during the collisions between bare ions and the helium atom, Aq +-He (2≤q≤10). This study is carried out in the range of intermediate energies (0.25-625 keV/u), adopting the semi-classical non-perturbative close coupling approach. A particular interest is paid to the single and double capture processes because of their great importance in this energy range. More precisely, we have analysed the double capture processes, splitting the contributions of double capture to bound states and to auto-ionizing states. This latter is particularly complex to describe since it requires a good description of doubly-excited states (beyond the two first thresholds in our study), difficult to implement in time-dependent coupled-channel approaches as ours. By analysing the cross sections of these two processes for all the systems studied and comparing them to available experimental and theoretical data, we were able to extract a general behaviour linking the most favourable electronic processes to the projectile charge and velocity.

Chronological, magmatological and geochemical study of post-collisional basaltic volcanism in Central Anatolia and its spatio-temporal evolution / Le volcanisme basaltique post-collisionnel d’Anatolie Centrale. Etude chronologique, magmatologique et géochimique. Evolution spatio-temporelle

Külahci Doğan, Gullu Deniz 01 September 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à la caractérisation pétrologique et géochimique des basaltes quaternaires post-collisionnels d’Anatolie centrale (strato-volcans Erciyes et Hasandağ et volcanisme dispersé d'Obruk-Zengen et de Karapınar), en se focalisant sur l’évolution spatio-temporelle de ce magmatisme de la Cappadoce (Turquie). Par la géochronologie K-Ar, la coexistence de basaltes alcalins et calco-alcalins a été démontrée, parfois dans un même lieu et à la même époque. Par ailleurs, nos résultats montrent aussi que ces basaltes peuvent être très jeunes (quelques milliers d’années seulement). La minéralogie des basaltes quaternaires de la Cappadoce est la suivante : plagioclase, olivine, clinopyroxène, orthopyroxène et oxydes (magnétite, ilménite). Pourtant, seuls les basaltes de l’Erciyes contiennent de l’orthopyroxène, alors que ceux du Hasandağ et du volcanisme dispersé d’Obruk-Zengen et de Karapınar en sont dépourvus. Les phénocristaux de plagioclases présentent souvent des figures de déséquilibre, attribuées au processus de mélange magmatique : zonages complexes (normaux, inverses, oscillatoires), richesse en inclusions vitreuses, figures de résorption. Toutefois, la minéralogie observée est compatible avec un processus de cristallisation fractionnée dominant. Les géobaromètres utilisés montrent que l’origine des magmas de l’Erciyes est plus superficielle que celle des autres sites. Les résultats en géochimie confirment la dualité minéralogique observée entre l’Erciyes et les autres secteurs, ainsi que les caractères alcalins (néphéline normative) et calco-alcalins de basaltes parfois contemporains. Tous les basaltes étudiés sont enrichis en LREE et LILE. Les données isotopiques (Sr, Nd, Pb, O) montrent l’importance de la source lithosphérique enrichie. L’ensemble des données géochimiques montre aussi la signature d’autres sources et processus comme la contamination par la croûte continentale et l’héritage d’une ancienne subduction. / This thesis revealed the petrological and geochemical characterization of post-collisional Quaternary basalts of Central Anatolia (Erciyes and Hasandağ stratovolcanoes, and dispersed volcanisms of Obruk-Zengen and Karapınar), focusing on the spatiotemporal evolution of the magmatism in Cappadocia (Turkey). K-Ar geochronology indicated the coexistence of alkaline and calc-alkaline basalts from the same location and age. Moreover, the results also show that these basalts may be very young (a few thousand years). The mineralogy of Quaternary basalts from the Cappadocia is as follows: plagioclase, olivine, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene and oxides (magnetite, ilmenite). Orthopyroxene is observed only in basalts of Erciyes, while it is lacking in Hasandağ and dispersed volcanisms of Obruk-Zengen and Karapınar. The plagioclase phenocrysts often exhibit disequilibrium features attributed to magma mixing process: complex zoning (normal, inverse, oscillatory), concentric zones rich in melt inclusions, resorption features. However, the observed mineralogy is consistent with a dominant fractional crystallization process. The estimated geobarometer show that the origin of magmas of Erciyes is shallower than the other settings. The results in geochemistry confirm not only the mineralogical duality between Erciyes and the other settings but also the coexistence of alkaline (normative nepheline) and calc-alkaline characters of contemporary basalts. All studied basalts are enriched in LREE (Light Rare Earth Elements) and LILE (Large Ion Lithophile Elements). The isotopic data (Sr, Nd, Pb, O) indicate the importance of enriched lithospheric source. All geochemical data also display the signature of other sources and processes such as contamination by the continental crust and heritage of a former subduction.

