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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploring the importance of financial literacy within the Capability Approach framework

Lubis, Arief Wibisono January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation aims to address the importance of financial literacy within the capability approach framework in the context of microfinance institutions’ clients in Indonesia, by raising four main issues. The first touches on financial capability and specifically focuses on its conceptualisation, predictors, and relationship with quality of life. A participatory method was employed to understand whether financial literacy is viewed as an important element of financial capability. An index of financial capability was built to investigate factors predicting financial capability and the relationship between financial capability and quality of life. The results suggest that socio-demographic discrepancies in financial capability exist, and financial capability is relevant for the improvement of quality of life. The remaining three issues centre on the instrumental value of financial literacy. In the second part, it is proposed that financial literacy is a relevant conversion factor. Within the capability approach literature itself, there is a lack of empirical discussion on conversion factors. It can be concluded that financial literacy is associated positively with conversion rate efficiency. The third research topic examined is the role of financial literacy in household financial decision-making authority. Previous studies have used household decision-making authority as a reflection of agency, which is an important building block of the capability approach. This thesis focuses on financial decision making, which is often perceived as “difficult”, “boring”, and “full of uncertainties”. It is suggested that the relationship between financial literacy and household financial decision-making authority is complex and contingent upon various factors. The role of financial literacy in the relationship between financial decision-making authority and subjective well-being is the last topic investigated in this dissertation. While decision-making authority has been argued as a reflection of human agency and source of power within households, it can also be perceived as a burden. These two interpretations of authority lead to an unclear relationship between household financial decision-making authority and subjective well-being. While a negative relationship between household financial decision-making authority and subjective well-being can be found among those with low levels of financial literacy, a similar correlation is absent among those who score high in financial literacy. This suggests that skills are important for people to value agency.

Microalgae biorefinery : proposition of a fractionation process / Bioraffinage des microalgues : proposition d’un procédé de fractionnement

Safi, Carl 18 December 2013 (has links)
Le concept d’une algoraffinerie primaire traitant les principaux composants de microalgues (lipides, protéines, glucides et pigments) a été étudié. Une séquence d'opérations unitaires a été mis en œuvre afin d'obtenir des fractions enrichies de ces biomolécules tout en conservant leur integrité dans le procédé en aval. L'étude a été principalement centrée sur Chlorella vulgaris, une espèce connue pour sa paroi cellulaire rigide. La majorité de la fraction lipophile (lipides et pigments) a été récupérée en utilisant du dioxyde de carbone supercritique avec de l'éthanol en tant que co-solvant, sans opération unitaire de cassage cellulaire préalable. La fraction hydrophile (protéines et polysaccharides) a été récupérée dans la phase aqueuse après broyage à billes comme méthode de cassage cellulaire. Par la suite, la phase aqueuse a été séparée en trois fractions par un procédé d'ultrafiltration en deux étapes. Ainsi, les amidons, les pigments, les protéines et les sucres ont été séparés les uns des autres avec succès. Une analyse du cycle de vie sera nécessaire pour estimer le coût et la durabilité du procédé de fractionnement. / A primary algorefinery, concept that deals with the main components of microalgae (lipids, proteins, carbohydrates and pigments), has been studied. A sequence of unit operations has been implemented in order to obtain separated enriched fractions of these biomolecules by conserving their integrity in the downstream process. The study was mainly centred on Chlorella vulgaris, a species known for its rigid cell wall. Most of the lipophilic fraction (lipids and pigments) was recovered using supercritical carbon dioxide with ethanol as a co-solvent, without a preliminary unit operation of cell disruption. The hydrophilic fraction (proteins and polysaccharides) was recovered in the aqueous phase after bed milling as cell disruption method. Subsequently, the aqueous phase was fractionated into three fractions by means of a process of two-stage ultrafiltration. Thus, starches, pigments, proteins and sugars were successfully separated from each other. A life cycle assessment will be necessary to estimate the cost and the sustainability of the fractionation process

Monte Carlo calculations of correction factors for plastic phantoms in clinical photon and electron beam dosimetry

Oguchi, Hiroshi, Okumura, Masahiko, Matsumoto, Kenji, Fukuoka, Miyoko, Hanyu, Yuji, Araki, Fujio 07 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Shadow prices in Czech economy / Stínové ceny v české ekonomice

