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Valorisation des données libres en épidémiologie : intérêt des études écologiques dans le domaine des maladies infectieuses / Value of open data in epidemiology : using ecological studies in infectious epidemiologyHanf, Matthieu 06 December 2011 (has links)
Les études écologiques sont maintenant considérées comme prometteuses en raison de leur capacité à intégrer dans un même modèle autant des facteurs individuels que populationnels. Le mouvement récent de l’open data pourrait jouer un rôle important dans la pérennisation des démarches multidisciplinaires. Cette thèse montre que l’association des méthodes écologiques aux données publiques permet d’éclairer sous un angle nouveau des problématiques des maladies infectieuses.En Guyane Française, des méthodes écologiques dites de séries temporelles couplées aux données climatiques libres ont contribué à une meilleure compréhension du rôle du climat sur la dynamique de la transmission du paludisme, de la leishmaniose cutanée ainsi que de l’histoplasmose disséminée. L’utilisation de méthodes écologiques sur des données libres de la littérature scientifique concernant la séroprévalence toxoplasmose dans les populations humaines a permis d’identifier les principaux facteurs influençant le niveau de séroprévalence globale et indirectement du risque de toxoplasmose congénital associé. L’association de données onusiennes à des méthodes écologiques a permis de montrer qu’une prévalence importante d’ascaridiose est associée à une réduction par 10 de l’incidence du paludisme et l’impact significatif de la corruption sur la mortalité juvéno-infantile et sur les résistances aux anti-tuberculeux. Ces études montrent que l’association des méthodes écologiques aux données publiques permet d’éclairer sous un angle nouveau des problématiques des maladies infectieuses. Ce type d‘étude fournit la flexibilité nécessaire à l’étude des interactions complexes des nombreux déterminants de la santé. / Ecological studies are now considered promising because of their ability to integrate as well as individual factors than populational ones in the same model. The recent open data movement could play an important role in the sustainability of multidisciplinary approaches. The studies developed in this thesis show that the combination of ecological methods with open data could give original results in the issues of infectious diseases.In French Guiana, ecological methods called time series, coupled with open climate data, have contributed to a better understanding of the role of climate on the dynamics of malaria, cutaneous leishmaniasis and disseminated histoplasmosis. The use of ecological methods with open data from the scientific literature concerning toxoplasmosis seroprevalence in human populations has permitted to identify the main factors influencing the level of overall seroprevalence and indirectly to estimate the associated risk of congenital toxoplasmosis.The combination of UN data to ecological methods has shown that a high prevalence of ascariasis is associated with a reduction from 10 in the incidence of malaria and that corruption has a significant impact on child mortality and resistance to TB.The various studies developed in this thesis show that the combination of ecological methods to public data sheds a new light on the issues of infectious diseases. This type of study provides the flexibility to study the complex interactions of many determinants of health.
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Ordination and Cognitive Complexity as Related to Endogenous and Exogenous DepressionAngelillo, Joseph 08 1900 (has links)
Personal construct psychology, as formulated by George Kelly (1955), contributed substantial knowledge to the study of psychopathology. The small amount of research in the area of depression has focused generally on the content of self-constructs and the cognitive complexity characteristic. The purpose of this study was to examine the construct system of the depressed patient specifically by investigating the endogenicity, exogenicity, and severity of depressive symptoms in relationship to construct content as applied to others, cognitive complexity, and ordination.
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This study is set as a proposal to the historical reestablishment about the institutionalized Physical Education in the municipal district of Cacequi during the period of the Dictatorial Military Government. It is an attempt to understand, locally, the role of the human movement in formal education inside a twenty one years of an authoritarian political system in the country, supporting then, an enlargement of the view we have today about the evolutionary process of this discipline.
