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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les expressions nominales à classificateurs et les propositions à cas multiples du coréen : recherches sur leur syntaxe interne et mise en évidence de quelques convergences structurales

ROGER-YUN, Soyoung 14 December 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse a pour objet la syntaxe des classificateurs (CL) et des Constructions à Cas Multiples du coréen. Cette étude adopte essentiellement le cadre antisymétrique de Kayne, mais utilise également certains concepts fondamentaux du cadre minimaliste, comme la Vérification des traits formels. La première partie de cette thèse est consacrée à l'étude des CL et de la structure interne des expressions nominales à CL; nous montrons notamment qu'un traitement syntaxique parallèle pour les domaines nominal et phrastique est possible en coréen. Dans la seconde partie, consacrée à la structure phrastique et plus spécifiquement à celle des Constructions à Cas Multiples du coréen, il est soutenu que les marques dites casuelles du coréen ne sont pas de véritables marques casuelles, mais des têtes fonctionnelles, et que les Constructions à Cas Multiples du coréen s'obtiennent par la réitération de ces têtes fonctionnelles, suivie d'une opération d'Attraction.

Adnominal Possession and Ditransitives

Kupula, Mikko January 2008 (has links)
This dissertation presents the findings of an investigation of adnominal possession and ditransitives on the basis of data from Modern Greek. The general thesis of the dissertation is that possessive DPs constitute nominal counterparts to ditransitive constructions. Greek ditransitives consist of double object constructions and prepositional dative constructions, which are analyzed as low applicatives; the former with possessive properties, the latter with locative. Double object constructions, unlike prepositional datives, are associated with restrictions concerning animacy, affectedness and number features on the recipient. A-movement (a)symmetries in ditransitives are argued to reduce to underlying phase structure and the movement properties of the applicative head. The dissertation shows that the possessive/locative dichotomy associated with Greek ditransitives is reproducible in the realm of adnominal possession. Prenominal possessors pattern both syntactically and semantically with dative recipients in double object constructions, while postnominal possessors display affiliation with PP-recipients in prepositional dative constructions. Binding diagnostics furthermore indicate two distinct Small Clause structures for Greek possessive DPs, syntactically identical with the structure of ditransitives.

Transfer and learnability in second language argument structure : motion verbs with locationaldirectional PPs in L2 English and Japanese

Inagaki, Shunji January 2002 (has links)
This thesis investigates how the outcomes of the acquisition of second language (L2) argument structure will vary depending on the nature of the learner's first language (L1). The focus is on motion verbs appearing with a prepositional/postpositional phrase that expresses the final endpoint of the motion (goal PP). In English, manner-of-motion verbs (e.g., walk ) and directed motion verbs (e.g., go) can appear with a goal PP as in John walked (went ) to school. In contrast, Japanese allows only directed motion verbs to occur with a goal PP. Thus, Japanese motion verbs with goal PPs form a subset of their English counterparts. I propose an analysis of these crosslinguistic differences in terms of different incorporation patterns in lexical-syntax (Hale & Keyser, 1993). L1 transfer and learnability considerations (White, 1991b), then, lead me to hypothesize that Japanese-speaking learners of English will be able to acquire the L2 representation on the basis of positive evidence, but that English-speaking learners of Japanese will have difficulty acquiring the L2 representation due to the lack of positive data motivating the restructuring of the L1 representation to the L2. A series of experiments tested these hypotheses using grammaticality judgment and picture-matching tasks. Results in general supported this prediction, suggesting that whether the L1 constitutes a subset of the L2 or vice versa indeed affects the outcomes of L2 argument structure. The results indicate full involvement of L1 and UG in L2 acquisition, thus supporting the Full-Transfer/Full-Access model of L2 acquisition (Schwartz & Sprouse, 1994).

