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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zwangsmobilität und Verkehrsmittelorientierung junger Erwachsener: Eine Typologisierung

Wittwer, Rico 12 December 2014 (has links)
In der Mobilitätsforschung entstand in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten eine breite Wissensbasis für das Verständnis von Verkehrsursachen und Zusammenhängen, die das Verkehrsverhalten determinieren. Mit der Entwicklung von Verkehrsmodellen lag das Forschungsinteresse zunächst primär bei Ökonomen und Ökonometrikern sowie Verkehrsingenieuren. Bald kamen andere Wissenschaftsbereiche wie die Psychologie oder die Geowissenschaften hinzu, welche sich in der Folge zunehmend mit dem Thema Mobilität befassten und die zur Erklärung des menschlichen Verhaltens ganz unterschiedliche Methoden und Maßstäbe nutzten. Heute versuchen zumeist handlungsorientierte Ansätze, auf Individualebene, Faktoren zu bestimmen, die Aufschluss über die Verhaltensvariabilität in der Bevölkerung geben und damit einen möglichst großen Beitrag zur Varianzaufklärung leisten. Werden Einflussfaktoren in geeigneter Weise identifiziert und quantifiziert, können Defizite und Chancen erkannt und das Verhalten steuernde Maßnahmen entworfen werden. Mit deren Hilfe wird ungewollten Entwicklungen entgegengesteuert. Junge Erwachsene stellen aufgrund ihrer sehr unterschiedlichen Phasen im Lebenszyklus, z. B. gerade anstehender oder abgeschlossener Ausbildung, Umzug in eine eigene Wohnung, Familiengründung, Neuorientierung in Arbeitsroutinen oder das Einleben in ein anderes Lebensumfeld einer fremden Stadt, intuitiv eine sehr heterogene Gruppe dar. Die Modellierung des Verhaltens ist für diese Altersgruppe besonders schwierig. Aus der Komplexität dieser Problemstellung heraus ist ersichtlich, dass fundierte Analysen zur Mobilität junger Erwachsener notwendig sind, um verkehrsplanerische Defizite aufzudecken und Chancen zu erkennen. Der methodische Schwerpunkt des Beitrages liegt auf der Bildung einer Typologie des Verkehrsverhaltens junger Erwachsener. Die verwendete Datengrundlage ist das „Deutsche Mobilitätspanel – MOP“. Dabei wird der Versuch unternommen, zunächst Variablen aller relevanten Dimensionen des handlungsorientierten, aktivitätsbasierten Verkehrsverhaltens zusammenzustellen und für eine entsprechende Analyse aufzubereiten. Im Anschluss werden geeignete und in den Sozialwissenschaften erprobte Verfahren zur Ähnlichkeitsmessung eingesetzt, um möglichst verhaltensähnliche Personen zu typologisieren. Im Weiteren finden konfirmatorische Analysetechniken Anwendung, mit deren Hilfe Verhaltenshintergründe erklärt und inferenzstatistisch geprüft werden. Als Ergebnis wird eine clusteranalytische Typologisierung vorgestellt, die im Anschluss anhand soziodemografischer Indikatoren und raumstruktureller Kriterien der Lagegunst beschrieben wird. Aufgrund der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse können objektive und im Idealfall quantifizierbare, d. h. prognosefähige Merkmale zur Bildung verkehrssoziologischer und weitgehend verhaltensähnlicher Personengruppen genutzt werden. / Over the last few decades of mobility research, a wide base of knowledge for understanding travel determinants and causal relationships in mobility behavior has been established. The development of travel models was at first of interest primarily to economists and econometricians as well as transportation engineers. They were soon joined by other scientific areas such as psychology or the geosciences, which as a result increasingly addressed the theme of mobility and used quite different methodologies and criteria for explaining human behavior. Today, activity-oriented approaches generally attempt to determine individual-level factors that provide information on behavioral variability within the population, thereby contributing greatly to explaining variances. If explanatory factors can be properly identified and quantified, then deficiencies and opportunities can be recognized and measures for influencing behavior can be conceptualized. With their help, undesirable developments can be avoided. Because of their highly differing stages in life, e.g. upcoming or recently completed education, moving into their own apartment, starting a family, becoming oriented in a work routine or adapting to a new environment in a different city, young adults are intuitively a very heterogeneous group. Modeling the behavior of this age group is particularly difficult. This problem makes it clear that founded analysis of the mobility of young adults is necessary in order to recognize deficiencies and opportunities in transportation planning. The methodological focus of this work is on creating a typology of young adults’ travel behavior. The base data is from the “Deutsches Mobilitätspanel – MOP” (German Mobility Panel). An attempt is made to gather and prepare all relevant dimensions of decision-oriented, activity-based travel behavior for a corresponding analysis. Afterward, appropriate and proven methods from the social sciences are used to test for similarity in order to identify groups of persons which are as behaviorally homogeneous as possible. In addition, confirmatory data analysis is utilized which helps explain and test, through inferential statistics, determinants of behavior. The resulting typology from the cluster analysis is presented and followed by a description using sociodemographic indicators and spatial criteria of accessibility. The findings make it possible to use objective and, ideally, quantifiable and therefore forecastable characteristics for identifying sociological population groups within which similar travel behavior is displayed.

