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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Emergence of Complexity from Synchronization and Cooperation

Geneston, Elvis L. 05 1900 (has links)
The dynamical origin of complexity is an object of intense debate and, up to moment of writing this manuscript, no unified approach exists as to how it should be properly addressed. This research work adopts the perspective of complexity as characterized by the emergence of non-Poisson renewal processes. In particular I introduce two new complex system models, namely the two-state stochastic clocks and the integrate-and-fire stochastic neurons, and investigate its coupled dynamics in different network topologies. Based on the foundations of renewal theory, I show how complexity, as manifested by the occurrence of non-exponential distribution of events, emerges from the interaction of the units of the system. Conclusion is made on the work's applicability to explaining the dynamics of blinking nanocrystals, neuron interaction in the human brain, and synchronization processes in complex networks.

Does Stimulus Complexity Affect Acquisition of Conditional Discriminations and the Emergence of Derived Relations?

Martin, Tiffani L. 12 1900 (has links)
Despite the central importance of conditional discriminations to the derivation of equivalence relations, there is little research relating the dynamics of conditional discrimination learning to the derivation of equivalence relations. Prior research has shown that conditional discriminations with simple sample and comparison stimuli are acquired faster than conditional discriminations with complex sample and comparison stimuli. This study attempted to replicate these earlier results and extend them by attempting to relate conditional discrimination learning to equivalence relations. Each of four adult humans learned four, four-choice conditional discriminations (simple-simple, simple-complex, complex-simple, and complex-complex) and were tested to see if equivalence relations had developed. The results confirm earlier findings showing acquisition to be facilitated with simple stimuli and retarded with complex stimuli. There was no difference in outcomes on equivalence tests, however. The results are in implicit agreement with Sidman's theory of stimulus equivalence.

Aide à l'exploration des propriétés structurelles d'un réseau de transport : conception d'un modèle pour l'analyse, la visualisation et l'exploration d'un réseau de transport / Support for exploration of the structural properties of transportation network : designing a model for analysis, visualization and exploration of a transportation network

Mermet, Eric 04 March 2011 (has links)
Un réseau de transport est un objet géographique complexe possédant plusieurs dimensions : géométrique, topologique, métrique et relationnelle. À partir de ces dimensions, il est possible d'effectuer une analyse se situant entre l'analyse descriptive des composantes issues des bases de données et l'analyse fonctionnelle reposant sur des paramètres anthropiques. Cette analyse dite structurelle permet de mettre en évidence certaines propriétés du réseau sans contexte d'usage. Elle est basée sur la construction et l'analyse d'indicateurs basés sur les relations proposées par le réseau : les indicateurs relationnels. Ils mettent en évidence ses potentialités relationnelles ; c'est à dire en quoi celui-ci par sa structure etl'organisation spatiale et topologique de ses composantes prédispose à la mise en relation plus ou moins aisée de lieux de l'espace. Notre travail consiste en la conception d'un modèle pour l'analyse et l'exploration des propriétés structurelles d'un réseau de transport. Ce type d'analyse engendre une complexité combinatoire liée au nombre de relations sur le réseau, une complexité algorithmique liée aux calculs des indicateurs et une complexité visuelle liée à la difficulté de mettre en valeur des informations. Le modèle proposé vise à faciliter à l'utilisateur l'analyse exploratoire des propriétés structurelles du réseau par la création de cartes exploratoires. Notre modèle comprend deux parties. La première permet de réaliser des cartes statiques d'exploration. La seconde permet la combinaison visuelle de cartes en s'appuyant sur un langage graphique. Les deux aspects du modèle ont été développés dans un prototype logiciel baptisé GeoGraphLab / A transportation network is a complex spatial system characterized by four dimension types : geometric, topological, metric and relational. Thanks to these dimensions, it is possible to perform analysis situated in between the descriptive analysis of components from databases and functional analysis based on anthropogenic parameters. This analysis called structural helps to emphasize some properties of the network without usage context. It is established on the construction and analysis of indicators based on the relationship generated by the network: the relational indicators. They highlight their relational possibilities ; ie how their structure and spatial organization and topology of their components predispose to connect places in space in more or less easy way. Our work consists of designing a model for analysis and exploration of the structural properties of a transportation network. This type of analysis leads to a combinatorial complexity related to the number of relationships within the network, algorithmic complexity related to the calculation of indicators and visual complexity related to the difficulty to emphasize information. The proposed model aims to supply the user with the exploratory analysis of structural properties of the network by creating exploratory maps. Our model is composed of two parts. The first one allows to prepare static maps of exploration. The second one enables the visual combination of maps based on a graphic language. Both aspects of the model were developed in a prototype software called GeoGraphLab

