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Elektronická jednotka pro řízení pohonu kostelních zvonů / Control Unit for Church Bell Electric DriveBureš, Petr January 2009 (has links)
This work deals with analysis induction motors. There are described their principle and methods of starting, the engine controls and the stop braking. In terms of this study it was determined the engine controls type for control unit for church bell electric drive design. In next part there is complete hardware and software design of control unit.
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Erlebbarkeit von Anlagenkomponenten im Kontext Virtuelle Inbetriebnahme in virtuellen UmgebungenGeiger, Andreas, Rehfeld, Ingolf, Rothenburg, Uwe, Stark, Rainer January 2016 (has links)
Aus der Einleitung
"Der Einsatz von Virtual Reality (VR) Methoden in der Fabrikplanung und Absicherung ist bei großen produzierenden Unternehmen heute in allen Phasen des Produktentwicklungsprozesses (PEP) „State of the Art“ (Runde 2012). Virtual Reality ermöglicht die frühzeitige Visualisierung eines Entwicklungsstands in Originalgröße. Dadurch lassen sich Design- oder Konzeptentwürfe visualisieren, frühzeitig Fehler erkennen und Absicherungen hinsichtlich Ergonomie, oder Ein- und Ausbauuntersuchung durchführen (Rademacher, 2014). Diese Absicherungen, insbesondere die Prüfung von Produktionsanlagen wird heute vor allem mit statische Modellen durchgeführt (Westkämper & Runde 2006).
Weiterhin resultiert die zunehmende Vernetzung und Intelligenz von Produktionsanlagen im Kontext von Industrie 4.0 in hochkomplexen Anlagensteuerungen. Zur frühzeitigen Überprüfung der Datenquellen bzw. Planungsdaten für die reale Anlage hinsichtlich ihrer Korrektheit, Vollständigkeit und Konsistenz bereits während der Entwicklung werden daher zunehmend auch Techniken der funktionellen Virtualisierung eingesetzt. ..."
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How can the control and interaction principles be improved for games in virtual reality : A qualitative study to create interaction design guidelines that limits the effect of cybersicknessEwerbring, Carl-Arvid January 2015 (has links)
With new VR devices entering the consumer space, the interest in the industry is growing immensely. There is currently limited information regarding controls and cybersickness in VR and the available recommendations are narrow in their nature. The goal of the thesis was to find new control and interaction guidelines that limit the onset of cybersickness, to be used by those who wish to create games in Virtual Reality. A literature review in the area of cybersickness was followed by a qualitative study. 22 participants played 4 selected VR games of different nature and were interviewed after each gaming session. The data was used in a qualitative framework designed to create policies. The resulting guidelines covered areas of cybersickness, presence and ergonomics. They validated several existing guidelines, extended some and created new ones. The new guidelines state that it is preferred to strive for controls that mirror real life, that presence has implications on interaction design and that new inputs should be implemented in a pedagogical manner. In addition some ergonomic aspects of head mounted displays were uncovered. / I takt med att VR-marknaden växer ökar konsumentintresset för teknologin mer och mer. Det är i dagsläget svårt att få tag på information angående kontroller och cybersjuka i Virtual Reality och de rekommendationer som finns är begränsade. Målet med uppsatsen var att hitta nya riktlinjer för interaktion och kontroller inom VR med fokus på att underlätta för designers att skapa spel som begränsar cybersjukans påverkan. En litteraturstudie inom området cybersjuka genomfördes och följdes upp av en kvalitativ studie. 22 deltagare spelade 4 särskilt utvalda spel vardera. Efter varje spelsession intervjuades de och den sammanlagda data bearbetades i ett kvalitativt ramverk designat för att skapa riktlinjer. Riktlinjer skapades inom områden som cybersjuka, närvaro och ergonomi. Dessa riktlinjer validerade redan existerade riktlinjer, utökade några samt skapade ett par helt nya. De nya riktlinjerna som skapades var t.ex. att det är att föredra att sträva efter interaktion som speglar det verkliga livet, att närvaron har konsekvenser på interaktionsdesign och att nya sätt att få indata bör implementeras på ett pedagogiskt vis. Dessutom har några ergonomiska aspekter av huvudmonterade skärmar upptäckts.
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Structural controls on groundwater flow in the Clanwilliam areaNakhwa, Riyaz Ahmed January 2005 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / Deformation of the western part of the Table Mountain Group rocks during the Cape Orogeny created a series of folds and associated fractures. The subsequent continental break-up of Gondwana led to the development of large fault systems. These exert a major influence on deep and shallow groundwater flow. There are 3 main types of structures that are investigated. The geological contacts between hydraulically different lithologies, the primary characteristics of the sediments comprising the main geological units and the secondary structures developed from the tectonic events. These inter-alia include lithological boundaries, bedding and conjugate joints and large faults.
