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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prosa argumentativa em língua inglesa: um estudo contrastivo sobre advérbios em corpora digitais / Argumentative prose in English language: a contrastive study about adverbs in digital corpora

Maria Izabel de Andrade Almeida 30 March 2010 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo principal investigar como aprendizes brasileiros de língua inglesa usam advérbios com terminação em ly no inglês escrito, e comparar ao uso que deles fazem os falantes de inglês como língua materna. Para tanto, o trabalho encontra suporte teórico e metodológico na Linguística de Corpus e fundamenta-se na área chamada de pesquisa sobre corpora de aprendizes, que se ocupa da coleta e armazenagem de dados linguísticos de sujeitos aprendizes de uma língua estrangeira, para a formação de um corpus que possa ser utilizado para fins descritivos e pedagógicos. Esta área objetiva identificar em que aspectos os aprendizes diferem ou se assemelham aos falantes nativos. Os corpora empregados na pesquisa são o corpus de estudo (Br-ICLE), contendo inglês escrito por brasileiros, compilado de acordo com o projeto ICLE (International Corpus of Learner English) e dois corpora de referência (LOCNESS e BAWE), contendo inglês escrito por falantes de inglês como língua materna. Os resultados indicam que os alunos brasileiros usam, em demasia, as categorias de advérbios que indicam veracidade, realidade e intensidade, em relação ao uso que deles fazem os falantes nativos, além de usarem esses advérbios de forma distinta. Os resultados sugerem que, além das diferenças apresentadas em termos de frequência (seja pelo sobreuso ou subuso dos advérbios), os aprendizes apresentavam combinações errôneas, ou em termos de colocados ou em termos de prosódia semântica. E finalmente a pesquisa revela que a preferência dos aprendizes por advérbios que exprimem veracidade, realidade e intensidade cria a impressão de um discurso muito assertivo. Conclui-se que as diferenças encontradas podem estar ligadas a fatores como o tamanho dos corpora, a influência da língua materna dos aprendizes, a internalização dos elementos linguísticos necessários para a produção de um texto em língua estrangeira, a falta de fluência dos aprendizes e o contexto de sala de aula nas universidades / This research investigates how Brazilian learners of English use adverbs ending in-ly in written English and compares their use to that of speakers of English as a mother tongue. To this end, the work resorts to Corpus Linguistics as both theoretical and methodological support. The research is based on the area called Learner Corpora Research, which deals with the collection, storage and analysis of linguistic data produced by learners of a foreign language, which can then be used for descriptive and teaching purposes. This area aims to identify ways in which learners use of the foreign language is different or similar to that of native speakers. The data used in this research are the corpus of study (Br-ICLE), containing written English produced by Brazilian learners, built according to the ICLE project (International Corpus of Learner English), as well as two reference corpora (Locness and BAWE) containing written English produced by speakers of English as a mother tongue. The results indicate that Brazilian learners overuse the categories of adverbs that indicate truth, reality and intensity in comparison to the use made by native speakers, furthermore they use these adverbs in different ways. The results also suggest that, given the differences in frequency (either by overuse or underuse of adverbs), the learners tend to misuse combinations in terms of collocates or in terms of semantic prosody. And finally, the research reveals that the preference of learners for adverbs expressing truth, reality and intensity creates the impression of very assertive voices. We conclude that these differences may be related to factors such as the size of the corpus, the influence of the learners mother tongue, the internalization of linguistic elements needed to produce a text in a foreign language or even the lack of fluency of the learners and the classroom context in the universities

Biologia molecular de genes envolvidos no metabolismo do hormônio juvenil em Apis mellifera / Molecular biology of genes involved in Apis mellifera Juvenile Hormone metabolism

