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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Artist as navigator : understanding how the social qualities of art influence organizational change : a methodology for art as a social practice

Smith, Helen January 2015 (has links)
• What insights can art reveal in the context of organizational change? • How do artistic practices influence the way communities address change? • In what ways can an individual artistic practice concerned with the role of art in society add new insights to theories and practices of contemporary art? These questions are approached through three interrelated methods. In the first the artist as researcher consciously addresses organizational change through her artistic practice, over a three year period, within the different communities of Woodend Barn, a volunteer-led arts centre in the North East of Scotland. The second method is a literature review focusing on the selected artistic practices of Allan Kaprow, Suzanne Lacy and Artist Placement Group. Each practice is discussed in relation to the underpinning philosophical principals of Pragmatism, in particular John Dewey’s ideas on the generative qualities of aesthetic experience. These insights inform the research as it unfolds within the organizational context of Woodend Barn, itself at a point of significant change. The third method draws on anthropologist Michel de Certeau’s theory of the act of speaking to define the details of social interaction. This leads to a conversational method of analysis that draws out the synergies and differences of the chairperson of Woodend Barn and the artist. The analysis aims to understand the qualities and conditions for social interaction in arts practice and how they affect change in organizational contexts. It has become apparent that a key condition of the artwork is an artist who is committed to a refined and informed understanding of the social dynamics of art (as evidenced in the two principal projects Fold (2012) and Lavender (2012-2014)). It is important to recognize that not all artists have these skills or are interested in adopting a social focus in their practice. The research sets out to address and influence new generations of artists and more broadly, to rethink the value of social interaction in artists practices in relation to economic values. Understanding how social interactions become generative sense-making experiences is an important quality of the practice and research findings. This resonates with Dewey’s theory that it is through the unconstrained characteristics of art that aesthetic experience can shift deeply- rooted ways of thinking. The research concludes with a social manifesto for art that outlines the conditions for individuals from different communities to act in ways that are self-directed and lead to community resilience.

Connecting One and Many - Reinventing the Procession of the Cinema Experience

Sekely, Kelly H. 27 April 2011 (has links)
In the past, going to the movies was an event. The grand lit marquee made a statement, ushering you inside. The elaborately decorated lobby transported you to a place in your dreams where riches and opulence abound. The curtained screen marked the start of a true storied spectacle as you sat close to your friends and neighbors dressed in their Sunday best. There was no denying that the cinema was the place to see, be seen and to socialize. In contrast, today’s movie-going can be classified as more of a singular experience. You wait in long, solemn cattle lines to enter a cluttered lobby with loud video games, tacky candy machines and tunnel-like hallways. You sit in plush recliners in a sea of strangers and rush out of the theater before even the lights come up. In response to this cultural shift, my proposed design solution will challenge the isolation of today’s cinema by recreating the procession associated with neighborhood movie-going of the early 1900s. I will reinvent a cinema built in 1937, the Bellevue Theater, and develop a design that is contemporary, incorporating both modern technology and interests of today. The design will explore the spatial connections between one and many, fostering both the individual and group experience associated with the big screen – the cinema procession of the past.

Srovnávací překladová studie českých částic "tedy" a "tak" v paralelních elektronických anglických textech / Contrastive study of the translation equivalents of the Czech particles "tedy" and "tak" in the InterCorp English texts

Horálek, Štěpán January 2013 (has links)
The present thesis presents a contrastive analysis of the Czech modifying and connecting particles tedy and tak and their English counterparts. Since these particles are specific for the Czech language as well as highly ambiguous, they can cause problems with translation as well as theoretical description. It is expected that a quality translation will provide a representative overview of possible correlates, which should contribute to their description and classification. The theoretical chapter of the thesis firstly outlines the treatment of particles in the Czech grammars and linguistic literature, their definition and classification, and secondly, it discusses formal correspondences of the Czech particles in the English grammars and linguistic literature, with the focus on the English conjuncts and discourse particles as most likely candidates of the formal equivalence of tedy and tak as modifying and connecting particles. The methodological chapter describes the source material for the analysis and clarifies the selection of the sample. 200 occurrences of tedy and tak in four Czech novels and their English translations were extracted from the electronic parallel corpus InterCorp. The data collection was performed manually in order to distinguish modifying and connecting particle meanings from...

