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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Integrating Social Media into the Marketing Communication Strategy : The Case of ID24

Amerian, Irsa, Pisareva, Natallia January 2012 (has links)
Problem:  Integration of social media tools in marketing practice of B2B companies is not a widespread phenomenon yet. However, particular patterns of involvement already exist. Companies get connected through social media and they use Web 2.0 tools to engage the customers in communication and to interact and build relationships with them.   Purpose: The overall purpose of this thesis is to deepen and broaden the knowledge of the application of social media into the communication strategy of B2B micro-firms. It aims to compare the integration of social media in direct and indirect, or through publications in press, ways of communicating the customers, and investigates if social media are an appropriate tool to build relationships with the customers.    Method:  In order to fulfil the research purpose, authors conducted a case study research, used an inductive approach, and gathered the primary data through observation and interviews. Respondents were representing a supplying company, mass media professionals and retailing companies.   Conclusion:  Integrating of social media channels can be performed through linking different online platforms of the company, engaging its business partners in joint projects and following customers’ preferences in their choice of the appropriate channels. Results of the study illustrate that social media can empower the companies to create, maintain and reinforce relationships both with customers and mass media professionals. The study differentiates various social media platforms in their relevance for communication with customers and mass media professionals. It demonstrates that the blend of the social media and traditional platforms employed by a company is not a constant, but rather a dynamic combination, coordinated with the goals and resources of the company and its marketing strategy. Finally, it suggests companies to be consistent and persistent in developing their social media strategy, providing timely and constantly updated information.

Aktieägaravtalets rättsverkningar : En studie av olika scenarier / The legal effects of shareholder agreements : A study of different scenarios

Martinsson, Erik January 2012 (has links)
Ett av de vanligaste sätten att bedriva näringsverksamhet i Sverige är genom att bilda ett aktiebolag. De svenska aktiebolagen regleras genom ett omfattande regelverk i aktiebolagslagen. Ägarna i ett privat aktiebolag är inte alltid tillfreds med reglerna i aktiebolagslagen, utan vill reglera vissa förhållanden ytterligare mellan sig. Aktieägarna har möjlighet att genom aktieägaravtal reglera vissa förutsättningar för verksamheten. När aktieägarna väljer att reglera vissa förhållanden mellan sig i ett aktieägaravtal kan det uppstå skillnader mellan vad som gäller enligt aktieägaravtalet och vad som gäller enligt aktiebolagslagen. Det råder en självständighet mellan avtalsrätten och aktiebolagsrätten vilken innebär att aktieägarna inte med bindande verkan kan avtala vissa förhållanden sinsemellan samt att avtalet inte ses som aktiebolagsrättsligt gällande i vissa fall. Uppsatsen har som syfte att utreda de rättsverkningar som ett aktieägaravtal kan ge upphov till i två situationer, det handlar dels om när avtalsparterna är aktieägare, dels när avtalsparterna är styrelseledamöterna. I situationen med aktieägarna utreds två scenarier dels om ett partnermöte kan utgöra en bolagsstämma, dels om själva aktieägaravtalet kan utgöra ett protokoll med beslut som får samma rättsverkningar som ett bolagsstämmobeslut. I situationen med styrelseledamöterna utreds huruvida de kan bli bundna av avtal och vilka följder det kan få. Slutsatserna som presenteras i uppsatsen är att den svenska aktiebolagsrätten är mycket försiktig vid tillåtandet av att ge aktieägaravtal rättsverkningar även aktiebolagsrättsligt. Enligt uppsatsförfattaren finns det dock anledning att, under förutsättning att vissa rekvisit är uppfyllda, tillåta verkningar för aktieägaravtal inom aktiebolagsrätten. / One of the most common ways to carry out business activities in Sweden is by establishing a limited liability company, which are regulated by extensive rules in The Swedish Companies Act. The shareholders of such companies are not satisfied at all times with the rules in the Act and therefore want to regulate certain conditions between each other. They have the possibility to regulate such conditions by enter into a shareholder agreement. When the shareholders choose to regulate conditions between each other there might be a difference between what is valid according to the agreement and to the Act. In Sweden there is autonomy between the contract laws and the corporate law, which means that shareholders mutually cannot contract certain conditions and that the contract in some occasions does not become binding according to corporate law. This thesis has as its purpose to investigate the legal effects of a shareholder agreement in two situations; firstly when the parties are the shareholders and secondly when the parties are the members of the board of directors. In the first situation two scenarios are investigated, firstly if a meeting prior to a general meeting can have the same legal effects as a general meeting and secondly if the shareholder agreement can have the same legal effects as the minutes from a general meeting. In the situation with the members of the board it is investigate if they can enter into a contract and the legal effects thereof. The conclusions presented in this thesis are that the corporate law in Sweden is very cautious in giving shareholder agreements legal effects. According to the author of the thesis there are however certain occasions where the shareholder agreement should be given legal effects not just between the parties but also in relation to the corporate law, if certain requirements are fulfilled.

