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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnosis 2 : apresentação da versão brasileira e estudos preliminares de validade e confiabilidade

Krieger, Daniela Valle January 2013 (has links)
Introdução: O diagnóstico baseado unicamente na avaliação quantitativa dos sintomas e seu curso muitas vezes não é suficiente para o trabalho em psicoterapia psicodinâmica. Apesar disso, a literatura sobre diagnóstico psicodinâmico ainda é escassa, assim como os estudos empíricos na área. O Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnosis-2 (OPD-2) tem o objetivo de ampliar o diagnóstico tradicional através da operacionalização de informações psicodinâmicas fundamentais para a compreensão dos fenômenos subjacentes à sintomatologia clínica. A construção multi-axial do OPD-2 possibilita que se abarque a complexidade e a inter-relação das condições e fatores que determinam os fenômenos e as patologias mentais do ponto de vista psicodinâmico. O OPD-2 é composto por 4 eixos psicodinâmicos e 1 eixo descritivo: I: vivência da doença e pré-requisitos para o tratamento; II: Relações interpessoais; III: Conflito psíquico; IV: Estrutura psíquica; V: Diagnóstico nosológico tradicional. Apesar de ser amplamente utilizado em vários países ainda não foram realizados estudos com o OPD-2 no Brasil. Objetivos: Esta dissertação apresenta a versão brasileira do OPD-2 e os estudos de validade de conteúdo, concordância inter-avaliadores e validade concorrente do instrumento. Método: A versão brasileira do instrumento foi criada através da adaptação da versão portuguesa. A avaliação do conteúdo do instrumento foi realizada por experts em psicoterapia psicodinâmica. A concordância inter-avaliadores foi avaliada utilizando-se 51 entrevistas de psicoterapia psicodinâmica. A validade concorrente comparou os itens do OPD-2 com os resultados do The World Health Organization Quality of Life - abbreviated version (WHOQOL-bref) e o Symptom Check-List-90-Revised (SCL-90R). Resultados: A avaliação de conteúdo considerou os itens claros quanto a linguagem e pertinentes teoricamente. Os eixos III e IV apresentaram maior índice de concordância inter-avaliadores. Os eixos I, III e IV obtiveram correlação significativa entre alguns itens com os resultados do SCL-90R e WHOQOL-bref. Conclusão: Este estudo demonstrou que o OPD-2 apresenta boas condições de avaliação de propriedades psicodinâmicas. Outros estudos com diferentes amostras e instrumentos devem ser realizados para verificação das propriedades psicométricas do OPD-2 no Brasil. / Background: Diagnoses based upon quantification of symptoms and their course is less suitable to psychodynamic psychotherapy, yet psychodynamic diagnoses are rarely scrutinized scientifically. The Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnosis-2 seeks to enhance traditional diagnostic schemes through the operationalization of psychodynamic data relevant to the comprehension of psychological phenomena underlying clinical symptomatology. The multi-axial framing of OPD-2 allows the incorporation of the complexity and the inter-relations of conditions and factors determining mental phenomena and pathology from a psychodynamic perspective. OPD-2 has 4 psychodynamic and 1 descriptive axis: I: experience of illness and prerequisites for treatment; II: Interpersonal relations; III: Conflict ; IV: Structure ; V: Mental and psychosomatic disorders. Although largely used in a number of countries, there have been no studies with OPD-2 in Brazil. Objectives: We aimed to present the Brazilian version of OPD-2 and determine the content validity, inter-rater reliability and concurrent validity of the psychodynamic itens of the instrument. Methods: Experts in psychodynamic psychotherapy evaluated content and the inter-rater reliability was based on 51 dialogued interviews obtained during routine clinical practice in a specialized institution. Concurrent validity compared OPD-2 items with results from the World Health Organization Quality of Life - abbreviated version (WHOQOL-bref) and the Symptom Check-List-90-Revised (SCL-90-R). Results: Evaluation of content considered OPD-2 items as clear and theoretically pertinent. Axes III and IV had higher inter-rater concordance. Several items from axes I, III and IV correlated significantly with the SCL-90R and the WHOQOL-bref. Conclusion: OPD-2 is adequate to evaluate psychodynamic properties. Further studies with the OPD-2 in Brazil evaluating different samples and using distinct comparator instruments are needed to confirm and extend our findings.

