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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Absorção e dispersão de microondas em sistemas amorfos / Absorption and dispersion of microwaves in amorphous systems

Bergo, Paulo Victor Albuquerque 03 February 2005 (has links)
A dispersão e absorção das ondas eletromagnéticas que se propagam através de um material dielétrico podem ser medidas ao longo de uma ampla região do espectro que se estende desde a região de freqüências extremamente baixas até a região óptica incluindo as faixas das microondas, objeto de interesse do presente estudo. Dentre os dielétricos, incluem-se os materiais cristalinos e amorfos isolantes e semicondutores. Os vidros de composições (1-x)(60\'P IND. 2\'\'O IND.5\'.\'40\'BA\'\'O).x(\'M\'\'O\'), (1-X)(25\'LI IND. 2\'\'O\'.25\'NA IND. 2\'\'O\'.50\'P IND. 2\'\'O IND. 5\').x(\'M\'\'O\') e 60\'B IND. 2\'\'O IND. 3\'.30\'BA\'\'O\'.\'10\'AL IND. 2\'\'O IND. 3\' onde x é a concentração (mol%) de óxido do metal de transição \'FE\' ou \'CO\' (\'M\'\'O\'), foram escolhidos para representar o comportamento das propriedades dielétricas dos vidros óxidos, tanto na região das freqüências mais baixas (0 - 100 MHz), como na faixa de microondas (2 - 30 GHz). Os íons de metais de transição, quando ocupam posições intersticiais da rede vítrea, como ocorre com os elementos modificadores alcalinos e alcalinoterrosos atuam como compensadores de carga junto às unidades estruturais tetraédricas eletricamente carregadas, formando dipolos permanentes locais, contribuindo para a constante dielétrica do vidro. A polarização desses dipolos, quando submetido ao campo elétrico oscilatório de uma onda eletromagnética, atinge valores maiores às freqüências mais baixas decrescendo gradualmente à medida que estas atingem a região de microondas. Um novo método alternativo foi desenvolvido para a medida da temperatura da transição vítrea (\'T IND. g\') utilizando técnicas de microondas. Mostramos que a posição da inflexão do gráfico da constante dielétrica em função da temperatura do vidro 25\'LI IND. 2\'\'O\'.25\'NA IND. 2\'\'O\'.50\'P IND. 2\'\'O IND. 5\' medida em 9 GHz, na faixa de temperaturas em torno de \'(270 \'+ OU -\' 10) GRAUS\' C coincidiu com o valor da \'T IND. g\' deste vidro obtida por análise térmica diferencial (DTA). Outro método também foi desenvolvido para monitorar o resfriamento do vidro em função do tempo a partir do estado liquido até a solidificação, registrando o sinal de microondas refletido sobre o material vertido no interior de um guia de ondas. Pudemos observar, também, mudanças no espectro de ressonância paramagnética eletrônica (EPR) do vidro fosfato contendo níquel após ter sido irradiado com diferentes níveis de potência das microondas, por cerca de duas horas. Este efeito pode estar relacionado com mecanismos de acoplamento de spins paramagnéticos. Os espectros de transmissão de microondas das amostras de vidros fosfatos contendo diferentes concentrações de cobalto, bário, ferro e manganês, obtidos por meio de uma varredura de freqüências desde 7 até 13 GHz, mostraram a presença de uma intensa atenuação do sinal próximo de 9,7 GHz. Essa atenuação diminuiu conforme aumenta a concentração dos modificadores. / The dispersion and absorption of electromagnetic waves that propagate through a dielectric material can be measured along a wide spectral region ranging from extremely low frequency to the optical region, including microwaves one, which is the subject of interest of the present study. Among dielectrics, there are crystalline and amorphous materials that can be either insulators or semiconductors. Glasses of compositions (1-x)(60\'P IND. 2\'\'O IND.5\'.\'40\'BA\'\'O).x(\'M\'\'O\'), (1-X)(25\'LI IND. 2\'\'O\'.25\'NA IND. 2\'\'O\'.50\'P IND. 2\'\'O IND. 5\').x(\'M\'\'O\') and 60\'B IND. 2\'\'O IND. 3\'.30\'BA\'\'O\'.\'10\'AL IND. 2\'\'O IND. 3\', where x is the concentration (mol %) of the \'FE\' or \'CO\' (\'M\'\'O\') transition metal oxide, were selected to investigate the behavior of the dielectric properties of oxide glasses in the lower frequency range (0 - 100 MHz) and in the microwave region (2- 30 GHz). When transition metal ions occupy interstitial positions in the glass matrix, as it happens with the regular alkaline and alkaline-earth modifier ions, they compensate the electrically charged tetrahedral structural units. As a consequence, local permanent dipoles are formed, contributing to the dielectric constant of the glass. The polarization of these dipoles, when submitted to an oscillating electromagnetic field, is higher at lower frequencies and decreases gradual1y as the frequency approaches the microwave region. An alternative new method was developed to measure the glass transition temperature (\'T IND. g\') using microwave techniques. It was shown that the inflexion position of the dielectric constant of the glass 25\'LI IND. 2\'\'O\'.25\'NA IND. 2\'\'O\'.50\'P IND. 2\'\'O IND. 5\' measured at 9 GHz, in the temperature range about \'(270 \'+ OU -\' 10) GRAUS\' C, coincided with the \'T IND. g\' value obtained by differential thermal analysis (DTA). Another method was also developed for monitoring the melt cooling as a function of time from the liquid to the solid state, by recording the reflected microwave signal crossing the material poured inside the wave guide. We observed, also, changes in the electronic paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectrum of phosphate glass containing nickel after being irradiated for two hours with several microwave power levels. This effect may be related with coupling and decoupling mechanisms among the spin clusters developed in the sample. The microwave transmission spectra of the phosphate glass samples containing different concentrations of iron, cobalt, barium, manganese and barium, obtained by a frequency sweep from 7 to 13 GHz, presented an intense attenuation of the signal near to 9,7 GHz. This attenuation was found to decrease with the increase of modifier content.