Sieber, Martina January 2006 (has links)
The doctorial thesis is focused on shadow pricing. The aim is to describe as complex and full description of the problem as possible. Briefly said, Shadow prices are prices of goods which would take a place on the efficient market, if such a market with the commodity existed. In the case of consumption benefits they in fact present monetary value of the utility increment resulted from additional consumption. They are basic information input into any socioeconomic evaluation. Research of shadow prices is underdeveloped in the Czech Republic. With respect to the fact the thesis contents description of basic theoretical concepts as well as list of attainable methods for shadow prices derivation. Main variables determining shadow prices (under condition of WTP, WTA and Social Opportunity Costs concepts) are the existed society welfare and social preferences. From this perspective if clear and evident that there would not be appropriate to use shadow prices conducted abroad for evaluation in the Czech economy. Each state has its own level of welfare as well as specific social and ethical values widespread among citizens and so specific shadow prices as well. Not just shadow prices them self are not simply applicable for evaluation in each country. Similar problem we have to face, if we try to use the same methods of deriving shadow prices in different areas. That is why the thesis also serves critical analysis of attainable methods and their assessment. Based on the assessment is stated, what methods are more or less appropriate and under which condition in the Czech area. In principal should shadow prices reflect Social Opportunity Costs of input usage for evaluated changes and Willingness to Pay of the society for the outputs of evaluated changes (or alternatively Willingness to Accept) with no respect to the fact if the good (or output or input) is market good or nonmarket good. Even though we differentiate in the methodological level between market and nonmarket good the theoretical and conceptual background is the same. The background is rooted in the neoclassical economics. For the practical reasons as a analyst time and budget constrain it is not too efficient in evaluation of marketed goods always perform deep empirical market analysis from primary data even though it would be theoretically ideal and correct. Fortunately we are usually not forced to do it. In majority of cases we can follow LMST methodology of shadow prices and derive so called Conversion Factors for transformation of market prices to shadow prices. The Conversion factors are usually derived for wider group of goods which is sold in the similar market. Such values we call Sector Conversion Factors. A Shadow price of an individual unique good we than receive by its market price multiplication by most appropriate sector conversion factor. With respect to current Czech evaluation practice situation, when sector conversion factor are very often used but their estimates are more less based on very poor quality of underlying theory and very often without sufficient data background, the quantification of SCF in the theses could be viewed as quite significant contribution. With respect to their specific characteristics nonmarket good as safety (VSL), time, noise, etc. should be valued separately. And the thesis is offering at least methodological contributive guidelines regarding theoretical validity and relevance as well as assessment of their applicability under Czech condition. For better imagination there is collected sample of results of selected externality values for foreign countries.

Förhållandet mellan COD och TOC i skogsindustriella avlopp / The relationship between COD and TOC inforest industrial wastewater

Johanna, Frid January 2015 (has links)
Under tillverkningsprocessen i massa- och pappersindustrin bildas avloppsflöden i flera olika steg. Ett av de miljöbelastande utsläppen utgörs av organiskt material. Organiskt material kan mätas som biokemisk syreförbrukning (BOD), kemisk syreförbrukning (COD) eller som totalt organiskt kol (TOC). Analys av COD inkluderar ofta miljöfarliga ämnen (till exempel kvicksilver). Naturvårdsverket har under flera år aviserat att analysen kan komma att förbjudas och därmed blir analys av TOC allt mer vanligt. EU:s referensgränsvärden anges dock i COD och design av reningsanläggningar utgår oftast från COD. Detta leder till att båda parametrarna kommer att fortsätta att vara aktuella. Med syftet att förbättra kunskapen om sambanden mellan COD och TOC för olika typer av avlopp inom massa- och pappersindustrin samlades jämförande serier över COD och TOC in från olika svenska bruk. Serierna analyserades med hjälp av regressions- och korrelationsanalys, för att sedan jämföras med medelvärdet av brukens COD/TOC faktorer (omvandlingsfaktorer). Studien innehöll även en del där information om analyser, förbehandlingar och övergången från COD till TOC samlades in genom intervjuer med personer ute på bruken. Som en avslutande del av projektet genomfördes ett laborativt arbete i mindre skala med främsta syfte att se hur konstant omvandlingsfaktorn var över tiden. Resultaten visade att korrelationen mellan COD och TOC ofta var hög men att omvandlingsfaktorn var beroende av typ av tillverkningsprocess och rening. Värdet på omvandlingsfaktorn varierade därför mycket mellan olika bruk och delströmmar. Bruk med tillverkningsprocesser som använder få kemikalier hade en mer lika omvandlingsfaktor sinsemellan än bruk med kemikaliekrävande processer. Dessutom gav en högre reningsgrad en lägre omvandlingsfaktor. Omvandlingsfaktorn föreföll varken påverkas av halten suspenderat material eller vara årstidsberoende. Dessutomvar den också relativt konstant över tiden. / The industrial production of pulp and paper generates wastewater in several different steps in the production chain. Organic material from the wastewater will have an impacton the surrounding environment. Biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygendemand (COD) and total organic carbon (TOC) are three ways to measure organicmaterial. When analyzing COD, harmful substances such as mercury are often used. The Swedish Environmental Agency has for several years forecasted that this analysis might be banned, and therefore analysis of TOC has become more and more common in Sweden. However, COD is often used as a design parameter when designing new wastewater treatment plants and the European Union’s reference values are given as COD. Hence, both parameters will continue to be used and both need to be taken into consideration. With the aim to improve the knowledge of the relationship between COD and TOC, data series with TOC and COD were collected. The data originated from several different Swedish pulp and paper mills, as well as from different types of waste water streams within each mill. The data series were analyzed using linear regression and correlation analysis, and then compared with the companies’ mean value of the ratio between COD and TOC (the conversion factor). Information about the shift from COD to TOC, and the analyzing methods and pretreatment methods was gathered by conducting interviews with employees at the different mills. The final part of the project was a laboratory study, with the main focus to examine if the conversion factor changed over time. The results showed that the correlation between COD and TOC often was high, but that the conversion factor depended on type of manufacturing process and waste water treatment. Mills with a low use of chemicals had a more similar conversion factor than mills with a more chemical demanding process. Furthermore, a high degree of purification resulted in a lower conversion factor. The conversion factor did not seem to depend on neither the content of suspended solids nor the time of the year. Additionally, the conversion factor was relatively constant over time.

