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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Parallel Algorithms for Rational Cones and Affine Monoids / Parallele Algorithmen für rationale Kegel und affine Monoide

Söger, Christof 22 April 2014 (has links)
This thesis presents parallel algorithms for rational cones and affine monoids which pursue two main computational goals: finding the Hilbert basis, a minimal generating system of the monoid of lattice points of a cone; and counting elements degree-wise in a generating function, the Hilbert series.

Dimension and morphology of the mandibular condyle in Class I patients in cone beam computed tomography / Dimensión y morfología del cóndilo mandibular en pacientes de Clase I en tomografía computarizada de haz cónico

Bustamante, Carmen, Labrín, Vanessa, Casas-Apayco, Leslie, Ghersi-Miranda, Hugo 01 January 2020 (has links)
Evaluar la dimensión antero- posterior (A-P)/medio-lateral (M–L), y la morfología del cóndilo mandibular en pacientes de 18 a 65 años con patrón esquelético Clase I en tomografías computarizadas Cone Beam. Material y Métodos: 71 tomografías fueron evaluadas mediante el software RealScan 2.0. La dimensión fue determinada por los puntos A (más anterior en el plano sagital), P (más posterior en el plano sagital), M (más interno en el plano coronal), L (más externo en plano coronal). Se evaluó la morfología del cóndilo en dos planos coronal y sagital, clasificándose en: redonda, aplanada, convexa y mixta. La dimensión del cóndilo fue analizada por estadística descriptiva y la morfología mediante distribución de frecuencias. Para el análisis bivariado, se aplicó la prueba de t de Student. Resultado: Se obtuvieron las medidas del diámetro A-P del cóndilo derecho (CD) (8,72mm ± 1,25mm) y el izquierdo (CI) (8,50mm ± 1,50mm), el diámetro M-L del CD (19,24mm ± 2,03mm) y el CI (18,97mm ± 1,87mm). Hubo diferencias significativas en la dimensión M-L del CI del sexo masculino en comparación al femenino (p=0.002). La morfología más prevalente del CD (35,21) y CI (23,94) en plano coronal fue de tipo redonda. Conclusión: La dimensión A-P del cóndilo derecho e izquierdo es similar en ambos sexos; sin embargo, existen diferencias en la dimensión M-L del cóndilo izquierdo del sexo masculino. La morfología del cóndilo derecho e izquierdo más prevalente fue la redonda en plano sagital a excepción del plano coronal. / To evaluate the anterior-posterior (A-P)/medial-lateral (M-L) dimension, and morphology of the mandibular condyle in patients aged 18 to 65 years with Class I skeletal pattern on Cone Beam Computed Tomography scans (CBCTs). Materials and Methods: Seventy one CBCTs were evaluated using RealScan 2.0 software. The dimension was determined by points A (most anterior in the sagittal plane), P (most posterior in the sagittal plane), M (most interior in the coronal plane), L (most exterior in the coronal plane). The morphology of the condyle was evaluated in two coronal and sagittal planes, being classified as: round, flat, convex or mixed. The size of the condyle was analyzed by descriptive statistics and the morphology by frequency distribution. For the bivariate analysis, the Student’s t-test was applied. Results: Measurements were obtained for the A-P diameter of the right condyle (RC) (8.72mm ± 1.25mm) and the left condylar (LC) (8.50mm ± 1.50mm), the M-L diameter of the RC (19.24mm ± 2.03mm) and the LC (18.97mm ± 1.87mm). There were significant differences in the male M-L dimension of the LC compared to the female (p=0.002). The most prevalent morphology of RC (35.21) and IQ (23.94) in the coronal plane was round.. Conclusion: The A-P dimension of the right and left condyle is similar in both genders; however, there are differences in the M-L dimension of the left male condyle. The most prevalent morphology of the right and left condyle was round in the sagittal plane with the exception of the coronal plane. / Revisión por pares

The Effect of Orientation on the Ignition of Solids

Morrisset, David 01 June 2020 (has links)
The ignition of a solid is an inherently complex phenomenon influenced by heat and mass transport mechanisms that are, even to this day, not understood in entirety. In order to use ignition data in meaningful engineering application, significant simplifications have been made to the theory of ignition. The most common way to classify ignition is the use of material specific parameters such as such as ignition temperature (Tig) and the critical heat flux for ignition (CHF). These parameters are determined through standardized testing of solid materials – however, the results of these tests are generally used in applications different from the environments in which these parameters were actually determined. Generally, ignition temperature and critical heat flux are used as material properties and are presented readily in sources such as the SFPE Handbook. However, these parameters are not truly material properties; each are inherently affected by the environment and orientation in which they are tests. Ignition parameters are therefore system dependent, tied to the conditions in which the parameters are determined. Previous work has demonstrated that ignition parameters (such as Tig or CHF) for the same material can vary depending on whether the sample is tested in a vertical or horizontal orientation. While the results are clear, the implications this may have on the use of ignition data remains uncertain. This work outlines the fundamental theory of ignition as well as a review of studies related to orientation. The aim of this study it to analyze the influence of sample orientation on ignition parameters. All experimental work in this study was conducted using cast black polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA or commonly referred to as acrylic). This study explores ignition parameters for PMMA in various orientations and develops a methodology through which orientation can be incorporated into existing ignition theory. An additional study was also conducted to explore the statistical significance of current flammability test methodologies. Ultimately, this study outlines the problem of the system dependency of ignition and provides commentary on the use of ignition data in engineering applications

