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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Subtraction strategies of preschool children

Ma, Jung-chen, Jenny. January 1984 (has links)
Thesis (M.Ed.)--University of Hong Kong, 1984. / Includes bibliographical references (leaf 81-85). Also available in print.

Öga för skräck : En studie av hur djurögon kan påverka karaktärsdesign ur ett skräckperspektiv

Stålhult, Alexander January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med detta examensarbete var att ta reda på vilka typer av djurögon applicerade på en mänsklig karaktär som kan uppfattas som mer eller mindre skrämmande. Arbetet grundar sig på teorier om fiendedesign i skräckspel samt ögonens anatomi. Sex konceptbilder skapades och användes till 15 semistrukturerade intervjuer. Fem frågor rörande de sex karaktärerna med olika djurögon gav svar på frågeställningen i arbetet. Resultatet från denna undersökning visar att färg och form har en viss betydelse för hur en betraktare upplever vad som är skrämmande för de utvalda ögonen.

Exploring the understanding of whole number concepts and operations a case study analysis of prospective elementary school teachers /

Safi, Farshid. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Central Florida, 2009. / Adviser: Juli K. Dixon. Includes bibliographical references (p. 212-224).

Konceptstudie av en medicinteknisk detalj. : Conceptual study of a medicinal equipment detail.

Nilsson, Erik, Björmsjö, Johan January 2015 (has links)
Examensarbetet har bedrivits vid Tekniska Högskolan i Jönköping och i samarbete med fallföretaget Solutions for Tomorrow AB. Arbetet har utformats efter ett syfte; att utveckla ett produktkoncept där alternativa material och tillverkningsmetoder leder till kostnadsbesparingar. Syftet har sedan brutits ned till fyra frågeställningar som arbetet kretsar kring. Två frågeställningar behandlar redan framtagna koncept och två rör ekonomiska aspekter för nya projekt. För att besvara frågeställningarna är arbetet utformat som en konceptstudie där hela utvecklingsprocessen har genomförts. Studien är framför allt baserad på en kvalitativ metod där fokus har legat på intervjuer och textanalyser. En deduktiv ansats har använts då kända teorier och modeller har tillämpats vid antagande av slutsatsen. Studien har resulterat i två produktkoncept som beräknas sänka produktionskostnaderna för den analyserade komponenten. En mer kostnadseffektiv tillverkningsmetod kan innebära att nya leverantörer kan komma att kontaktas och nytt ritningsunderlag måste framställas. I framtiden bör en mer omfattande konstruktionsanalys av komponenten genomföras, då nya material och tillverkningsmetoder erbjuder nya möjligheter till kostnadseffektivisering. De kostnadsberäkningar som görs i rapporten utgår i många fall från den tillverkningsmetod som används och tiden det tar att utföra olika steg i processen. Delar av produktionen ligger idag i Tyskland och ingen möjlighet gavs att bevittna processen. De kostnader som är relaterade till arbetstiden är därför uppskattade. Kostnadskalkyleringarna för koncepten beräknas ha en viss felmarginal och bör inte användas vid beslutstagande. / This thesis project has been conducted at the School of Engineering at Jönköping University and in cooperation with the case company Solutions for Tomorrow AB. The project was modeled around a purpose; to develop a product concept where alternative materials and manufacturing techniques will lead to cost savings. The purpose was broken down into four questions around which the project is focused. Two of the questions are about the produced concepts and two of them are about the economic aspect of the new concepts. To answer the questions the thesis project is designed as a conceptual study where the whole development process has been carried out. The study is mostly based on a qualitative method where focus has been on collecting data from interviews and related literature. A deductive approach was used since known theories and models has been applied when assuming the conclusions. The study has resulted in two product concepts that according to the calculations will lower the production related costs. A more cost efficient manufacturing method implicates that new suppliers might be needed and new production drawings needs to be fabricated. A more extensive constructional analysis should be conducted in the future since new materials and manufacturing methods offers new possibilities to further cost potentiation. The cost calculations that are performed in this report are in many cases based on the manufacturing methods used today and the time it takes to perform the steps in the production. Parts of the present production are located in Germany and no opportunity was given to witness the process. The costs related to the manufacturing time are therefore estimates. Hence the cost calculations are expected to have a certain error margin and should not be used in decision making.

