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Fluid Coke Derived Activated Carbon as Electrode Material for Electrochemical double Layer CapacitorHu, Chijuan 24 February 2009 (has links)
An electrochemical double-layer capacitor (EDLC) is a potential buffer for current power and energy supply. In this work, activated carbon derived from fluid coke as a brand new electrode material was studied due to its high specific surface area (SSA) and large portion of mesopores. A suitable electrode material formula, current collector, and cell configuration were investigated to fabricate a testable system and ensure the reproducibility of measurements.
Cyclic voltammetry (CV) and constant current charge/discharge (CD) techniques were used to characterize the performance of the electrode material, as well as to study its fundamental behaviour. A new procedure was established for quantifying the capacitance (Cc) of EDLC from CV which isolates the effect of internal resistance on the measured capacitance (CM). The specific capacitance of single electrode made of activated carbon (~1900 m2/g) with approximately 80% mesopores and macropores was able to reach 180 F/g at scan rate of 0.5mV/s.
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Determination of self association constant between bovine insulin molecules by capillary zone electrophoresisKhalifeh, Iman January 2005 (has links)
Capillary electrophoresis (CE) is an analytical technique that is very useful for investigating processes that modify the charge and mass of proteins and polypeptide pharmaceuticals. This report explores the ability of CE to determine the aggregation constant between insulin molecules. Bovine insulin is a polypeptide (Mw=5733, pI = 5.3) that has two α-amino groups (Gly and Phe) and one ε–amino group (Lys). Analysis of concentration dependence of electrophoretic mobility of insulin at different conditions yields the association constant for dimerization of insulin. The association constant estimates how tight the peptide molecules are associated. The association constant is a useful factor to evaluate the purity of a peptide or protein sample. The association reaction of bovine insulin molecules was found to be favoured by temperature. The association constants were 7200 M -1, 8000 M -1, and 36000 M -1 at 15 oC, 25 oC and 35 oC, respectively. The interactions between the peptide molecules increase at higher temperature, resulting in stronger association. The association constant was estimated to be 3000 M -1in the presence of dioxane (5%, w/v %) at 25 oC. However, the interaction sites remain to be explored.
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Utility of Cationic and Anionic Chiral Surfactants in Capillary Electrophoresis (CE) and CE Coupled to Mass Spectrometry (CE-MS)Wang, Bin 27 January 2009 (has links)
The research presented in this thesis involves the application of chiral cationic and anionic surfactants for simultaneous enantioseparation of structurally similar compounds in capillary electrophoresis (CE) and CE coupled to mass spectrometry (CE-MS). The first chapter briefly introduces the fundamentals of CE and CE-MS, emphasizing the micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC) and MEKC-MS techniques, as well as ionic liquids (ILs) and affinity CE (ACE). In chapter 2, a mixture of five racemic profen (PROF) drugs are simultaneously separated with the combined use of 2,3,6-tri-O-methyl-β-cyclodextrin (TM-β-CD) and IL-type surfactant, N-undecenoxycarbonyl-L-leucinol bromide (L-UCLB). Enantioseparations of these PROFs are optimized using a standard recipe containing 35.00 mM TM-β-CD, 5.00 mM sodium acetate at pH 5.0, and varying the concentration as well as chain length of the IL surfactants. The batch-to-batch reproducibility of L-UCLB is found to be acceptable in terms of enantiomeric resolution, and migration time. A competitive inhibition mechanism is proposed to investigate the ternary interactions among TM-β-CD, ILs, and PROFs. The apparent binding constant of TM-β-CD to L-UCLB is estimated by nonlinear and linear plotting methods. The binding constants of one representative PROF (e.g., fenoprofen) to TM-β-CD and to L-UCLB are estimated by a secondary plotting approach. The R- and S-fenoprofen having different binding constant values, resulting in the enantioseparation due to the synergistic effect of TM-β-CD and L-UCLB. The R- and S-configurations of barbiturates display differences in potency and biological activity. In Chapter 3, a multivariate MEKC-ESI-MS approach for the simultaneous analysis of the racemic mixture of three barbiturates is presented. The chiral selector employed is the polymeric surfactant polysodium N-undecenoxycarbonyl-L-isoleucinate. The central composite design is used to optimize the chiral resolution, decrease the total analysis time, and improve the ESI-MS signal-to-noise ratio for these barbiturates. In preliminary experiments, the ranges of the factors investigated in the multivariate approaches are determined. Then the multivariate optimizations are conducted to determine the best overall chiral resolution with shortest possible run times for barbiturates. The limit of detection of ESI-MS is several folds higher compared to the UV detection. The predicted optimum results are in good agreement with the experimental data.
