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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caractérisation des événements moléculaires et cellulaires de l’apoptose induite par rbf1, l'homologue de drosophile du gène suppresseur de tumeur rb / Characterisation of molecular and cellular vents of apoptosis induced by rbf1, the drosophila homologue of the rb tumo suppresor gene

Clavier, Amandine 26 June 2015 (has links)
L’inactivation du gène de susceptibilité au rétinoblastome (rb) est une étape préalable au développement de nombreux cancers. De façon cohérente avec son rôle de suppresseur de tumeur, pRb inhibe la prolifération cellulaire. Le rôle de pRb dans le contrôle de l’apoptose est plus complexe et les mécanismes moléculaires sous-jacents à ces fonctions sont peu décrits.La drosophile possède un homologue de rb, appelé rbf1. Au cours de ma thèse, j’ai caractérisé la voie d’apoptose induite par Rbf1 dans un tissu prolifératif. J’ai pu montrer que Rbf1 coopère avec le facteur de transcription dE2F2 et le complexe dREAM pour stimuler la transcription du gène how codant pour une protéine de liaison aux ARN capable d’induire la dégradation des transcrits de l’inhibiteur de caspases diap1. Par ailleurs, ces protéines répriment la transcription du gène buffy (gène anti apoptotique de la famille Bcl 2) et ainsi déclenchent une voie de mort mitochondriale dépendante de debcl (gène pro apoptotique de la famille Bcl 2). La fragmentation du réseau mitochondrial, dépendante de la protéine pro-fission Drp1, favorise l’accumulation d’espèces activées de l’oxygène, à l'origine de l'activation de la voie JNK et in fine de l’apoptose. Ces travaux précisent le mode d'action des protéines de la famille Bcl-2 de drosophile. Ils apportent de nouvelles données concernant le rôle pro-apoptotique de Rbf1 et devraient permettre de mieux comprendre l'activité suppresseur de tumeur de pRb. Enfin, j’ai pu montrer que l’apoptose induite par Rbf1 conduit à un mécanisme de prolifération compensatoire et caractériser pour la première fois des acteurs spécifiques de la voie JNK impliqués dans ce mécanisme. / The inactivation of the retinoblastoma susceptibility gene (rb) is a preliminary step in the development of many cancers. Consistent with its role of tumor suppressor, pRb inhibits cell proliferation. The role of pRb in apoptosis control is more complex and the molecular mechanisms underlying these functions are poorly described.rbf1 is the rb Drosophila homologue. During my PhD, I characterized the apoptosis pathway induced by Rbf1 in a proliferative tissue. I showed that Rbf1 cooperates with the dE2F2 transcription factor and with the dREAM complex to stimulate the transcription of how gene coding for a RNA binding protein able to induce the degradation of diap1 caspase inhibitor transcripts. Furthermore, Rbf1/dE2F2 proteins repress the transcription of buffy (anti-apoptotic gene of Bcl-2 family) and thus trigger a mitochondrial death pathway dependent of debcl (pro-apoptotic gene of Bcl-2 family). A mitochondrial fragmentation dependent of the Drp1 pro-fission protein promotes the accumulation of reactive oxygen species, which in turn causes JNK pathway activation, leading ultimately to apoptosis. This work clarifies the mechanism of action of Bcl-2 proteins in drosophila. It brings new data about Rbf1 pro-apoptotic function and should provide a better understanding of pRb tumor suppressor activity. Finally, I showed that Rbf1-induced apoptosis leads to compensatory proliferation and defined for the first time specific actors of the JNK pathway involved in this proliferation.