Valores e atitudes de jovens praticantes de esportes em projetos sociais : um modelo teórico-explicativo

Saldanha, Ricardo Pedrozo January 2012 (has links)
Valores e atitudes de jovens praticantes de esportes em projetos sociais é o tema do presente estudo. Para tanto, foram traçados três objetivos, que culminaram em três estudos. Estudo 1: Traduzir, testar os princípios métricos de validade de conteúdo e de consistência interna do Youth Sport Value Questionnaire 2 (YSVQ-2). Estudo 2: Explorar as associações (relações) entre importantes variáveis dos valores do esporte (Status, Competência e Moral), clima motivacional (ao Ego e à Tarefa) e atitudes (Pró e Antissociais), a fim de avaliar a validade do Modelo Explicativo de Valores e Atitudes no Esporte (MEVAE) de Lee et al. (2008) em jovens de 12 a 19 anos que praticam esportes em projetos sociais no sul do Brasil. Estudo 3: Testar a inclusão da variável de Coping no MEVAE, a fim de contribuir para explicar melhor os valores e atitudes em jovens de 12 a 19 anos que praticam esportes em projetos sociais no sul do Brasil. O Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul analisou e aprovou o presente estudo sob o número de protocolo 18.193. Resultados do Estudo 1: A fim de atender o primeiro objetivo da tese, inicialmente, procedeu-se uma tradução “duplo cego”. Posteriormente a este procedimento, três juízes avaliadores, examinaram o Inventário através de uma escala de clareza e pertinência. Os resultados (CVCt) foram satisfatórios e indicam que o IVEJ-2 é válido sob o ponto de vista da Validade de Conteúdo (CVCt > 0,80). Após a validação do conteúdo, um estudo piloto foi realizado e constatado os índices de fidedignidade do Inventário ( Status = 0,711;  Competência = 0,785;  Morais = 0,738). A partir destas constatações foi possível realizar o segundo estudo da tese. Resultados do Estudo 2: A amostra foi composta por 1.125 jovens gaúchos (nm = 687; nf = 438) com idades entre 12 e 19 anos ( X = 13,80; dp = 0,40), que praticam esportes em projetos sociais. Cinco instrumentos foram utilizados (QICV; IVEJ- 2; PMCSQ-2; QAE-16; ‘desejabilidade social’). Constatou-se, a partir dos resultados, que os valores são preditoras do clima motivacional. A associação dos valores com a ‘Orientação à Tarefa’ (OT) representa 19,2% da variância, ao passo que com a ‘Orientação ao Ego’ (OE) foi de 9,8%. Os ‘Valores de Status’ (VS) foi preditor positivo da OE e negativo da OT, e os ‘Valores de Competência’ (VC) e ‘Morais’ (VM) foram preditoras positivos da OT e negativos da OE. A OT foi preditora positiva das ‘Atitudes Pró-Sociais’ (23,8% da variância). A OE (positivamente) e a OT (negativamente) são preditoras das ‘Atitudes Antissociais’ (15,8% da variância). As correlações parciais revelaram que a influência dos VC e VM sobre as ‘Atitudes Pró-Sociais’ é mediada pela OT (p < 0,05) e, da VS sobre as ‘Atitudes Antissociais’ positivamente pela OE e negativamente pela OT (p > 0,05). Resultado do Estudo 3: O presente estudo utilizou a mesma amostra do estudo 2. Foi avaliada, além das mesmas variáveis do estudo anterior, a variável ‘Coping’. A partir da inclusão das variáveis de Coping no MEVAE, constatou-se que os valores (VS negativamente), as ‘Ações Agressivas’ (β negativo), ‘Negação’, ‘Ações Diretas’ e ‘Autocontrole’ (β positivos) são preditoras do clima OT (23,7% da variância; p < 0,05), ao passo que os valores (VS positivamente), ‘Ações Agressivas’ e ‘Reavaliação Positiva’ (β positivos) do clima OE (11,8% da variância; p < 0,05). A OT foi preditora positiva das ‘Atitudes Pró-Sociais’ (23,8% da variância; p < 0,05). A OE (positivamente) e a OT (negativamente) são preditoras das ‘Atitudes Antissociais’ (15,8% da variância). As correlações parciais revelaram que a influência dos VC, VM e ‘Ações Diretas’ sobre as ‘Atitudes Pró-Sociais’ é mediada pela OT (p < 0,05) e, da VS e ‘Ações Agressivas’ sobre as ‘Atitudes Antissociais’ positivamente pela OE e negativamente pela OT (p > 0,05). Considera-se, a partir dos resultados obtidos no presente estudo que o Coping é um elemento fundamental a ser considerado no MEVAE no contexto do esporte social. Os resultados dos três estudos (artigos) indicam importantes contribuições para elucidar, a partir do modelo explicativo MEVAE, a relação dos