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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spatial and Temporal Bacterial Community Dynamics in Constructed Wetland Mesocosms

Weber, Kela January 2009 (has links)
The objective of this work was to understand microbial population density and diversity, both spatially and temporally, in wetland mesocosms to gain a better fundamental understanding for use in the optimization and design of constructed wetlands (CWs). A standardized community level physiological profiling (CLPP) data analysis protocol was adapted and utilized for CW mesocosms. A new one-dimensional metric was developed to track community divergence using BIOLOGTM ECO plate data. The method proved easy to use, did not require a background in multivariate statistics, and accurately described community divergence in mesocosm systems. To study mesocosm biofilm-bound bacterial communities an appropriate detachment protocol was required. Various shaking protocols were evaluated for their effectiveness in the detachment of bacteria from mesocosm pea gravel, with a focus on detachment of viable and representative bacterial communities. A protocol based on mechanical shaking with buffer and enzymes was identified as an optimal approach and used further in this study. The bacterial communities associated with the interstitial water, pea gravel media, and rhizospheric regions from both planted and unplanted CW mesocosms were profiled using the CLPP method and compared. Vertical community stratification was observed for all mesocosm systems. Rhizospheric communities were found to be significantly more active than their gravel-associated counterparts, suggesting that although rhizospheric bacteria were less abundant in the mesocosms they may play a more significant role in the removal and fate of water born contaminants. The start-up dynamics of CW mesocosms was investigated using the CLPP and standard CW characterization methods over an eight month period. All mesocosms showed a steep increase in interstitial community divergence until day 75-100, at which point a steady-state was reached. The interstitial communities were also characterized in terms of similarity based on experimental design treatments (planted/unplanted and origin of seeding inoculum). Four stages were identified during the start-up consisting of an initial stage where mesocosm communities were differentiated based on origin of the inoculum, a period where adjustments and shifts occurred in all mesocosm, a time where all mesocosm communities were quite similar, and a final state where community differentiations were made based plant presence in the mesocosms.