Konstruktion av stegmatare för vevstakar / Construction of step feeder for connecting rods

Bergstedt, Pontus, Svemark, Viktor January 2019 (has links)
Detta arbete beskriver förarbete och konstruktion av en stegmatare som sorterar och orienterar vevstakar för en takttid på tio sekunder. Industrier är ofta beroende av materialhanteringsutrustning där olika processer säkerställer någon form av sortering eller orientering, vilket styrker arbetets relevans. Detta har skett genom att dela in maskinen i två huvudfunktioner; trappfunktionen, som försorterar och transporterar vevstakarna vidare till andra huvudfunktionen; orienteringsfunktionen, där orienteringen sker. Genom att tillämpa metoder inom; konstruktion & tillverkning, feleffektsanalys och programvaror för materialdatabashantering, datastödd design, samt numerisk hållfasthetsanalys kunde en konstruktion utformas som speglar de aspekter som kännetecknar en genomtänkt produkt. Sju olika designmetoder användes för att generera och utvärdera idéer i flera itererande steg. Tio undersökande experiment utfördes som ytterligare utvärdering av koncept samt underlag för vidare beräkningar och slutsatser. Utformningen av stegmataren resulterade i en enkelverkande lutande trapp med två rörliga trappsteg och ett statiskt mellan dem för överföring. En enkelmatning efter trappen i form av ett “skovelhjul” säkerställer att vevstakarna levereras en-och-en till orienteringsfunktionen samtidigt som den garanterar takttiden. En orienteringsfunktion bestående av ett “rullband” som med hjälp av friktion och tyngdpunktsförskjutning orienterar vevstakarna med vevänden först. Slutligen studerades tre kritiska områden i konstruktionen för vidare analys med finita element-metoden med godkända resultat. Samtliga mål för projektet uppnåddes, exempelvis har stegmataren färre unika komponenter än befintliga lösningar. Ambitionen var att utforma stegmataren med en låg grad av komplexitet och utan sensorer har genomsyrat hela projektet, vilket även har uppnåtts. / This work describes the preparatory work and construction of a step feeder that sorts and orients connecting rods in a cycle time of ten seconds. Industries are often dependent of different material handling operations which assures a specific material orientation, which validates the importance of this work. This has been done by dividing the machine into two main functions; Stair case-function, which pre-sorts and transports the connecting rods further to the second function, the orientation- function where the orientation is performed. By using methods such as; design for manufacture & assembly, failure mode & effects analysis and softwares for material database handling, computer aided design and numerical strength analysis a construction could be formulated which reflects the aspects that characterize a well-planned product. Seven different design-methods were used in order to generate and evaluate ideas in several iterated steps. Ten investigative experiments were conducted as an additional evaluation of concepts and as a basis for further calculations and conclusions. The formulation of the step feeder resulted in a single-acting stair with two moving stairs and a static between them for transfer. A single-feeder after the staircase in the shape of a “paddle wheel” ensures that the connection rods are delivered one-by-one to the orientation-function while also ensuring the cycle time. An orientation-function consisting of a “conveyor“ that with the aid of friction and an offset of the center of gravity orients the connecting rods with the crankshaft-end first. Lastly were three critical areas in the construction further examined with finite element method with passing results. All objectives for the project were achieved, the step feeder have for instance fewer unique components than existing solutions. The ambition was to design the step feeder with a low grade of complexity and without sensors have permeated throughout the entire project, which also was achieved.

Evaluation of Different Concepts for Pressed and Sintered Connecting Rods

Rehn, Mattias January 2019 (has links)
Connecting rod are found in most combustion engines and transmits thrust from the piston to the crankshaft. The connecting rod needs to withstand forces from the piston and inertia forces which results in axial tension, compression stresses and bending. Today the most common manufacturing techniques in automotive industry are drop-forging, die-casting and the Powder Metallurgy technique used is powder-forging. In this Master Thesis different connecting rod designs for a single press PM manufacturing process were created and evaluated as a part of Höganäs AB's Total Powder Metal Car project, TPMC. This paper will serve as a basis for future connecting rod projects at Höganäs AB when choosing a suitable connecting rod design. The main objective of this Master Thesis is to evaluate different designs in regards to the following: Buckling strength Fatigue life Manufacturing rating The study shows that there is evidence that a single pressed connecting rod is possible. No absolute answer of which design is the best is given in this paper since in depends on different parameters and application. For each parameter examined there are results presented and arguments for and against each design which can aid designers in future work. Suggestions of improvement on both the method and on the designs are presented in respect to the results. The improvements may potentially increase the fatigue life, buckling strength and improve manufacturability.

