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Intelligent computational solutions for constitutive modelling of materials in finite element analysisFaramarzi, Asaad January 2011 (has links)
Over the past decades simulation techniques, and in particular finite element method, have been used successfully to predict the response of systems across a whole range of industries including aerospace, automotive, chemical processes, geotechnical engineering and many others. In these numerical analyses, the behaviour of the actual material is approximated with that of an idealised material that deforms in accordance with some constitutive relationships. Therefore, the choice of an appropriate constitutive model that adequately describes the behaviour of the material plays an important role in the accuracy and reliability of the numerical predictions. During the past decades several constitutive models have been developed for various materials. In recent years, by rapid and effective developments in computational software and hardware, alternative computer aided pattern recognition techniques have been introduced to constitutive modelling of materials. The main idea behind pattern recognition systems such as neural network, fuzzy logic or genetic programming is that they learn adaptively from experience and extract various discriminants, each appropriate for its purpose. In this thesis a novel approach is presented and employed to develop constitutive models for materials in general and soils in particular based on evolutionary polynomial regression (EPR). EPR is a hybrid data mining technique that searches for symbolic structures (representing the behaviour of a system) using genetic algorithm and estimates the constant values by the least squares method. Stress-strain data from experiments are employed to train and develop EPR-based material models. The developed models are compared with some of the existing conventional constitutive material models and its advantages are highlighted. It is also shown that the developed EPR-based material models can be incorporated in finite element (FE) analysis. Different examples are used to verify the developed EPR-based FE model. The results of the EPR-FEM are compared with those of a standard FEM where conventional constitutive models are used to model the material behaviour. These results show that EPR-FEM can be successfully employed to analyse different structural and geotechnical engineering problems.
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Den ryska björnen sover : En pressanalytisk studie av Expressens och Aftonbladets framställning av Putin och Ryssland vid de ryska presidentvalen år 2000, 2004 samt 2012 / The Russian bear is asleep : A press analytical study of Expressen and Aftonbladet’s perception of Putin and Russia at the Russian presidential elections in 2000, 2004 and 2012Fränberg, Viktor January 2017 (has links)
Sweden has always had a special relationship with Russia. The countries have fought dozens of wars against each other, both in the Viking Age, the Middle Ages and the early modern period. This, according to many historians, led to the emergence of a russophobia in Sweden. It has now been over two hundred years ago since the last altercation between these countries, so does russophobia still exist in Sweden, and if not, what characterizes our perception of Russia today? These are the types of questions that will be processed and answered in this press analytical study of the Swedish media's representation of Putin and Russia. The material studied consists of articles in two major Swedish newspapers from the period around the Russian presidential elections in 2000, 2004 and 2012, all of which were won by Putin. A general conclusion is that the Swedish media image of Russia is strongly negative. The image of Putin was somewhat positive in the year 2000 but then became increasingly negative. I also found no evidence of russophobia. Although Russia is sometimes portrayed as militarily aggressive there’s nothing that suggest that Sweden should feel threatened.