Osteoartrite na articulação temporomandibular : análise integrativa de marcadores por imagem, clínicos e biomoleculares /

Bianchi, Jonas. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: João Roberto Gonçalves / Resumo: A osteoartrite (OA) é a forma mais comum das artrites. Na articulação temporomandibular (ATM) ela se destaca por causar degeneração da cartilagem de forma progressiva, remodelação do tecido ósseo condilar, quadros agudos e crônicos de dor. Atualmente, o diagnóstico da OA na ATM vem se tornando mais preciso, devido ao desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias, exames por imagem como a tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico (TCFC) de alta resolução, análises computacionais e inteligência artificial. Dessa forma, esse trabalho teve como principal objetivo avaliar possíveis novos biomarcadores para a OA utilizando marcadores clínicos, por imagem e biomoleculares. Os objetivos secundários foram de comparar diferentes softwares para análises dos marcadores por imagem; avaliar o poder de diagnóstico desses marcadores; e por fim, desenvolver um modelo integrativo utilizando inteligência artificial, dados clínicos, biomoleculares e por imagem para o diagnóstico da OA na ATM. Como metodologia, foram desenvolvidos 3 artigos científicos, apresentados em sequência nessa tese. Nossa amostra foi composta por pacientes com diagnóstico clínico de OA na ATM e pacientes controles, sendo que foram coletados exames de TCFC, sangue, saliva e dados clínicos. Nossos resultados mostraram que o software desenvolvido pelo nosso grupo para análises das imagens é confiável e que os novos marcadores por imagens são capazes de diferenciar pacientes controles e com OA. Também demonstramos que nosso modelo es... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis. In the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) it stands out for causing progressive cartilage degeneration, condylar bone tissue remodeling, acute and chronic pain. Nowadays, the TMJ OA diagnosis is improved by the development of new technologies and imaging exams such as high-resolution cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), advanced computational analysis and artificial intelligence. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate possible new biomarkers for OA using clinical, imaging and biomolecular markers. The secondary objectives were to compare different software for image marker analysis; evaluate the diagnostic power of these markers; and finally, to develop an integrative model using artificial intelligence, clinical, biomolecular and imaging markers for the diagnosis of TMJ OA. As methodology, 3 papers were developed, presented in sequence in this thesis. The sample consisted of patients with clinical diagnosis of TMJ OA and control patients. CBCT, blood, saliva and clinical data were collected. Our results showed that the software developed by our group for image analysis is reliable and that the new imaging markers can differentiate controls and OA patients. We also demonstrate that our integrative statistical model of clinical, biomolecular, imaging markers and artificial intelligence can diagnose the disease with an accuracy of 0.837 ([0.761.0.902]). Finally, our results suggest that different biomarkers and a statistical and... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Changes in labial and lingual alveolar bone thickness of mandibular incisors pre- and post- non-extraction orthodontic treatment - a cone beam study

Coro, Ivette 01 January 2012 (has links)
A thesis submitted to the College of Dental Medicine of Nova Southeastern University of the degree of Master of Science in Dentistry. Objective: This study was conducted to examine the changes in the inclination of mandibular incisors and their alveolar bone dimensions between pre- and post- non-extraction orthodontic treatment, measured using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images. The study measured the association of the pre- and post- labial and lingual bone measurements with the pre- and post- treatment incisor inclination by comparing the incisor-mandibular plane angle (IMPA). Background: Teeth move through bone by extensive osseous adaptation within the alveolar process. It is a common belief in orthodontics that alveolar bone follows tooth movement. As a tooth moves, bone will remodel around the alveolar socket usually in a 1:1 ratio of bone resorption to bone apposition. However, conflicting evidence in the orthodontic literature questions whether the anterior alveolar bone is able to remodel and follow the direction and quantity of tooth movement. Many studies have shown that the width of the alveolar bone and the lingual and labial cortical plates set limitations on how much anterior tooth movement can be accomplished without negative effects such as periodontal problems, root resorption or fenestrations. Methods: Pre- and post- non-extraction orthodontic treatment CBCT scans of twenty Class I molar patients with mild to moderate crowding were used to observe the buccal and lingual width and incisor inclination of each of the patient's four mandibular incisors. The labial and lingual alveolar bone dimensions were measured pre-treatment and post-treatment at 6 mm apical to the CEJ and at the apex of each tooth. The inclination of the incisors (using IMPA) of both time points was also documented. Results: A Fisher's exact test and a Cramer's V test were performed. The results showed statistical significance between the change in bone of the incisors and the change in their inclination at the buccal 6mm, buccal apex, lingual 6mm and lingual apex. There was also statistical significance found between the change in bone between the buccal apex and lingual apex of the LR1, LR2, LL1, and LL2. Conclusion: Our results showed that the change in bone of the lower incisors is correlated to the change in their inclination. This suggests that incisors were tipped within the confines of the mandibular anterior alveolar process, or the alveolar process bent and remodeled around the incisors in the same direction of tooth movement or a combination of the two.

