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Case-marking in contact: the development and function of case morphology in Gurindji Kriol, an Australian mixed languageMeakins, Felicity Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
This thesis is an investigation of case morphology in a mixed language, Gurindji Kriol. Gurindji Kriol is spoken by the Gurindji people in northern Australia. It fuses Gurindji, which is a member of the Ngumpin-Yapa subgroup of the Pama-Nyungan family, with Kriol, which is an English-lexifier creole spoken across the north of Australia. Gurindji Kriol exhibits a structural split between the NP and VP systems, but is lexically quite mixed. Kriol provides much of the verbal grammar including tense and mood auxiliaries, and transitive, aspect and derivational morphology. Most of the NP structure is of Gurindji origin including case and derivational morphology. Lexically, nominals and verbs are derived from both source languages. In form, the various sub-systems of Gurindji Kriol bear a close resemblance to their source languages. However contact and competition between Gurindji and Kriol in the process of the formation of the mixed language has altered the function and distribution of these systems, including the Gurindji-derived case morphology. The aim of this thesis is three-fold: (i) to provide the first detailed socio-historical and grammatical description of Gurindji Kriol (§2 and §A1), (ii) to propose a path by which Gurindji case morphology was incorporated into the Gurindji Kriol clause (§3-§5), and (iii) to demonstrate changes in the use of four case markers quantitatively (§6-§9).
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As relações entre entoação frasal e melodia de músicas populares paraguaias / Relaions between phrasal intonation and melody of popular songs paraguayanDami Glades Maidana Baz 08 August 2011 (has links)
Esta tese busca averiguar as relações entre entoação frasal no guarani e melodia de músicas populares paraguaias. Foram analisados falas e cantos de sujeitos do gênero masculino e feminino. Segue-se por base o modelo de análise proposto por Ferreira Netto (2006), que analisou a prosódia da língua portuguesa observando a frequência fundamental como uma série temporal. Os dados, colhidos por meio de pesquisa de campo, foram analisados com o uso do aplicativo ExProsodia. A análise centrou-se nas finalizações de canto e de fala guarani do Paraguai da sociedade paraguaia popular. Os resultados obtidos apontaram para finalizações predominantemente plagais tanto na fala quanto no canto. / This research aims at describing the relationship between the sentence intonation of the Paraguayan Guarani and the melody of Paraguayan popular songs. Ferreira Netto (2006) model of analysis was used. He analyzed the Portuguese prosody considering the fundamental Frequency as a temporal series. The data were collected through field research. Analysis and tabulation of data were conducted using the software ExProsodia. The analysis focused specifically the end of sentences of spoken Guarani and the melody of songs. The results pointed out that the end of the spoken sentences as well as songs were similar and mainly plagal.
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Représentations et stratégies d’enseignement-apprentissage de l’espagnol en milieu exolingue : le cas des hispanisants débutants du Gabon / Beliefs and teaching-learning Spanish in middle exolingual strategies : the case of beginners Hispanic of GabonMbadinga Mbadinga, André-Marie 13 December 2014 (has links)
Une analyse de type ethnographique de la classe, des croyances et représentations des enseignants d’espagnol au Gabon sur l’enseignement-apprentissage de la langue-culture espagnole au niveau débutant (classe de 4e). 1) Comment ces enseignants (es) conçoivent-ils l’enseignement-apprentissage de l’espagnol langue étrangère (ELE) dans ce contexte plurilingue ? 2) Quels rapports entretiennent-ils avec leur substrat linguistique ? 3) En quoi leurs croyances et leurs représentations déterminent-elles leurs pratiques de classe et leurs stratégies d'enseignement ? 4) Qu’est-ce qui motive les acteurs de la classe à enseigner et à apprendre l’espagnol dans ce contexte socio-linguistiquement dominé par le français ? 5) Quelles similitudes et contrastes peut-on relever entre des enseignants novices et des enseignants expérimentés ? 