The social and political construction of Fijian identity and knowledge a postcolonial perspective /

Dabea, Samuela Bogitini. January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Queensland, 2001. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 326-349).

Linking information resources with automatic semantic extraction

Joseph, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
Knowledge is a critical dimension in the problem solving processes of human intelligence. Consequently, enabling intelligent systems to provide advanced services requires that their artificial intelligence routines have access to knowledge of relevant domains. Ontologies are often utilised as the formal conceptualisation of domains, in that they identify and model the concepts and relationships of the targeted domain. However complexities inherent in ontology development and maintenance have limited their availability. Separate from the conceptualisation component, domain knowledge also encompasses the concept membership of object instances within the domain. The need to capture both the domain model and the current state of instances within the domain has motivated the import of Formal Concept Analysis into intelligent systems research. Formal Concept Analysis, which provides a simplified model of a domain, has the advantage in that not only does it define concepts in terms of their attribute description but object instances are simultaneously ascribed to their appropriate concepts. Nonetheless, a significant drawback of Formal Concept Analysis is that when applied to a large dataset, the lattice with which it models a domain is often composed of a copious amount of concepts, many of which are arguably unnecessary or invalid. In this research a novel measure is introduced which assigns a relevance value to concepts in the lattice. This measure is termed the Collapse Index and is based on the minimum number of object instances that need be removed from a domain in order for a concept to be expunged from the lattice. Mathematics that underpin its origin and behaviour are detailed in the thesis showing that if the relevance of a concept is defined by the Collapse Index: a concept will eventually lose relevance if one of its immediate subconcepts increasingly acquires object instance support; and a concept has its highest relevance when its immediate subconcepts have equal or near equal object instance support. In addition, experimental evaluation is provided where the Collapse Index demonstrated comparable or better performance than the current prominent alternatives in: being consistent across samples; the ability to recall concepts in noisy lattices; and efficiency of calculation. It is also demonstrated that the Collapse Index affords concepts with low object instance support the opportunity to have a higher relevance than those of high supportThe second contribution to knowledge is that of an approach to semantic extraction from a dataset where the Collapse Index is included as a method of selecting concepts for inclusion in a final concept hierarchy. The utility of the approach is demonstrated by reviewing its inclusion in the implementation of a recommender system. This recommender system serves as the final contribution featuring a unique design where lattices represent user profiles and concepts in these profiles are pruned using the Collapse Index. Results showed that pruning of profile lattices enabled by the Collapse Index improved the success levels of movie recommendations if the appropriate thresholds are set.

O consumidor para além do seu conceito jurídico : contribuições da filosofia, sociologia e antropologia

Netto, Bernard Rodrigues January 2012 (has links)
O conceito de consumidor hoje amplamente adotado pelo direito do consumidor brasileiro é aquele desenvolvido pela Economia. Sua escolha não foi em vão, mas o resultado da mais rápida resposta que o Direito poderia dar à sociedade, que há muito enfrentava os desequilíbrios do mercado capitalista. Todavia, por ser a proteção ao consumidor uma matéria contemplada em dois âmbitos distintos da Constituição de 1988, sugere-se que o conceito econômico não entrega à proteção do consumidor todo o alcance que deveria proporcionar. Isto porque, ainda que tal conceito satisfaça a Ordem Econômica e Financeira, não se ajusta com a norma do art. 5º da Carta, que inspira a proteção da pessoa que consome. Um conceito que abarque esta perspectiva parece depender de uma construção humanista. Assim, após um apanhado histórico-doutrinário que pretende explicar e justificar a adoção do conceito econômico, apresenta-se contribuições da sociologia, filosofia e antropologia – sobretudo pelas obras de ZYGMUNT BAUMAN, GILLES LIPOVETSKY e MARY DOUGLAS – que revelam um amplo universo de significações e preocupações que rondam o consumo de bens e que não são levados em consideração pela teoria econômica. Demonstra-se que o mercado explora a subjetividade do consumidor, razão pela qual o desenvolvimento de um conceito jurídico mais amplo – para além do conceito econômico – será fundamental à evolução do direito do consumidor no Brasil. / The concept of consumer nowadays widely adopted by the Brazilian consumer law is that developed by the Economy. The choice was not in vain, it was the result of the prompt response that the law could offer to society, which has long faced the imbalances of the capitalist market. However, being a consumer protection a matter considered in two distinct areas of the 1988 Constitution, it is suggested that the economic concept does not give to consumer protection the entire range that it should provide. This because, even if this concept meets the Economic and Financial Order, does not fit with the norm of article 5 of the Constitution, which inspires the protection of the person who consumes. A concept that embraces this perspective seems to depend on a humanist construction. Thus, after a historical and doctrinal overview that attempts to explain and justify the adoption of the economic concept, contributions from sociology, philosophy and anthropology – especially by the works of ZYGMUNT BAUMAN, GILLES LIPOVETSKY and MARY DOUGLAS – are presented, which shows a broad universe of meanings and concerns that surround the consumption of goods and are not considered by economic theory. It is shown that the market explores the subjectivity of the consumer, which is why the development of a broader legal concept – beyond the economic concept – is crucial to the evolution of consumer law in Brazil.

