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La construction de l’histoire de l’éloquence romaine, de Cicéron à Tacite / Constructing the history of Roman eloquence from Cicero to TacitusCytermann, Raphaële 15 June 2019 (has links)
La présente étude porte sur le regard réflexif que les Romains ont porté sur l’évolution de la pratique oratoire et sur les constructions historiographiques qu’ils ont pu élaborer pour en rendre compte. A travers le Brutus de Cicéron ainsi que Les Controverses et suasoires de Sénèque le père, nous étudions la constitution d’un objet historiographique singulier. Nous cherchons à mettre en évidence l’existence de plusieurs formes possibles d’écriture pour la construction d’une histoire de l’éloquence romaine. Le motif de la décadence constitue l’autre grand axe de notre travail. Nous abordons avant tout le thème du déclin en tant que révélateur des mentalités. Le rapport entre histoire de l’éloquence et politique constitue enfin le fil conducteur de notre travail. La construction d’une histoire de l’éloquence apparaît, en effet, liée de manière indissociable aux transformations politiques. Nous voulons donc mettre en évidence l’évolution historique du topos de la rhétorique décadente, qui revêt des formes diverses selon les auteurs. Le modèle d’interprétation politique ne s’impose définitivement que dans le Dialogue des orateurs de Tacite. La dégénérescence de l’art oratoire apparaît donc comme un domaine d’étude privilégié pour explorer la manière dont l’événement politique peut se traduire dans le champ culturel et voir comment l’histoire de l’éloquence intègre la notion de rupture. / This dissertation deals with the Roman’s reflexive look upon the evolution of rhetorical practice and on the historiographical constructions they devised to account for it. Throughout Cicero’s Brutus as well as Seneca the Elder’s Controversiae and Suasoriae, I study how a peculiar historiographical object was formed. I intend to demonstrate that there were several possible ways to write a history of Roman rhetoric. The motif of decadence is my other main point. I primarily address the topic of decline as an indicator of mindsets. The relationship between politics and the history of rhetoric is the guiding thread of my thesis, for the construction of a history of rhetoric is inextricably mingled with political changes. I thus intend to evidence the historical evolution of the topos of decadent rhetoric, which takes on various shapes depending on the author. The political interpretation model only prevailed starting with Tacitus’Dialogus de Oratoribus. Degeneration of rhetoric therefore appears to be a major area of study to explore how political events translate into the cultural realm and how the history of rhetoric incorporates the concept of historic breaks.
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O sincretismo passivo-reflexivo: um estudo translinguístico / The passive-reflexive syncretism: a crosslinguistic study.Cyrino, João Paulo Lazzarini 25 August 2015 (has links)
Por sincretismo passivo-reflexivo pode-se compreender a ocorrência de uma mesma marca morfológica em construções reflexivas, passivas e anticausativas. O fenômeno, bastante comum entre as línguas, tem sido tratado pela Teoria Gerativa, principalmente, de duas formas diferentes: por um lado, diz-se que o sincretismo passivo-reflexivo é consequência de uma propriedade sintática em comum compartilhada pelos contextos de inserção e, por outro, que - na verdade - os contextos em que o morfema se insere compartilham de uma mesma representação semântica. Do que se tem visto, ambas as formas de abordar o fenômeno são problemáticas: as explicações que fornecem, além de apresentarem alguns problemas teóricos, não se aplicam a tantas línguas quanto o esperado. Essas abordagens também tem levado pouco em conta importantes observações da linguística comparativa, que vem lidando com fenômenos dessa natureza desde o final dos anos 60. Esta tese investiga o sincretismo em questão em um grupo abrangente de línguas e une suas observações com conclusões