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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Role of Spirituality in Therapist Self-Care: An Exploration of Students Beliefs and Practices

Giles, Jonathan Hillman January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which family therapy students used their spiritual and/or religious beliefs as a resource for preventing clinical burnout and in their self-care practices. Additionally, this study sought to explore the specific ways or strategies that students used their spiritual beliefs in their personal and professional lives. Participants were master’s and doctoral students from programs accredited by the Commission on the Accreditation of Marriage and Family Therapy (COAMFTE). A total of 341 students participated in the study. The results demonstrated that the majority of students reported that they used their spiritual and/or religious beliefs as an important resource for preventing burnout and for self-care. Additionally, thematic analysis revealed several different themes regarding the specific spiritual practices participants used within their personal and professional lives.

EMPATHIC DISTRESS : The Dark Side of Caring?

Engelbrektsson, Hilda January 2020 (has links)
The current review aims to unravel what is known regarding the neural substrates of empathicdistress and compassion fatigue. Empathic distress is a self-oriented feeling of anxietyexperienced in response to the suffering of another. It has been related to, and theorized to bea precursor of, compassion fatigue. This is a form of caregiver burnout received by secondaryexposure to trauma. In the current thesis, Scopus, Web of Science and PsycINFO weresearched identifying 301 articles that were subsequently screened. In the end, five studieswere included that measured either empathic distress or compassion fatigue in relation tobrain structure or function. Findings are largely inconsistent but areas involved in theory ofmind and that are important for the self-other distinction are discussed. A need for moreresearch is identified, together with a desire for conceptual clarification between compassionfatigue and burnout.

Voices of the Helpers: An Exploratory Study on Behavioral Intervention Team Professionals and Their Experience with Compassion Satisfaction and Compassion Fatigue

Gaskell, Sarah A. 23 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Empatins baksida : En kvalitativ studie om socialarbetares upplevelser av empatitrötthet och återhämtningsstrategier / The downside of empathy

Österlund, Tilda, Hagström, Lina January 2021 (has links)
Empatitrötthet är ett vanligt förekommande fenomen hos socialarbetare som i längden kan leda till utmattningssyndrom och sjukskrivningar. Det påverkar inte bara den yrkesverksamma utan även klienter och samhället. Syftet med uppsatsen är att skapa förståelse för hur socialarbetares upplevelse av empatitrötthet kan relateras till deras möjligheter till och kunskap om olika återhämtningsstrategier. I uppsatsen har kvalitativa djupintervjuer gjorts med åtta socialarbetare som arbetar klientnära på uppdrag av socialtjänsten eller med råd och stöd. I analysen har ett socialpsykologiskt perspektiv, teorin KASAM och begreppet stigma använts som teoretiskt ramverk. Resultatet visade att empatitröttheten varierade beroende på intervjupersonernas tidigare och nuvarande sociala miljö. Empatitröttheten visade sig även påverka de yrkesverksammas privatliv negativt. För att motverka empatitröttheten har olika återhämtningsstrategier visat sig gynnsamma för olika personer. Däremot verkar inte återhämtning alltid vara en självklarhet på arbetsplatser. Återhämtningsstrategier som erbjudits på arbetsplatsen har inte alltid upplevts varit tillräckliga. Socialarbetarna har därför funnit egna återhämtningsstrategier utanför arbetstid för att motverka empatitröttheten. Under rådande omständigheter med pågående pandemi har återhämtningen försvårats och riskerna för empatitrötthet därmed ökats. Trots vetskap om utbildningens vikt för att motverka empatitrötthet, beskrev de yrkesverksamma att de inte upplevde sig förberedda under utbildningen. De saknade kunskap om hur de påverkas av att använda sig själv som verktyg och vilka strategier som är gynnsamma för hälsan. Kunskapen om vad arbetet gör med en och hur man ska återhämta sig på bästa sätt har dock kommit med erfarenhet. / Compassion fatigue is a common phenomenon among social workers that in the long run can lead to Chronic fatigue syndrome and sick leave. Compassion fatigue affects not only the professional but also the clients and society. The purpose of the thesis is to create an understanding of how social workers' experience of compassion fatigue can be related to their opportunities for and knowledge of different recovery strategies. In the essay, qualitative in - depth interviews were conducted with eight social workers who work close to the client on behalf of the social services or with advice and support. In the analysis, a social psychological perspective, the Sense of Coherence theory and the concept of stigma have been used as a theoretical framework. The results showed that compassion fatigue varied depending on one’s past and current social environment. Compassion fatigue was also found to adversely affect the private life of professionals. To counteract compassion fatigue, different recovery strategies have proven beneficial for different people. However, recovery does not always seem to be a matter of course in the workplace. Recovery strategies offered in the workplace have not always been perceived as sufficient. Social workers have therefore found their own recovery strategies outside working hours to counteract compassion fatigue. Under the current circumstances with the ongoing pandemic, recovery has been hampered and the risks of compassion fatigue have thus increased. Despite knowledge of the importance of education in counteracting compassion fatigue, the professionals described that they did not feel prepared during their education. They lacked knowledge about how they are affected by using themselves as tools and which strategies are beneficial to health. However, the knowledge of how the work affects them and how to recover in the best way has come with experience.

