Spelling suggestions: "subject:"con,"" "subject:"code,""
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A Method of Superimposition of CBCT Volumes in the Posterior Cranial BaseGianquinto, Jared Robert January 2011 (has links)
Three dimensional imaging in the form of Cone Beam Computed Tomography has become prevalent in the field of orthodontics. Analytical methods of resulting volumetric data sets have not kept pace with the technology capable of producing them. Current 3D analysis techniques are largely adaptations of existing 2D methods, offering no clear diagnostic advantage over traditional imaging techniques in light of increased radiation exposure, and cannot be compared with norms generated from 2D image capture sources. In order to study morphology in 3D, data sets must be generated for longitudinal studies and native 3D analytical methods must also be developed. Existing methods of CBCT volume superimposition are cumbersome, involving complex software pipelines and multiple systems to complete the process. The goal of the current study was to develop a reproducible method of CBCT volume superimposition in the posterior cranial base in a single software package, and construct an easy to follow, step-by-step manual to facilitate future studies in craniofacial morphology. Existing anonymized sequential CBCT volumes of three subjects meeting inclusion criteria were obtained from the Kornberg School of Dentistry Department of Radiology. Volumes for each subject were imported into AMIRA software, resampled to a standardized 0.5 mm voxel size and superimposed with a mutual information algorithm. Posterior cranial base surface data was extracted using a semi-automatic technique. Resulting surface distance data was compiled and visualized through application of color maps. A streamlined image processing protocol was produced and documented in a detailed step-by-step manual. Surface distance analysis of serial segmentations was performed to verify reliability of the process. Surface distance deviations greater than 0.5 mm consistently fell below 0.2 percent of the total surface area. Sequential scan superimpositions of all three subjects exhibited mean surface distances of less than 0.15 mm. Two out of three subjects exhibited deviations of greater than 0.5 mm in less than 1 percent of the total surface area, suggesting consistent sub-voxel accuracy of the protocol. / Oral Biology
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Improving CPT-Based Earthquake Liquefaction Hazard Assessment at Challenging Soil SitesYost, Kaleigh McLaughlin 15 November 2022 (has links)
Earthquake-induced soil liquefaction is a phenomenon in which saturated, sandy soil loses its strength and stiffness during earthquake shaking. Liquefaction can be extremely costly and damaging to infrastructure. The commonly used "simplified" stress-based liquefaction triggering framework is correlated with metrics computed from in-situ tests like the Cone Penetration Test (CPT). While CPT-based procedures have been shown to accurately predict liquefaction occurrence in homogenous, sandy soil profiles, they tend to over-predict the occurrence of liquefaction in challenging, highly interlayered soil profiles. One contributing factor to the over-prediction is multiple thin-layer effects in CPT data, a phenomenon in which data in interlayered zones is blurred or averaged, making it difficult to identify specific layer boundaries and associated CPT parameters like tip resistance. Multiple thin-layer correction procedures have been proposed to convert the measured tip resistance in an interlayered profile (qm) to the "true" or characteristic tip resistance (qt) that would be measured without the influence of multiple thin-layer effects.
In this dissertation, the efficacy of existing multiple thin-layer correction procedures is assessed. It is shown that existing procedures are not effective for layer thicknesses equal to or less than about 1.6 times the diameter of the cone. Two new multiple thin-layer correction procedures are proposed. Furthermore, a framework for numerically simulating CPTs in interlayered soil profiles using the Material Point Method (MPM) is developed. A framework for linking uncertainties associated with the numerical analyses and the laboratory CPT calibration chamber tests used to calibrate the numerical analyses is also proposed. Finally, a database of laboratory and numerically-generated CPT data is presented. It is shown how this database can be used to improve existing, and develop new, multiple thin-layer correction procedures. Ultimately, the work detailed in this dissertation will improve the characterization of highly interlayered soil profiles using CPTs to support more accurate liquefaction hazard assessment at challenging soil sites. / Doctor of Philosophy / Earthquake-induced soil liquefaction is a phenomenon in which saturated, sandy soil loses its strength and stiffness during earthquake shaking. Liquefaction can be extremely costly and damaging to infrastructure. Existing procedures used to assess liquefaction hazard were developed specifically for homogenous, sandy soil profiles. These procedures do not perform well in challenging, highly interlayered soil profiles. One reason for this is the inadequate characterization of the soil profile by the chosen in-situ test method. For example, the cone penetration test (CPT) consists of hydraulically advancing a steel probe with a conical shaped tip ("cone") into the ground. Typically, the penetrometer is about 3.6 to 4.4 cm in diameter, and data are recorded at 1 to 5 cm depth intervals. However, data recorded at a specific depth are representative of soil that falls within a zone several times the diameter of the penetrometer ahead of and behind the tip of the cone. In a highly interlayered soil profile, this means the CPT records blurred or averaged data within interlayered zones.