Aline Mackert dos Santos 23 September 2008 (has links)
O Hormônio Juvenil (HJ) é um sesquiterpenóide que participa de diversas funções do ciclo de vida de insetos. Em Apis mellifera o HJ está envolvido também com o processo de diferenciação de castas e polietismo etário. Neste trabalho, genes participantes da degradação e das vias de síntese do HJ nos corpora allata (CA) foram identificados a partir das seqüências disponibilizadas pelo sequenciamento do genoma de A. mellifera. A identificação destes genes baseou-se em análises funcionais, como interferência por RNA fita dupla, similaridade entre seqüências, expressão tecido-específica e busca por motivos conservados. Análises de quantificação dos transcritos destes genes revelaram padrões condizentes com os títulos de HJ e mostraram que o balanço entre as vias de síntese e degradação deste hormônio age em conjunto para regular os títulos de HJ. Uma importante associação entre a degradação do HJ pelas enzimas esterase do HJ e epóxido hidrolase do HJ com o processo de diferenciação dos ovários, que ocorre durante o estágio larval, foi estabelecida. Estas enzimas parecem atuar ativamente na manutenção dos níveis de HJ durante o processo de diferenciação de castas. A alimentação mostrou ser um processo de suma importância sobre o metabolismo do HJ durante a vida adulta de operárias, em adição ao controle exercido pela alimentação já descrito durante o período larval, que leva à diferenciação de castas distintas. A execução deste trabalho contribuiu de maneira significativa para o conhecimento deste sistema instigante que controla toda a homeostasia em uma colônia do inseto social, Apis mellifera. / The sequisterpenoid, Juvenile Hormone (JH), is a key regulator in many aspects of insect life. In the Honey bee, Apis mellifera¸ JH is additionally involved in caste differentiation and also in age task performance during adult worker life. Herein, we identified genes coding to JH synthesis enzymes pathway in corpora allata and degradation in hemolymph and tissues based on sequences from Genome Sequencing Consortium. The identification of those genes involved functional assays as RNA interference, expression levels in specific tissues, search for functional motifs and also similarity among sequences. The results showed that a balance between synthesis and degradation occurs to the maintenance of hemolymph JH titers. An association between JH degradation by the enzymes, JH esterase and JH epoxide hydrolase, and ovary differentiation during larval stage was established. JH degradation showed to act together with the JH synthesis process to maintain the cast-specific titers of JH, which is essential to females development into castes. The nutrition status in Honey bee adult workers is an important mechanism controlling JH metabolism, in the same way it was observed previously for larvae development. The progress of this work contributed significantly to the knowledge of this amazing social insect life, A. mellifera.

CORPORA PARALLELI E LINGUISTICA CONTRASTIVA: AMPLIAMENTO E APPLICAZIONI DEL CORPUS ITALIANO - RUSSO NEL NACIONAL'NYJ KORPUS RUSSKOGO JAZYKA / Parallel corpora and contrastive linguistics: enlargement and applications of the Italian-Russian corpus in the Nacional'nyj Korpus Russkogo Jazyka

