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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O fio das travessias: a perspectiva histórica em Os tambores de São Luís, de Josué Montello e A gloriosa família - o tempo dos flamengos, de Pepetela / The river of croddings: the historical perspective in Os tambores de São Luís, by Josué Montello and A gloriosa família - o tempo dos flamengos, by Pepetela

Ana Lucia Gomes da Silva Rabecchi 20 August 2009 (has links)
Os romances Os tambores de São Luís (1975), do brasileiro Josué Montello, e A gloriosa família do angolano Pepetela, mantêm um diálogo com a história maranhense e angolana respectivamente, estreitando as fronteiras entre Literatura e História. Mais que estreitar fronteiras, eles investigam um lugar narrativo em que a forma e o conteúdo interagem fora de suas margens de origem: literatura e história são desvirtuadas/deslocadas em busca de outras verdades que, separadas, nem uma nem outra poderiam conceber. É certo, no entanto, que a perspectiva histórica de cada romance os diferencia significativamente, tendendo à função sacralizadora em Montello e dessacralizadora em Pepetela. Enquanto a história faz parte do pano de fundo da narrativa montelliana, ela é parte orgânica da narrativa pepeteliana, através de uma projeção temporal contrária: em Montello se dá no sentido retrospectivo e em Pepetela, no sentido prospectivo, o que de saída singulariza qualitativamente os romances. A partir da visão peculiar que preside a organização de cada narrativa, a experiência histórica compartilhada pela trágica herança colonial e escravista toma um viés diferente, onde se vislumbra, já de começo, como cada romancista relê a sua própria história. Assim, longe de se alinharem plenamente pela perspectiva histórica, os romances são diferenciados a partir dela e este trabalho comparativo se ocupa justamente em demonstrar como isso acontece. / The novels called Os tambores de São Luís (1975) by the brazilian Josué Montello, and A gloriosa família - o tempo dos flamengos (1997), by the angolan Pepetela, maintain a dialogue with the Angolan history and the Maranhão history respectively, closing the borders between literature and history. More than to narrow borders, they investigate a narrative place where the form and content interact outside their margins of origin: literature and history are displaced looking for other truths that once separated, neither one of them could conceive. Certainly, however, that the historical perspective of each novel make them seem different tending to the sacramental function in Montello and to the desacramental one in Pepetela. While the story is part of the background of the montellian narrative, it is an organic part of the pepetelian narrative through a temporal contrary projection: in Montello there is a retrospective meaning and in Pepetela a prospective one that comes out the unique quality of the novels. From the peculiar vision that governs the organization of each narrative, the historical experience shared by the tragic colonial legacy and slavery takes a different bias where since the beginning it is possible to wonder how each novelist re-read his own history. Thus, far from having a fully alignment by the historical perspective, the novels are differentiated from it and this comparative work is concerned to demonstrate precisely how this happens.

Transitional justice and reparations in Tanzania and Germany : Actors’ perceptions, their causes and implications for responsibility and power relations

Taşcı, Sinan January 2024 (has links)
In this thesis, I analyze the differing perceptions regarding transitional justice and reparations in the postcolonial context of Tanzania and Germany of involved actors. Causes for these diverse perceptions and conceptualizations along with implications for responsibility and power relations were focused upon. These perceptions influence the lately growing momentum of discussions and demands for transitional justice and reparations between former colonizers and formerly colonized countries. By analyzing political statements, two speeches, newspaper articles, and partly self-conducted interviews of political as well as civil society actors and scholars, the research contributes insights into causes for differences and intentions of the various actors involved. The analysis is conducted, employing discourse analysis following Winther Jørgensen and Phillips and the postcolonial concepts of colonial Legacy, Power, and Subaltern Voices along the constructivist concepts: Norms & Identity and Agency & Contestation. To analyze the political apology of the German President I used Zoodsma et al.’s coding families (2021) for a holistic apology. I demonstrate the interconnectedness of the applied concepts and the states’ focus on reconciliation instead of holistic transitional justice mechanisms, promoting the countries’ political and economic cooperation. Moreover, I argue that subaltern voices, descendants of victims are mostly marginalized in the political discussions of both the Tanzanian and German state.

Aspects de la construction nationale après les indépendances camerounaises : le désir de sécession (1960 – 2009) / Aspects of Nation-Building after the Cameroonian Independences : the Desire to Secede (1960-2009)