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Fluid Coke Derived Activated Carbon as Electrode Material for Electrochemical double Layer CapacitorHu, Chijuan 24 February 2009 (has links)
An electrochemical double-layer capacitor (EDLC) is a potential buffer for current power and energy supply. In this work, activated carbon derived from fluid coke as a brand new electrode material was studied due to its high specific surface area (SSA) and large portion of mesopores. A suitable electrode material formula, current collector, and cell configuration were investigated to fabricate a testable system and ensure the reproducibility of measurements.
Cyclic voltammetry (CV) and constant current charge/discharge (CD) techniques were used to characterize the performance of the electrode material, as well as to study its fundamental behaviour. A new procedure was established for quantifying the capacitance (Cc) of EDLC from CV which isolates the effect of internal resistance on the measured capacitance (CM). The specific capacitance of single electrode made of activated carbon (~1900 m2/g) with approximately 80% mesopores and macropores was able to reach 180 F/g at scan rate of 0.5mV/s.
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The Decay Constant of 87Rb and A Combined U-Pb, Rb-Sr Chronology of Ordinary ChondritesRotenberg, Ethan David 02 March 2010 (has links)
The 87Rb-86Sr system is a widely used long-lived isotope geochronometer. 87Rb, the naturally occurring radioactive isotope of Rb, undergoes beta-decay to stable 87Sr with a half-life of approximately 50 Ga. Decay of 87Rb to 87Sr results in variable 87Sr/86Sr in minerals with different Rb/Sr, and measurement of 87Rb/86Sr and 87Sr/86Sr allows for the determination of the age of the rock. Accurate ages depend both on the quality of the isotopic analysis and on the accuracy of the 87Rb decay constant, lambda87.
Although the currently accepted value for lambda87 of 1.42 × 10-11a-1 has been in use for over 30 years, there is growing evidence that it is not accurate. Recent attempts to refine lambda87 and its precision have not reached a consensus. This thesis describes a new experiment to measure lambda87 by 87Sr accumulation over a period of about 30 years, and the preparation of a 84-86Sr double-spike in conjunction with that experiment. Radiogenic 87Sr produced in aliquots of a RbClO4 salt was measured by isotope dilution thermal ionization mass spectrometry. An average of 31 measurements yields a value of 1.398 ± 0.003 × 10-11a-1 . This requires a substantial revision from the previously accepted decay constant and makes Rb-Sr ages calculated with it 1.5% older.
A Rb-Sr and U-Pb isotopic chronometry study was carried out on thirteen ordinary chondrites – the most common type of meteorite, the origin and history of which are still unclear. Some meteorites appear disturbed, possibly by recent shock during breakup of the parent body, whereas others yielded accurate and precise U-Pb and Pb-Pb ages. For example, L5 Elenovka yielded distinct ages for silicates (4555 Ma) and phosphates (4535 Ma), allowing the cooling rate of this meteorite from approximately 1055 K to 759 K to be constrained to 15 ± 3 K/Ma. Rb-Sr yielded less precise ages than U-Pb, but using the new decay constant allows accurate comparison between the two methods. This study creates a firm foundation for future studies in thermal history of chondrites and terrestrial metamorphic complexes using Rb-Sr together with other isotopic chronometers.
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A Novel Method of Characterizing Polymer Membranes Using Upstream Gas Permeation TestsAl-Ismaily, Mukhtar 05 December 2011 (has links)
Characterization of semi-permeable films promotes the systematic selection of membranes and process design. When acquiring the diffusive and sorption properties of gas transport in non-porous membranes, the time lag method is considered the conventional method of characterization. The time lag method involves monitoring the transient accumulation of species due to permeation on a fixed volume present in a downstream reservoir. In the thesis at hand, an alternative approach to the time lag technique is proposed, termed as the short cut method. The short cut method appoints the use of a two reservoir system, where the species decay in the upstream face of the membrane is monitored, in combination with the accumulation on the downstream end. The early and short time determination of membrane properties is done by monitoring the inflow and outflow flux profiles, including their respective analytical formulas. The newly proposed method was revealed to have estimated the properties at 1/10 the required time it takes for the classical time lag method, which also includes a better abidance to the required boundary conditions. A novel design of the upstream reservoir, consisting of a reference and working volume, is revealed, which includes instructional use, and the mechanics involved with its operation. Transient pressure decay profiles are successfully obtained when the reference and working volumes consisted of only tubing. However when tanks were included in the volumes, large errors in the decay were observed, in particular due to a non-instantaneous equilibration of the pressure during the start up. This hypothesis was further re-enforced by examining different upstream tank-based configurations. iii In the end, a validated numerical model was constructed for the purpose of simulating the two reservoir gas permeation system. A modified form of the finite differences scheme is utilized, in order to account for a concentration-dependent diffusivity of penetrants within the membrane. Permeation behavior in a composite membrane system was disclosed, which provided a new perspective in analyzing the errors associated with the practical aspect of the system.