Transport neutraler angeregter Spezies im Afterglow

Beier, Matthias 12 December 1997 (has links)
Das Afterglow tritt am Übergang vom Plasma zur Gasphase auf. Die dominierende aktive Spezies im Afterglow sind metastabil angeregte Neutralteilchen. Der Abbau der Metastabilen erfolgt in drei verschiedenen Prozessen: dem radiativen Zerfall, den Quenching-Stößen sowie der Relaxation in Stößen mit Oberflächen. Potentielle Anwendungsmöglichkeiten des Afterglows für Schichtabscheidung und Oberflächenmodifizierung werden diskutiert. Zur theoretischen Beschreibung des strömenden Afterglows wurde ein Collisional Radiative Modell entwickelt, welches die Reflexion angeregter Spezies an Oberflächen berücksichtigt. Als Diagnostikmethoden wurden die optische Emissionsspektroskopie (OES), die Chemolumineszenz sowie die Langmuir-Sondenmessungen eingesetzt, um die Konzentration metastabil angeregter Spezies zu bestimmen. Es wurde der Einfluß von konstruktiven und äußeren Paramentern auf die Konzentration metastabil angeregter Spezies im Afterglow untersucht. Es zeigt sich, daß unter den gegebenen Bedingungen die Quenching-Stöße der dominierende Verlustprozeß im Afterglow sind. Die Parameter Druck, Strömungsgeschwindigkeit und Länge des Afterglows können zu einem Skalierungsparameter zusammengefaßt werden, der zur online-Prozeßregulierung verwendet werden kann. Es werden

Comparing Theory and Experiment for Analyte Transport in the First Vacuum Stage of the Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer

Zachreson, Matthew R 01 July 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) has been used in laboratories for many years. The majority of the improvements to the instrument have been done empirically through trial and error. A few fluid models have been made, which have given a general description of the flow through the mass spectrometer interface. However, due to long mean free path effects and other factors, it is very difficult to simulate the flow details well enough to predict how changing the interface design will change the formation of the ion beam. Towards this end, Spencer et al. developed FENIX, a direct simulation Monte Carlo algorithm capable of modeling this transitional flow through the mass spectrometer interface, the transitional flow from disorganized plasma to focused ion beam. Their previous work describes how FENIX simulates the neutral ion flow. While understanding the argon flow is essential to understanding the ICP-MS, the true goal is to improve its analyte detection capabilities. In this work, we develop a model for adding analyte to FENIX and compare it to previously collected experimental data. We also calculate how much ambipolar fields, plasma sheaths, and electron-ion recombination affect the ion beam formation. We find that behind the sampling interface there is no evidence of turbulent mixing. The behavior of the analyte seems to be described simply by convection and diffusion. Also, ambipolar field effects are small and do not significantly affect ion beam formation between the sampler and skimmer cones. We also find that the plasma sheath that forms around the sampling cone does not significantly affect the analyte flow downstream from the skimmer. However, it does thermally insulate the electrons from the sampling cone, which reduces ion-electron recombination. We also develop a model for electron-ion recombination. By comparing it to experimental data, we find that significant amounts of electron-ion recombination occurs just downstream from the sampling interface.

