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Hur ska vi hjälpa henne? : Socialsekreterares erfarenheter av intern samverkan i arbetet med kvinnor som utsätts för mäns våld i nära relationer / How can we help her? : Social workers’ experiences of internal collaboration with women who are exposed to domestic violenceBjerhag, Edit, Faust Söderlund, Johanna January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine social workers' experiences of internal collaboration in the work with women who are exposed to domestic violence, in order to get more knowledge about conditions for internal collaboration in organizations that are specialized. The study was conducted by qualitative research through semi-structured interviews in two middle-sized and two small-sized municipalities. Seven social workers were interviewed. Three of them are working with drug abuse, two of them are working with domestic violence and one of them is working with financial aid. The results show that the internal collaboration between social workers are working fairly well but there exists both obstacles and opportunities in the work with women who are victims of violence. The social workers describe that collaboration is very important in the work with women who are exposed to violence since they are in need of help from different social workers in the same organization. Result shows that social workers often cooperate in three different ways; daily/informal collaboration, formalized collaboration and shared efforts. Economy/budget, lack of understanding, different approaches, ”downpipes thoughts' ' and different assessments were described as obstacles in internal collaboration. Opportunities that have been identified are a good relationship, consensus and geographical closeness. The result also shows that the descriptions about internal collaboration can be understood in relation to New Public Management (NPM) and Street-Level bureaucracy. Result shows that NPM has brought several obstacles like ”downpipes thoughts”, geographical distance and separated budgets. The municipalities require collaboration which can be related to NPM in the shape of goal accomplishment since there are no clearly formalized routines for what the collaboration should look like. In conclusion this study shows that social workers are in need of discretion to find individual solutions to women's problems which can be understood in relation to Street-Level bureaucracy.
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Medarbetarskap under arbetsplatsträffar / Employeeship during staff meetingsGrönhaug, Petra, Lindh, Åsa January 2014 (has links)
Genom förändringar av organisationsstrukturen, då medarbetare idag arbetar i mer självständiga grupper och en chef inte är ständigt närvarande är, fungerande medarbetarskap önskvärt. Medarbetarskap är ett koncept som består av olika delar såsom samarbete, ansvarstagande, öppenhet och engagemang. Dessa delar behöver fungera för att ett medarbetarskap ska existera. Arbetsplatsträffar är en mötesform i organisationer som ska ge medarbetare möjlighet att påverka sin arbetssituation. Frågor som diskuteras mellan medarbetarna i deras informella arbetsmiljö riskerar att inte behandlas på arbetsplatsträffar.Studien handlar om hur medarbetarna utövar medarbetarskap under arbetsplatsträffar. Vi har genomfört en kvalitativ studie genom att observera fyra arbetsplatsträffar inom äldre- och handikappomsorgen, i en mindre kommun i södra Sverige. Därutöver har vi intervjuat nio av de medarbetare som deltog under träffarna. Det insamlade materialet har vi sedan analyserat och tolkat utifrån de fyra olika medarbetarskapsbegreppen. Materialet gällande medarbetarskap har vi främst hittat i litteratur från Sverige och Danmark eftersom forskning främst kommer därifrån. Det har inte gjorts mycket forskning internationellt inom ämnet och få vetenskapliga artiklar är publicerade.Resultatet av vår studie visar att medarbetarskap inte är särskilt utvecklat på arbetsplatsträffar. Medarbetarna är inte speciellt engagerade, öppna eller ansvarstagande och samarbetet är lågt. Det vi framförallt uppmärksammat är att om ansvarstagande ska möjliggöras behöver de tre andra delarna av medarbetarskap fungera. Vidare menar vi att medarbetarskap på arbetsplatsträffar innebär att uttrycka sina åsikter och utbyta information, känna samhörighet och interagera med gruppen samt att ges möjlighet till att delta i beslutsfattande. För att frambringa dessa saker behöver medarbetarna vara förberedda på vad som kommer att tas upp på mötet och reflektera över det så att de kan delta i diskussionerna. Först därefter får medarbetarna en vilja att ta ansvar och vara med och påverka sin arbetssituation.