Efeito do treinamento de força na estabilidade postural de mulheres idosas / Effect of strength trainning on postural stability of older women

Sousa, Patricia Nascimento de 15 May 2006 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito do treinamento de força muscular dos membros inferiores na estabilidade postural de mulheres idosas. As participantes (n =21) eram saudáveis, com idade entre 60 e 75 anos (M = 64,4 anos), e foram designadas a um grupo de treinamento (TF) ou a um grupo controle (CO). Esses grupos foram comparados em estabilidade postural e força antes e após um programa de treinamento de força para o grupo TF. A estabilidade postural foi avaliada em posturas eretas estáticas com apoio unipodal e bipodal, e em situações em que a estabilidade postural bipodal foi perturbada de forma previsível ou imprevisível. A perturbação previsível foi produzida por um movimento voluntário, por meio da elevação rápida com as mãos, de cargas conhecidas: 1 Kg, 3 Kg ou 5 Kg. A perturbação imprevisível foi produzida pela alteração inesperada da carga de 3 Kg para a carga de 1 Kg ou de 5 Kg antes de sua elevação. Os resultados indicaram aumento da força muscular após o treinamento de força. Quanto à estabilidade postural, nãob foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os grupos após o treinamento para as tarefas de apoio bipodal e apoio unipodal. A estabilidade postural foi afetada principalmente, quando uma carga mais leve foi elevada na situação imprevisível, gerando maior deslocamento anterior e posterior do CP. Entretanto, não houve efeito do treinamento de força no deslocamento do CP. Após o treinamento de força, o grupo TF apresentou uma redução do tempo de deslocamento posterior do CP e uma redução na variabilidade de amplitude do CP após ajustes compensatórios. Estes resultados sugerem que o treinamento de força não afeta o equilíbrio de idosos em situações estáticas ou componentes de ajustes iniciais com a perturbação da postura, mas houve um efeito positivo nos componentes tardios de ajustes após a perturbação / The goal of this study was to investigate the effect of strength training of the lower limbs on postural stability of older women. Participants (n =21) were healthy, with ages ranging between 60 and 75 years (M=64.4 years); they were assigned to two groups: strength training (ST) and control (CO). These groups were compared for postural stability and muscular strength before and after a strength training program for the ST group. Postural stability was evaluated in uni and bipodal static stance, and in situations of predictable and unpredictable perturbation of balance. The predictable disturbance was produced through the action of lifting a known load (1 kg, 3 kg or 5 kg) with the hands. The unpredictable disturbance was produced by an unexpected alteration of the load of 3 kg to 1 kg or 5 kg right before lifting the load up. The results indicated increased muscle strength after strength training. Regarding postural stability, no significant difference was detected between groups for uni/bipodal static postures. Postural stability was most affected when a lighter weight was lifted in the unpredictable situation, leading to greater anterior and posterior center of pressure (CP) displacement. Strength training, however, had no effect on the initial CP displacement. After training, the ST group showed shorter time of posterior CP displacement and lower variability of CP range after compensatory adjustments. These results suggest that strength training for elderly individuals does not affect stability in static postures or the early component of adjustments to balance perturbation, but it has a positive effect on the late component of adjustments to balance perturbation

Posturální odchylky a jejich kompenzace u nevidomých cyklistů / Compensation of postural dysbalances in blind cyclists

Nedvěd, Jonáš January 2019 (has links)
Abstract title: Postural deviations and their compensations of blind cyclist Thesis objective: The objective of this thesis is to create a compensatory motional program for a visually impaired client. Compensatory motional program deals with the positive influence of defective body posture and pain alleviation of relevant muscular areas, particularly in the areas of cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine. Method: The research method is qualitative examinations by usage of pretest and posttest designs. The thesis is conceived as the case report of a 31-year-old patient with acquired handicap. Exercise in fitness center was selected as part of compensatory motional program with the application of stretching, relaxing and work-out exercise. Additionally, hippotherapy was practiced to improve the stability of individual body areas, as well as to generally enhance the body posture. The testing methods for defective body postures by Jaroš and Lomíček, Matthiase; as well as testing method by Janda, were applied for the verification of program effect. The HHT motor test was applied for the verification of hippotherapy. Results: Compensatory motional program positively influenced the body posture of the clients already after three months of exercise. The integral part of hippotherapy was also the influence of...