The impact of e-commerce on small-size companies in Sweden

Ivanov, Diyan January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the influence of e-commerce on the small-size companies in Sweden. This thesis describes the drivers for e-commerce adoption and investigates the barriers and benefits faced from the companies when starting the process of implementation. A qualitative research was performed and an abductive approach was used, where the research findings and the theoretical background were connected by going back and forward in the process of analysis. Interviews with small companies in Värmland Country, Sweden were conducted in order to answer the research questions. This study shows that Swedish companies have relatively well-developed e-commerce strategies comparing to other counties, but the gap between small and large companies is still visible. The decisions for e-commerce adoption are dependent on the knowledge of the owner /manager and e-commerce is extensively used as a marketing tool. Main benefits of e-commerce adoption are improved internal efficiency and increased information exchange. The results suggest that companies value less than before the cost factor and consider the lack of knowledge as a main barrier. At the same time many companies are not motivated enough to make improvements, because of lack of customer demand.

Integrating Purchasing and Logistics : An exploratory study of the wholesaling companies The Body Shop, Hälsokostcentralen (HKC), Mekonomen, Elgiganten and ICA

Petersson, Hans, Andersson, Henrik, Terén, Örjan January 2006 (has links)
Two of the most important internal functions within a company, which have gained increased importance, are purchasing and logistics. Purchasing and logistics both contribute to the competitiveness of an organisation by conducting different value adding activities separately. There is also a huge potential for increased benefits if a high degree of integration exists between the two functions. Although there is evidence that purchasing and logistics have been working closely together historically, the operational focus of logistics and the commercial focus of purchasing have created a tension between the two functions. It has been shown that some purchasing managers mostly have been committed to reducing the price. The logistics function has as a cause of this sometimes been forced to deal with late deliveries and inferior quality from suppliers. To manage the interface activities between the functions is crucial in order to able to achieve integration. Purchasing and logistics functions are of major importance within wholesaling companies because they are considered as core internal functions. This study has been conducted at the wholesaling companies The Body Shop, Hälsokostcentralen (HKC), Mekonomen, Elgiganten and ICA. Research questions: § What activities exist within the purchasing and logistics function at the specific wholesaling companies and which of these activities are integrated? § What are the factors that influence the integration between the purchasing and logistics functions and how do these factors hinder or enable the integration? Purpose: Initially this thesis aims to identify what activities that exist and which of them that are integrated between the purchasing and logistics functions within the wholesaling companies The Body Shop, HKC, Mekonomen, Elgiganten and ICA. Furthermore the purpose is to identify what factors that influence the integration between the purchasing and logistics function in these companies and also explain how these factors hinder and enable the integration.

Board networks and M&A performance--an empirical study of U.S. Fortune 500 companies

Pan, Hung-chih 12 September 2012 (has links)
This study investigates the effect of board networks on M&A transactions. I select 331 samples of M&A transactions among U.S. Fortunate 500 companies which are also U.S. public companies from 2002 to 2011. In addition, I use definition of board networks by Cai & Sevilir (2012) to identify whether there exist board networks in each sample. About research design, first I use event study methodology to estimates cumulative abnormal returns (CAR), and then examine the relationship between the board networks and M&A performance through regression analysis. Empirical analysis results are as follows:¡G 1. M&A announcement brings significantly negative abnormal returns to the U.S. Fortunate 500 companies. 2. The board networks will decrease the M&A performance for the U.S. Fortunate 500 companies. 3. The board networks are not efficient information channels for the U.S. Fortunate 500 companies.