Typical liquefaction analyses compute a factor of safety against liquefaction at every depth in the soil profile where CPT data are recorded. Hence, having data that are blurred can result in an inaccurate factor of safety against liquefaction. To account for this blurring (called multiple thin-layer effects), correction procedures have been proposed. This dissertation evaluates the effectiveness of those procedures and develops new procedures. Additionally, a numerical simulation tool is shown to be capable of simulating CPTs in layered soil profiles. This reduces the need for costly laboratory testing to further evaluate multiple thin-layer effects. Finally, a combined laboratory and numerically-generated CPT database is developed to support the improvement of, and development of new, multiple thin-layer correction procedures. The broader impacts of this work support more accurate liquefaction evaluations in challenging soil profiles worldwide, like those in Christchurch, New Zealand, and the Groningen region of the Netherlands.
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The fire resistance of lowgrowing plants : Assessment of the fire resistance of lowgrowing plants used in roofing applicationsSerrano Silva, Heidy January 2024 (has links)
Green infrastructure, including green roofs and urban vegetation, offers numerous benefits but also presents fire safety risks. Currently, there are no specific regulations in Sweden addressing the fire safety risks associated with green roofs. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate the fire resistance of low-growing plants and their potential to mitigate these fire safety risks. A total of ten different plant types are analyzed, with four classified as fire-resistant and four as fire-prone based on their characteristics. The study also incorporates a 17-day dry period to assess the impact of moisture on the ignitability of the plants. By using a cone calorimeter, the plants' fire safety, their contribution to fires, and their ability to produce carbon monoxide are analyzed. For an overall assessment of fire safety, the Fire Growth Rate (FIGRA) and Fire performance index (FPI) are calculated for each plant. The conclusions reveal that plants like Sempervivum species and chives exhibit superior moisture retention and fire safety characteristics, including low heat release rates, minimal smoke production, and effective heat capacity. The disparity between FPI and FIGRA values indicates better flame-retardant abilities of the material, where Sempervivum species, chives, and Saxifraga Arendsii show the best values. These findings emphasize the significance of meticulous plant selection and maintenance to mitigate fire risks in both natural and urban environments. It’s essential to acknowledge that even fire-resistant plants necessitate regular maintenance, such as the removal of dead material and watering during extended dry periods, as fire resistance does not equate to fireproof. Proposed future work entails a deeper exploration of the chemical properties and morphology of the plants to enhance our understanding of their fire resistance mechanisms. Additionally, compiling data on recommended plants for green roof installations from a fire safety perspective could aid in urban planning and vegetation management. / Grön infrastruktur, inklusive gröna tak och stadsväxtlighet, erbjuder många fördelar men innebär också brandsäkerhetsrisker. För närvarande finns det inga specifika regler i Sverige som behandlar brandsäkerhetsriskerna med gröna tak. Därför är syftet med denna studie att undersöka brandmotståndet hos lågväxande växter och deras potential att minska dessa brandsäkerhetsrisker. Totalt analyseras tio olika växttyper, varav fyra klassificeras som brandbeständiga och fyra som brandbenägna baserat på deras egenskaper. Studien inkluderar även en simulering av en 17 dagar lång torrperiod för att bedöma fuktighetens påverkan på växternas antändbarhet. Genom användning av en konkalorimeter analyseras växternas brandsäkerhet, deras bidrag till bränder och deras förmåga att producera kolmonoxid. För en övergripande bedömning av brandsäkerheten beräknas brandspridningshastighet (FIGRA) och brandskyddsindex (FPI) för varje växt. Slutsatserna avslöjar att växter som Sempervivum-arter och gräslök uppvisar överlägsen förmågan att behålla fukt och brandsäkerhetsegenskaper, inklusive låga värden av värmeavgivningshastighet, minimal rökproduktion och effektiv värmekapacitet. Skillnaderna mellan FPI- och FIGRA-värdena indikerar bättre flamskyddande förmåga hos materialet, där Sempervivum-arter, gräslök och Saxifraga Arendsii visar de bästa värdena. Dessa resultat understryker vikten av noggrann växtval och underhåll för att minska brandriskerna både i naturliga och urbana miljöer. Det är viktigt att förstå att även brandbeständiga växter kräver regelbunden skötsel, såsom borttagning av dött material och bevattning under långa torrperioder, eftersom brandbeständighet inte innebär att något är helt brandsäkert. Föreslaget framtida arbete innefattar en djupare utforskning av växternas kemiska egenskaper och morfologi för att förbättra vår förståelse av deras brandsäkerhetsmekanismer. Dessutom kan sammanställning av data om rekommenderade växter för gröna takinstallationer utifrån ett brandsäkerhetsperspektiv underlätta för stadsplanering och vegetationshantering.
