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This dissertation explores the presence of Project Management (PM) at 162 American Universities via data gathered from their publicly accessible websites. Motivated to expand the inventory of American university PM data to the international literature, I experimented with the potential to correlate statistically PM data items to organizational models and the effectiveness of university management. Using Confirmatory and Exploratory Factor Analysis (CFA and EFA) statistical methods, I investigated two University Project Management Presence Models [U(PM)2] and their relationships to the interdisciplinary research framework. Drawing from Project Management, Policy Analysis Research, Organizational Theories, and American Higher Education Histories, I also included qualitative techniques in the research design. I conclude that this study facilitates the analysis of universities as complex organizations through a Higher Education administrator's point of view. Not only do the findings suggest a correlation of PM data to predict a university's graduation rate, but also--more foundationally--the study confirms that Project Management does exist at American universities, even if that expertise does not yet exist.
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Adaptação e validação do Drinking Motives Questionnaire-Revised – (DMQ-R)Hauck Filho, Nelson January 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivos traduzir e adaptar para o português brasileiro o instrumento psicométrico Drinking Motives Questionnaire-Revised (DMQ-R), apresentando evidências de validade para essa versão. Essa medida avalia quatro dimensões da motivação para o uso de bebidas alcoólicas: motivos de tipo social, realce, coping e conformidade. O trabalho é apresentado em forma de dois artigos independentes. No primeiro, é feita uma revisão seletiva de literatura, buscando apresentar o construto, distingui-lo de expectativas sobre o uso de álcool e enfatizar seu papel como preditores e mediadores em estudos na área. No segundo artigo, são apresentados dois estudos sobre a estrutura fatorial da versão em português brasileiro do DMQ-R. Estratégias exploratórias e confirmatórias foram empregadas de forma complementar para investigar a estrutura mais representativa dos dados amostrais. Um modelo revisado de quatro fatores foi selecionado como a melhor alternativa, sendo apresentadas dificuldades metodológicas dos estudos e sugestões para estudos futuros. / This work aimed to translate and adapt to Brazilian Portuguese the Drinking Motives Questionnaire-Revised (DMQ-R) presenting validity evidences to this version. The measure assesses four dimensions of alcohol use motivation: social, enhancement, coping and conformity. The work is organized in two independent papers. In the first one, a review of the literature is done, presenting the construct, differentiating it from drinking expectancies and emphasizing its role as predictors and mediators of alcohol use. In the second one, two studies regarding the factorial structure of the Brazilian Portuguese version of DMQ-R are presented. Exploratory and confirmatory strategies were employed complementarily to evaluate the most representative structure for the data. A revised, four-factor model was chosen as the best solution. Methodological difficulties and suggestions for future research are discussed.
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Confirmatory factorial analysis of Steinberg's Parenting Style Scale: Preliminary construct validity / Análisis factorial confirmatorio de la Escala de Estilos de Crianza de Steinberg: validez preliminar de constructoMerino Soto, César, Arndt, Stephan 25 September 2017 (has links)
The present study tried to find evidences of construct validity and interna! reliability for the Parenting Styles Scale of L. Steinberg. The instrument was applied in a sample of 224 adolescents from 11 to 19 years old from a public school of Lima. With a strategy of multiple group confirmatory factor analysis, the three-subscale structure (Commitment, Psychological Autonomy and Behavior Control/Supervision) was in general stable, although the theoretical grouping of the items was influenced by the distribution of the item. The alpha reliability reached marginal levels and the probable impact of the random error was recognized. Results show that this instrument is a potential too! for research, but these findings are preliminary and additional studies are required to evaluate the generalization of the analysis. / Se estudió la validez de constructo y confiabilidad interna de la Escala de Estilos de Crianza de L. Steinberg que se administró a una muestra de 224 adolescentes entre 11 y 19 años de un colegio público en Lima. Mediante el análisis factorial confirmatorio de grupo múltiple, la estructura de tres subescalas (Compromiso, Autonomía Psicológica y Control Conductual/Supervisión) se mantuvo en general estable, aunque la agrupación teórica de los ítems tendió a estar influenciada por la distribución de los ítems. La confiabilidad alfa para las subescalas solo alcanzó niveles marginales de aceptación y se reconoció el probable impacto del error de medición aleatorio. Los resultados muestran que el instrumento utilizado es una herramienta potencial para la investigación, pero estos hallazgos son preliminares y se requieren estudios adicionales para evaluar la generalización del análisis efectuado.