Étude des constructions verbales scientifiques dans une perspective didactique : utilisation des corpus dans le diagnostic des besoins langagiers en FLE à l'aide des techniques de TAL / Study of scientific verbal constructions from a educational perspective : using the corpus in the diagnosis of the language needs of the FLE (French as a Foreign Language) with the techniques of NLP

Yan, Rui 26 June 2017 (has links)
La présente étude est centrée sur les constructions verbales scientifiques. Ce lexique se situe à mi-chemin entre le lexique de la langue générale et celui de la terminologie. Il s’agit de termes utilisés à des fins d’expressions scientifiques, pour contribuer à l’élaboration du fonctionnement rhétorique et pragmatique de l’écrit scientifique. En nous fondant sur le modèle du Corpus Pattern Analysis, nous élaborons une ressource lexicale des patrons verbaux à l’aide de techniques du TAL sur des corpus numériques. Notre objectif est d’intégrer à cet outil les collocations et les constructions verbales récurrentes dans les écrits scientifiques. Cette ressource a pour objectif d’aider les locuteurs allophones dans leur rédaction d’écrits académiques en français.Sur le plan didactique, afin de mieux comprendre les difficultés des étudiants allophones en matière de constructions verbales scientifiques, nous établissons un diagnostic qui comporte à la fois l’analyse des erreurs et celle des cas de suremploi et de sous-emploi de certaines de ces constructions verbales. Les résultats ont montré que le statut de novice, en matière de rédaction scientifique, confronte de manière identique les étudiants natifs et non-natifs aux difficultés liées au genre du discours. Afin de répondre à ces besoins langagiers, nous avons proposé d’intégrer la ressource lexicale des patrons dans l’enseignement de l’écrit académique dont l’objectif est de guider les étudiants vers l’autonomie et la manipulation de corpus numériques. / The present study focuses on scientific verb constructions, i.e., the lexicon situated between general language and terminology and which is used for scientific expressions, whose rhetorical and pragmatic function must be mastered while writing scientific discourse. Based on the Corpus Pattern Analysis model, we develop a lexical resource of verb patterns using NLP techniques, which include collocations and recurring verbal constructions. The purpose of this resource is to help non-native speakers to write their academic writings in French.From an educational point of view, in order to understand better the difficulties of foreign students with regard to scientific verb constructions, we establish a diagnosis which includes the analysis of both errors and cases of overuse and underuse (notably compared to native students). The results show that both unexperienced natives and non-natives have to face difficulties related to discourse genre. In order to answer these linguistic needs, we suggest that a verb pattern resource should be integrated into corpus-based teaching of academic writing so as to help students gain autonomy in corpus manipulation.

Construções verdes : estudo comparativo sobre as categorias de "certificação verde" de acordo com os critérios estabelecidos pela Green Building Council Brasil

Marcos Antonio Cuba 17 December 2010 (has links)
O conceito de construção verde não está atrelado unicamente à preservação do meio ambiente, visto que muitos pesquisadores empregam usualmente o termo construção sustentada, que é mais condizente com a proposta que prevê o desenvolvimento econômico, social e o respeito ao meio ambiente. Em relação a países em desenvolvimento como o Brasil, equilibrar esses três pontos é essencial para assegurar um crescimento econômico sólido e sustentável. Neste contexto, em decorrência da necessidade de construções menos impactantes ao meio ambiente, foi criado nos Estados Unidos o Conselho Nacional de Construções Verdes, órgão regulamentador das normas de construção e certificador daquelas que atendam as normas mundiais. Essa certificação foi criada buscando diminuir o consumo na fabricação de materiais, manutenção de prédios e gestão de resíduos. O presente estudo visa analisar e aprimorar os conhecimentos relativos à certificação das denominadas edificações sustentáveis no Brasil, analisando as suas características, vantagens para o meio ambiente e para sociedade presente e futura. Além disso, buscou-se apontar as etapas necessárias para se lograr êxito na certificação verde de um empreendimento no Brasil, levando-se em consideração os critérios estabelecidos pelo Green Building Council Brasil, órgão oficialmente credenciado a concedê-la àqueles que implementem os requisitos necessários. Essa demonstração foi feita por meio de estudo comparativo entre dois empreendimentos certificados: o primeiro, Eldorado Business Tower, obteve a certificação denominada Platinum (máxima), e o segundo, Edifício Cidade Nova, que obteve logrou a certificação verde denominada Certified (mínima). O resultado da análise demonstrou que, apesar dos obstáculos culturais e econômicos encontrados para a implementação de uma edificação certificada, a prática parece demonstrar que o resultado final é semelhante ao investimento em edificações convencionais. No entanto, a procura pelo selo vem aumentando exponencialmente a cada ano, demonstrando que os antigos paradigmas começam a ser derrubados, em benefício do meio ambiente, que possa garantir as presentes e futuras gerações. / Concept of construction green not is joined solely to preservation of environment, since many researchers usually use the term supported, that is more in accordance with the proposal that the development foresees economic, social construction and the respect to the environment. In relation the developing countries as Brazil, to balance these three points are essential to assure a solid and sustainable economic growth. In this context, in result of the necessity of less impacts constructions to the environment, it was created in the United States the National Advice of Green Constructions, prescribed agency of the construction norms and certifier of whom they take care of the world-wide norms. This certification was created searching to diminish the consumption in the manufacture of materials, maintenance of building and management of residues. The present study it aims at to analyze and to improve the relative knowledge to the certification of the called sustainable constructions in Brazil, being analyzed its characteristics, advantages for the environment and present and future society. Moreover, one searched to point the stages necessary to cheat success in the green certification of an enterprise in Brazil, taking itself in consideration the criteria established for the Green Building Council Brazil, officially credential agency to grant it those to it that implement the necessary requirements. This demonstration was made by means of comparative study between two certified enterprises: the first one, Eldorado Business Tower, got the called certification Platinum (maximum), and as, Building New City, that it got cheated the green certification called Certified (minimum). The result of the analysis demonstrated that, although found the cultural and economic obstacles for the implementation of a certified construction, the practical one seems to demonstrate that the final result is similar to the investment in conventional constructions. However, the search for the stamp comes exponentially increasing to each year, demonstrating that the old paradigms start to be knocked down, in benefit of the environment, that can guarantee the gifts and future generations.