Contribuição ao estudo do estabelecimento permanente / Contribution to the study of the permanente establishment.

Pepe, Flavia Cavalcanti 11 March 2014 (has links)
O presente estudo tem por escopo analisar e reconstruir os fundamentos que informam os contornos da emblemática figura dos estabelecimentos permanentes. Muito embora a doutrina e a jurisprudência internacional tenham laborado ingente esforço no sentido de prover um conceito uniforme para tal expressão, sem o qual o legítimo exercício da jurisdição para tributar rendimentos empresariais pode restar prejudicado, ainda há muito o que ser discutido e examinado. Isso porque a economia global, assentada em uma intensa mobilidade de riquezas, evidencia a crescente diversificação das formas de organização empresarial, de modo que a regulação necessária a atender as peculiaridades atinentes a cada modalidade negocial demanda um exame aprofundado e contínuo. Nesse cenário, a clara definição e perfeita compreensão do relevante conceito do estabelecimento permanente, bem como a delimitação dos critérios indispensáveis à sua aplicação, têm cardeal relevância para as modernas relações comerciais. Tal relevância decorre do papel que atribuímos ao estabelecimento permanente neste trabalho, por reputálo enquanto elemento de conexão objetivo, eleito por excelência pelos tratados para evitar a dupla tributação no tocante aos itens de rendimentos empresariais em geral. Tomando como paradigma o modelo de convenção elaborada pela Organização de Cooperação e de Desenvolvimento Econômico, e somando a este os influxos do modelo produzido pela Organização das Nações Unidas, será possível traçar um conceito multifacetado de estabelecimento permanente, com base em determinados critérios classificatórios. Fundados em tais categorias, conduziremos o exame das convenções internacionais firmadas pelo Brasil e analisaremos como os enunciados veiculados por tais instrumentos devem ser operados face ao ordenamento doméstico brasileiro. Com efeito, a tese ora apresentada buscará municiar seus leitores dos instrumentos conceituais necessários para que o conceito de estabelecimento permanente seja aplicado de forma efetiva e coerente com as práticas internacionais. Almeja-se, com isso, traçar algumas propostas para solucionar o afã despertado por problemáticas fiscais suscitadas no bojo do Direito Internacional Tributário, no intuito de contribuir em favor da adoção pelo Brasil de postura mais condizente com os anseios da comunidade internacional. / The scope of this study is to analyze and reconstruct the foundations that outline the emblematic figure of permanent establishments. Although the international doctrine and case law have made great effort to provide such expression with a uniform concept - without which the legitimate exercise of the jurisdiction to tax business income could be impaired - there is still much to be discussed and examined. The global economy, which is based upon intense wealth mobility, attests the increasing diversification of entrepreneurial organization forms, in such a way that proper regulation requires a profound and continuous analysis, in order to meet the needs of the peculiarities of each business modality. Within this context, the clear definition and complete comprehension of this relevant concept (that of permanent establishments), as well as the delimitation of the criteria necessary to its proper application, are of the utmost importance for the modern commercial relations. Such importance derives from the role attributed to the permanent establishment in this essay, considered as an objective connecting factor elected by the double tax treaties in connection with business profits. Using the Model Convention of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development as a paradigm, and adding the input from the model elaborated by the United Nations, it will be possible to draw a multifaceted concept of permanent establishment, based upon some specific classificatory aspects. Such categories are the grounds for promoting a survey of the international conventions entered into by Brazil, as well as an analysis on how the norms enacted under such vehicles shall be operated in view of the Brazilian domestic law. In fact, the present thesis aims at providing readers with the necessary conceptual instruments to apply the concept of permanent establishment effectively and coherently with the international law practice. With that, this study elaborates on proposals to solve some tax problems emerged within the framework of the International Tax Law, with the purpose of contributing for the adoption of an approach by Brazil which is more consistent with the aspiration of the international community.