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The Validation Study of the Persistent Academic Possible Selves Scale for AdolescentsJanuary 2013 (has links)
abstract: Possible selves researchers have uncovered many issues associated with the current possible selves measures. For instance, one of the most famous possible selves measures, Oyserman (2004)'s open-ended possible selves, has proven to be difficult to score reliably and also involves laborious scoring procedures. Therefore, this study was initiated to develop a close-ended measure, called the Persistent Academic Possible Selves Scale for Adolescents (PAPSS), that meets these challenges. The PAPSS integrates possible selves theories (personal and social identities) and educational psychology (self-regulation in social cognitive theory). Four hundred and ninety five junior high and high school students participated in the validation study of the PAPSS. I conducted confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) to compare fit for a baseline model to the hypothesized models using Mplus version 7 (Muthén & Muthén, 2012). A weighted least square means and a variance adjusted (WLSMV) estimation method was used for handling multivariate nonnormality of ordered categorical data. The final PAPSS has validity evidence based on the internal structure. The factor structure is composed of three goal-driven factors, one self-regulated factor that focuses on peers, and four self-regulated factors that emphasize the self. Oyserman (2004)'s open-ended questionnaire was used for exploring the evidence of convergent validity. Many issues regarding Oyserman (2003)'s instructions were found during the coding process of academic plausibility. It was complicated to detect hidden academic possible selves and strategies from non-academic possible selves and strategies. Also, interpersonal related strategies were over weighted in the scoring process compared to interpersonal related academic possible selves. The study results uncovered that all of the academic goal-related factors in the PAPSS are significantly related to academic plausibility in a positive direction. However, self-regulated factors in the PAPSS are not. The correlation results between the self-regulated factors and academic plausibility do not provide the evidence of convergent validity. Theoretical and methodological explanations for the test results are discussed. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Educational Psychology 2013
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Adaptação e validação do Drinking Motives Questionnaire-Revised – (DMQ-R)Hauck Filho, Nelson January 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivos traduzir e adaptar para o português brasileiro o instrumento psicométrico Drinking Motives Questionnaire-Revised (DMQ-R), apresentando evidências de validade para essa versão. Essa medida avalia quatro dimensões da motivação para o uso de bebidas alcoólicas: motivos de tipo social, realce, coping e conformidade. O trabalho é apresentado em forma de dois artigos independentes. No primeiro, é feita uma revisão seletiva de literatura, buscando apresentar o construto, distingui-lo de expectativas sobre o uso de álcool e enfatizar seu papel como preditores e mediadores em estudos na área. No segundo artigo, são apresentados dois estudos sobre a estrutura fatorial da versão em português brasileiro do DMQ-R. Estratégias exploratórias e confirmatórias foram empregadas de forma complementar para investigar a estrutura mais representativa dos dados amostrais. Um modelo revisado de quatro fatores foi selecionado como a melhor alternativa, sendo apresentadas dificuldades metodológicas dos estudos e sugestões para estudos futuros. / This work aimed to translate and adapt to Brazilian Portuguese the Drinking Motives Questionnaire-Revised (DMQ-R) presenting validity evidences to this version. The measure assesses four dimensions of alcohol use motivation: social, enhancement, coping and conformity. The work is organized in two independent papers. In the first one, a review of the literature is done, presenting the construct, differentiating it from drinking expectancies and emphasizing its role as predictors and mediators of alcohol use. In the second one, two studies regarding the factorial structure of the Brazilian Portuguese version of DMQ-R are presented. Exploratory and confirmatory strategies were employed complementarily to evaluate the most representative structure for the data. A revised, four-factor model was chosen as the best solution. Methodological difficulties and suggestions for future research are discussed.
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Modelagem de equações estruturais : apresentação de uma metodologiaSilva, Juliane Silveira Freire da January 2006 (has links)
Um dos principais objetivos das técnicas multivariadas é expandir a habilidade exploratória do pesquisador e a eficiência estatística. Entretanto, todas elas compartilham de uma limitação: cada técnica pode examinar somente uma relação entre as variáveis. Algumas vezes é interessante para o pesquisador o fato de ter relações simultâneas, em alguns modelos existem variáveis que são independentes em algumas relações e, dependentes em outras. Visando suprir esta necessidade, a Modelagem de Equações Estruturais examina uma série de relações de dependência simultaneamente, esse método é particularmente útil quando uma variável dependente se torna independente em relações subseqüentes de dependência. Com o intuito de aproximar a metodologia da área de Engenharia de Produção, essa dissertação apresenta uma descrição das técnicas relacionadas à Modelagem de Equações Estruturais como: a Análise Fatorial Confirmatória e a Análise de Caminhos; aborda conceitos e testes específicos de Modelagem de Equações Estruturais e também aborda um software, o AMOS. Para complementar o trabalho mostra uma aplicação prática sobre a Modelagem utilizando dados de uma pesquisa para se medir a opinião de clientes com relação a um provedor de serviços. / One of the principal goals of the multivariate techniques is to expand the researcher's exploratory ability and the statistical efficiency. However, all of them share of a limitation: each technique can examine only a relationship among the variables. It is sometimes interesting for the researcher the fact of having simultaneous relationships, in some models variables that are independent in some relationships and dependent in other one. Seeking to supply this need the Structural Equations Modeling examines a series of dependence relationships simultaneously, that method is particularly useful when a dependent variable becomes independent in subsequent relationships of dependence. Starting from bibliographical references on the theme and with the intention of approximating the methodology of Industrial Engineering area, this dissertation presents a description of the techniques related to the Structural Equations Modeling as: the Confirmatory Factor Analysis and the Path Analysis; it approaches concepts and specific tests of Structural Equations Modeling and it also focuses a software, the AMOS. To complement, the dissertation shows a practical application on the Structural Equations Modeling using data of a research, in order to measure the customers' opinion related to a provider of services.
