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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Calibration of water content reflectometer in Rocky Mountain arsenal soil

Tang, Yucao 2009 August 1900 (has links)
This paper describes how water content reflectometers (WCRs) were analyzed to develop a calibration equation. Time domain reflectometry (TDR) technique is the most prevalent method in in-situ moisture monitoring; and WCR is a type of low frequency TDR sensors, which is sensitive to soil type. Developing soil-specific calibration and investigating different environmental effects on WCR calibration is important. This study focused on investigation of the soil dry density and temperature effects on WCR calibration in RMA soil. Two series of tests to develop soil-specific calibration with dry density and temperature offset were conducted. Results from testing program showed that WCR response was positive related to volumetric water content, dry density, and temperature. Equations were developed to illustrate the response-density-temperature-moisture relation. Application to a field site was also presented to illustrate the difference in volumetric water contents obtained by using manufacturer method and the calibration procedure drawn in this paper. / text


Tejwani, Ravindra Wadhumal 01 January 2009 (has links)
Most drugs undergo passive transport during absorption and distribution in the body. It is desirable to predict passive permeation of future drug candidates in order to increase the productivity of the drug discovery process. Unlike drug-receptor interactions, there is no receptor map for passive permeability because the process of transport across the lipid bilayer involves multiple mechanisms. This work intends to increase the understanding of permeation of drug-like molecules through lipid bilayers. Drug molecules in solution typically form various species due to ionization, complexation, etc. Therefore, species specific properties must be obtained to bridge the experiment and simulations. Due to the volume contrast between intra- and extravesicular compartments of liposomes, minor perturbations in ionic and binding equilibria become significant contributors to transport rates. Using tyramine as a model amine, quantitative numerical models were developed to determine intrinsic permeability coefficients. The microscopic ionization and binding constants needed for this were independently measured. The partition coefficient in 1,9-decadiene was measured for a series of compounds as a quantitative surrogate for the partitioning into the hydrocarbon region of the bilayer. These studies uncovered an apparent long-range interaction between the two polar substituents that caused deviations in the microscopic pKa values and partition coefficient of tyramine from the expected values. Additionally the partition coefficients in the preferred binding region of the bilayer were also measured by equilibrium uptake into liposomes. All-atom molecular dynamics simulations of lipid bilayers containing tyramine, 4- ethylphenol, or phenylethylamine provided free energies of transfer of these solutes from water to various locations on the transport path. The experimentally measured partition coefficients were consistent with the free energy profiles in showing the barrier in the hydrocarbon region and preferred binding region near the interface. The substituent contributions to these free energies were also quantitatively consistent between the experiments and simulations. Specific interactions between solutes and the bilayer suggest that amphiphiles are likely to show preferred binding in the head group region and that the most of hydrogen bonds involving solutes located inside the bilayer are with water molecules. Solute re-orientation inside the bilayer lowers the partitioning barrier by allowing favorable interactions.

Magnetic Resonance Parameters of Radicals Studied by Density Functional Theory Methods

Telyatnyk, Lyudmyla January 2004 (has links)
<p>The recent state of art in the magnetic resonance area putsforward the electron paramagnetic resonance, EPR, and nuclearmagnetic resonance, NMR, experiments on prominent positions forinvestigations of molecular and electronic structure. A mostdifficult aspect of such experiments is usually the properinterpretation of data obtained from high-resolution spectra,that, however, at the same time opens a great challenge forpure theoretical methods to interpret the spectral features.This thesis constitutes an effort in this respect, as itpresents and discusses calculations of EPR and NMR parametersof paramagnetic molecules. The calculations are based on newmethodology for determination of properties of paramagneticmolecules in the framework of the density functional theory,which has been developed in our laboratory.</p><p>Paramagnetic molecules are, in some sense, very special. Thepresence of unpaired electrons essentially modifies theirspectra. The experimental determination of the magneticresonance parameters of such molecules is, especially in theNMR case, quite complicated and requires special techniques ofspectral detection. The significant efforts put into suchexperiments are completely justi fied though by the importantroles of paramagnetic species playing in many areas, such as,for example, molecular magnets, active centers in biologicalsystems, and defects in inorganic conductive materials.</p><p>The first two papers of this thesis deal with thetheoretical determination of NMR parameters, such as thenuclear shielding tensors and the chemical shifts, inparamagnetic nitroxides that form core units in molecularmagnets. The developed methodology aimed to realize highaccuracy in the calculations in order to achieve successfulapplications for the mentioned systems. Theeffects of hydrogenbonding are also described in that context. Our theory forevaluation of nuclear shielding tensors in paramagneticmolecules is consistent up to the second order in the finestructure constant and considers orbital, fully isotropicdipolar, and isotropic contact contributions to the shieldingtensor.</p><p>The next three projects concern electron paramagneticresonance. The wellknown EPR parameters, such as the g-tensorsand the hyperfine coupling constants are explored. Calculationsof electronic g-tensors were carried out in the framework of aspin-restricted open-shell Kohn-Sham method combined with thelinear response theory recently developed in our laboratory.The spincontamination problem is then automatically avoided.The solvent effects, described by the polarizable continuummodel, are also considered. For calculations of the hyperfinecoupling constants a so-called restricted-unrestricted approachhas been developed in the context of density functional theory.Comparison of experimentally and theoretically determinedparameters shows that qualitative mutual agreement of the twosets of data can be easily achieved by employing the proposedformalisms.</p>