da tipologia linguística e teoria gerativa, buscando desvendar duas questões, fundamentalmente: (i) por que o fenômeno é tão comum entre as línguas e (ii) qual o estatuto da marca compartilhada. Essas perguntas puderam ser respondidas levando em conta contribuições clássicas da linguística como a primeira definição de verbos anticausativos (Nedjalkov & Silnickij, 1969) e o estudo dos tipos de alternâncias de valência. Por outro lado, o modelo da Morfologia Distribuída (Halle & Marantz, 1993), desenvolvimento recente da Teoria Gerativa, possibilitou uma abordagem mais transparente da relação entre morfologia e sintaxe, permitindo melhor compreensão dos ambientes estruturais em que ocorre o sincretismo. O fenômeno é considerado um caso de sobreaplicação de anáforas, no sentido de Heinat (2006), na estrutura sintática. Essa sobreaplicação só é possível dadas algumas condições, sendo a principal delas a dependência morfológica da marca sincrética. Essa dependência morfológica é derivada ou durante a derivação sintática, ou após a inserção de material fonológico, conforme prevê a Morfologia Distribuída. As diferentes distribuições que o sincretismo apresenta entre as línguas podem ser explicadas por propriedades sintáticas da língua, assim como pelo momento da derivação em que a anáfora torna-se morfologicamente dependente, o que também diferencia clíticos/pronomes fracos de afixos. / The Passive-Reflexive Syncretism is a term describing the sharing of the same morphological marking in Reflexive, Passive and Anticausative Constructions. The phenomenon is widely seen across languages and Works within the Generative Framework have been attempting to account to it in basically two ways: (i) by understanding the syncretism as a consequence of a common syntactical property among the contexts sharing the morpheme or (ii) by understanding it as a consequence of a common semantic representation among these contexts. It is shown that both approaches are problematic in theoretical and empirical means. Besides this, they have not been taking into account important insights from comparative linguistics, which has been dealing with these phenomena since the end of the 60\'s. The present thesis investigates the syncretism in depth, taking into account a significant number of languages and linking its observations with contributions from Linguistic Typology and Generative Theory, in an attempt to address two fundamental questions: (i) Why this syncretism is so common across languages? (ii) What is the status of the shared marking. These questions could be answered by taking into account classical definitions in linguistics, such as the first definition of anticausative verbs (Nedjalkov & Silnickij, 1969) and the definitions for the different valency alternations. On the other hand, the Distributed Morphology development from Generative Grammar (Halle & Marantz, 1993) allowed for a transparent approach towards the relation between morphology and syntax, contributing to a better understanding of the structural environments involved in the syncretism. The phenomenon is considered a case of superaplication of anaphors, in Heinat\'s (2006) sense, in the syntactic structure. This superaplication is only possible given some conditions, being the main one the Morphological Dependency of the syncretic marking. This dependency is derived either during syntactic derivation or after the insertion of phonological content, as told by the Distributed Morphology\'s view on the Architecture of Grammar. The different distributions shown by the syncretism across languages can be explained by both syntactic properties of the language and the moments described above, when the anaphor becomes morphological dependent, which also helps differentiating clitics/weak pronouns from affixes.
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Coordination.Sjoblom, Todd January 1980 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Linguistics and Philosophy, 1980. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND HUMANITIES. / Bibliography: leaves 251-255. / Ph.D.