Compartmentalisation of the aquifers by lithological and fault boundaries are the main regional level controls on flow in the study area. Joints are important for local control of flow, but cumulatively exert a regional effect as well. These controls exert a strong 3 dimensional impact on flow patterns within the area. Geological cross sections and detailed fieldwork combined with the conceptual models proposed are used to determine groundwater flow and the extent of the flow constraints. There is heterogeneity in the fault characteristics whilst there is consistence in the impermeable aquitards. These effect boundaries at the base of the aquifer, divide the aquifer into upper and lower units and cap the top of the aquifer. Using water level data, EC and pH an attempt is made to establish patterns created by structures, mainly faults. There appears to be some control of these shown by patterns seen on contour plots of the data. Understanding of the structures can significantly alter the way the available data could be interpreted. The integration of all available data into the conceptual model provides an effective research tool, which opens up further avenues for new approaches and methods for continued research in this area.
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Percutaneous Mechanical Right Ventricular SupportCecchini, Arthur, Othman, Ahmad, Cecchini, Amanda, Jbara, Manar 07 April 2022 (has links)
Ventricular assist devices are used in patients with heart failure refractory to standard management. Though left ventricular assist devices are more often used, patients with severe right ventricular dysfunction may also be treated with mechanical support. This case presents a patient with mixed cardiogenic and septic shock requiring placement of a percutaneous right ventricular assist device. A 38-year-old obese male with a medical history of alcoholism presented to the hospital with a complaint of dyspnea. He was found to have volume overload and was given intravenous diuretics. However, he had progressive renal insufficiency, hypotension requiring vasopressor support, and worsening respiratory status requiring mechanical ventilation. An echocardiogram showed a severely enlarged right ventricle, reduced RV function, normal RV wall thickness, moderate to severe tricuspid regurgitation, a severely dilated right atrium, ventricular septal flattening, and mild pulmonary hypertension. Left ventricular ejection fraction was 65-70%, LV diastolic function was normal, and there were no other significant valvular abnormalities. Troponin levels, ECG, and CT pulmonary angiography were unrevealing. Right heart catheterization showed a right atrial pressure of 29 mmHg (2 – 6 mmHg), right ventricular pressures of 50/24 mmHg (15-25/0-8 mmHg), pulmonary artery pressures of 56/35/43 mmHg (15-25/8-15/10-20 mmHg), a pulmonary capillary wedge pressure of 22 mmHg (6-12 mmHg), and a Prognostic Impact of Pulmonary Artery Pulsatility Index (PAPi) score of 0.3 to 0.6 (>1). Cardiac chamber oxygen saturations did not demonstrate intracardiac shunting. A right-sided mechanical circulatory support device was placed. The hospital course was complicated by sepsis due to pneumonia and presumed central line-associated bloodstream infection requiring antibiotic therapy, anemia secondary to device-related hemolysis requiring blood transfusions, renal failure requiring renal replacement therapy, and candidemia requiring antifungal therapy. Due to concern for device-associated infection, his central lines were replaced. The mechanical circulatory support device was able to be removed after ten days. Subsequent cardiac imaging did not reveal any other structural abnormalities, and a definitive cause for the right heart failure was not determined. Etiologies of right-sided heart failure include left-sided heart failure, pulmonary hypertension, chronic pulmonary disease, myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, myocarditis, valvular dysfunction, and congenital anomalies. Mechanical circulatory support may be used to support cardiac function, to allow the ventricular function to improve. Potential complications of mechanical circulatory support include infection, hemolysis, bleeding, device migration, and malfunction. RVAD therapy should be considered for patients with isolated right ventricular failure refractory to less invasive therapy.
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Analog input in gaming: Investigating the possibilities of new controller affordances in video gamesOstendorf, Pim January 2018 (has links)
This report covers the eight week design project for the Thesis Project 1 and it looks at both the process and the results of this project. Through an iterative prototyping process a prototype was created to answer the research question: “What gameplay mechanics are required for a fighting style video game to allow for analog input in its character movements and do these mechanics allow for more natural controls and mastery?” Together with research into academic writing in the fields of neurology, embodied design and game design it was concluded that an analog control scheme, within the context of a video game that allows for that type of affordance, gives the user more natural control over the character they are playing. This was validated by playtesting the prototype with several users. However, the richness of the mastery of a game relies heavily on the implemented game elements in a finalized game and was therefore unanswered in this project. There were also constraints and game mechanics identified for game designers to keep in mind when designing a game that relies on this type of analog input. The project also raised a number of questions and new design opportunities that were unable to be explored due to the limited scope of the project.