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Cost-benefit analysis in UK hotels: A hybrid SOCP-MCDM approachTan, Yong, Park, S., Araujo de Medeiros, A.M., Wanke, P. 22 August 2024 (has links)
Yes / Performance evaluation has been an important topic of concern for tourism industry practitioners as well as academic researchers, and its investigation in the UK hotel sector is paramount because this industry has been experiencing a higher level of competition. The present study contributes to the previous literature on hotel performance evaluation in general by proposing an innovative hybrid method combining the second-order cone programming (SOCP) method and multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) method to estimate the performance of the UK hotel sector. The innovation lies in the synergistic combination of SOCP and MCDM methodologies, enabling a comprehensive assessment of hotel performance by managing a non-linear optimisation. Overall, this hybrid method benefits from the ability to be more flexible in addressing complex operational issues and provide more accurate results. This research provides a cost-benefit analysis within the proposed method, suggesting important policy implications in the tourism industry. / The full-text of this article will be released for public view at the end of the publisher embargo on 30 Aug 2026.
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Temporal characteristics of L and M-cone isolating steady-state ERGsKommanapalli, Deepika, Murray, I.J., Kremers, Jan, Parry, Neil R.A., McKeefry, Declan J. 04 1900 (has links)
No / Cone isolating stimuli were used to assess the temporal frequency response characteristics of L- and M-cone electroretinograms (ERGs) in nine trichromatic and four dichromatic human observers. The stimuli comprised sinusoidal temporal modulations varying from 5 to 100 Hz. ERGs were recorded using corneal fiber electrodes and subjected to fast Fourier transform analysis. At low temporal frequencies (<10 Hz<10 Hz) the L- and M-cone ERGs had similar amplitude and exhibited minimal differences in apparent latency. At higher flicker rates (>20 Hz>20 Hz) L-cone ERGs had greater amplitudes and shorter apparent latencies than the M-cone responses. These differences between the L- and M-cone ERGs are consistent with their mediation by chromatic and luminance postreceptoral processing pathways at low and high temporal frequencies, respectively.
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Incremental and decremental L- and M-cone driven ERG responses: I. Square-wave pulse stimulation.McKeefry, Declan J., Kremers, Jan, Kommanapalli, Deepika, Challa, Naveen K., Murray, I.J., Maguire, John, Parry, Neil R.A. 04 1900 (has links)
No / Electroretinograms (ERGs) elicited by transient, square-wave L- and M-cone isolating stimuli were recorded from human trichromatic (n=19) and dichromatic (n=4) observers. The stimuli were generated on a 4 primary LED stimulator and were equated in terms of cone modulation (cone contrast = 0.11) and retinal illuminance (12,000 trolands). L- and M-cone isolated ERGs had waveforms similar to those observed for luminance responses. However, M-cone ERGs exhibited a phase reversal in their responses to onset and offset stimuli relative to the L-cone responses. This on-off response reversal was observed in trichromats but not dichromats. Simultaneous counter-phase and in-phase combinations of L- and M-cone isolating stimuli generated responses that reflected chromatic and luminance processing, respectively. We conclude that L- and M-cone specific ERGs provide a measure of how photoreceptors contribute to post-receptoral mechanisms.