To approach such context, aiming at roughly cover the complex aspects that and investigation like this one includes, three work fronts were considered. These were a literature review from the official historical perspective about the Brazilian Military Dictatorial period, its influence in education and, specially in the institutionalized physical education; the use of the ideas like system, ecology of action and apparatus (based in Morin), which reveal complex aspects of life in society and, therefore, of the history constructing processes and; the use of Oral History as a means of conjugate and to expand the possibilities of approach and interpretation of the unleashed events specially by people who were involved with the formal Physical Education between 1964 and 1985 in Cacequi. In this way, considering a set of educational, cultural and political aspects portrayed in the narratives which gave some life to the discipline context during the military government, It was possible to perceive the presence of Physical Education as an element that propitiate something beyond the normalization of the society as wanted by the State, acting more in generating some level of autonomy and in the political formation of the individuals than on the contrary. / Este estudo se configura como uma proposta de restabelecimento histórico acerca da Educação Física institucionalizada no município de Cacequi, no período da Ditadura Militar. Trata-se de uma tentativa de compreender, localmente, o papel do movimento humano no ensino formal em meio a vinte e um anos de regime político autoritário no país, favorecendo, assim, uma ampliação da visão que se tem hoje a respeito do processo evolutivo dessa disciplina.
Para abordagem de tal contexto, procurando abarcar minimamente os aspectos complexos que uma investigação dessa natureza envolve, foram abertas três frentes de trabalho, quais sejam, uma revisão de literatura a partir da perspectiva histórica oficial relacionada à Ditadura Militar no Brasil, suas influências na educação e, especificamente, na Educação Física institucionalizada; a utilização das idéias de sistema, de ecologia da ação e de aparelho (baseado em Morin), que revelam aspectos complexos da vida em sociedade e, portanto, dos processos formadores da História; e a utilização da História Oral, como forma de conjugar e ampliar as possibilidades de abordagem e interpretação a respeito dos acontecimentos desencadeados, particularmente, pelas pessoas que estiveram envolvidas com a Educação Física formal entre 1964 e 1985, em Cacequi. Nessa perspectiva, considerando um conjunto de aspectos educacionais, culturais e políticos retratados nas narrativas que deram vida ao contexto da disciplina durante o regime militar, foi possível compreender a presença da Educação Física como um elemento que por vezes propiciou algo além de uma normalização da sociedade, como desejou o Estado, estando mais para a geração de algum grau de autonomia e formação política dos indivíduos do que o contrário.
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Contribution to the study of major depressive illness using non-invasive sleep complexity measuresLeistedt, Samuel 14 May 2010 (has links)
Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is exceedingly prevalent and considered to be one of the leading cause of disability worldwide. Depression is also a heterogeneous disorder characterized by complex diagnotic approaches with a lack of diagnostic biomarker, an inconsistent response to treatment, no established mechanism, and affecting multiple physiological systems such as endocrine, immunological and cardiovasular as well. <p><p>The growing impact of the analysis of complex signals on biology and medicine is fundamentally changing our view of living organisms, physiological systems, and disease processes. In this endeavour, the basic challenge is to reveal how the coordinated, dynamical behavior of cells and tissues at the macroscopic level, emerges from the vast number of random molecular interactions at the microscopic level. In this way, the fundamental questions could be: (i) how physiological systems function as a whole, (ii) how they transduce and process dynamical information, (iii) how they respond to external stimuli, and mostly (iv), how they change during a pathological processus.