A permanent magnet synchronous motor for an electric vehicle - design analysis

Chin, Yung-Kang January 2004 (has links)
<p>This thesis presents the study and the design analysis of apermanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) for the tractionapplication of an electric vehicle. An existing inductiontraction motor for an electric forklift benchmarks the expectedperformances of the proposed PMSM design. Further, thepossibility of using the identical stator as the one used inthe induction motor is explored for the fast prototyping. Theprototype motor is expected to be field-weakened and to have aconstant power speed range (CPSR) of 2.5 to 3.</p><p>A design approach based on the CPSR contour plot in aninterior permanent magnet (IPM) parameter plane is derived toobtain the possible designs that meet all the designspecifications and the targeted CPSR. This study provides thepossible alternative designs for the subsequent futureprototype motors.</p><p>An analytical approach to estimate the iron loss in PMsynchronous machines is developed and included in the designprocedure. The proposed technique is based on predicting theflux density waveforms in the various regions of the machine.The model can be applied at any specified load condition,including the field-weakening operation region. This model canbe ultimately embedded in the design process for a routine usein loss estimations.</p><p>The first prototype motor with an inset permanent magnetrotor has been built and the available measurements are used tovalidate the design performance. In particular, the thermalanalyses based both on the lumped-circuit approach and thenumerical method are compared with the measured results. Asecond and possibly a third prototype motor targeting a widerand higher performance will be carried out in the continuingphase of the project.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>Constant Power Speed Range, Electric Vehicles,Field-weakening, Reference Flux Linkage, Iron Loss, PermanentMagnet Synchronous Motor, Thermal Analysis</p>

Applications of Effective Field Theories for Precision Calculations at e⁺e⁻ Colliders

Fickinger, Michael January 2012 (has links)
Effective field theories can be used to describe measurements at e⁺e⁻ colliders over a wide kinematic range while allowing reliable error predictions and systematic extensions. We show this in two physical situations. First, we give a factorization formula for the e⁺e⁻ thrust distribution dσ/dτ with thrust T and τ = 1 − T based on soft collinear effective theory. The result is applicable for all τ, i.e. in the peak, tail, and far-tail regions. We present a global analysis of all available thrust distribution data measured at center-of-mass energies Q = 35 to 207 GeV in the tail region, where a two parameter fit to the strong coupling constant α(s)(m(Z)) and the leading power correction parameter Ω₁ suffices. We find α(s)(m(Z)) = 0.1135 ± (0.0002)expt ± (0.0005)hadr ± (0.0009)pert, with x²/dof = 0.91, where the displayed 1-sigma errors are the total experimental error, the hadronization uncertainty, and the perturbative theory uncertainty, respectively. In addition, we consider cumulants of the thrust distribution using predictions of the full spectrum for thrust. From a global fit to the first thrust moment we extract α(s)(m(Z)) and Ω₁. We obtain α(s)(m(Z)) = 0.1140 ± (0.0004)exp ± (0.0013)hadr ± (0.0007)pert which is compatible with the value from our tail region fit. The n-th thrust cumulants for n ≥ 2 are completely insensitive to Ω₁, and therefore a good instrument for extracting information on higher order power corrections, Ω'(n)/Qⁿ, from moment data. We find (˜Ω₂)^1/2 = 0.74 ± (0.11)exp ± (0.09)pert GeV. Second, we study the differential cross section dσ/dx of e⁺e⁻-collisions producing a heavy hadron with energy fraction x of the beam energy in the center-of-mass frame. Using a sequence of effective field theories we give a definition of the heavy quark fragmentation function in the endpoint region x → 1. From the perspective of our effective field theory approach we revisit the heavy quark fragmentation function away from the endpoint and outline how to develop a description of the heavy quark fragmentation function valid for all x. Our analysis is focused on Z-boson decays producing one B-meson. Finally, we will give a short outlook of how we want to apply our approach to determine the leading nonperturbative power corrections of the b-quark fragmentation function from LEP experiments.