Reflections on Order and Complexity: A Brief Introduction / Reflexiones acerca del orden y la complejidad: una breve introducción

Dillehay, Tom D. 10 April 2018 (has links)
As an introduction to the present volume several broad issues related to social complexity, order, and power are discussed briefly in terms of their conceptual utility for South America and the Andes in particular. / Como introducción al presente volumen se discuten brevemente una serie de temas amplios relacionados con la complejidad social, orden y poder en términos de su utilidad conceptual para Sudamérica y, en particular, para los Andes.

(Des)encontros complexos na educação atual: conversas sobre o devir professor

Jesus, Alan Willian de 27 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2015-12-14T12:40:44Z No. of bitstreams: 1 alanwilliandejesus.pdf: 1402687 bytes, checksum: fa723190510c1c6b39ce561da9917145 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2015-12-14T15:50:49Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 alanwilliandejesus.pdf: 1402687 bytes, checksum: fa723190510c1c6b39ce561da9917145 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-14T15:50:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 alanwilliandejesus.pdf: 1402687 bytes, checksum: fa723190510c1c6b39ce561da9917145 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-27 / FAPEMIG - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais / Buscando refletir o que se passa e o que constitui o ser professor neste movimento que, por opção, aqui chamamos de Mundo Atual Complexo, logo deparamo-nos com os desafios que vêm assolando o tempo presente e que, de alguma maneira, afetam a vida dos sujeitos e também o seu conhecimento e sua maneira de pensar, agir e se sentir no e com o mundo. As escolhas de vida dos sujeitos, diretamente entrelaçadas com a forma como vemos o mundo, mostram-nos sutilmente por onde perpassam os posicionamentos e as relações com o conhecimento que o professor experiencia em seu cotidiano escolar. Suas Narrativas, que carregam em si o seu devir, possibilitam-nos compreendermos, através das experiências de vida, o sentido das situações escolares (CONNELLY; CLANDININ, 2008). Posicionando-se frente à fragmentação do ser e do saber (MORIN, 2007a), cujos processos paradigmáticos que procuraram dominar o ocidente disseminaram uma forma fragmentada de compreender o mundo e o homem, não obstante vemo-la perdurar no cotidiano escolar, uma vez que compreendemos que vida e conhecimento estão extremamente relacionados. Para isso, procuraremos compreender e buscaremos, a partir de uma forma outra de noção de sujeito, isto é, junto às contribuições da noção de sujeito compreendido pelo pensador Edgar Morin, desenvolver reflexões do devir professor e da professora a partir de suas experiências materializadas em sua própria voz e escrita. Assim sendo, nossa inquietação parte da pergunta como o professor e a professora do Ensino Fundamental de Escola Pública vem experienciando o devir professor? Nosso objetivo então é tecer, com as confissões do devir professor, possibilidades de inventar e reinventar um caminho histórico de acontecimentos na docência, que se constitui na relação com devires outros no cotidiano escolar, a fim de que o sujeito professor e professora possa melhor compreender o movimento de seu conhecimento. Nosso referencial teórico está pautado no diálogo com os intercessores Connelly e Clandinin (2008); Edgar Morin (2002a, 2002b, 2003a, 2005a, 2007a, 2007b, 2008b); Larrosa (2004); Marques (2001); Reis (2008) e Rancière (2002). Junto a esse movimento, trazemos a Narrativa como Investigação metodológica, ou melhor, uma Investigação Narrativa (CONNELLY; CLANDININ, 2008). Assim, percebemos que, enquanto Morin (2007a) nos dá a possibilidade de realizarmos uma pesquisa de natureza complexa, ou seja, sem apresentar um caráter julgador do objeto para se chegar a uma verdade, o pesquisador dialoga com o cotidiano, sendo um observador-observado em locus através de metapontos de vista provisórios; a proposta metodológica da Investigação Narrativa nos possibilita valorizar e emergir a subjetividade que habita o cotidiano escolar na tentativa de compreensão da realidade, convidando os investigados a falarem acerca de si próprios, não se limitando à análise de dados (REIS, 2008). / In an attempt to reflect on what happens and what becoming a teacher implies in this movement that, by choice, is here referred to as a Current Complex World, we are soon faced with challenges that have been sweeping present time, and which somehow affect an individual’s life, as well as their knowledge and their way of thinking, acting and feeling within and with the world. An individual’s life choice, which is directly intertwined with how we see the world, subtly shows us where the positions and relations with knowledge permeate that teachers experience in their daily life at school. Their narratives, which bring along their becoming, enable us to understand the meaning of school situations through life experiences (CONNELLY; CLANDININ, 2008). Nevertheless, by positioning ourselves before a fragmentation of being and knowing (MORIN, 2007a), whose paradigmatic processes that sought to take over the West spread a fragmented way of understanding the world and man, we see them persist in everyday school life, once we understand that life and knowledge are closely related. To this end, we shall try to understand it from another perspective of an individual’s manner, i.e., with the contributions of an individual’s notion as understood by thinker Edgar Morin, we will try to develop thoughts of becoming a teacher based on their materialized experiences in their own voice and writing. Therefore, our concern starts by questioning how a Public Fundamental Education School teacher has been experiencing the fact of becoming a teacher. Our goal then is to create, based on the confessions of what it is like to become a teacher, possibilities to invent and reinvent a historical path of events in teaching, which comprises the relations of other ways of becoming in everyday school life, so that the individual teacher can better understand the movement of their knowledge. Our theoretical reference is based on the dialogue with the intercessors Connelly and Clandinin (2008); Edgar Morin (2002a, 2002b, 2003a, 2005a, 2007a, 2007b, 2008b); Larrosa (2004); Marques (2001); Reis (2008) and Rancière (2002). Along with this movement, we present Narrative as methodological research, or rather a Narrative Research (CONNELLY; CLANDININ, 2008). Thus, we can see that while Morin (2007a) gives us the possibility of doing research of a complex nature, i.e., without giving it a judgment tone of the object to get to the truth, the researcher should have a dialogue with everyday life by being an observed observer in locus through provisional view meta-points; the methodological proposal for Narrative Research enables us to value and emerge the subjectivity that is present in the school routine in an attempt to understand reality by inviting respondents to talk about themselves, not limited to data analysis (REIS, 2008).