Vliv sportovního aerobiku na držení těla / The influence of sport aerobics on the posture

Papežová, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with the effect of sports aerobics on correct body posture. Two groups of probands will be compared based on testing. One group has been actively practicing sports aerobics for several years. On the other hand, the second group will include girls who do reacreational sports only. The first group consists of girls representing the Czech Republic at international competitions and practicing sports aerobics in the 1st performance class. The second group of probands consists of students of the 3rd year of the Secondary Vocational School, Sedlčany, Petra Bezruče 364. The thesis will focus on the comparison of the effect of sports aerobics on body posture. In addition, compensatory exercises will be designed to help to eliminate muscle imbalance. The thesis will introduce common exercise aids, which can affect the correct body posture and which can be used in exercises not only for sports aerobics training, but also within the classes of school physical education.

A remuneração do particular na execução de atividades públicas / The remuneration of the private in the performance of public activities.

Miguel, Luiz Felipe Hadlich 25 April 2014 (has links)
Busca o presente trabalho apresentar ao leitor as diversas formas pelas quais poderá o particular, executor de atividade pública, se remunerar. Com o desenvolvimento do direito administrativo novos modelos contratuais permitiram a adoção de modais remuneratórios diversos, aptos a viabilizar delegações antes inconcebíveis, quando idealizadas sob a ótica do regime tarifário. O estudo se inicia com a delimitação da noção de remuneração, a definição de quem são os particulares e do que é atividade pública. Após a identificação de quais destas atividades são passíveis de delegação à execução privada, a problemática da remuneração é tratada perante 3 (três) grandes blocos de atuação estatal. No primeiro bloco são analisadas as especificidades remuneratórias do particular prestador de serviço público. A tarifa (forma tradicional) é colocada em confronto com outras fontes de receitas (alternativas, complementares, acessórias, contraprestações públicas, subsídios). No segundo grande bloco a exploração direta de atividade econômica pelo Estado, tendo como partícipe o particular, é alvo de avaliação. O terceiro bloco se destina à análise da execução de atos de polícia pelo agente privado. Por fim, novas formas de remuneração são aventadas, demonstrando que são inúmeras as possibilidades para estruturação de delegações de funções estatais. A proposta é, ao final, identificar a existência de um regime jurídico de remuneração do particular que executa atividade pública / The present work aims at introducing its reader to the many diverse ways in which the private, executor of public sector activities, may be compensated. With the development of the administrative law new contractual practices have allowed the adoption of various compensating models. They are capable of making feasible delegations that have once been considered inconceivable when idealized by the tax regime concept. The study begins with a delimitation of how to perceive compensation, the definition of who the private is and what public sector activities mean. After identifying which of these activities are susceptible to the delegation of the private sector, the problematic of compensation is discussed before three major blocks of the state. The first block analyzes the compensatory specifications of the private civil servant. The traditional tax is confronted with other sources of income (alternative, complementary, accessory, public consideration, subsidies). In the second major block the exploration of State economic activity, in which the private sector is a participant, is subject to evaluation. At last, new compensatory ways are exposed, demonstrating the innumerous possibilities of structuring the delegations of state functions. The proposal is to finally identify the existence of a judicial compensatory regime of the private sector that enforces the public sector activities.

Varför, varför inte? : En studie om två skolors syn på läs- och skrivprogrammet Reading Recovery / Why, why not? : A study concerning two school´s opinions about the Reading Recovery Programme