<p><p>These challenges are of interest from a number of perspectives including basic modeling of physiology and practical bedside approaches to medical and risk stratification. <p><p>The general purpose of this thesis, therefore, is to study physiological time series to provide a new understanding of sleep dynamics in health, specifically as they apply to the pathological condition of MDD. More precisely: (1) to quantitatively characterize the complex, nonlinear behaviour of cardiovascular (ECG) and electroencephalographic (EEG) time series during sleep, in health and in MDD. This project will test the hypotheses that both the sleep EEG and ECG detects reorganization in the system dynamics in patient suffering from depression. (2) To develop new diagnostic and prognostic tests for MDD, by detecting and extracting “hidden information” in the ECG and EEG datasets.<p><p>Three different methods are introduced in this thesis for the analysis of dynamical systems. The first one, detrended fluctuation analysis, can reveal the presence of long-term correlations ("memory" in the physiological system) even when embedded in non-stationary time series. Graph theoretical measures were then applied to test whether disrupting an optimal pattern ["small-world network"] of functional brain connectivity underlies depression. Finally, multiscale entropy method, which is aimed at quantifying the complexity of the systems' output resulting from the presence of irregular structures on multiple scales, was applied on the ECG signal.<p><p>The results indicate that healthy physiologic systems, measured through the EEG and the ECG signals, are the most complex. According to the decomplexification theory, the depressive disease model exhibits a loss of system complexity, with potential important applications in the development and testing of basic physiologic models, of new diagnostic and prognostic tools in psychiatry, and of clinical risk stratification. / Doctorat en Sciences médicales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Multiplicité des origines génétiques de l’isolement reproductif au sein de populations naturelles de levures / Species-wide survey reveals the complex landscape of the genetic origin of reproductive isolation within natural yeast populationsHou, Jing 24 March 2016 (has links)
Un objectif central en biologie est de comprendre la relation entre le génotype et le phénotype. Mes travaux de thèse s’inscrivent dans cette thématique et focalisent sur les populations naturelles d’une même espèce, en utilisant la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae comme système d’étude. Dans un premier temps, je me suis focalisée sur l’effet des mutations présentes dans différents isolats naturels sur l’apparition de l’isolement reproductif, un processus engendrant la perte de la viabilité de la descendance lors du croisement. Dans un second temps, en plus des phénotypes sévères tels que la létalité de la descendance, je me suis aussi intéressée à la caractérisation de la complexité génétique d’un ensemble de traits quantitatifs tels que la croissance sur différents conditions de culture, afin d’avoir une vision globale du nombre de gènes impliqués et de leur mode d'interaction qui sous-tend la variation phénotypique au sein d’une même espèce. / Elucidating the genetic origin of phenotypic diversity among individuals within the same species is essential to understand evolution. Using the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we showed that reproductive isolation could readily segregate at the intraspecific level, which is governed by various molecular mechanisms ranging from large-scale chromosomal changes to incompatible epistatic genetic interactions. Compared to reproductive isolation, other phenotypes such as monogenic Mendelian traits are thought to be simple in terms of their phenotypic penetrance and genetic constitution. However, our survey showed that the expressivity of monogenic mutations and hence the inheritance pattern of a Mendelian trait could also depend on parental combinations, transitioning from simple to complex. Our studies unveiled the multiplicity and complexity of the genetic origin of phenotypes within a population, from the origin of reproductive isolation to the hidden complexity of Mendelian traits.