Dibujando un nuevo paradigma: de Golden Lane (1952) a A Journey from A to B (1972)

Capdevila Castellanos, Iván 22 November 2013 (has links)
Esta tesis tiene como objeto principal evidenciar la relación, aparentemente inexistente, entre el dibujo de Alison y Peter Smithson para la propuesta de concurso de Golden Lane en 1952 y el dibujo de 1972 del grupo italiano Superstudio titulado A Journey from A to B. Serán otros cuatro dibujos principales -Alison y Peter Smithson, Constant Nieuwenhuys, Yona Friedman y Peter Cook- los que servirán para establecer una relación lógica entre los dos citados arriba. En paralelo, la descripción de las relaciones entre estos dibujos y el análisis de significado de sus elementos gráficos permite revelar nuevos valores que éstos aportarán al pensamiento arquitectónico contemporáneo. En retrospectiva, la tesis busca evidenciar cómo el conjunto de ellos motivará la aparición de un nuevo paradigma arquitectónico: la realidad "tal cual". Y para ello, la investigación muestra cómo la estrategia común de todos estos dibujos será la desaparición progresiva de la Arquitectura (como construcción física) para ser sustituida, precisamente, por el nuevo paradigma que busca figurar. La pertinencia y relevancia de entender cómo aparece y cómo se construye este nuevo paradigma se sustenta en el planteamiento de que la capacidad proyectiva depende de la capacidad de restitución y descripción detallada de la Realidad. Y en el contexto de este interés no es otro que el de la docencia del Área de Proyectos Arquitectónicos de la Universidad de Alicante. Son, desde el punto de vista del autor de esta investigación, las distintas interpretaciones que de este planteamiento y este nuevo paradigma se ha ido haciendo, las que han situado la Escuela de Arquitectura de Alicante en relación con un contexto intelectual contemporáneo e innovador. La tesis, al final, acabará construyendo un tejido relacional entre seis dibujos principales -a través de otros muchos secundarios- que mostrará la formación de la base ideológica de este planteamiento.


Crawford, Rebecca V. 01 January 2018 (has links)
This study examined the fidelity of implementation by four Head Start teachers using the teaching strategies of constant time delay, enhanced milieu teaching, and system of least prompts with children with and without disabilities in an inclusive early childhood setting. The teachers worked with the researcher to determine appropriate skills to target for each teaching strategy. A multiple probe across behaviors design replicated across four teachers was used to determine the effects of teachers’ fidelity of implementation of evidence-based teaching strategies. The results showed that Head Start teachers could implement systematic teaching strategies with fidelity. The study also examined if children with and without disabilities can make progress towards their target skills. The results showed that children were able to make progress towards their target skills.


Zinck, Melissa M. 01 January 2018 (has links)
Constant time delay (CTD) and progressive time delay (PTD) are both evidence-based practices used to teach students with intellectual disability (ID). The prompt delay strategies have been used for instruction with academics, social, vocational, and communication skills. There is limited research regarding the differential effectiveness of the time delay variations for teaching academic content to students with ID. The present study compares the effects of CTD and PTD in the acquisition of academic content with four students with ID. An adapted alternating treatments design was used to compare the effectiveness and efficiency of the two procedures. Generalization was assessed across settings, participants, and materials. Results indicated that both strategies were effective but PTD was more efficient in regards to number of errors and average time to criterion.


