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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rural housing and rural development in Northern Namibia

Wienecke, Martin Andreas 11 1900 (has links)
When Namibia became independent in March 1990, the new government pledged to alleviate poverty, unemployment and to improve the living standards of the formerly disadvantaged groups in the country. Rural development was presented as one of the priorities because the majority of the people live in or still have strong ties to the rural areas. Rural housing and rural development consist of a number of components. Both have similar objectives, inter alia, the improvement of living standards. Development efforts are often impeded by an urban bias in government policies and projects. In the case of Namibia, certain areas do not even have a formulated policy to guide developments, especially in communal areas with a high population concentration. This study explores to what extent the government has realised rural development policies and in particular rural housing in Northern Namibia as a means to improve living standards. / Public Administration and Management / M.A. (Development Administration)

Plantando casas: estudo da cadeia produtiva para implantação de habitação de interesse social em madeira de Pinus spp no Paraná - Brasil / Planting houses: commodity chain study for social housing implementation using Pinus spp wood in Parana State - Brazil

Silva, Ricardo Dias 21 May 2010 (has links)
O trabalho tem como objeto de pesquisa a cadeia produtiva da habitação de interesse social em madeira de floresta plantada. O objetivo é verificar a viabilidade da implantação de sistemas construtivos econômicos em Pinus spp no Estado do Paraná - Brasil, considerando a disponibilidade de matéria-prima, o parque tecnológico instalado e as políticas públicas vigentes. O método de pesquisa identifica as variáveis envolvidas com o fenômeno e emprega dados qualitativos e quantitativos para descrever o objeto. A hipótese é que existe um ambiente favorável para o emprego destes sistemas construtivos na região estudada, contribuindo para o aumento do repertório de soluções aplicáveis no combate ao déficit habitacional. A investigação confirma a vocação florestal e o desenvolvimento da indústria madeireira do Paraná. No entanto, verifica problemas estruturais para o desenvolvimento da cadeia produtiva, como o atraso tecnológico e a baixa capacitação da mão-de-obra envolvida no processamento da madeira nas serrarias. Para superar estes obstáculos é necessária a implantação de políticas públicas direcionadas e a aproximação dos agentes dos setores florestal, madeireiro e da construção civil. / The thesis subject matter is the commodity chain of social housing made from planted forests wood. The thesis aim is to verify the production feasibility of economic construction methods using Pinus spp in Parana State - Brazil, considering the raw material availability, the research park facilities, and the current public policies. The research methodology identifies the variables involved in the phenomenon, and it employs qualitative and quantitative data in order to describe the object. The hypothesis is that there is a favorable environment for the use of these building construction methods in the studied region, contributing for the solution increase to reduce the housing shortage. This research confirms the vocation for forestry and for the development of the timber industry in Parana State. However, it finds structural problems in the commodity chain development, such as the technological backwardness and the low-skilled workforce involved in the wood processing at sawmills. To overcome these obstacles, it is necessary to implement target public policies and approaching forestry, timber and building construction industry representatives.

Rural housing and rural development in Northern Namibia

Wienecke, Martin Andreas 11 1900 (has links)
When Namibia became independent in March 1990, the new government pledged to alleviate poverty, unemployment and to improve the living standards of the formerly disadvantaged groups in the country. Rural development was presented as one of the priorities because the majority of the people live in or still have strong ties to the rural areas. Rural housing and rural development consist of a number of components. Both have similar objectives, inter alia, the improvement of living standards. Development efforts are often impeded by an urban bias in government policies and projects. In the case of Namibia, certain areas do not even have a formulated policy to guide developments, especially in communal areas with a high population concentration. This study explores to what extent the government has realised rural development policies and in particular rural housing in Northern Namibia as a means to improve living standards. / Public Administration and Management / M.A. (Development Administration)

Plantando casas: estudo da cadeia produtiva para implantação de habitação de interesse social em madeira de Pinus spp no Paraná - Brasil / Planting houses: commodity chain study for social housing implementation using Pinus spp wood in Parana State - Brazil