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Parameterized verification of networks of many identical processesVérification paramétrée de réseaux composés d'une multitude de processus identiques / Vérification paramétrée de réseaux composés d'une multitude de processus identiquesFournier, Paulin 17 December 2015 (has links)
Ce travail s'inscrit dans le cadre de la vérification formelle de programmes. La vérification de modèle permet de s'assurer qu'une propriété est vérifiée par le modèle du système. Cette thèse étudie la vérification paramétrée de réseaux composés d'un nombre non borné de processus identiques où le nombre de processus est considéré comme un paramètre. Concernant les réseaux de protocoles probabilistes temporisés nous montrons que les problèmes de l'accessibilité et de synchronisation sont indécidables pour des topologies de communication en cliques. Cependant, en considérant des pertes et créations probabiliste de processus ces problèmes deviennent décidables. Pour ce qui est des réseaux dans lequel les messages n'atteignent qu'une sous partie des composants choisie de manière non-déterministe, nous prouvons que le problème de l'accessibilité paramétrée est décidable grâce à une réduction à un nouveau modèle de jeux à deux joueurs distribué pour lequel nous montrons que l'on peut décider de l'existence d'une stratégie gagnante en coNP. Finalement, nous considérons des stratégies locales qui permettent d'assurer que les processus effectuent leurs choix non-déterministes uniquement par rapport a leur connaissance locale du système. Sous cette hypothèse de stratégies locales, nous prouvons que les problèmes de l'accessibilité et de synchronisation paramétrées sont NP-complet. / This thesis deals with formal verification of distributed systems. Model checking is a technique for verifying that the model of a system under study fulfills a given property. This PhD investigates the parameterized verification of networks composed of many identical processes for which the number of processes is the parameter. Considering networks of probabilistic timed protocols, we show that the parameterized reachability and synchronization problems are undecidable when the communication topology is a clique. However, assuming probabilistic creation and deletion of processes, the problems become decidable. Regarding selective networks, where the messages only reach a subset of the components, we show decidability of the parameterized reachability problem thanks to reduction to a new model of distributed two-player games for which we prove decidability in coNP of the game problem. Finally, we consider local strategies that enforce all processes to resolve the non-determinism only according to their own local knowledge. Under this assumption of local strategy, we were able to show that the parameterized reachability and synchronization problems are NP-complete.
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IntroductionCommendatore, Pasquale, Kubin, Ingrid, Bougheas, Spiros, Kirman, Alan, Kopel, Michael, Bischi, Gian Italo January 2018 (has links) (PDF)
This collected volume gives a concise account of the most relevant scientific results of the COST Action IS1104 "The EU in the new complex geography of economic systems: models, tools and policy evaluation", a four-year project supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology). It is divided into three parts reflecting the different
perspectives under which complex spatial economic systems have been studied: (i) the Macro perspective looks at the interactions among international or regional trading partners; (ii) the Meso perspective considers
the functioning of (financial, labour) markets as social network structures; and, finally, (iii) the Micro perspective focuses on the strategic choices of single firms and households. This Volume points also at
open issues to be addressed in future research.
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Navigating change:nexus-analytic explorations in the field of foreign language educationRiekki, M. (Maritta) 22 November 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to navigate the complexity of change in the field of foreign language education. The study follows ethnographic guidelines. Thus, it aims at analysing various learning and teaching situations and, additionally, at offering possibilities for new reflections and practices. The empirical cases of the study have been analysed with nexus analysis. The multiple data include, for example, answers to online surveys, videos, various presentations, papers and learning journals by students as well as ethnographic observation.
The study will map the main development of foreign language education in Finland, the major views on learning and on the related research in the field. In addition, the study presents five nexus-analytic explorations within foreign language education and discusses the findings of these cases.
The five nexus-analytic cases were conducted during four years. The research participants were pupils, language students and teachers as well as education authorities of foreign language education. The research cases aimed at answering two research questions: (1) “What kinds of motives do the research participants ascribe for foreign language learning and teaching?” and (2) “What kinds of discourses, interaction order and historical bodies emerge in the research cases?” These questions provided answers to the main goal of the research; to gain understanding about factors which contribute to the complexity of change in foreign language education.
The findings of the research suggest that change is challenging both in formal education and in teacher education. However, some changes are needed in order to have innovative new language teachers who can motivate young foreign language learners in the spirit of life-long learning and plurilingualism in the future, too. The study has implications for language teacher education, material and curriculum design and for language teachers’ practical work. Additionally, the study presents examples of working methods, which may be used in designing new teaching practices. Finally, the study offers insight of the use of nexus analysis as a concrete research tool. / Tiivistelmä
Tämän väitöstyön tarkoitus on kartoittaa muutoksen monimutkaisuutta vieraiden kielten koulutuksessa. Työ noudattaa etnografisia suuntaviivoja. Näin ollen se pyrkii analysoimaan erilaisia oppimis- ja opetustilanteita sekä tarjoamaan mahdollisuuksia uusille reflektioille ja käytänteille. Työssä esitetyt empiiriset osatutkimukset on analysoitu neksusanalyysin avulla. Monipuolinen aineisto sisältää esimerkiksi internet-kyselyn vastauksia, videoita, erilaisia opiskelijoiden tekemiä esityksiä, tutkielmia ja oppimispäiväkirjoja sekä etnografisia havaintoja.
