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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

From the River to the Gravestone: Spaces of Disappearance and Re-Appearance ofUnidentified Bodies in Colombian War

López Londoño, Luis Miguel 16 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.

A ‘revision’ of Antonio Caro’s formative period : 1970—1976

Bossa, Paula 21 September 2011 (has links)
This thesis will examine the conceptual strategies articulated by a corpus of six works created within the first seven years of Colombian conceptual artist Antonio Caro’s career (1970-1976.) The works—Cabeza de Lleras (1970) [Head of Lleras], Aqui no cabe el arte (1972) [Art Does Not Fit Here], Manuel Quintín Lame información y variación visual (1972) [Manuel Quintín Lame, Information and Visual Variation], El imperialismo es un tigre de papel (1973) [Imperialism is a Paper Tiger], Colombia—Marlboro (1973-1975), and Colombia—Coca-Cola (1976)—despite stressing dematerialization, displaying simple designs, and communicating concise messages addressing political and cultural issues that are tied to a historical and geographic specificity, have been repeated until acquiring an iconic status. As a crucial tactic that is central to Caro’s work, this thesis will analyze both the advantages and disadvantages inherent in the strategy of repetition and how these have altered or enhanced the meaning of the works through time. Furthermore, five out of the six works in question employ text in a very particular way that results from Caro’s keen awareness of the visual potential of words. Likewise, they display anti-conventionalisms particularly with regards to the implementation of informal procedures (i.e. photocopying, posters, art actions, etc…) and the utilization of precarious materials (i.e. salt) that are often charged with historical meanings; the inherent short-lived nature of the materials used by Caro also points to the ephemeral quality of his production and to the rejection of the notion of art as a commodity. Finally, the works enact institutional critique on two fronts: they criticize the art institution from within, while simultaneously denouncing the politics of the state apparatus and the hegemonic values imposed by the dominant sectors of society. All in all, the salient features present in these six works point to Caro’s commitment to his environment while also contributing to the development of contemporary Colombian art. / text

« El Paso » de lo teatral a lo cinematográfico. Reflexiones en torno a la mediación de la precariedad

Ordonez, José Raul 02 1900 (has links)
Ce travail prétend mener une réflexion sur l’exercice possible de l`intermédialité, l’adaptation pour le cinéma de la pièce El Paso de la troupe de théâtre La Candelaria de Bogotá-Colombie. Après avoir fait un bref résumé du mouvement du Nouveau Théâtre Colombien, la pièce est contextualisée historiquement en prenant comme point de départ la fable. La réflexion se fait sur les possibilités expressives des deux langages théâtral et cinématographique, à partir de l`utilisation de l`espace dans les deux médias. La précarieté dans laquelle vivent les personnages de l`histoire influence également l`économie de la mise en scéne. La précarieté est associée à la vulnérabilité de la vie et le hors champ abordé comme un dispositif permettant la médiation de la précarieté, dans les deux médias. A partir de cette caractéristique estétablie une relation par rapport à la réalité physique qu`établit Siegfried Kracauer, puis nous entrons dans l`étude du hors champ théâtral et cinématographique et de sa relation à la musique. Enfin, des spéculations sont faites quant aux possibilités d´une versión cinématographique. / This work aims to reflect on an exercise of intermediality for the adaptation to cinematography of “El Paso”, a play by the theatrical group of La Candelaria of Bogotá. We weave together the theatrical piece taking fable and its historical moment as a starting point, as well as a review of the New Colombian Theatre and of collective creation as a mode of artistic production. The reflexion is made on the expressive possibilities of the theatrical and cinematographical languages, beginning with the utilization of space in both media. Poverty is associated with the vulnerability of life and the “hors champ” employed as a mechanism which aids in the mediation of poverty in both media. The poverty in which the characters of the story move , influences the economy of the “mis en scène”, a quality which relates to the physical reality stated by Siegfried Kracauer. Afterwards we make a reflexion on the “hors champ” both of theatre and cinema and its relation with music. Finally we speculate on argumental possibilities that surge out of putting on scene spaces which had been only barely suggested in the theatre. / Este trabajo pretende desarrollar una reflexión sobre un posible ejercicio de intermedialidad, la adaptación para cine de la puesta en escena El Paso del grupo de teatro La Candelaria de Bogotá, Colombia. Reflexionamos sobre las posibilidades expresivas de los dos lenguajes a partir de uso del espacio en el teatro y en el cine. Contextualizamos la pieza teatral tomando como punto de partida la fabula, luego hacemos una reseña del momento histórico y sus antecedentes, y del movimiento del Nuevo Teatro Colombiano. La precariedad en la que viven los personajes de la historia influye también en la economía de la puesta en escena, a partir de esta característica establecemos una relación con la realidad física que plantea Siegfried Kracauer. Luego entramos a estudiar el fuera de campo teatral y cinematográfico y su relación con la música. Finalmente se especula sobre las posibilidades de la versión para cine.

