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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Is Core Affect a Natural Kind?

Martinez Bedard, Brandie 18 July 2008 (has links)
In the scientific study of the emotions the goal is to find natural kinds. That is, to find categories about which interesting scientific generalizations and predictions can be formed. Core affect is dimensional approach to the emotions which claims that emotions emerge from the more basic psychological processes of valence (pleasant/unpleasant) and arousal (activation/deactivation). Lisa Feldman Barrett (2006b) has recently argued that the discrete emotion approach has failed to find natural kinds and thus should be dismissed as a failed paradigm. She offers core affect as an alternative theory that will better capture natural kinds in emotionally salient phenomena. In this thesis I evaluate Barrett’s claim on the basis of a philosophically robust understanding of natural kinds and a careful assessment of the empirical evidence. I argue that while core affect is not a natural kind, subsets of core affect space may be natural kinds.

Äldre texter - didaktik och motivation : Didaktisering av ett 1500-talsepos

Ohlsson, Lena January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka huruvida vissa didaktiska tillvägagångssätt kan öka motivationen hos gymnasieelever inför studier av äldre texter samt i vilken utsträckning valfrihet och medbestämmande är viktigt inför arbetet med dessa. Könsrelaterade jämförelser görs. Tidigare forskning presenteras och en empirisk kvantitativ undersökning med enkäter genomförs, baserad på SCAS (Swedish Core Affect Scale) i reducerad form. Ett 1500-talsepos presenteras medelst olika didaktiska metoder för elever som löpande noterar graden av motivation på en niogradig skala bestående av adjektivpar.Studien visar att vissa didaktiska tillvägagångssätt ökar elevers motivation. Berättande samt rörliga bilder i kombination med tal och musik visar sig vara de mest stimulerande metoderna, gärna anknytning till universella teman och perspektiv. Studien visar även att endast vissa elever upplever valfrihet och medbestämmande i samband med arbetet med texten som något positivt.

Förmågan att känna empati med skönlitterära karaktärer. : Högstadieelevers självrapporterade empatiska känslor för skönlitterära karaktärer

Jacobsson Stenström, Ann January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka sambandet mellan de upplevda empatiska känslorna för skönlitterära karaktärer och faktiska skönlitterära vanorna hos elever i två olika årskurs nio. Empiri samlades in med hjälp av enkäter som bygger på Swedish Core Affect Scale, vilket är en beprövad metod för att mäta självrapporterade känslor. Eleverna ombads att rapportera självvärderade känslor vid läsning av en novell, Stig Dagermans Att döda ett barn. Frågorna handlade om hur eleverna tror att några av karaktärerna i novellen känner sig samt hur eleverna själva känner sig när de läser novellen. Eleverna delades sedan in i tre grupper utifrån sina faktiska skönliterära vanor. Grupperna namngavs enligt följande: Läsande, ej läsande och intresserade ej läsande. Elevernas svar på frågorna kopplades samman med forskning inom området. Enligt Theory of minde så finns ett samband mellan att läsa skönlitteratur och förmågan att känna empati. Skönlitteratur tycks kunna bidra både till bildning och ett livslångt lärande som främjar empati och demokrati. Hos eleverna i studien så finns tendenser som visar på ett samband mellan att läsa skönlitteratur och att känna empati för skönliterära karaktärer.

Consequences of Coworker Bullying: A Bystander Perspective

Medina, Michele N. 05 1900 (has links)
Previous research on workplace bullying primarily focuses on two main actors – the bully and the victim – while neglecting a third actor: the bystander of the bullying. The prevalence of workplace bullying is increasing across organizations, resulting in more employees becoming subjected to the effects of workplace bullying. Furthermore, witnessing coworker-on-coworker bullying is likely to influence the relationships that the bystander has with the two coworkers involved in the bullying episode. Two areas are proposed to investigate their effect on the coworker bystander: coworker interpersonal justice and personal identification with coworkers. Coworker interpersonal justice involves the perceived fairness between coworkers, while personal identification refers to how these bystanders identify with the specific actors of the bullying event. In addition to work-related outcomes, bystanders are affected at a personal level. That is, being exposed to bullying situations causes these bystanders to alter their anxiety levels and their core affect, with core affect being a precursor to moods and emotions. In addition to the aforementioned outcomes of witnessing a coworker bullying incident, there are also contextual aspects which may influence these relationships. Personal-level factors, such as a bystander's empathy and sense of coherence (i.e., coping mechanisms), may influence the effect of witnessing a coworker being bullied. Similarly, the gender of the victim in relation to the gender of the bystander may also play a role. Using affective events theory, I investigate how witnessing coworker bullying in the workplace effects bystanders. This research employs a 2 x 2 experimental design with multi-wave data collection and an in-person lab session to test the proposed hypotheses. AET is operationalized by creating a fictional coworker bullying situation in which observers are either exposed to the bullying situation or not. This research offers several contributions to the management literature as well as to practitioners. First, it extends current workplace bullying literature to incorporate the effect of peer-on-peer bullying, as well as investigating the influence of bystander and victim gender. The second contribution is the creation and testing of scales for coworker interpersonal justice, personal identification with coworkers, and observation of coworker bullying. The third contribution involves developing a more thorough understanding of the outcomes of coworker bullying on bystanders by employing an experimental approach. Fruitful areas of future research regarding coworker bullying, coworker interpersonal justice, and personal identification are discussed.