Valores, Coping, Clima Motivacional e Atitudes de jovens que praticam esportes em projetos sociais. / Values and attitudes of young people playing sport in programs for socially disadvantaged children is the subject of this study. So, were outlined three goals for the thesis that culminated in three studies. Study 1: Translate, test the principles of metric content validity and internal consistency of the Youth Sport Value Questionnaire 2 (YSVQ-2). Study 2: To explore the associations (relationships) between important variables the values of sport (Status, Skill and Morale), motivational climate (the Ego and Task) and attitudes (Pro and antisocial), to assess the validity of the Explanatory Model Attitudes and Values in Sport (MEVAE) of Lee et al. (2008) for youth ages 12 to 19 who play sports in programs for socially disadvantaged children in southern Brazil. Study 3: Testing the inclusion of variable MEVAE Coping in order to contribute to better explain the values and attitudes in youth ages 12 to 19 who play sports in programs for socially disadvantaged children in southern Brazil. The Ethics Committee of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul has reviewed and approved this study under the protocol number 18.193. Results of Study 1: To meet the first objective of the thesis, we initially conducted a translation "double blind". Subsequent to this procedure, three judges evaluators examined the inventory across a range of clarity and relevance. The results (CVCt) were satisfactory, and indicate that IVEJ-2 is valid from the point of view of content validity (CVCt> 0,80). After content validation, a pilot study was conducted and verified the reliability indices Inventory ( Status = 0,711;  Competence = 0,785;  Moral = 0,738). From these findings it was possible to perform the second study of the thesis. Results of Study 2: The sample comprised 1125 young gauchos (nm = 687; nf = 438) aged between 12 and 19 years ( X = 13,80, SD = 0,40), who play sports in programs for socially disadvantaged children. Five instruments were used (QICV; IVEJ-2; PMCSQ-2, QAE-16; 'social desirability'). It was found, from the results, the values are predictors of motivational climate. The association of values with the 'Task Orientation' (OT) represents 19,2% of the variance, whereas with 'Ego Orientation' (OE) was 9,8%. The 'Status Values' (VS) was a predictor of positive and negative OE OT, and the 'Values of Competence' (VC) and 'Moral' (VM) were predictive of positive and negative OE OT. The OT was a positive predictor of 'Pro-Social Attitudes' (23,8% of variance). The OE (positively) and OT (negatively) predict the 'antisocial attitudes' (15,8% of variance). The partial correlations revealed that the influence of VC and VM on 'Pro-Social Attitudes' is mediated by OT (p <0,05) and, on the VS 'antisocial attitudes' by OE positively and negatively by OT (p> 0,05). Results of Study 3: This study used the same sample of study 2. We evaluated in addition to the same variables in the previous study, the variable "Coping". From the inclusion of variables in Coping MEVAE, it was found that the values (VS negatively), the 'Aggressive Actions' (negative β), 'Denial', 'Direct Action' and 'Composure' (positive β) predict Climate OT (23,7% of the variance, p <0,05), whereas the values (VS positive), "aggressive action" and "Reassessment Positive '(positive β) climate OE (11,8% of variance, p <0.05). The OT was a positive predictor of 'Pro-Social Attitudes' (23,8% of the variance, p <0.05). The OE (positively) and OT (negatively) predict the 'antisocial attitudes' (15,8% of variance). The partial correlations revealed that the influence of VC, VM and 'Direct Action' on 'Pro-Social Attitudes' is mediated by OT (p <0,05), and the VS and 'Aggressive Actions' on 'antisocial attitudes' positively and negatively by the OE OT (p> 0,05). It is, from the results obtained in this study that the Coping is a key element to be considered in the context of MEVAE social sport. The results of the three studies (articles) indicate important contributions to elucidate, from MEVAE explanatory model, the relationship of Values, Coping, Motivational Climate and Attitudes of young people who play sports in programs for socially disadvantaged children.