Väitöstyössä luodaan katsaus vieraiden kielten koulutuksen kehitykseen Suomessa, kielenopetuksen taustalla vaikuttaneisiin oppimisteorioihin sekä alan tutkimukseen. Lisäksi esitellään väitöskirjan viisi neksusanalyyttistä osatutkimusta ja analyysin tuottamat johtopäätökset.
Työssä esitetyt viisi neksusanalyyttistä tutkimusta suoritettiin neljän vuoden aikana. Tutkimuksiin osallistui oppilaita, kieltenopiskelijoita ja -opettajia sekä viranomaisia kielikoulutuksen alalta. Tutkimusten avulla pyrittiin vastaamaan kahteen tutkimuskysymykseen: (1) Millaisia motiiveja tutkimukseen osallistujat tuottavat vieraiden kielten oppimiselle ja opettamiselle? ja (2) Millaisia diskursseja, vuorovaikutusjärjestyksiä ja henkilöhistorioita nousee esiin osatutkimuksissa? Näiden kysymysten avulla saavutettiin tutkimuksen päätavoite eli kartutettiin ymmärrystä siitä, millaisia tekijöitä muutoksen monimutkaisuuteen liittyy vieraiden kielten koulutuksessa.
Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että muutos on haasteellista sekä formaalissa koulutuksessa että opettajankoulutuksessa. Muutoksia kuitenkin tarvitaan, jotta meillä olisi innovatiivisia kieltenopettajia motivoimaan nuoria kielten opiskelijoita elinikäisen oppimisen ja monikielisyyden hengessä myös tulevaisuudessa. Työn tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää kieltenopettajien koulutuksessa, oppimateriaalin sekä opetussuunnitelmien suunnittelussa. Tämän lisäksi työssä on esimerkkejä työmuodoista, joita voi soveltaa vieraiden kielten opetuksessa. Lopuksi, työssä esitetään, kuinka neksusanalyysi toimii konkreettisena tutkimustyökaluna sekä muutoksen edistäjänä.
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Form & Formlessness : Questioning aesthetic abstractions through art projects, cross-disciplinary studies and product design education.Akner Koler, Cheryl January 2007 (has links)
This research is based on empirical, embodied studies aimed to generate and regenerate aesthetic reasoning through three approaches: an educational approach concerned with developing an aesthetic discipline, supporting a formgiving process aimed to create tangible artifacts. an art-based approach supporting an open exploration of distortion and formlessness a multi-disciplinary exploratory approach concerned with aesthetic experiences shared in laborations demonstrating complexity and transformation. The overall aim of the thesis is to explore different types of aesthetic abstractions that elaborate aesthetic reasoning about form and formlessness. The thesis develops methods and models for aesthetic investigation that support, challenge and go beyond the normative conceptions of beauty, with high relevance for teaching 3-D formgiving aesthetics and research by design methodologies. A central method applied throughout the entire research project is a cooperative inquiry method engaging students and experienced professionals as co-researchers in embodied/ interactive physical form studies and laborations. The content of the thesis is presented in three parts relating to the approaches above: -Part 1 defines an aesthetic nomenclature organized within a taxonomy of form in space. This aesthetic taxonomy is outlined in five levels based on essential aesthetic abstractions, emphasizing structure and inner movement in relation to the intention for the development of a gestalt. It originates from the educational program of Alexander Kostellow and Rowena Reed and has been further developed through an iterative educational process using a Concept-translation-form method, resulting in the Evolution of Form (EoF)-model. This EoF-model reciprocally weaves together geometric structures and organic principles into a sequence of seven-stages. To question the normative principles of beauty inherent in the EoF-model, a bipolar +/- spectrum was introduced at each stage to expand the model, aiming for a more inclusive approach to aesthetics. -Part 2, both challenges and expands the aesthetic reasoning in part 1 through i) solo sculptural exhibitions exploring properties of distortion and transparency in a constructivist art community ii) collaborative projects with physicists concerning infinity and studies of continuous complex curvatures and