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O sincretismo passivo-reflexivo: um estudo translinguístico / The passive-reflexive syncretism: a crosslinguistic study.João Paulo Lazzarini Cyrino 25 August 2015 (has links)
Por sincretismo passivo-reflexivo pode-se compreender a ocorrência de uma mesma marca morfológica em construções reflexivas, passivas e anticausativas. O fenômeno, bastante comum entre as línguas, tem sido tratado pela Teoria Gerativa, principalmente, de duas formas diferentes: por um lado, diz-se que o sincretismo passivo-reflexivo é consequência de uma propriedade sintática em comum compartilhada pelos contextos de inserção e, por outro, que - na verdade - os contextos em que o morfema se insere compartilham de uma mesma representação semântica. Do que se tem visto, ambas as formas de abordar o fenômeno são problemáticas: as explicações que fornecem, além de apresentarem alguns problemas teóricos, não se aplicam a tantas línguas quanto o esperado. Essas abordagens também tem levado pouco em conta importantes observações da linguística comparativa, que vem lidando com fenômenos dessa natureza desde o final dos anos 60. Esta tese investiga o sincretismo em questão em um grupo abrangente de línguas e une suas observações com conclusões da tipologia linguística e teoria gerativa, buscando desvendar duas questões, fundamentalmente: (i) por que o fenômeno é tão comum entre as línguas e (ii) qual o estatuto da marca compartilhada. Essas perguntas puderam ser respondidas levando em conta contribuições clássicas da linguística como a primeira definição de verbos anticausativos (Nedjalkov & Silnickij, 1969) e o estudo dos tipos de alternâncias de valência. Por outro lado, o modelo da Morfologia Distribuída (Halle & Marantz, 1993), desenvolvimento recente da Teoria Gerativa, possibilitou uma abordagem mais transparente da relação entre morfologia e sintaxe, permitindo melhor compreensão dos ambientes estruturais em que ocorre o sincretismo. O fenômeno é considerado um caso de sobreaplicação de anáforas, no sentido de Heinat (2006), na estrutura sintática. Essa sobreaplicação só é possível dadas algumas condições, sendo a principal delas a dependência morfológica da marca sincrética. Essa dependência morfológica é derivada ou durante a derivação sintática, ou após a inserção de material fonológico, conforme prevê a Morfologia Distribuída. As diferentes distribuições que o sincretismo apresenta entre as línguas podem ser explicadas por propriedades sintáticas da língua, assim como pelo momento da derivação em que a anáfora torna-se morfologicamente dependente, o que também diferencia clíticos/pronomes fracos de afixos. / The Passive-Reflexive Syncretism is a term describing the sharing of the same morphological marking in Reflexive, Passive and Anticausative Constructions. The phenomenon is widely seen across languages and Works within the Generative Framework have been attempting to account to it in basically two ways: (i) by understanding the syncretism as a consequence of a common syntactical property among the contexts sharing the morpheme or (ii) by understanding it as a consequence of a common semantic representation among these contexts. It is shown that both approaches are problematic in theoretical and empirical means. Besides this, they have not been taking into account important insights from comparative linguistics, which has been dealing with these phenomena since the end of the 60\'s. The present thesis investigates the syncretism in depth, taking into account a significant number of languages and linking its observations with contributions from Linguistic Typology and Generative Theory, in an attempt to address two fundamental questions: (i) Why this syncretism is so common across languages? (ii) What is the status of the shared marking. These questions could be answered by taking into account classical definitions in linguistics, such as the first definition of anticausative verbs (Nedjalkov & Silnickij, 1969) and the definitions for the different valency alternations. On the other hand, the Distributed Morphology development from Generative Grammar (Halle & Marantz, 1993) allowed for a transparent approach towards the relation between morphology and syntax, contributing to a better understanding of the structural environments involved in the syncretism. The phenomenon is considered a case of superaplication of anaphors, in Heinat\'s (2006) sense, in the syntactic structure. This superaplication is only possible given some conditions, being the main one the Morphological Dependency of the syncretic marking. This dependency is derived either during syntactic derivation or after the insertion of phonological content, as told by the Distributed Morphology\'s view on the Architecture of Grammar. The different distributions shown by the syncretism across languages can be explained by both syntactic properties of the language and the moments described above, when the anaphor becomes morphological dependent, which also helps differentiating clitics/weak pronouns from affixes.
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Encoding information structure in Yucatec Maya : on the interplay of prosody and syntaxKügler, Frank, Skopeteas, Stavros, Verhoeven, Elisabeth January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to outline the means for encoding information structure in Yucatec Maya. Yucatec Maya is a tone language, displaying a three-fold opposition in the tonal realization of syllables. From the morpho-syntactic point of view, the grammar of Yucatec Maya contains morphological (topic affixes, morphological marking of out-of-focus predicates) and syntactic (designated positions) means to uniquely specify syntactic constructions for their information
structure. After a descriptive overview of these phenomena, we present experimental evidence which reveals the impact of the nonavailability of prosodic alternatives on the choice of syntactic constructions in language production.