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[pt] A perfuração de camadas espessas de sal para exploração do pré-sal brasileiro desafia a geomecânica no aprimoramento da modelagem computacional dessas rochas. Previsões acuradas podem evitar problemas operacionais na perfuração, desde a necessidade excessiva de repasses até a prisão da coluna de perfuração, ou mesmo a perda do poço. O comportamento mecânico das rochas salinas é diferente daquele geralmente descrito pela mecânica das rochas tradicional. A compreensão do fenômeno da fluência constitui um embasamento conceitual indispensável para simulações numéricas nessas rochas. Foram apresentadas metodologias para simulação do comportamento à fluência de rochas salinas adotando o programa comercial de elementos finitos ABAQUS. Três modelos constitutivos para fluência baseados em leis de potência foram testados em simulações de ensaios triaxiais de fluência, galeria de mineração e poços revestidos e não revestidos. Destaca-se o primeiro esforço no intuito de calibrar e validar o Modelo de Multi Mecanismo de Deformação para aplicação em halita brasileira. Além disso, é apresentada uma metodologia para análises probabilísticas de fechamento de poço e de plastificação de revestimento. O programa NESSUS foi adotado e métodos de confiabilidade de Valor Médio foram empregados. Um modelo transversal de poço revestido típico do cenário do pré-sal brasileiro é considerado. Para ambos os eventos e modelos constitutivos, resultados determinísticos estão associados à probabilidade de falha de 40 por cento. As variáveis de maior importância nas análises de fluência em rochas salinas são aquelas relacionadas ao estado de tensão, temperatura e a fluência secundária. Por fim, ressalta-se o excelente desempenho do Modelo de Multi Mecanismo de Deformação nas simulações numéricas realizadas nesta pesquisa. / [en] Drilling thick salt rock layers for Brazilian pre-salt exploitation challenges geomechanics in improving computational modeling of those rocks. Accurate predictions can avoid operational complications in the drilling job, ranging from the excessive necessity of new drillings to a stuck pipe or even the loss of the wellbore. Salt rock shows unique properties. The mechanical behavior of salt rock is different from that usually described in traditional rock mechanics. The understanding of the creep phenomenon constitutes an indispensable conceptual background for numerical simulation of salt rocks. Some methodologies are presented for the simulation of salt rock creep behavior using the commercial finite element code ABAQUS. Three power-law-based constitutive models for creep are tested on simulations of triaxial creep tests, a mining gallery and both cased and uncased wellbores. A first effort to calibrate and validate the Multi-mechanism Deformation Creep Model for application in the Brazilian halite should be highlighted. Moreover, a methodology for probabilistic analyses of wellbore closure and casing yielding is presented. The software NESSUS is adopted and the Mean Value reliability methods are employed. A transversal model of cased wellbore typical for a Brazilian pre-salt scenario is considered. For both events and constitutive models, deterministic results are associated to a probability of failure of 40 per cent. Variables with the highest importance in salt rock creep analyses are related to the stress state, temperature and steady-state creep. Finally, the excellent performance of the Multi-mechanism Deformation Creep Model in the numerical simulations carried out in this research is noteworthy.
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Isolamento e caracterização de promotores de genes constitutivos de Citrus sinensis / Isolation and characterization of constitutive gene promoters from Citrus sinensisErpen, Lígia 07 April 2017 (has links)
A transformação genética é uma alternativa ao melhoramento convencional de citros que permite a modificação de genótipos pela introdução de um ou mais genes oriundos de organismos semelhantes ou filogeneticamente distantes do hospedeiro. Os genes transferidos para espécies de interesse devem ser controlados por promotores, os quais regulam a expressão gênica de forma temporal, espacial e na magnitude desejada. Na maioria dos casos, os genes são expressos de forma constitutiva utilizando o promotor CaMV35S isolado do Vírus do Mosaico da Couve Flor. No entanto, o desenvolvimento de novas abordagens de transformação de plantas (cisgenia e intragenia), que fazem o uso de genes e sequências regulatórias derivadas da mesma espécie ou espécies relacionadas, requer a disponibilidade de elementos genéticos, incluindo promotores constitutivos, isolados de citros. Assim, o objetivo do trabalho foi clonar