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Toyota "Eco Warrior!"Cramer, Marius January 2023 (has links)
Climate change is progressing and society must act now to crea- te a future worth living in. This means changing the structure and behaviour of society. We will have to live together with nature again. The rebuilding of society to create this change creates new values and new ways of living in the future. Nature is changing because of our society‘s im- pact, so society must change to have less impact. The inspiration came from current trends that are happening. Groups like Greenpeace and Ex- tinction Rebellion are actively fighting for positive change to create a desirable future. On the other hand, people are changing more quietly by mo- ving to Eco Villages. It‘s a principle of living toge- ther in a community where minimising the impact on the environment is a top priority. But it also has other benefits, such as feeling more connec- ted to people and also feeling needed in life by doing a job for the community. By interviewing the eco-village Schloss Tempelhof in Germany, Igot a great overview of their living structure and their daily habits and needs. The biggest benefit for the people living in this community is that it creates a more meaningful life for them, which has a positive effect on everyone‘s happiness. To- day, more than 10,000 people live in Eco Villages.The process began by combing the research on current trends with past trends. In the past, punks in England challenged the mainstream and the sta- tus quo to make a positive impact on the world. They used fashion to stand out and shock. It hel- ped them to make a statement and it created a sense of obligation to dress like them to be part of that group. This was combined with an urgent need to be and live sustainably in the future. This com- bination created the persona of the Eco-Warrior. They fight to minimise human impact on the en- vironment and to achieve this they live together in ecovillages around the world. They have their local energy supply from wind, water and solar systems. They also grow their own seasonal food locally to maintain the food supply for the community. Furt- hermore, their fashion is used to show their belon- ging to a group and their beliefs. By creating a sub- culture and trend, more people could be attracted and feel the desire to join and be part of the change.Through the interview with Schloss Tempelhof, the vehicle requirements were identified and transla- ted into the future. Firstly, a vehicle must have a low impact on the environment. It has to be chan- geable by renewable and local energies, so being electric is advantageous for a small impact. Se- condly, it belongs to everyone in the community. The vehicle is parked at the community house to be available to everyone. The vehicle is used toge- ther and alone. So there is a relationship between comfort and footprint. If you are travelling alone, you do not want to feel guilty about driving a car that is too big, but if you are travelling together, you need a certain footprint. When driving alone, the driver sits comfortably in the back. When driving together, more people can sit on the front bench at an angle of 90 degrees to the direction of travel.Comfort is not a priority here, so more people sit closer together to keep the footprint small. The final need is to transport the fruit and vegetables pro- duced in the village to the neighbouring ecovillage.During the design process, several proposals were tried out in order to learn what worked and what did not. By creating different variations when imple- menting the identified needs and testing different sizes and proportions, the right proportion could be identified. By having serval design languages, the one that represented the Eco Warrior could also be found and developed further in the final proposal.The final proposal is a maximally reduced ve- hicle. Its open structure reduces the amount of materials used. The vehicle belongs to everyo- ne in the community, which is also represented by the open design. Through its multiple uses, a vehicle can be used as much as possible during its lifetime. In addition, the provocative aest- hetics bring together the pragmatic, utilitarian side with the rebellious side of the eco-warrior. Read more
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aquapod : Sustainable Marine Expedition 2030Kadri, Zain January 2023 (has links)
Reefs are an important habitat for a quarterof all forms of marine life on earth and human actions are putting them under great danger. Research portrays an exponential growth in marine tourism industry by year 2030. Unlessthis is carefully managed, tourism can pose a major threat to natural resources. The future of marine tourism is likely to be shaped by several factors like technology, environmental concerns, and changing consumer preferences. While this technology continues to advance, there may be an advancement in sustainable and environmentally friendly tourism practices, too. As a result,marine tourism operators may need to prioritize sustainable practices in order to attract and retain customers in the future. Overall, the future of marine tourism will likely be defined by a balance between technological innovation, environmental responsibility, and consumer demand. In this thesis project the author has speculatedof a future driven by government organizations and the private sectors working together to mark sustainable prospects for future goals. Sea beyond is one such stakeholder hypothetically pitched through this project which has been working towards ocean literacy for children in schools and kindergarten while aiming towards the Ocean decade challenge 2030. Another hypothetical stakeholder is Dyson, well known for vacuum cleaners and air purifiers. Engineering & design inspiration by Dyson with its advance technology helps derive a functional mobility. The project results into a holistic expedition and engagement with marine life. Systematic trails are maintained during journey without compromising any disturbance to aquatic life. Inclusivity for all- kids, adults and the elderly (even specially abled in a wheelchair) has been considered throughout the design process. The research & design approach has resulted ina mobile self-sustaining autonomous terminalthat takes passengers to different locations. A specially designed capsule- Aquapod, descends into the depth of ocean under curated parameters. The expedition takes one through a spiritual journey of excitement, awareness, educationand responsibilities. Channeling an experience from appreciation of the beautiful marine life to realizing how damages are caused by bleaching of corals. During the journey, passengers also spectate ocean cleanup project and coral farming to understand the conservation practices of today. It provides users with recreational activity along with meaningful awareness and reflect on their responsibilities. Aquapod is a product that helps in mobility, embarks on the importance through experience and gathers data for analysis. The collected data by Aquapod during each journey helps oceanographers and marine biologists for their study and research in respective fields. Read more