A dimensão internacional do conflito armado colombiano: a internacionalização dos processos de paz segundo as agendas hemisférica e global / The colombian armed conflict international dimension: the internationalization of peace processes according to hemispheric and global agendas

Viana, Manuela Trindade 02 April 2009 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo central a identificação e análise dos principais atores e temas envolvidos na internacionalização do conflito armado na Colômbia. Este estudo entende por internacionalização a participação de atores estrangeiros na formulação e/ou implementação das tentativas de resolução do referido conflito. O recorte temporal pertinente aos propósitos da pesquisa estende-se do Governo César Gaviria (1990-1994) ao final do primeiro governo de Álvaro Uribe (2002-2006), na medida em que, no período anterior, não era possível observar um envolvimento externo considerável nos processos de paz na Colômbia. Os atores selecionados para uma análise mais atenta foram: EUA e OEA, cujas agendas correspondem à proposta hemisférica predominante; e UE e ONU, as quais representam as iniciativas globais voltadas à resolução do conflito. A principal conclusão deste estudo incide sobre o agrupamento das propostas internacionais em torno desses dois pólos: hemisféricas (das quais os EUA constituem o principal expoente) e globais (que têm na UE o seu ponto focal). A primeira é dotada de vultosos recursos, apresenta um caráter marcadamente militar e encontra na erradicação das drogas e no confronto às guerrilhas as suas principais estratégias. Por outro lado, o traço preponderante da segunda é a ênfase nos direitos humanos, na ajuda humanitária e na negociação com as guerrilhas. A proposta emergente do pólo europeu não foi capaz de oferecer um contra-peso à intervenção estadunidense, tanto em termos de recursos financeiros, como de fatores geopolíticos. Assim, a principal conclusão desta pesquisa é que a internacionalização do conflito armado não se manifesta de forma homogênea: embora a participação dos atores estrangeiros tenha ocorrido no âmbito global, as iniciativas hemisféricas são predominantes, especialmente se analisarmos as preferências do governo colombiano. / This study aims to identify and analyze the main actors and themes related to the Colombian armed conflict internationalization. It understands internationalization as the participation of foreign players in the designing and implementation of programs regarding the resolution of the conflict. The period of interest to this study dates back to the government César Gaviria (1990-1994) until the end of the first Álvaro Uribe administration, since there was no considerable external participation on Colombia peace processes previously. The selected players for a more detailed approach were: US and OAS, whose agendas correspond to the predominant proposal in the hemisphere; and EU and UN, which represent the global initiatives towards the conflict resolution. The main conclusion of this study is related to the concentration of international proposals around these poles: hemispheric (whose main exponent is the US) and global (concentrated on EU). The first involves a huge amount of resources, presents a markedly military aspect and privileges the illicit crops eradication and confrontation against guerrillas as strategies. On the other hand, the dominant characteristic of the second is the emphasis on human rights, humanitarian aid and the negotiation with the guerrillas. The proposal that emerged from Europe was not able to offer compensation to American intervention in terms of financial resources and geopolitical factors. Therefore, the main conclusion of this study is that the internationalization of the armed conflict is not homogeneous throughout the world: the participation of external actors is global, but the hemispherical initiatives are predominant, especially if we consider Colombian governments preferences.