e caracterizar promotores constitutivos de Citrus sinensis. Para isso, a região promotora dos genes Fator de elongação 1-α (CsEF1), Gliceraldeido-3-fosfato-desidrogenase C2 (CsGAPC2) e Cyclofilina (CsCYC) foi isolada e avaliados pela fusão ao gene repórter uidA. A funcionalidade dos três promotores foi confirmada por ensaio histoquímico da atividade GUS em folhas, caules e raízes de plantas transgênicas de citros cv. \'Hamlin\'. A análise de RT-qPCR mostra que a expressão do gene uidA sob controle dos promotores CsCYC, CsGAPC2 e CsEF1 correspondeu a uma atividade aproximada de 64%, 58% e 47%, respectivamente em comparação com o promotor CaMV35S. A análise in silico dos promotores CsGAPC2, CsCYC e CsEF1 mostra que a atividade de cada um é controlada por uma série de putativos elementos cis-regulatórios. A sequência completa e versões truncadas originadas a partir de deleções em cada promotor foram fundidas ao gene uidA e analisadas em plantas transgênicas de Nicotiana benthamiana pelo ensaio histoquímico e fluorimétrico da atividade GUS. As análises de deleções não causaram perda de função dos promotores em estudo, mas afetaram a expressão gênica nos promotores CsGAPC2 e CsEF1. Os promotores isolados representam bons candidatos a serem utilizados em trabalhos de transformação genética de citros. / Genetic transformation is an alternative to citros conventional breeding that allows the modification of genotypes by the introduction of one or more genes derived from different organisms that can not be crossed by natural means. The transferred genes to the species of interest are controlled by promoters, which regulate a gene expression temporally, spatially and in the desired magnitude. In most cases, the introduced genes have been constitutively expressed using the CaMV35S promoter obtained from the cauliflower mosaic virus. However, the development of novel plant transformation approaches (cisgenesis and intragenesis) imply the use of genetic material from the same species or from closely related species capable of sexual hybridization, which requires the isolation of genetic elements, including citros constitutive promoters. The objective of this study was clone and characterize Citrus sinensis constitutive promoters. For this, the promoter region of the genes Elongation Factor 1-α (CsEF1), Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase C2 (CsGAPC2) and Cyclofiline (CsCYC) was isolated and evaluated by fusion to the uidA reporter gene. The functionality of three promoter was confirmed by histochemical GUS assay in leaves, stems and roots of transgenic citrus plants cv. \'Hamlin\'. RT-qPCR analysis revealed that uidA gene expression under control of the CsCYC, CsGAPC2 and CsEF1 promoters was approximately 64%, 58% and 47% expression compared with the CaMV35S promoter. In silico analysis of the CsGAPC2, CsCYC and CsEF1 promoters displays their activity is controlled by a series of putative cis-regulatory elements. The full length promoter and truncated versions originated from deletions in promoters sequences were fused to the uidA gene and analyzed in Nicotiana benthamiana transgenic plants by histochemical and fluorimetric GUS assay. Deletion analysis did not cause loss of function on any of the promoters, but affected the gene expression on CsGAPC2 and CsEF1 truncated versions. The isolated promoters represent good candidates to be used in citros genetic transformation.
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Hipoplasticidade e elastoplasticidade para solos. / Hypoplasticity and elastoplasticity for soils.Nader, José Jorge 27 August 1999 (has links)
O grande número de modelos constitutivos existentes, apresentados com diferentes graus de clareza e generalidade, e a terminologia variada tornam a compreensão dessa área da Mecânica dos Solos tarefa difícil. Com o intuito de contribuir para a mudança dessa situação, foram escolhidas duas classes de modelos, os elastoplásticos e os hipoplásticos, para um estudo comparativo. O primeiro passo é elaborar uma teoria da Elastoplasticidade, na linha da moderna Mecânica do Contínuo, cujas principais características são: obediência ao princípio da objetividade material, a tensão como solução de equação diferencial hipoelástica e como resposta à deformação imposta, o emprego exclusivo de tensores definidos na configuração corrente,como parece adequado para solos. Mostra-se que esta Elastoplasticidade e a Hipolasticidade compartilham características fundamentais, mas tratam de modo muito distinto o fenômeno da irreversibilidade. O modelo Cam-Clay é reconstruído e generalizado com o auxílio das equações elastoplásticas propostas. Soluções analíticas são obtidas em trajetórias retilíneas de tensão. Na segunda parte deste trabalho é