Ricardo Dias Silva 21 May 2010 (has links)
O trabalho tem como objeto de pesquisa a cadeia produtiva da habitação de interesse social em madeira de floresta plantada. O objetivo é verificar a viabilidade da implantação de sistemas construtivos econômicos em Pinus spp no Estado do Paraná - Brasil, considerando a disponibilidade de matéria-prima, o parque tecnológico instalado e as políticas públicas vigentes. O método de pesquisa identifica as variáveis envolvidas com o fenômeno e emprega dados qualitativos e quantitativos para descrever o objeto. A hipótese é que existe um ambiente favorável para o emprego destes sistemas construtivos na região estudada, contribuindo para o aumento do repertório de soluções aplicáveis no combate ao déficit habitacional. A investigação confirma a vocação florestal e o desenvolvimento da indústria madeireira do Paraná. No entanto, verifica problemas estruturais para o desenvolvimento da cadeia produtiva, como o atraso tecnológico e a baixa capacitação da mão-de-obra envolvida no processamento da madeira nas serrarias. Para superar estes obstáculos é necessária a implantação de políticas públicas direcionadas e a aproximação dos agentes dos setores florestal, madeireiro e da construção civil. / The thesis subject matter is the commodity chain of social housing made from planted forests wood. The thesis aim is to verify the production feasibility of economic construction methods using Pinus spp in Parana State - Brazil, considering the raw material availability, the research park facilities, and the current public policies. The research methodology identifies the variables involved in the phenomenon, and it employs qualitative and quantitative data in order to describe the object. The hypothesis is that there is a favorable environment for the use of these building construction methods in the studied region, contributing for the solution increase to reduce the housing shortage. This research confirms the vocation for forestry and for the development of the timber industry in Parana State. However, it finds structural problems in the commodity chain development, such as the technological backwardness and the low-skilled workforce involved in the wood processing at sawmills. To overcome these obstacles, it is necessary to implement target public policies and approaching forestry, timber and building construction industry representatives.

Effiziente und Robuste Entwicklung komplexer Faserverbund-Triebwerkstrukturen

Spitzer, Sebastian, Folprecht, Fabian, Dargel, Alrik, Klaus, Christoph, Langkamp, Albert, Gude, Maik 06 September 2021 (has links)
Steigende Anforderungen an die Leistungsfähigkeit und Effizienz von Triebwerken lassen sich durch den Einsatz von Metall-Faserverbund-Bauweisen erfüllen. Faser-Kunststoff-Verbunde (FKV) mit ihren herausragenden und einstellbaren mechanischen Eigenschaften bieten das Potential, die Masse strukturell hochbelasteter Komponenten zu reduzieren. Durch die richtungsabhängigen Eigenschaften kann der FKV zielgerichtet für die Anwendung angepasst werden. Die Vielzahl der einstellbaren Parameter in Kombination mit der Entwicklung von komplexen Triebwerkstrukturen führt zu einem interaktiven und interagierenden Entwicklungsprozess. Im Rahmen dieses Beitrages wird ein Ansatz zur kombiniert virtuell-reellen Entwicklung eines Triebwerk-Subsystems am Beispiel des Zwischengehäuses vorgestellt. Ein systematischer Prozess in Kombination mit virtuellen Methoden ermöglicht die effiziente Erarbeitung und modellhafte Abbildung des Gesamtsystems, bestehend aus relevanten Triebwerkselementen (System), dem darin integrierten Zwischengehäuse (Subsystem) und lastübertragenden Faserverbund-Leitschaufeln (Komponente). Durch Detaillierung im Entwicklungsprozess steigt kontinuierlich die Aussagegenauigkeit, wobei gleichzeitig auch der Aufwand erheblich zunimmt. Ein experimenteller Funktions- und Festigkeitsnachweis der Leitschaufel kann zur Reduktion des Entwicklungsrisikos beitragen. Die dafür benötigten Funktionsmuster lassen sich in einem kombinierten Verfahren, bestehend aus Additiver Fertigung und Resin Transfer Moulding, herstellen, wobei der 3D-Druck die Anpassung der realen Funktionsmuster an die Geometrie- und Werkstoffmodifikationen im Rahmen der virtuellen Entwicklung ermöglicht.