José Antonio Lutzenberg: trajetória de vida, obra e contribuição para a causa ambiental no Brasil

Augusto, Janaina da Silva 02 August 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:41:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Janaina da Silva Augusto.pdf: 1246191 bytes, checksum: 37384b735f35dd5c75fabad75bfa901e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-08-02 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The aim of this work is to compare adversative constructions and concessive constructions which occur in editorials. This paper is based on the theory of functional grammar, which postulates the conjunction of syntactic, semantic and pragmatic factors in the analysis of linguistic use. Taking these aspects into consideration, it intends to investigate possible reasons which motivate the use of one construction instead of the other in particular contexts. The results reached show that, on one hand, there are areas of overlap between adversative constructions and concessive constructions for the fact that they display relation of preference (GARCÍA, 1994). On the other hand, there are areas of contrast between these constructions due to the fact that each of them plays a particular role in certain contexts, which is resulted from the specific functions fulfilled by a concessive element, as margin (LONGACRE, 2007), satellite (DIK, 1989; MATTHIESSEN & THOMPSON, 1988), enhancement (HALLIDAY, 2004), guidepost (CHAFE, 1984, apud DECAT, 1993), background (GIVÓN, 1990) and theme (GARCÍA, 1994). In the analysis, it was observed that most of the differences between the constructions in discussion are related to the fact that specifically the concessive element, as margin or satellite, can present mechanism of anticipation, displaying particular effects / O objetivo desta dissertação é comparar as construções adversativas e as construções concessivas presentes em editoriais. Baseia-se, aqui, na teoria funcionalista da linguagem, segundo a qual, na análise linguística, deve haver a integração dos componentes sintático, semântico e pragmático. Levando-se isso em consideração, pretende-se investigar, entre outros aspectos, as possíveis motivações para o uso de uma das construções em estudo em vez de outra em certos contextos. Os resultados alcançados mostram que, por um lado, há pontos de contato entre as construções adversativas e as construções concessivas porque elas se incluem na lei da preferência (GARCÍA, 1994). Por outro lado, há pontos de contraste entre essas construções devido ao fato de que cada uma delas desempenha um papel específico em certos contextos, o que é decorrente da condição particular de margem (LONGACRE, 2007), satélite (DIK, 1989; MATTHIESSEN & THOMPSON, 1988), realce (HALLIDAY, 2004), guia (CHAFE, 1984, apud DECAT, 1993), fundo (GIVÓN, 1990) e tema (GARCÍA, 1994) das adverbiais concessivas. Na análise empreendida, observou-se que muitas das diferenças entre as construções em estudo estão relacionadas ao fato de que o segmento concessivo, como margem ou satélite, pode apresentar mecanismo de antecipação, sendo produzidos efeitos de sentido particulares

Inaccusativité et diathèses verbales : le cas du vietnamien / Unaccusativity and verbal diatheses : the case of Vietnamese