proposta uma nova equação hipoplástica, que envolve quatro constantes características do material, bem conhecidas na Mecânica dos Solos. Seu desempenho no confronto com resultados de diversos ensaios de laboratório com um solo siltoso (particularmente, ensaios triaxiais com diferentes trajetórias de tensão) e com as previsões do Cam-Clay está entre medianamente bom e bom. A inexistência do domínio elástico em Hipoplasticidade proporciona uma resposta mais realista que as do Cam-Clay (assim como de outros modelos elastoplásticos) nas trajetórias de tensão em que ocorre diminuição da tensão octaédrica. A equação é capaz de reproduzir fenômenos e características importantes do comportamento dos solos, como o estado crítico, a envoltória de resistência, o comportamento normalizado, o comportamento em deformações proporcionais, as mudanças de comportamento em diferentes trajetórias de tensão e deformação. A simplicidade da equação proposta permite uma análise de seu comportamento global que auxilia na sua compreensão e comparação com outros modelos. Os resultados principais são as soluções analíticas nas deformações proporcionais e um quadro sintético de respostas. / The great number of existing constitutive models, presented in different degrees of clarify and generality, and the varied terminology make the comprehension of this area of Soil Mechanics a difficult task. With the aim of contributing to change this situation two classes of models, hypoplastic and elastoplastic models, have been chosen for a comparative study. The first step is the development of a theory of Elastoplasticity in the lines of modern Continuum Mechanics, the main characteristics of which are obedience to the principle of material objectivity, the stress as the solution of a hypoelastic differential equation and as a response to an imposed deformation, the exclusive use of tensors defined at the current configuration as it seems suitable for soils. It is shown that this Elastoplasticity and Hypoplasticity share fundamental characteristics but treat irreversibility in quite different ways. The Cam-Clay model is reconstructed and generalized with the help of the proposed elastoplastic equations. Analytical solutions are obtained in straight stress paths. In the second part of this work a new hypoplastic equation is proposed involving four material constants which are well-known in Soil Mechanics. Its performance in the prediction of results of several laboratory tests on a silty soil (especially triaxial tests along different stress paths) and as compared to Cam-Clay predictions lies between fairly good and good. The inexistence of an elastic domain in Hypoplasticity allows a more realistic response than that of Cam-Clay (as well as of other elastoplastic models) in stress paths in which the octahedral stress is reduced. The equation is able to reproduce important soil characteristics and phenomena as critical states, strength envelope, normalized behavior in proportional deformations, changes in behavior in different stress or strain paths.The equation is simple enough to allow an analysis of its global behavior, helping the comprehension and the comparison with other models. Main results are analytical solutions in proportional deformations and a synthetic response portrait.
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An Integral Equation Method for Solving Second-Order Viscoelastic Cell Motility ModelsDunn, Kyle George 30 April 2014 (has links)
For years, researchers have studied the movement of cells and mathematicians have attempted to model the movement of the cell using various methods. This work is an extension of the work done by Zheltukhin and Lui (2011), Mathematical Biosciences 229:30-40, who simulated the stress and displacement of a one-dimensional cell using a model based on viscoelastic theory. The report is divided into three main parts. The first part considers viscoelastic models with a first-order constitutive equation and uses the standard linear model as an example. The second part extends the results of the first to models with second-order constitutive equations. In this part, the two examples studied are Burger model and a Kelvin-Voigt element connected with a dashpot in series. In the third part, the effects of substrate with variable stiffness are explored. Here, the effective adhesion coefficient is changed from a constant to a spatially-dependent function. Numerical results are generated using two different functions for the adhesion coefficient. Results of this thesis show that stress on the cell varies greatly across each part of the cell depending on the constitute equation we use, while the position and velocity of the cell remain essentially unchanged from a large-scale point of view.