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Samverkanshinder och dess hantering mellan socialtjänst och skola, sett ur ett utförarperspektivClaesson, Carin, de Arteaga, Anne January 2006 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this article has been to elucidate social secretaries’ and teachers’ experiences of collaboration around children in need of society’s intervention. We wanted to examine what the difficulties could be, according to their experience, and how they handled them. Additionally our aim was to analyze whether their method of dealing with the obstacles were likely to succeed, viewed from the perspective of system theory. In order to achieve our purpose we used a qualitative method and interviewed four social secretaries and four teachers. The results displayed a similarity between what our respondents experienced to be obstacles to collaboration and that which previous research has acknowledge as obstacles. The social secretaries tried to overcome the difficulties they experienced by different acts of communication with their collaborators in order to create a common experience through language and narration concerning the children. Reflecting from the perspective of system theory about how they communicate and their attitudes towards their collaborators and the process of collaboration, they would be likely to succeed in their attempts. What would possibly impede their successful handling of the obstacles is their perceived lack of time, and because of the fact that the contacts often lack continuity.</p>
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Samverkanshinder och dess hantering mellan socialtjänst och skola, sett ur ett utförarperspektivClaesson, Carin, de Arteaga, Anne January 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this article has been to elucidate social secretaries’ and teachers’ experiences of collaboration around children in need of society’s intervention. We wanted to examine what the difficulties could be, according to their experience, and how they handled them. Additionally our aim was to analyze whether their method of dealing with the obstacles were likely to succeed, viewed from the perspective of system theory. In order to achieve our purpose we used a qualitative method and interviewed four social secretaries and four teachers. The results displayed a similarity between what our respondents experienced to be obstacles to collaboration and that which previous research has acknowledge as obstacles. The social secretaries tried to overcome the difficulties they experienced by different acts of communication with their collaborators in order to create a common experience through language and narration concerning the children. Reflecting from the perspective of system theory about how they communicate and their attitudes towards their collaborators and the process of collaboration, they would be likely to succeed in their attempts. What would possibly impede their successful handling of the obstacles is their perceived lack of time, and because of the fact that the contacts often lack continuity.
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Patientens upplevelse av synfältsundersökningstillfälletBengtsson, Annika, Johansson, Ann-Katrin, Moberg, Linda January 2014 (has links)
Synfältsundersökningen är den viktigaste metoden för att diagnostisera och identifiera progression av glaukom. Att genomföra synfältsundersökningen är en vanligt förekommande arbetsuppgift för ögonsjuksköterskan. Studier visar att patienter har svårigheter vid genomförandet av undersökningen, men studier på hur patienten själv upplever synfältsundersökningstillfället saknas. Syftet med pilotstudien var att undersöka patientens upplevelse av synfältsundersökningstillfället. Pilotstudien genomfördes med en kvalitativ metod och data samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer av åtta patienter. Materialet analyserades med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Analysen ledde till fem kategorier: upplevelse av rädsla och oro, svårt med fokusering, upplevelse av information, känsla av trygghet, och kroppsligt obehag. Att inte prestera bra och att eventuellt blivit försämrad i sjukdomen var det som främst skapade rädsla och oro. Fokusering krävde mycket koncentration och var ansträngande för ögonen. Informationen upplevdes som både bra och bristfällig. Patienterna kände en trygghet då de hade gjort undersökningen tidigare och att de träffade samma personal. Majoriteten av patienterna upplevde att de satt obekvämt och inte patientvänligt. Fortsatt utveckling och utbildning om hur patienter upplever synfältsundersökningstillfället rekommenderas för att förbättra hur personalen bemöter och informerar patienten, men även för hur ögonsjuksköterskan kan underlätta undersökningen för patienten. Då denna studie utfördes som en pilotstudie behövs vidare forskning och en fullskalig studie för att resultatet ska kunna anses vara tillförlitligt. / Visual field examination is the most important method to diagnose and identify the progression of glaucoma. Conducting visual field examination is a common task for the ophthalmic nurse. Studies show that patients have difficulty in carrying out the visual field examination, but studies on how the patient experiences the visual field examination are scarce. The aim of the pilot study was to examine the patient's experience of the visual field examination. The pilot study was conducted using a qualitative approach and data was collected through semi-structured interviews of eight patients. The material was analyzed using content analysis. The analysis resulted in five categories: experience of fear and anxiety, difficulty with focusing, experience of information, sense of security, and bodily discomfort. Failing to perform well and to possibly become impaired in their disease were major concerns that created fear and anxiety. Focusing demanded a lot of concentration and was straining on the eye. The information was perceived as both good and flawed. Patients felt a sense of security since they had done the examination before and that they met the same staff. The majority of patients felt they sat uncomfortably and that it was not patient friendly. Continued development and training on how patients experience visual field examination is recommended to improve the way the staff treats and informs the patient, but also how the ophthalmic nurse can facilitate the examination of the patient. Since this study was conducted as a pilot study further research and a full-scale study is needed for the results to be considered reliable.
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Members perceptions of financial services co-operatives :a case study of Motswedi, Lothlakane, Disaneng, Kraaipan and LehurutsheMahlangu, Jenetha January 2015 (has links)
Thesis (MSc. (Agricultural Extension)) -- University of Limpopo, 2015. / Financial Services cooperatives are member based financial institutions formed, owned and controlled by members to provide financial services to their members. The concept of cooperative banking is new in South Africa and it is promoted to address financial services needs of the rural poor who would otherwise have no means of accessing financial services and use from formal banks. The study was undertaken to determine members perceptions towards financial services co-operatives in Lehurutshe, Lothlakane, Motswedi, Kraaipan and Disaneng FSC’s in the Ngaka Modiri Molemo District of North West Province. Population included 236 participants who were selected using non-probability purposive and convenience sampling method. Different data collection methods, namely, Focus group discussion, Product attribute ranking, Likert-scale and questionnaires were used. Data was analysed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) computer program and presented in descriptive statistics percentages and tables. The study revealed that FSC’s members were satisfied with services and products that were offered in the cooperatives; however issues of governance, fiduciary, regulatory and member participation require immediate attention. Recommendations to strengthen the regulatory framework for FSCs and FSCs’ institutional capacity were made.