Βελτιστοποίηση φυσικών συστημάτων επεξεργασίας υγρών αποβλήτων

Γαλανόπουλος, Χρήστος 05 February 2015 (has links)
Η μελέτη ενός πειράματος μικρής πιλοτικής κλίμακας, με δύο παράλληλα συστήματα ρηχών λεκανών (ύψους 0.35m), η μία λεκάνη με φύτευση του είδους Typha Latifolia και η άλλη χωρίς φύτευση, διεξάχθηκε για τον σχεδιασμό ελεύθερης επιφανειακής ροής (FWS) τεχνητού υγροτόπου. Οι δύο λεκάνες τροφοδοτήθηκαν με πραγματικά αστικά λύματα όπου οι χρόνοι παραμονής κυμάνθηκαν από 27,6 έως 38,0 ημέρες. Η μεταβολή του όγκου κάθε λεκάνης παρακολουθήθηκε για 2 συνεχή έτη και ταυτόχρονα υπολογίστηκαν οι ρυθμοί βροχόπτωσης και εξάτμισης. Η διαφορά του όγκου μεταξύ των δύο λεκανών οφειλόταν στην πρόσληψη νερού από τα φυτά, η οποία συγκρίθηκε με τις προβλέψεις της εξατμισοδιαπνοής παρόμοιων φυτών με την χρήση του υπολογιστικού προγράμματος REF-ET. Η συγκομιδή των φυτών πραγματοποιήθηκε τρείς φορές στην διάρκεια του 1ου έτους του πειράματος, ώστε να εκτιμηθεί ο ρυθμός πρόσληψης αζώτου από τα φυτά. Η σημαντικότερη διαφορά των δύο συστημάτων ήταν η αφαίρεση νερού μέσω της εξατμισοδιαπνοής των φυτών. Η πιλοτική μονάδα λειτούργησε έτσι ώστε να επιτευχθεί και απομάκρυνση της οργανικής ύλης (BOD5) και του ολικού αζώτου (TN) από τα λύματα. Ο σχεδιασμός της διευκόλυνε την ανάπτυξη ενός μαθηματικού μοντέλου, ακολουθώντας το πλαίσιο του μοντέλου της ενεργής ιλύος (ASM). Αρχικά το μαθηματικό μοντέλο αναπτύχθηκε για τις δύο λεκάνες με τις μικροβιακές διεργασίες που επικράτησαν στο εσωτερικό τους, ώστε να περιγραφεί πλήρως η συμπεριφορά τους. Η προσομοίωση και η εκτίμηση των παραμέτρων του μοντέλου επιτεύχθηκε με την χρήση του υπολογιστικού περιβάλλοντος του AQUASIM. Οι κύριες διεργασίες που ελήφθησαν υπόψη για την μοντελοποίηση ήταν η αμμωνιοποίηση, η αερόβια ετεροτροφική ανάπτυξη, η νιτροποίηση και η ανάπτυξη φυκών. Μια ισχυρή εποχική εξάρτηση παρατηρήθηκε για την συμπεριφορά κάθε λεκάνης όταν το μοντέλο εφαρμόστηκε για το 1ο έτος του πειράματος. Αυτό το μοντέλο επαληθεύτηκε ικανοποιητικά με τα πειραματικά δεδομένα του 2ου έτους. Η παρατηρούμενη μέση ετήσια απόδοση απομάκρυνσης του BOD5 και του TN ήταν 60% και 69%, αντίστοιχα για την λεκάνη χωρίς φυτά και 83% και 75%, αντίστοιχα για την λεκάνη με φυτά. Το μοντέλο προέβλεψε μέση ετήσια απόδοση απομάκρυνσης 82% για το BOD5 και 65% για το TN στην λεκάνη με φυτά, ικανοποιώντας τα κριτήρια για τον σχεδιασμό πλήρους κλίμακας τεχνητού υγροτόπου . Η ικανότητα του μοντέλου να προβλέπει όχι μόνο την απομάκρυνση της οργανικής ύλης αλλά και του ολικού αζώτου, θεωρήθηκε επαρκής όταν δοκιμάστηκε με έναν ελεύθερης επιφανειακής ροής τεχνητό υγρότοπο με 400 ισοδύναμο πληθυσμό, με μοναδική τροποποίηση τον συνυπολογισμό του περιορισμού του οξυγόνου στον ρυθμό της διεργασίας της νιτροποίησης. Επομένως, το δυναμικό μοντέλο διαμορφώθηκε με την ενσωμάτωση της πρόβλεψης του ρυθμού της εξατμισοδιαπνοής των φυτών και χρησιμοποιήθηκε για τον σχεδιασμό περίπτωσης μελέτης τεχνητού υγροτόπου πλήρους κλίμακας. Τα στοιχεία που απαιτούνται για αυτό τον σχεδιασμό περιλάμβαναν την παροχή εισόδου και κλιματολογικά στοιχεία (θερμοκρασίας και βροχόπτωσης) για την περιοχή του σχεδιασμού, καθώς και οι απαιτήσεις της ποιότητας εκροής. Η περίπτωση μελέτης για 4000 ισοδύναμο πληθυσμό όπου η ποιότητα εκροής ήταν σε μέσες ετήσιες τιμές BOD5=25mg/L και TN=15mg/L, χρειάστηκε μία συνολική επιφάνεια