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Toward an Anti-Racist Political Theology: Reading Johann Baptist Metz and James H. Cone Against American Anti-Black NecropoliticsWood-House, Nathan D. January 2022 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Andrew L. Prevot / Anti-Black racism and white supremacy are critical and interrelated contemporary crises. Achille Mbembe theorizes the confluence of these crises in the concepts of necropolitics and Black reason. But Mbembe does not elaborate the historical relationship between anti-Black necropolitics and Christian thought. I address this aporia in my dissertation while also formulating a theological response through an integrated reading of James Cone and Johann Baptist Metz. In Chapter One, I adopt Mbembe’s framework to contend that the uncritical coöptation of Black reason by white Christianity has resulted in a necropolitical theology, which I demonstrate through an evaluation of three theological loci: anthropology, Christology, and eschatology. Turning to constructive possibilities, chapter two introduces Cone and Metz, whose theologies I read against necropolitical theology. Chapter Two argues that Cone’s revaluation of Blackness as God’s intent for humanity meets Metz’s call for an anthropological revolution of white Christians at the point of conversion: a decision to die to whiteness and become Black with God. Chapter Three emphasizes revelation in Cone’s Christology as an objective Black event; the subjective, ecstatic encounter with the crucified and resurrected Christ; and the necessity of the Cross for theological imagination. Metz’s Holy Saturday Christology, specifically, his paradigmatic memoria passionis, grounded in the descensus ad infernos, complements Cone’s notion of concrete and transformative encounter with Jesus as it emphasizes solidarity with the oppressed. Chapter Four addresses the deformation of Christian hope by necropolitical theology. I integrate Cone’s analysis of Black hope in existential, material, and apocalyptic interpretations of eschatology with Metz’s eschatological proviso which, above all, suggests that one must see the future from the memory of the suffering and the dead. In the United States, I argue that this means white Christians are called to relational praxis in solidarity with oppressed Black communities. In Chapter Five, the conclusion, I look to the pericope on discipleship in Mark 8 in tandem with the theological interventions from Cone and Metz to provide an assessment of what it might mean for white Christians to become Black with God. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2022. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Theology.
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The effect of using Lakatos' heuristic method to teach surface area of cone on students' learning : the case of secondary school mathematics students in CyprusDimitriou-Hadjichristou, Chrysoula 02 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of using Lakatos’ heuristic
method to teach the surface area of the cone (SAC) on students’ learning. The Lakatos
(1976) heuristic framework and the Oh (2010) model of “the enhanced-conflict map”
were employed as framework for the study. The first research question examined the
impact of the Lakatosian heuristic method on students’ learning of the SAC, which
was addressed in three sub-questions: the impact of the method on the students’
achievement, the impact of the method on their conceptual learning and the impact of
the method on their higher order thinking skills. The second question examined
whether the heuristic method of teaching the SAC helped students to sustain their
learning better than the traditional method (Euclidean method). The third question
examined whether the heuristic method of teaching SAC could change students’
readiness level, according to Bloom’s taxonomy.
A pre-test and post-test quasi-experimental research design was used in the study that
involved a total of 198 Grade 11 students (98 in the experimental group and 100 in the
control group) from two schools in Cyprus.
The instruments used for data collection were cognitive tests, lesson observations
(video-recorded), interviews and questionnaire. Data was analysed using inferential
statistics and the Oh (2010) model of the enhanced conflict map. Student achievement
within time was the dependent variable and the method of training the independent
variable. Therefore, time was the “within” factor and each group was measured three
times (pre-test, post-test and delayed). The differences in students’ achievement
within each group over time were examined.
Results indicated that the average mean score achievement of the students in the
experimental group was double that of the students in the control group. The Jun-
Young Oh’s model of the enhanced conflict map showed that students in both groups
changed from alternative conceptions to scientific conceptions with the experimental
group showing greater improvement. It was also observed that from the post-test to
delayed test, the Lakatosian method of teaching the SAC has a significant positive
effect on students’ achievement at all levels of Bloom’s taxonomy, especially at the
higher order thinking (HOT) levels (application and analysis-synthesis levels) as compared to the Euclidean method of teaching. In addition, the Lakatosian method
helped the students to sustain their learning over time better than the Euclidean
method did and also helped them to change their readiness level, especially at the
HOT levels. The Lakatosian method helped students to foster skills that promote
active learning. Of great importance was the use of mathematical language, as well as,
the enhanced perception in the experimental group in comparison with the control
group, through the use of the Lakatosian method.