Les romanciers ivoiriens face à l'Histoire. 1990 - 2009. Textes et contexte / The Ivory Novelists Facing History. 1990-2009. Texts and context

Aka Koffi, Sabine 27 June 2017 (has links)
Le roman postcolonial relève de l’interprétation de l’Histoire inhérente à l’écrivain d’origine africaine. En l’absence de sens acceptable pour les intéressés, la fiction interroge et met en exergue les aspects occultés de l’Histoire. L’étude s’attache à mettre en évidence des grilles de lecture autres qu’occidentales permettant de comprendre l’Histoire immédiate, thématique de plus en plus marquée chez les romanciers contemporains de Côte d’Ivoire. L’on se propose d’analyser la façon dont les romanciers ivoiriens des années quatre-vingt-dix à nos jours problématisent le thème de l’Histoire, comment ils l’intègrent à la trame narrative et pourquoi. La gestion d’une Histoire européo-centrée est un exercice délicat mais essentiel pour sortir de l’impasse. Les écrivains cherchent à doter leur peuple d’une Histoire à l’africaine ; Histoire compliquée par le colonialisme. L’étude vise à montrer comment cette évolution correspond à une urgence pour les auteurs : ceux-ci tentent en effet, à travers l’écriture romanesque, de trouver des réponses à la fragilisation des structures étatiques et de conjurer le spectre de la guerre civile amorcée par l’instrumentalisation du concept de l’Ivoirité. L’analyse porte sur les représentations mentales et culturelles, et l’on interrogera les catégories littéraires de façon à rendre compte de la façon dont elles induisent une vision de l’Histoire. / The postcolonial novel is linked to the interpretation of History inherent to the african native writer. Without any acceptable understanding for the people concerned, fiction examines and brings out various occulted aspects of History. This study' s purpose is to underline some ways to interpret History other than from a western point of view, allowing the understanding of present History, a theme more and more present with contemporary Ivorian novelists. We propose to analyze the way Ivorian novelists, from the 90's until today, are treating History and how and why they integrate it into their fiction. The management of a european-centered History is a touchy but essential exercise to break the deadlock. Writers are willing to give their people an african History, complicated by colonialism. The study's goal is to show how this development is an urgency for the authors: in fact they try, through fiction, to find answers to the weakening of state structures and to ward off the specter of civil war initiated by the manipulation of the concept of "Ivoirité". The analysis focuses on the mental and cultural representations and we will go through the various literary categories, in order to summarize the way they induce a vision of History.

O consumidor para além do seu conceito jurídico : contribuições da filosofia, sociologia e antropologia