υγροτόπου 11 εκταρίων. Εάν χρησιμοποιηθούν δύο λεκάνες σε σειρά, η 1η με φυτά και η 2η χωρίς, τότε η συνολική επιφάνεια μειώνεται κατά περίπου 27%, ελέγχοντας μόνο την αρχική μέγιστη φύτευση της πρώτης λεκάνης του υγροτόπου. / The study at pilot-scale of two parallel systems with shallow basins (height h=0.35m), one planted with Typha Latiofolia and the other without vegetation, was conducted for the modeling of free water surface (FWS) constructed wetland systems. The basins were fed with real sewage at retention times ranging from 27.6 to 38.0 days. The variation of the volume in each basin was monitored for two consecutive years and simultaneously, rainfall and evaporation rates were calculated. The difference of the volume between the basins was due to the water absorption by the plants and was compared with the predictions of evapotranspiration rates of similar plants using the REF-ET calculation software. The harvesting of the plants was performed three times during the first year, in order to estimate the nitrogen uptake by the plants. The main difference in the two systems was the water removal through plant evapotranspiration. The pilot unit was operated so as to achieve the removal of both organic matter (BOD5) and total nitrogen (TN) from the sewage. Its design enabled the development of a mathematical model, following the framework of the activated sludge model (ASM). The simulation and the parameter estimation were achieved using the AQUASIM framework. The mathematical model describes the microbial processes, which dominated within the basins describing satisfactorily their behavior. The key processes accounted for in the modeling were ammonification, aerobic heterotrophic growth, nitrification and algal growth. A strong seasonal dependence was observed for each basin. The model was satisfactorily validated with the data of the second year. An observed average annual removal efficiency of BOD5 and TN were 60% and 69%, respectively for the basin without plants and 83% and 75%, respectively for the basin with plants. The model predicted average annual removal efficiency 82% for BOD5 and 65% for TN in the basin with plants, satisfying the design criteria of a full-scale constructed wetland. The ability of the model to predict not only the removal of organic matter but also total nitrogen removal, was considered sufficient as tested with a real free water surface constructed wetland of 400 population equivalent, with the sole modification being the inclusion of oxygen limitation in the nitrification rate. The dynamic model was amended with the direct incorporation of the plant evapotranspiration rate and it was used to design a full-scale constructed wetland. The required elements for this design included the inflow rate and climatic data (temperature and rainfall) for the design region, as well as the effluent quality requirements. In the case study of 4000 population equivalent, the effluent quality requirement was: average annual values for BOD5=25mg/L and for TN=15mg/L. The model was used to determine a total wetland surface requirement of 11ha. If two sequential basins are used, the first with plants and the second without, then the total wetland surface could be reduced by approximately 27%, controlling only the maximum initial vegetation in the first wetland basin.