Two-Photon Polarization Spectroscopy of Atomic Cesium Using Circularly Polarized Light

Fisher, Dave S. 17 December 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Angular momentum polarisation effects in inelastic scattering

Chadwick, Helen J. January 2012 (has links)
In this thesis, a joint experimental and theoretical investigation of the vector properties that describe the inelastic scattering of a diatomic radical with an atomic collision partner is presented. A particular emphasis is placed on those correlations that include the final rotational angular momentum, j', of the radical. The depolarisation of both NO(A) and OH(A) brought about through collisions with krypton has been studied, providing a measure of the j-j' correlation, where j is the initial rotational angular momentum associated with the diatom. The total depolarisation cross- sections for both collisional disorientation and disalignment have been measured using quantum beat spectroscopy, and modelled theoretically using quasi-classical trajectory (QCT) calculations. The agreement between experiment and theory for NO(A)-Kr is excellent, but is not observed for OH(A)-Kr under thermal conditions. This has been attributed to the importance of electronic quenching in OH(A)-Kr. The depolarisation cross-sections have also been determined at a higher collision energy for OH(A)-Kr where electronic quenching is less significant, and the experimental results are in better agreement with those obtained theoretically. The NO(A)-Kr depolarisation cross-sections fall with increasing rotational quantum number, N, whereas for OH(A)-Kr, they exhibit less of an N dependence. This trend is mirrored in the elastic depolarisation cross-sections, which have also been determined experimentally for OH(A)-Kr. The significantly attractive and anisotropic nature of the OH(A)-Kr potential energy surface (PES) accounts for these observations. The j-j' correlation is extended to include the initial (relative) velocity (k) in a new theoretical treatment of the k-j-j' correlation. The formalism developed is used with the results from the QCT calculations for NO(A)-Kr and OH(A)-Kr to provide further insight into the mechanism of depolarisation in the two systems. Collisions of NO(A) with krypton do not cause significant depolarisation due to their impulsive nature, and the projection of j onto the kinematic apse is conserved. In contrast, collisions of OH(A) with krypton effectively randomise the direction of j, again showing the influence of the anisotropic and attractive nature of the PES. However, the projection of j onto the kinematic apse is still conserved. The inelastic scattering of NO(X) with argon and krypton has also been investigated, using a crossed molecular beam apparatus. The initial Λ-doublet state of the NO(X) was selected using hexapole focussing, and the products of the collision detected using velocity mapped ion imaging. The state to state differential cross-sections (equivalent to the k-k' correlation, where k' is the final relative velocity) have been measured for collisions which conserve the initial spin-orbit level of the NO(X) with krypton. The same parity dependent effects were seen as have been observed previously for NO(X)-Ar. The collision induced alignment (equivalent to the k-k'-j' correlation) of NO(X) as a result of scattering with argon has also been determined experimentally. The results can be explained classically by considering the conservation of the projection of j onto the kinematic apse.

Evolution of the continental crust and significance of the zircon record, a case study from the French Massif Central / L’évolution de la croute continentale vue par le zircon, résultats et limites de l’approche à partir de l’exemple du Massif Central français