Contribuição ao estudo do estabelecimento permanente / Contribution to the study of the permanente establishment.

Flavia Cavalcanti Pepe 11 March 2014 (has links)
O presente estudo tem por escopo analisar e reconstruir os fundamentos que informam os contornos da emblemática figura dos estabelecimentos permanentes. Muito embora a doutrina e a jurisprudência internacional tenham laborado ingente esforço no sentido de prover um conceito uniforme para tal expressão, sem o qual o legítimo exercício da jurisdição para tributar rendimentos empresariais pode restar prejudicado, ainda há muito o que ser discutido e examinado. Isso porque a economia global, assentada em uma intensa mobilidade de riquezas, evidencia a crescente diversificação das formas de organização empresarial, de modo que a regulação necessária a atender as peculiaridades atinentes a cada modalidade negocial demanda um exame aprofundado e contínuo. Nesse cenário, a clara definição e perfeita compreensão do relevante conceito do estabelecimento permanente, bem como a delimitação dos critérios indispensáveis à sua aplicação, têm cardeal relevância para as modernas relações comerciais. Tal relevância decorre do papel que atribuímos ao estabelecimento permanente neste trabalho, por reputálo enquanto elemento de conexão objetivo, eleito por excelência pelos tratados para evitar a dupla tributação no tocante aos itens de rendimentos empresariais em geral. Tomando como paradigma o modelo de convenção elaborada pela Organização de Cooperação e de Desenvolvimento Econômico, e somando a este os influxos do modelo produzido pela Organização das Nações Unidas, será possível traçar um conceito multifacetado de estabelecimento permanente, com base em determinados critérios classificatórios. Fundados em tais categorias, conduziremos o exame das convenções internacionais firmadas pelo Brasil e analisaremos como os enunciados veiculados por tais instrumentos devem ser operados face ao ordenamento doméstico brasileiro. Com efeito, a tese ora apresentada buscará municiar seus leitores dos instrumentos conceituais necessários para que o conceito de estabelecimento permanente seja aplicado de forma efetiva e coerente com as práticas internacionais. Almeja-se, com isso, traçar algumas propostas para solucionar o afã despertado por problemáticas fiscais suscitadas no bojo do Direito Internacional Tributário, no intuito de contribuir em favor da adoção pelo Brasil de postura mais condizente com os anseios da comunidade internacional. / The scope of this study is to analyze and reconstruct the foundations that outline the emblematic figure of permanent establishments. Although the international doctrine and case law have made great effort to provide such expression with a uniform concept - without which the legitimate exercise of the jurisdiction to tax business income could be impaired - there is still much to be discussed and examined. The global economy, which is based upon intense wealth mobility, attests the increasing diversification of entrepreneurial organization forms, in such a way that proper regulation requires a profound and continuous analysis, in order to meet the needs of the peculiarities of each business modality. Within this context, the clear definition and complete comprehension of this relevant concept (that of permanent establishments), as well as the delimitation of the criteria necessary to its proper application, are of the utmost importance for the modern commercial relations. Such importance derives from the role attributed to the permanent establishment in this essay, considered as an objective connecting factor elected by the double tax treaties in connection with business profits. Using the Model Convention of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development as a paradigm, and adding the input from the model elaborated by the United Nations, it will be possible to draw a multifaceted concept of permanent establishment, based upon some specific classificatory aspects. Such categories are the grounds for promoting a survey of the international conventions entered into by Brazil, as well as an analysis on how the norms enacted under such vehicles shall be operated in view of the Brazilian domestic law. In fact, the present thesis aims at providing readers with the necessary conceptual instruments to apply the concept of permanent establishment effectively and coherently with the international law practice. With that, this study elaborates on proposals to solve some tax problems emerged within the framework of the International Tax Law, with the purpose of contributing for the adoption of an approach by Brazil which is more consistent with the aspiration of the international community.