A Study on Application of Financial Ratio Analysis onto business Failure -Taking Emerging Stock Companies in Taiwan, for Instance-

Tu, Chun-kai 22 August 2005 (has links)

Impacts of Diversification on Performance in Financial Holding Companies: Mediate by Cost and Market-related performacne

Chen, Hsin-yu 29 January 2007 (has links)

The Necessity for Consolidation and Related Problems of the Securities Industry

Lu, Ching-lin 03 July 2001 (has links)
This paper discusses the necessity for consolidation and the related problems of the securities industry in Taiwan as it increases its economies of scale. The logistical planning for consolidations in the industry is profiled within the context of the theoretical motivations and legal issues underlying the changes to this industry. The necessity for consolidation and expansion in order to achieve economies of scale is illustrated by drawing upon the past history of the Taiwan securities industry in the last 40 years as well as the present circumstances as the industry is threatened by the multi-industry structure of foreign conglomerates and the internationalized competitive environment. The combination of industry characteristics and market trends is presented to provide some suggestions for further development. In the past ten years (from 1990 to 2000), the securities industry in Taiwan grew at a very fast pace, with the number of firms increasing from 199 to 531, 2.66 times. The market capitalization grew 6.86 times, increasing to NTD 3.7 trillion from NTD 533 billion. The amount of corporate bonds and savings trusts issued in the foreign market increased to USD 9.6 billion in 2000 from USD 74 million in 1990. At the same time, as the Taiwanese economy took off and grew at an amazing pace, the trade surplus and balance-of-payments surplus brought wealth and prosperity to the people of this country. The money supply grew from NTD 5.78 trillion to NTD 19.46 trillion, giving Taiwan new potential as a place to underwrite and issue new securities. The market in Taiwan has expanded tremendously in order to meet the spectacular growth in demand for these services. The market expansion took place at a time when mergers were the dominant trend around the world, and the securities industry increased not only its economies of scale but also its economies of scope in order to face the tougher world competition in the coming years. In November 1999, the securities industry witnessed a dramatic change in the market. Yuanta Securities and Core pacific Securities announced their merger plans and this lit a spark that led to the consolidation of large firms with sizes of a such magnitude that they have not been linked to firms active in the consolidation arena. In the future, Taiwan will ride the international merger wave that originates from the economies of scale and scope and many more mergers in the industry will take place to form companies that will combine the capital and foreign exchange markets in its operations. Through cross industry mergers and the establishment of holding companies, large scale securities and financial conglomerates will be formed. Securities and financial institutions in the domestic market and abroad will develop towards enlarging its size, increasing its lines of businesses, and expanding in the international market. This paper looks at the development trends in the securities industry and discusses the necessity for consolidation and its related problems. Having worked in the industry for over ten years, the author has a keen awareness of the market characteristics and its trends, as well as intuition about what motivates the market. Throughout this research, the author has found that the market forces on a theoretical level that drive the need for consolidation have originated from a need to increase the economies of scale to deal with the increased competition in the international marketplace and have made consolidation a necessity so that the industry can remain competitive as internationalization unfolds. As a whole, this research has found ten conclusions with regard to the consolidation of the securities industry and makes ten recommendations to guide future developments as the industry seeks to increase its economies of scale.

Performance Measurement : A study of financial and non-financial measures in two logistics oriented companies.