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Modelos viscosos em mecânica dos solos: análise de uma equação visco-hipoplástica. / Visco models in soil mechanics: a visco-hypoplastic equation analysis.Cogliati, Belén 03 October 2011 (has links)
Cogliati, Belén. (2011). Modelos viscosos em mecânica dos solos: análise de uma equação visco-hipoplástica. Dissertação de Mestrado, Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo. Esta dissertação estuda o comportamento de um modelo visco-hipoplástico proposto por Niemunis (2002), com as funções constitutivas da equação hipoplástica de Nader (2003). Para entender o papel da viscosidade no comportamento do solo são discutidos o adensamento secundário, a influência da velocidade de deformação na resistência não-drenada e a variação do coeficiente de empuxo com o tempo. Como etapa preliminar, são apresentados os modelos reológicos simples em uma dimensão, formados por um só elemento (modelos de Hooke, Newton e Saint-Venant) e modelos compostos pela combinação desses elementos (modelos de Maxwell, Bingham, Kelvin- Voigt, sólido linear padrão e visco-plástico com endurecimento). São deduzidas as equações de fluência e relaxação para todos esses modelos. Em três dimensões, são apresentadas as formulações do modelo visco-hipoplástico de Niemunis (2002) com as funções constitutivas de Nader (2003). São deduzidas as expressões simplificadas desse modelo para ensaios triaxiais. Em seguida, as equações são aplicadas à simulação de ensaios de compressão isotrópica e compressão não-drenada, com o objetivo de investigar a relaxação e a fluência bem como para analisar a influência dos parâmetros na resposta do modelo. / This thesis studies the behavior of the visco-hypoplastic model proposed by Niemunis, using Nader\'s hypoplastic constitutive equations. To understand the importance of viscosity in soil behavior the following topics are first examined: secondary consolidation, strain rate effects on undrained strength and the time variation of the coefficient of lateral pressure at rest. As a preliminary step, the present work discusses one-dimensional rheological models formed by a single element (Hooke\'s, Newton\'s and Saint-Venant\'s models) or by the combination of these elements (Maxwell\'s, Bingham\'s, Kelvin-Voigt\'s models; the standard linear solid model and the visco-plastic hardening model). For all the rheological models creep and relaxation are investigated. Niemunis\' visco-hypoplastic model with Nader\'s constitutive equations is presented next. First, simplified expressions of this model for triaxial test are deduced. Then the equations are applied to the simulation of isotropic compression and undrainded compression tests, with the aim of investigating relaxation and creep as well as of analyzing the influence of each parameter on the model response.
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Thermomechanical processing of magnesium alloy Elektron 43Brownsmith, Tomas January 2018 (has links)
Elektron 43 (WE43C) is a modern magnesium rare earth alloy (Mg-RE) with potential light-weighting applications in wrought civil aerospace components. Rare earth elements are known to improve mechanical properties and weaken texture of wrought Mg-RE alloys, but for Elektron 43 the parameters of thermomechanical processing (TMP) that produce optimum microstructure development are not well understood. A large data-set of Elektron 43 flow stress data was collected in an extensive range of hot compression tests at typical TMP temperatures (350-500°C) and strain rates (0.001-100\s). Friction parameters were determined in a ring compression study. Material data was corrected for friction, strain rate and temperature variations. Parameters were fit for a sinh constitutive equation. The corrected material data and used to develop an initial finite element model in the commercial software package QForm. Further work to calibrate the heat transfer parameters is required. The effect of two extrusion parameters (temperature and ram speed) on microstructure and mechanical properties was explored. Extrusion of 60 mm diameter Elektron 43 billets to 20 mm diameter rods (ER=9.92) was conducted at three temperatures (380°C, 420°C and 460°C) and a range of ram speeds (~0.1-15 mm/s). An approximate extrusion limit diagram was formed from empirical relations for extrusion load and hot cracking. Extruded microstructures were bi-modal consisting of dynamically recrystallised (DRX) grains and elongated deformed grains. The typical `prismatic' deformation texture (extrusion direction ED||) was weakened by increasing DRX fraction, concomitant of increased ram speed and temperature. Small DRX grains at low temperature/ram speed had very weak preferences for the 'RE component' with ED||. Increase in ram speed/temperature resulted in a rarely reported 'c-axis' RX texture (ED||) becoming increasingly prominent. This texture dominated at high temperatures and speeds. C-axis grains were larger than those of the RE and prismatic orientations, with the relative difference increasing with DRX fraction. Thus a growth advantage of c-axis grains has been demonstrated: it is postulated these grain boundaries have higher boundary mobility (considering the 90° misoreintation with the deformation texture) and driving pressure (as they are not well oriented for basal slip). Suppression of all RE texture modification followed extrusion at 460°C, 0.16 mm/s. The RX texture was typical of non-RE Mg alloys: ED||. It is argued that at this condition solute segregation is suppressed. Extrusions showed low ambient yield asymmetry. The highest measured yield stresses were correlated with partial RX. These two observations can be explained by a balance of texture, Hall-Petch strengthening and work hardening. One unexplained observation of note is that the maximum observed yields generally correspond to a reversed yield asymmetry.