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Rôle des expositions environnementales aux rayons ultraviolets naturels et aux pesticides liés aux activités agricoles dans l’incidence des hémopathies malignes de l’enfant / Role of Environmental Exposures to Residential Ultraviolet Radiation and Pesticides Related to Agriculture in the Incidence of Childhood Hematological MalignanciesCoste, Astrid 20 October 2017 (has links)
Résumé : Cette thèse porte sur le rôle de deux expositions environnementales encore peu étudiées et pouvant influer sur l’incidence des hémopathies malignes (HME) de l’enfant : les rayons ultraviolets (UV) et les pesticides liés aux activités agricoles.Les leucémies (LA) et lymphomes de l’enfant sont les deux types principaux de HME et représentent respectivement environ 470 et 200 nouveaux cas par an en France. Leur prise en charge thérapeutique et leur survie ont fait d’immenses progrès, cependant la connaissance de leurs facteurs de risque est encore très partielle.Les études sur les effets des UV dans les cancers de l’enfant sont peu développées. Plusieurs méta-analyses récentes concluent à une augmentation du risque de LA chez l’enfant lors d’une exposition professionnelle ou domestique de la mère aux pesticides pendant la grossesse. L’exposition aux pesticides d’origine agricole a été moins étudiée, et les résultats sont hétérogènes.La première partie, écologique, de ce travail s’intéresse à l’exposition résidentielle aux UV. Une étude a été réalisée à partir des observations du Registre National des Hémopathies malignes de l’Enfant (RNHE) faites sur une longue période, entre 1990-2009 et sur l’ensemble de la France métropolitaine (9 082 cas de LA et 3 563 cas de lymphomes). Les données de l’exposition aux UV résidentiels étaient issues de la base EUROSUN. Une moyenne quotidienne d’exposition aux UV résidentiels sur l’ensemble de la période 1988-2007 à l’échelle communale a été considérée. Une augmentation significative de l’incidence des leucémies aiguës lymphoblastiques à précurseurs B (LAL-Pré B) chez les moins de 5 ans a été observée avec l’exposition aux UV résidentiels au moment du diagnostic. L’association n’était pas modifiée après une stratification par périodes ; par tranches d’unités urbaines ; par grandes régions, et par un indice de défaveur français. Une deuxième étude, individuelle, sur les UV ne trouvait pas de modification de l’association en prenant en compte le rôle de facteurs individuels soupçonnés d’être associés aux LAL et en regardant l’exposition à la naissance. Les données individuelles de ces facteurs provenaient de deux études cas-témoins en population générale, l’enquête ESCALE (2003-2004) et l’enquête ESTELLE (2010-2011).La dernière partie de la thèse se penche sur l’exposition résidentielle aux pesticides liés aux activités agricoles. Cette étude s’appuie sur les données du RNHE, recueillant 10 994 cas de LA et 4 301 cas de lymphomes sur la période 1990-2013. L’intensité de l’activité agricole dans le canton de résidence au moment du diagnostic a été choisie comme proxy de l’exposition aux pesticides. Cette intensité a été à partir des données cantonales du Recensement général Agricole de 2000. Dans cette première approche aucune association n’a été mise en évidence entre les HME et la part de Surface Agricole Utile (SAU) totale. Les analyses par grands types de cultures montrent, dans cette première approche, une association positive et significative entre l’intensité de cultures en oléagineux et l’incidence des LAL Pré-B et des lymphomes de Burkitt. Des analyses de sensibilité montraient des résultats hétérogènes par période d’étude. / Abstract: This thesis deals with the role of two environmental exposures not much studied and that could have an impact on the incidence of childhood hematological malignancies (CHM): ultraviolet radiation (UV) and agricultural pesticides.The two major diagnostic groups are acute leukemia (AL) and lymphomas and represent respectively around 470 and 200 new cases per year in France. Despite the progress made in improving therapeutic caring and survival, the etiology of these cancers remains largely unknown.There are very few studies on the association between UV and these cancers. Meta-analyses found a coherent association between childhood AL and parental professional or domestic pesticides exposure during pregnancy. However the association with residential exposure to agricultural pesticides has been less studied and results are heterogeneous.The first, ecological, part of the thesis addressed the associations between residential UV exposure at diagnosis and the incidence of types and subtypes of CHM in France. The 9,082 cases of acute leukemia (AL) and 3,563 cases of lymphoma diagnosed before the age of 15 years from 1990 to 2009 were provided by the French National Registry of Childhood Hematological Malignancies. UV data from 1988 to 2007 were extracted from the EUROSUN database. The annual daily average UV exposure of the children estimated at the municipalities of residence was considered. There was a significant increase in precursor B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (PBC-ALL) in children aged less than 5 years with residential exposure to UV. The results remained stable in analyses stratifying by deprivation index or degree of urbanization of the municipalities.A second, individual, study found no change in the association between UV and PBC-ALL after taking into account the influence of suspected individual risk factors for ALL, and evaluated this association at birth. Individual data were collected by interviews in the ESCALE (2003-2004) and ESTELLE (2010-2011) nationwide case-control studies.The last part of this work focused on the residential exposure to agricultural pesticides. The 10,994 cases of AL and the 4,301 cases of lymphomas diagnosed among children less than 15 years old were obtained from the French National Registry of Childhood Hematological Malignancies over the period 1990-2013. Intensity of agricultural activities by Canton was used as a proxy of residential agricultural pesticides exposure. This proxy was estimated from the 2000 French agricultural census data. At this first step of the analysis, no associations were found between total agricultural area and incidence of CHM. Analyses by types of crops showed, at this first step, a significant association between oilseeds and PBC-ALL and Burkitt lymphoma. Sensitivity analyses evidenced heterogeneous results by time period.
