Spelling suggestions: "subject:"combustion engine""
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Calibration reduction in internal combustion engine fueling control: modeling, estimation and stability robustnessMeyer, Jason 27 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Modelling of Heat Losses through Coated Cylinder Walls and their Impact on Engine PerformanceEscalona Cornejo, Johan Enrique 13 April 2021 (has links)
[ES] Actualmente, los vehículos propulsados por motores de combustión interna alternativos (MCIA) constituyen uno de los mayores agentes contaminantes para el medio ambiente. En este sentido, ha existido una importante cooperación internacional para promulgar leyes que regulen las emisiones contaminantes. De manera que los fabricantes de coches han impulsado el desarrollo de tecnologías más limpias y amigables con el medio ambiente. Ante esta situación, ha surgido recientemente la electrificación, como uno de los proyectos más ambiciosos de la industria automotriz para los próximos años. Sin embargo, esta meta parece aún lejana en el horizonte. En tal sentido, la hibridación con motores térmicos y eléctricos parece ser el camino a seguir en el corto plazo. Por consiguiente, los MCIA seguirán siendo la principal fuente de propulsión terrestre durante los años venideros. Para mitigar los inherentes efectos contaminantes de los motores de combustión interna, se han propuesto diferentes tecnologías para desarrollar motores más eficientes. Entre ellas, la aplicación de recubrimientos térmicos en las paredes de la cámara de combustión apunta a reducir las pérdidas por calor en el motor, y así aumentar su eficiencia térmica. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es estudiar el impacto de aplicar recubrimientos térmicos en las paredes de la cámara de combustión en motores de combustión interna. En este sentido, determinar los flujos de calor experimentalmente a través de las paredes es complicado y no del todo fiables, debido a que dependen de la medición de las temperaturas de pared. Por este motivo, el CFD-CHT es utilizado. El primer paso fue validar la herramienta computacional que es utilizada para los cálculos en motores de combustión interna. Para ello se realizó un estudio preliminar en geometrías sencillas como una tubería circular o un canal rectangular. Se evaluaron los modelos de transferencia de calor y se determinó la relevancia de ciertos parámetros como la rugosidad. Para complementar el estudio, se realizó un análisis de las temperaturas en una geometría más realista como el pistón de un MCIA. Los valores de temperatura calculados por el software fueron casi iguales a las medidas experimentales. Por consiguiente, la fiabilidad de la herramienta computacional fue verificada. Seguidamente, se plantea una metodología para abordar al problema de modelar capas muy finas de recubrimientos térmicos en el espacio tridimensional. Para de esta manera poder simular las paredes recubiertas en la cámara de combustión. La metodología consiste en definir un material equivalente con un espesor y número de nodos que permitan un mallado computacionalmente realista. Para ello se utilizó un DoE en combinación con un análisis de regresión múltiple. Los primeros estudios se llevaron a cabo en un motor de gasolina. El modelado se llevó a cabo para dos configuraciones: motor con paredes metálicas y motor con pistón y culata recubiertos. A través de un análisis exhaustivo de la transferencia del calor, se evaluó el impacto que tenía aplicar el revestimiento térmico en el motor. La comparación con datos experimentales demuestran la utilidad del cálculo CHT para evaluar las pérdidas de calor en un MCIA. Sin embargo, ninguna mejora fue observada en el motor de gasolina debido al tipo de recubrimiento aplicado en las paredes de la cámara de combustión. Las simulaciones llevadas a cabo en el motor de gasolina permitieron determinar que los cálculos CHT son computacionalmente largos. En este sentido, una serie de estrategias diseñadas a optimizar los cálculos han sido analizadas con el fin de reducir los tiempos de cálculo. A través de este estudio, se encontró una metodología para optimizar la malla del dominio computacional. Esta última, emplea un refinamiento AMR basado en la distancia de pared. Este método es utilizado para modelar el impacto de aplicar un revestimiento tér / [CA] Actualment, els vehicles propulsats per motors de combustió interna alter- natius (MCIA) constitueixen un dels majors agents contaminants per al medi ambient. En aquest sentit, ha existit una important cooperació internacional per a promulgar lleis que regulen les emissions contaminants. De manera que els fabricants de cotxes han impulsat el desenvolupament de tecnologies més netes i amigables amb el medi ambient. Davant aquesta situació, ha sorgit recentment l'electrificació, com un dels projectes més ambiciosos de la indústria automotriu per als pròxims anys. No obstant això, aquesta meta sembla encara llunyana en l'horitzó. En tal sentit, la hibridació amb motors tèrmics i elèctrics sembla ser el camí a seguir en el curt termini. Per consegüent, els MCIA continuaran sent la principal font de propulsió terrestre durant els anys esdevenidors. Per a mitigar els inherents efectes contaminants dels motors de combustió interna, s'han proposat diferents tecnologies per a desenvolupar motors més eficients. Entre elles, l'aplicació de recobriments tèrmics en les parets de la cambra de combustió apunta a reduir les pèrdues per calor en el motor, i així augmentar la seua eficiència tèrmica. L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi és estudiar l'impacte d'aplicar reco- briments tèrmics en les parets de la cambra de combustió en motors de combustió interna. En aquest sentit, determinar els fluxos de calor experi- mentalment a través de les parets és complicat i no del tot fiable, pel fet que depenen del mesurament de les temperatures de paret. Per aquest motiu, el CFD-CHT (Computational fluid dynamics-Conjugate Heat Transfer) és utilitzat. El primer pas va ser validar l'eina computacional que és utilitzada per als càlculs en motors de combustió interna. Per a això es va realitzar un estudi preliminar en geometries senzilles com una canonada circular o un canal rectangular. Es van avaluar els models de transferència de calor i es va determinar la rellevància de certs paràmetres com la rugositat. Per a complementar l'estudi, es va realitzar una anàlisi de les temperatures en una geometria més realista com el pistó d'un MCIA. Els valors de temperatura calculats pel software van ser quasi iguals a les mesures experimentals. Per consegüent, la fiabilitat de l'eina computacional va ser verificada. Seguidament, es planteja una metodologia per a abordar el problema de modelar capes molt fines de recobriments tèrmics en l'espai tridimensional, per a d'aquesta manera poder simular les parets recobertes en la cambra de combustió. La metodologia consisteix a definir un material equivalent amb una grossària i nombre de nodes que permeten un mallat computacionalment realista. Per a això es va utilitzar un DoE (Design of experiments) en combinació amb una anàlisi de regressió múltiple. Els primers estudis es van dur a terme en un motor de gasolina. El mod- elatge es va dur a terme per a dues configuracions: motor amb parets metàl·liques i motor amb pistó i culata recoberts. A través d'una anàlisi exhaustiva de la transferència de la calor, es va avaluar l'impacte que tenia aplicar el revestiment tèrmic en el motor. La comparació amb dades experi- mentals demostren la utilitat del càlcul CHT per a avaluar les pèrdues de calor en un MCIA. No obstant això, cap millora va ser observada en el motor de gasolina a causa de la mena de recobriment aplicada en les parets de la cambra de combustió. Les simulacions dutes a terme en el motor de gasolina van permetre determinar que els càlculs CHT són computacionalment llargs. En aquest sentit, una sèrie d'estratègies dissenyades per a optimitzar els càlculs han sigut analitzades amb la finalitat de reduir els temps de càlcul. A través d'aquest estudi, es va trobar una metodologia per a optimitzar la malla del domini computacional. Aquesta última, empra un refinament AMR basat en la distància de paret. / [EN] Currently, vehicles powered by internal combustion engines (ICE) are targeted as contributing largely to environmental pollution. In this regard, there has been significant international cooperation to enact laws that regulate the polluting emissions. Hence, the car manufacturers have oriented efforts to the development of cleaner and more eco-friendly technologies. In order to face this situation, electrified vehicles