The Development of the Creative Synergy Scale

Climer, Amy E. 21 July 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Les distorsions cognitives d’auteurs d’infractions à caractère sexuel envers les personnes mineures nous renseignent-elles sur leur parcours criminel

Duval, Manon 03 1900 (has links)
Contexte. Les infractions à caractère sexuel ont fortement augmenté dans les dernières années et les personnes mineures en sont les principales victimes. Un grand intérêt est accordé aux distorsions cognitives dans le champ de la recherche en délinquance sexuelle. Cependant, très peu d’études se sont intéressées aux dimensions mesurées par l’un des instruments les plus utilisés : l’échelle de cognitions Molest (ÉCM ; Bumby, 1996). Peu d’études se sont également intéressées au lien entre les distorsions cognitives et la carrière criminelle des auteurs d’infractions à caractère sexuel sur personnes mineures (AICSM). Objectif. L’objectif du présent mémoire est d’explorer les dimensions mesurées par l’ÉCM et les comparer aux résultats d’études précédentes. Il est aussi question d’étudier le lien entre les distorsions cognitives mesurées par l’ÉCM et la carrière criminelle des AICSM. Méthodes. L’échantillon est composé de 1232 hommes adultes AICSM étant suivis au Centre d’intervention en délinquance sexuelle (CIDS) de Laval. Les participants ont tous complété l’ÉCM lors de leur suivi au centre. Résultats. Les résultats indiquent que quatre dimensions émergent de l’ÉCM et que certaines distorsions cognitives telles que mesurées par cet instrument sont liées aux différents paramètres de carrière criminelle des individus composant l’échantillon, incluant la récidive violente et sexuelle. / Background. Sexual offenses have increased sharply in recent years and minors are the main victims. There is considerable interest in cognitive distortions in the field of sexual offending research. However, very few studies have focused on the dimensions measured by one of the most widely used instruments: the MOLEST Cognitions Scale (Bumby, 1996). Few studies have also looked at the link between cognitive distortions and the criminal careers of people who have sexually offended against a minor (PSOM). Objective. The objective of the present study is to explore the dimensions measured by the MOLEST scale and compare them with the results of previous studies. It also investigates the relationship between cognitive distortions measured by the MOLEST scale and PSOMs’ criminal careers. Methods. The sample consisted of 1,232 adult men who sexually offended on a minor and were being treated at the Intervention centre in sexual delinquency (ICSD) in Quebec (Canada). All participants completed the MOLEST cognition scale during their treatment at the ICSD. Results. Findings indicate that four dimensions emerge from the MOLEST scale, and that certain cognitive distortions as measured by this instrument are related to the different criminal career parameters of sample, including violent and sexual recidivism.