Desenvolvimento e validação de conteúdo da Avaliação Multidimensional do Idoso do Plano de Atenção Gerontológica - PAGe / Development and validation of contents of the Multidimensional Assessment of the Elderly of the Gerontological Care Plan - PAGe

Alexandra Lindy Silva Cezar 03 May 2018 (has links)
O Plano de Atenção Gerontológica (PAGe), instrumento desenvolvido no Bacharelado em Gerontologia da Universidade de São Paulo, possui uma escala de avaliação multidimensional de idosos (AMI) que ainda não foi submetida ao processo de validação. Objetivo geral: realizar a validação de conteúdo da AMI do PAGe. Métodos: A validade de conteúdo foi realizada nas seguintes etapas: 1) revisão sistemática de instrumentos de avaliação multidimensional de idosos validados na língua inglesa: os descritores \"geriatric assessment\", \"validity\", \"reliability\" e \"elderly\" foram associados e pesquisados em quatro bases de dados. Os artigos foram selecionados por dois avaliadores após aplicação dos critérios de inclusão. Pesquisas adicionais foram feitas na tentativa de encontrar adaptações/validações para a população brasileira; 2) definição das bases conceituais: estudo aprofundado sobre como domínios/itens foram medidos por outros pesquisadores; 3) análise do desenvolvimento da escala: itens avaliados e modificados considerando: ambiguidade, comprimento, dificuldade de leitura, múltiplas negativas e duplo-caminho; e 4) avaliação do comitê de especialistas: profissionais experts em avaliação multidimensional do idoso analisaram o conteúdo do instrumento. Foram seguidos métodos sistemáticos para coleta de dados: carta convite, termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido, formulário de caracterização dos participantes, carta explicativa e questionário de avaliação dos itens/domínios. A concordância entre os especialistas foi analisada considerando os valores críticos da Content Validity Ratio (CVR) (nível de significância de p<0,02). Resultados: Foram encontradas 14 escalas validadas, na maioria voltadas para identificação de fragilidade e demandas/risco de saúde. Os domínios mais frequentes foram suporte social (100%) e capacidade funcional (92,8%), enquanto o menos presente foi sobre violência (7,1%). Todas as escalas apresentaram índices de confiabilidade, seguidos por validade de critério concorrente e conteúdo (78,5%, ambas). Validades de face (21,4%) e construto (21,4%) foram menos prevalentes. Na validação do conteúdo da AMI do PAGe seu construto foi definido, suas bases conceituais foram devidamente descritas e seus itens modificados para melhor qualidade psicométrica. O comitê foi constituído por dez especialistas. A partir do cálculo das CVRs, 42,7% dos 103 itens foram validados, 50,4% modificados, 5,8% excluídos e 0,9% mantidos sem modificações. As médias das CVRs da escala inteira nos quesitos clareza e pertinência são 0,78 e 0,95, respectivamente. Foram feitas alterações no layout e nas instruções do instrumento, excluídas as propostas de escores e incluídos sete itens. Conclusão: As escalas encontradas na revisão são mais voltadas para a área da saúde e apresentam limitações em suas validações. Há escassez de instrumentos originados no Brasil e validados para idosos brasileiros. Esta pesquisa proporcionou a identificação do construto latente da AMI pertencente ao PAGe, a qual passou a ser denominada escala de Vulnerabilidade Biopsicossocial do Idoso (VBI). O conteúdo dessa escala não foi totalmente validado, contudo os itens mantidos na mesma foram todos considerados pertinentes. Neste panorama, espera-se que a escala VBI do PAGe venha contribuir para o campo de instrumentos avaliativos da população idosa brasileira e que este trabalho contribua para maior interesse em estudos de avaliação psicométrica e uso crítico de instrumentos / The Gerontological Care Plan (originally called Plano de Atenção Gerontológica -PAGe), developed in the Bachelor of Gerontology of the University of São Paulo, has a scale of multidimensional assessment of the elderly (MAE) that has not been yet submitted to a validation process. General objective: to determine the content validation of the MAE of the PAGe. Methods: Content validity was performed in the following stages: 1) systematic review of multidimensional assessment tools for elderly validated in the English language: the descriptors \"geriatric assessment\", \"validity\", \"reliability\" and \"elderly\" were associated and searched in four databases. The articles were selected by two researchers after applying the inclusion criteria in the abstracts/titles and full articles. Additional research was done in an attempt to find adaptations/validations for the Brazilian population; 2) definition of the conceptual bases: an in-depth study on how domains/items were measured by other researchers; 3) analysis of the development of the instrument: the items were evaluated and modified considering: ambiguity, length, reading difficulty, multiple negatives and double barreled; and 4) evaluation of the specialists committee: experts in multidimensional assessment analyzed the content of the instrument. Systematic methods for data collection were followed: invitation letter, informed consent form, participant characterization form, explanatory letter and questionnaire to evaluate the items/domains. The agreement among the experts was analyzed considering the critical values of the content validity ratio (CVR) (significance level of p <0.02). Results: A total of 14 validated scales were found, mostly focused on the identification of frailty and demands / health risk. The most frequent domains were social support (100%) and functional capacity (92.8%), while the least present was violence (7.1%). All scales presented reliability indices, followed by validity of concurrent criterion and content (78.5%, both). Validities of face (21.4%) and construct (21.4%) were less prevalent. In the content validation of the MAE of the PAGe its construct was defined, its conceptual bases were properly described and its items modified for better psychometric quality. The committee consisted of ten specialists. From the CVR calculation, 42.7% of the 103 items were validated, 50.4% modified, 5.8% excluded and 0.9% maintained unchanged. The CVR averages of the entire instrument in the clarity and relevance questions are 0.78 and 0.95, respectively. Changes were made to the layout and instructions of the instrument, proposed scores were excluded and seven items were included. Conclusion: The scales retrieved in the systematic review are more focused on the healthcare field and have limitations in their validations. No instrument was originally developed in Brazil and fewer were validated for Brazilian elderly. This research provided the identification of the latent AMI construct belonging to the PAGe, which was renamed scale of Biopsychosocial Vulnerability of the Elderly (BVE). The content of this scale was not fully validaded, however the items kept in it were all considered pertinent. Finally, it is expected that BVE would contribute to the field of evaluation instruments for Brazilian elderly population and that the present study contributes to an increase interest in psychometric evaluation and critical use of instruments