have emerged as one of the most promising projects in the automotive industry for the coming years. However, this target still seems far on the horizon. In this sense, hybridization with thermal and electric engines seems to be the path to follow in the short term. Consequently, ICEs will continue to be one of the important sources of terrestrial propulsion in the coming years. To mitigate the inherent polluting effects of internal combustion engines, different technologies have been proposed to develop more efficient engines. Among them, the application of thermal coatings on the combustion chamber walls. This technology aims at reducing the heat losses in the engine, and thus increase its thermal efficiency. The main objective of this thesis is to study the impact of coating the combustion chamber walls of an engine on heat losses and thermal efficiency. The experimental definition of the heat fluxes through the walls is complex and not very reliable because it requires the measurement of wall temperatures. For this reason, CFD-CHT (Computational fluid dynamics-Conjugate Heat Transfer) is used. The first step was to validate the computational tool employed for CFD-CHT calculations in internal combustion engines. For this, a preliminary study in simple geometries such as a circular pipe or a rectangular channel was performed. Heat transfer models were evaluated and the relevance of certain parameters such as roughness was determined. To reinforce the study, a thermal analysis in a more realistic geometry such as the piston of a CI engine was carried out. The temperature values calculated by the software were almost the same as the experimental measurements. Consequently, the reliability of the computational tool was verified. Next, a methodology was proposed to address the problem of modeling very thin layers of thermal coating for three-dimensional CFD-CHT calculations. The methodology consists in defining an "equivalent material" with a thickness and number of nodes that allow a computationally realistic mesh. For this, a DoE in combination with a multiple regression analysis was employed. The first CFD-CHT simulations in ICEs were carried out for a gasoline engine. The study was performed for two configurations: metallic engine and engine with coated piston and cylinder head. An exhaustive heat transfer analysis was made in order to determine the impact of applying the thermal coating on the engine. Comparison with experimental data proved the suitability of the CHT calculations to evaluate heat losses in ICEs. However, no improvement on engine efficiency was observed in the gasoline engine due to the type of coating applied on the combustion chamber walls. Experience with the gasoline engine calculations showed that CHT calculations were very time consuming. In this regard, some strategies aimed at optimizing the calculations were analyzed in order to reduce calculation times. The most successful methodology was based on AMR cell refinement to optimize the mesh and reduce significantly the computational costs. This approach was used to study the impact of applying a new generation thermal coating on the piston top of a Diesel engine. The results obtained indicated that this type of coating allows for some improvement in the thermal efficiency of the engine without affecting its performance. / The author wishes to acknowledge the financial support received through contract FPI-2018-S2-1205 of the Programa para la Formación de Personal investigador (FPI) 2018 of Universitat Politècnica de València. Parts of the work presented in this thesis have received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme undergrant agreement No 724084.The author wishes to thank IFPEN for their permission to use their single cylinder engine geometry and experimental results, as well as Saint Gobain Research Provence for providing the coating characteristics.The respondent wants to express its gratitude to CONVERGENT SCIENCE Inc. and Convergent Science GmbH for their kind support for performingthe CFD-CHT calculations using CONVERGE software / Escalona Cornejo, JE. (2021). Modelling of Heat Losses through Coated Cylinder Walls and their Impact on Engine Performance [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/165244
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In-Cylinder Pressure-Based Control of Premixed Dual-Fuel CombustionBarbier, Alvin Richard Sebastien 30 May 2022 (has links)
[ES] La actual crisis climática ha instado a la comunidad investigadora y a los fabricantes a brindar soluciones para hacer que el sector del transporte sea más sostenible. De entre las diversas tecnologías propuestas, la combustión a baja temperatura ha sido objeto de una extensa investigación. La combustión premezclada dual-fuel es uno de los conceptos que abordan el compromiso de NOx-hollín en motores de encendido por compresión manteniendo alta eficiencia térmica. Esta combustión hace uso de dos combustibles con diferentes reactividades para mejorar la controlabilidad de este modo de combustión en un amplio rango de funcionamiento.
De manera similar a todos los modos de combustión premezclados, esta combustión es sensible a las condiciones de operación y suele estar sujeta a variabilidad cíclica con gradientes de presión significativos. En consecuencia, se requieren estrategias de control avanzadas para garantizar un funcionamiento seguro y preciso del motor. El control en bucle cerrado es una herramienta eficaz para abordar los desafíos que plantea la combustión premezclada dual-fuel. En este tipo de control, para mantener el funcionamiento deseado, las acciones de control se adaptan y corrigen a partir de una retroalimentación con las señales de salida del motor.
Esta tesis presenta estrategias de control basadas en la medición de la señal de presión en el cilindro, aplicadas a motores de combustión premezclada dual-fuel. En ella se resuelven diversos aspectos del funcionamiento del motor mediante el diseño de controladores dedicados, haciéndose especial énfasis en analizar e implementar estas soluciones a los diferentes niveles de estratificación de mezcla considerados en estos motores (es decir, totalmente, altamente y parcialmente premezclada). Inicialmente, se diseñan estrategias de control basadas en el procesamiento de la señal de presión en el cilindro y se seleccionan acciones proporcionales-integrales para asegurar el rendimiento deseado del motor sin exceder las limitaciones mecánicas del motor. También se evalúa la técnica extremum seeking para realizar una supervisión de una combustión eficiente y la reducción de emisiones de NOx. Luego se analiza la resonancia de la presión en el cilindro y se implementa un controlador similar a aquel usado para el control de knock para garantizar el funcionamiento seguro del motor. Finalmente, se utilizan modelos matemáticos para diseñar un modelo orientado a control y un observador que tiene como objetivo combinar las señales medidas en el motor para mejorar las capacidades de predicción y diagnóstico en dicha configuración de motor.
Los resultados de este trabajo destacan la importancia de considerar el control en bucle cerrado para abordar las limitaciones encontradas en los modos de combustión premezclada. En particular, el uso de la medición de presión en el cilindro muestra la relevancia y el potencial de esta señal para desarrollar estrategias de control complejas y precisas. / [CA] L'actual crisi climàtica ha instat a la comunitat investigadora i als fabricants a brindar solucions per a fer que el sector del transport siga més sostenible. D'entre les diverses tecnologies proposades, la combustió a baixa temperatura ha sigut objecte d'una extensa investigació. La combustió premesclada dual-fuel és un dels conceptes que aborden el compromís de NOx-sutge en motors d'encesa per compressió mantenint alta eficiència tèrmica. Aquesta combustió fa ús de dos combustibles amb diferents reactivitats per a millorar la controlabilitat d'aquest tipus de combustió en un ampli rang de funcionament.
De manera similar a tots els tipus de combustió premesclada, aquesta combustió és sensible a les condicions d'operació i sol estar subjecta a variabilitat cíclica amb gradients de pressió significatius. En conseqüència, es requereixen estratègies de control avançades per a garantir un funcionament segur i precís del motor. El control en bucle tancat és una eina eficaç per a abordar els desafiaments que planteja la combustió premesclada dual-fuel. En aquesta mena de control, per a mantindre el funcionament desitjat, les accions de control s'adapten i corregeixen a partir d'una retroalimentació amb els senyals d'eixida del motor.