6) Qu'est-ce qui caractérise le discours officiel et les adaptations sociodidactiques de l'enseignement-apprentissage de l'espagnol au Gabon de 1997 à nos jours ? Autour de ces questions, la sociolinguistique et la didactique des langues étrangères avec une approche ethnographique actualisent ici le rôle des substrats linguistiques dans l’enseignement-apprentissage d'autres langues. Cette recherche inscrit donc l’enseignement de l’espagnol en Afrique francophone au cœur des enjeux idéologiques des contacts/conflits de langues. Elle oriente la formation des futurs enseignants d’espagnol du Gabon vers la didactique du plurilinguisme avec une dimension holistique, gage du dialogue des cultures à l’heure de la mondialisation et du numérique. / Ethnographic analysis of class, beliefs and perceptions of teachers of Spanish in Gabon on the teaching and learning Spanish language and culture to entry level (4th grade). 1) How do these teachers design the teaching and learning of Spanish as a foreign language (SFL) in this multilingual context? 2) What relationship do they have with their linguistic substratum? 3) How beliefs and representations determine their classroom practices and teaching strategies? 4) What motivates classroom actors in teaching and learning Spanish in this French dominated sociolinguistic context? 5) What similarities and contrasts can be measured between novice teachers and experienced teachers? 6) What characterizes the official discourse on teaching and learning Spanish and social adaptations in Gabon from 1997 to today?Around these issues, sociolinguistics and teaching foreign languages with an ethnographic approach update here the role of language substrates in the teaching and learning other languages. This research therefore registered the teaching of Spanish in Francophone Africa in the heart of the ideological challenges of contact / conflict of languages. It directs the training of future teachers of Spanish as a foreign language (SFL) to Gabon didactics of multilingualism with a holistic dimension, guaranteeing the dialogue of cultures in the era of globalization and digital technology.
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Selected topics in the grammar of Français Tirailleur : A corpus studyNorden, Anton Harry January 2017 (has links)
This corpus-based study describes some grammatical and lexical features of Français Tirailleur (FT), a pidgin spoken in the French colonial army from the mid-1800’s to the 1950’s. By examining the largest corpus available of the language, this study aims to (1) discern hitherto undescribed or strengthen previous claims about grammatical and lexical features of FT, (2) compare these features with its lexifier language and (3) identify changes over time. The corpus has been manually part-of-speech tagged and all noun phrases have been marked up. The results include a description of the form and function of the FT noun phrase, covering (pro)nouns and their modifiers as well as noun phrases with an embedded prepositional phrase. Furthermore, the apparent diachronic development of the expression même chose is analyzed, along with examples of circumlocution. FT is shown to differ from French in several respects, e.g. in substituting the demonstrative determiners ce(t)/cette with ça, but no signs of substrate influence are found. Contrary to intution about the simplex nature of pidgins, FT appears to follow French in placing certain adjectives before the noun, while postposing others. There remain several interesting aspects to explore in the grammar of FT, among them the elusive, multi-functional items ya and yena. Our further understanding of pidgins would benefit from more data and cross-linguistic comparison. / Denna korpus-baserade studie beskriver några lexikala och grammatiska drag hos Français Tirailleur (FT), ett pidginspråk som talades i franska kolonialarmen från mitten på 1800- till 1950-talet. Genom att undersöka den största tillgängliga korpusen över språket söker denna studie (1) urskilja hittills obeskrivna drag eller styrka existerande hypoteser om språkets natur, (2) jämföra språket med dess lexifierare samt (3) identifiera eventuell diakron variation. Korpusen har ordklasstaggats manuellt och alla nominalfraser har märkts upp. Resultaten innefattar en beskrivning av nominalfrasens form och funktion, en analys av uttrycket même chose och dess historiska utveckling samt ett antal exempel på cirkumlokution. FT skiljer sig från franska i flera avseenden, men inga tecken på substratinfluenser hittades. Trots att pidginspråk brukar kännetecknas av avsevärd förenkling, tycks FT ha bevarat franskans relativt komplexa system med både för- och efterställda adjektiv. Det råder brist på data och tvärlingvistiska jämförelser mellan pidginspråk, men det återstår ännu flertalet intressanta frågor att undersöka i FT-korpusen.