Mellberg, Maria January 2010 (has links)
<p>Syftet med studien är att undersöka, beskriva och problematisera Reading Recovery samt att ta reda på varför två nyzeeländska skolor har valt att behålla respektive sluta med programmet. Undersökningen baseras på fyra kvalitativa intervjuer samt en kvalitativ observation, vilka skedde på två skolor där den ena slutade med Reading Recovery för några år sedan och där den andra skolan fortfarande använder programmet. Undersökningen syftar inte till att jämföra de båda skolornas språkundervisning, utan till att ge en bild av hur det kan fungera på en nyzeeländsk skola. Intervjuerna ägde rum på Nya Zeeland och de intervjuade hade olika anknytning till Reading Recovery. I uppsatsens bakgrundsdel beskrivs den tidigare forskningen om uppsatsens tre grundteman, det nyzeeländska skolsystemet, språkpedagogik samt stödundervisning. I resultatet sammanfattas de intervjuades svar kring de tre huvudteman samt dess underteman. De intervjuade som arbetar på skolan som har Reading Recovery berättar här hur klassrumsundervisningen ser ut hos dem och Reading Recovery-läraren ger sin bild av yrket. Två av de som intervjuas arbetar som SENCO, vilket betyder att de koordinerar och ansvarar för de två skolornas specialpedagogiska insatser. De två personerna berättar om sina och deras skolors syn på programmet. Genom undersökningen framkommer att kostnaden för den 1:1-undervisning som sker i Reading Recovery är ett starkt själ för skolor att inte använda programmet.</p> / <p>The purpose of this essay is to explore, describe and problematize the Reading Recovery Programme and to find out why two New Zealand schools have chosen to keep or discontinue the program. The study is based upon four qualitative interviews as well as a qualitative observation, which took place in two schools. One of the schools stopped using Reading Recovery a couple of years ago, on the other school the program is still in progress. The aim of the study isn’t to compare the both school’s literacy programs, but to picture how these programs may work. The interviews took place on New Zeeland and the respondents were, or had been, in one way or another involved in the Reading recovery program. Earlier studies are presented in the theory chapter of this essay and contains; the New Zeeland school system, literacy education and special needs education. These three subjects is forming the main themes for this essay. The respondent’s answers regarding these themes and sub themes are summarized in the results part. The respondents at the school with a currently active Reading Recovery program tells us about how the classroom education works, and the Reading Recovery teacher gives us her point of view about the profession. Two of the respondents work’s as Special Education Needs Coordinators (SENCO), which means, they coordinate and are responsible of the two schools special needs education efforts. These SENCO´s gives us theirs and their schools views on the program. Thru the study it is imminent that the cost of the 1:1 education used in the Reading Recovery program is a strong reason for schools not using the program.</p>

Media Messages and Womens' Body Perceptions in Egypt

Ragab, Shaima 21 January 2007 (has links)
This study explores the association between media exposure and women’s body perceptions in Egypt. The thin ideal perpetuated through the media, eating disorders and body dissatisfaction and drive for thinness were thought to be a culturally linked phenomena confined to Western societies. This study has contributed to the debate on cultural determinism of eating disorders and body dissatisfaction in women as it has shown that these concepts are on the rise in non-Western societies in general and Egypt in specific. When exposed to media messages, women in Egypt demonstrated eating disordered attitudes, body dissatisfaction feelings and also chose other compensatory behaviors such as veiling, fasting, and following diet.

The Ball State University Directed Admission Student Experimental Program, 1968-1972

Foster, Robert Oscel 03 June 2011 (has links)
During the summer of 1968, the Vice President for Student Affairs at Ball State University, established the Office of Special Programs. Personnel of the Office were charged with the responsibility for developing and providing special services for students with low academic records so that collegiate success and persistence might be enhanced. The Director of Special Programs was directly charged with the responsibility for providing academic counseling, advice relative to course selections, and for marshalling existing university academic and ancillary support systems as necessary to improve college persistence behaviors among students classified for "Admission with Warning."Personnel of the Office of Special Programs developed and implemented a program designed to provide special academic and supportive services to "Admission with Warning" students. The Directed Admission Student Experimental Program was implemented in the fall of 1968. The program included a remedial reading course, a remedial writing course designed specifically for students identified for the DASEP experience. Personal counseling and special Curricular Advising services were provided to all DASEP students. Over the period from 1968-1972 a total of 274 students were selected to be participants in the DASEP group, and a total of 273 students were identified for inclusion in a control group.The purpose of this study was to determine whether students admitted to the Ball State University Directed Admission Student Experimental Program (DASEP) during the period from 1968 to 1972, persisted to program completion more frequently than did similar students in an identical non-DASEP control group. If the null hypothesis relating to the major purpose was not accepted, differences among DASEP persisters and non-persisters would be investigated.A second purpose of the study was to collect and analyze evaluative perceptions from participants of the Directed Admission Student. Experimental Program relative to the special services provided.The research was planned to test the null hypothesis relating to persistence in the DASEP program and to secure evaluative perceptions about the services from 274 DASEP students.The investigator collected data on persistence in the DASEP program from 265 DASEP and 255 control group students. Data were statistically treated by means of the chi square statistic. The .05 level was used for hypothesis acceptance or non-acceptance. In order to secure evaluative perceptions about services provided participants in the DASEP program, a Likert type instrument was developed and sent to 250 participants in the DASEP program. Review of the data led to the following conclusions:There was no statistically significant difference found between the DASEP group and control group students in persistence to the completion of their individual educational program.Less than one-half of the DASEP students perceived the services provided by the Reading Clinic to be helpful.Slightly more than one-half perceived the services of the Writing Clinic to be helpful.Depending upon the service, about one-half of the students perceived the special Curricular Advising services to be helpful.About one-third perceived the subjects taught in the seminar class to be helpful.Slightly less than one-half of the DASEP students perceived counseling, provided by the staff of Special Programs to be helpful.In a summary question, 94 percent of the DASEP students perceived the DASEP program had been beneficial to them.