Aquesta tesi presenta estratègies de control basades en el mesurament del senyal de pressió en el cilindre, aplicades a motors de combustió premesclada dual-fuel. En ella es resolen diversos aspectes del funcionament del motor mitjançant el disseny de controladors dedicats, fent-se especial èmfasi a analitzar i implementar aquestes solucions als diferents nivells d'estratificació de mescla considerats en aquests motors (és a dir, totalment, altament i parcialment premesclada). Inicialment, es dissenyen estratègies de control basades en el processament del senyal de pressió en el cilindre i se seleccionen accions proporcionals-integrals per a assegurar el rendiment desitjat del motor sense excedir les limitacions mecàniques del motor. També s'avalua la tècnica extremum seeking per a realitzar una supervisió d'una combustió eficient i la reducció d'emissions de NOx. Després s'analitza la ressonància de la pressió en el cilindre i s'implementa un controlador similar a aquell usat per al control de knock per a garantir el funcionament segur del motor. Finalment, s'utilitzen models matemàtics per a dissenyar un model orientat a control i un observador que té com a objectiu combinar els senyals mesurats en el motor per a millorar les capacitats de predicció i diagnòstic en aquesta configuració de motor.
Els resultats d'aquest treball destaquen la importància de considerar el control en bucle tancat per a abordar les limitacions trobades en la combustió premesclada. En particular, l'ús del mesurament de pressió en el cilindre mostra la rellevància i el potencial d'aquest senyal per a desenvolupar estratègies de control complexes i precises. / [EN] The current climate crisis has urged the research community and manufacturers to provide solutions to make the transportation sector cleaner. Among the various technologies proposed, low temperature combustion has undergone extensive investigation. Premixed dual-fuel combustion is one of the concepts addressing the NOx-soot trade-off in compression ignited engines, while maintaining high thermal efficiency. This combustion makes use of two fuels with different reactivities in order to improve the controllability of this combustion mode over a wide range of operation.
Similarly to all premixed combustion modes, this combustion is nevertheless sensitive to the operating conditions and traditionally exhibits cycle-to-cycle variability with significant pressure gradients. Consequently, advanced control strategies to ensure a safe and accurate operation of the engine are required. Feedback control is a powerful approach to address the challenges raised by the premixed dual-fuel combustion. By measuring the output signals from the engine, strategies can be developed to adapt and correct the control actions to maintain the desired operation.
This thesis presents control strategies, based on the in-cylinder pressure signal measurement, applied to premixed dual-fuel combustion engines. Various objectives were addressed by designing dedicated controllers, where a special emphasis was made towards analyzing and implementing these solutions to the different levels of mixture stratification considered in these engines (i.e., fully, highly and partially premixed). At first, feedback control strategies based on the in-cylinder pressure signal processing were designed. Proportional-integral actions were selected to ensure the desired engine performance without exceeding the mechanical constraints of the engine. Extremum seeking was evaluated to track efficient combustion phasing and NOx emissions reduction. The in-cylinder pressure resonance was then analyzed and a knock-like controller was implemented to ensure safe operation of the engine. Finally, mathematical models were used to design a control-oriented model and a state observer that aimed to leverage the signals measured in the engine to improve the prediction and diagnostic capabilities in such engine configuration.
The results from this work highlighted the importance of considering feedback control to address the limitations encountered in premixed combustion modes. Particularly, the use of the in-cylinder pressure measurement showed the relevance and potential of this signal to develop complex and accurate control strategies. / This thesis was financially supported by the Programa Operativo del Fondo
Social Europeo (FSE) de la Comunitat Valenciana 2014-2020 through grant
ACIF/2018/141. / Barbier, ARS. (2022). In-Cylinder Pressure-Based Control of Premixed Dual-Fuel Combustion [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/183274
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CFD Modelling and Analysis of the Passive Pre-Chamber Ignition Concept for Future Generation Spark-Ignition EnginesBarbery Avila, Ibrahim Ignacio 28 April 2023 (has links)
[ES] Desde la irrupción de los vehículos eléctricos en el mercado automotriz como una opción de transporte limpia y asequible, los fabricantes de motores han estado buscando nuevas formas de reducir la huella ambiental de los actuales motores de combustión interna alternativos (MCIA). Hoy en día, la mayoría de las investigaciones en aplicaciones de vehículos de pasajeros se centran en desarrollar aún más los motores de encendido provocado (MEP) para promover una nueva generación de sistemas de propulsión sostenibles y de alto rendimiento.
En este contexto, el concepto de encendido de precámara se está convirtiendo en una solución atractiva para aumentar la eficiencia térmica de los futuros MEP para vehículos de pasajeros, debido a su capacidad de acelerar el proceso de combustión. Además, la combinación de esta estrategia de encendido con mezclas diluidas (ya sea con aire o gases de escape) tiene el potencial de mejorar aún más el rendimiento del motor. En particular, en comparación con los sistemas de precámara activa con suministro de combustible auxiliar, la versión pasiva ofrece ventajas evidentes en términos de simplicidad mecánica, ensamblaje y coste. Sin embargo, todavía existen importantes obstáculos relacionados con la comprensión de los aspectos fisicoquímicos fundamentales del concepto (turbulencia, aerodinámica, conversión de energía, dinámica de los chorros, geometría de precámara...), que en última instancia han limitado la integración de esta tecnología en producción.
Por lo tanto, esta tesis doctoral pretende extender el nivel de conocimiento de este concepto de encendido mediante el uso de un modelo CFD de última generación, validado con un extenso conjunto de medidas experimentales y siguiendo una metodología especialmente desarrollada para este trabajo de investigación. Los resultados obtenidos se dividieron en tres partes:
La primera parte evaluó un MEP monocilíndrico de investigación, representativo de vehículos automóviles, que integraba el concepto de precámara pasiva en condiciones estequiométricas sin dilución. Aquí se evaluó el impacto del punto de operación del motor, el avance del encendido y la geometría de la precámara sobre los procesos físicos y termoquímicos que intervienen en este concepto de combustión.
La segunda parte del estudio se centró en caracterizar el concepto en condiciones diluidas con aire y recirculación de gases de escape (EGR). Se analizó en profundidad la evolución del proceso de combustión y la distribución de energía en la precámara y cámara principal para los límites de dilución experimentales. Además, también se evaluó el uso de hidrógeno para ampliar el límite de dilución con aire.
La última etapa de la investigación consistió en evaluar una posible aplicación tecnológica de este concepto de encendido a partir de los conocimientos adquiridos. Por ello, se desarrolló una metodología de diseño de precámara que combina herramientas numéricas 0D/1D y CFD. Posteriormente, la metodología fue validada en el banco de ensayos del motor, y la precámara resultante ofreció buenos niveles de rendimiento térmico y fue capaz de extender el límite de dilución con EGR.
Con ello, la presente tesis doctoral supone un avance significativo en el campo del análisis del impacto de la integración de sistemas avanzados en MCIA en general, y en MEP en particular, con el objetivo de mejorar sus prestaciones, emisiones o rendimiento, contribuyendo al esfuerzo que está realizando la comunidad científica para mitigar el impacto ambiental del sector del transporte. / [CAT] Des de la irrupció dels vehicles elèctrics en el mercat automotriu com una opció de transport neta i assequible, els fabricants de motors han estat buscant noves maneres de reduir la petjada ambiental dels actuals motors de combustió interna alternatius (MCIA). Hui dia, la majoria de les investigacions en aplicacions de vehicles de passatgers se centren a desenvolupar encara més els motors d'encesa provocada (MEP) per a promoure una nova generació de sistemes de propulsió sostenibles i d'alt rendiment.