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Peugeot Liminal Spacevan den Broek, Thijs January 2023 (has links)
Contemporary life and its fast-paced nature have created a shift in how we behave. Moments of calm are often disturbed by the human temptation to distract the mind. We try to push away the ambiguous moments of silence. However, these moments have proven to have significant mental benefits. They allow people to reflect and come down to their senses.Liminal spaces are spaces that can be described both as inside as well as outside. They are so powerful in their presence and aesthetic that they lead the occupant to question their surroundings and ultimately allow them to transition their mind. Mostly used in architecture and psychology, I wanted to explore what the limen could do in the transportation design field. During this project, I asked the question: How can Liminal spaces in the mobility sector develop a deeper connection with our environment and ourselves?The Peugeot Liminal Space is a service designed to provide a convenient getaway from society, in order to connect with nature and oneself. With the mindset that there is no destination needed, the mental journey is the end product.The design is a personal air balloon that serves as a transformative space for users to find solace, a quiet place that interacts with the user in a calm and non-intrusive manner.Throughout the journey, the user will pass several thresholds as they move further away/ get closer to society. By changing the vehicle’s attributes the user is stimulated to respond to the changes in their environment, requiring them to focus on the here and now. The balloon can be described as a mindfulness practice that adapts to the user’s needs while emphasizing movements from fauna and flora. Passing wind gusts, animals or moving trees can initiate a playful motion inside the vehicle. Read more
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Design Thinking for ConceptualizationGreen, Julia 19 September 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Att skapa en konceptdesign av en webbplats för ett evenemang : Att ta fram en design av en webbplats med en grafisk identitet ur ett marknadsperspektivLindholm, Sandra, Widelund, Pernilla January 2013 (has links)
Internet and social media have opened up new possibilities for companies and organisations tocommunicate their brand. It only takes a few seconds to communicate the message of a website to theuser. This indicates the importance of having the intended message of the website communicated clearlyin order to give the user a correct impression of the company or the organisation. When it comes to theconcept design of a website, it’s important that all different parts is presented uniformly. This reportdescribes the process and the end product of a concept design for a food event. The concept designincludes interaction design, a graphic identity and digital strategies in a website that all togheter creates astartingpoint for the branding of the event. In the creation of the logotyp which is as part of the graphicidentity it was important to anticipate the needs of the users and the other stakeholders. An interviewstudy was conducted with a focus group of the purpose to investigate users' feelings and reactions basedon the first impressions of three different logo proposals. The investigation was fruitful and increased ourunderstanding about what the participants thought about the different logotypes and colour combinations.Along with a few corrections we reach a brand identity that could be effective in communicating themessage of the event. During the design process, we had regular weekly meetings with the client who alsoapproved the final logo, graphic identity as well as the digital strategies and functions of the website. Theresult shows that a careful preparatory phase is a necessity to establish the client's goals and vision as wellas our own early in the process. This helped us to keep the design work on a steady path through thewhole process as well as creating a unified concept design for the event. Read more
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Ökad tillgänglighet hos nästa generations omrörare till slurrytank hos LKAB / Improving the availability of the next generation agitator at LKABPersson, Harry January 2018 (has links)
Loussavaara Kirunavaara AB (LKAB) har lidit av flertalet haverier i sina olika omrörare runt om i sina kulsinterverk. Haverierna har bestått av axelbrott, navbrott och skadade lager. Dessa haverier resulterar i produktionsbortfall som kan kosta företaget summor i 10 miljoner kronorsklassen. För att i framtiden kunna minska risken för haverier har ett konstruktionskoncept tagits fram för nästa generation av omrörare. Kriterierna för konceptet togs fram genom att analysera de tidigare haverierna för att identifiera de brister som fanns i konstruktioner. Beräkningar, intervjuer, konstruktionsförslag och jämförelser mellan olika dellösningar till konstruktionen utfördes för att ta fram delkoncept. Delkoncepten sammanställdes till olika konceptförslag i en morfologisk matris. Utvärdering av de valda koncepten skedde i jämförelse med en av de befintliga lösningarna med hjälp av en Pugh-matris. Författaren har under arbetets gång använt sig av sin tre års erfarenhet som fulltidsanställd automationstekniker på