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Teacher Self-Efficacy and Student Achievement: From Measurement Clarifications to Multilevel Regression ModelingMartin, Emilie 12 June 2017 (has links)
Le Sentiment d'Efficacité Personnelle (SEP) des enseignants fait référence aux croyances que se font ces derniers de leur capacité à accomplir avec succès les tâches liées à leur mission d'enseignement. Le premier objectif de notre recherche vise à répondre aux critiques qui déplorent le manque de validation rigoureuse dont les échelles de SEP ont généralement fait l'objet. Pour ce faire, nous testons, sur base d’analyses factorielles confirmatoires, la validité de trois échelles couramment utilisées dans la littérature anglo-saxonne. La première échelle de mesure, intitulée "Teacher Efficacy Scale" (Gibson & Dembo, 1986) se compose de deux dimensions: le sentiment d’efficacité personnelle mesurant la croyance qu'un enseignant se fait de sa capacité à influencer les apprentissages des élèves, et le sentiment d’efficacité générale mesurant la croyance selon laquelle le corps enseignant est capable d'apporter des changements chez les élèves, en dépit des contraintes extérieures au milieu scolaire. La deuxième échelle intitulée "Teacher Sense of Efficacy Scale" (Tschannen-Moran & Woolfolk Hoy, 2001), mesure le SEP des enseignants selon trois dimensions: l’engagement des élèves, les stratégies d’enseignements et la gestion de la classe. Cette échelle se veut plus spécifique et davantage liée aux différentes tâches pédagogiques auxquelles sont confrontés les enseignants. Enfin, comme le SEP des enseignants n’est pas forcément uniforme à travers les différentes matières enseignées, la troisième échelle de mesure se focalise sur la perception de leur capacité à enseigner les mathématiques. Cette échelle, inspirée de la mesure de McGee et al. (2014) intitulée "Self-Efficacy for Teaching Mathematics Instrument", a été adaptée pour mieux refléter les compétences en mathématiques enseignées dans l’enseignement secondaire de la FW-B. L’échelle distingue trois groupes de compétences: les nombres, les grandeurs et le traitement de données.Une fois ces trois échelles validées, le second objectif de la thèse est d’évaluer dans quelle mesure le SEP des enseignants influence la réussite en mathématiques des élèves de 2e secondaire au CE1D. Nous examinerons l’impact potentiel des différentes dimensions du SEP et émettons l’hypothèse que le SEP des enseignants influence positivement les performances des élèves, mais que l’ampleur de la relation varie selon la dimension étudiée. Cette hypothèse est testée sur base d’une analyse statistique multiniveaux. L’intérêt de cette méthode est qu’elle permet de modéliser l’influence du SEP des enseignants tout en tenant compte des caractéristiques propres aux élèves et aux classes.Nos données sont issues d’une vaste enquête que nous avons organisée au cours de l’année scolaire 2014-2015 au sein des écoles secondaires de la FW-B. Un échantillon représentatif de 164 écoles secondaires a été sélectionné de manière aléatoire. Au sein de ces écoles, tous les élèves de 2e secondaire et leurs enseignants de mathématiques ont été invités à répondre à un questionnaire. Le questionnaire adressé aux élèves était constitué de questions sociodémographiques et d’une épreuve de mathématiques destinée à mesurer les acquis des élèves en début d’année scolaire. Le questionnaire enseignant nous a permis quant à lui de recueillir un ensemble d’information sur leur SEP, leurs attitudes et leurs pratiques pédagogiques. Enfin, grâce à une convention conclue avec l’Administration Générale de l'Enseignement et de la Recherche Scientifique de la FW-B, nous avons eu l’opportunité de coupler nos données aux résultats obtenus, par les élèves de notre échantillon, au CE1D. Notre échantillon final se constitue de 10395 élèves, 598 classes, 388 enseignants et 103 écoles secondaires. Les résultats de nos analyses factorielles confirmatoires remettent en question la validité de la "Teacher Efficacy Scale" développée par Gibson et Dembo en 1986. Ce manque de validité peut s'expliquer par le fait que, contrairement aux deux autres échelles, cette dernière ne reflète pas de manière assez précise la diversité et la complexité du métier d'enseignant. Elle ne permet donc pas de mesurer la concept de sentiment d'efficacité personnelle des enseignants tel que conceptualisé dans la théorie sociocognitive de Bandura (1997). Ces résultats confirment l'idée selon laquelle le sentiment d'efficacité personnelle des enseignants est un concept multidimensionnel qui ne peut pas se mesurer de manière globale. La mesure du sentiment d'efficacité personnelle des enseignants doit être spécifiquement associée à une tâche pédagogique ou à une matière d'enseignement. Cette conclusion va dans le sens des recommandations Bandura qui précise que les croyances d'efficacité doivent être mesurées en relation avec un domaine d’activités précis. Enfin, les résultats de nos analyses multiniveau ne confirment pas la relation direct entre le sentiment d'efficacité personnelle des enseignants et la réussite scolaire des élèves. Aucune des trois dimensions étudiées ne sont significativement liées aux résultats en mathématiques des élèves de 2e secondaire. / Doctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Assessing the behavioral aspects of executive functioning across the lifespan: review of rating scales and psychometric derivation of a screener for young adultsDuggan, Emily Clare 03 September 2014 (has links)