Alternative Estimation Approaches Predicting College Retention amongst African American Students

Turner, Christal-Joy Jewell 07 1900 (has links)
This quasi-experimental study explored African American student's sense of belonging (SOBE), academic self-efficacy (ASE), parents' educational attainment (PEA), and academic success (GPA) at historically Black colleges and universities and predominantly white institutions. The purpose of the present study measured how the factors influenced the rate of persistence to see how colleges and universities could assist to retain African American students in the pursuit of full matriculation through an independent samples t-test, multiple regression analyses, confirmatory factor analyses, and structural equation modeling with the results from methods such as item parceling, factor scoring, and sum scoring being compared. Results indicated that the second-order SEM, item parceling, and factor score regression approaches were found to have consistent results in terms of significant predictors. Parental educational attainment was found to not have an effect on academic achievement or collegiate persistence, but sense of belonging and academic self-efficacy were found to be significant predictors of GPA and CP with ASE being the strongest indicator for collegiate persistence and academic achievement. Implications for future research suggest additional schools be included and higher education institutions should seek further assessment to ensure their African American students feel included in an effort to increase overall persistence amongst African American students.

Mathematische Schülerleistung / Struktur, Schulformunterschiede und Validität

Brunner, Martin 07 June 2006 (has links)
Im Rahmen von drei Teilstudien wurde mathematische Schülerleistung aus einer differentialpsychologischen Perspektive untersucht. Die hierfür verwendeten Daten stammten von 29.386 deutschen Neuntklässlern, die am Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) im Jahr 2000 teilnahmen. In Studie 1 wurden ausgehend von Strukturtheorien kognitiver Fähigkeiten verschiedene Strukturmodelle mathematischer Schülerleistung konfirmatorisch geprüft. So wurde mathematische Schülerleistung in Form eines Nested-Faktormodell als additive Funktion einer mathematikspezifischen Fähigkeit (M´) und der allgemeinen kognitiven Fähigkeit (g) spezifiziert. Dieses Modell wies einen besseren Modellfit auf als das in der psychologischen Forschung dominierende Standardmodell. Für Letzteres wurde angenommen, dass Maße mathematischer Schülerleistung nur von einer generellen mathematischen Fähigkeit (M) beeinflusst werden. In Studie 2 wurden Schulformunterschiede mit konfirmatorischen Mehrgruppen-Faktormodellen untersucht. Schulformspezifische Mittelwertunterschiede in M waren im Standardmodell wesentlich stärker ausgeprägt als bei M´ im Nested-Faktormodell. Weiterhin wurde eine schulformspezifische Differenzierungshypothese für M´ untersucht. Entgegen der Erwartung konnte diese nur sehr eingeschränkt von den Daten gestützt werden. In Studie 3 wurde die Validität mathematischer Schülerleistung im Hinblick auf soziodemografische und motivationale Schülermerkmale sowie Schulnoten analysiert. Bei Verwendung des Nested-Faktormodells resultierte ein im Vergleich zum Standardmodell wesentlich differenzierteres Befundmuster. So waren Geschlechterunterschiede (zu Gunsten der Jungen) in M´ im Nested-Faktormodell deutlich stärker ausgeprägt als bei M im Standardmodell. Implikationen und Perspektiven der drei Teilstudien werden für die psychologische Forschung, die Lehr-Lernforschung, die Konzeption von Schülerleistungsstudien sowie für die pädagogische Praxis diskutiert. / Three studies investigated mathematics achievement from an individual differences perspective, using data from 29,386 German ninth graders who participated in the 2000 cycle of the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). In study 1, different structural models of mathematics achievement were derived from structural theories of cognitive abilities, and tested empirically using confirmatory methods. In a nested-factor model, mathematics achievement was specified to be an additive function of specific mathematical ability (M´) and general cognitive ability (g). This model provided a better fit than the standard model that predominates in psychological research, which assumes that measures of mathematical achievement are only influenced by general mathematical ability (M). In study 2, differences between types of schools were analyzed using confirmatory multigroup factor analytic models. Mean differences in M in the standard model were much stronger than in M´ in the nested-factor model. A school-type-specific differentiation hypothesis for M´ was also investigated. Contrary to predictions, the data provided only limited support for this hypothesis. Study 3 analyzed the validity of mathematics achievement with respect to sociodemographic and motivational student characteristics and school grades. The nested-factor model yielded a much more differentiated pattern of results than the standard model. For example, gender differences (in favor of boys) were much more pronounced in M´ in the nested-factor model than in M in the standard model. The implications and future perspectives of studies 1 to 3 are discussed with respect to psychological and educational research, design of large-scale achievement studies, and educational practice.