Att övervaka eller att vårda : En litteraturstudie om både sjuksköterskors och patienters upplevelser av extravak vid risk för suicid / To monitor or to nurse : A literature study about both nurses and patients experiences of constant observation at risk of suicide

Stenius, Elin January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Lidande är den subjektiva upplevelsen av att uthärda smärta och elände, och hos den suicidnära personen är den mentala smärtan en bidragande orsak till att hen ser suicid som en utväg från detta. För att vårda dessa patienter krävs det att sjuksköterskan har en icke-dömande attityd och visar engagemang och hopp. För att ta reda på en suicidnära patients suicidtankar och planer görs en riskbedömning där olika faktorer bedöms. Anses patienten ha en hög risk för suicid är extravak något som ordineras, vilket innebär att patienten har ständig tillsyn av vårdpersonal för att förhindra att hen suiciderar. Det finns i dagsläget få studier gjorda på hur sjuksköterskorna och patienterna upplever detta. Den finländske omvårdnadsteoretikern Katie Eriksson omvårdnadsteori kring vårdlidande och livslidande användes som teoretisk referensram. Syfte: Att beskriva sjuksköterskor och patienters upplevelse av extravak vid risk för suicid. Metod: Systematisk litteraturöversikt med 13 artiklar för att besvara syftet. Data analyserades utifrån Evans tolkande dataanalys. Resultat: Hur patienter och sjuksköterskor upplevde extravak vid risk för suicid delades in i två teman; ökat välmående - extravak som vårdhandling, och minskat välmående - extravak som övervak. Varje tema hade flera subteman, för ökat välmående handlade subteman om det som var positivt med extravak. För minskat välmående handlade subteman om det negativa med extravak. Diskussion: Resultatet diskuterades utifrån Katie Erikssons teori om vårdlidande och livslidande, där känsla av maktlöshet hos både patienter och sjuksköterskor ledde till ökat lidande, och där förmågan att ta tillvara patientens resurser och kunskap om sitt liv ledde till minskat lidande. / Background: Suffering is the subjective experience of enduring pain and misery, and for the suicidal person it is the mental pain that is a contributory reason why he or she sees suicide as a way of escaping this. To care for these patients requests by the nurse to have a non-judgmental attitude and show commitment and hope. To find out if a patient has suicide-plans and suicide-thoughts a risk assessment is done, where different factors are assessed. If the patient is considered to have a high risk of committing suicide then he or she is put under special observation, which means that the patient is under constant observa-tion around the clock by caregivers in order to prevent a suicide. To-day there are few studies made on how the nurses and patients are experiencing this. The Finnish nursing theorist Katie Eriksson theory of nursing about suffering in nursing and suffering in life will be used as a theoretical framework. Aim: To describe how nurses and patients experience constant observation at the risk of suicide. Method: A systematic review of literature with 13 articles was used to answer the aim. Data was analyzed with the help of Evans descriptive data. Results: How nurses and patients experience constant observation at the risk of suicide was divided into two themes; increased prosperous - con-stant observation as an act of nursing care, and decreased prosperous - constant observation as monitoring. These two themes had several sublimes, for increased prosperous was the sub themes about the pos-itive aspects of constant observation. For decreased prosperous was the sub themes about the negative aspects of constant observation. Discussions: The result was discussed using Katie Eriksson’s nursing theory of suffering of care and suffering of life, where a feeling of impotence in both nurses and patients increased their suffering and where the ability to take advantage of the patient’s resources and knowledge about his or her life led to decreased suffering.

Microcantilevers : calibration of their spring constants and use as ultrasensitive probes of adsorbed mass

Parkin, John D. January 2013 (has links)
The dynamic properties of several rectangular and V-shaped microcantilevers were investigated. Particular attention was paid to the higher flexural eigenmodes of oscillation. The potential of the higher flexural modes was demonstrated through the use of cantilevers as standalone sensors for adsorbed mass. The mass adsorbed on the surface of a cantilever was in the form of a homogeneous water layer measured as a function of relative humidity. The minimum detectable water layer thicknesses were 13.7 Å, 3.2 Å, 1.1 Å, and 0.7 Å for the first four modes of a rectangular cantilever, clearly demonstrating enhanced accuracy for the higher eigenmodes of oscillation. These thicknesses correspond to minimum detectable masses of 33.5 pg, 7.8 pg, 2.7 pg and 1.7 pg for the first four modes. For quantitative applications the spring constants of each cantilever must be determined. Many methods exist but only a small number can calibrate the higher flexural eigenmodes. A method was developed to simultaneously calibrate all flexural modes of microcantilever sensors. The method was demonstrated for the first four eigenmodes of several rectangular and V-shaped cantilevers with nominal fundamental spring constants in the range of 0.03 to 1.75 N/m. The spring constants were determined with accuracies of 5-10 %. Spring constants of the fundamental mode were generally in agreement with those determined using the Sader method. The method is compatible with existing AFM systems. It relies on a flow of gas from a microchannel and as such poses no risk of damage to the cantilever beam, its tip, or any coating. A related method was developed for the torsional modes of oscillation. Preliminary results are shown for the fundamental mode of a rectangular cantilever. The method can be easily extended to the higher torsional modes, V-shaped cantilevers, and potentially, the flapping modes of the legs of V-shaped microcantilevers.