Caractérisation des systèmes hybrides pour le traitement des eaux pluviales : mitigation des substances prioritaires et émergentes / Caracterisation of hybrid systems for the treatment of urban stormwater : fate of emerging pollutants

Schmitt, Noëlle 09 September 2014 (has links)
Ce travail s’intéresse au traitement des effluents issus d’un petit bassin versant résidentiel urbain drainé par un réseau d’assainissement séparatif pluvial. Le traitement est effectué à l’aide d’une mare de sédimentation suivi d’un filtre planté de roseaux. L’instrumentation et les prélèvements permettent un suivi hydrodynamique et physico-chimique. Les résultats montrent que le système contribue fortement à la réduction de la pollution avant rejet au milieu récepteur. Les charges polluantes sont réduites de 70 à 100% pour tous les polluants (sauf la DBO5 et les nutriments, entre 4 et 100%). La mare de sédimentation a un rôle primordial dans l’élimination des polluants présents en phase particulaire, et plus particulièrement des HAPs (100%). Le filtre planté de roseaux intervient au niveau des polluants en phase particulaire non retenus par la mare, mais aussi au niveau des polluants en phase dissoute (nutriments, matière organique, micropolluants métalliques et pesticides). / This work deals with the treatment of effluents from a small urban residential catchment area drained by a separate sewer network. The treatment is made with a sedimentation pond and a constructed wetland. Instrumentation and samplings enable hydrodynamic and physic-chemical monitoring. Results show that the system deeply contributes to reduction of pollution before discharge into receiving water. The pollutant loads are reduced between 70 and 100% for all pollutants (except BOD5 and nutrients, between 4 and 100%). The sedimentation pond plays an essential role in eliminating pollutants in particulate phase, more specifically PAHs (100%). The constructed wetland treat pollutants in particulate phase that are not retained by the pond, but also pollutants in dissolved phase (nutrients, organic matter, metals and pesticides).