En aquest context, el concepte d'encesa de precàmera s'està convertint en una solució atractiva per a augmentar l'eficiència tèrmica dels futurs MEP per a vehicles de passatgers, a causa de la seua capacitat d'accelerar el procés de combustió. A més, la combinació d'aquesta estratègia d'encesa amb mescles diluïdes (siga amb aire o productes de la combustió) té el potencial de millorar encara més el rendiment del motor. En particular, en comparació amb els sistemes de precàmera activa amb subministrament de combustible auxiliar, la versió passiva ofereix avantatges evidents en termes de simplicitat mecànica, assemblatge i cost. No obstant això, encara existeixen importants obstacles relacionats amb la comprensió dels aspectes fisicoquímics fonamentals del concepte (turbulència, aerodinàmica, conversió d'energia, dinàmica d'ejecció, geometria de precàmera...), que en última instància han limitat la integració d'aquesta tecnologia a la producció en sèrie.
Per tant, aquesta tesi doctoral pretén estendre el nivell de coneixement d'aquest concepte d'encesa mitjançant l'ús d'un model CFD d'última generació, validat amb un extens conjunt de mesures experimentals i seguint una metodologia especialment desenvolupada per a aquest treball de recerca. Els resultats obtinguts es divideixen en tres parts.
La primera part estudia un MEP monocilíndric d'investigació, representatiu dels vehicles actuals d'automoció, que integra el concepte de precàmera passiva en condicions estequiomètriques sense dilució. Ací s'avalua l'impacte del punt d'operació del motor, l'avanç de l'encesa i la geometria de la precàmera sobre els processos físics i termoquímics que intervenen en aquest concepte de combustió.
La segona part de l'estudi se centra a caracteritzar el concepte en condicions diluïdes amb aire i recirculació de gasos produïts per la combustió (EGR). S'analitza en profunditat l'evolució del procés de combustió i la distribució d'energia en la precàmera i en cambra principal per als límits de dilució experimentals. A més, també s'avalua l'ús d'hidrogen per a ampliar el límit de dilució amb aire.
L'última etapa de la investigació consisteix a avaluar una possible aplicació tecnològica d'aquest concepte d'encesa a partir dels coneixements adquirits. Per això, es desenvolupa una metodologia de disseny de precàmera que combina eines numèriques 0D/1D i CFD. Posteriorment, la metodologia és validada al banc d'assajos del motor, on la precàmera resultant ofereix bons nivells de rendiment tèrmic i és capaç d'estendre el límit de dilució amb EGR.
Amb això, la present tesi doctoral suposa un avanç significatiu en el camp de l'anàlisi de l'impacte de la integració de sistemes avançats en MCIA en general, i en MEP en particular, amb l'objectiu de millorar les seues prestacions, emissions o rendiment, contribuint a l'esforç que està realitzant la comunitat científica per a mitigar l'impacte ambiental del sector del transport. / [EN] Since the irruption of electric vehicles in the automotive market as a clean and affordable transportation option, engine manufacturers have been looking for new ways to reduce the environmental footprint of current internal combustion engines (ICE's). Nowadays, most of the research efforts in passenger car applications focus on further developing spark-ignition (SI) engines to promote a new generation of high-performance and sustainable powertrains.
In this context, the pre-chamber ignition concept is becoming an attractive solution to increase the thermal efficiency of future light-duty SI engines, due to its inherent capability of enhancing the combustion process. Moreover, combining this ignition strategy with diluted mixtures (either with air or exhaust gases) has the potential to further improve the engine performance and reduce pollutant emissions. In particular, compared to active pre-chamber systems with an auxiliary fuel supply, the passive version provides advantages in terms of mechanical simplicity, packaging and cost-effectiveness. However, there are still major hurdles related to the understanding of the fundamental physicochemical aspects of the concept (turbulence, scavenging, energy conversion, jet dynamics, pre-chamber geometry...), that ultimately have limited the integration of this technology into production vehicles.
Therefore, this doctoral thesis intends to fill these knowledge gaps by using a state-of-the-art CFD model, validated with an extensive set of engine tests and following a simulation methodology specially developed for this research work. The obtained results were divided into three parts:
The first part evaluated a research single-cylinder SI engine, representative of light-duty applications, operating with the passive pre-chamber system in un-diluted stoichiome\-tric conditions. Here, the impact of the engine operating point, spark timing and pre-chamber geometry over the physical and thermochemical processes that are involved in this combustion concept were evaluated.
The second part of the study focused on characterizing the concept in diluted conditions with air and exhaust gas re-circulation (EGR). The combustion evolution and energy distribution in the pre-chamber and main chamber for the experimental dilution limits were deeply analyzed. In addition, the use of hydrogen to extend the air-dilution limit was also assessed.
The final part of the investigation consisted in developing a potential technological application of this ignition concept from the acquired knowledge. Therefore, a pre-chamber design methodology combining 0D/1D and CFD numerical tools was developed and validated in the engine test bench. The resulting pre-chamber offered good levels of thermal efficiency and was able to extend the EGR dilution limit.