Localization of cortical potentials evoked by balance disturbances

Marlin, Amanda January 2011 (has links)
The ability to correct balance disturbances is essential for maintaining upright stability. Recent literature highlights a potentially important role for the cerebral cortex in controlling compensatory balance reactions. The objective of this research was to provide a more detailed understanding of the specific neurophysiologic events occurring at the cortex following balance disturbances. More specifically, the focus was to determine whether the N1, a cortical potential evoked during balance control, and the error-related negativity (ERN), a cortical potential measured in response to errors during cognitive tasks, have similar cortical representation, revealing a similar link to an error detection mechanism. It was hypothesized that the N1 and ERN would have the same generator located in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). Fourteen healthy young adults participated in a balance task (evoked N1) and a flanker task (evoked ERN). Temporally unpredictable perturbations to standing balance were achieved using a lean and release cable system. Electromyography and centre of pressure were measured during the balance task. Reaction times and error rates were measured during the flanker task. Electroencephalography was recorded during both tasks. Source localization was performed in CURRY 6 using a single fixed coherent dipole model to determine the neural generator of the N1 and ERN. The results revealed that the locations of the N1 and ERN dipoles were different. The mean (n=9) distance between N1 and ERN dipoles was 25.46 ± 8.88 mm. The mean Talairach coordinates for the ERN dipole were (6.47 ± 3.08, -4.41 ± 13.15, 41.17 ± 11.63) mm, corresponding to the cingulate gyrus (Brodmann area 24). This represents the ACC, supporting results from previous literature. The mean Talairach coordinates for the N1 dipole were (5.74 ± 3.77, -11.81 ± 10.84, 53.73 ± 7.30) mm, corresponding to the medial frontal gyrus (Brodmann area 6). This is the first work to localize the source of the N1. It is speculated that the generator of the N1 is the supplementary motor area and that it represents the generation of a contingency motor plan to shape the later phases of the compensatory balance response based on sensory feedback from the perturbation.

Läs- och skrivsvårigheter : Den dagliga undervisningen i en Montessoriskolas tidigare år

Mattsson, Maria January 2008 (has links)
Studien handlar om läs- och skrivsvårigheter och syftet med detta arbete var att få kunskap om hur några pedagoger med hjälp av en speciallärare utformar den dagliga undervisningen för elever som har läs- och skrivsvårigheter i år tre – fem i en Montessoriskola. Intervjuer användes som datainsamlingsmetod för att få kunskap och djupare förståelse. Då det endast var tre pedagoger som ställde upp med sin kunskap och tid kan inga generella slutsatser dras av denna studie. Resultatet visar att pedagogerna i den mån det är möjligt arbetar utifrån elevernas behov och att de anpassar material och övningar efter elevens förutsättningar. Pedagogerna är mycket medvetna om de brister som finns när det gäller användandet av kompensatoriska hjälpmedel då eleverna för närvarande endast har talböcker att tillgå.

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