Managerial causes and consequences of the introduction of credit frameworks : the case of Colombian universities

Restrepo, Jose Manuel January 2015 (has links)
Global trends are transforming nearly every sector, and the higher education sector is not an exception. Universities are synchronizing their curricula so that credits are transferrable and cumulative across countries. Governments are increasingly controlling the quality of education through new regulations. Universities are now competing globally and managerial methods derived from business are being introduced. In South America, an increasing student population is demanding access to universities, while at the same time universities are facing a reduction in funding and more competition. The profile of students is shifting and demanding more flexible curricula along with double degree and continuing education programs. All of these trends, together with government regulations passed in 1992, have caused major transformations in the Colombian higher education sector. Universities have been straining to remain competitive in this new environment and many have attempted to implement credit frameworks as a solution. However, such transformations are complex and require uncommon managerial competencies. Furthermore, very little research has been done to understand the real impact of these changes in Colombian Universities, and any studies done have not provided a full picture of what was really happening within the management of Colombian Universities. Did universities fully understand the concept and complexity of implementing credit frameworks? What were the main drivers affecting the higher education sector in Colombia which catalysed the implementation of credit frameworks? Finally, what impact did this implementation have on university management? This research study attempted to answer these questions through an in-depth study of three representative universities. The results showed clear differences and also common understandings among universities and revealed key insights into university management. It is the hope of this research study that it may assist universities and policy makers in the on-going transformation of the Colombian higher education sector.

Généalogie et famille insulaire : les unions mixtes et leurs descendants sur l’île de San Andrés, caraïbe colombienne / Genealogy and island families : mixed relationships and their descendants on San Andrés island, Colombian Caribbean

González Delgadillo, Gabriel Gilberto 10 June 2015 (has links)
Depuis quelques années, l’île colombienne de San Andrés fait beaucoup parler d’elle, particulièrement par rapport aux problèmes démographiques et la position défensive que certains de ses habitants ont adoptée face aux politiques gouvernementales. Leur position de refus contre les politiques du gouvernement central se traduit par des revendications ethniques et culturelles et par un désir d’autonomie qui s’appuie sur la nouvelle Constitution politique de 1991. Cependant, obnubilés par ce conflit politique, les travaux de recherche menés à San Andrés oublient souvent un élément important : les rapports sociaux entre les habitants insulaires. Ce travail prétend apporter un nouveau regard sur l’ethnohistoire, la mémoire et le présent des relations sociales et généalogiques de la société de San Andrés. En partant du point de vue des généalogies et de l’anthropologie de la parenté, son objectif est de comprendre les formes d’organisation sociale, culturelle et religieuse afin d’élucider le rôle et l’importance des unions mixtes et leurs descendants dans la société de San Andrés d’aujourd’hui. / In recent years, much attention has been paid to the Colombian island of San Andrés, focusing primarily on demographic problems and the defensive posture displayed by some of the island’s residents regarding central government policies. This posturing manifests itself through ethnic and cultural identity claims and a desire for political autonomy, which are legitimated by the 1991 Constitution. However, blindsided by the idea of a political conflict, the research done on San Andrés often omits a key aspect of life on the island: the social relationships that link its inhabitants to one another. This research aims to shed a new light on the ethnohistory and memory as well as the social and genealogical relationships that shape San Andrés’s present day society. From a genealogical point of view based in kinship studies and a thorough understanding of this society’s social, cultural and religious organization, this study’s objective is to identify the role and importance of mixed relationships and their descendants on San Andrés’s society today.

Geotermobarometria, geoquímica, geocronologia e evolução tectônica das rochas da fácies xisto azul da Colômbia nas áreas de Jambaló (Cauca) e Barragán (Valle del Cauca) / Geothermobarometry, geochemistry, geocronology and tectonic evolution of blueschists facies rocks in Jambaló (Cauca) and Barragan (Valle del Cauca) areas, Colômbia