De la compréhension collective de l'activité réelle à la conception participative de l'organisation : plaidoyer pour une intervention ergonomique capacitante. / Collective understanding of the actual activity of participatory organization design : advocacy for a enabling ergonomic intervention

Raspaud, Anne 10 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse applique et développe le paradigme de l’ergonomie constructive à la conception de l’organisation. Le développement de l’individu et des organisations est présenté à travers l’approche des capabilités et plus spécifiquement par l’approche des capabilités collectives, qui ne sont pas la seule juxtaposition ou agrégation de capabilités individuelles mais supposent l’émergence d’une possibilité nouvelle et collective d’agir et de créer.Dans cette dynamique développementale et constructive, la recherche s’appuie sur une intervention de (re)conception d’un processus de soin innovant - la chirurgie ambulatoire - et définit et met en oeuvre une méthodologie de l’intervention qui pose le développement comme le moyen et la finalité de l’action. La méthodologie repose sur la mise en place d’un environnement qui (au moins le temps de l’intervention) soit capacitant et sur une démarche ergonomique qui serve le développement des capabilités des opérateurs au travers de l’activité collective conjointe. Le résultat de ce processus est la mise en oeuvre d’une agencéité collective qui permet au groupe d’atteindre un objectif commun de transformation des règles de travail. Cette volonté partagée entre les membres du groupe et les possibilités effectives ont facilité la conception d’une organisation du travail collectif.Deux étapes ont guidé l’intervention ergonomique : la construction du diagnostic de la situation à transformer et la conduite du changement de l’organisation à améliorer. La première étape a consisté à analyser le travail et ses contradictions : en quoi l’organisation constitue-t-elle un frein ou un moteur au développement de l’activité collective conjointe, ressource au développement des capabilités collectives ? Les résultats du diagnostic ont mis en évidence le bouleversement des standards professionnels des soignants engendré par la chirurgie ambulatoire et la difficulté des soignants à construire une organisation qui favorise le collectif transverse et l’activité collective conjointe. Au regard de ces résultats, la seconde étape a favorisé et soutenu la participation active des opérateurs aux démarches de changement et de conception. Dans un premier temps l’ergonome a mis en place une dynamique encourageant la confrontation des représentations du travail de chacun et leur mise en débat. Cette dynamique a permis la construction d’une représentation partagée de l’existant, nécessaire à la conception d’une situation future. Dans un second temps, une méthodologie de conception participative de l’organisation a été mise en oeuvre, aboutissant à un projet d’organisation de la chirurgie ambulatoire.Cette recherche interroge enfin la compréhension du rôle de l’ergonome comme facteur de conversion dans ce processus de transformation de l’organisation et la modélisation de l’action ergonomique de transformation. / This thesis develops and applies the paradigm of constructive ergonomics to organizational design. The development of individuals and organizations is presented through the capability approach, and more specifically through the approach of collective capabilities. These are not the mere juxtaposition or aggregation of individual capabilities but involve the emergence of a new and collective possibility to act and create.In this constructive and developmental perspective, the research is based on a redesign intervention regarding an innovative care process - outpatient surgery. It defines and implements an intervention methodology that considers development as the means and the end of the action. The methodology rests on setting up an enabling environment (at least during the intervention) and an ergonomic approach which supports the development of operators' capabilities through the joint collective activity. This process promotes a collective agency which allows the group to fulfil a common goal of transforming work rules. This shared commitment within the group and the actual opportunities for change have facilitated the design of an organization of collective work.The ergonomic intervention has proceeded in 2 steps: the construction of a diagnosis regarding the situation to be transformed and the management of the organizational change. The first step consisted in analyzing work and its contradictions: is the organization impeding or encouraging the joint collective activity development? Is it a resource for the development of collective capabilities? The diagnosis has highlighted the disruption of professional standards of care staff generated by outpatient surgery and the difficulty of the care staff in building an organization that promotes a transverse team and a collective joint activity. In view of these results, the second step has fostered and supported the active participation of operators in processes of change and design. At first, the ergonomist has implemented a dynamics encouraging the debate about the representations of work. This has led to a shared representation of the current situation, required for the design of a future situation. Then, a participatory methodology of organizational design has been implemented leading to an organization project of ambulatory surgery.Finally, this research questions the role of the ergonomist as a conversion factor in this process of organizational transformation and proposes a model of ergonomic transformation action.