Estrutura de prática e complexidade da tarefa no processo adaptativo de aprendizagem motora / Practice schedule and task complexity in the adaptive process of motor learning

Jane Aparecida de Oliveira Silva 21 January 2009 (has links)
O objetivo desse trabalho foi investigar os efeitos da estrutura de prática no processo adaptativo de aprendizagem motora em razão da complexidade da tarefa. Os participantes foram 160 crianças de ambos os gêneros e a tarefa foi de timing coincidente. No experimento 1, as crinaças executaram uma tarefa que consistiu tocar certos alvos de forma seqüencial em integração a um estímulo visual (tarefa simples) e, o experimento 2, uma tarefa com 6 toques (tarefa complexa). O delineamento dos dois experimentos constou de quatro grupos (prática constante, prática aleatória, prática constante-aleatória, e prática aleatória-constante) e de duas fases de aprendizagem (estabilização e adaptação) As variáveis dependentes foram os erros absoluto, variável e constante. Os resultados mostraram que a complexidade da tarefa afetou os efeitos da estruturação da prática no processo adaptativo de aprendizagem motora. Verificou-se que, para a aprendizagem da tarefa simples, a adaptação ocorreu com similar desempenho para os quatro grupos, enquanto que para a tarefa complexa, o desempenho foi pior para o grupo constante / The objective of this work was to investigate the effects of practice schedule in the adaptive process of motor learning in reason of task complexity. The participants were one hundred and sixty children of both gender and the task was of coincident timing. In the experiment 1 the children performed a task that consisted of touching four response keys sequentially in conjunction with a visual stimulus (simple task), and, the experiment 2, the task evolved six touches (complex task). The experimental design of both experiments consisted of four practice groups (constant, random, constant-random and random-constant) and two learning phases (stabilization and adaptation). Dependent variables were absolute, variable and constant errors. The results show that task complexity affected the effects of practice schedule in the adaptive process of motor learning. It was verified that for learning of simple task the adaptation occurred with similar performance for all groups, while the complex task occurred worse performance for constant group

A formação de bacharéis em gestão ambiental: complexidade e os desafios socioambientais contemporâneos / Undergraduate courses on environmental management: a complex subject involving many contemporary socio-environmental challenges