Contreras, Elaine Marie 01 June 2014 (has links)
Currently, there are thousands of foster youth in the child welfare system. When they reach the age of 18, some of these youth emancipate from the system, while some of them participate in extended foster care. The extended foster care system was implemented to support and provide services to young adults passed the age of 18, to provide them a couple more years to obtain stability in their lives. In order to participate in extended foster care, they have to meet a few requirements, and sometimes this is the minimum level of commitment and effort they contribute. These requirements include: school enrollment, employment working at least 80 hours per month, enrollment in a program for employment readiness or a documented medical condition that hinders the youth from any of the above. These young adults in extended foster care do not always have positive experiences and positive results. This study was conducted to explore this topic. This was an explorative study which conducted a qualitative analysis of interviews of young adults in extended foster care. These interviews were analyzed by using the Constant Comparative Analysis approach. The results provided a glimpse into the experiences of these young adults. Overall, their experiences are positive, but there is a need expressed by these youth, that more services and support would be helpful and in turn could produce more successful results for the extended foster care program, as a whole. Future research can build upon this study, by using a larger sample size, using a mixed methodology, and using a consistent interview method, to explore areas of concern in order to be able to generalize the results to all youth and extended foster care programs across the state of California.

Examining the influence of the residential school for the deaf experience on deaf identity

Staten, Frederick Douglass 01 December 2011 (has links)
This study explored the impact of the residential school for the deaf experience on deaf identity development. The researcher utilized qualitative methodology, constant comparative analysis, and semi-structured interviews with 5 current students and 5 alumni from the Oregon School for the Deaf. The triangulation of participant interviews collectively yielded 67 textural codes and 8 structural categories in response to the four research questions: 1. Were there experiential factors that contributed to current students and alumni making the decision to attend the residential school for the deaf? 2. What, if any, is the impact of the residential school for the deaf on the identities of those who experience it? 3. How do the participants perceive their experience at the residential school for the deaf as preparation for life after graduation? 4. Based on participants' experiences with helping professionals, are there competencies, from their perspective, that helping professionals need in order to best serve individuals who are deaf? The data in the form of participant responses revealed that the immersive nature of the residential school for the deaf experience led to unfettered communication and comfort through sign language, thus making their educational experience more comfortable; increased personal and social Deaf cultural identification; and perceived readiness for life after graduation. In reference to helping professional competencies, participants reported professionals need to know the language and culture of the individuals who are being served.

Computational Studies of Microscopic Superfluidity in the 4He Clusters

Wairegi, Angeline R. 01 May 2016 (has links)
The physics that result in the decoupling of a molecule from a bosonic solvent at 0 K are studied. Fixed-node diffusion Monte Carlo (FNDMC) coupled with a Genetic Algorithm is used to perform simulations of the bosonic droplets doped with various molecules. The efficacy and accuracy of this approach is tested on a strongly coupled 2-dimensional quartic oscillator with excellent results. This algorithm is then applied to 4He-CO and 4He-HCN clusters respectively in an effort to determine the factors that result in the onset of microscopic superfluidity. The decoupling of the doped molecule from the bosonic solvent is found to be, primarily, a result of the combined effect of the repulsive interaction between the helium atoms and bose symmetry. The effects of rotor size versus molecular anisotropy in a NH3 molecule seeded into a 4He droplet is studied as well. Simulations are done using the accurate rotational constants (B0=9.945 cm-1, C0=6.229 cm-1) and using "fudged" versions of the rotational constants (Bfudged=0.9945 cm-1, Cfudged=0.6229 cm-1) for the |0011〉state. The simulations done with the fudged rotational constants experience a slightly smaller reduction than those done using the accurate rotational constants. This is attributed to the importance of molecular anisotropy versus the size of larger rotational constants in molecules whose rotational constants fall in an intermediate regime.

Investigation of the Validity of the ASTM Standard for Computation of International Friction Index