The results of this study are promising. It is recommended that pre-service teachers
should be trained on how to effectively implement the Lakatosian heuristic method in
their teaching. / Mathematics Education / D. Phil. (Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (Mathematics Education))
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Exploring South-South relations : the case of SADC and MercosurWhite, Lyal 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study explores inter-regional relations between SADC and Mercosur. The central
problem posed at the outset is "Why should relations between SADC and Mercosur be
pursued?" In this problem there exists two separate questions, each one dealing with the
regions at hand. The first question asks whether Mercosur is a viable partner in the global
political economy and if so, "What possible options are made available through a
partnership with Mercosur in the future?" The second question focuses on the Southern
African region and addresses concerns surrounding SADC as Mercosur's option for a
partner in Africa.
These problems are analysed in the context of the global political economy from the
perspective of regionalisation, considering the increased interest and attention this
phenomenon is currently receiving in international relations. This study therefore
addresses both bilateral and multilateral implications associated with SADC-Mercosur
relations, with the importance of market liberalisation as well as the effects of regional
integration on the process of globalisation kept in mind.
A descriptive and analytical approach is employed throughout the study. This
methodology provides a concise description of both regions. It also allows the study and
research to take place on different levels of analysis, looking at the problem from a
country-to-country, country-to-region and region-to-region perspective. These levels are
extended to include bilateral and multilateral opportunities for the parties involved.
In applying this descriptive methodology various characteristics and attributes of each
region are looked at, identifying benefits a regional bloc like Mercosur holds in terms of
market size and level of regional development. Various other areas are studied, which
explores possible future opportunities for both SA DC and Mercosur through improved
south-south co-operation. Statistical data is used to further illustrate certain arguments
raised and findings made.
The study clearly reveals a broad number of benefits available through enhanced SADCMercosur
relations. Mercosur holds an immense amount of future potential that would be
of great importance in maintaining a sustainable position for developing economies in the
future. There are however a number of difficulties too. These emanate primarily from
SADC and therefore cast a great deal of doubt on SADC's ability to enter into a
partnership with Mercosur. Considering the current situation, a more viable option would
be SACU. But this option should be pursued with the intention of bringing the rest of
SADC on board in the not too distant future. SADC's shear size and status in Southern
Africa is a drawing card in developing south-south co-operation. It would be ideal to
develop relations between SADC and Mercosur in a truly inter-regional fashion and
possibly even a transatlantic FTA further down the line. This is a vision that should
always be on the agenda when pursuing relations with Mercosur. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die inter-streeksverhouding tussen SADC en Mercosur. Vanuit
die staanspoor word die vraag, "Waarom behoort verhouding tussen SADC en Mercosur
nagestreefte word?" gevra. Die studie spreek binne hierdie verband met twee sub-vrae.
Die eerste vraag vra of Mercosur 'n lewensvatbare vennoot in the globale politieke
ekonornie is en indien weI, "Watter opsies word vir die toekoms gegenereer deur 'n
vennootskap met Mercosur." Die tweede vraag fokus op Suidelike Afrika en spreek
kwessies rakende SADC as Mercosur se keuse vir 'n vennoot in Afrika aan.
Binne die konteks van die globale politieke ekonomie word bogenoemde probleme vanuit
'n streeksperspektief geanaliseer, gegewe die toenemende aandag wat die regionalisasie
verskynsel tans in internasionale betrekkinge geniet. Hierdie studie spreek gevolglik
beide die bilaterale en multilaterale implikasies van SADC-Mercosur verhoudinge aan,
terwyl die belangrikheid van markliberalisering asook die gevolg van streeksintegrasie
vir die globaliseringsproses in gedagte gehou word.