Olinga, Michel 10 October 2011 (has links)
Après un peu plus de deux décennies d’un système de parti unique, le Cameroun a connu le retour aupluralisme politique au début des années 1990. Ce retour au multipartisme a conduit à une certaine libération de la parole, à une libéralisation politique et des revendications d’appartenances. Le nouvel espace de liberté a contribué à soulever, dans la sphère sociopolitique nationale, la problématique relative à la construction nationale postcoloniale dans un pays où cohabitent un double héritage colonial (franco-britannique) localement domestiqué et des centaines d’appartenances locales d’ordreethno régional, linguistique et religieux. La problématique de la construction nationale, dans un tel contexte de multi appartenance, constitue le propos central de cette étude et porte plus précisément sur la libération manifeste de l’expression des frustrations de la minorité anglophone du Cameroun. Il yest notamment démontré comment le Cameroun moderne, issu de la réunification entre l’ancien territoire du Cameroun sous tutelle française et la partie méridionale de l’ancien Cameroun britannique, gère son double héritage colonial dans un espace d’une diversité labyrinthique. Une gestion parfois concurrentielle, hégémonique et népotique des appartenances ou des identités, identités relatives au double héritage colonial franco-britannique, mais également identités tribales ou ethno régionales, enfin un processus de démocratisation plutôt frivole, illusoire et languissant, semblent entretenir ce qu’on nomme désormais au Cameroun : « la question anglophone » ou encore « le problème anglophone ». / In the early 1990s, just over two decades of a single-party system, Cameroon experienced a return to political pluralism. The multiparty system then led to some free speech, to some political relaxation and claims of belonging as well. The then new area of freedom conduced to the raising, at the sociopolitical level, of the issue of postcolonial nation-building in a country where a double colonial legacy (Anglo-French), locally re-appropriated, has coexisted with hundreds of local particularities of ethno-regional, linguistic and religious nature. The issue of nation-building in such a multiple belonging context is actually the very objective of this study, which focuses on the evident liberation in the manifestation of the English-speaking minority’s frustrations in Cameroon after the political relaxation in the early 1990s. The study shows how the modern State of Cameroon, resulting from the reunification of the former French Cameroon and the former British Southern Cameroons, manages its double colonial legacy in an area of a labyrinthine diversity. What has now been termed in Cameroon as: “the Anglophone Problem” seems to have been nurtured by a competitive, hegemonic and nepotistic management, at times, of heritage or identities – identities regarding the Anglo-French colonial heritage. It has also been revealed by tribal or ethno regional identities and by a democratisation process, which can be seen as rather trivial, illusive and lackadaisical.

Human resource management practices and national culture: Empirical evidence from Pakistan.

Ali, Ashique January 2010 (has links)
This study examined impact of national culture on human resource management (HRM) functioning in present-day Pakistan. / No digital full text provided

Enjeux et défis de la trajectoire de développement de deux petits États insulaires anglophones : étude comparée de Maurice et de Trinidad des origines à l’ère de l’économie de la connaissance / Issues and Challenges Faced by Two English-Speaking Small Island States in the Course of Their Development : a Comparative Study of Mauritius and Trinidad, From Colonial Beginnings to Knowledge-Based Economies

Aza, Ondine 23 February 2017 (has links)
Dans un contexte qualifié d’ « économie du savoir », où la croissance de l’économie mondiale repose de plus en plus sur les activités intensives en connaissance, la thèse s’interroge sur la capacité de deux petits États insulaires en développement – Maurice et Trinidad – à s’adapter pour s'intégrer à cette dynamique. Ces anciennes colonies britanniques, membres du Commonwealth depuis leur accession à l'indépendance dans les années soixante, font état d’indicateurs de développement en constante progression et sont souvent considérées comme des modèles de réussite économique. La thèse étudie la mise en place des institutions dans ces pays et cherche à évaluer dans quelle mesure l’héritage de la période coloniale, à travers la trace qu'ils en conservent dans la période contemporaine, peut faciliter la transition de leurs économies vers les secteurs intensifs en savoir. Pour ce faire, elle retrace leur trajectoire de développement institutionnel et économique des origines jusqu’à nos jours et elle s’intéresse notamment aux mesures prises aujourd’hui pour doter le pays du cadre nécessaire à l’économie de la connaissance, en particulier à travers le rôle de l’enseignement supérieur en tant qu’outil fondamental pour former le capital humain. Tout en reconnaissant que certains des atouts dont disposent les deux pays pour s’engager dans ce processus avec succès peuvent être mis en relation avec leur passé colonial, la thèse approfondit l’hypothèse que leur transformation en économies de la connaissance risque aussi d'être entravée par des caractéristiques héritées de cette période et qui, des décennies après l'accession à l'indépendance, freinent une large diffusion de la connaissance au sein de leur population. / At a time when economic growth is thought to be driven primarily by knowledge, the purpose of this research is to analyse to what extent two Small Island Developing States – Mauritius and Trinidad – are adequately equipped for this new economic context. As former British colonies, they both joined the Commonwealth upon gaining independence in the nineteen-sixties and they have since largely succeeded in overcoming their initially unfavourable conditions. Today, their good political, economic and social development is widely acknowledged. The main focus of this research is to evaluate how far colonial legacy, which is still visible in the contemporary institutions of both these states, can favour the transition they wish to undertake towards knowledge-intensive activities as drivers of economic growth. For this purpose, the research analyses the development trajectory followed by their institutions and their economy spanning the whole period of their colonial and post-independence history; additionally, this research considers the steps which are undertaken nowadays to build the framework required to foster a knowledge economy by studying more specifically the role of higher education as an essential tool for human capital formation. While upholding that some of the assets which could help them achieve their objectives can be linked to their colonial past, the research contends that the transformation of these two countries into knowledge-based economies could be hindered by the legacy of colonisation on some of their current features and which, decades after gaining independence, impedes the widespread diffusion of knowledge amongst their population.

Human resource management practices and national culture : empirical evidence from Pakistan

Ali, Ashique January 2010 (has links)
This study examined impact of national culture on human resource management (HRM) functioning in present-day Pakistan.

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