Executive functioning skills are paramount to our ability to purposefully and successfully mediate our actions within our day-to-day environment. Dysfunction of the executive system can result in a multitude of behavioral manifestations in all stages of life. Increasing evidence supports the use of rating scales to obtain a more comprehensive and ecologically valid understanding of an individual’s executive functioning. The current thesis involves two articles examining the use of behavioral rating scales in the assessment of executive functions. Study 1: In response to a recent proliferation of executive functions rating scales, this article reviews and discusses currently available scales for the assessment of executive functions across the lifespan. Study 2: This study derived an executive functions screener from the Behavioral Assessment System for Children (BASC-2-SRP-COL) for use in young adults and evaluated it against a well-known executive function rating scale (the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function-Adult Version). / Graduate / 0622 / 0632 / eduggan@uvic.ca
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Preliminary validation and Afrikaans translation of the personal well-being index – school children amongst a sample of children in Cape TownMatzdorff, Arnold January 2015 (has links)
Magister Artium (Psychology) - MA(Psych) / The construct of subjective well-being within child well-being and quality of life research has become increasingly prominent in recent years. Central to such developments is the question of to what extent children’s subjective experiences of well-being can be compared cross-culturally. Given the paucity of empirical research on the topic of cross-cultural comparisons, the importance of validating current measures of subjective well-being has been emphasized by many researchers as critical in contributing to the international dialogue. The aim of the current study was to test a measure of subjective well-being (the Personal Well-being Index – School Children) amongst a sample of children from Cape Town, Western Cape Province, South Africa. Given the diversity of experience between children from different language groups in South Africa, the study further aimed to determine the extent to which the measures are comparable across two language groups (Afrikaans and English). Data from the Children’s World Survey were used; and include a sample of 1004 children randomly selected from 15 schools within the Cape Town Metropole. Located within the goodness of fit theoretical framework, confirmatory factor analysis was used to test the overall fit structure and multi-group factor analysis, with Scalar and Metric invariance constraints. The results show appropriate fit structure for the overall model, with Scalar and Metric factor invariance tenable across language groups. The overall findings suggest that the Personal Well-being Index – School Children is appropriate for use with English and Afrikaans children in Western Cape Province, South Africa, and that scores between these groups can be compared by regressions, correlations, and means.
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Analysis of Leadership Perceptions Using Multirater Feedback.Bradley, Thomas P. 05 1900 (has links)
Performance improvement intervention begins with assessment. How that assessment is interpreted can mean the difference between success and failure. Previous research of 360-degree feedback instruments has tried to reconcile the differences between multiple rater groups. Rather than searching for agreement, this research proposes to understand the meaning of the differences using multirater feedback. Individuals determine ratings based upon their own perspective and building upon the understanding of rater perspective may result in improved assessments. Data from an existing data set was processed using a second-order CFA in structural equation modeling. Covariance between the second-order factors and rater groups determined the difference in how each rater group perceived the leader.
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