Dao, Huy-Linh 04 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse se veut une contribution empirique et théorique à l’étude formelle du système verbal vietnamien. Elle se centre plus précisément autour de la problématique de l’inaccusativité et des alternances diathétiques dans cette langue. Elle se propose à cet effet d’examiner de plus près le rôle que joue le marqueur polyfonctionnel bị au sein des constructions à prédicat intransitif. Il sera montré que bị est compatible avec les verbes inaccusatifs et ne se combine avec les verbes inergatifs que si ces derniers sont inaccusativisés à l’aide de matériel lexical approprié. L’hypothèse défendue, qui s’inscrit dans le cadre du Programme Minimaliste de Chomsky (1995 et travaux subséquents), consiste à traiter ce morphème comme une catégorie semi-lexicale/semi-fonctionnelle et comme la tête d’une projection Applicative Haute, située immédiatement au-dessus du vP. Du point de vue sémantique, bị dénote une relation entre un individu et un événement. Il sera établi que bị peut être une tête de Phase ou une tête non-phasale. L’examen d’une sous-classe de prédicats statifs, ceux qui dénotent des états permanents, suggère une réévaluation du rôle de l’Aspect Lexical (Aktionsart) dans le calcul de l’inaccusativité. L’analyse avancée permet non seulement de rendre compte des phrases traditionnellement classées comme des constructions passives, mais aussi d’expliquer l’incompatibilité entre bị et les constructions moyennes. Il sera proposé que cette incompatibilité est due à l’absence d’une projection aspectuelle interne au vP, projection qui accueille dans son Spécificateur des Causateurs Involontaires. On soutiendra également que la marge du vP est exploitable à des fins discursives, ce qui renforce davantage le parallélisme entre CP et vP. / This thesis constitutes an empirical and theoretical contribution to the formal study of the Vietnamese verbal system. More precisely, it concentrates on issues of unaccusativity and diathetical alternations in this language. To this end, it puts under close scrutiny the key role played by the polyfunctional marker bị within intransitive predicate constructions. It will be shown that bị is compatible with unaccusative verbs and can combine with unergative ones only if those verbs undergo unaccusativization when provided with suitable lexical material. The hypothesis put forward, which is couched within the framework of Chomsky’s The Minimalist Program (1995 et seq.), treats this morpheme as a semi-lexical/semi-functional category and as the head of a High Applicative projection, situated immediately above vP. From a semantic point of view, bị denotes a relationship between an individual and an eventuality. It will be established that bị can be a Phase-head or a non-phasal one. A closer inspection of a subclass of stative predicates, those which denote permanent states, suggests a reassessment of the role played by Inner Aspect (Aktionsart) in the calculus of unaccusativity. The analysis proposed not only accounts for sentences that are traditionally classified as passive constructions, but it also gives an explanation for the incompatibility between bị and some middle constructions. Furthermore, it will be put forward that this type of incompatibility is due to the absence of a vP-internal aspectual projection which hosts in its Specifier an Inadvertent/Unintentional Causer DP. It will also be claimed that the vP-edge is active for discursive purposes, which reinforces the parallelism between CP Phase and vP Phase.

Structures prédicatives nominales en Anglais : acquisition de données lexicales pour l'analyse automatique de textes / Nominal Predicate Structures in English : lexical data acquisition for automatic parsing texts

Malik, Mohamed Mahdi 28 January 2010 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons aux relations qui peuvent exister entre des prédicats verbaux(ex : to regulate) et des prédicats nominaux (ex : regulation) dont les structures argumentales mettent enjeu des informations communes. Nous nous livrons à une formalisation des conditions dans lesquelles se réalisent des relations d’équivalence entre les constructions verbales et nominales. La mise en évidence de l’équivalence des structures argumentales de ces deux types de constructions est fondamentale pour pouvoir réaliser, par exemple, des systèmes d’extraction automatique d’informations très performants. En se basant sur les données du lexique The Specialist Lexicon, nous proposons une prédiction raisonnable du comportement syntaxique des arguments nominaux, de différents groupes nominaux prédicatifs(GNpréd), lorsqu’ils sont en position de postmodifieur. Cette étude nous a conduit à concevoir un ensemble d’algorithmes et à développer une plate-forme, Predicate DB, qui nous a permis de produire un lexique de nominalisations. Pour chaque entrée appartenant à ce lexique, nous avons caractérisé ses structures argumentales et ses réalisations dans des GNpréd dont les arguments sont marqués par des prépositions spécifiques. / In this thesis, we focus on the relation that may exist between verbal predicates (e.g., regulate)and nominal predicates (e.g., regulation) whose argument structures involve common information.We make a formalization of the conditions in which equivalent relations between verbal and nominalconstructions are carried out. Bringing out the equivalence of argument structures between these twotypes of constructions is fundamental for achieving, for example, very efficient Information Extractionsystems. Based on data from the Specialist Lexicon, we propose a reasonable prediction of the syntacticbehavior of nominal arguments, which belong to different predicate noun phrases (PNPs), when theyare in postmodifier position. This study has led us to design a set of algorithms and develop a platform,PredicateDB, to produce a lexicon of nominalizations. For each entry belonging to this lexicon, we havedefined its argument structures and achievements in PNPs whose arguments are marked by specificprepositions.