Vertical-flow constructed wetlands for the treatment of wastewater and stormwater from combined sewer systems / Traitement des eaux résiduaires de temps sec et temps de pluie en réseau unitaire par filtres plantés de roseaux

Arias Lopez, José Luis 30 September 2013 (has links)
Les filtres plantés de roseaux à écoulement vertical (FPR-V) pour le traitement des eaux usées domestiques sont relativement bien développés en France et permettent de réaliser un traitement poussé de la matière carbonée et la nitrification. La robustesse de cette filière réside également dans sa capacité à accepter des surcharges hydrauliques en temps de pluie. Cependant ces limites d’acceptation hydraulique ne sont pas bien définies et demandent à être optimisées. La conception des FPR-V pour accepter des surcharges hydrauliques est un travail complexe car le contexte local affecte fortement les débits d’eau entrants dans la station lors d’un événement pluvieux. Dans de tels cas, la conception de filtres demande l’utilisation de modèles dynamiques. Ces modèles s’appuient le plus souvent sur une approche mécanistique et sont à l'origine conçus et utilisés pour la recherche. Cependant, si ces modèles sont des outils puissants pour décrire en détail la dynamique du FPR-V, ils sont généralement trop complexes à manipuler pour des utilisateurs non experts. Choisir entre une description détaillée et une manipulation facile dépendra des objectifs de modélisation. Quand des objectifs de dimensionnement global sont visés par les concepteurs, l'utilisation de modèles simplifiés semble une bonne alternative. Les modèles simplifiés sont faciles à utiliser pour la conception de FPR-V mais ils sont peu nombreux. Cependant ils sont adaptés à des configurations spécifiques liées au traitement des surverses de déversoirs d’orage, ce qui n’est pas le cas pour les FPR-V traitant des eaux usées domestiques. En effet, pour ce type de FPR-V les vitesses d’infiltration du système varient considérablement. En conséquence, ce travail de thèse a pour objectif de développer un modèle hydraulique simplifié des FPR-V qui permettra de guider les concepteurs dans le processus d’adaptation des FPR-V pour traiter les eaux usées domestiques des périodes de temps sec et de temps de pluie. Le modèle simplifié permet de relier (i) l’hydraulique du filtre, en simulant le temps de noyage à la surface, et (ii) les performances biologiques, en établissant des «alertes de dysfonctionnement », basées sur l'évaluation des performances épuratoires et sur les variations des formes azotées à la sortie du filtre mesurées en continu. Les «alertes de dysfonctionnement» représentent la charge hydraulique maximale qu'un filtre peut accepter sans compromettre son activité biologique. Le modèle simplifié a été utilisé pour la modélisation hydraulique du FPR-V à long terme (i) pour analyser l’impact du contexte local et la conception du filtre dans l’acceptation de surcharges hydrauliques. Grâce à cet analyse, (ii) on peut proposer les dimensionnements de FPR-V qui arrivent à mieux gérer l’acceptation des surcharges hydrauliques. / French vertical-flow constructed wetlands (VFCW) directly treating raw wastewater are known to perform well on for SS, COD and nitrification. They are also known to robustly cope with hydraulic overloads during rainfall events. Although numerous systems have been installed in areas equipped with a combined sewer, the limits of stormwater acceptance remain ill-defined and need to be improved. Looking at the various VFCW designs and usages reported in the literature, it is difficult to draw any consensus on their hydraulic limits. Consequently, designing VFCW to accept hydraulic overloads is a complex task, as local context strongly impacts inlet flows produced during rainfall events. Dynamic models appear a requisite for filter design in such cases. Numerical CW models have essentially focused on horizontal flow, with few attempting to study VFCW dynamics which are more commonly tackled via mechanistic models. Although mechanistic models are powerful tools for describing processes within the VFCW, they are generally too complicated to be readily used by designers. The choice between detailed description and easy handling will depend on the modelling aims. If the aim is a global design tool, simplified models offer a good alternative. However, the simplified models geared to studying VFCW dynamics are extremely reduced. They are easy-handling for design and well-adapted to specific purposes (combined sewer overflow -CSO- treatment) but not necessarily to VFCW treating combined sewer wastewater, where long-term infiltration rates vary significantly. Consequently, this PhD thesis work focused on developing a simplified hydraulic model of VFCW to guide designers through the process of adapting VFCW systems to treat domestic wastewater in both dry and rain events. The simplified model makes it possible to link (i) hydraulics, by simulation of ponding time variations, (ii) biological performances, by establishing “dysfunction alerts” based on treatment performance assessment and variations in online N forms effluent from the young VFCW. These “dysfunction alerts” plot the maximal hydraulic load that a filter can accept without compromising its biological activity. The simplified model was used to model long-term hydraulics in the VFCW (i) to analyze the impact of local context and filter design on hydraulic overload acceptance (using “dysfunction alerts” and bypass discharges) and (ii) to propose VFCW designs for accepting hydraulic overload in different contexts. The modelling demonstrates that VFCW can limit days with bypass discharges to less than 20 times per year without jeopardizing filter performances. Moreover, the most problematic scenario on stormwater treatment remains a watershed with high imperviousness coefficient and low slope under a Bretagne-type climate, demonstrating that the filter is more sensitive to periodicity and duration than to intensity of rainfall events.