De la compréhension collective de l'activité réelle à la conception participative de l'organisation : plaidoyer pour une intervention ergonomique capacitante. / Collective understanding of the actual activity of participatory organization design : advocacy for a enabling ergonomic intervention

Raspaud, Anne 10 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse applique et développe le paradigme de l’ergonomie constructive à la conception de l’organisation. Le développement de l’individu et des organisations est présenté à travers l’approche des capabilités et plus spécifiquement par l’approche des capabilités collectives, qui ne sont pas la seule juxtaposition ou agrégation de capabilités individuelles mais supposent l’émergence d’une possibilité nouvelle et collective d’agir et de créer.Dans cette dynamique développementale et constructive, la recherche s’appuie sur une intervention de (re)conception d’un processus de soin innovant - la chirurgie ambulatoire - et définit et met en oeuvre une méthodologie de l’intervention qui pose le développement comme le moyen et la finalité de l’action. La méthodologie repose sur la mise en place d’un environnement qui (au moins le temps de l’intervention) soit capacitant et sur une démarche ergonomique qui serve le développement des capabilités des opérateurs au travers de l’activité collective conjointe. Le résultat de ce processus est la mise en oeuvre d’une agencéité collective qui permet au groupe d’atteindre un objectif commun de transformation des règles de travail. Cette volonté partagée entre les membres du groupe et les possibilités effectives ont facilité la conception d’une organisation du travail collectif.Deux étapes ont guidé l’intervention ergonomique : la construction du diagnostic de la situation à transformer et la conduite du changement de l’organisation à améliorer. La première étape a consisté à analyser le travail et ses contradictions : en quoi l’organisation constitue-t-elle un frein ou un moteur au développement de l’activité collective conjointe, ressource au développement des capabilités collectives ? Les résultats du diagnostic ont mis en évidence le bouleversement des standards professionnels des soignants engendré par la chirurgie ambulatoire et la difficulté des soignants à construire une organisation qui favorise le collectif transverse et l’activité collective conjointe. Au regard de ces résultats, la seconde étape a favorisé et soutenu la participation active des opérateurs aux démarches de changement et de conception. Dans un premier temps l’ergonome a mis en place une dynamique encourageant la confrontation des représentations du travail de chacun et leur mise en débat. Cette dynamique a permis la construction d’une représentation partagée de l’existant, nécessaire à la conception d’une situation future. Dans un second temps, une méthodologie de conception participative de l’organisation a été mise en oeuvre, aboutissant à un projet d’organisation de la chirurgie ambulatoire.Cette recherche interroge enfin la compréhension du rôle de l’ergonome comme facteur de conversion dans ce processus de transformation de l’organisation et la modélisation de l’action ergonomique de transformation. / This thesis develops and applies the paradigm of constructive ergonomics to organizational design. The development of individuals and organizations is presented through the capability approach, and more specifically through the approach of collective capabilities. These are not the mere juxtaposition or aggregation of individual capabilities but involve the emergence of a new and collective possibility to act and create.In this constructive and developmental perspective, the research is based on a redesign intervention regarding an innovative care process - outpatient surgery. It defines and implements an intervention methodology that considers development as the means and the end of the action. The methodology rests on setting up an enabling environment (at least during the intervention) and an ergonomic approach which supports the development of operators' capabilities through the joint collective activity. This process promotes a collective agency which allows the group to fulfil a common goal of transforming work rules. This shared commitment within the group and the actual opportunities for change have facilitated the design of an organization of collective work.The ergonomic intervention has proceeded in 2 steps: the construction of a diagnosis regarding the situation to be transformed and the management of the organizational change. The first step consisted in analyzing work and its contradictions: is the organization impeding or encouraging the joint collective activity development? Is it a resource for the development of collective capabilities? The diagnosis has highlighted the disruption of professional standards of care staff generated by outpatient surgery and the difficulty of the care staff in building an organization that promotes a transverse team and a collective joint activity. In view of these results, the second step has fostered and supported the active participation of operators in processes of change and design. At first, the ergonomist has implemented a dynamics encouraging the debate about the representations of work. This has led to a shared representation of the current situation, required for the design of a future situation. Then, a participatory methodology of organizational design has been implemented leading to an organization project of ambulatory surgery.Finally, this research questions the role of the ergonomist as a conversion factor in this process of organizational transformation and proposes a model of ergonomic transformation action.