Die studie volg deurgaans 'n beskrywende en analitiese benadering. Daardeur word
navorsing op verskiIIende vlakke van analise moontlik gemaak deur die probleem vanuit
'n land-tot-land, land-tot-streek en streek-tot-streek perspektiefte beskou. Deur die fokus
op hierdie vlakke word die bilaterale en multilaterale geleenthede vir die betrokke partye
Deur middel van 'n beskrywende metodologie word die eienskappe en potensiaal van
beide streke uitgelig, veral met betrekking tot markgrootte en streeksontwikkeling. Teen
die agtergrond van verbeterde suid-suid samewerking word ander areas ook bestudeer,
met die oog op moontlike toekomstige geleenthede vir SADC en Mercosur. Statistiese
data word deurgaans gebruik om sekere argumente en bevindings toe te lig.
Die studie bevind dat uitgebreide SADC-Mercosur verhoudinge etlike voordele inhou.
Mercosur hou groot belofte in vir ontwikkelende ekonorniee. Daar is egter ook probleme binne SADC en plaas dit 'n vraagteken oor SADC se vermoe om 'n vennootskap met
Mercosur aan te gaan. 'n Meer realistiese opsie sal 'n vennootskap met SACU wees. Maar
hierdie opsie behoort nagestreef te word met die oog op die spoedige insluiting van
SADC. Die blote grootte en status van SADC is 'n belangrike faktor in die uitbreiding
van suid-suid samewerking. Dit sou ideaal wees om verhoudinge tussen SADC en
Mercosur tot op 'n ware interstreekse vlak te ontwikkel met die moontlikheid van 'n
toekomstige transatlantiese vrye handelsooreenkoms. Hierdie visie behoort altyd in
gedagte gehou te word in die nastreef van verhoudinge met Mercosur.
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Synthesis of cross-linked pine cone biosorbent and its applications in industrial wastewater treatmentKupeta, Albert Jerry Kafushe 11 1900 (has links)
M. Tech. (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences) -- Vaal University of Technology / The widespread use of phenols and phenolic derivatives in industrial applications has resulted in their discharge as part of industrial wastewater. These chemicals are toxic and need to be removed from the aqueous environment. Amongst the available pollutant removal technologies, adsorption has been widely used due to its simplicity, ease of operation, cost-effectiveness and ability to sequester pollutants at very low concentrations. Different adsorbents have been applied for removal of phenols and their derivatives. Use of agricultural waste as adsorbents seems to offer a much cheaper alternative in pollutant removal. This study examines the synthesis of a hydrophobic biomaterial composite by cross-linking of Fenton treated pine cone and applying the prepared adsorbent for 2-nitrophenol removal from aqueous solution.
Pine cone biomass, in its raw and modified forms was tested for its ability to remove 2-nitrophenol from simulated industrial wastewater. The experimental procedure is divided into two main parts: (1) pine cone modification using Fenton’s reagent and 1.6-hexamethylene diisocyanate and (2) application of the prepared hydrophobic adsorbent for 2-nitrophenol removal from wastewater. Fenton’s reagent was used to remove pigments, extractives and other soluble organic compounds from the raw pine. FTIR spectroscopy showed an increase in magnitude of oxygenated surface groups which resulted in a decrease in pHpzc. The effect of Fenton treatment on further modification of the pine biomass via cross-linking using 1.6-hexamethylene diisocyanate was investigated. Optimum reaction variables for the cross-linking using dibutyltin dilaurate as catalyst under an inert nitrogen gas atmosphere in anhydrous hexane solvent were determined using FTIR spectroscopy. Success of the cross-linking procedure was confirmed by use of analytical techniques (XRD, TGA, SEM, EDX and BET surface area) and weight percent gain calculations.
Pine and modified pine biomass were tested for their ability to sequester 2-nitrophenol via batch adsorption technique. The effect of pine modification on affinity for the biosorbate was investigated. The mechanism of the adsorption process was determined via use of kinetic, diffusion and equilibrium isotherm models. Two error functions (coefficient of determination and percent variable error) were employed to substantiate the model showing a good fit to the experimental adsorption data.
The experimental adsorption kinetic data was fit to the pseudo-first-order and pseudo-second-order kinetic models. Due to the large size of the pollutant molecules diffusion process analysis was also conducted. The effect of pine modification on kinetic and diffusion parameters was determined.