A residência habitual como elemento de conexão do mundo globalizado : sua incidência no direito internacional privado brasileiro

Jorge, Mariana Sebalhos January 2017 (has links)
Com a globalização e o constante aumento do fluxo internacional, tanto de mercadorias como de pessoas, observou-se o incremento dos negócios jurídicos com conexão internacional. A escolha da lei aplicável aos estatutos pessoais dividiu-se doutrinariamente entre defensores do elemento de conexão nacionalidade, como Mancini, e defensores do elemento de conexão domicílio, como Savigny. Cada vez mais conflitos envolvendo negócios jurídicos multijurisdicionais se tornaram uma realidade submetida aos tribunais internos dos países, de modo que a residência habitual surge como uma solução à dicotomia existente entre nacionalidade e domicílio. Nesse contexto, a finalidade da presente dissertação é analisar a incidência do elemento de conexão residência habitual no mundo globalizado e a incidência da residência habitual no direito internacional privado brasileiro. Para desenvolver os objetivos propostos, o estudo divide-se em dois capítulos. No primeiro capítulo é abordado o debate doutrinário existente na definição de residência habitual enquanto elemento de conexão, bem como a relação que possui com o domicílio – diferenciando-se domicílio em países de common law e de civil law. Neste primeiro momento ocorre também a análise do surgimento da residência habitual como elemento de conexão a determinar a lei aplicável, as suas primeiras utilizações pelas Convenções da Haia, previsões em legislações internas de diferentes países e também em âmbito unional através da União Europeia. O segundo capítulo destina-se à incidência da residência habitual no direito internacional privado brasileiro com a sua previsão em convenções já ratificadas pelo Brasil, bem como ao reconhecimento deste elemento de conexão no cenário brasileiro. Compreende, ainda, o estudo de julgados brasileiros que já utilizaram o critério da residência habitual e o futuro deste elemento de conexão no direito internacional privado brasileiro. Destacam-se as tentativas de atualização da Lei de Introdução às Normas do Direito Brasileiro que já previram a inserção do elemento de conexão residência habitual de forma subsidiária ao domicílio. Em conclusão, tem-se que a atualização legislativa do direito internacional privado brasileiro deve inserir o elemento de conexão residência habitual, em ascensão no mundo atualmente, com primazia, e não de modo subsidiário como os projetos anteriores. A primazia do critério residência habitual permite a aplicação da lei mais próxima à vida da pessoa ou à relação jurídica multiconectada, e ainda harmoniza o direito internacional privado, permitindo que o domicílio e a nacionalidade sejam utilizados de modo subsidiário. / With globalization and the constant increase of the international flow of both goods and people, it was observed the increase of the legal transactions with an international connection. The choice of law applicable to personal statutes was divided doctrinally between defenders of the connecting factor of nationality as Mancini and defenders of the connecting factor of domicile as Savigny. More and more conflicts involving multijurisdictional legal business have become a constant reality submitted to the domestic courts of the countries, so that habitual residence emerges as a solution to the dichotomy existing between nationality and domicile. In this context, the purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the incidence of the connection factor of habitual residence in the globalized world and the incidence of habitual residence in Brazilian private international law. In order to develop the proposed objectives, the study is divided into two chapters. The first chapter addresses the doctrinal debate existing in the definition of habitual residence as connecting factor, as well as the relation that has with the domicile - differentiating domicile in countries of common law of civil law. In this first moment there is also the analysis of the emergence of habitual residence as an connecting factor to determine the applicable law, its first uses by the Hague Conventions, provisions in internal legislation of different countries and also in a unional scope through the European Union. The second chapter focuses on the incidence of habitual residence in Brazilian private international law with its prediction in conventions already ratified by Brazil, as well as the recognition of this connecting factor in the Brazilian scenario. It also includes the study of Brazilian judges who have already used the criterion of habitual residence and the future of this connecting factor in Brazilian private international law. It analyzes the attempts to update the Brazilian private international law that have already predicted the insertion of the connecting factor of habitual residence in a subsidiary form to the domicile. In conclusion, it is noticed that the legislative update of Brazilian private international law must insert the connecting factor of habitual residence, rising in the world today, with primacy, and not in a subsidiary way as the previous projects. The primacy of habitual residence allows the application of the law closest to the person's life or to the multi-connected legal relationship, and also harmonizes private international law, allowing domicile and nationality to be used in a subsidiary manner.