LKAB. Konceptförslaget bedöms av författaren kunna användas vid konstruktion av nästa generations omrörare. Delkoncept för olika delar av konstruktionen bedöms av författaren kunna användas för att konstruera förbättringar av de befintliga lösningarna hos LKAB. / Loussavaara Kirunavaara AB (LKAB) have been suffering from several agitator failures in their slurry tanks, part of their pellet plants. These failures have been caused by axle fractures, hub cross fractures and damaged bearings. These failures results in production losses that can cost the company sums around 10 million SEK. To minimize the number of future failures, a new concept been developed for the next generation of agitators. Criteria for this concept have been generated by analyzing the previous failures to identify flaws in the current solutions. Calculations, interviews, design concepts and comparisons between different partial solutions were preformed to generate partial concepts. These partial concepts were then compared using a morphological matrix. Selection of the suggested concept was made by evaluating all the developed concepts in comparison to the current solution using a Pugh-matrix. The author has throughout the work been drawing on his three-year full time experience of working as an automation technician at LKAB. The herein proposed concept is assessed to be usable for construction of the next generation of agitators. Partial concepts are assessed by the author to be able to implement on current agitator solutions at LKAB. Read more
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Designing a tablet application for an emergency department : The implications of context on concept development and interface designKronsell, Victoria January 2013 (has links)
Mobile devices are becoming more common in health care and studies show that they can contribute with a lot of benefits. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate what important factors should be considered when designing an application for a tablet computer to be used at an emergency department. The project involved creating a prototype for an application that would be used as a decision support system for doctors when a stroke patient arrives to the emergency department – a case where time and accuracy are both equally important. Research was conducted by doing field studies and interviews, and the results from these helped to develop a prototype. Usability tests were conducted on the prototype and changes were made accordingly. The study showed that there are many important factors to consider; e.g. identifying the workflows, creating a non-linear system and overview support.
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Konceptdesign utifrån ett människocentrerat designperspektiv : Konceptutveckling av en webbplats med användaren i fokusLundgren, Johanna January 2015 (has links)
This thesis describes the work process in creating a design concept for a website to a company in the graphics industry. It stems from a human-centered design perspective in creating the concept for the website. A big part of this work has been the preparatory work in creating a target group definition and develop strategies to create a concept. Proven methods in interaction design have been used with focus on prototyping. The result is presented in the form of a graphic profile and a visual design proposal of a website which has been based on user testing prototypes. This thesis discusse the importance of a human-centered design perspective when creating a concept of a website. By using a human-centered design perspective the user is kept in focus throughout the whole design process which also promotes the created products. / I denna uppsats beskrivs arbetsprocessen i att ta fram ett designkoncept för en webbplats till ett företag som arbetar med grafisk produktion. Denna studie tar upp designprocessen utifrån ett människocentrerat designperspektiv i framställningen av en webbplatskoncept. En stor del av detta har inneburit ett gediget förarbete i form av målgruppsdefinition samt framtagna strategier för att skapa ett koncept. Beprövade metoder inom interaktionsdesign har genomgående använts med fokus på prototyparbete. Genom att använda ett människocentrerat designperspektiv håller man användaren central genom hela designprocessen, vilket också främjar de produkter man tar fram. Resultatet av arbetet presenteras i form av en grafisk profil och ett visuellt designförslag av en webbplats som motiverats utifrån användartestade pappersprototyper. I arbetet diskuteras vikten av ett människocentrerat förhållningssätt i konceptutveckling av en webbplats Read more
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Beam-colored Sketch and Image-based 3D Continuous Wireframe Reconstruction with different Materials and Cross-SectionsDenk, Martin, Rother, Klemens, Paetzold, Kristin 06 September 2021 (has links)
The automated reverse engineering of wireframes is a common task in topology optimization, fast concept design, bionic and point cloud reconstruction. This article deals with the usage of skeleton-based reconstruction of sketches in 2D images. The result leads to a flexible at least C₁ continuous shape description.
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Concept design and development of mechanical joint with improved robustness : For mounting of A-Stay on articulated hauler / Konceptdesign och utveckling av mekaniskt fäste med ökad robusthet : För montering av A-Stag på ramstyrda dumprarStenman, Alexander, Ströberg, Julius January 2023 (has links)
The quality aspect of mechanical components is a significant factor forcustomer satisfaction. By increasing the robustness, the product will be moreresistant to non-ideal situations and the perceived quality would be increased.A concept design for the case of A-Stay mounting on articulated haulers isdeveloped to increase the robustness of the product and removing the risk formechanical failure. A modified product development process with focus onaspects of assembly and robust design is used to generate concepts anddeveloping a concept design. The process resulted in a concept that increasesthe robustness of the system, both through higher redundancy and improvedcontrol of the noise factors.
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