Spectrométrie gamma au laboratoire et in situ : développements et applications environnementales / Gamma-ray spectrometry laboratory and in situ : developments and environmental applications

Gasser, Estelle 08 April 2014 (has links)
La spectrométrie γ dose en une seule mesure tous les émetteurs γ dans un échantillon. L’auto-absorption des rayonnements γ dans des échantillons se manifeste par des pertes ou des gains d'impulsions. Pour caractériser une nouvelle géométrie de comptage, des améliorations du dispositif existant ont été apportées par des simulations MCNPX. Avec ce nouveau dispositif nous avons pu spécifier les doses absorbées et efficaces annuelles ainsi que les facteurs de conversion de dose des radioisotopes naturels pour des matériaux de construction et des prélèvements de sols. Des simulations ont montré l’influence des seuils de détection des rayonnements γ donc sur les facteurs de conversion de dose et la nécessité d’une mise à jour de ces facteurs. L’analyse par spectrométrie γ in situ du sol fait appel à des efficacités de détection simulées par MCNPX pour une source aux dimensions semi-infinies. Une application a été réalisée autour d’une centrale nucléaire et une autre pour une société. / Γ-ray spectrometry enables determining all γ-ray emitters in a sample with a single measurement. Self-absorption of γ-rays in samples is manifest by a loss or a gain of pulses that results in a poor estimation of the counting efficiency. To characterize a new counting geometry improvements of the existing set-up were made with MCNPX simulations. With the new geometry we could specify absorbed and annual effective doses as well as dose conversion factors for the natural radioisotopes of several building materials and soil samples. Simulations show the influence of detection limits of γ-radiation on dose conversion factors and the need for updating these factors. γ-ray measurements of soil in situ require different counting efficiencies simulated by MCNPX for a semi-infinite source. Two in-situ soil analyses were made, one around a nuclear power and the other for a private company.


蔡佳晉, Tsai, Norman Unknown Date (has links)
我國公債期貨市場發展至今,市場流動性未能有效提振,本文將針對此問題嘗試從市場結構、實務狀況、相關學理等各方面,探討諸多可能的影響因素,並加以分析研究,找出問題的癥結以提供解決之道。此外,本文亦從問券調查的結果中,歸納出市場參予者對現行公債期貨的看法,希冀能作為台灣期貨交易所未來商品規劃之參考。 / Since the Taiwan government bond futures trade, the market is lack of liquidity during the year. For the problem, this paper considers the layers of market structure, trading convention and relative theories, try to analysis the causes of less liquidity and resolve the liquidity problem. On the other hand, by making the survey this paper sums up the opinions from the participants of the bond futures market. This paper, which could help the Taiwan Futures Exchange in designing other interest rate derivatives, will wish to give some useful reference.

Reasons for the Underperformance of Clean Development Mechanism Project Activities in the Animal Waste Management Sector / An Analysis of Swine Manure treating Facilities in Latin America / Ursachen des geringen Erfolgs von Abwasserbehandlungsprojekten in der Tierproduktion im Rahmen des Clean Development Mechanism / Eine Analyse von Schweineproduktionsbetrieben in Lateinamerika

Deecke, Imme Dorothea 04 February 2010 (has links)
No description available.

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