Épuration naturelle : de la rivière à la zone humide de rejet / Natural purification : from river to constructed wetland

Zhang, Yuhai 17 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse s’est déroulée dans le cadre du projet EPEC (Epuration en Eau Courante) soutenu par le programme ECOTECH 2010 de l’ANR. Ce projet doit permettre d’aider à répondre aux exigences de la Directive Cadre sur l’Eau pour les petits cours d’eau en zone rurale. Deux voies ont été explorées i) la première vise à étudier et à proposer des moyens d’améliorer la capacité d’épuration au sein de systèmes naturels, en s’appuyant sur des observations réalisées sur deux cours d’eau en Lorraine (Brénon et St-Oger) ii) la seconde concerne la réduction des impacts sur le milieu récepteur des rejets de stations d’épuration en milieu rural par l’étude du fonctionnement de zones de rejet végétalisées (ou ZRV) à la sortie de ces stations. A l’échelle de la rivière, la caractérisation sur tout son cours permet de distinguer les zones les plus susceptibles de présenter des phénomènes d’autoépuration marqués. Cela a permis, en combinaison avec des caractérisations hydromorphologiques, de sélectionner pour chacun tronçon de taille plus réduite. Ces tronçons sont localisés en aval de zones urbanisées et présentent une succession de parties rectifiées et de parties naturelles. La réponse du tronçon naturel face aux polluants domestiques est différente selon le cours d’eau. Le tronçon naturel du Brénon, d’une longueur d’environ 6 km était efficace en termes d’abattement des matières organiques, de l’azote ammoniacal et des nitrates. Quant au St-Oger, les polluants ont été beaucoup moins influencés dans le tronçon naturel dont la longueur n’était que de 0.5 km. La troisième échelle s’est intéressée au compartiment hyporhéique dont le comportement est déterminé par les caractéristiques hydromorphologiques du cours d’eau, la composition du substrat et notamment sa porosité, et les conditions hydrologiques qui varient en fonction des aléas climatiques. A partir de prélèvements dans la zone hyporhéique (- 30 et -50 cm pour le Brénon et -20 et -30 cm pour le St-Oger), quatre types de fonctionnement ont été distingués en fonction de la disponibilité en oxygène dissous et des échanges possibles entre la zone hyporhéique et l’eau de surface : (1) les zones aérobies à échange hyporhéique important contribuent à la dégradation des matières organiques et à l’oxydation de l’azote ammoniacal ; (2) les zones anoxiques à échange hyporhéique moindre caractérisées par une épuisement rapide de l’oxygène dissous par le biais de métabolismes microbiens aérobies et par une réduction des nitrates ; (3) les zones anoxiques à faible échange hyporhéique caractérisées par une accumulation des sels en profondeur et une réduction des nitrates et sulfates et (4) les zones fermées caractérisées soit par présence du colmatage soit par une très faible conductivité hydraulique. Ces fonctionnements ont pu partiellement être reproduits au laboratoire dans un réacteur à lit poreux permettant de simuler la zone hyporhéique. Le terme de ZRV est utilisé pour décrire des espaces aménagés entre le point de rejet de station d'épuration en amont et le milieu récepteur en aval, dans le but de réaliser un traitement de finition des eaux résiduaires traitées. Ces ZRV ont montré une forte capacité à éliminer les nitrates et les phosphates en période estivale, mais une production de carbone organique dissous a aussi été notée lié à la décomposition des macrophytes (phragmites, lentilles d’eau, algues, etc). En plus, une forte production d’oxygène par la photosynthèse des algues a été observée au printemps. Cependant, cette production s’atténuait progressivement avec la vitesse de recouvrement de l’eau libre par de lentilles d’eau. Deux tests biologiques sur le potentiel de la dénitrification et de méthanisation des sédiments des zones humides ont été effectués en laboratoire pour corroborer les observations de terrain / The present PhD work was carried out within the project EPEC (Epuration en Eau Courante) funded by an ANR program, ECOTECH, in order to meet the requirements of Water Framework Directive for small streams, in particular in rural areas where domestic wastewater could be directly discharged by reason of lack of sewerage network and contribute to water quality degradation. Two study directions have been taken: i) the first aimed to study natural purification in stream systems and find out the way to improve water quality, and 2) the second concerned the reduction of the impact of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) discharge to receiving water bodies by installation of a free-surface constructed wetland between them. Three study scales were investigated within two rural streams of Lorraine, Brénon and St-Oger. At stream scale, characterization of water quality along its course allowed us to distinguish some segments where occurred naturel purification processes. The second study scale was on relevant stream sections presenting interesting hydromorphologic features. These sections were located at the downstream of urban areas and present a succession of rectified and naturel segments. The response of naturel sections to domestic pollutants was different for the two streams. The Brénon section length of about 6 km was efficient for organic matter, ammonium nitrogen and nitrates removal. Concerning the St-Oger stream, the pollutants were less influenced in the natural section long of only 0.5 km. The last study scale focused on the hyporheic zone where system function depends on hydromorphologic features of the stream, composition of streambed, especially its porosity, and hydrologic conditions which depends on climate. According to analysis on hyporheic waters sampled at -30 and -50 cm for Brénon and -20 and -30 cm for St-Oger, four functional zones were distinguished in relation with dissolved oxygen availability and possible water exchange between hyporheic zone and surface water: (1) aerobic zones at high hyporheic exchange showing contribution to organic matter degradation and oxidation of ammonium nitrogen; (2) Anoxic zones with less hyporheic exchange characterized by fast dissolved oxygen depletion by aerobic microbial metabolism and reduction of nitrates; (3) Anoxic zones with low hyporheic exchange characterized by accumulation of salts in deep layers and reduction of nitrates and sulfates and (4) “closed” zones characterized by clogged spaces or very low hydraulic conductivity. These functions could be partially reproduced in laboratory within a porous bed reactor simulating an hyporheic zone. Free-surface wetlands are spaces constructed between the discharge point of the WWTP and the receiving watercourse, here small streams in rural areas, with the aim to finish the waste water treatment. The wetlands had shown high capacity to remove nitrates and phosphates in summer periods. However a production of dissolved organic carbon was noticed and results from plant decomposition (reed, duckweed, algae, etc.). Algae contributed to high oxygen production through photosynthesis in spring. This production progressively decreased with the proliferation of duckweed on the water surface. Two biological tests on sediment's potentiality for denitrification and methane production were carried out at laboratory scale in order to corroborate the field observations