Perceived organizational support as social validation: Concept clarity and content validation

Andrew T Jebb (9023918) 29 June 2020 (has links)
Perceived organizational support (POS) is an important construct in organizational science that describes employees’ degree of perceived support from their organization. However, in the academic literature, no paper has openly consulted real employees for how they understand and experience organizational support. The goal of the present dissertation was to conduct a qualitative,<br>person-centric study to from the employee’s perspective investigate the meaning of POS. To do this, techniques based on current best-practice recommendations were used, including examining incidents of the phenomenon and collecting lay definitions from key informants. It was found that a wide range of organizational behaviors can count as support; in the data, 25 distinct support forms were identified along with 27 lack of support forms. Through thematic analysis, these forms were aggregated into six themes of organizational support (e.g., “Organization helps the employee perform their job effectively”) and ultimately formed a single higher-order theme that represented<br>the meaning of POS. That ism POS is the holistic perception of whether or not an employee is<br>valued by their organization. This aligns with the classical academic definition of POS (perceptions of how much the organization values one’s well-being and work contributions) but also suggests the construct should be considered more broadly.<br>Because how a construct is conceptualized determines its essential content, the second half of this dissertation performed a systematic content validation of the Survey of Perceived Organizational Support (SPOS) and its short forms. Little formal content validation had been done<br>for this scale, but it was found that all four aspects of content validity examined (content deficiency, relevance, distinctiveness, and balance) were satisfactory in the SPOS and of its short forms. Thus, researchers using these scales can be confident of content validity, although there is a need to improve content validation processes and reduce the number of SPOS short forms in current use.

Assessing Facilitating Factors and Barriers to Body Mass Index Screening among School Nurses

Stalter, Ann M. 27 August 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Constructing an organisational climate model to predict potential risk of management fraud