This doctoral thesis represents a significant advancement in the frame of analyzing the impact of advanced ignition systems and their integration in ICE's in general, and in SI engines in particular, with the aim of improving the global features of these powerplants (efficiency and emissions), contributing to the effort that the scientific community is carrying out to mitigate the environmental impact of the transportation sector. / Barbery Avila, II. (2023). CFD Modelling and Analysis of the Passive Pre-Chamber Ignition Concept for Future Generation Spark-Ignition Engines [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/193035
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Analysis and CFD-Guided optimization of advanced combustion systems in compression-ignited enginesSpohr Fernandes, Cássio 12 May 2023 (has links)
[ES] Reducir las emisiones de gases contaminantes de los motores de combustión interna alternativos (MCIA) es uno de los mayores retos para combatir el calentamiento global. Dado que los motores seguirán siendo utilizados por la industria durante décadas, es necesario desarrollar nuevas tecnologías. En este contexto, la presente tesis doctoral viene motivada por la necesidad de seguir mejorando los motores, tanto desde el punto de vista de la ingeniería técnica como desde el punto de vista social, debido a los efectos de los gases de efecto invernadero. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es desarrollar una metodología de optimización para sistemas de combustión de motores de encendido por compresión (MEC) mediante el acoplamiento de algoritmos de optimización con simulación por ordenador. Con la optimización de los sistemas de combustión es posible aumentar la eficiencia de los motores, reduciendo así el consumo de combustible junto con la reducción de emisiones contaminantes, en particular óxidos de nitrógeno (NOx) y hollín. En el primer paso, se abordan diferentes algoritmos de optimización con el fin de elegir el mejor candidato para esta metodología. A partir de aquí, la primera optimización se centra en un motor de encendido por compresión que funciona con combustible convencional para validar la metodología y también para evaluar el estado actual de evolución de estos motores. Con el objetivo de reducir el consumo de combustible manteniendo los niveles de NOx y hollín por debajo de los valores de un motor real, se inicia el proceso de optimización. Los resultados obtenidos confirman que un nuevo sistema de combustión específico para este motor podría generar una reducción del consumo de combustible manteniendo las emisiones de gases por debajo del valor estipulado. Además, se concluye que los motores MEC que utilizan combustible convencional se encuentran ya en un nivel de eficiencia muy elevado, y es difícil mejorarlos sin utilizar un sistema de postratamiento. Así pues, el segundo bloque de optimización se basa en el uso de motores MEC que funcionan con un combustible alternativo, que en este caso es el OME. El objetivo de este estudio es diseñar un sistema de combustión específico para un motor que utilice este combustible y que ofrezca un rendimiento del mismo orden de magnitud que un motor diésel. En la búsqueda de una mayor eficiencia, las emisiones de NOx son una restricción del sistema de optimización para que el sistema de combustión no emita más gases que un motor real. En este caso, el hollín no se tiene en cuenta debido a que las características del combustible no producen este tipo de contaminante. Los resultados mostraron que un sistema de combustión diseñado específicamente para esta operación podía ofrecer altas eficiencias, incluso la eficiencia obtenida fue alrededor de 2,2 % mayor en comparación con el motor diesel real. Además, fue posible reducir a la mitad las emisiones de NOx cuando el motor funciona con OME. El último bloque de optimización se refiere a una nueva arquitectura de motor que permite eliminar las emisiones de NOx. El modelo de oxicombustión resulta apasionante, ya que se elimina el nitrógeno de la mezcla de admisión y, por tanto, no se generan emisiones que contengan N2. Además, con el uso de este modo de combustión, es posible capturar CO$_{2}$ de los gases de escape, que luego puede venderse en el mercado. Dado que se trata de un tema nuevo y poco investigado, los resultados son prometedores. Demuestran que fue posible obtener un sistema de combustión específico capaz de ofrecer niveles de eficiencia cercanos a los de los motores convencionales. Además, se eliminaron las emisiones de NOx, así como las de hollín. Adicionalmente, este sistema fue capaz de reducir las emisiones de CO y HC a niveles similares a los motores convencionales. Por otra parte, los resultados presentados en esta tesis doctoral proporcionan una base de datos ampliada para explorar el funcionamiento del motor CI. / [CAT] Reduir les emissions de gasos contaminants dels motors de combustió interna alternatius (MCIA) és un dels majors reptes per a combatre el camvi climàtic. Atés que els motors continuaran sent utilitzats per la indústria durant dècades, és necessari desenvolupar noves tecnologies. En aquest context, la present tesi doctoral ve motivada per la necessitat de continuar millorant els motors, tant des del punt de vista de l'enginyeria tècnica com des del punt de vista social, degut a l'efecte dels gasos d'efecte d'hivernacle. L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi és desenvolupar una metodologia d'optimització per a sistemes de combustió de motors d'encesa provocada mitjançant l'acoblament d'algorismes d'optimització amb simulació per ordinador. Amb l'optimització dels sistemes de combustió és possible augmentar l'eficiència dels motors, reduint així el consum de combustible, concomitantment amb la reducció d'emissions de gasos, en particular òxids de nitrogen (NOx) i sutge. En el primer pas, s'aborden diferents algorismes d'optimització amb la finalitat d'elegir el millor candidat per a aquesta metodologia. A partir d'ací, la primera optimització se centra en un motor d'encesa per compressió que funciona amb combustible convencional per a validar la metodologia i també per a avaluar l'estat actual d'evolució d'aquests motors. Amb l'objectiu de reduir el consum de combustible mantenint els nivells de NOx i sutge per davall dels valors d'un motor real, s'inicia el procés d'optimització. Els resultats obtinguts confirmen que un nou sistema de combustió específic per a aquest motor podria generar una reducció del consum de combustible mantenint les emissions de gasos per davall del valor estipulat. A més, es conclou que els motors d'encesa per compressió que utilitzen combustible convencional es troben ja en un nivell d'eficiència molt elevat, i és difícil millorar-los sense utilitzar un sistema de posttractament. Així doncs, el segon bloc d'optimització es basa en l'ús de motors d'encesa per compressió que funcionen amb un combustible alternatiu, que en aquest cas és el OME. L'objectiu d'aquest estudi és dissenyar un sistema de combustió específic per a un motor que utilitze aquest combustible i que oferisca un rendiment del mateix ordre de magnitud que un motor dièsel. En la cerca d'una major eficiència, les emissions de NOx són una restricció del sistema d'optimització perquè el sistema de combustió no emeta més gasos que un motor real. En aquest cas, el sutge no es té en compte pel fet que les característiques del combustible no produeixen aquest tipus de contaminant. Els resultats van mostrar que un sistema de combustió dissenyat específicament per a aquesta operació podia oferir altes eficiències, fins i tot l'eficiència obtinguda va ser al voltant de 2,2 % major en comparació amb el motor dièsel real. A més, va ser possible reduir a la meitat les emissions de NOx quan el motor funciona amb OME. L'últim bloc d'optimització es refereix a una nova arquitectura del motor que permet eliminar les emissions de NOx. El model de oxicombustió resulta apassionant, ja que s'elimina el nitrogen de la mescla d'admissió i, per tant, no es generen emissions que continguen N2. A més, amb l'ús d'aquesta manera de combustió, és possible capturar CO$_{2}$ dels gasos de fuita, que després pot vendre's en el mercat. Atés que es tracta d'un tema nou i poc investigat, els resultats són prometedors. Demostren que va ser possible obtindre un sistema de combustió específic capaç d'oferir nivells d'eficiència pròxims als dels motors convencionals. A més, es van eliminar les emissions de NOx, així com les de sutge. Addicionalment, aquest sistema va ser capaç de reduir les emissions de CO i HC a nivells similars als motors convencionals. D'altra banda, els resultats presentats en aquesta tesi doctoral proporcionen una base de dades ampliada per a explorar el funcionament del motor CI. / [EN] Reducing emissions of pollutant gases from internal combustion engines (ICE) is one of the biggest challenges to combat global warming. As the engines will continue to be used by industry for decades, it is necessary to develop new technologies. In this context, the present doctoral thesis was motivated by the need to further improve engines, both from a technical engineering and social point of view, due to the effects of greenhouse gases. The main objective of this thesis is to develop an optimization methodology for compression ignition (CI) engine combustion systems by coupling optimization algorithms with computer simulation. With the optimization of the combustion systems, it is possible to increase the efficiency of the engines, thus reducing fuel consumption, concomitantly with the reduction of gas emissions, in particular nitrogen oxides (NOx) and soot. In the first step, different optimization algorithms are addressed in order to elect the best candidate for this methodology. From this point on, the first optimization is focused on a CI engine operating with conventional fuel in order to validate the methodology and also to evaluate the current state of evolution of these engines. With the goal of reducing fuel consumption while keeping NOx and soot levels below the values of a real engine, the optimization process begins. The results obtained confirm that a new combustion system specifically for this engine could generate a reduction in fuel consumption while keeping gas emissions below the stipulated value. Furthermore, it is concluded that CI engines using conventional fuel are already at a very high-efficiency level, and it is difficult to improve them without the use of an after-treatment system. Thus, the second optimization block is based on the use of CI engines operating on an alternative fuel, which in this case is OME. This study aimed to design a specific combustion system for an engine using this fuel that delivers efficiency on the same order of magnitude as a diesel engine. While searching for better efficiency, the NOx emissions are a restriction of the optimization system so that the combustion system does not emit more gases than a real engine. In this case, soot is not considered due to the characteristics of the fuel not producing this kind of pollutant. The results showed that a combustion system designed specifically for this operation could deliver high efficiencies, including the efficiency obtained was around 2.2 \% higher compared to the real diesel engine. In addition, it was possible to halve the NOx emissions when the engine operates with OME. The last optimization block concerns a new engine architecture that makes it possible to eliminate NOx emissions. The oxy-fuel combustion model is exciting since nitrogen is eliminated from the intake mixture, and thus no emissions containing N2 are generated. Furthermore, with the use of this combustion mode, it is possible to capture CO$_{2}$ from the exhaust gas, which can then be sold to the market. Since this is a new and little-researched topic, the results are promising. They show that it was possible to obtain a specific combustion system capable of delivering efficiency levels close to conventional engines. Furthermore, NOx emissions were eliminated, as well as soot emissions. Additionally, this system was able to reduce CO and HC emissions to levels similar to conventional engines. Moreover, the results presented in this doctoral thesis provide an extended database to explore the CI engine operation. Additionally, this work showed the potential of computational simulation allied with mathematical methods in order to design combustion systems for different applications. / I want to thanks the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia for his predoctoral
contract (FPI-2019-S2-20-555), which is included within the framework of
Programa de Apoyo para la Investigacion y Desarrollo (PAID). / Spohr Fernandes, C. (2023). Analysis and CFD-Guided optimization of advanced combustion systems in compression-ignited engines [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/193292
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Transition and Acoustic Response of Vortex Breakdown Modes in Unconfined Coaxial Swirling Flow and FlameSanthosh, R January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The efficient and enhanced mixing of heat and incoming reactants is achieved in modern gas turbine systems by employing swirling flows. This is realized by a low velocity region (internal recirculation zone -IRZ) zone resulting from vortex breakdown phenomenon. Besides, IRZ acts as effective flame holder/stabilization mode. Double concentric swirling jet is employed in plethora of industrial applications such as heat exchange, spray drying and combustion. As such, understanding essential features of vortex breakdown induced IRZ and its acoustic response in swirling flow/flame is important in thermo-acoustic instability studies.