Development of HIV Testing Belief Scale (HTBS) and application of Health Belief Model (HBM) to predict HIV testing intention and behaviour among university students in Ethiopia

Zelalem Mehari Alemayehu 11 1900 (has links)
Appendix B (leaves 217-218), Appendix M (leaves 239-247) and Appendix O (leaves 253-259) in English and Amharic / The purpose of this research was to develop HIV testing Health Belief Scale (HTBS) that contains the constructs of Health Belief Model (HBM), and also to analyse HIV testing intention and behaviour among university students. The mixed method approach was used in phases. First, Literature review and in-depth interviews were conducted to develop item pool for HTBS, which was followed by content validity assessment by experts. In the second phase, a pilot survey was conducted on randomly selected 318 university students to refine the HTBS using item analysis and Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA). Lastly, cross-sectional survey was conducted on representative sample of 612 students in order to further refine the HTBS using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and also analyse predictors of HIV testing intention and behaviour. A total of 61 items was written for the HTBS and 23 of these were generated from the in-depth interviews. Content validity assessment by three experts indicated that the average content validity index (CVI) for the 61 items was 91.2% which was more than the recommended cut off point of 90%. The HTBS, after experts review, contained 64 items. EFA indicated that a five factor model which was roughly consistent with HBM was identified and 44 items were retained based on factor loading and reliability analysis. The Cronbach’s alpha for all the six constructs of HBM and HIV testing intention in the HTBS were >0,70. (susceptibility, benefit, self-efficacy and HIV testing intention) fitted the sample data based on chi-square test. However, all the seven constructs demonstrated RMSEA value of less than 0.08 and GFI value of >0.90 indicating acceptable fit. The final HTBS was reduced to 39 items based on factor loading and reliability assessment. All the constructs demonstrated a Cronbach’s alpha value >0.70 except for perceived susceptibility and cues to action. Analysis of multiple linear regression indicated that class year, perceived benefit, perceived self-efficacy and cues to action were significant predictors of HIV testing intention. However, only marital status and cues to action were significant predictors of recent history of HIV testing through analysis of binary logistic regression. / Health Studies / D.Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)

Development of HIV Testing Belief Scale (HTBS) and application of Health Belief Model (HBM) to predict HIV testing intention and behaviour among university students in Ethiopia