Couzinié, Simon 03 November 2017 (has links)
La formation de la croute continentale est une des conséquences majeures de la différenciation de la Terre. Les avancées récentes dans la compréhension de ce phénomène résultent de l’amélioration des techniques analytiques permettant la mesure in situ des compositions isotopiques en U-Pb-Hf-O de grains de zircon, minéral abondant dans les roches crustales. Cette étude reconstitue l’histoire du segment de croute affleurant dans l’est du Massif Central français (MCF), portion de la chaine Varisque d’Europe de l’Ouest, dans le but d’évaluer les limites d’utilisation des zircons pour retracer l’évolution crustale. L’origine et la signification géodynamique des principales unités lithologiques du MCF ont été étudiées en combinant les approches classiques de la pétrologie avec des données isotopiques U-Pb-Hf-O acquises sur zircon. Deux incohérences majeures existent entre nos résultats et les conclusions tirées de l’étude des zircons considérés hors de leur contexte pétrologique, approche généralement suivie pour analyser l’évolution crustale. Les âges modèles calculés à partir des données Hf suggèrent une importante croissance crustale au Mésoproterozoique dans le MCF, en contradiction avec le fait que 60% de la croute locale soit d’âge Néoproterozoïque. De plus, 5 à 10% de la croute du MCF a été formée durant l’orogènese Varisque sans que cela ne soit enregistré par le zircon. Dans les deux cas, ces incohérences résultent du caractère hybride des signatures isotopiques portées par les zircons. Celles-ci ne peuvent être correctement détectées et interprétées qu’en disposant de données pétrologiques complémentaires sur les roches contenant les grains analysés / The formation of the continental crust is a major consequence of Earth differentiation. Understanding how the crust formed and evolved through time is paramount to locate the vast mineral deposits hosted therein and address its influence on the global climate, ultimately affecting the development of terrestrial life. Recent advances on the topic of continental crust evolution benefited from improvements of analytical techniques enabling in situ measurements of U-Pb- Hf-O isotope compositions in zircon, a widespread accessory mineral of continental igneous rocks. The time constrains derived from the U-Pb chronometer coupled with the petrogenetic information retrieved from Hf-O isotope signatures are currently used to unravel the diversity and succession of magmatic events affecting the continental crust at the regional and global scales. This study reconstructs the evolutionary path followed by the crust segment today exposed in the eastern part of the French Massif Central (FMC), a portion of the Variscan belt of Western Europe, with the aim to investigate the potential flaws of the zircon record of crust evolution. In this scope, the origin and geodynamic significance of the constituent FMC lithological units are tackled by combining conventional petrological observations with zircon U-Pb-Hf-O isotope data. The results obtained following this integrated approach are then confronted to the conclusions that would have been drawn solely from zircon isotopic signatures, taken out of their petrological context, as is commonly performed in studies investigating crust evolution. The oldest rocks of the FMC correspond to Ediacaran (590_550 Ma) meta-sediments deposited in back-arc basins along the northern Gondwana margin. Such basins were fed by a mixed detritus originating from the adjacent Cadomian magmatic arc and a distal Gondwana source, presumably the Sahara Metacraton. Partial melting of these meta-sediments at the Ediacaran/Cambrian boundary led to voluminous S-type granitic magmatism, pinpointing a first major crust reworking event in the FMC. The origin of anatexis likely stems from the transient thickening of the hot, back-arc crust caused by the flattening of the Cadomian subduction. Subordinate melting of the depleted backarc mantle at that time is also documented. During the Lower Paleozoic, rifting of the northern Gondwana provoked coeval crust and (limited) mantle melting. Mantle-derived igneous rocks show markedly diverse trace element and isotopic signatures, consistent with a very heterogeneous mantle source pervasively modi_ed by the Cadomian subduction. Finally, the Variscan collision resulted in crustal melting as evidenced by the emplacement of S-type granites and the formation of migmatite domes, the spatial distribution of which being partly controlled by the crustal architecture inherited from pre-orogenic events. Synchronous intrusion of mafic mantle-derived magmas and their differentiates testify for Variscan post-collisional new continental crust production in the FMC. Two major inconsistencies exist between these results and the zircon record. First, zircon Hf model ages would point to substantial Mesoproterozoic crust formation in the FMC whereas more than 60% of the crust is actually Neoproterozoic in age. Second, new additions to the continental crust volume during the Variscan orogeny are not recorded even though 5 to 10% of the exposed crust formed at that time. The origin of both discrepancies inherently lies in the mixed isotopic signature carried by many zircon grains. Such equivocal information can only be detected when additional petrological constrains on the zircon host rocks are available and provide guidance in interpreting the zircon record of crust evolution