Evaluation of Performance and Image Quality for Voxel Cone Tracing

Finn, Johannes January 2022 (has links)
Voxel cone tracing (VCT) is a rendering method designed to approximate global illumination in a fast and efficient way. Global illumination means to render not only the direct lighting of a scene but also light from indirect sources, simulating how light in the real-world tend to bounce around and illuminate even the areas that are occluded from a direct light source. Rendering accurate global illumination in real-time has for a long time been a challenge in the field of computer graphics. This effect is most accurately simulated through expensive algorithms such as path tracing, where individual rays of light are traced from the pixels of a camera as they bounce around the scene and sample the environment. More efficient methods tend to rely on static image-based approaches, where global illumination is pre-rendered and baked into textures. VCT presents itself as a middle ground of the two, trading some of the accuracy for improved performance and the ability to work in a fully dynamic environment where objects and light sources may be moved around. VCT computes global illumination by volumetrically sampling a lower resolution voxel-based representation of the rendered scene by tracing cones.   The aim of this thesis is to further investigate the performance and image quality of VCT through an implementation and evaluation method. A VCT algorithm has been implemented that is capable of real-time global illumination in a dynamic setting, utilizing physically based rendering for improved image quality and a sparse 3D texture for efficient voxel storage. Performance was then measured in terms of rendering speed and memory usage. Image quality was evaluated through comparison with accurate path traced reference images. The results show that VCT is a promising rendering method for achieving a real-time approximation of global illumination, but that it also suffers from some issues regarding the image quality.

Assessment of large vs. small-scale equipment platforms on soil structure and harvest efficiency in corn and soybean rotation cropping systems.

Tietje, Ryan W.F. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

EphA4-dependent axon retraction and midline localization of Ephrin-B3 are disrupted in the spinal cord of mice lacking mDia1 and mDia3 in combination / mDia1とmDia3の両方を欠損させたマウスではEphA4による神経軸索の退縮と脊髄でのEphrin-B3の正中線局在が損なわれる

Toyoda, Yosuke 24 March 2014 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(医学) / 甲第18169号 / 医博第3889号 / 新制||医||1003(附属図書館) / 31027 / 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学専攻 / (主査)教授 渡邉 大, 教授 大森 治紀, 教授 髙橋 良輔 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Medical Science / Kyoto University / DGAM

Telecommunications and regional integration : the case of Mercosur

Gama e Souza, Lauro da, 1962- January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

The evaluation of the reliability of radiographic features using CBCT and periapical radiographs in the differential diagnosis of periapical lesions

Penberthy, Skylar Montana Grizzly 21 June 2022 (has links)
INTRODUCTION: The diagnosis and treatment of endodontic infections is a multi-step fact gathering process, with the gold standard of periapical lesion diagnosis being histological biopsy. With common diagnoses, such as periapical granulomas and radicular cysts, representing the bulk of biopsies, the possibility of a less invasive method of lesion identification ought to be examined. In recent years Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) imaging has been proposed as a potential diagnostic tool for periapical diagnosis, but this theory requires further testing and data in order to verify its appropriateness. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate six criteria used for assessing periapical lesions of teeth seen on CBCT scan from the textbook Oral Radiology White and Pharoah. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Three blinded endodontists observed radiographic features of oral periapical lesions of teeth previously diagnosed as either radicular cysts or periapical granulomas via histological biopsy. All lesions had previously been scanned via CBCT, and endodontic apical surgery was performed allowing for a pathology sample of the lesion. The observers viewed 40 CBCT and 40 corresponding periapical (PA) radiographic images, all randomized, and reported which of the six criteria (Location- apex of tooth, periphery- corticated border, shape- curved or circular, internal structure- radiolucent, effects on surrounding structures- displace or resorb roots, corticated plate perforation- present) were present in the scans. Data was analyzed using a Logistical Regression Fleiss Kappa statistic with a 95% confidence level. RESULTS: CBCT cyst showed no agreement between examiners criteria selected to statistical significance. The most selected criteria by all examiners were shape and internal structure. PA radiographic Cyst showed moderate agreement for ‘Location’ and ‘Periphery’ and substantial agreement on ‘none’ criteria. The most selected criteria by all examiners were internal structure and location. CBCT Granuloma showed moderate agreement for ‘location’ and perfect agreement for ‘none’. The most selected criteria by all examiners were shape, location, and internal structure. PA radiographic Granuloma showed substantial agreement for ‘periphery’ and moderate agreement for internal structure (radiolucency). The most selected criteria by all examiners were location, and occasionally shape and internal structure. Logistic regression of selected criteria shows with each additional criteria present on each lesion the chance of the lesion being a granuloma decreases 24.9% on PA radiographs and 33.9% on CBCT images. CONCLUSION: The current study shows an inter-examiner agreement of moderate to perfect kappa statistic does not align with the most commonly selected criteria among examiners, showing poor examiner agreement among lesions. / 2024-06-21T00:00:00Z

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