Zelalem Mehari Alemayehu 11 1900 (has links)
Appendix B (leaves 217-218), Appendix M (leaves 239-247) and Appendix O (leaves 253-259) in English and Amharic / The purpose of this research was to develop HIV testing Health Belief Scale (HTBS) that contains the constructs of Health Belief Model (HBM), and also to analyse HIV testing intention and behaviour among university students. The mixed method approach was used in phases. First, Literature review and in-depth interviews were conducted to develop item pool for HTBS, which was followed by content validity assessment by experts. In the second phase, a pilot survey was conducted on randomly selected 318 university students to refine the HTBS using item analysis and Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA). Lastly, cross-sectional survey was conducted on representative sample of 612 students in order to further refine the HTBS using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and also analyse predictors of HIV testing intention and behaviour. A total of 61 items was written for the HTBS and 23 of these were generated from the in-depth interviews. Content validity assessment by three experts indicated that the average content validity index (CVI) for the 61 items was 91.2% which was more than the recommended cut off point of 90%. The HTBS, after experts review, contained 64 items. EFA indicated that a five factor model which was roughly consistent with HBM was identified and 44 items were retained based on factor loading and reliability analysis. The Cronbach’s alpha for all the six constructs of HBM and HIV testing intention in the HTBS were >0,70. (susceptibility, benefit, self-efficacy and HIV testing intention) fitted the sample data based on chi-square test. However, all the seven constructs demonstrated RMSEA value of less than 0.08 and GFI value of >0.90 indicating acceptable fit. The final HTBS was reduced to 39 items based on factor loading and reliability assessment. All the constructs demonstrated a Cronbach’s alpha value >0.70 except for perceived susceptibility and cues to action. Analysis of multiple linear regression indicated that class year, perceived benefit, perceived self-efficacy and cues to action were significant predictors of HIV testing intention. However, only marital status and cues to action were significant predictors of recent history of HIV testing through analysis of binary logistic regression. / Health Studies / D.Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)

Development of a diagnostic instrument and privacy model for student personal information privacy perceptions at a Zimbabwean university

Maguraushe, Kudakwashe 05 1900 (has links)
Orientation: The safety of any natural being with respect to the processing of their personal information is an essential human right as specified in the Zimbabwe Data Protection Act (ZDPA) bill. Once enacted, the ZDPA bill will affect universities as public entities. It will directly impact how personal information is collected and processed. The bill will be fundamental in understanding the privacy perceptions of students in relation to privacy awareness, privacy expectations and confidence within university. These need to be understood to give guidelines to universities on the implementation of the ZPDA. Problem Statement: The current constitution and the ZDPA are not sufficient to give organisations guidelines on ensuring personal information privacy. There is need for guidelines to help organisations and institutions to implement and comply with the provisions of the ZDPA in the context of Zimbabwe. The privacy regulations, regarded as the three concepts (awareness, expectations and confidence), were used to determine the student perceptions. These three concepts have not been researched before in the privacy context and the relationship between the three concepts has not as yet been established. Research purpose: The main aim of the study was to develop and validate an Information Privacy Perception Survey (IPPS) diagnostic tool and a Student Personal Information Privacy Perception (SPIPP) model to give guidelines to universities on how they can implement the ZDPA and aid universities in comprehending student privacy perceptions to safeguard personal information and assist in giving effect to their privacy constitutional right. Research Methodology: A quantitative research method was used in a deductive research approach where a survey research strategy was applied using the IPPS instrument for data collection. The IPPS instrument was designed with 54 items that were developed from the literature. The preliminary instrument was taken through both the expert review and pilot study. Using the non-probability convenience sampling method, 287 students participated in the final survey. SPSS version 25 was used for data analysis. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were done. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was used to validate the instrument while confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and the structural equation modelling (SEM) were used to validate the model. Main findings: diagnostic instrument was validated and resulted in seven new factors, namely university confidence (UC), privacy expectations (PE), individual awareness (IA), external awareness (EA), privacy awareness (PA), practice confidence (PC) and correctness expectations (CE). Students indicated that they had high expectations of the university on privacy. The new factors showed a high level of awareness of privacy and had low confidence in the university safeguarding their personal information privacy. A SPIPP empirical model was also validated using structural equation modelling (SEM) and it indicated an average overall good fit between the proposed SPIPP conceptual model and the empirically derived SPIPP model Contribution: A diagnostic instrument that measures the perceptions (privacy awareness, expectations and confidence of students) was developed and validated. This study further contributed a model for information privacy perceptions that illustrates the relationship between the three concepts (awareness, expectations and confidence). Other universities can use the model to ascertain the perceptions of students on privacy. This research also contributes to improvement in the personal information protection of students processed by universities. The results will aid university management and information regulators to implement measures to create a culture of privacy and to protect student data in line with regulatory requirements and best practice. / School of Computing / Ph. D. (Information Systems)