Gekrümmte Beton-Leichtbauelemente mit bionisch inspirierten Krafteinleitungssystemen durch Einsatz flexibler GFK-Schalungen

Funke, Henrik, Ulke-Winter, Lars, Petzoldt, Carolin, Müller, Christian, Gelbrich, Sandra, Kroll, Lothar 21 July 2022 (has links)
Die Architektur des 21. Jahrhunderts ist geprägt von der freien Formfindung, wobei Ressourceneinsparung in Kombination mit Funktionsintegration immer stärker in den Fokus effizienter Bauweisen rücken. Klassische Werkstoffe, wie z. B. Stahlbeton, stoßen hinsichtlich organischer Formen und Funktionalisierung schnell an ihre Grenzen. Darüber hinaus sind beim Stahlbeton aufgrund der Korrosionsneigung der Stahlbewehrung hohe Betonüberdeckungen gefordert, was der Umsetzung filigraner Bauweisen mit geringen Dicken entgegensteht (s. etwa [1], [2]). Daher ist die Erforschung von neuartigen Betonstrukturen mit Leichtbaueigenschaften unter Anwendung von textilen Bewehrungen seit einigen Jahren Gegenstand intensiver wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten, z. B. in den DFG-SFB 528 und 532, im BMBF-Vorhaben C³ und zahlreichen internationalen Projekten, z. B. [1], [3]–[5]). [Aus: Ausgangsfragen und Zielsetzung] / The architecture of the 21st century is characterized by free form finding, whereby saving resources in combination with functional integration are increasingly important for efficient construction methods. Classic materials, such as steel reinforced concrete, quickly reach their limits in terms of organic shapes and functionalization. In addition, due to the corrosion tendency of the steel reinforcement, high concrete coverings are required, which prevents the implementation of filigree construction methods with small thicknesses (see e.g. [1], [2]). Therefore, the research of new types of concrete structures with lightweight properties using textile reinforcement has been the subject of intensive scientific work for some years, e.g. DFG–SFB 528 and 532, BMBF project C³ and numerous international projects, e.g. [1], [3]–[5]). [Off: Initial questions and objectives]

Apokoinou in Swedish talk-in-interaction : A family of methods for grammatical construction and the resolving of local communicative projects / Apokoinou i svenskt samtalsspråk : En familj av metoder för grammatisk konstruktion och för lösandet av kommunikativa projekt