Andres Bustamante Londoño 23 April 2008 (has links)
Apesar da importância das rochas da fácies xisto azul para o entendimento da dinâmica das zonas de subducção no passado, pouquíssimos estudos de mapeamento, geoquímica, geotermobarometria, geocronologia e de evolução tectônica têm sido feitos em rochas desse tipo na Colômbia. Na Cordilheira Central dos Andes colombianos ocorrem duas unidades rochas de alta razão P/T, uma delas na região de Jambaló (Departamento de Cauca) e outra na região de Barragán (Departamento de Valle de Cauca). Na região de Jambaló destaca-se a presença de lentes de xistos azuis em uma área constituída predominantemente por rochas da fácies xisto verde. Estas rochas representam núcleos preservados dos processos retrometamórficos que afetam as rochas de alta pressão durante a exumação. Os dados de geoquímica obtidos no conjunto de rochas de Jambaló indicam uma evolução dos protolitos a partir de rochas básicas e intermediárias de arcos de ilhas e de MORB. Usando o software TWQ 1.02, foram obtidos dados P e T que mostram uma forte descompressão acompanhada por quedas relativamente pequenas na temperatura para o as rochas da fácies xisto azul. A pressão tem uma variação entre ~14 e 7 kbar com uma diminuição da temperatura entre ~400 e 300 °C. Para as rochas da fácies xisto verde observa-se uma descompressão (8,2 - 6,6 kbar) seguida de um leve aquecimento (463 - 500 °C), possivelmente devido à sua colocação junto a lascas tectônicas aquecidas em zonas de cavalgamentos. O conjunto dos dados 40Ar/39Ar mostram que o metamorfismo da fácies xisto azul de Jambaló têm idade predominante próxima de 63 Ma, com indicações de possíveis idades até mais antigas que 71 Ma, apesar do melhor intervalo situarse entre 66 e 61 Ma (Maastritchtiano-Daniano). Isso posiciona a exumação dos xistos azuis de Jambaló no final do Cretáceo até o início do Terciário, pois considerando que foram datadas as principalmente paragonita e, subordinadamente fengita, associadas à foliação milonítica nas rochas da fácies xisto azul, a idade mínima do metamorfismo seria um pouco mais antiga e as idades obtidas representariam o evento de exumação, que tem relação direta com a geração de foliação milonítica. Na região de Barragán é constituída por predominantemente xistos azuis e possíveis retro-eclogitos e a geoquímica caracteriza os protolitos das rochas da fácies xisto azul e anfibolito como formados em NMORB. Os dados de geotermobarometria obtidos para o conjunto de rochas de Barragán indicam que as amostras pertencentes à fácies anfibolito sofreram uma forte descompressão (~15 - 9,2 kbar) seguida de um leve aumento na temperatura (639 - 665 °C) o que sugere que estas rochas tenham alcançado a fácies eclogito. As rochas da fácies xisto azul por sua parte, mostram uma leve queda na pressão (9,5 - 9,3 kbar) e uma leve queda na temperatura (399 - 397 °C), associada à transição das fácies xisto azul para xisto verde. A idade 40Ar/39Ar obtida em um metapelito associado com os xistos azuis, apresentou uma idade de ~120 Ma, o que sugere que o metamorfismo na fácies xisto azul seja mais antigo (125 - 150 Ma) dependendo do modelo de geração e exumação que seja considerado. Todo o conjunto de dados sugere duas coisas principais, a primeira que não há relação entre os xistos azuis e rochas associadas da região de Barragán e as de Jambaló e a segundo que pode ser considerado um modelo evolutivo de xistos azuis Andino, diferente aos modelos Franciscano e Alpino. / Despite the importance of the blueschist facies rocks to unravel the dynamic of subduction zones in the past, few detailed studies including mapping, geochemistry, geothermobarometry, geochronology and tectonic evolution has been made in rock with these characteristics in Colombia. In Central Cordillera of the Colombian Andes are found two geologic units with rocks of high P/T ratio, one of them in Jambaló area (Cauca department,) and other in Barragán area (Valle de Cauca Department). In Jambaló area crops out several lenses of blueschists in an area that consists predominantly of greeschist facies rocks. These rocks represent preserved cores of retrometamorphic processes that affect the rocks of high pressure during exhumation. Geochemical data obtained in Jambaló rocks, indicate a trend of protholiths varying from basic to intermediate rocks in a possible islands arc and MORB settings. Using software TWQ 1.02, were obtained data of P and T that show a strong decompression with relatively small decrease in temperature for the blueschist facies rocks. The pressure ranges between ~ 14 and 7 kbar with a decrease in temperature between 400 and ~ 300°C. For greenschist facies rocks of Jambaló the decompression (8.2 - 6.6 kbar) was followed by a slight temperature increasing (463-500°C), possibly due to the juxtaposition with hot tectonic slabs in thrusting zones. The 40Ar/39Ar data shows that the blueschist facies rocks from Jambaló rocks have predominant metamorphism age close to 63 Ma, but are also indications of possible ages older than 71 Ma, despite the best interval is estimated between 66 and 61 Ma (Maastritchtian-Danian), corresponding to exhumation processes of blueschist facies rocks, because the dated micas (paragonite and phengite) was crystallized during the development of the mylonitic foliation. In Barragán area, the geochemical data indicate that the protoliths of blueschist and amphibolite facies rocks correspond to N-MORB. Geothermobarometrical data indicate that the samples of amphibolites facies were affected by strong decompression (~ 15 to 9.2 kbar), followed by a slight increase in temperature (639 - 665 °C), which suggests that these rocks have reached eclogite facies. The blueschist facies rocks on its region, showed a slight pressure (9.5-9.3 kbar) and a slight temperature drops (399-397 °C), associated with the transition from blueschist to greenschist facies rocks. Geochronology by 40Ar/39Ar method, obtained in a metapelite rock associated to the blueschist facies rocks, gives an age of ~ 120 Ma, which suggests that the metamorphism in blueschist facies is older (125-150 Ma) depending on the model of generation and exhumation considered. The entire set of data suggests two important keys, the first that there are no relationship between blueschist and associated rocks from Barragán and Jambaló areas, and second that would be considered a model of Andean blueschist generation different to Franciscan and Alpine models.