Påverkan av djup och fosfors tillgänglighet på konstruerade våtmarkers förmåga att avskilja kväve / The impact of depth and phosphorus availability on constructed wetlands capability to separate nitrogen

Kojic, Selma January 2020 (has links)
Eutrophication is an expanding issue due to the increase of human-induced nitrogen leakage from agriculture. Eutrophication can lead to severe environmental problems such as exaggerated algal bloom and oxygen deprivation in water courses. One approach to clear away nitrogen is to use constructed wetlands. Wetlands have the ability to clean the water that flows through it by biological, chemical and physical reactions. The aim of this study is to determine if a deep or shallow wetland is more advantageous in removing nitrogen and how phosphor addition affects nitrogen removal. The method used was analysis of concentrations of nitrate, nitrite (NO3- + NO2-) and phosphorous from the years 2018 and 2019 from an experimental wetland in Halmstad, Sweden, and carrying out a quantitative experimental study. The results showed that NO3- + NO2- removal was higher in deeper wetlands for both years and for the removal rate coefficients in 2019. Ponds with phosphorus addition had an increase in NO3- + NO2- removal. The research conclusion was that the deeper wetlands are more efficient at removing nitrogen than shallow. Phosphorous addition increases the nitrogen removal in both shallow and deep ponds. Shallow wetlands might have potential to become superior compared to deep wetlands when the vegetation and bacteria establish. This statement however requires further research. / 42 % av människorelaterade kväveutsläpp kommer från jordbruket av bland annat gödsling och plöjning av mark. Dessa emissioner kan leda till ett flertal miljöproblem som övergödning och syrebrist i närliggande vattenområden. Ett sätt att minska kväveutsläppet från jordbruken kan vara att använda sig av konstruerade våtmarker. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om en våtmark med högre eller lägre djup är mest effektiv på att avskilja kväve. Det ska också granskas om fosfortillsats påverkar kväveborttagningen i både grunda och djupa dammar. Frågeställningarna i studien är: Är djupa eller grunda dammar mest effektiva på att avskilja kväve? Hur påverkar fosfortillsats dammarnas förmåga att avskilja kväve? Vilken typ av damm är mest kostnadseffektiv? För att besvara de tre frågeställningarna utfördes en kvantitativ studie. Metoden delades in i 4 delar: fältarbete, laboratorium, databearbetning och datainsamling. Av dessa 4 var databearbetning den huvudsakliga beståndsdelen i resultatet där NO3 -+ NO2 - koncentrationer behandlades i flera formler för att få fram koncentrationsskillnaden, procentuella borttagningen och areella borttagningskoefficienten. Resultatet som genererades visade att för 2018 och 2019 var de effektivaste dammarna de djupa med fosfortillsats. Fosfortillsats minskade upptaget av kväve för grunda dammar i 2018, men ökade upptaget för både djupa och grunda dammar för 2019. När kväveavskiljningen relaterades till yta och temperatur för 2019 blev skillnaden mellan djupa och grunda avsevärt mindre. Sammanfattningsvis blev slutsatsen i arbetet att djupa dammar med fosfortillsats är effektivast. Från beräkningarna av den areella borttagningskoefficienten kan man se en möjlighet för grunda dammar att bli ännu effektivare än djupa när deras överlägsna vegetation och bakterietillväxt väl etablerat sig. På grund av att skillnaden är minimal mellan djupa och grunda dammar är det möjligt att den mest kostnadseffektiva dammen är en grund sådan.

Využití stavebních recyklátů pro čištění odpadních vod / The Use of Recycled Building Materials for Wastewater Treatment

Zedník, Ondřej January 2020 (has links)
The constantly tightening wastewater treatment legislation require high-quality runoff from small-scale producers of pollution who are typically represented by small municipalities up to 500 inhabitants or decentralized parts of larger municipalities. Small municipalities are faced with high investment-intensity associated with the acquisition of new wastewater treatment plant. After several years of development, today natural technologies of wastewater treatment are in competition with mechanical-biological treatment plants. Natural technologies can even achieve better results than popular biological treatment plants. However, natural technology does not eliminate the main investment limit connected with the acquisition of wastewater treatment plant. If there was cheaper solution connected with using alternative filter materials (in our case recycled construction and demolition waste), small municipalities could take constructed wetland without large subsides. At the same time, the use of recycled construction and demolition wastes will lead to benefits in the field of sustainable urban development and replacement of non-renewable materials. Despite these benefits, recycled aggregates have never been considered as alternative filter materials for natural wastewater treatment plants. For that reason, the aim of diploma thesis is to assess the possibility of applying recycled aggregates for wastewater treatment which will include evaluation of real trial operation.

Čistírny odpadních vod v horských oblastech / WWTP´s in mountains areas

Frank, Ivo January 2014 (has links)
Objectives of this master's thesis are to process review of technologies used to treat wastewater in alpine environment in Slovakia and in foreign countries. Thesis also includes mapping of situation of chosen alpine cottages in High Tatras. For cottages with unsuitable technology will be suggested more suitable solution.

Hydraulická optimalizace horizontálního lapáku písku / Hydraulic optimization of horizontal sand catcher

Kulička, Rostislav January 2012 (has links)
This work is focused on the development control system flow area in a standardized horizontal sand trap in the Czech Republic used the majority of constructed wetlands for the capture of solid mineral particles. The goal is the development and validation functions of the flow regulator, providing more uniform process of establishment of mineral particles, respectively. reduction of sedimentation of organic components. The actual design precedes the mathematical description through the HEC-RAS, the results are applied in the design of a laboratory model. Work processes theoretically the standardized sand traps, focuses on the comparison of the required residence time of wastewater in the sedimentation area of establishment with the sedimentation time of sand grain on the selected diameter of 0.8 mm. In laboratory conditions were carried out build sand trap model itself, as well as developed a regulatory element. After resolving structural measurements were taken and compared the results with the ideal state. For putting the controller into practice, when an application is planned at the constructed wetlands in Dražovice village, it will have to the most accurate setting of the regulator.