NOSEDA, VALENTINA 19 September 2017 (has links)
La Linguistica dei corpora - che fa uso di corpora elettronici annotati per lo studio delle lingue - è un approccio ormai diffuso e consolidato. I corpora paralleli, in particolare, in cui i testi in una lingua A sono allineati con la traduzione in lingua B, sono uno strumento molto utile nell’analisi contrastiva. La mancata disponibilità di corpora paralleli di qualità per le lingue di nostro interesse - russo e italiano - ci ha portati a volere ampliare e migliorare il corpus parallelo italiano-russo presente come corpus pilota nel Nacional’nyj Korpus Russkogo Jazyka (Corpus Nazionale della Lingua Russa). Il presente lavoro ha avuto pertanto uno scopo applicativo e uno teorico. Da un lato, dopo aver studiato le questioni imprescindibili per la progettazione di un corpus di qualità, sono stati stabiliti i criteri per l’ampliamento e inseriti nuovi testi, consentendo così al corpus parallelo di passare da 700.000 a più di 4 milioni di parole, entità che consente ora di condurre ricerche scientificamente valide. In seguito, sono state proposte tre analisi corpus-based così da mettere in luce le potenzialità del corpus ampliato: lo studio dei verbi prefissali di memoria russi e la loro resa in italiano; il confronto tra il causativo analitico italiano “fare + infinito” e il causativo russo; l’analisi comparata di quindici versioni italiane de Il Cappotto di N. Gogol’. Le tre analisi hanno consentito di avanzare innanzitutto osservazioni di carattere metodologico in vista di un ulteriore ampliamento e miglioramento del corpus parallelo italiano-russo. In secondo luogo, la prospettiva corpus-based si è dimostrata utile per approfondire lo studio di questi temi dal punto di vista teorico. / Corpus Linguistics - which exploits electronic annotated corpora in the study of languages - is a widespread and consolidated approach. In particular, parallel corpora, where texts in a language are aligned with their translation in a second language, are an extremely useful tool in contrastive analysis. The lack of good parallel corpora for the languages of our interest - Russian and Italian - has led us to work for improving the Italian-Russian parallel corpus available as a pilot corpus in the Russian National Corpus. Therefore, this work had a twofold aim: practical and theoretical. On the one hand, after studying the essential issues for designing a high-quality corpus, all the criteria for expanding the corpus were established and the number of texts was increased, allowing the Italian-Russian parallel corpus, which counted 700.000 words, to reach more than 4 million words. As a result, it is now possible to conduct scientifically valid research based on this corpus. On the other hand, three corpus-based analyses were proposed in order to highlight the potential of the corpus: the study of prefixed Russian memory verbs and their translation into Italian; the comparison between the Italian analytic causative "fare + infinitive" and Russian causative verbs; The comparative analysis of fifteen Italian versions of The Overcoat by N. Gogol'. These analyses first of all allowed to advance some methodological remarks considering a further enlargement and improvement of the Italian-Russian parallel corpus. Secondly, the corpus-based approach has proved to be useful in deepening the study of these topics from a theoretical point of view.

'n Ondersoek na Afrikaanse vertaalkenmerke in 'n korpus koerantberigte

Roos, Deirdre 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Afrikaans and Dutch))--Stellenbosch University, 2009. / In this translation corpus study a monolingual comparable corpus of translated and nontranslated Afrikaans newspaper articles from Die Burger are compared with the use of WordSmith Tools 4. WordSmith Tools generates statistics, word lists and concordances that can be sorted in a variety of ways. The data generated for the translated and nontranslated subcorpora are then compared. This study follows on a translation corpus study of Afrikaans rugby articles by RG Bam (2005), which found that translated language differs from nontranslated language and that it also differs from the results for English in a similar study. The difference between the findings for English and Afrikaans is attributed to the commonality of the rugby articles. For this study the domains are extended to include topical articles, arts and entertainment, business news, foreign news and sport (rugby, athletics, soccer, cricket, bicycling, hockey and gholf). With the extended domains, my results are similar to the previous Afrikaans study regarding type-token ratio, average word length and lexical density, but not with regard to average sentence length and convergence. My finding on sentence length agrees with the finding for English newspaper articles. However, it is clear that Afrikaans translated articles differ from Afrikaans nontranslated articles and that Afrikaans differ from the way in which English translated articles differ from English nontranslated articles. A further extension on Bam's study is the use of an automatic Afrikaans part-ofspeech tagger that was developed by CTeXT in 2005. The tagged data was applied with good results to the calculation of lexical density and in determining the number of pronouns in the distinct subcorpora. Because corpus translation studies is a relatively young field, the methodology suggested by Laviosa-Braithwaite (1995) for corpus studies in English is tested to see whether it is applicable to Afrikaans. The methodology is in the form of hypotheses. Certain aspects are investigated easily by means of WordSmith Tools, but other aspects, such as die occurrence of superordinates, is not so readily applicable to the corpus methodology.