Geotermobarometria, geoquímica, geocronologia e evolução tectônica das rochas da fácies xisto azul da Colômbia nas áreas de Jambaló (Cauca) e Barragán (Valle del Cauca) / Geothermobarometry, geochemistry, geocronology and tectonic evolution of blueschists facies rocks in Jambaló (Cauca) and Barragan (Valle del Cauca) areas, Colômbia

Bustamante Londoño, Andres 23 April 2008 (has links)
Apesar da importância das rochas da fácies xisto azul para o entendimento da dinâmica das zonas de subducção no passado, pouquíssimos estudos de mapeamento, geoquímica, geotermobarometria, geocronologia e de evolução tectônica têm sido feitos em rochas desse tipo na Colômbia. Na Cordilheira Central dos Andes colombianos ocorrem duas unidades rochas de alta razão P/T, uma delas na região de Jambaló (Departamento de Cauca) e outra na região de Barragán (Departamento de Valle de Cauca). Na região de Jambaló destaca-se a presença de lentes de xistos azuis em uma área constituída predominantemente por rochas da fácies xisto verde. Estas rochas representam núcleos preservados dos processos retrometamórficos que afetam as rochas de alta pressão durante a exumação. Os dados de geoquímica obtidos no conjunto de rochas de Jambaló indicam uma evolução dos protolitos a partir de rochas básicas e intermediárias de arcos de ilhas e de MORB. Usando o software TWQ 1.02, foram obtidos dados P e T que mostram uma forte descompressão acompanhada por quedas relativamente pequenas na temperatura para o as rochas da fácies xisto azul. A pressão tem uma variação entre ~14 e 7 kbar com uma diminuição da temperatura entre ~400 e 300 °C. Para as rochas da fácies xisto verde observa-se uma descompressão (8,2 - 6,6 kbar) seguida de um leve aquecimento (463 - 500 °C), possivelmente devido à sua colocação junto a lascas tectônicas aquecidas em zonas de cavalgamentos. O conjunto dos dados 40Ar/39Ar mostram que o metamorfismo da fácies xisto azul de Jambaló têm idade predominante próxima de 63 Ma, com indicações de possíveis idades até mais antigas que 71 Ma, apesar do melhor intervalo situarse entre 66 e 61 Ma (Maastritchtiano-Daniano). Isso posiciona a exumação dos xistos azuis de Jambaló no final do Cretáceo até o início do Terciário, pois considerando que foram datadas as principalmente paragonita e, subordinadamente fengita, associadas à foliação milonítica nas rochas da fácies xisto azul, a idade mínima do metamorfismo seria um pouco mais antiga e as idades obtidas representariam o evento de exumação, que tem relação direta com a geração de foliação milonítica. Na região de Barragán é constituída por predominantemente xistos azuis e possíveis retro-eclogitos e a geoquímica caracteriza os protolitos das rochas da fácies xisto azul e anfibolito como formados em NMORB. Os dados de geotermobarometria obtidos para o conjunto de rochas de Barragán indicam que as amostras pertencentes à fácies anfibolito sofreram uma forte descompressão (~15 - 9,2 kbar) seguida de um leve aumento na temperatura (639 - 665 °C) o que sugere que estas rochas tenham alcançado a fácies eclogito. As rochas da fácies xisto azul por sua parte, mostram uma leve queda na pressão (9,5 - 9,3 kbar) e uma leve queda na temperatura (399 - 397 °C), associada à transição das fácies xisto azul para xisto verde. A idade 40Ar/39Ar obtida em um metapelito associado com os xistos azuis, apresentou uma idade de ~120 Ma, o que sugere que o