Magmatismo máfico associado ao granito Encruzilhada do Sul, RS: significado tectônico e importância para a geração do magmatismo granítico

Jacobs, Maciel Gilmar January 2017 (has links)
A integração de mapeamento geológico com estudos petrográficos e geoquímicos permitiram caracterizar a evolução petrológica do Granito Encruzilhada do Sul. Este maciço ocorre na parte norte do Batólito Pelotas, porção leste do Cinturão Dom Feliciano. O Granito Encruzilhada do Sul apresenta relações de mistura química com a formação dos granitóides híbridos e física com rochas máficas representadas por dioritos e enclaves máficos. Os dados geoquímicos mostram a afinidade toleítica do magmatismo máfico e classifica as rochas graníticas como do tipo-A. A zonação petrográfica e composicional foi gerada a partir do resfriamento de uma única câmara magmática, caracterizada por monzogranitos porfiríticos ricos em enclaves máficos nos bordos leste e oeste, gradando para sieno a monzogranitos ricos em quartzo e com baixo teor de minerais máficos na porção central. Uma fácies de sienogranitos tardios ocorre na porção centro-norte e representa a cúpula parcialmente preservada do maciço. O posicionamento do granito foi controlado por uma fase cinemática extensional da Zona de Cisalhamento Dorsal de Canguçu, que permitiu a ascenção dos magmas até sua colocação em níveis superiores da crosta. Os dados obtidos sugerem que a geração da suíte ocorreu no período pós-colisional da orogênese Dom Feliciano, associada à fusão parcial de uma crosta granulítica desidratada, promovida pelo aumento do gradiente geotérmico associado aos magmas máficos. As condições de alta temperatura dos magmas permitiram em estágio precoce da cristalização, a mistura química entre pólos félsico e máfico. A evolução da cristalização, entretanto, modifica a viscosidade e densidade dos magmas e favorece o desenvolvimento de estruturas geradas pela mistura física. / The integration of geological mapping, petrographic and geochemical studies allowed the characterization of the petrological evolution of the Encruzilhada do Sul Granite. This massif occurs in the northern part of the Pelotas Batholith, eastern portion of the Dom Feliciano Belt. The Encruzilhada do Sul Granite present chemical mixing relations with the formation of hybrid granitoids and physical mixing with mafic rocks represented by diorites and mafic microgranulares enclaves. Geochemical data indicate the tholeiitic composition of mafic magmatism and that granitic rocks are A-type. The petrographic and compositional pattern zonation generated from a single cooling magma chamber and defined by porphyritic monzo to granodiorite, rich in mafic enclaves, on the eastern and western border, transitioning to heterogranular syeno and monzogranites, rich in quartz and poor in mafic minerals in the central portion. An equigranular facies composed by syenogranites occurs in the northern central portion, representing the partially preserved top of the magma chamber. The emplacement of the granite was controlled by an extensional kinematic phase of the regional Dorsal do Canguçu Shear Zone, which allowed the rise of magmas up to superior levels of a crust. The data suggest that the generation of the suite took place in the post-collisional period of Dom Feliciano orogeny and was associated with partial melting of a granulite crust promoted by increased of the geothermal gradient by the mafic magmas from the mantle. The high temperature conditions of the magmas allowed the chemical mixing between felsic and mafic poles at an early stage of crystallization. The evolution of crystallization modified the viscosity and density of the magmas and favors the development of mingling structures.