Bezuidenhoud, Leon 11 1900 (has links)
Fraudulent behaviour by management has become a global problem that cuts across cultural and ideological divides. Therefore, given the high incidence and cost of fraud internationally and locally, as well as the fact that stakeholders, including shareholders, governments and non-governmental organisations, are increasing the pressure on organisations to manage unethical behaviour more effectively, it is astonishing that fraud per se has not attracted more research efforts. Enron, WorldCom and Arthur Andersen, among others, have underscored the fact that the current modes which are governing companies are not sufficient to protect investors and public interests, because it is easy for otherwise honest people to be swept along in a climate of corruption. The aim of this study was to propose a model to predict potential risk of management fraud based on the organisational climate of the organisation. An interpretative framework was used to develop a conceptual model. Analytical induction and Lawshe’s content validity ratio were applied to validate the conceptualised model. The conceptual model assumes that there are certain organisational climate factors (determinants and dimensions) within an organisation which could indicate the direction of climate within the organisation. The determinants are leadership style, managerial values, trustworthiness, and organisational values. The following dimensions were identified: level of individual autonomy, reward system of organisation, degree of open communication between employees and management, perceived individual pressure, and fairness and innovation. The conceptual model further assumes that, although employees’ acceptance and/or tolerance of unethical behaviour might be high, not all managers will engage in fraud, as the various aspects of the fraud diamond also impose a form of constraint on the organisation. The level of individual constraint as imposed by the fraud diamond is moderated by an individual’s gender, tenure, education and age, which form part of an individual’s capability and comprise the acquired traits of an individual. Apart from these biographical traits, the model includes personal traits that will also have an impact on an individual’s capability. The limitations, practical implications and recommendations for future research are also discussed. This study, not only augments fraud literature, but also contributes to industrial/organisational psychology by studying individual deviance from an organisational perspective. / Psychology / D. Phil. (Consulting psychology) : illustrated (some colored)

Investigating the Content Validity of the Basic Competence Test of English / 國中基本學力測驗英語科內容效度之研究

林慧雰, Lin, Hui Fen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探查台灣國中基本學力測驗英語科之內容效度,以期了解國中基本學力測驗英語科之試題內容是否達到出題者宣稱之目的,進而對英語教師、教育學者、學生、及社會大眾能有啟示作用。 本研究兼採質及量的分析方法。質的研究取自51位現任國中英語教師之專業判斷,以2003年第一次國中基測英語試題為例,從課本的符合程度、學校教學、學校評量、試題難易度等四方面逐題審視國中基測與教學之相關程度,及問卷調查此51位教師對國中基測與課程標準之總目標、分項目標、基測命題原則、及學力指標之看法,透過Aiken之效度指數檢測是否達到顯著。量的研究取自台灣四所國中共1204位畢業生在校三年之英語段考平均成績分別與國中基測英語原始分數之相關。 研究結果顯示:國中基本學力測驗英語科具有內容效度。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the content validity of Basic Competence Test (BCT) in English, hoping to verify whether or not the test reaches what the tester claims to test, and further promote a better understanding of BCT toward teachers, students, educators and the public. This study adopts both qualitative and quantitative analyses. Fifty-one qualified junior high school teachers examine the relationship between BCT’s items and curricular instruction from textbook coverage, instruction, evaluation, and item difficulty. They also offer their perceptions toward BCT from the content domain the tester claims to test, i.e. the general and specific objectives of Curriculum Standards, test principles from the BCT Center, and Core Competence Indicators. Aiken’s Validity Index checks if items are significantly content valid. Computing the correlation coefficient between 1204 students’ academic scores of monthly tests for three years at four schools and BCT’s raw scores does the quantitative analysis. The result of this study indicates that first BCT items have high accordance with curricular instruction. Second, students’ performance at school correlates highly to that on BCT. Third, what the BCT Center claims to test is highly acclaimed by the junior high school teachers. In other words, BCT’s content validity is established.

Développement d'une échelle de mesure de la souffrance chez les adolescents ayant le cancer

Khadra, Christelle 07 1900 (has links)
La complexité du traitement oncologique a amélioré les taux de survie des adolescents ayant le cancer mais a également augmenté leur souffrance. Le but de la présente étude était d'élaborer une échelle pour mesurer la souffrance chez cette population. À partir d’entrevues semi-structurées auprès de 19 adolescents et 16 experts, un pool d’items associés à la souffrance a été créé. Les items ont été présentés à un panel de neuf experts pour déterminer leur validité de contenu. Les analyses ont montré une validité de contenu élevée de l’échelle par l’indice de validité de contenu de 0,98 associé à un accord inter-juges de 0,88. La majorité des items étaient considérés faciles à comprendre et à y répondre. L’Échelle de Souffrance des Adolescents ayant le cancer (ESAC) est de type likert à quatre choix de réponses. Elle comprend 41 items portant sur la souffrance physique, psychologique, sociale, spirituelle, cognitive et globale. / The complexity of cancer treatment has improved the survival rates among adolescents with cancer but has also increased their suffering. The purpose of this study was to develop a scale to measure suffering in this population. A pool of items associated with suffering was created after analysing the verbatim of semi-structured interviews conducted with 19 patients and 16 experts. The items were then presented to nine experts to determine their content validity. The analysis showed a high content validity of the scale with a content validity index (CVI) of 0.98 associated with an interrater agreement (IRA) of 0.88. The majority of the items were considered easy to understand and answer. The scale, called the “Suffering Scale of Adolescents with Cancer” (SSAC), is a likert type scale with four answer choices. It comprises 41 items about physical, psychological, social, spiritual, cognitive and global suffering.