Determining Aspects of Excellence in Teaching Undergraduate Mathematics: Unpacking Practicing Educators' Specialized Knowledge

Josiah M Banks (19173649) 18 July 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">This dissertation explores the intricate dynamics between the self-perceptions of undergraduate mathematics (UM) educators and their conceptions of excellent teaching practices conducive to student learning. Employing a sequential mixed methods approach, the study addresses two primary research questions. First, it investigates educators' self-perceptions within the realm of UM teaching, examining potential variances based on educators' Professional Status and Educational Institution (PSEI) affiliations and experience levels. Second, it delves into educators' perspectives on aspects of excellent UM teaching, scrutinizing potential disparities rooted in PSEI affiliations and experience levels, while also exploring the manifestations of Mathematics Teachers' Specialized Knowledge (MTSK) and teaching self-concept within these descriptors.</p><p dir="ltr">Drawing upon Shavelson's self-concept (1976) framework and Carrillo and colleagues' (2018) MTSK framework, data collection involved a Likert-style questionnaire augmented by open-ended inquiries, followed by qualitative case studies featuring eight participants from diverse Carnegie classifications. Findings demonstrate educators' overall confidence in their teaching abilities, with notable discrepancies observed among educators from associate's colleges and doctoral universities. Through thematic analysis, key dimensions of excellent teaching emerged, including active learning, student engagement, problem-solving, and positive learning environments.</p><p dir="ltr">This study yields implications for educational practice and institutional policy. Educators can leverage identified themes to inform professional development initiatives tailored to enhance UM teaching effectiveness. Furthermore, the validated instrument offers institutions a means to assess educators' confidence levels, facilitating targeted support within mathematics departments.</p><p dir="ltr">In conclusion, this dissertation contributes valuable insights into the multifaceted interplay between educators' self-perceptions, teaching practices, and student learning outcomes within the context of UM instruction.</p>

The development and validation of a high performance model within an IT organisation