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Fundamental Property of Electric Field in Rapeseed Ester Oil based on Kerr Electro-Optic MeasurementNakamura, K., Kato, K., Koide, H., Hatta, Y., Okubo, H. January 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Sustainable Constant Consumption in a Semi-open Economy with Exhaustible ResourcesOkumura, Ryuhei, 奥村, 隆平, Cai, Dapeng, 蔡, 大鵬 January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Survival analysis issues with interval-censored dataOller Piqué, Ramon 30 June 2006 (has links)
L'anàlisi de la supervivència s'utilitza en diversos àmbits per tal d'analitzar dades que mesuren el temps transcorregut entre dos successos. També s'anomena anàlisi de la història dels esdeveniments, anàlisi de temps de vida, anàlisi de fiabilitat o anàlisi del temps fins a l'esdeveniment. Una de les dificultats que té aquesta àrea de l'estadística és la presència de dades censurades. El temps de vida d'un individu és censurat quan només és possible mesurar-lo de manera parcial o inexacta. Hi ha diverses circumstàncies que donen lloc a diversos tipus de censura. La censura en un interval fa referència a una situació on el succés d'interès no es pot observar directament i només tenim coneixement que ha tingut lloc en un interval de temps aleatori. Aquest tipus de censura ha generat molta recerca en els darrers anys i usualment té lloc en estudis on els individus són inspeccionats o observats de manera intermitent. En aquesta situació només tenim coneixement que el temps de vida de l'individu es troba entre dos temps d'inspecció consecutius.Aquesta tesi doctoral es divideix en dues parts que tracten dues qüestions importants que fan referència a dades amb censura en un interval. La primera part la formen els capítols 2 i 3 els quals tracten sobre condicions formals que asseguren que la versemblança simplificada pot ser utilitzada en l'estimació de la distribució del temps de vida. La segona part la formen els capítols 4 i 5 que es dediquen a l'estudi de procediments estadístics pel problema de k mostres. El treball que reproduïm conté diversos materials que ja s'han publicat o ja s'han presentat per ser considerats com objecte de publicació.En el capítol 1 introduïm la notació bàsica que s'utilitza en la tesi doctoral. També fem una descripció de l'enfocament no paramètric en l'estimació de la funció de distribució del temps de vida. Peto (1973) i Turnbull (1976) van ser els primers autors que van proposar un mètode d'estimació basat en la versió simplificada de la funció de versemblança. Altres autors han estudiat la unicitat de la solució obtinguda en aquest mètode (Gentleman i Geyer, 1994) o han millorat el mètode amb noves propostes (Wellner i Zhan, 1997).El capítol 2 reprodueix l'article d'Oller et al. (2004). Demostrem l'equivalència entre les diferents caracteritzacions de censura no informativa que podem trobar a la bibliografia i definim una condició de suma constant anàloga a l'obtinguda en el context de censura per la dreta. També demostrem que si la condició de no informació o la condició de suma constant són certes, la versemblança simplificada es pot utilitzar per obtenir l'estimador de màxima versemblança no paramètric (NPMLE) de la funció de distribució del temps de vida. Finalment, caracteritzem la propietat de suma constant d'acord amb diversos tipus de censura. En el capítol 3 estudiem quina relació té la propietat de suma constant en la identificació de la distribució del temps de vida. Demostrem que la distribució del temps de vida no és identificable fora de la classe dels models de suma constant. També demostrem que la probabilitat del temps de vida en cadascun dels intervals observables és identificable dins la classe dels models de suma constant. Tots aquests conceptes elsil·lustrem amb diversos exemples.El capítol 4 s'ha publicat parcialment en l'article de revisió metodològica de Gómez et al. (2004). Proporciona una visió general d'aquelles tècniques que s'han aplicat en el problema no paramètric de comparació de dues o més mostres amb dades censurades en un interval. També hem desenvolupat algunes rutines amb S-Plus que implementen la versió permutacional del tests de Wilcoxon, Logrank i de la t de Student per a dades censurades en un interval (Fay and Shih, 1998). Aquesta part de la tesi doctoral es complementa en el capítol 5 amb diverses propostes d'extensió del test de Jonckeere. Amb l'objectiu de provar una tendència en el problema de k mostres, Abel (1986) va realitzar una de les poques generalitzacions del test de Jonckheere per a dades censurades en un interval. Nosaltres proposem altres generalitzacions d'acord amb els resultats presentats en el capítol 4. Utilitzem enfocaments permutacionals i de Monte Carlo. Proporcionem programes informàtics per a cada proposta i realitzem un estudi de simulació per tal de comparar la potència de cada proposta sota diferents models paramètrics i supòsits de tendència. Com a motivació de la metodologia, en els dos capítols s'analitza un conjunt de dades d'un estudi sobre els beneficis de la zidovudina en pacients en els primers estadis de la infecció del virus VIH (Volberding et al., 1995).Finalment, el capítol 6 resumeix els resultats i destaca aquells aspectes que s'han de completar en el futur. / Survival analysis is used in various fields for analyzing data involving the duration between two events. It is also known as event history analysis, lifetime data analysis, reliability analysis or time to event analysis. One of the difficulties