Hasselström, Markus, Luotonen, David, Johansson, Joakim January 2008 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this Bachelor Thesis is to study performance measurement within two lo-gistics companies and how they balance financial and non-financial performance measures.</p><p>The study takes a qualitative approach to find out how, and also why the two selected logis-tics companies handle performance measurement the way they do. Current discussions on the topic of performance measurement involve whether smaller companies can benefit from measuring non-financial aspects of its business and develop measurement systems such as the Balance Scorecard, or whether this is a waste of a small companies’ scarce resources and is something that can best be utilized by larger companies with more resources. Some au-thors argue concerning performance measurements that size influence the firm’s controlling systems, as larger firms tend to rely more on formal administrative control while small and medium sized companies could therefore be seen as having a more informal administrative control. According to the initial survey done in this study company size seemed to be re-lated to the extent which companies were involved in performance measurement.</p><p>The two logistics companies participating in the main study are Hemglass and Kronans Droghandel. KD work deliberately with performance measurements based on long-term thinking in connection to their strategy while Hemglass doesn't work with these issues to the same extent. In accordance to our findings in this study Kaplan & Norton (1996) state that the major expected benefits and reasons for using both financial and non-financial measures materialize when the relationships between the two are understood. These rela-tionships can be hard to establish, some links are more obvious than others, but if this can be managed the performance measurement efforts will be more fruitful.</p>

Statutory audit - beyond the yes or no debate

Törneling, Charlotta, Gustafsson, Rickard January 2006 (has links)
<p>Det pågår en intensiv debatt i Sverige om revisionspliktens vara eller inte vara i små aktiebolag. Sverige är ett av få europeiska länder som fortfarande har kvar en lagstadgad revisionsplikt för samtliga aktiebolag, och debatten är även av än mer intresse när Svensk redovisnings- och revisionsstandard alltmer anpassas till internationell standard. Ett medlemsland i Europeiska Unionen har möjligheten att undanta små aktiebolag från revisionsplikt. Men på grund av rådande regler i Sverige ska alla aktiebolag följa samma regler, något som ifrågasätts i debatten. Debatten om revisionsplikten är aktuell och viktig eftersom ungefär 200 000 aktiebolag skulle påverkas om revisionsplikten skulle tas bort.</p><p>Det övergripande syftet med uppsatsen är att bidra till debatten om revisionsplikt för små aktiebolag, genom att gå bakom “ja- och nejdebatte.” Vi kommer att beskriva och förklara attityderna till revisionsplikten, samt till de existerande redovisningsreglerna hos mikroföretag i två olika branscher.</p><p>För att uppfylla syftet har vi genomfört en kvalitativ studie. Vi har intervjuat ägarna till sex mikroföretag från två olika branscher, nämligen organisationskonsulter och byggnadsentreprenörer.</p><p>De viktigaste slutsatserna från den här studien är, att oberoende av deras respektive attityd till revisionsplikten är det ingen av respondenterna, som skulle vilja ta bort revisionsplikten för små aktiebolag. Vidare uppfattar respondenterna inom byggnadsentreprenörsbranschen redovisningsreglerna som mer komplicerade än respondenterna inom organisationskonsultbranschen och en förenkling av reglerna skulle inte förändra någon av respon-denternas attityd till revisionsplikten</p> / <p>There is an extensive debate going on in Sweden about the being or not being of the statutory audit for small limited companies. Sweden is one of the few European countries that still have a statutory audit for all limited companies, and the debate is even more of immediate interest when the Swedish accounting and auditing standards are converging more and more to international standards. A member state in the European Union has the possibility to exempt small limited companies from the statutory audit. But due to the current regulations in Sweden, all limited companies are to follow the same rules, which is questioned in the debate. This debate is a current and important issue due to that approximately 200 000 limited companies would be affected if the statutory audit would be abolished.</p><p>The overall purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the debate about the statutory audit for small limited companies, by moving beyond the “yes and no debate”. We will describe and explain the attitudes towards the statutory audit and the existing accounting regulations among micro companies in two different business sectors.</p><p>In order to fulfil the purpose, we have conducted a qualitative study. We have interviewed the owners of six micro companies from two different business sectors, namely organizational consultants and building contractors.</p><p>The main conclusions from this study are that independent of their respective attitudes towards the statutory audit, none of the respondents would like the statutory audit to be abolished for small limited companies. Further, the respondents within the building contractors business perceive the accounting rules as more complicated than the respondents within the organizational consultants sector do, and a simplification of regulation would not change any of the respondents’ attitudes towards the statutory audit.</p>

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