Teacher Perceptions of the Flipped Classroom: Using Video Lectures Online to Replace Traditional In-class Lectures

Snowden, Kelly E. 08 1900 (has links)
Advancements in media technologies have resulted in increased student usage causing teachers to struggle to be able to engage and hold student’s interest in a typical classroom. As students’ needs change, the field of education changes. One strategy that is gaining in popularity among teachers is the implementation of the “flipped classroom” also known as the “inverted classroom” or “reverse instruction” - a method incorporates technology to “flip” or “reverse” what is typically done in class with what is typically done as homework. Through teacher interviews of eight core teachers, this study attempts to discover teacher perceptions of the use of this method. Results of the study reveal that perceptions of the method are more positive among teachers who typically use lecture as a primary mode of information dissemination.


Liu, Hongrui 01 January 2012 (has links)
Owing to the large electric-field-dependent permittivity, ferroelectric thin films have attracted a great deal of attention on applications in miniature tunable microwave components with high performance and cost reduction, such as phase shifters, tunable oscillators, delay lines, and antennas. These tunable devices require large change in the dielectric constant with applied field and a low loss at microwave frequencies. As one of the promising ferroelectric materials, barium strontium titanate thin film, especially Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 (BST) films, have raises great research interests due to its high dielectric constant, which is tunable in an external electric field, combined with relative low loss at microwave frequencies. Tunable microwave components, such as phase shifter, based on the BST films have been widely investigated. Since the polarization, the significant characterization of ferroelectrics, is very sensitive to distortion in crystal structure of ferroelectrics, strain can be effectively utilized to tailor the dielectric properties of BST films. Due to the lattice-mismatch from the substrate and various deposition conditions, epitaxial BST thin film usually contains residual strain generated during film growth. Strain control by improved deposition technique and implementing thermal treatment as well as choosing suitable substrate has attracted intensive attentions in ferroelectric film fabrication. Theory predicts that high dielectric properties can be achieved when free strain or slightly tensile strain left in the BST thin film at room temperature. Microwave application, such as phase shifter, also expects the enhanced tunability by an applied electric field. In this dissertation, single crystalline BST thin films deposited by radio frequency magnetron sputtering on SrTiO3 and DyScO3 substrates were studied. The crystal structure characteristics, including lattice parameters and film strain, were determined using X-ray diffraction. A new growth technique, three-step technique, was introduced and implemented into BST thin film deposition. The application of this new technique in deposition dramatically reduced the compressive strain in the films. We use microwave measurements on coplanar waveguides to evidence the improvement on dielectric properties achieved by tailoring the film strain. Additionally, we studied the BST film deposited by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) with introducing a sputtered seed layer of BST thin film. Compared with the BST film directly deposited on the substrate by PLD deposition, the films with a seed layer showed a large enhancement on the dielectric constant and tunability. The discussion on the change in film strain and dielectric performance of the PLD deposited films further proved the influence of film strain on dielectric properties. We discussed the design, fabrication, and measurement of coplanar waveguide transmission lines as phase shifters fabricated BST films. The thin BST films (~700 nm) on DyScO3 substrates deposited by sputtering demonstrated that the three-step deposition technique improved differential phase shift and microwave figure of merit to a great extent. The introduction of the sputtered seed layer into the PLD deposition of a thicker BST film (~2.15 μm) showed a dramatically enhancement on differential phase shift and microwave figure of merit. The enhanced performance on different series of BST films in microwave frequencies is consistent with the improvement on crystal structure, especially with the change in film strain.

The Constant Wife Revisited: The Progression of a Play from Conception to the Final Stage Production

Parkin, Kimberly H. 01 January 2007 (has links)
For my thesis, I recorded the progression of my show, The Constant Wife. I discuss the conception of my original scene design as well as the changes that occurred while working with the director and other designers. Throughout the thesis, I address the problems that arose during the pre-production, what I did to rectify those situations, and what I might have done differently if given the opportunity. I have divided the thesis into the following sections – Process of the Pre-Production, Execution of the Design and Evaluation of the Design. The final section of my thesis details what I learned from the events that transpired and how I can apply those lessons to future designs. Several appendixes are included that give various pieces of information that I used to develop my design as well as the majority of my research, including a larger version of the images in this paper, my drafting, and photos of the finished set. This document was created in Microsoft Word MAC.

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