Weak storey behaviour of concentrically braced steel frames subjected to seismic actions / Comportement à étage faible des ossatures en acier à contreventement centre soumis à des actions sismiques

Merczel, Daniel Balazs 23 January 2015 (has links)
Les contreventements en acier sont des moyens couramment utilisés pour assurer une rigidité latérale et une résistance aux bâtiments en acier, mais aussi aux bâtiments mixtes acierbéton et aux bâtiments en béton armé. La performance sismique des ossatures contreventées a été étudiée par de nombreux auteurs, la plupart concluent que la réponse réelle de ces ossatures peut différer beaucoup de celle des modèles simplifiés préconisés dans les codes dont l’Eurocode 8. En conséquence, pour obtenir un comportement sismique satisfaisant, ces codes peuvent d’être amendés ou même fondamentalement modifiés. Notre travail de thèse se concentre sur l’éventualité d’un comportement dissipatif localisé sur un étage de l’ossature. Les objectifs de la recherche sont les suivants: - Donner une description plus réaliste de la réponse sismique des ossatures contreventées; - Identifier les facteurs contribuant au développement d’un comportement dissipatif localisé sur un étage; - Examiner la performance des ossatures contreventées dimensionnées conformément à l’Eurocode 8; - Identifier les points faibles des règles de l’Eurocode 8 à l’origine de ce comportement insuffisant; - Proposer une méthode de redimensionnement complémentaire à la procédure actuelle de l’Eurocode 8 faisant appel à d’autres critères et vérifier la validité de cette méthode de redimensionnement sur plusieurs exemples d’ossatures démontrant la disparition complète de mécanismes dissipatifs localisés à un ou quelques étages; Afin de pouvoir apprécier l’insuffisance de l’Eurocode 8 à ce sujet, plusieurs bâtiments ont été dimensionnés selon cet Eurocode et ont été testés par des simulations numériques de type analyse dynamique incrémentale. L’évolution du déplacement relatif maximal entre étages (IDR) en fonction de l’augmentation du facteur d’échelle de l’accélération maximale du sol a été calculée à partir des résultats du calcul numérique. Il est constaté que l’apparition d’étages faibles dans les ossatures contreventées a une nature, progressive et autoamplifiante. La description précise du comportement fournit la possibilité d’une analyse critique des parties correspondantes de l’Eurocode 8 et de proposer une méthode de redimensionnement que nous avons appelé Robust Seismic Brace Design (RSBD). L’idée centrale de la méthode repose sur la nécessité d’utiliser un modèle inélastique d’analyse de la structure à la place du modèle élastique initial. Deux critères essentiels sont introduits dont l’objectif premier est de mieux répartir la dissipation en empêchant la réalisation d’un mécanisme local. Les performances des bâtiments renforcés sont sans exception meilleures que celles des bâtiments originaux; donc la méthode Robust Seismic Brace Design est une bon complément à la procédure de l’Eurocode 8 pour la conception parasismique des ossatures contreventées. / The concentric steel bracing is a commonly used way of providing lateral stiffness and resistance in both steel, composite and even concrete multi-storey framed buildings. Also it is an alternative for seismic retrofitting. The seismic performance of concentrically braced frames has been investigated by numerous authors during the past decades as several issues have been identified either related to the actual response, or the seismic design procedure implemented by standards such as the Eurocode 8. The topics are various, e.g. the cyclic dissipative behaviour of axially loaded braces, innovative bracing arrangements and members, controversial requirements imposed on the same members, localization of inelastic deformations related to the so called weak storey behaviour. The conclusion of most of the prior research conducted on the seismic performance of braced steel frames is that the actual response of a braced building differs from that of a simplified model applied by corresponding codes. Consequently, to safeguard satisfactory seismic behaviour, the Eurocode 8 standard in particular needs to be modified or amended. In order to confine the addressed topic to a size that may be discussed sufficiently in the frame of a PhD research, in the present thesis primarily the weak storey behaviour is looked into. The objectives of the research are: - Provide a better description of the seismic response of concentrically braced frames; - Identify the factors contributing to the development of weak storeys; - Investigate the performance of braced buildings designed according to Eurocode 8; - Identify the reasons why the Eurocode 8 designs are found usually inadequate; - Propose a new design method or additional criteria to the existing Eurocode 8 procedure and verify their viability by providing designs that successfully counteract seismic actions without the development of weak storeys; In the dissertation it is demonstrated by the incremental dynamic analysis of several braced frames that the Eurocode 8 provisions do not provide satisfactory designs. The examination of the responses of the designs is used to characterize the behaviour. It is found that the occurrence of weak storeys in braced frames has a specific, gradual, self-amplifying nature. By further analysis of the seismic responses, proof is given to the existence of this specific behaviour. The better description of the behaviour provides the possibility of a critical analysis of the corresponding parts of Eurocode 8 and the basis of the Robust Seismic Brace Design method criteria. These criteria are related to the anticipated inelastic seismic response of braced frames, and with their application in design weak storeys can be easily recognized and reinforced. The performances of the reinforced buildings are without exception better than that of the original Eurocode 8 designs; therefore the Robust Seismic Brace Design method is found to be a good alternative of the Eurocode 8 procedure for the seismic design of concentrically braced frames.