The key results of the present experimental investigation are discussed in four parts. In the first part, primary transition (sub-critical states) from a pre-vortex breakdown (Pre-VB) flow reversal to a fully-developed central toroidal recirculation zone (CTRZ) in a non-reacting, double-concentric swirling jet configuration is discussed when the swirl number is varied in the range 0.592 S 0.801. This transition proceeds with the formation of two intermediate, critical flow regimes. First, a partially-penetrated vortex breakdown bubble (VBB) is formed that indicates the first occurrence of an enclosed structure resulting in an opposed flow stagnation region. Second, a metastable transition structure is formed that marks the collapse of inner mixing vortices. In this study, the time-averaged topological changes in the coherent recirculation structures are discussed based on the non-dimensional modified Rossby number (Rom) which appears to describe the spreading of the zone of swirl influence in different flow regimes. The second part describes a secondary transition from an open-bubble type axisymmetric vortex breakdown (sub-critical states) to partially-open bubble mode (super-critical states) through an intermediate, critical regime of conical sheet formation for flow modes Rom ≤ 1 is discussed when the swirl number (S) is increased beyond 0.801.
In the third part, amplitude dependent acoustic response of above mentioned sub and supercritical flow states is discussed. It was observed that the global acoustic response of the sub-critical VB states was fundamentally different from their corresponding super-critical modes. In particular, with a stepwise increase in excitation amplitude till a critical value, the sub-critical VB topology moved downstream and radially outward. Beyond a critical magnitude, the VB bubble transited back upstream and finally underwent radial shrinkage at the threshold
excitation amplitude. On the other hand, the topology of the super-critical VB state continuously moved downstream and radially outwards and finally widened/fanned-out at threshold amplitude.
In the final part, transition in time-averaged flame global flame structure is reported as a function of geometric swirl number. In particular, with a stepwise increase in swirl intensity, primary transition is depicted as a transformation from zero-swirl straight jet flame to lifted flame with blue base and finally to swirling seated flame. Further, a secondary transition is reported which consists of transformation from swirling seated flame to swirling flame with a conical tailpiece and finally to highly-swirled near blowout ultra-lean flame. For this purpose, CH* chemiluminescence imaging and 2D PIV in meridional planes were employed. Three baseline fuel flow rates through the central fuel injection pipe were considered. For each of the fuel flow cases (Ref), six different co-airflow rate settings (Rea) were employed. The geometric swirl number (SG) was increased in steps from zero till blowout for a particular fuel and co-airflow setting. A regime map (SG vs Rea) depicting different regions of flame stabilization were then drawn for each fuel flow case. The secondary transformation is explained on the basis of physical significance of Rom.
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Influência da microestrutura de ferros fundidos na ocorrência de metal dobrado e no comportamento tribológico de superfícies brunidas / Influence of the cast iron microstructure on the occurrence of folded metal and the tribological behavior of honed surfacesVale, João Luiz do 05 December 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho discute a influência da microestrutura dos ferros fundidos, cinzento (FFC) e vermicular (FFV), na ocorrência de metal dobrado (FM) em superfícies brunidas e no comportamento tribológico em ensaio lubrificado do tipo anel sobre cilindro. As amostras de ferro fundido foram extraídas diretamente de um bloco de motor de combustão interna, em regiões de diferentes espessuras. O anel de pistão utilizado foi de aço inoxidável martensítico nitretado com perfil assimétrico e o óleo lubrificante foi o SAE 30 CF monoviscoso. A quantificação de sulcos e de metal dobrado (FM) foi realizada empregando-se uma metodologia baseada na literatura. Para a execução dos ensaios tribológicos foi projetada e construída uma adaptação para a montagem das amostras e controle de temperatura do óleo lubrificante. Um parâmetro para avaliação do desempenho tribológico foi proposto – índice de mérito tribológico (IMT) – que leva em conta coeficiente de atrito (COF) e alterações de topografia. Os ferros fundidos apresentaram microestruturas típicas. Contudo, observaram-se diferenças de morfologia e distribuição da grafita; com maior número de grafitas e menor fração de grafita para os materiais de parede fina. Observou-se FM nos platôs e nos sulcos das superfícies brunidas em todas as amostras. Quantificações mostraram que as larguras dos sulcos foram estatisticamente iguais e com alto percentual de obstrução. A quantificação de FM dos materiais mostrou maiores valores presentes na região do Spk (FMspk) para os FFC's. Os materiais de parede grossa apresentaram maiores valores de % FM dentro do sulco (%FM/Sulco) e este parâmetro teve forte e positiva correlação estatística com a fração de grafita. Evidências, obtidas em avaliações de seções transversais, corroboraram a relação entre FM e grafita. Constatou-se que o FM pode ser formado diretamente sobre a grafita ou, ainda, de forma indireta devido à extrusão desta fase. Ademais, verificou-se que a morfologia e orientação da grafita têm influência na formação do FM. Realizaram-se ensaios preliminares de curta duração de anel sobre cilindro para a avaliação da repetibilidade dos resultados de COF, os quais indicaram menor dispersão para condições com menores frequências e maiores forças normais. Avaliações da dinâmica do ensaio tribológico permitiram apontar relações de redução de COF durante os semi-ciclos de movimento e associá-las à teoria de lubrificação hidrodinâmica. O COF para ensaios de longa duração apresentou comportamento cíclico com transições. Estas transições foram associadas a mecanismos de formação-remoção-formação de tribofilmes de ZDDP. Os ensaios impuseram alterações nos parâmetros de rugosidade (principalmente com alisamento das superfícies) e redução do parâmetro de filme. O IMT evidenciou pouca influência da espessura do material; e melhor desempenho tribológico para os FFV's. A rotina de quantificação de FM mostrou limitação técnica devido ao alisamento da superfície, o que causa mudança na referência de alturas das superfícies brunidas. Ainda assim, verificou-se redução do %FM/Sulco e tendência de desobstrução do sulco. Contatou-se pouca influência do FM no comportamento do COF devido à similaridade dos parâmetros de FM entre os materiais. Contudo, o FM foi associado a um agente de abrasão à três corpos e apresentou forte correlação positiva do parâmetro de FMspk (no início do ensaio) com o parâmetro do IMT relacionado com a alteração de topografia. / The present work discusses the influence of the microstructure of gray cast iron (GCI) and compacted graphite iron (CGI) on the occurrence of folded metal (FM) on honed surfaces and its tribological behavior in ring-on-cylinder test under lubrication. The cast iron samples were taken directly from an internal combustion engine block in regions of different thicknesses. The piston ring used was a nitrided martensitic stainless steel with asymmetrical profile and the lubricant oil was the SAE 30 CF. The quantification of grooves and folded metal (FM) was carried out using a methodology based on the literature. For the execution of the tribological tests an adaptation was designed and built for assembling the samples and for controlling the oil temperature. One parameter to evaluate the tribological performance was proposed - tribological merit index (TMI) - which considers the coefficient of friction (COF) and changes in topography. Each cast iron presented typical microstructures. However, differences in morphology and graphite distribution were observed; the samples from thinner wall presented higher number of graphite and less fraction of graphite. FM was observed on the plateaus and grooves of the honed surfaces in all samples. Quantification showed that the widths of the grooves were statistically similar and with a high percentage of obstruction. GCIs present a higher amount of FM in the Spk region (FMspk).The thicker wall samples presented a higher amount of FM in the grooves (% FM / Groove) and this parameter had a strong and positive statistical correlation with the graphite fraction. Evidences, obtained