metamorfismo na fácies xisto azul seja mais antigo (125 - 150 Ma) dependendo do modelo de geração e exumação que seja considerado. Todo o conjunto de dados sugere duas coisas principais, a primeira que não há relação entre os xistos azuis e rochas associadas da região de Barragán e as de Jambaló e a segundo que pode ser considerado um modelo evolutivo de xistos azuis Andino, diferente aos modelos Franciscano e Alpino. / Despite the importance of the blueschist facies rocks to unravel the dynamic of subduction zones in the past, few detailed studies including mapping, geochemistry, geothermobarometry, geochronology and tectonic evolution has been made in rock with these characteristics in Colombia. In Central Cordillera of the Colombian Andes are found two geologic units with rocks of high P/T ratio, one of them in Jambaló area (Cauca department,) and other in Barragán area (Valle de Cauca Department). In Jambaló area crops out several lenses of blueschists in an area that consists predominantly of greeschist facies rocks. These rocks represent preserved cores of retrometamorphic processes that affect the rocks of high pressure during exhumation. Geochemical data obtained in Jambaló rocks, indicate a trend of protholiths varying from basic to intermediate rocks in a possible islands arc and MORB settings. Using software TWQ 1.02, were obtained data of P and T that show a strong decompression with relatively small decrease in temperature for the blueschist facies rocks. The pressure ranges between ~ 14 and 7 kbar with a decrease in temperature between 400 and ~ 300°C. For greenschist facies rocks of Jambaló the decompression (8.2 - 6.6 kbar) was followed by a slight temperature increasing (463-500°C), possibly due to the juxtaposition with hot tectonic slabs in thrusting zones. The 40Ar/39Ar data shows that the blueschist facies rocks from Jambaló rocks have predominant metamorphism age close to 63 Ma, but are also indications of possible ages older than 71 Ma, despite the best interval is estimated between 66 and 61 Ma (Maastritchtian-Danian), corresponding to exhumation processes of blueschist facies rocks, because the dated micas (paragonite and phengite) was crystallized during the development of the mylonitic foliation. In Barragán area, the geochemical data indicate that the protoliths of blueschist and amphibolite facies rocks correspond to N-MORB. Geothermobarometrical data indicate that the samples of amphibolites facies were affected by strong decompression (~ 15 to 9.2 kbar), followed by a slight increase in temperature (639 - 665 °C), which suggests that these rocks have reached eclogite facies. The blueschist facies rocks on its region, showed a slight pressure (9.5-9.3 kbar) and a slight temperature drops (399-397 °C), associated with the transition from blueschist to greenschist facies rocks. Geochronology by 40Ar/39Ar method, obtained in a metapelite rock associated to the blueschist facies rocks, gives an age of ~ 120 Ma, which suggests that the metamorphism in blueschist facies is older (125-150 Ma) depending on the model of generation and exhumation considered. The entire set of data suggests two important keys, the first that there are no relationship between blueschist and associated rocks from Barragán and Jambaló areas, and second that would be considered a model of Andean blueschist generation different to Franciscan and Alpine models.