which arise in this area is the presence of censored data. The lifetime of an individual is censored when it cannot be exactly measured but partial information is available. Different circumstances can produce different types of censoring. Interval censoring refers to the situation when the event of interest cannot be directly observed and it is only known to have occurred during a random interval of time. This kind of censoring has produced a lot of work in the last years and typically occurs for individuals in a study being inspected or observed intermittently, so that an individual's lifetime is known only to lie between two successive observation times.This PhD thesis is divided into two parts which handle two important issues of interval censored data. The first part is composed by Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 and it is about formal conditions which allow estimation of the lifetime distribution to be based on a well known simplified likelihood. The second part is composed by Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 and it is devoted to the study of test procedures for the k-sample problem. The present work reproduces several material which has already been published or has been already submitted.In Chapter 1 we give the basic notation used in this PhD thesis. We also describe the nonparametric approach to estimate the distribution function of the lifetime variable. Peto (1973) and Turnbull (1976) were the first authors to propose an estimation method which is based on a simplified version of the likelihood function. Other authors have studied the uniqueness of the solution given by this method (Gentleman and Geyer, 1994) or have improved it with new proposals (Wellner and Zhan, 1997).Chapter 2 reproduces the paper of Oller et al. (2004). We prove the equivalence between different characterizations of noninformative censoring appeared in the literature and we define an analogous constant-sum condition to the one derived in the context of right censoring. We prove as well that when the noninformative condition or the constant-sum condition holds, the simplified likelihood can be used to obtain the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimator (NPMLE) of the failure time distribution function. Finally, we characterize the constant-sum property according to different types of censoring. In Chapter 3 we study the relevance of the constant-sum property in the identifiability of the lifetime distribution. We show that the lifetime distribution is not identifiable outside the class of constant-sum models. We also show that the lifetime probabilities assigned to the observable intervals are identifiable inside the class of constant-sum models. We illustrate all these notions with several examples.Chapter 4 has partially been published in the survey paper of Gómez et al. (2004). It gives a general view of those procedures which have been applied in the nonparametric problem of the comparison of two or more interval-censored samples. We also develop some S-Plus routines which implement the permutational version of the Wilcoxon test, the Logrank test and the t-test for interval censored data (Fay and Shih, 1998). This part of the PhD thesis is completed in Chapter 5 by different proposals of extension of the Jonckeere's test. In order to test for an increasing trend in the k-sample problem, Abel (1986) gives one of the few generalizations of the Jonckheree's test for interval-censored data. We also suggest different Jonckheere-type tests according to the tests presented in Chapter 4. We use permutational and Monte Carlo approaches. We give computer programs for each proposal and perform a simulation study in order compare the power of each proposal under different parametric assumptions and different alternatives. We motivate both chapters with the analysis of a set of data from a study of the benefits of zidovudine in patients in the early stages of the HIV infection (Volberding et al., 1995).Finally, Chapter 6 summarizes results and address those aspects which remain to be completed.
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Design of a Cylindrical Cavity Resonator for Measurements of Electrical Properties of Dielectric MaterialsLi, Xiang, Jiang, Yan January 2010 (has links)
In microwave communications, the main aspects for affecting the dielectric losses in the materials are relating to the dielectric properties and the radiation frequencies. Normally, the different dielectric materials will lead to the different losses and reflections for microwave frequencies. To evaluate the dielectric properties from the different materials plays an essential role in the microwave engineering. There are many approaches can be used to measure the dielectric materials, e.g. capacitor methods, transmission line methods, cavity resonator methods, open cavity methods and so on. The cavity resonator method is one of the most popular ways for measuring the dielectric materials. In this thesis, some of the techniques will be reviewed, and the TM010 mode cylindrical cavity resonator with perturbation technique will be used for determining the dielectric properties. The design and measurements will be presented in both simulations and practice. With 1.2GHz cavity resonator, in the simulations, the dielectric permittivity for Teflon is measured as 2.09-0.0023i and 2.12-0.0116 in copper cavity and ferromagnetic cavity. Finally the sample is measured as 3.83-0.12i in practice.
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