Levantamento do léxico mais frequente em artigos jornalísticos da área de educação : uso de corpora para indicação de correspondência português-inglês /

Donato-Luz, Daniele Trevelin. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Celso Fernando Rocha / Banca: Camila Hofling / Banca: Regiani Aparecida Santos Zacarias / Resumo: A educação é tema comum e presente em toda sociedade, relaciona-se a diversos momentos da vida cotidiana individual e coletiva e está presente em muitas das informações divulgadas diariamente em textos jornalísticos e na mídia em geral. Dessa forma, aliados ao arcabouço teórico-metodológico da Linguística de Corpus (BERBER SARDINHA, 2000, 2004; TOGNINI-BONELLI, 2001, BIBER, 1998, SINCLAIR, 1991, 1996; BEVILACQUA, 2013), a alguns princípios da Terminologia e Terminografia (AUBERT, 1998; BARROS, 2004; KRIEGER & FINATTO, 2004, BARBOSA, 1999) e pressupostos da Lexicologia e Lexicografia (BIDERMAN, 1987, 1996, 1998, 2001; WELKER, 2004) temos como objetivos gerais: 1) identificar os termos com maior chavicidade na área de educação em língua portuguesa e língua inglesa a partir de corpora de artigos jornalísticos retirados de quatro jornais, sendo dois brasileiros (O Globo e O Estadão) e dois norte-americanos (The New York Times e Los Angeles Times) e 2) Estabelecer a relação de correspondência léxico-semântica português-inglês dos termos estatisticamente significativos. Na primeira etapa da pesquisa, identificamos as palavras mais frequentes para compor uma lista de termos em língua portuguesa (LP) e língua inglesa (LI). Para tanto, utilizamos quatro corpora comparáveis, compilados a partir dos jornais O Estadão, O Globo, The New York Times e Los Angeles Times. Cada corpus é composto de cem artigos publicados no período de junho a agosto de 2017, nas versões online dos jornais. Por... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Education is a usual topic and it is present in every society. It is related to several daily routine's moments, in the individual or collective life, and it is in the information published daily in news articles and in the media in general. So, together with the theoretical-methodological framework of Corpus Linguistics (BERBER SARDINHA, 2000, 2004, TOGNINI-BONELLI, 2001, BIBER, 1998, SINCLAIR, BEVILACQUA, 2013), some principles of Terminology and Terminography (AUBERT, 1998; BARROS, 2004; KRIEGER & FINATTO, 2004, BARBOSA, 1999) and assumptions of Lexicology and Lexicography (BIDERMAN, 1987, 1996, 1998, 2001; WELKER, 2004), we aim to: 1) to find out the most frequent words from education taken from news articles, written in Portuguese and English. The articles are from two Brazilian newspapers (O Globo and O Estadão) and two north-American newspapers (The New York Times and Los Angeles Times); 2) to establish the Portuguese-English lexical-semantic correspondence of the terms statistically meaningful. In the first step, we identify the most frequent words to make a list with Portuguese terms and English terms. We used four comparable corpora from O Estadão, O Globo, The New York Times and Los Angeles Times. Each corpus has a hundred articles published from June to August of 2017. Using the Corpus Linguistics tools, we selected 41 Portuguese nouns. On the second step, we aim to analyze the interlanguage correspondence; we studied cultural issues related to the educational sys... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Translating animal verbs from English to Chinese :a corpus-assisted study

Choi, Chi Ha January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Arts and Humanities. / Department of English