Renato Pellegrini Morgado 26 June 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa buscou analisar os cursos de bacharelado em Gestão Ambiental e contribuir com a construção de diretrizes para essa formação. Para isso realizaram-se uma revisão bibliográfica, que fundamentasse as diretrizes dessa formação, a análise dos projetos pedagógicos e das estruturas curriculares e entrevistas com coordenadores de quatro cursos, das seguintes instituições: ESALQ/USP, EACH/USP, UFPR e UNIPAMPA. As referências consultadas sinalizam que os desafios socioambientais demandam, para sua compreensão e gestão, um pensamento complexo, que evidencie as relações e inter-relações existentes entre o meio natural e o social. Nessa concepção, devem-se privilegiar estratégias de ensino e de aprendizagem que coloquem o estudante no centro do processo educativo e que utilizem a realidade dos problemas ambientais como espaço formativo. O curso da UFPR foi o que mais se aproximou dessas características, enquanto os da ESALQ/USP e da UNIPAMPA se distanciaram delas e o da EACH ocupou uma posição intermediária. / The objective of this study was to analyze undergraduate courses available in Brazil on Environmental Management and to contribute to establishing guidelines to improve them. The author carried out a literature review, with emphasis on the respective educational projects and curricula, and interviewed course coordinators of four Brazilian institutions of higher learning: ESALQ/USP, EACH/USP, UFPR and UNIPAMPA. The results of this survey show that, in order to properly comprehend and find solutions for socio-environmental challenges, the environmental management professional must have a clear understanding of complex issues involving the relations and inter-relations between the natural and the social environments. Along these lines, high priority should be given to teaching-learning strategies that place the student at the center of the learning process and that use environmental problems to provide hands-on experience. The course offered by UFPR showed the closest adherence to this approach, while ESALQ/USP and UNIPAMPA courses were farther away from it. The course offered by EACH/USP occupied an intermediary position.

Complexidade em programação não linear / Complexity in nonlinear programmin

John Lenon Cardoso Gardenghi 09 August 2017 (has links)
No presente trabalho, estudamos e desenvolvemos algoritmos com análise de complexidade de avaliação de pior caso para problemas de programação não linear. Para minimização irrestrita, estabelecemos dois algoritmos semelhantes que exploram modelos de ordem superior com estratégia de regularização. Propusemos uma implementação computacional que preserva as boas propriedades teóricas de complexidade, e fizemos experimentos numéricas com problemas clássicos da literatura, a fim de atestar a implementação e avaliar a aplicabilidade de métodos que empreguem modelos de ordem superior. Para minimização com restrições, estabelecemos um algoritmo de duas fases que converge a pontos que satisfazem condições de otimalidade de primeira ordem não escaladas para o problema de programação não linear. / In the present work, we have studied and developed algorithms with worst-case evaluation complexity analysis for nonlinear programming problems. For the unconstrained optimization case, we have established two similar algorithms that explore high-order regularization models. We have proposed a computational implementation that preserves the good properties of the evaluation complexity theory, and we made numerical experiments with classical problems from the literature, in order to check the implementation and certify the practical applicability of methods that employ high-order models. For the constrained optimization case, we have established a two phases algorithm that converges to points that meet the unscaled first-order optimality condition for the nonlinear programming problem.

Estruturas de dados concorrentes: um estudo de caso em skip graphs. / Concurrent data structures: a case-study on skip graphs

Hammurabi das Chagas Mendes 27 August 2008 (has links)
Muitos dos sistemas de computação existentes atualmente são concorrentes, ou seja, neles constam diversas entidades que, ao mesmo tempo, operam sobre um conjunto de recursos compartilhados. Nesse contexto, devemos controlar a concorrência das diversas operações realizadas, ou então a interferência entre elas poderia causar inconsistências nos recursos compartilhados ou nas próprias operações realizadas. Nesse texto, vamos tratar especificamente de estruturas de dados concorrentes, ou seja, estruturas de dados cujas operações associadas -- consideramos inserção, remoção e busca -- sejam passíveis de execução simultânea por diversas entidades. Tendo em vista o controle da concorrência, vamos adotar uma abordagem baseada no emprego de locks, uma primitiva de sincronização muito usual na literatura. Nossa discussão será apresentada em termos de certas estruturas de dados chamadas skip graphs, que têm propriedades interessantes para outros contextos, como o contexto de sistemas distribuídos. / Many existing computer systems are concurrent, or, in other words, they are composed of many entities that, at the same time, operate over some set of shared resources. In this context, we must control the concurrency of the operations, otherwise the interference between them could cause inconsistencies in the shared resources or in the operations themselves. In this text, we specifically discuss concurrent data structures, or, in other words, data structures over which the associated operations -- we consider insertion, removal and search -- could be executed simultaneously by various entities. In order to control the concurrency, we will employ an aproach based on the use of locks, a widely known synchronization primitive in the literature. Our discussion will be presented in terms of data structures called skip graphs, which have interesting properties in other contexts, as the context of distributed systems.