Van Zyl, Anize 05 1900 (has links)
Text in English with summaries and keywords in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / Bibliography: leaves 294-314 / How does an organisation turn good results into great results? What makes one organisation good and another great? What defines high performance organisations? Which aspects within an organisation play vital roles into taking an organisation from good to great? Are some aspects more important than others, if so, which ones? These questions have been explored and researched over the years and various researchers have proposed different theories and models that impact high performance as well as definitions around high performance with mixed results. The general aim of this research was to develop and validate a High Performance Model for an IT organisation. The concept of high performance was explored in terms of how to define high performance, which high performance models and frameworks have been developed within the literature and what sustains high performance. These existing High Performance Organisation (HPO) models and frameworks were evaluated against an identified set of criteria to arrive at a definitive theoretical model of high performance. The theoretical HPO model was developed based on the evaluation of the literature reviews together with the existing HPO model of the participating IT organisation. The main purpose of the empirical research was to gather data by means of three questionnaires, over six years, which were used to statistically determine the organisational and behavioural constructs that influence High Performance in an IT organisation in South Africa. Furthermore, the researcher developed an empirical model to verify the theoretical model. A quantitative empirical research paradigm using the survey method was followed and explanatory and descriptive research was used in this study. An HPO questionnaire was developed and administered to employees. Over the six years and three questionnaire administrations, 3,451 employees participated. A new best fitting HPO model was postulated based on new constructs postulated in the factor analysis. The model indicated that Leadership, Knowledge Management – team, Strategic Focus as well as Job Satisfaction especially contributed to high performance within the participating organisation, as well as that strong relationships exist between the HPO factors. This research should contribute towards longitudinal studies on high performance as well as a comprehensive understanding of the factors that influence high performance, within South Africa but also globally. The new HPO model should assist organisations and practitioners in measuring high performance in any organisation after validation. With increased competition and globalisation organisations struggle to survive, this study can provide a roadmap for organisations to obtain and sustain high performance. / Hoe kan ‘n organisasie goeie resultate in uitnemende resultate verander? Wat maak een organisasie goed en ‘n ander een uitnemend? Hoe word hoë prestasie organisasies gedefinieer? Watter aspekte binne ‘n organisasie speel die belangrikste rol om die organisasie van goed na uitnemend te neem? Is sommige aspekte belangriker as ander, indien wel, watter? Hierdie vrae is al deur die jare heen ondersoek en nagevors. Verskeie navorsers het verskillende definisies, teorieë en modelle wat hoe prestasie beïnvloed word ontwikkel, met gemengde resultate. Die algemene doel van hierdie navorsing was om ‘n Hoë Prestasie (HP) Model vir ‘n IT organisasie te ontwikkel en te bekragtig. Die konsep van hoë prestasie word ondersoek, meer spesifiek, die definisie van hoë prestasie, watter hoë prestasie modelle en raamwerke al ontwikkel is in die literatuur en wat hou hoë prestasie in stand. Die bestaande HP modelle en raamwerke word ge-evalueer teen kriteria wat vooraf geïdentifiseer is om sodoende ‘n beslissende teoretiese model vir hoë prestasie te onwikkel. Die teoretiese HP model was ontwikkel op grond van literatuur evaluasies, tesame met die bestaande HP model van die deelnemende IT organisasie. Die hoofdoel van die empiriese navorsing was om data te versamel deur middel van drie vraelyste, oor ‘n tydperk van ses jaar, wat gebruik is om te bepaal watter organisasie- en gedragsveranderlikes beïnvloed hoë prestasie in die deelnemende Suid-Afrikaanse IT organisasie. Die navorser het ook ‘n empiriese model ontwikkel om die teoretiese model te verifieer. ‘n Kwantitatiewe empiriese navorsingsparadigma, insluitend die vraelysmetode, was gevolg in hierdie navorsingstudie, sowel as verklarende en