iii) explorative studies of material breakdown and non-visual studies with ID masters students at Konstfack. - Part 3 problematizes the taxonomy of form by applying methods and results from a cross-disciplinary study of complexity and transformation involving artists, physicists, designers and architects. The three year study explored temporal events of changing phenomena and formlessness that did not comply with any traditional aesthetic norms. Based on the experience from 12 laborations, three models were developed: The Transformation-model and Framing the dialogue-model were developed to physically interact with as well as to document and discuss change and transformation through bipolar reasoning. The Aesthetic phase transition-model was developed to capture the particular properties expressed in a transformation and unify stable objects with changing events. In conclusion, the thesis claims the value of an inclusive aesthetic mode of abstract reasoning in the scientific and design communities. A provisional 3 modes of abstraction-model is presented placing numeric, linguistic and aesthetic modes of abstraction as interdependent within a spectrum from separation to contextualization. / <p>S. 1-77: sammanfattning, s. 78-255: 10 uppsatser</p>
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Chemin optimal, conception et amélioration de réseaux sous contrainte de distance / Optimal path, design and improvement of networks with distance constraintNakache, Elie 01 July 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur différents problèmes d'optimisation combinatoire dont nous avons caractérisé la difficulté en décrivant des réductions et des algorithmes polynomiaux exacts ou approchés.En particulier, nous étudions le problème de trouver, dans un graphe orienté sans cycle dont les sommets sont étiquetés, un chemin qui passe par un maximum d'étiquettes différentes. Nous établissons qu'il n'existe pas d'algorithme polynomial avec un facteur constant pour ce problème. Nous présentons aussi un schéma qui permet d'obtenir, pour tout $epsilon >0$, un algorithme polynomial qui calcule un chemin collectant $ O(OPT^{1-epsilon})$ étiquettes.Nous étudions ensuite des variantes du problème de l'arbre couvrant de poids minimum auquel nous ajoutons des contraintes de distance et d'intermédiarité. Nous prouvons que certaines variantes se résolvent en temps polynomial comme des problèmes de calcul d'un libre de poids minimum commun à deux matroïdes. Pour une autre variante, nous présentons un algorithme d'approximation facteur 2 et nous prouvons qu'il n'existe pas d'algorithme polynomial avec un meilleur facteur constant.Enfin, nous étudions un problème d'améliorations de réseaux du point de vue du partage des coûts. Nous montrons que la fonction de coût associée à ce problème est sous-modulaire et nous utilisons ce résultat pour déduire un mécanisme de partage des coûts qui possède plusieurs bonnes propriétés. / In this thesis, we investigate several combinatorial optimization problems and characterize their computational complexity and approximability by providing polynomial reductions and exact or approximation algorithms.In particular, we study the problem of finding, in a vertex-labeled directed acyclic graph, a path collecting a maximum number of distinct labels. We prove that no polynomial time constant factor approximation algorithm exists for this problem. Furthermore, we describe a scheme that produces, for any $epsilon >0$, a polynomial time algorithm that computes a solution collecting $O(OPT^{1-epsilon})$ labels. Then, we study several variants of the minimum cost spanning tree problem that take into account distance and betweenness constraints. We prove that most of these problems can be solved in polynomial time using a reduction to the weighted matroid intersection problem. For an other problem, we give a factor 2 approximation algorithm and prove the optimality of this ratio.Finally, we study a network improvement problem from a cost sharing perspective. We establish that the cost function corresponding to this problem is submodular and use this result to derive a cost sharing mechanism having several good properties.
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