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Strategies for Improving Profitability Through Effective Internal ControlsWashington, Melissa M 01 January 2018 (has links)
Between 2007 and 2009, the United States experienced a financial crisis. Many businesses experienced difficulties obtaining funds for projects and working capital due to the great recession. As a result, many business owners filed for bankruptcy. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore strategies that some small business owners in the construction industry used when implementing internal control processes to improve profits. The study population entailed 6 individuals in the southeast region of the United States who successfully implemented internal control processes to improve profits. The data collected were from face-to-face interviews, analysis of company documents, and observation. The data analysis process included coding the information to develop patterns and themes. The themes identified in the study included operational strategies, methods to measure the effectiveness of internal controls, barriers to implementing internal controls, and ways internal controls improved profits. The implications for positive social change include the potential to provide construction business owners with effective strategies to implement internal control processes that may lead to increasing employment opportunities for individuals in local communities.
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Design Optimization of Inductive Power Transfer Systems for Contactless Electric Vehicle Charging ApplicationsMoghaddami, Masood 18 October 2018 (has links)
Contactless Electric Vehicle (EV) charging based on magnetic resonant induction is an emerging technology that can revolutionize the future of the EV industry and transportation systems by enabling an automated and convenient charging process. However, in order to make this technology an acceptable alternative for conventional plug-in charging systems it needs to be optimized for different design measures. Specifically, the efficiency of an inductive EV charging system is of a great importance and should be comparable to the efficiency of conventional plug-in EV chargers.
The aim of this study is to develop solutions that contribute to the design enhancement of inductive EV charging systems. Specifically, generalized physics-based design optimization methods that address the trade-off problem between several key objectives including efficiency, power density, misalignment tolerance, and cost efficiency considering critical constraints are developed. Using the developed design methodology, a 3.7kW inductive charging system with square magnetic structures is investigated as a case study and a prototype is built to validate the optimization results. The developed prototype achieves 93.65% efficiency (DC-to-DC) and a power density of 1.65kW/dm3.
Also, self-tuning power transfer control methods with resonance frequency tracking capability and bidirectional power transfer control are presented. The proposed control methods enhance the efficiency of power converters and reduce the Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) by enabling soft-switching operations. Several simplified digital controllers are developed and experimentally implemented. The controllers are implemented without the use of DSP/FPGA solutions. Experimental tests show that of the developed simplified controllers can effectively regulate the power transfer around the desired value. Moreover, the experiments show that compared to conventional converters, the developed converters can achieve 4% higher efficiency at low power levels.
Moreover, enhanced matrix converter topologies that can achieve bidirectional power transfer and high efficiency with a reduced number of switching elements are introduced. The self-tuning controllers are utilized to design and develop control schemes for bidirectional power transfer regulation. The simulation analyses and experimental results show that the developed matrix converters can effectively establish bidirectional power transfer at the desired power levels with soft-switching operations and resonance frequency tracking capability. Specifically, a direct three-phase AC-AC matrix converter with a reduced number of switches (only seven) is developed and built. It is shown that the developed converters can achieve efficiencies as high as 98.54% at high power levels and outperform conventional two-stage converters.
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Hybrid Electric Vehicle Model Development and Design of Controls Testing FrameworkSatra, Mahaveer Kantilal January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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