Adapta??o transcultural e valida??o de conte?do do question?rio ?Parcours Amoureux des Jeunes - PAJ? - Montr?al/ Canad? - para o contexto do Brasil

Nascimento, Ohana Cunha do 19 March 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Verena Bastos (verena@uefs.br) on 2015-08-03T22:03:06Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o Ohana_Adapta?ao Transcultural_2014.pdf: 3891838 bytes, checksum: 45c10adb41af0ffa470f22fbfd1bd06a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-08-03T22:03:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o Ohana_Adapta?ao Transcultural_2014.pdf: 3891838 bytes, checksum: 45c10adb41af0ffa470f22fbfd1bd06a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-19 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / Introduction: the PAJ inventory study the path of young love, from the perspective of analyzing the relationship between violent events and relationships with family, friends and lovers. This th?me has mobilized researchers in different social contexts, regions and countries, considering the violence`s impact. Researchers in this area requires the use of validated instruments, with multidimensional approach, regardless of source context, based on the experience of literature. Objective: submit the inventory PAJ "Parcour Amoreux des Jeunes" to the cross-cultural adaptation and validation of content. Methodology: protocol steps recommended were the ones that follow: (1) translation and back-translation - translation and back-translation - the translation was attended by two Brazilian researchers , skilled in French , and later , two young native Canadian researchers fluent in Portuguese, ending Pilot II version . (2) Analisys by the Expert Committee - ten professionals from different backgrounds participated (researchers in validation , adolescence and violence) , who analyzed individually , the clarity and equivalence for each question according to the characteristics of clarity (1) It is not clear , (2) It is a little unclear , (3) almost everything is clear , (4) it is clear and I have no doubt , and equivalence : (1) not equivalent , (2) Partially equivalent; " (3) equivalent . After analysis , the percentages of clarity and equivalence and Content Validity Index / general question for IVC were calculated, obtaining Pilot III version , (3) Pre -test - Pilot III was assessed by a sample of 36 young people , 14-24 years old, both genders , with the same characteristics as the target of the later stages (psychometric analysis and application to the target population) population. In the pre -test interpretive questions were analyzed , in order to obtain cultural, conceptual, semantic and idiomatic equivalence, improving, thus, the instrument comprehension. After analysis of experts and young people , proportions relative to clarity and equivalence and Content Validity Index ( CVI ) were calculated , considering as appropriate issues with grades 3 and 4 for clarity, with value above 0.78 , according literature recommendations. Results: in general, the inventory PAJ had adequate content validity (0.97), considering the recommended limit value for adequacy (0.78). All sections of the instrument showed good performance (adequacy to clarity and equivalence), except the first section (general information, sociodemographic questions the cultural context of young parents' ethnicity, education, language spoken, among others) whose items and issues experienced cross-cultural adaptation and adjustment to match the Brazilian reality. Conclusions: PAJ showed suitable validity of content. The stages of cultural adaptation, and validation of content of instrument becomes appropriate for the procedures that follow - steps of reliability assessment (psychometrics) and applicability to the youth population in the brazilian context. / Introdu??o: o invent?rio PAJ busca estudar o percurso amoroso de jovens, na perspectiva de analisar a rela??o entre os eventos violentos e relacionamentos com familiares, amigos e amores. Esse tema tem mobilizado estudiosos, nos distintos contextos sociais, regi?es e pa?ses, considerando o impacto da viol?ncia Pesquisar nesta ?rea requer a utiliza??o de instrumentos validados, com abordagem multidimensional, independente do contexto de origem, tendo como base a experi?ncia da literatura. Objetivo: submeter o invent?rio PAJ ?Parcours Amourex des Jeunes?, ? adapta??o transcultural e ? valida??o de conte?do, para utiliza??o em contexto nacional. Metodologia: foram obedecidas etapas protocolares recomendadas: : (1) Tradu??o e Retrotradu??o ? para tradu??o participaram dois pesquisadores brasileiros, habilitados na lingua francesa, obtendo duas vers?es em protugu?s; na retradu??o, dois novos pesquisadores nativos do Canad? com flu?ncia no portugu?s, finalizando vers?o Piloto II. (2) An?lise por Comit? de Especialistas ? participaram dez profissionais de diferentes forma??es, pesquisadores nas ?reas de (valida??o, adolesc?ncia e viol?ncia), os quais analisaram, individualmente, o grau de clareza e de equival?ncia para cada quest?o, segundo as caracter?sticas de clareza (1) N?o est? claro; (2) Est? um pouco claro; (3) Est? quase tudo claro; (4) Est? claro e n?o tenho d?vidas; e de equival?ncia: (1) N?o equivalente; (2) Pouco equivalente; ?(3) Equivalente. Ap?s an?lise, foram calculadas as porcentagens de clareza e de equival?ncia e o Indice de Validade de Conte?do/IVC geral por quest?o, obtendo-se vers?o Piloto III; (3) Pr?-teste ? o Piloto III foi avaliado por uma amostra de 36 jovens, de 14 a 24 anos, ambos os sexos, com as mesmas caracter?sticas da popula??o alvo das etapas posteriores (an?lise psicom?trica e aplicabilidade na popula??o alvo). No pr?-teste foram analisadas quest?es de ordem interpretativa, visando obter equival?ncias cultural, conceitual, sem?ntica, idiom?tica, na perspectiva de aprimorar a compreens?o do instrumento. Ap?s an?lise dos especialistas e dos jovens, foram calculadas propor??es relativas ao grau de clareza e equival?ncia e o ?ndice de Validade de Conte?do (IVC), considerando como adequadas quest?es com graus 3 e 4, para clareza, com valor acima de 0,78, segundo recomenda??es da literatura. Resultados: de maneira geral, o invent?rio PAJ apresentou adequada validade de conte?do (0,97), considerando o valor limite para adequa??o recomendado (0,78).Todas as se??es do instrumento apresentaram bom desempenho (adequa??o para clareza e equival?ncia), exceto a primeira se??o (informa??es gerais, quest?es sociodemogr?ficas do contexto cultural do jovem, etnia dos pais, escolaridade, l?ngua mais falada, entre outros aspectos) cujos itens e quest?es sofreram a adapta??o transcultural e adequa??o para corresponder ? realidade brasileira. Conclus?es: o PAJ mostrou adequada validade de conte?do. Os est?gios de adapta??o cultural e valida??o de conte?do torna o instrumento apropriado para os procedimentos que se seguem - medidas de avalia??o da confiabilidade (psicometria) e aplicabilidade para a popula??o jovem no contexto brasileiro.