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Le pluriel dans les chaînes anaphoriques faisant référence à des particuliers / The plural in anaphoric chains referring to individualsArgenti, Anne-Marie 15 December 2017 (has links)
La cohésion d’un texte repose sur un ensemble de liens syntaxiques et pragmatico-sémantiques entre les unités de discours dont les reprises anaphoriques. Les reprises assurent la continuité référentielle et thématique de phrases successives mais ne suffisent pas à assurer la cohérence des enchaînements. Elles font l’objet d’inférences qui permettent au système cognitif de trouver la relation de cohérence exprimée par l’enchaînement. Dans les cas simples, le système cognitif résout une reprise pronominale en lui attribuant un antécédent contextuellement pertinent, sélectionné parmi les éléments saillants actifs en mémoire. Lorsque la reprise concerne des arguments pluriels, les opérations cognitives sont plus complexes. Rentrent alors en ligne de compte non seulement la saillance de ces référents mais aussi le mode de relation qu’ils entretiennent au sein du prédicat de leur phrase d’accueil. Un prédicat d’accueil collectif tendra à effacer les distinctions entre les référents et facilitera les reprises plurielles au contraire des prédicats distributifs qui faciliteront les reprises de singuliers. Les prédicats réciproques lexicaux, quant à eux, établissent des liens de symétrie entre les entités dont on fait l’hypothèse qu’ils nécessitent des traitements cognitifs spécifiques. Les liens établis entre les arguments de prédicats collectifs, distributifs et symétriques sont étudiés d’un point de vue théorique. L’influence de ces liens sur la résolution de reprises pronominales au pluriel d’arguments dispersés mais aussi au singulier d’un élément d’une pluralité, est examinée expérimentalement (tests psycholinguistiques en production et en compréhension). L’étude théorique permet de mettre en évidence des différences fondamentales entre prédicats réciproques et prédicats symétriques d’une part, et entre prédicats collectifs et prédicats symétriques d’autre part. Les résultats expérimentaux corroborent l’étude théorique et permettent de proposer un pattern argumental pour les verbes lexicalement réciproques. / The cohesion of a text is based on a set of syntactic and pragmatico-semantic links between discourse units, including anaphoric referring terms. These terms ensure referential and thematic continuity in successive sentences, but are not sufficient to ensure the coherence of the chains. They involve inferences that enable the cognitive system to find the relationship of coherence expressed by the chain. In simple cases, the cognitive system resolves a pronominal anaphor by allocating to it a contextually relevant antecedent, selected from the salient elements that are active in memory. When the co-reference concerns plural arguments, the cognitive operations are more complex. In this case, it is necessary to take into account include not only the salience of the referents but also the type of relationship they have within the predicate of their host sentence. A collective hosting predicate will tend to remove distinctions between referents and will facilitate plural co-reference, unlike distributive predicates that facilitate singular coreference. Lexically reciprocal predicates, meanwhile, establish links of symmetry between entities that, are predicted to require specific cognitive processing. The links established between collective, distributive and symmetrical predicates are studied from a theoretical viewpoint. The influence of these links on the resolution of pronominal anaphora whose antecedent forms part of a plurality, or whose antecedents are dispersed in a comitative construction, is examined experimentally (psycholinguistic tests of production and comprehension). The theoretical study points to fundamental differences between reciprocal predicates and symmetrical predicates on the one hand, and between collective predicates and symmetrical predicates on the other. The experimental results support the theoretical study and lead to the proposal of an argumental pattern for symmetrical verbs.