Treatment of Metals in Highway Runoff Water : Comparison of green infrastructures and filter material for stormwater treatment / Rening av metaller i dagvatten från motorvägar : Jämförelse av grön infrastruktur och filtermaterial för dagvattenrening

von Matérn, Fanny January 2023 (has links)
Highway runoff transport high concentrations of heavy metals. As climate change affect the environment with for example increased storm events, the treatment of road runoff becomes more important. This study aims to evaluate the treatment of highway runoff with constructed wetlands, stormwater ponds, vegetated filterstrips, vegetated swales and filter materials for highways in proximity to nature reserves. The treatment efficiency of constructed wetlands, stormwater ponds, vegetated filterstrips and vegetated swales was examined through a literature study and modelling of the different treatment methods using the StormTac modelling tool. Modelling was done both based on the design of a facility from the literature study and also adapted to a study area along the Södertörn Crosslink. The treatment efficiency of a sand filter as well as four reactive filter materials was determined from field studies on a pilot plant in Gröndal. The results from the study show that the guidelines for stormwater quality from Järfälla municipality can be reached with the treatment of stormwater using filter material. The treatment of heavy metals with constructed wetlands and stormwater ponds is below the guidelines for stormwater quality from Järfälla municipality for some of the studied heavy metals. However, the results from the modelling show a higher treatment efficiency than from the literature study for the majority of the studied metals. Moreover, construed wetlands and stormwater ponds also provide areas for recreation and promotion of biodiversity, which in a nature reserve area should be considered beneficial. A common issue for stormwater treatment with constructed wetlands, stormwater ponds and filter materials are that the required area for filter materials with pre-sedimentation basin, as well as the requested area for constructed wetlands and stormwater ponds, are bigger than the designated area for treatment in the case study. / Dagvatten från motorvägar för med sig höga halter tungmetaller. Effekterna av klimatförändringar påverkar miljön med till exempel fler och häftigare regn, vilket leder till att rening av vägdagvatten blir allt viktigare. Denna studie syftar till att utvärdera rening av dagvatten från motorvägar med konstruerade våtmarker, dagvattendammar, översilningsytor, svackdiken och filtermaterial för motorvägar i nära anslutning till naturreservat. Reningseffektiviteten för konstruerade våtmarker, dagvattendammar, översilningsytor och svackdiken undersöktes genom en litteraturstudie och modellering av de olika reningsmetoderna i modelleringsverktyget StormTac. Modellering gjordes både utifrån utformning av en anläggning från litteraturstudien, men även för en anläggning anpassad till ett studieområde längs Tvärförbindelse Södertörn. Reningseffektiviteten för ett sandfilter samt fyra reaktiva filtermaterial bestämdes från fältstudier på en pilotanläggning i Gröndal. Resultaten från studien visar att riktlinjerna för dagvattenkvalitet från Järfälla kommun kan nås med rening av dagvatten med filtermaterial. Reningen av tungmetaller med anlagda våtmarker och dagvattendammar ligger under riktlinjerna för dagvattenkvalitet från Järfälla kommun för några av de studerade tungmetallerna, dock visar resultaten från modelleringen en högre reningseffektivitet än från litteraturstudien för majoriteten av de studerade tungmetallerna. Konstruerade våtmarker och dagvattendammar skapar även områden för rekreation och främjande av biologisk mångfald, vilket i ett naturreservatsområde bör anses vara fördelaktigt. Ett gemensamt problem för dagvattenrening med anlagda våtmarker, dagvattendammar och filtermaterial är att det området som krävs för filtermaterial med försedimenteringsbassäng, samt det önskvärda området för anlagda våtmarker och dagvattendammar är större än det avsedda området för rening i fallstudien.

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