Negative space of things : a practice-based research approach to understand the role of objects in the Internet of Things

Shingleton, Duncan James January 2018 (has links)
This is a practice-based research thesis situated in the research context of the 'Internet of Things', and critiques contemporary theoretical discourse related to the 21st century turn of connecting everyday objects to the World Wide Web. In the last decade we have seen the 'Internet of Things' articulated predominately through three commercial design fictions, each a response to the shift towards pervasive", "ubiquitous" (Weiser 1991), or "context-ware" (Schilit, 1994) computing; where we inhabit spaces with objects capable of sensing, recording and relaying data about themselves and their environments. Through reflecting upon these existing design fictions, through a new combination of theories and practice-based research that embodies them, this thesis proposes a recovery to understanding the role of objects in the 'Internet of Things', which this author believes has been lost since its conception in the mid 2000s. In 2000, HP Labs presented Cooltown, which addressed what HP identified as the 'convergence of Web technology, wireless networks, and portable client devices provides'. Cooltown's primary discourse was to provide 'new design opportunities for computer/communications systems, through an infrastructure to support "web presence" for people, places and things.' (Anders 1998; Barton & Kindberg 2002). IBM's Smarter Planet followed this in 2008 and shifted importance from the act of connecting objects to understanding the value of data as it flows between these objects in a network (Castells 1996; Sterling 2005; Latour 2005). Finally, Cisco presented The Internet of Everything in 2012 and moved the argument on one stage further, identifying that the importance of connected objects lies in the sum of their communication across silos of networks, where data can provide potential insight from which you can improve services (Bleecker 2006). Despite these design and theoretical fictions, the affordances of the Internet of Things first proposed in the mid 2000s has regressed from data to product, driven largely by unchanged discourse argued by those designers at its conception and also the enticement of being the next Google acquisition; instead of pigeons reporting on the environmental conditions of a city (Da Costa 2006), we have thermostats controllable from your smartphone (www.scottishpower.co.uk/connect). Therefore the aim of this thesis is to re-examine the initial potential of the Internet of Things, which is tested through a series of design interventions as research for art and design, (produced as part of my EPSRC funded doctoral studies on the Tales of Things and Electronic Memory research project and also whilst employed as a research assistant on two EPSRC funded research programmes of work Sixth Sense Transport, and The Connected High Street), to understand how we use data to allow an alternative discourse to emerge in order to recover the role of a networked object, rather than producing prototypical systems.

Looking beyond : the RNs' experience of caring for older hospitalized patients

Molnar, Gaylene L 09 March 2005
Older patients comprise a large portion of patients in the acute care setting. Registered Nurses (RNs) are the main care providers in the hospital setting. RNs caring for older hospitalized patients are affected by many factors including workload pressures, issues related to the acute care environment and attitudes toward older patients. However, a literature review identified a limited number of studies exploring the RNs experience of caring for older patients in the acute care setting. This study explored the RNs experience of caring for older patients (age 65 and older) on an orthopedic unit in an acute care hospital. Saturation was reached with a purposive sample of nine RNs working on the orthopedic unit, including eight females and 1 male. Participants were interviewed using broad open-ended questions, followed by questions more specific to emerging themes. All interviews were audio-taped and transcribed verbatim. Data were analyzed using Glasers (1992) grounded theory approach. Participants described the basic social problem as dealing with the complexity of older patients. The basic social process identified was the concept of looking beyond. Looking beyond was described as looking at the big picture to find what lies outside the scope of the ordinary. Three sub-processes of looking beyond were identified as connecting, searching, and knowing. Connecting was described as getting to know patients as a person by taking time, respecting and understanding the individual. Searching was described as digging deeper, searching for the unknown by looking for clues and mining everywhere for information. Knowing was described as intuitively knowing what is going to happen and what the older patient needs by pulling it all together and knowing what to expect. These dynamic sub-processes provided the RN with the relationship and information required to look beyond to manage the older patients complexity. The results of this study have implications for nursing practice, education and research. These findings may provide RNs with a process to manage the complex care of a large portion of our population.

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