bevestigende navorsing. ‘n HP vraelys was ontwikkel en geadministreer. Gedurende die ses jaar en drie vraelys administrasies, het 3,451 werknemers deelgeneem. ‘n Nuwe en beter-passende HP model word gepostuleer, gebaseer op nuwe konstrukte gepostuleer in die faktoranalise. Die model wys dat Leierskap, Kennisbestuur—span, Strategiese Fokus, asook Werksbevrediging—veral bydra tot hoë prestasie in die deelnemende organisasie en dat sterk verhoudings bestaan tussen dié HP faktore. Die navorsing behoort by te dra tot longutidinale studies van hoë prestasie, asook ‘n omvattende begrip van die faktore wat hoë prestasie beïnvloed, op globale vlak, maar ook binne die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks. Die nuwe HP model behoort organisasies en praktisyns te help om hoë prestasie te meet in enige IT organisasie, nadat bekragtiging gedoen is. Met toenemende kompetisie en globalisering, sukkel organisasies om kop bo water te hou, dus kan hierdie studie ‘n padkaart bied na die verkryging en handhawing van hoë prestasie. / Ngabe inhlangano ikwenza kanjani ukwenza ukusuka kwimiphumela emihle ibe nemiphumela yezinga eliphezulu kakhulu? Ngabe yini okwenza ukuthi inhlangano ethile ibe yinhle kanti enye ibe sezingeni eliphezulu kakhulu? Ngabe yini okuchaza inhlangano esebenza ngezinga eliphezulu kakhulu? Ngabe yiziphi izinto kwinhlangano ezidlala indima ebalulekile ekwenzeni ukuthi inhlangano isuke ezingeni elihle iye kweliphezulu kakhulu? Ngabe kukhona izinto ezibalulekile ukudlula ezinye, uma zikhona, ngabe yiziphi? Le mibuzo iye yacutshungulwa nokucwaningwa eminyakeni eminingi kanti abacwaningi abehlukene baphakamise amathiyori ehlukene kanye namamodeli athinta umphumela wezinga eliphezulu kanye nezincazelo ngokusebenza kwezinga eliphezulu, ngemiphumela ehlukene. Inhloso enabile yalolu cwaningo bekuwukwenza kanye nokuqinisekisa imodeli ye-high performance model (HPO) ngokwenhlangano ye-Information Technology (IT). Kuye kwahlolisiswa umbono wokusebenza ngezinga eliphezulu ngokulandela indlela yokuchaza ukusebenza ngezinga eliphezulu, nokuthi ngabe yiwaphi amamodeli okusebenza ngezinga eliphezulu nezinhlaka ezenziwe ngaphansi kwemibhalo, kanye nokuthi yini ukuqikelela ukuqhubeka kokusebenza ngezinga eliphezulu. Amamodeli akhona e-HPO kanye nezinhlaka zahlolwa ngaphansi kwama-criteria aboniwe akhona ukuze kufinyelelwe kwithiyori echazayo ngemodeli yokusebenza ngezinga eliphezulu. Ithiyori yemodeli ye-HPO yenziwe ngokulandela uhlolo lwemibhalo ebuyekeziwe kanye nokulandela imodeli ye-HPO ekhona kwinhlangano ye-IT ebingenele ucwaningo. Inhloso enkulu yocwaningo olunobufakazi bekuwukuqoqa idata ngokwenza uhla lwemibuzo emithathu, esikhathini seminyaka eyisithupha, kanti yasetshenziswa ukunquma ngezinto ezihlukene eziphathelene nenhlangano kanye nokuziphatha kwayo okunomthelela ekusebenzeni ngezinga eliphezulu kwinhlangano ye-IT eNingizimu Afrika. Kanti futhi, umcwaningi wenze imodeli yobufakazi ukuqinisekisa imodeli yethiyori. Kulandelwe ipharadayimi yocwaningo lwamanani ngokusebenzisa inqubo ye-survey kanye nocwaningo lwencazelo nengcaciso okusetshenziswe kulolu cwaningo. Kwenziwe uhla lwemibuzo yeHPO yasetshenziswa kubasebenzi. Eminyakeni eyisithupha kusetshenziwswe uhla oluthathu lwemibuzo, kubasebenzi ababambe iqhaza abangu 3, 451. Imodeli engcono kakhulu ye-HPO iye yasetshenziswa ngokulandela uhlelo olusha olwenziwe kwinqubo yohlaziyo. Imodeli ibonise ukuthi Ubuholi, kanye Nokuphathwa koLwazi – ithimba, Ukugxilisa kwinhloso ethile kanye Nokuneliseka Ngomsebenzi ikakhulukazi yikho okunomthelela ekusebenzeni ngezinga eliphezulu enhlanganweni ebamba iqhaza. Imiphumela ibonise nobudlelwane obukhulu obuqinile obukhona phakathi kwezinto eziphathelene ne-HPO, ikakhulukazi phakathi Kwenhlangano Yokuphathwa Kolwazi, okuhambelane kakhulu ngokuqinile nezinto ezinhlano kweziyisishagalolunye eziphathelene ne-HPO. Ucwaningo lungathela esivivaneni ekuqondisiseni okujulile kwizinto ezinomthelela ekusebenzeni ngezinga eliphezulu, kuwo wonke umhlaba kanye neNingizimu Afrika ngokwayo. Imodeli entsha ye-HPO ingasiza inhlangano kanye nabasebenzi ekukaleni ukusebenza ngezinga eliphezulu kunoma yiyiphi inhlangano ye-IT, ngemuva kokuqinisekiswa. Ngokukhula kokuqhudelana kanye ne-globalisation, izinhlangano zikuthola kunzima ukuqhubekela phambili, lolu cwaningo lungahlinzeka ngomhlahlandlela kwizinhlangano ukuthola indlela yokusebenza ngezinga eliphezulu nokugcina lezo zindlela zokusebenza ngezinga eliphezulu. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / D. Phil. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

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