Varför bry sig? : Empatitrötthet inom akutsjukvård – en integrativ litteraturöversikt. / Why care? : Compassion fatigue in emergency care – an integrative literature review.

Edenburg, Jonathan, Fredrik, Lidé, Lucas, Wijk January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Empatitrötthet (ET) är ett tillstånd som uppkommer till följd av sjuksköterskors vårdande profession. Sjuksköterskor använder sig själva som emotionella instrument för att ge professionell omvårdnad. Tillståndet är en kumulativ process med fysiska, känslomässiga, sociala, andliga och intellektuella symptom. ET består av komponenterna utbrändhet, sekundär traumatisk stress (STS) och empatinöjdhet (EN), där EN är en motverkande komponent mot ET. Sjuksköterskor inom akutsjukvården är utsatta för ET på grund av verksamhetens struktur och arbetssätt, men meningsfullhet, begriplighet och hanterbarhet är resurser för att motverka ET. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa faktorer som påverkar ET hos sjuksköterskor inom akutsjukvård. Metod: Integrativ litteraturöversikt genomfördes med kvalitativa och kvantitativa vetenskapliga artiklar från fyra omvårdnadsinriktade databaser. Efter kvalitetsgranskning återstod 14 artiklar, vilka analyserades med integrativ metod. Resultat: Litteraturöversikten resulterade i faktorer som påverkade sjuksköterskors nivå av ET. Faktorerna befinner sig på socio-ekologisk personell, interpersonell och organisatorisk nivå och påverkar i vilken mån sjuksköterskorna har möjlighet att styra över faktorerna. Slutsats: Såväl patienter, sjuksköterskor som organisationen blir lidande då ET förekommer. Sjuksköterskor kan själva styra över en del av faktorerna som påverkar ET, exempelvis egenvård och fritidsaktiviteter, men största möjligheten och ansvaret hamnar på organisationen. / Title: Why care? Compassion fatigue in emergency care – an integrative literature review. Background: Compassion fatigue is a condition that arises as a result of the nurse's nursing profession. The nurses use themselves as emotional instruments to provide professional care. The condition is a cumulative process with physical, emotional, social, spiritual and intellectual symptoms. Compassion fatigue consists of the components burnout, secondary traumatic stress and compassion satisfaction, where compassion satisfaction is a counteracting component to compassion fatigue. Nurses in emergency care are exposed to the condition due to the structure and working methods of the organisation, but meaning, comprehensibility and manageability are resources for resiliency. Aim: The aim was to highlight factors that affect compassion fatigue in nurses in emergency care. Method: Integrative literature review was conducted with qualitative and quantitative articles from four nursing-oriented databases. After quality review 14 articles remained and were analyzed using an integrative method. Result: The literature review resulted in factors that affect nurses' levels of compassion fatigue. The factors are at different socio-ecological levels as personal, interpersonal and organizational and affect how much the nurses may be able to intervene with the factors. Conclusion: Patients, nurses and organizations are affected when compassion fatigue arises. Nurses can control some of the factors that affect compassion fatigue, for example leisure time activities and self-care, but the greatest opportunity and responsibility falls on the organization.

From Empathy to Compassion Fatigue: Understanding the Role of Guilt

Persaud, Evita C. 22 April 2022 (has links)
No description available.

En litteraturstudie om sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av empatitrötthet