Os provérbios relativos aos Sete Pecados Capitais

Succi, Thais Marini [UNESP] 26 May 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:22:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2006-05-26Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:27:30Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 succi_tm_me_sjrp.pdf: 920849 bytes, checksum: 5851df0e21098f3360742f5fdb480f26 (MD5) / Esse trabalho visou selecionar e analisar os provérbios da língua portuguesa referentes aos sete pecados capitais, apresentados em seis obras paremiológicas e contextualizados por meio de pesquisa em bases textuais informatizadas. Se o provérbio é uma unidade fraseológica que expressa uma sabedoria popular ao retratar as tradições de um povo, e o pecado, fruto de convenções sociais e religiosas, acreditamos que conhecer esse tipo de criação proverbial possibilite avaliar os valores que a sociedade brasileira realmente confere aos mais importantes desvios de conduta social condenados pela Igreja. Nesse intuito de abordar as características dos provérbios e a temática do pecado, procuramos: 1) inventariar os provérbios em língua portuguesa do Brasil, referentes ao tema escolhido; 2) atestar os provérbios em corpora para verificar sua freqüência na língua; e 3) analisar, por meio do uso de contextos com provérbios, os valores atribuídos aos sete pecados capitais pela sociedade brasileira. Para a atestação de cada um dos provérbios inventariados, consultamos fontes primárias de pesquisa: duas bases textuais informatizadas, a web e o corpus do Laboratório Lingüístico da UNESP de Araraquara. Enfim, além de nos aventurarmos numa proposta de definição de provérbio, concluimos quais provérbios relativos aos sete pecados são realmente freqüentes, verificamos para que fins os provérbios de cada pecado são utilizados e chegamos aos valores que a sociedade atribui a cada um dos sete pecados por meio de contextos em que ocorrem os provérbios. / This research was carried out to select and analyze the proverbs in Portuguese related to the seven capital vices, presented in six books on the subject of proverbs. The proverbs were put into context by means of computer textual database research. A proverb is a phraseologic unit that expresses popular wisdom and represents the traditions of a people, while the sin, is a consequence of social and religious conventions. We believe that knowing this kind of linguistic construction, enable us to appraise the values that the Brazilian society coveys to the most important deviations from the Church doctrine. In orde to approach the characteristics of the proverbs and the theme of the sin, we proceded to: 1) make a list of proverbs in Brazilian Portuguese, related to the chosen theme; 2) confirm the presence of these proverbs in corpora to verify their frequency in the language and 3) analyse, by means of textual database research, the values assigned to the seven capital vices by the Brazilian society. Moreover, we consulted primary research sources to verify the listed proverbs: two computer textual database, the web and the corpus from the Laboratório Lingüístico' UNESP/Araraquara. Thus, apart from venturing in a proposition to define proverb, we also enumerated which of them, related to the seven capital vices, are frequently used. Finally, we verified the usage and the social value of these proverbs by means of context.

A corpus-based study of the forms and functions of BE in the interlanguage grammars of Chinese learners of English

Zhang, Yanyan 01 January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Dramaturgia multimodal : anotação digital de corpora multimodais

Santos, David José Rodrigues dos January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Las funciones del pasado en los sistemas verbales del español y del ruso

Westerholm, David January 2010 (has links)
This monograph is a comparative study of past time reference in Spanish and Russian.The ambition is to present a functional perspective of how both languages systemically express temporal and aspectual information. The verb, naturally, attracts the main attention of the thesis and the focus is almost exclusively on verbs in the indicative mood.The definition of the parameters of Time and Aspect plays an important part in the present dissertation. A particular emphasis concerns the elaboration and testing of the ‘ABC’ model, which represents a graphic definition of verbal aspect as a grammatical category.Another important issue is the distinction of aspect and Aktionsart; these concepts are closely related but operate on different functional levels. The analysis is essentially based on linguistic material from parallel corpora, constructed for this purpose. At first the material is treated statistically in order to create astarting point for the qualitative part of the analysis. The three main areas of investigation dealt with are:1) The relation between the simple past tenses, pretérito and imperfecto, in Spanish and their imperfective and perfective counterparts in Russian.2) The relation between the compound tenses in Spanish and the Russian verbal system.The analysis of this relation also comprises a critique of the traditional interpretationof the aspectual contents of the compound tenses.3) The usage of alternative strategies in both languages. In this part of the analysis the focus is widened to include verbal periphrasis, infinite verb forms and subordination. The results of the analysis demonstrate that verbal aspect, according to the definition represented by ‘the ABC model’, works as a grammatical category in both Spanish and Russian. It is also shown that there are systemic differences in the manifestation of this functional category in both languages. Another important result is that the neither the compound tenses nor the progressive express verbal aspect, at least not in a narrow sense of the word but represent different verbal functions related to aspect.

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