The Relationship Between an Affective Instructional Design, Children’s Attitudes Toward Mathematics, and Math Learning for Kindergarten-Age Children

White, Wendee B, Mrs 01 August 2015 (has links)
This study explores the relationship between an Affective Instructional Design (AID), children’s attitudes toward math, and math learning. Participants included 15 kindergarten children at a university K-12 laboratory school located in East Tennessee. This quasi-experimental study employed a pretest-intervention (AID)-posttest design. Data, including pretest/posttest attitude surveys, and baseline and intervention non-participant video observations of math learning and math attitudes, during 13 math lessons were coded and analyzed. As hypothesized, a significant positive correlation (r = 0.936, p = 0.000) was found between attitude and math learning. Additionally significant differences were found between the baseline (pre-intervention) mean score and the final intervention lesson for both math attitude, t(14) = -12.39, p = 0.008, and math learning, t(14) = -8.40, p = 0.002.These findings suggest AID could be one route to supporting educators in establishing quality learning environments that promote positive attitudes and meaningful learning in mathematics.

Contextual effects on individual development of subjective well-being in the second half of life

Vogel, Nina 23 July 2016 (has links)
Die Psychologie der Lebensspanne und die Soziologie des Lebensverlaufs betonen die Bedeutung von Kontexten für den Erwerb individueller Fähigkeiten und die Entwicklung im Leben. In Übereinstimmung mit diesen konzeptionellen Annahmen zeigen Studien, dass verschiedene Kontexte die Entwicklung individueller Bereiche beeinflussen. Jedoch ist wenig darüber bekannt, wie kontextuelle Faktoren in der zweiten Lebenshälfte Wohlbefinden formen und wie Wohlbefinden in diesen Lebensphasen von sich schnell verändernden Kontexten beeinflusst wird. In dieser Dissertation werden unter Anwendung des Ökosystemischen Ansatzes von Bronfenbrenner drei Kontexte unterschiedlicher Proximität untersucht, in die die Entwicklung des individuellen Wohlbefindens eingebettet ist. Als erster Kontext wird die vielfältige Ökologie des Lebens und Sterbens in den ehemaligen Regionen Ost- und Westdeutschland herangezogen, um herauszufinden wie dieses Makrosystem Wohlbefinden in den letzten Lebensjahren gestaltet. Als zweiter Kontext wird die Bedeutung des Exosystems von Gesundheitseinrichtungen in Landkreisen (z.B. Anzahl stationärer Pflegereinrichtungen) auf Wohlbefindensverläufe am Lebensende beleuchtet. Als dritten Kontext untersuchen wir, wie das Mikrosystem sozialer Ökologien und Situationen momentanes, affektives Wohlbefinden gestaltet, sowie Altersunterschiede in diesen Assoziationen. Gemeinsam zeigen die drei Studien dieser Dissertation, dass Ökologien auf regionaler, dienstleistender und sozialer Kontextebene Entwicklung von Wohlbefinden in der zweiten Lebenshälfte beeinflussen. Diese Arbeit zeigt, dass Kontexte sowohl kognitives als auch affektives Wohlbefinden und innerhalb des letzteren sowohl Valenz und Aktivierung beeinflussen, und untersucht länger- und kurzfristige Kontext-Wohlbefindens-Assoziationen in späteren Lebensphasen. Die Ergebnisse liefern erste Vorschläge für Interventionen und veränderbare regionale Faktoren für die Erhaltung oder Verbesserung von Wohlbefinden. / Lifespan psychology and life course sociology have long acknowledged the role of context for individual functioning and development throughout life. Consistent with these conceptual notions, empirical studies show that various contextual factors influence development of individual-level outcomes. However, we know little about how contextual factors shape individual-level well-being and how well-being is influenced by fast changing contexts in the second half of life. Applying Bronfenbrenner’s model of human ecology as the overarching theoretical frame, this dissertation examines three sets of contexts that differ in the degree of proximity in which individual well-being and its development is embedded in. As a first context, the multifaceted ecology of living and dying in former regions of East and West Germany is used to investigate how the macrosystem shapes individual well-being in the last years of life. For a second context, the role of the exosystem of county-level health care features (e.g., number of inpatient care facilities) on late-life trajectories in well-being is examined. As a third context, we examine how the microsystem of social ecologies and situations influences momentary affective well-being and how these associations differ across age. Jointly, the three studies in this dissertation show that regional, service, and social ecologies profoundly shape development in well-being during the second half of life. To conclude, this dissertation shows that these contexts influence both cognitive and affective components of well-being, among the affective domain two facets (valence and arousal), and investigates long-term and short-term contextwell- being associations in later life phases. Results provide initial suggestions for interventions and malleable regional factors to maintain or improve well-being.

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