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Pratiques stylistiques hétérogènes : analyse et réception des discours en milieu urbain contemporain norvégien / Contemporary language practices : discourse analysis and attitudes towards adolescents’ new speech style in multiethnic areas in Oslo, NorwayHarchaoui, Sarah 26 November 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse les pratiques langagières hétérogènes d’une quarantaine d’adolescents originaires des quartiers multiculturels de la capitale norvégienne. Croisant une approche sociolinguistique, épistémologique et psychoculturelle, nous nous interrogeons sur les motivations sociales et individuelles du recours à des variables lexicales et syntaxiques jugées innovantes en norvégien. Notre recherche vise à démontrer que ces éléments linguistiques ne résultent pas d’un manque de compétences linguistiques, mais bien d’une variation stylistique à laquelle les locuteurs-individus ont recours en fonction d’une multitude de paramètres internes et externes à l’énonciation. L’analyse sociohistorique permet de replacer les locuteurs dans leur environnement local et de contextualiser leurs faits de langue. L’analyse linguistique s’appuie quant à elle sur des données écologiques recueillies dans le cadre du projet national UPUS (Utviklingsprosesser i urbane språkmiljø – Processus de développement linguistique en milieu urbain) mené entre 2006 et 2008 à Oslo. In fine la thèse propose d’envisager les pratiques stylistiques hétérogènes comme un champ de ressources non-fixes présent dans le répertoire d’individus aussi bien adolescents qu’adultes, issus des minorités comme de la majorité nationale dont le point commun n’est pas le partage d’une origine ethnique mais bien l’expérience conjointe de l’actuel milieu urbain contemporain. / This thesis provides a sociolinguistic analysis of Norwegian contemporary language practices among 41 adolescents all raised in multilingual and multicultural environments in the Eastern parts of Oslo. Based on a series of examples from the UPUS-Project (Utviklingsprosesser i urbane språkmiljø – Linguistic Development in Urban Environments), this work discusses social and individual motivations which lead speakers to use innovative lexical (including non-European loan words) and syntactic features in Norwegian. We argue that heterogeneous features do not result from a lack of language skills but rather are a part of a speech style thatspeakers activate depending on discursive settings. We also take into account the social and historical dimensions of Oslo in order to contextualize the language practices and to demonstrate how speakers during the life stage of adolescence make themselves heard on the local and global society. We suggest that this new speech style is not restricted to Oslo and adolescents speakers, but rather is a common resource for whoever wants to show solidarity toward the contemporary urban reality.
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Fanakalo as a trade language in Kwazulu-NatalNewby-Rose, Heidi 12 1900 (has links)
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigates the use of the pidgin Fanakalo as a trade language in rural
KwaZulu-Natal: its birth under certain historical circumstances; its spread; its
apparent growth, post-1990, as new immigrants continue to enter the country and
acquire and use Fanakalo out of expediency; and the reasons why Fanakalo
continues to thrive in certain contexts. It focuses specifically on similarities between
the relations between Gujarati traders and their customers in the 19th century and
the relations that exist between Gujarati and Pakistani traders and their Zuluspeaking
customers today. Data was collected primarily through semi-structured
interviews with nine Gujarati traders – two born in South Africa and the others
recent immigrants – five Pakistani traders and ten Zulu speakers, of which two were
employees of traders while the others were customers. The results of the data
analysis suggest the principles of expediency and non-intimacy may provide a space
where Fanakalo can continue to flourish. Pidgins are a neglected element in the
study of intercultural communication and the study endeavours to provide pointers
for further research in this field. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die gebruik van die kontaktaal Fanakalo as ‘n handelstaal
in nie-stedelike KwaZulu-Natal: die ontstaan daarvan onder sekere historiese
omstandighede; die verspreiding daarvan; die waarskynlike groei daarvan, na 1990
met die arrivering van nuwe immigrante wat Fanakalo aanleer en gebruik uit gerief;
en die redes waarom Fanakalo voortbestaan en floreer in sekere kontekste. Die
spesifieke fokus is die soortgelyke verhoudinge tussen Gujarati-handelaars en hulle
klante in die negentiende eeu, en tussen Gujarati- en Pakistani-handelaars en hulle
Zoeloesprekende klante vandag. Inligting is hoofsaaklik deur semi-gestruktureerde
onderhoude ingewin met nege Gujarati-handelaars – twee in Suid-Afrika gebore en
die ander onlangse immigrante – vyf Pakistani-handelaars en tien
Zoeloesprekendes, waarvan twee werknemers van handelaars en agt klante was. ‘n
Analise van die gegewens dui daarop dat die beginsels van gerief of doelmatigheid,
en ongemeensaamheid ‘n ruimte mag skep waarin Fanakalo sal voortbestaan. Die
studie van kontaktale behoort meer aandag te geniet in die veld van interkulturele
kommunikasie, en hierdie tesis poog om ‘n bydrae daartoe te lewer.
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