The experimental equilibrium adsorption data was fit to the Freundlich, Redlich-Peterson and Hill isotherm models. The initial shapes of the adsorption isotherms for 2-nitrophenol adsorption onto pine and modified pine biomass determined the type of equilibrium isotherm models to fit the experimental data to. Thermodynamic parameters were calculated to determine the spontaneity, feasibility and energy changes associated with the adsorption process. The degree of disorder at the solid/liquid interface after the adsorption was determined. The effect of temperature on the adsorption process was used to show whether the adsorption is physical or chemical. The effect of pine modification on equilibrium isotherm parameters was determined.
The study is divided into seven chapters:
Chapter 1:
The chapter covers the introduction, problem statement, aim and objectives of the research. It gives an insight into the research project.
Chapter 2:
The literature review of pollutants in industrial wastewater and methods of their removal is dealt with in this chapter. Adsorption is introduced as an alternative technique for pollutant removal from aqueous systems. An in-depth review of various adsorbents (including pine cone), their merits and limitations are also discussed together with methods of modifying and use of modified adsorbents. Equilibrium, kinetic and thermodynamic models used to treat adsorption experimental data are presented.
Chapter 3:
The experimental procedures on the synthesis, characterization and application of the hydrophobic biosorbent in the removal of 2-nitrophenol from aqueous solution are presented. Kinetic and equilibrium experiments are described in detail.
Chapter 4:
It describes the first part of the results and discussions. The chapter focuses on optimization of reaction variables and characterization (using various analytical techniques) of the hydrophobic biomaterial composite.
Chapter 5
The chapter discusses the second part of the results. It focuses on magnitude of surface charge, pHpzc and kinetic studies. Fitting of the adsorption experimental data to kinetic and diffusion models is presented together with the error functions.
Chapter 6
The chapter discusses part three of the results on equilibrium studies. The adsorption experimental data is fitted to equilibrium isotherm equations and error determination is presented. Thermodynamic parameters are calculated and interpreted.
Chapter 7:
Conclusion and recommendations are presented.
The optimum reaction variables for cross-linking of Raw and Fenton treated pine cone were determined using FTIR analysis and found to be: 0.2 g pine biomass, 3.5 cm3 1.6-hexamethylene diisocyanate cross-linker, 50 cm3 anhydrous hexane solvent, 1.5 cm3 dibutyltin dilaurate catalyst, temperature of 50 °C and a reaction time of 4 hours. The pine surface showed an increase in phenolic, lactonic and carboxylic acid groups due to the modification. The pHpzc showed a decrease due to modification of the pine cone biomass. The pHpzc values for the pine and modified pine cone biomass were found to be: Raw = 7.49, Raw-HMDI modified = 6.68, Fenton treated pine = 5.40 and Fenton-HMDI modified = 6.12. The optimum pH for the adsorption of 2-nitrophenol onto raw pine and modified pine cone biomass was determined to be 6. The optimum adsorbent dosage was determined as 1.5 g/dm3. The adsorption kinetics show a good fit with the pseudo-second-order model. This suggests that surface adsorption is the controlling step in the adsorption of 2-nitrophenol onto pine cone biomass. The analysis of diffusion processes showed that the initial rapid stage during the adsorption is due to external mass transfer processes. The adsorption experimental data also showed that pore diffusion was rate-limiting amongst the diffusion processes. Pine modification using Fenton’s reagent and 1.6-hexamethylene diisocyanate increased magnitude of kinetic and diffusion parameters. Experimental data for 2-nitrophenol adsorption onto pine and modified pine cone biomass showed better correlation with the Redlich-Peterson and Hill isotherm models and poor correlation with the Freundlich isotherm model. This suggests that the mechanism does not show complete multilayer coverage with cooperative phenomena between adsorbate molecules. Thermodynamic parameters showed that the adsorption is feasible, spontaneous, and exothermic and results in a decrease in degree of disorder at the solid/liquid interface. An increase in temperature resulted in a decrease in adsorption capacity showing that the adsorption is physical. Pine modification using Fenton’s reagent and 1.6-hexamethylene diisocyanate increased magnitude of kinetic, diffusion and isotherm parameters. The kinetic and equilibrium results show that the adsorption of 2-nitrophenol onto pine cone biomass follows the order: Fenton treated-HMDI > Fenton treated > Raw-HMDI > Raw. Hence, it can be concluded that Fenton treatment and HMDI cross-linking modification did increase the adsorptive capabilities of the pine cone biomass. / VUT Research Directorate
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