in cross section evaluations, corroborated the relationship between FM and graphite. It was verified that FM can be formed directly on graphite or indirectly due to the extrusion of this phase. In addition, its morphology and orientation influenced the occurrence of FM. Preliminary short-term tests were performed to evaluate the repeatability of COF results. These tests indicated less dispersion for conditions with lower frequencies and higher normal forces. Evaluations of the dynamics of the tribological test allowed to point out conditions to reduce the COF during the half-cycles of movement and to associate them to the theory of hydrodynamic lubrication. The COF for long-term tests presented cyclical behavior with transitions. These transitions were associated with formation-removal-formation mechanisms of ZDDP tribofilms. The tribological tests imposed changes on the roughness parameters (mainly with smoothness of the surfaces) and reductions on the film parameter. The thickness of samples affected little the TMI; and a better tribological performance of CGIs was detected. The FM quantification routine showed a technical limitation due to surface smoothing, which causes a change in the reference of heights of honed surfaces. Nevertheless, there was a reduction in %FM/Groove and tendency to clear the grooves. There was little influence of FM in COF behavior due to the similarity of FM parameters among the materials. However, FM was associated as a three-body abrasive agent and a strong positive correlation between the FMspk parameter (at the beginning of the test) and the TMI parameter was described.
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Influência da microestrutura de ferros fundidos na ocorrência de metal dobrado e no comportamento tribológico de superfícies brunidas / Influence of the cast iron microstructure on the occurrence of folded metal and the tribological behavior of honed surfacesVale, João Luiz do 05 December 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho discute a influência da microestrutura dos ferros fundidos, cinzento (FFC) e vermicular (FFV), na ocorrência de metal dobrado (FM) em superfícies brunidas e no comportamento tribológico em ensaio lubrificado do tipo anel sobre cilindro. As amostras de ferro fundido foram extraídas diretamente de um bloco de motor de combustão interna, em regiões de diferentes espessuras. O anel de pistão utilizado foi de aço inoxidável martensítico nitretado com perfil assimétrico e o óleo lubrificante foi o SAE 30 CF monoviscoso. A quantificação de sulcos e de metal dobrado (FM) foi realizada empregando-se uma metodologia baseada na literatura. Para a execução dos ensaios tribológicos foi projetada e construída uma adaptação para a montagem das amostras e controle de temperatura do óleo lubrificante. Um parâmetro para avaliação do desempenho tribológico foi proposto – índice de mérito tribológico (IMT) – que leva em conta coeficiente de atrito (COF) e alterações de topografia. Os ferros fundidos apresentaram microestruturas típicas. Contudo, observaram-se diferenças de morfologia e distribuição da grafita; com maior número de grafitas e menor fração de grafita para os materiais de parede fina. Observou-se FM nos platôs e nos sulcos das superfícies brunidas em todas as amostras. Quantificações mostraram que as larguras dos sulcos foram estatisticamente iguais e com alto percentual de obstrução. A quantificação de FM dos materiais mostrou maiores valores presentes na região do Spk (FMspk) para os FFC's. Os materiais de parede grossa apresentaram maiores valores de % FM dentro do sulco (%FM/Sulco) e este parâmetro teve forte e positiva correlação estatística com a fração de grafita. Evidências, obtidas em avaliações de seções transversais, corroboraram a relação entre FM e grafita. Constatou-se que o FM pode ser formado diretamente sobre a grafita ou, ainda, de forma indireta devido à extrusão desta fase. Ademais, verificou-se que a morfologia e orientação da grafita têm influência na formação do FM. Realizaram-se ensaios preliminares de curta duração de anel sobre cilindro para a avaliação da repetibilidade dos resultados de COF, os quais indicaram menor dispersão para condições com menores frequências e maiores forças normais. Avaliações da dinâmica do ensaio tribológico permitiram apontar relações de redução de COF durante os semi-ciclos de movimento e associá-las à teoria de lubrificação hidrodinâmica. O COF para ensaios de longa duração apresentou comportamento cíclico com transições. Estas transições foram associadas a mecanismos de formação-remoção-formação de tribofilmes de ZDDP. Os ensaios impuseram alterações nos parâmetros de rugosidade (principalmente com alisamento das superfícies) e redução do parâmetro de filme. O IMT evidenciou pouca influência da espessura do material; e melhor desempenho tribológico para os FFV's. A rotina de quantificação de FM mostrou limitação técnica devido ao alisamento da superfície, o que causa mudança na referência de alturas das superfícies brunidas. Ainda assim, verificou-se redução do %FM/Sulco e tendência de desobstrução do sulco. Contatou-se pouca influência do FM no comportamento do COF devido à similaridade dos parâmetros de FM entre os materiais. Contudo, o FM foi associado a um agente de abrasão à três corpos e apresentou forte correlação positiva do parâmetro de FMspk (no início do ensaio) com o parâmetro do IMT relacionado com a alteração de topografia. / The present work discusses the influence of the microstructure of gray cast iron (GCI) and compacted graphite iron (CGI) on the occurrence of folded metal (FM) on honed surfaces and its tribological behavior in ring-on-cylinder test under lubrication. The cast iron samples were taken directly from an internal combustion engine block in regions of different thicknesses. The piston ring used was a nitrided martensitic stainless steel with asymmetrical profile and the lubricant oil was the SAE 30 CF. The quantification of grooves and folded metal (FM) was carried out using a methodology based on the literature. For the execution of the tribological tests an adaptation was designed and built for assembling the samples and for controlling the oil temperature. One parameter to evaluate the tribological performance was proposed - tribological merit index (TMI) - which considers the coefficient of friction (COF) and changes in topography. Each cast iron presented typical microstructures. However, differences in morphology and graphite distribution were observed; the samples from thinner wall presented higher number of graphite and less fraction of graphite. FM was observed on the plateaus and grooves of the honed surfaces in all samples. Quantification showed that the widths of the grooves were statistically similar and with a high percentage of obstruction. GCIs present a higher amount of FM in the Spk region (FMspk).The thicker wall samples presented a higher amount of FM in the grooves (% FM / Groove) and this parameter had a strong and positive statistical correlation with the graphite fraction. Evidences, obtained in cross section evaluations, corroborated the relationship between FM and graphite. It was verified that FM can be formed directly on graphite or indirectly due to the extrusion of this phase. In addition, its morphology and orientation influenced the occurrence of FM. Preliminary short-term tests were performed to evaluate the repeatability of COF results. These tests indicated less dispersion for conditions with lower frequencies and higher normal forces. Evaluations of the dynamics of the tribological test allowed to point out conditions to reduce the COF during the half-cycles of movement and to associate them to the theory of hydrodynamic lubrication. The COF for long-term tests presented cyclical behavior with transitions. These transitions were associated with formation-removal-formation mechanisms of ZDDP tribofilms. The tribological tests imposed changes on the roughness parameters (mainly with smoothness of the surfaces) and reductions on the film parameter. The thickness of samples affected little the TMI; and a better tribological performance of CGIs was detected. The FM quantification routine showed a technical limitation due to surface smoothing, which causes a change in the reference of heights of honed surfaces. Nevertheless, there was a reduction in %FM/Groove and tendency to clear the grooves. There was little influence of FM in COF behavior due to the similarity of FM parameters among the materials. However, FM was associated as a three-body abrasive agent and a strong positive correlation between the FMspk parameter (at the beginning of the test) and the TMI parameter was described.