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Production, compréhension et imitation des constructions causatives chez des enfants monolingues francophones et bulgarophones âgés de 3 à 6 ans / Production, comprehension and imitation of the causative constructions by monolingual French and Bulgarian 3 to 6 year old childrenBezinska, Yanka 30 June 2014 (has links)
La présente recherche doctorale traite des constructions causatives dans une perspective développementale et contrastive. Elle poursuit un double objectif. D'une part, démontrer que la complexité morphosyntaxique des mécanismes causatifs joue un rôle important dans le processus de leur acquisition par les enfants. D'autre part, prendre en considération plusieurs habiletés langagières (production, compréhension, imitation) pour explorer pleinement les divers niveaux de maitrise des constructions causatives. Les deux langues que nous étudions – le français et le bulgare – n'utilisent pas les mêmes mécanismes pour encoder la notion de causativité. Le français privilégie le prédicat complexe faire + Vinf, mais accepte également quelques causatifs lexicaux (nourrir X). Le bulgare fait appel à trois procédés : lexical (xranja X – nourrir X), morphologique (le préfixe ‘raz-' : razsmivam X – faire rire X) et périphrastique (karam X da V présent – inciter X à ce que V présent). Un total de 113 francophones (71 enfants et 42 adultes) et de 96 bulgarophones (56 enfants et 40 adultes) participent à cette étude contrastive ; tous sont des locuteurs natifs monolingues. Les enfants sont répartis en trois tranches d'âge (3-4 ans, 4-5 ans et 5-6 ans) et ils participent à trois tâches expérimentales (production, compréhension, imitation). Les adultes sont enregistrés uniquement en tâche de production. Notre recherche aboutit à quelques résultats intéressants. Premièrement, entre 3 et 6 ans, la conceptualisation de la causativité ne pose pas de problèmes particuliers aux enfants francophones et bulgarophones ; ils comprennent les mécanismes causatifs de leur langue. Deuxièmement, l'ordre d'acquisition des formes causatives est étroitement lié à leur degré de complexité morphosyntaxique. Dans les deux langues étudiées, les causatifs lexicaux sont complètement maitrisés par les enfants. En revanche, malgré son caractère compact et sa simplicité formelle, le causatif morphologique du bulgare semble apparaitre tardivement. La présence d'erreurs par surgénéralisation chez les enfants âgés de 5 à 6 ans révèle que l'acquisition de ce mécanisme causatif n'est pas achevée. La construction périphrastique karam X da V présent, quant à elle, peut être considérée comme maitrisée, puisqu'entre 4 et 5 ans, les habiletés des enfants bulgares à la produire sont déjà très proches de l'usage adulte. Enfin, le prédicat complexe faire + Vinf est en voie de stabilisation ; les enfants français doivent faire quelques ajustements au niveau de l'intégrité de la séquence faire + Vinf et de l'usage de l'argument causataire (sa fonction syntaxique et sa présence dans les énoncés). Troisièmement, le rappel de la structure des mécanismes causatifs en tâche d'imitation améliore les performances productives des enfants. En conclusion, par la prise en compte de trois habiletés langagières, cette étude apporte un éclairage dans la recherche sur les constructions causatives. Dans l'esprit du Modèle de compétition et des approches basées sur l'usage, notre travail valide également la pertinence de trois principaux facteurs déterminant l'ordre d'acquisition des unités linguistiques : 1/ fréquence dans l'input (ou disponibilité) ; 2/ fiabilité (ou spécialisation dans l'expression d'une fonction communicative) ; 3/ complexité (formelle et conceptuelle). / The present study investigates the causative constructions from a developmental and cross-linguistic perspective. On the one hand, it aims to show the important role of the morphosyntactic complexity of causative mechanisms during language acquisition. On the other hand, it aims to examine different language skills (production, comprehension, imitation) in order to explore various levels of mastery of the causative constructions in two languages, French and Bulgarian. The two languages under investigation, French and Bulgarian, do not use the same mechanisms to express causativity. French uses the faire + Vinf complex predicate and some lexical causatives (nourrir X – feed X). In Bulgarian, the causativity is expressed using three mechanisms: lexical (xranja X – feed X), morphological (prefix ‘raz-': razsmivam X - make X laugh) and periphrastic construction (karam X da V pres – make that X + V pres). A total of 113 L1 French speakers (71 children and 42 adults) and 96 L1 Bulgarian speakers (56 children and 40 adults) took part in this cross-linguistic study. The children were