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Citogenética de 13 espécies de aranhas haploginas pertencentes às famílias Pholcidae, Sicariidae e Scytodidae (Araneomorphae) : evolução cromossômica, sistema cromossômico de determinação sexual e citotaxonomia /Araujo, Douglas de. January 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Doralice Maria Cella / Banca: Carlos Ribeiro Vilela / Banca: Claudio Juan Bidau / Banca: Francisco de Assis Ganeo de Mello / Banca: Luciana Bolsoni Lourenço / Resumo: Dentre todas as ordens de aracnideos conhecidas taxonomicamente, Araneae e a segunda mais diversa, com numero de especies menor somente em relacao a Acari. Atualmente, 39.725 especies ja foram descritas, sendo que centenas de novas descricoes sao feitas a cada ano em diversas familias de aranhas. O conhecimento citogenetico sobre a ordem restringe-se a analise de 638 especies (ca 2%) do total descrito do ponto de vista taxonomico. Este trabalho tem como objetivos fornecer uma compilacao dos dados citogeneticos existentes para a ordem na literatura ate a presente data, bem como caracterizar e estabelecer as estrategias de diferenciacao cromossomica em 13 especies de aranhas pertencentes ao grupo das haploginas, clado que corresponde a somente 3.257 especies (ca 8%) do total da ordem e a apenas 41 especies (ca 6%) do total cariotipado ate os dias atuais. Aliado a baixa representatividade dos dados cariologicos, outros pontos que fazem das haploginas um grupo interessante para estudos sao a predominancia de cromossomos meta/submetacentricos e de sistemas cromossomicos de determinacao sexual simples e multiplos, muitas vezes incluindo um cromossomo Y, ambas caracteristicas raras entre os outros clados de Araneae. As especies analisadas pertencem a tres familias de haploginas, Pholcidae (Mesabolivar luteus e Micropholcus fauroti), Sicariidae (Loxosceles amazonica, Loxosceles gaucho, Loxosceles hirsuta, Loxosceles intermedia, Loxosceles laeta, Loxosceles puortoi, Loxosceles similis e Sicarius tropicus) e Scytodidae (Scytodes fusca, Scytodes globula e Scytodes itapevi). Em Pholcidae, os resultados ineditos para os dois generos mostraram ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Mesabolivar luteus (Keyserling 1891) and Micropholcus fauroti (Simon 1887) specimens were collected in Ubatuba and Rio Claro, both in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Mesabolivar luteus showed 2n(.) = 15 = 14 + X and 2n(.) = 16 = 14 + XX in mitotic metaphases and 7II + X in diplotenic cells. During late prophase I, all bivalents presented a ring shape, evidencing two chiasmata per bivalent. In this species, some diplotenic cells appear in pairs, maybe due to specific characteristics of the intercellular bridges. The metaphases II showed n = 7 or n = 8 = 7 + X chromosomes. Micropholcus fauroti evidenced 2n(.) = 17 = 16 + X in spermatogonial metaphases and 8II+X in diplotenic cells, with only one chiasma per bivalent, contrasting with M. luteus. In both species, all chromosomes were metacentrics. The X sexual chromosome was the largest element and appeared as a univalent during meiosis I. These are the first cytogenetical data for the genera Mesabolivar and Micropholcus. Additionally, M. luteus is the first chromosomally analyzed species of the New World clade and the observed diploid number for M. fauroti had not yet been recorded in Pholcidae. / Doutor
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A numerical platform for the identification of dynamic non-linear constitutive laws using multiple impact tests : application to metal forming and machiningMing, Lu 28 March 2018 (has links) (PDF)
The main concern of this thesis is to propose a new inverse identification procedure applied to metal forming and machining situations, which can provide an appropriate parameters set for any elastoplastic constitutive law following J_{2} plasticity and isotropic hardening, by evaluating the correlation between the experimental and numerical responses. Firstly the identification program has been developed, which combines the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm and the Data processing methods to optimize the constitutive parameters. In terms of experimentation, dynamic compression and tensile tests have been conducted. The final deformed shape of specimens, which relies on a post-mortem analysis, has been selected as the observation quantity. As for the numerical simulation, the numerical models of the same experimental procedure have been built with the finite element software Abaqus/Explicit in order to provide numerical responses. A numerical algorithm has been proposed for the implementation of user defined elastoplastic constitutive laws in Abaqus/Explicit.
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