Netto, Bernard Rodrigues January 2012 (has links)
O conceito de consumidor hoje amplamente adotado pelo direito do consumidor brasileiro é aquele desenvolvido pela Economia. Sua escolha não foi em vão, mas o resultado da mais rápida resposta que o Direito poderia dar à sociedade, que há muito enfrentava os desequilíbrios do mercado capitalista. Todavia, por ser a proteção ao consumidor uma matéria contemplada em dois âmbitos distintos da Constituição de 1988, sugere-se que o conceito econômico não entrega à proteção do consumidor todo o alcance que deveria proporcionar. Isto porque, ainda que tal conceito satisfaça a Ordem Econômica e Financeira, não se ajusta com a norma do art. 5º da Carta, que inspira a proteção da pessoa que consome. Um conceito que abarque esta perspectiva parece depender de uma construção humanista. Assim, após um apanhado histórico-doutrinário que pretende explicar e justificar a adoção do conceito econômico, apresenta-se contribuições da sociologia, filosofia e antropologia – sobretudo pelas obras de ZYGMUNT BAUMAN, GILLES LIPOVETSKY e MARY DOUGLAS – que revelam um amplo universo de significações e preocupações que rondam o consumo de bens e que não são levados em consideração pela teoria econômica. Demonstra-se que o mercado explora a subjetividade do consumidor, razão pela qual o desenvolvimento de um conceito jurídico mais amplo – para além do conceito econômico – será fundamental à evolução do direito do consumidor no Brasil. / The concept of consumer nowadays widely adopted by the Brazilian consumer law is that developed by the Economy. The choice was not in vain, it was the result of the prompt response that the law could offer to society, which has long faced the imbalances of the capitalist market. However, being a consumer protection a matter considered in two distinct areas of the 1988 Constitution, it is suggested that the economic concept does not give to consumer protection the entire range that it should provide. This because, even if this concept meets the Economic and Financial Order, does not fit with the norm of article 5 of the Constitution, which inspires the protection of the person who consumes. A concept that embraces this perspective seems to depend on a humanist construction. Thus, after a historical and doctrinal overview that attempts to explain and justify the adoption of the economic concept, contributions from sociology, philosophy and anthropology – especially by the works of ZYGMUNT BAUMAN, GILLES LIPOVETSKY and MARY DOUGLAS – are presented, which shows a broad universe of meanings and concerns that surround the consumption of goods and are not considered by economic theory. It is shown that the market explores the subjectivity of the consumer, which is why the development of a broader legal concept – beyond the economic concept – is crucial to the evolution of consumer law in Brazil.

O consumidor para além do seu conceito jurídico : contribuições da filosofia, sociologia e antropologia

Netto, Bernard Rodrigues January 2012 (has links)
O conceito de consumidor hoje amplamente adotado pelo direito do consumidor brasileiro é aquele desenvolvido pela Economia. Sua escolha não foi em vão, mas o resultado da mais rápida resposta que o Direito poderia dar à sociedade, que há muito enfrentava os desequilíbrios do mercado capitalista. Todavia, por ser a proteção ao consumidor uma matéria contemplada em dois âmbitos distintos da Constituição de 1988, sugere-se que o conceito econômico não entrega à proteção do consumidor todo o alcance que deveria proporcionar. Isto porque, ainda que tal conceito satisfaça a Ordem Econômica e Financeira, não se ajusta com a norma do art. 5º da Carta, que inspira a proteção da pessoa que consome. Um conceito que abarque esta perspectiva parece depender de uma construção humanista. Assim, após um apanhado histórico-doutrinário que pretende explicar e justificar a adoção do conceito econômico, apresenta-se contribuições da sociologia, filosofia e antropologia – sobretudo pelas obras de ZYGMUNT BAUMAN, GILLES LIPOVETSKY e MARY DOUGLAS – que revelam um amplo universo de significações e preocupações que rondam o consumo de bens e que não são levados em consideração pela teoria econômica. Demonstra-se que o mercado explora a subjetividade do consumidor, razão pela qual o desenvolvimento de um conceito jurídico mais amplo – para além do conceito econômico – será fundamental à evolução do direito do consumidor no Brasil. / The concept of consumer nowadays widely adopted by the Brazilian consumer law is that developed by the Economy. The choice was not in vain, it was the result of the prompt response that the law could offer to society, which has long faced the imbalances of the capitalist market. However, being a consumer protection a matter considered in two distinct areas of the 1988 Constitution, it is suggested that the economic concept does not give to consumer protection the entire range that it should provide. This because, even if this concept meets the Economic and Financial Order, does not fit with the norm of article 5 of the Constitution, which inspires the protection of the person who consumes. A concept that embraces this perspective seems to depend on a humanist construction. Thus, after a historical and doctrinal overview that attempts to explain and justify the adoption of the economic concept, contributions from sociology, philosophy and anthropology – especially by the works of ZYGMUNT BAUMAN, GILLES LIPOVETSKY and MARY DOUGLAS – are presented, which shows a broad universe of meanings and concerns that surround the consumption of goods and are not considered by economic theory. It is shown that the market explores the subjectivity of the consumer, which is why the development of a broader legal concept – beyond the economic concept – is crucial to the evolution of consumer law in Brazil.

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