divided into three age groups: 3-4, 4-5 and 5-6 years of age; they all participated in three experimental tasks (production, comprehension and imitation). The adults took part in one experimental task (production). Our cross-linguistic study provided some interesting results. Firstly, the conceptualization of causativity is equally understood in both languages, each child group globally understands the causative mechanisms available in their own language. Secondly, the order of acquisition of the causative mechanisms is tightly linked to its degree of morphosyntactic complexity. In both languages, lexical causatives are already mastered by all the children groups. Surprisingly enough, in Bulgarian, the morphological causative appears to be a late language development, as children as old as 5 to 6 years produce overgeneralizations of this mechanism, that means it is not yet mastered. In the Bulgarian data, we found that the periphrastic construction is acquired between the ages of 4 to 5 years; the children of this age group already show an adult-like ability in producing this analytical causative mechanism. In the French data, we found that the production of the faire + Vinf complex predicate begins to stabilize; however, children have to adjust both the integrity of the faire + Vinf structure and the usage of the causee argument (its syntactic function and its presence in the utterance). Thirdly, in instances when the structure of causative mechanisms is present during the imitation task, the children's production is improved. In conclusion, by including various language skills (production, comprehension and imitation), this study brings a new perspective in investigating the causative constructions. Our research is also consistent with both the Competition model and the usage-based approaches; it validates the relevance of three major factors determining the order of acquisition of the linguistic structures: 1/ input frequency (or ‘cue availability'); 2/ cue reliability; 3/ formal and semantic complexity (or ‘cue cost').
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Beyond the First “Click:” Women Graduate Students in Computer ScienceSader, Jennifer Lynn 03 November 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Les édifices conventuels du Vieux MontréalLahaise, Robert 23 May 2019 (has links)
Québec Université Laval, Bibliothèque 2019
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Contributions à la conception géomécanique des chantiers à l'aide d'approches statistiques : le cas de la mine ÉléonoreGuido, Sebastien 15 April 2019 (has links)
L’ensemble des mines – et particulièrement celles exploitant un gisement filonien ou de faible puissance – sont très sensibles à la problématique de la dilution minière (i.e ., bris hors-profil de l’éponte supérieure). En effet, puisque cette dilution est généralement de faible teneur, le matériel qui se retrouve dans les chantiers miniers peut ne pas permettre de compenser les coûts associés au minage et par conséquent, la rentabilité de l’opération peut en être affectée. Ceci est particulièrement vrai lorsque la teneur de la dilution se situe sous le seuil de rentabilité (i.e., teneur de coupure). Par ailleurs, lorsque des effondrements (dilution) surviennent pendant les activités de soutirage, ceci représente un risque important pour les équipements mobiles (e.g., chargeuse-navette). Nombreux sont les chercheurs qui ont travaillé à développer et à améliorer les abaques de stabilité et critères de conception de chantiers, mais leur efficacité à prédire le bris hors-profil est souvent faible. Néanmoins, ces outils demeurent très utiles pour les projets sur sites vierges (« greenfield projects »), mais dès lors que les conditions géomécaniques d’un site deviennent mieux comprises, il importe de corriger et d’optimiser ces critères de conception afin de mieux représenter la réalité de l’opération minière. Ce mémoire expose donc la méthodologie employée afin de quantifier le bris hors-profil provenant des différentes surfaces des chantiers (i.e., épontes, toit, murs) exploités par la méthode de chambre vide. Une comparaison entre les performances réelles et celles prédites par les modèles couramment utilisés dans l’industrie a été effectuée. À l’aide de méthodes statistiques univariées et bivariées, les paramètres affectant le bris hors-profil peuvent être déterminés objectivement. L’élaboration de nouveaux modèles statistiques permet également d’accroître la fiabilité des prédictions (i.e., le bris hors-profil) et fournit des outils permettant d’assister les ingénieurs dans la conception et le dimensionnement des chantiers miniers. La mine Éléonore de Goldcorp a servi de cas d’étude afin de démontrer la validité d’une telle démarche.
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