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O efeito bake hardening na estampagem a quente e a estrutura veicular / The bake hardening effect on hot stamping and the body structureCASTRO, MARCOS R. de 21 November 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Pedro Silva Filho (pfsilva@ipen.br) on 2017-11-21T11:35:55Z
No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-21T11:35:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Os projetos de carrocerias veiculares atuais procuram desenvolver estruturas leves, seja para reduzir o consumo de combustível, no caso dos motores de combustão interna, seja para maior autonomia de bateria, no caso dos veículos elétricos e híbridos. Redução no consumo de combustível significa redução na emissão de poluentes. As estruturas precisam ser leves, mas cada vez mais resistentes e rígidas a fim de proporcionar máximo conforto e segurança aos ocupantes. Estas premissas têm levado ao contínuo desenvolvimento dos materiais. No caso dos aços, um dos processos que tem permitido a melhora significativa das propriedades mecânicas é a estampagem a quente. Nos últimos anos, as peças estampadas a quente têm ocupado lugar de destaque na estrutura das carrocerias veiculares por estarem em sintonia com as demandas mencionadas. Há muitas pesquisas em curso para esta tecnologia, seja nos materiais, nos meios de produção, nos revestimentos e em aplicações. O aço mais utilizado neste processo, 22MnB5, também apresenta o chamado efeito bake hardening; a tensão de escoamento é aumentada após tratamento térmico realizado em temperaturas próximas a 200 °C. Neste trabalho, visando à melhoria nas propriedades mecânicas, amostras foram tratadas termicamente na faixa de temperatura supracitada. Após isso, dados obtidos de ensaios mecânicos foram inseridos em programas de simulação de impacto lateral cujo resultado foi a redução na intrusão na célula de sobrevivência. O efeito bake hardening também propiciou um aumento na absorção da energia de impacto em teste estático feito com barras de proteção lateral. O mecanismo metalúrgico envolvido no fenômeno, devido à difusão de intersticiais foi evidenciado no ensaio de atrito interno. / Tese (Doutorado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Exploration And Assessment of HCCI Strategies for a Multi-Cylinder Heavy-Duty Diesel EnginePandey, Sunil Kumar January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) combustion is an alternative combustion mode in which the fuel is homogeneously mixed with air and is auto-ignited by compression. Due to charge homogeneity, this mode is characterized by low equivalence ratios and temperatures giving simultaneously low nitric oxide (NOx) and soot in diesel engines. The conventional problem of NOx-soot trade-off is avoided in this mode due to absence of diffusion combustion. This mode can be employed at part load conditions while maintaining conventional combustion at high load thus minimizing regulatory cycle emissions and reducing cost of after-treatment systems. The present study focuses on achieving this mode in a turbocharged, common rail, direct injection, four-cylinder, heavy duty diesel engine. Specifically, the work involves a combination of three-dimensional CFD simulations and experiments on this engine to assess both traditional and novel strategies related to fuel injection.
The first phase of the work involved a quasi-dimensional simulation of the engine to assess potential of achieving HCCI. This was done using a zero-dimensional, single-zone HCCI combustion model with n-heptane skeletal chemistry along with a one-dimensional model of intake and exhaust systems. The feasibility of operation with realistic knock values with high EGR rate of 60% was observed. The second aspect of the work involved three-dimensional CFD simulations of the in-cylinder process with wall film prediction to evaluate injection strategies associated with Early Direct Injection (EDI). The extended Coherent Flame Model-3Zone (ECFM-3Z) was employed for combustion simulation of conventional CI and EDI, and was validated with experimental in-cylinder pressure data from the engine. A new Uniformity Index (UI) parameter was defined to assess charge homogeneity. Results showed significant in-homogeneity and presence of wall film for EDI. Simulations were conducted to assess improvement of charge homogeneity by several strategies; narrow spray cone angle, injection timing, multiple injections, intake air heating, Port Fuel Injection (PFI) as well as combination of PFI and EDI. The maximum UI achieved by EDI was 0.78. The PFI strategy could achieve UI of 0.95; however, up to 50% of fuel remained trapped in the port after valve closure. This indicated that except EDI, none of the above-mentioned strategies could help achieve the benefits of the HCCI mode.
The third part of the work involved engine experimentation to assess the EDI strategy. This strategy produced lower soot than that of conventional CI combustion with very short combustion duration, but led to high knock and NOx which is attributed to pool fire burning phenomenon of the wall film, as confirmed by CFD. An Optimized EDI (OptimEDI) strategy was then developed based on results of CFD and Design of Experiments. The Optim EDI consisted of triple injections with split ratio of 41%-45%-14% and advancing the first injection. This strategy gave 20% NOx and soot reduction over the conventional CI mode. Although this strategy gave encouraging results, there was a need for more substantial reduction in emissions without sacrificing efficiency. Hence, a novel concept of utilizing air-assisted Injection (AAI) into the EGR stream was employed, as this implied injecting very small droplets of fuel into the intake which would have sufficient residence time to evaporate before reaching the cylinder, thereby enabling HCCI. The fourth and final part of the work involved engine experimentation with AAI, and combination of OptimEDI with AAI. Results with 20% EGR showed that 5 to 10% of AAI gave further reduction in NOx but not in soot. With experiments involving 48% EGR rate, there was soot reduction of 75% due to combined AAI-EDI. NOx was negligible due to the high EGR rate. Thus, the significant contribution of this work is in proving that combining AAI with EDI as a novel injection strategy leads to substantial NOx and soot reduction.
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