Constructing an organisational climate model to predict potential risk of management fraud

Bezuidenhoud, Leon 11 1900 (has links)
Fraudulent behaviour by management has become a global problem that cuts across cultural and ideological divides. Therefore, given the high incidence and cost of fraud internationally and locally, as well as the fact that stakeholders, including shareholders, governments and non-governmental organisations, are increasing the pressure on organisations to manage unethical behaviour more effectively, it is astonishing that fraud per se has not attracted more research efforts. Enron, WorldCom and Arthur Andersen, among others, have underscored the fact that the current modes which are governing companies are not sufficient to protect investors and public interests, because it is easy for otherwise honest people to be swept along in a climate of corruption. The aim of this study was to propose a model to predict potential risk of management fraud based on the organisational climate of the organisation. An interpretative framework was used to develop a conceptual model. Analytical induction and Lawshe’s content validity ratio were applied to validate the conceptualised model. The conceptual model assumes that there are certain organisational climate factors (determinants and dimensions) within an organisation which could indicate the direction of climate within the organisation. The determinants are leadership style, managerial values, trustworthiness, and organisational values. The following dimensions were identified: level of individual autonomy, reward system of organisation, degree of open communication between employees and management, perceived individual pressure, and fairness and innovation. The conceptual model further assumes that, although employees’ acceptance and/or tolerance of unethical behaviour might be high, not all managers will engage in fraud, as the various aspects of the fraud diamond also impose a form of constraint on the organisation. The level of individual constraint as imposed by the fraud diamond is moderated by an individual’s gender, tenure, education and age, which form part of an individual’s capability and comprise the acquired traits of an individual. Apart from these biographical traits, the model includes personal traits that will also have an impact on an individual’s capability. The limitations, practical implications and recommendations for future research are also discussed. This study, not only augments fraud literature, but also contributes to industrial/organisational psychology by studying individual deviance from an organisational perspective. / Psychology / D. Phil. (Consulting psychology)

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