Kavuri, Kranthi 06 November 2008 (has links)
Runway friction testing is performed in order to enhance the safety of aircraft operation on runways. Preventative maintenance friction surveys are performed to determine if there is any deterioration of the frictional resistance on the surface over a period of time and to determine if there is a need for corrective maintenance. In addition operational performance friction surveys are performed to determine frictional properties of a pavement surface in order to provide corrective action information in maintaining safe take-off or landing performance limits. A major issue encountered in both types of friction evaluation on runways is the standardization of the friction measurements from different Continuous Friction Measuring Equipment (CFME). The International Friction Index (IFI) has been formulated to address the above issue and determine the friction condition of a given runway is a standardized format. The ASTM recommended standard procedure to compute the IFI of a runway surface employs two distinct parameters to express the IFI; F60 is the friction value adjusted to a slip speed of 60 km/h and correlated to the standard Dynamic Friction Tester (DFT) measurement. And Sp is the speed constant which is governed by the mean profile depth of that surface. The primary objective of this thesis is to investigate the reliability of the current ASTM procedure to standardize runway friction measurements in terms of IFI. Based on the ASTM standard procedure, two equipment specific calibration constants (A and B) are assigned for each CFME during calibration. Then, in subsequent testing those calibrations constants can be used to adjust the equipment measurements to reliable IFI values. Just as much as A and B are presumed to be characteristic of any given CFME, they are also expected to be independent of the operational speed. The main objective of the annual NASA Runway Friction Workshop held in Wallops Island, Virginia, is to calibrate commonly used CFMEs such that all calibrated equipment would provide a standard reading (i.e. IFI) on a particular surface. During validation of the existing ASTM procedure using the NASA Runway Friction Workshop data it was observed that the single value-based IFI predictions of the calibrated CFMEs were inaccurate resulting in low correlations with DFT measured values. Therefore, a landing pilot should not be left to make a safe decision with such an uncertain single standard friction value because the actual standard friction value could very well be much less than this value. Hence a modified procedure was formulated to treat the calibration constants A and B as normally distributed random variables even for the same CFME. The new procedure can be used to predict the IFI (F60) of a given runway surface within a desired confidence interval. Since the modified procedure predicts a range of IFI for a given runway surface within two bounds, a landing pilot's decision would be made easier based on his/her experience on critical IFI values. However, even the validation of the modified procedure presented some difficulties since the DFT measurements on a few validated surfaces plotted completely outside the range of F60 predicted by the modified method. Furthermore, although the ASTM standard stipulates the IFI (F60) predictions to be independent of the testing speed, data from the NASA Runway Friction Workshop indicates a significant difference in the predictions from the two testing speeds of 65 km/hr and 95 km/hr, with the results from the 65 km/hr tests yielding better correlations with the corresponding DFT measurements. The above anomaly could be attributed to the significantly different FR60 values obtained when the 65 km/hr data (FR65) and 95 km/hr data (FR95) are adjusted to a slip speed of 60 km/hr. Extended analytical investigations revealed that the expected testing speed independency of the FR60 for a particular CFME cannot be supported by the ASTM defined general linear relationship between Sp and the mean profile depth which probably has been formulated to satisfy a multitude of CFMEs operating on a number of selected test surfaces. This very reason can also be attributed to the above mentioned outliers observed during the validation of the modified procedure.

Accuracy and Bias of TDR Measurements in Compacted Sands

White, Newel Kimball 25 June 2004 (has links)
It is essential to properly monitor in-situ soil compaction properties during most earthwork construction projects. Traditional in-situ soil compaction monitoring methods are often limited in their application. As a result, new methods are being developed to more accurately measure in-situ compaction parameters. Time domain reflectometry (TDR) is one such method. Relying on the propagation of an electromagnetic wave through the soil sample, TDR can be used to measure both in-situ moisture content as well as soil dry density. Although TDR is relatively new to the field of geotechnical engineering, it has previously been implemented in other fields with success. Researchers at Purdue University have made several advances to further incorporate the use of TDR technology into the field of geotechnical engineering and as a result an innovative TDR measurement system has been developed for compaction control monitoring. The method was standardized in the form of ASTM D 6780 in 2002. Further advancements led to an improved method referred to as the Purdue one-step TDR method. Research has indicated that the ASTM TDR method is sufficiently accurate for application in compaction monitoring applications. A comparison between the ASTM TDR method and traditional methods was carried out to evaluate the accuracy of the TDR method to traditional methods. To further expand the application of the TDR method, a correlation was developed between the TDR spike driving process with the in-situ CBR test. A comprehensive review of previous research was conducted to examine recent advancements leading to the improved Purdue one-step method. A study was also performed to evaluate the effect of variable pore fluid conductivity on the calibration of the Purdue one-step method.

P-x Measurements For 2-Ethoxyethanol and Four Chlorinated Hydrocarbons at 303.15 K

Pathare, Salil Milan 11 September 2003 (has links)
Total pressure measurements at 303.15 K are reported for the binary systems of 2-ethoxyethanol with carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, 1,2-dichloroethane and dichloromethane. Total pressure measurements for the system of hexane and 2-ethoxyethanol were also made to check the validity of the experimental apparatus and procedure. These measurements were taken according to the static method proposed by Van Ness (1975). Data reduction was accomplished using Barker's Method. The modified Margules equation was used as a model for the excess Gibbs free energy (GE) and parameter values were obtained by regression of the experimental data. The obtained data were used to test the association model developed by Kretschmer and Wiebe (1967). In its original form, the Kretschmer-Wiebe model assumes self-association between molecules of 2-ethoxyethanol. An extended form of the Kretschmer-Wiebe model, in which cross-association of 2-ethoxyethanol with the halogenated hydrocarbon is postulated, was examined as well. The regular solution model, which results from the above theories when all association is neglected, was also examined. It was found that the Kretschmer-Wiebe model was far superior to the regular solution model. However, the extended form of the Kretschmer-Wiebe model showed less improvement over the original form.

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