Lundgren, Marielle, Grönlund, Erica January 2020 (has links)
Abstrakt Bakgrund: Empatitrötthet är ett relativt okänt begrepp som kan drabba sjukvårdspersonal och inte minst sjuksköterskor som oftast arbetar patientnära. Empatitrötthet har visat sig ge en negativ inverkan på den egna hälsan, privatlivet samt på förmågan att förse patienterna med en säker och personcentrerad omvårdnad. Syfte: Att beskriva sjuksköterskans erfarenheter av empatitrötthet. Metod: En litteraturöversikt enligt Fribergs metod baserad på sju kvalitativa artiklar och en mixad metod. Artiklarna är hämtade från databaserna Cinahl, Pubmed, Scopus, och PsycINFO. Även sekundära sökningar inkluderades. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i fyra huvudkategorier; En mödosam arbetsmiljö upplevs leda till empatitrötthet, olika tillkortakommanden som upplevs leda till empatitrötthet, upplevda negativa symtom och konsekvenser av empatitrötthet och hanteringsstrategier som upplevs minska eller motverka empatitrötthet Konklusion: Litteraturstudiens resultat visar på att sjuksköterskors empatitrötthet riskerar att inverka negativt på både privata och arbetsrelaterade plan samt kan påverka omvårdnadsförmågan och patientsäkerheten negativt. Empatitrötthet bör lyftas som begrepp och förklaras så att sjukvården blir mer medveten om vad tillståndet kan innebära samt hur det kan påverka omvårdnaden på ett negativt plan. Det är önskvärt att adekvata strategier appliceras för att minska och motverka empatitrötthet vid ett tidigt skede. / Abstract   Background: Compassion fatigue is a relatively unknown concept that can affect healthcare profession and in particular nurses that works close to the patients. Compassion fatigue has shown to have a negative impact on nurses well-being, the private life and the ability to perform a safe and person-centered care for the patients. Aim: To describe nurse's experience of compassion fatigue. Methods: A literature review according to Friberg's method based on seven qualitative studies and one mixed method. The studies were found using Cinahl, PubMed, Scopus and PsycINFO. Secondary searches were also included. Result: The analysis resulted in four main categories; an arduous work environment is perceived to lead to compassion fatigue, various shortcomings that are experienced lead to compassion fatigue, negative symptoms and consequences experienced by compassion fatigue and management strategies to counter or reduce the feeling of compassion fatigue. Conklusion: The results of the literature study show that the condition of compassion fatigue risks having a negative impact on both private and work-related levels among nurses and can negatively affect the ability of nursing and patient safety. Compassion fatigue should be highlighted as a concept and explained so that the health industry becomes more aware of what the condition may cause and and how it can affect nursing negatively. It is desirable that adequate strategies should be applied to reduce and counteract compassion fatigue at an early stage.

Associations between personal attributes and compassion fatigue, compassion satisfaction and burnout among caregivers of people living with HIV and Aids

Graaf, Patricia Maureen January 2011 (has links)
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts (Clinical Psychology) in the Department of Psychology, University of Zululand, 2011. / Compassion fatigue and burnout have the potential to compromise the ability of caregivers to work effectively, while compassion satisfaction may serve a protective function. This study investigated levels of compassion fatigue, burnout and compassion satisfaction among caregivers, and explored relationships between these and caregivers’ personal attributes. Eighty-three caregivers working in the field of HIV and AIDS in the uMngeni Municipality in the Kwa Zulu-Natal midlands completed two self-report questionnaires, the Professional Quality of Life Scale (ProQOL, Stamm, 2009), and another regarding their personal attributes. Respondents showed an overall pattern of relatively high Compassion Satisfaction, average level of Burnout, and a very high level of Secondary Traumatic Stress, a profile usually associated with people working in situations of armed conflict. Compassion Satisfaction was negatively correlated with Burnout and Secondary Traumatic Stress, while Burnout was positively correlated with Secondary Traumatic Stress. Significant effects were found with the following personal attributes: (1) gender; (2) role clarity; (3) perceived efficacy; (4) secondary stigma; (5) social support; (6) personal history of HIV or AIDS; (7) access to counselling or therapy; (8) organisational support; and (9) self-care. Implications of these findings are discussed with reference to sustainable care, intervention and further research.

A Study On Compassion Fatigue Among Professionals Working with Child Sexual Abuse Survivors in Mainland China

Cao, Aoxuan 08 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Compassion fatigue is an outcome showing a series of popular negative symptoms with an engagement of empathy among caregiving professionals. To fill the gap of related study among professionals working with child sexual abuse survivors in China, the qualitative research method was performed through nine in-depth interviews with four social workers, three psychological counselors, one lawyer, and one prosecutor. The four main results are: professionals are facing challenging working environments; professionals have intense psychological distress; professionals are not aware of their mental status; professionals are not engaged in self-care. In further discussions, the reasons for and implications of the results are explored. First, professionals are at risks of compassion fatigue. Second, cultural and social ideologies affect professionals work in helping child sexual abuse survivors; such barriers can generate compassion fatigue. Third, the language used for (child) sexual abuse impacts social ideology towards sexual abuse and sexual abuse victims. Fourth, undeveloped legislation cannot provide solid backup for professionals’ work. Fifth, there is an absence of cooperation between the public security organs and intervention service providers. In conclusion, people must be alert to compassion fatigue among professionals working with child sexual abuse survivors. The society also needs to sweep potential barriers of professionals’ work from the cultural and social ideologies. Moreover, legislation should refine to build school protection system and boys sexual abuse protection.

Resourcefulness, Compassion Fatigue, and Depressive Symptoms in Thai Caregivers of Elders with Dementia

Yolpant, Wichiya 23 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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