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Kooperativt lärande i klassrummet – ett språk- och kunskapsutvecklande arbetssätt?Bladh, Mariana, Lindqvist, Sanna January 2018 (has links)
Abstract Syftet med vår studie är att undersöka hur lärare använder sig av kooperativt lärande ute i skolorna och i vad mån kooperativt lärande bidrar till språk-och kunskapsutveckling. Vår undersökning bygger på en kvalitativ metod och etnografisk studie, i vårt fall klassrumsobservationer. Våra observationer har vi genomfört på två olika skolor, i fem olika klasser, med elever i åldrarna 7-10 år. Resultatet har analyserats efter analysmetoderna koncentrering och kategorisering. Resultaten och analysen visar att det finns både för- och nackdelar inom det kooperativa lärandet och att läraren genom sitt arbete har en stor roll i detta. Vår slutsats är att lärarens roll, strukturerna, strategierna och samarbetsfärdigheterna är det som bygger upp det positiva ömsesidiga beroendet. Det vi också såg var att det fanns en tendens till att arbetsformen tog över från ämnesinnehållet. Utvecklingsområden vi såg inom svenska är att eleverna har möjlighet att utveckla sitt tal- och skriftspråk, genom att de får lov att kommunicera, tänka och lära tillsammans.
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Trust in leadership in sport: its antecedents and its consequencesZhang, Zhu 19 October 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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機構投資人與資訊透明度關聯性之研究曾亞亭 Unknown Date (has links)
實證結果發現,機構投資人持股意願受到前期年報資訊揭露水準高低的影響,顯示資訊揭露水準為機構投資人之選股決策因素之一。前期年報資訊揭露水準愈佳,機構投資人持股比率愈高,但當期資訊揭露程度對同期機構投資人持股意願則無顯著影響。此外,機構投資人持股比率高低與公司同期或次期資訊揭露程度皆無顯著關聯性。企業資訊揭露水準之改善與機構投資人持股比率增加皆與公司經營績效及公司價值之提升呈顯著正相關。 / Based on a sample of firms listed on Taiwan Securities Exchange over the period of 2002 to 2005, this study first examines the relationship between the information transparency, measured the disclosure level of annual reports, and shareholdings of institutional investors. In addition, this study investigates the influence of increase in the level of disclosure transparency and shareholdings on performance and firm value.
The empirical results suggest that firms with higher disclosure level are associated with greater institutional ownership next year, but the same relationship didn’t hold for concurrent period. This finding suggests that disclosure level of annual report is considered by the institutional investors when making their investment decisions. The findings also indicate that improvement in disclosure level and increase in institutional investors’ shareholdings not only enhances the operating performance but also the firm value.
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Samverkan behövs för ett gott socialt arbete : En studie om hur socialarbetare upplever samverkan och samarbete kring klienter med missbruksproblematik / Collaboration is necessary to achieve a good social work practice : A study about how social workers perceive collaboration and cooperation within the Swedish substance abuse and addiction careAndersson, Jenny, Arnestad, Linda January 2018 (has links)
Den ökade problemspecialisering i samhällets människovårdande organisationer ställer allt högre krav på samverkan. Personer med missbruk är en grupp som inte sällan har en komplex och sammansatt problematik, vilket ofta kräver samverkan. Syftet med vår studie var att öka kunskapen om betydelsen och upplevelsen av samverkan kring klienter med missbruks- och beroendeproblematik. Vi använde oss av kvalitativ forskningsmetod, där empirin har samlats in genom intervjuer med fyra socialarbetare. Intervjumaterialet tematiserades och analyserades utifrån tidigare forskning samt socialkonstruktinismen och systemteorin. I vår studie framkom det att samverkan hänger mycket på den enskilde socialarbetarens vilja och ork att driva ärendet, utifrån klientens hela behov. Samverkan är i stort något som upplevdes viktigt och nödvändigt. Organisatoriska hinder och tillkortakommanden för att genomföra samverkan nämndes, men aspekter som arbetskultur, synsätt, relationer och respekt ansågs ha större betydelse. Slutsatsen i vår studie blev att samverkan behövs och är främst något som upplevs positivt. / The increased specialization of human-welfare organizations put higher demands on collaboration. People with substance abuse often have a complex set of problems that requires collaboration. The purpose of our study was to increase knowledge about the meaning and perception of collaboration around clients with addiction problems. We used a qualitative research method, with data based on interviews with four social workers. Themes were identified in the data and then analysed in relation to the social constructionism, system theory and previous research. We found that collaboration depends largely on the individual social worker’s willingness and persistence to lead the case, for the client’s entire needs. Collaboration was mainly perceived as something important and essential. Organizational barriers and shortcomings were mentioned, but aspects such as working culture, approaches, relationships and respect were considered to be of greater importance. The main conclusion in our study was that collaboration is seen as highly relevant and something positive.
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