Functional encryption for inner-product evaluations / Chiffrement fonctionnel pour l'évaluation de produits scalaires

Bourse, Florian 13 December 2017 (has links)
Le chiffrement fonctionnel est une technique émergente en cryptographie dans laquelle une autorité toute puissante est capable de distribuer des clés permettant d’effectuer des calculs sur des données chiffrées de manière contrôlée. La mode dans ce domaine est de construire des schémas qui sont aussi expressifs que possible, c’est-à-dire du chiffrement fonctionnel qui permet l’évaluation de n’importe quel circuit. Ces contributions délaissent souvent l’efficacité ainsi que la sécurité. Elles reposent sur des hypothèses fortes, très peu étudiées, et aucune construction n’est proche d’être pratique. Le but de cette thèse est d’attaquer ce défi sous un autre angle : nous essayons de construire des schémas de chiffrement fonctionnel les plus expressifs que nous le pouvons en se basant sur des hypothèses standards, tout en conservant la simplicité et l’efficacité des constructions. C’est pourquoi nous introduisons la notion de chiffrement fonctionnel pour l’évaluation de produits scalaires, où les messages sont des vecteurs ~x, et l’autorité peut transmettre des clés correspondants à des vecteurs ~y qui permettent l’évaluation du produit scalaire h~x, ~yi. Cette fonctionnalité possède immédiatement des applications directes, et peut aussi être utilisé dans d’autres constructions plus théoriques, leproduit scalaire étant une opération couramment utilisée. Enfin, nous présentons deux structures génériques pour construire des schémas de chiffrement fonctionnels pour le produit scalaire, ainsi que des instanciations concrètes dont la sécurité repose sur des hypothèses standards. Nous comparons aussi les avantages et inconvénients de chacune d’entre elles. / Functional encryption is an emerging framework in which a master authority can distribute keys that allow some computation over encrypted data in a controlled manner. The trend on this topic is to try to build schemes that are as expressive possible, i.e., functional encryption that supports any circuit evaluation. These results are at the cost of efficiency and security. They rely on recent, not very well studied assumptions, and no construction is close to being practical. The goal of this thesis is to attack this challenge from a different angle: we try to build the most expressive functional encryption scheme we can get from standard assumption, while keeping the constructions simple and efficient. To this end, we introduce the notion of functional encryption for inner-product evaluations, where plaintexts are vectors ~x, and the trusted authority delivers keys for vectors ~y that allow the evaluation of the inner-product h~x, ~yi. This functionality already offers some direct applications, and it can also be used for theoretical constructions, as inner-product is a widely used operation. Finally, we present two generic frameworks to construct inner-product functional encryption schemes, as well as some concrete instantiations whose security relies on standard assumptions. We also compare their pros and cons.

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