Colliding Laser Produced Plasma Physics and Applications in Inertial Fusion and Nanolithography

John P. Oliver (5930102) 17 January 2019 (has links)
<div>Laser-produced plasmas (LPP) have been used in a wide range of applications such as in pulsed laser deposition (PLD), extreme ultraviolet lithography (EUVL), laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), and many more. In the collision of two laser-produced plasmas, the two counter-streaming plasmas may face a degree of stagnation which influences the subsequent development of the compound plasma plume. The plume development of the stagnation layer can deviate quite noticeably from typical laser-plasma behavior. For instance, an enhanced degree of collisionality is expected, especially when the plasma collision transpires in a low pressure ambient. Colliding plasma can be intentionally implemented or conversely may occur naturally. In EUV lithography colliding plasma could service as an efficient EUV source with inherent debris mitigation. Conversely, colliding plasma could manifest in an inertial fusion energy (IFE) chamber leading to contamination, disrupting successful device operation.</div><div><br></div><div>Various techniques such as optical emission spectroscopy (OES), CCD plume imaging, laser-induced fluorescence (LIF), laser-induced incandescence (LII), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) may be used to study laser-produced plasmas and their associated byproducts. These techniques will be used extensively throughout this work to aid in developing an understanding of the various physical and chemical phenomena occurring in these plasmas.</div><div><br></div><div><div>Chapter 1 provides introductory knowledge regarding LPPs with a specific exploration into colliding plasma and its relevance to a broad body of scientific knowledge. Additionally, the principles behind the various experimental techniques are capitulated.</div><div><br></div><div>Chapter 2 presents the laboratory facilities available at our Center for Materials Under eXtreme Environment (CMUXE) which can be used to study LPP. The various equipment (chambers, lasers, spectrograph, etc.) are discussed in detail.</div><div><br></div><div>Chapter 3 begins the series of substantive chapters which comprise the original research of this thesis. Here, the early formation (< 1 μs) of colliding carbon plasmas produced from the ablation of graphite is explored. The influence of plume hydrodynamics on the temporary lateral confinement of the stagnation layer is discussed with attention to the three different laser intensities studied. Additionally, species in the plasma were identified using OES and monochromatic plume imaging. A large increase in Swan emission from C2 dimers is observed in the stagnation layer, suggesting formation of C2 and/or re-excitation of C2 produced ab initio during laser ablation. Results were compared with HEIGHTS computational modeling to verify observations and to validate the code package for a new plasma regime.</div><div><br></div><div>Chapter 4 functions as a continuation from Chapter 3, looking into the intermediate time (1-10 μs) dynamics of colliding carbon plasma. To observe transient molecular species of carbon, C2 and C3, LIF was employed. By acquiring plume images through LIF, the various mechanisms by which C2 and C3 appear at different times in the plasma lifetime may be discerned. Using optical time-of-flight (OTOF), more information of carbon species populations may be determined to construct space-time contours which offer corroborative information regarding the spatiotemporal development of the stagnation layer.</div></div><div><br></div><div><div>Chapter 5 presents work on colliding Sn plasma for application as a EUV light source. The accumulation of material along the stagnation layer makes colliding plasmas a suitable preplasma in a dual pulse laser scheme. Dual-pulse EUV concepts call for the formation of a preplasma from the stagnation of two Sn plasmas. This preformed plasma is then subject to a second, pumping laser purposed to optimize the conversion efficiency (CE) of laser energy into EUV output. Characterization of the stagnation layer was obtained through optical emission spectroscopy while CE data is obtained using an absolutely calibrated EUV photodiode. HEIGHTS computational modeling then provides prediction of EUV emission upon using a CO2 laser for preplasma reheat.</div><div><br></div><div>Chapter 6 explores the collision between two dissimilar plasmas. Laser-produced plasma of Si and C are created in a manner which enables the two plasmas to collide. The ensuing development of the colliding plasma regime is then discussed in terms of relevant plume hydrodynamics. Analysis of the colliding regime is accomplished using fast-gated plume imaging and optical time-of-flight.</div><div><br></div><div>The final chapter, Chapter 7, provides a concise summary of the results presented in the preceding chapters. Additionally, recommended research directives are presented which are designed with consideration for the current facilities and capabilities at CMUXE.</div></div>

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