Organisering i komplexitet : Gränsöverskridande samverkan, praktikaliteter och informellt arbete i strävan efter en socialt hållbar utveckling / Organizing in complexity : Cross-boundary collaboration, practicalities and informal work in the pursiut of social sustainability

Kanon, Miranda January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Effekterna av det som kommit att kallas New Public Management, där offentliga verksamheter specialiserats i icke-överlappande roller och funktioner, gör det svårt att organisatoriskt hantera komplexa samhällsutmaningar. Hållbarhetsfrågor överskrider territoriella och organisatoriska gränser och dess lokala problem och lösningar utgör en del i en kollektiv och global utveckling. Sådana gränsöverskridande och komplexa utmaningar sägs kräva välfungerande samverkan mellan diversifierade kunskapsperspektiv och erfarenheter som möts över gränser. Samtidigt betonar den empiriska forskningen en hög grad av utmaningar i försök till sådana samverkansprocesser. I en skandinavisk kontext har ett ökat erkännande för utmaningarna i den befintliga specialisering lett till försök av ökad integration samtidigt som forskningen efterfrågar insikter bortom abstrakta och romantiska bilder av institutionella samarbeten.Syfte: Studien syftar till att beskriva komplexiteten i organiseringen av den offentliga förvaltningens uppdrag att stödja en socialt hållbar utveckling. Att framhålla den sociala hållbarhetens analytiska och organisatoriska komplexitet samt att undersöka hur olika organisatoriska förutsättningar påverkar arbetets organisering.Metod: Studien har genomförts med en kvalitativ metod genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med tio folkhälsostrateger, en processledare och en enhetschef vid Västra Götalandsregionen. Det utvalda studieobjektet har som en enhet ett samlat ansvar att samordna, bedriva och stärka regionala, delregionala och kommunala processer för social hållbarhet.Slutsats: Organiseringen för en socialt hållbar utveckling konstrueras i en ständigt pågående anpassningsprocess; ett problemskapande (utifrån praktiska möjligheter) – en problemlösning (utifrån praktiska möjligheter) – en potentiell utveckling. Utveckling kan innebära en förhoppning om socialt lärande mellan samverkansparterna eller mer konkreta insatser och arbetsprocesser. Frånvaron av formell organisation i det gränsöverskridande arbetet ställer krav på en ständigt pågående organisering där den informella arbetsinramningen innebär höga krav på flexibilitet och förmåga hos den enskilda gränsgångaren. / Background: The impacts of new public management reforms, where public organizations are organized into distinct and separate units of specialized roles and functions, complicates our ability to address complex societal challenges. Sustainability issues transcend both territorial and organizational boundaries and its local problems and solutions are part of a collective and global development. Tackling such boundary-spanning and complex challenges are said to require well-functioning collaborative efforts, where diverse knowledge perspectives and experiences meet across boundaries. Concurrently however, empirical research highlights a high degree of challenges in such collaborative efforts. In a Scandinavian context, increased recognition of the challenges in the existing specialization has led to efforts of increased integration, while at the same time researchers are asking for more insights beyond abstract and in many cases romantic images of institutional collaboration.Purpose: This study aims to describe the complexity in organizing for the Swedish public administration’s aim of a socially sustainable development. To emphasize the analytical and organizational complexity of social sustainability and to examine how different organizational preconditions affect the organization of work.Method: The study was conducted using a qualitative research method, through semi-structured interviews including ten public health strategists, one process manager and one unit manager in Region Västra Götaland. As a unit, the selected study object has a unified responsibility to coordinate, and strengthen regional, sub-regional and municipal processes for social sustainability.Conclusion: The process of organizing for social sustainability is constructed in a continuous, complex process of adjustment; problem creation (based on “practicalities”) – problem solution (based on “practicalities”) – potential advancement. Advancement in the sense of increased social learning between different collaborative actors or more concrete results in the form of activities or work processes. The absence of formal organization in the cross-boundary work requires a constantly ongoing process of organizing where the informal framing of cross-boundary work places high demands of ability and flexibility on the individual cross-boundary strategist.

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