Norén, Niklas January 2007 (has links)
I den här avhandlingen undersöks den grammatiska samtalskonstruktionen apokoinou i svenskt samtalsspråk. I kontrast till traditioner av normativ grammatik och teoretiska perspektiv på språk, där apokoinou och besläktade fenomen har exkluderats från grammatisk beskrivning eller blivit behandlade som produkter av olika typer av misstag, är apokoinou här re-specificerad som en i högsta grad funktionell grammatisk resurs och metod för att åstadkomma lokala kommunikativa projekt i samtal. Apokoinouyttranden definieras formellt som produkterna av en konstruktionsmetod där det finala segment i en möjligt avslutad syntaktisk enhet (pivån) är retro-konstruerad som det initiala segmentet i en efterföljande syntaktisk enhet. Utbyggnaden av pivån görs med en dubblering av en eller flera syntaktiska konstituenter från segmentet som föregår pivån samt med en prosodisk design som integrerar yttrandet i sin helhet. Ur ett strikt och normativt perspektiv på en avgränsad (skrift)mening som grundenhet medför denna dubblering att den finala fasen i hela yttrandet framstår som inkoherent med den initiala fasen. Apokoinouyttranden är dock inte inkoherenta för samtalsdeltagare, utan är en familj av metoder för att åstadkomma två handlingar efter varandra inom samma yttrande. Den andra handlingen kan skifta perspektiv på den lokala ämnesaspekten, bekräfta eller insistera på ett lokalt ämne eller handling, avsluta och avgränsa ett lokal projekt, samt återuppta oavslutade kommunikativa projekt efter mellanliggande aktiviteter. Dessa handlingar är alla mottagaranpassade lokala kommunikativa projekt i det avseendet att de är utformade att passa in i en vidare kommunikativ kontext samt att de ofta är interaktionellt åstadkomna inom och genom minimala handlingssekvenser. Dessa resultat har konsekvenser för grammatiskt teori. En av dessa konsekvenser är att grammatik måste uppfattas som villkor för dynamiska konstruktionsprocesser, inte endast som statiska och fixerade strukturer. En annan konsekvens är att grammatik organiseras lokalt snarare än på en maximalt generell nivå. Apokoinou bör också inkluderas i en svensk samtalsgrammatik som en av de grammatiska resurser som är tillgängliga för deltagare i samtal. / This thesis investigates apokoinou in Swedish talk-in-interaction. In contrast to the traditions of normative grammar and theoretically based approaches to language, where apokoinou and related phenomena have been excluded from grammatical description altogether or been treated as the products of various kinds of mistakes, apokoinou is here re-specified as a highly functional grammatical resource and method to accomplish local communicative projects in talk. Apokoinou utterances are formally defined as the products of a construction method, where a segment that is final in a first possibly complete syntactic segment (the pivot) is retro-constructed as initial in a following second syntactic segment. The extension of the pivot segment is made by way of a doubling of syntactic constituents from the pre-pivot segment and with a prosodic design that integrates the whole utterance. From a strict and normative sentence-perspective, this doubling renders the final phase of the whole utterance incoherent with the initial phase. However, apokoinou utterances are not incoherent for participants, but a family of methods to accomplish two consecutive actions within one utterance. The second action can change perspective on some local topical aspect, confirm or insist on some local topic or action, close and demarcate a local project, and resume turns or skip-connect to pending local communicative projects after interstitial activities. These are all recipient designed local communicative projects in the sense of being designed to fit within the ongoing wider communicative context and they are often interactionally achieved in and through minimal sequences. These results have implications for grammatical theory. Among these are that grammar must be seen as conditions on dynamic constructional processes, not only as static and fixed structures, and that grammar is organized on a local level rather than on a maximally general level. Apokoinou should also be included in a grammar of Swedish conversational language as one of the grammatical resources available for participants in Swedish talk.

Evaluation of the Diagnostic Coverage for safety-relevant components in automated drive systems for mobile construction machinery

Düsing, Christa, Inderelst, Martin 03 January 2024 (has links)
The need for safety components in safety-related control systems arises in developing basic principles for preventing mechanical accidents and protecting safety for people and machines, especially in the development of automated drive systems for mobile construction machinery. An important parameter when using safety-relevant components respectively safety devices of automation technology-according to E DIN EN ISO 13849-1:2020-08 - in mobile machinery is the Diagnostic Coverage. The Diagnostic Coverage measures the effectiveness of the diagnosis as the ratio of the failure rate of noticed dangerous failures and failure rate of total dangerous failures. Because single- and dual-channel safety circuits from the Safety Related Parts of Control Systems (SRP/CS) might fail or get defective, a known level of Diagnostic Coverage helps to design such systems. As a supplementary method, the paper discusses the possibility of deriving a failure rate from empiric investigations via the context of fault classification known for electrical components from DIN EN 61508.-6:2011-02. Test procedures are not available in the development phase of new machines and new components in the field of mobile machines. Nevertheless, the Diagnostic Coverage is required for the calculation and design process. Similar to this test approach, the fault behaviour of technical products, defined in the FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis), can be applied to estimate the fault conditions in parallel to the design development as a first step. The target of estimating the diagnostic coverage already in the development phase of safety-relevant hydraulic components and systems can thus be achieved more effectively, and is illustrated in the article employing an example. The Diagnostic Coverage must be determined to classify the entire SRP/CS and each individual component according to ISO 13849 in category 2 and categories 3 & 4. In practice, this means that the calculation must be executed for the respective sensors, the controller and the actuator individually, and the entire functional channel as a whole in the single- or dual-channel safety circuit system. This enables an initial estimate and calculation of the Diagnostic Coverage according to ISO 13849 in the development phase without executing time-consuming prototype tests or test results from the field. This results in time savings and an increase in effectiveness of the internal work processes. Furthermore, the early avoidance of potential systematic risks of product and process failures, allows to reduce the costs of the development phase significantly.

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