I want to live in America

Forero, Santiago 29 November 2010 (has links)
The following graduate report is the review of my artistic developments after three years of rigorous training in photography at The University of Texas at Austin. After a long period of not producing artwork, my entrance into graduate school at UT was the first step for beginning to take pictures and rethinking my objectives as an artist. I have to confess that when I was applying to graduate school I did not consider art as the profession I wanted develop in my life; instead, I applied to schools that had an strong focus in commercial photography. As a Colombian, most of my concerns were more about how to make a living. In my hometown, the only way to be independent is through a professional job, rather than what in the United States is called blue-collar work, including waiting tables or services in general. When I realized again that I was immersed in an endless dialogue about art, I had to reconsider my objectives to assume the idea of how I was going to combine my creative skills with a strong research in contemporary thinking about the visual image. My three biggest challenges when entering graduate school were finding a subject to begin to photograph again, exploring the idea of being part of a new community considering my arrival from a different country, and developing strong technical photographic skills. My relation to the United States in my artwork was the first thematic. Since I was a child and until my undergraduate research project, I always came to the United States as a spectator that experienced the country from the outside. My longest encounter as an observer was in 2004 when I came to do research on illegal immigrants for my undergraduate theses research. At that time, my approach to photography and art was mostly documentary where the visual result was based on video interviews and formal portraits of a minority I was interested in. I tried to find an explanation for the immense flow of people across the border between the United States and México. Once I was already here, after three years, living in a different city, I realized that I still was interested in photographing people and decided to focus on American stereotypes. Probably one of the issues I began to face was that I discovered that I was not enjoying carrying my camera all the time and thinking as a photographer that documented daily life. My interest was more in using the camera for specific projects rather than documenting my surroundings. At that point, I realized that staging was going to be the main modus operandi for creating artwork. From there I began to think in different projects that were developed throughout the three years of the program. / text

Self-Perceived (Non) Nativeness And Colombian Prospective English Teachers In Telecollaboration

Viafara Gonzalez, John Jairo January 2015 (has links)
Previous studies on nonnative English speaker teachers (NNESTs) (Reyes & Medgyes, 1994; Samimy & Brutt-Griffler, 1999; Llurda, 2008; Rajagopalan, 2005) and publications in World Englishes (WEs), English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) and English as an international language (EIL), have analyzed and documented how prevailing ideologies rooted in "the myth of the native speaker" (Pennycook, 1994; Canagarajah, 1999; Kramsch, 2000), "the native speaker fallacy" (Phillipson, 1992) and associated ideologies generate discrimination and affect students and teachers' sense of self-worth. By making use of telecollaboration to determine how L1 Spanish speaking Colombian EFL pre-service teachers' interactions with U.S. heritage Spanish speakers (HSSs) influence the Colombian future teachers' self-perceptions as (non) native speakers and future teachers, this study responds to scholars' concerns to diversify the scope of explorations on NNESTs (Samimy & Kurihara, 2008; Llurda, 2008). Examining the ideological side of the native vs. non-native speaker dichotomy in telecollaboration, this research seeks to reverse the tendency to study interactants' exchanges mainly as a language feedback process through which "native speakers" support those who are not native speakers. Under an overarching qualitative phenomenological case study research design, the first article's pre-assessment of participants' self-perceptions of (non) nativeness found that the myth of the native speaker, the native speaker fallacy and associated ideologies permeated participants' self-images as language speakers and prospective teachers. Nevertheless, their ongoing education and the perceived benefits of becoming skillful language users contrasted with the harmful effects of these ideologies. Based on findings in the first article, the second study determined that in adopting meaning making abilities as their center of interest in telecollaboration, most participants focused less on the achievement of idealized native speaker abilities. Their interaction with U.S. peers generated confidence in their use of English, self-criticism of their skills in Spanish and a tendency to embrace the idea that they could succeed as English teachers. The intercultural and sociocultural nature of telecollaboration as a potential resource to leverage Colombian prospective teachers' self-perceptions constitutes the core of the last manuscript. Cooperative relationships with U.S. peers provided participants affective and knowledge-based resources to build more favorable views of themselves, attitudes to confront the detrimental effects of nativespeakership ideologies, and informed judgments to dismantle them. The pedagogical implications section discusses the need to revise the current EFL perspective providing the framework for English language teaching and learning in Colombia, avenues for strengthening students' ideological literacy through telecollaborative tasks and the potential integration of telecollaboration in the language teacher education curriculum as a means to increase participants' linguistic, intercultural and pedagogical abilities, and to cultivate more favorable self-images.

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