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Comparisons between classical and quantum mechanical nonlinear lattice modelsJason, Peter January 2014 (has links)
In the mid-1920s, the great Albert Einstein proposed that at extremely low temperatures, a gas of bosonic particles will enter a new phase where a large fraction of them occupy the same quantum state. This state would bring many of the peculiar features of quantum mechanics, previously reserved for small samples consisting only of a few atoms or molecules, up to a macroscopic scale. This is what we today call a Bose-Einstein condensate. It would take physicists almost 70 years to realize Einstein's idea, but in 1995 this was finally achieved. The research on Bose-Einstein condensates has since taken many directions, one of the most exciting being to study their behavior when they are placed in optical lattices generated by laser beams. This has already produced a number of fascinating results, but it has also proven to be an ideal test-ground for predictions from certain nonlinear lattice models. Because on the other hand, nonlinear science, the study of generic nonlinear phenomena, has in the last half century grown out to a research field in its own right, influencing almost all areas of science and physics. Nonlinear localization is one of these phenomena, where localized structures, such as solitons and discrete breathers, can appear even in translationally invariant systems. Another one is the (in)famous chaos, where deterministic systems can be so sensitive to perturbations that they in practice become completely unpredictable. Related to this is the study of different types of instabilities; what their behavior are and how they arise. In this thesis we compare classical and quantum mechanical nonlinear lattice models which can be applied to BECs in optical lattices, and also examine how classical nonlinear concepts, such as localization, chaos and instabilities, can be transfered to the quantum world.
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They who part the grass: the Japanese government and early nikkei immigration to Canada, 1877–1908Nomura, Kazuko 04 April 2012 (has links)
This paper provides an account of early Japanese immigration to Canada in the years between 1877 and 1908 from the point of view of the Japanese Imperial government of the time. Drawing on Japanese diplomatic correspondence uncovered by Toshiji Sasaki in his 1999 work "Nihon-jin Kanada imin-shi" and accounts from Japanese-language newspapers published in Vancouver during the period, I examine the Japanese experience in Canada and describe how Japanese officials and emigrants responded to Canadian efforts to restrict Japanese emigration to Canada, culminating in the Vancouver Riot of 1907. I show how, when faced with this diplomatic crisis, Japanese officials reacted only reluctantly and, for the most part, ineffectually to limit emigration to Canada. The result of such restrictions as ultimately were imposed on the emigration of Japanese workers was not the end of Japanese emigration but the beginning of permanent settlement by Japanese families in Canada.
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Environnements gravitationnels, flots et fluides holographiques.Pozzoli, Valentina 20 September 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Différents environnements gravitationnels à 4 dimensions sont abordés dans ce thése : instantons gravitationnels et trous noirs aussi bien en relativité générale qu'en supergravité. La recherche de nouvelles solutions en relativité est un véritable défi. Cette tâche est nettement simplifiée dans l'hypothèse où l'on dispose d'un tenseur de Riemann auto-dual. Ces solutions sont dites instantons gravitationnels. L'évolution des instantons est décrite par un flot géométrique. Ce lien est analysé en détail, en focalisant l'attention sur le rôle du tensor de Ricci dans le flot géométrique. En espace de type Anti-de-Sitter (AdS), trouver de nouveaux trous noirs avec symétrie axiale est une question toujours ouverte. Cette question peut être posée dans le contexte des fluides holographiques. Trous noirs en rotation correspondent à des fluides aux vorticités particulières. En imposant que la solution soit régulière sur l'horizon, le fluide acquiert la forme d'un fluide parfait. Des conditions nécessaires afin que la correspondence entre solution gravitationnelle et théorie hydrodynamique, qui se fait usuellement par un développement perturbatif, puisse être ressommé et pour qu'on puisse trouver des solutions exactes de la relativité ont etées trouvées. Le comptage de l'entropie des trous noirs dans des espaces AdS ne fait toujours pas partie des résultats connus. Dans le cas des solutions en rotation des théories de supergravité N=2, une relation entre trous noirs extremaux non-BPS en espace plat et trous noirs BPS en espace AdS a été mise au point. La connexion entre cettes solutions donne des informations sur le comptage microscopique.
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Rehabilitating Howard M. Parshley: A Socio-Historical Study of the English Translation of Beauvoir's Le deuxième sexe, with Latour and BourdieuBogic, Anna D. 08 September 2010 (has links)
This study documents the problematic translator-publisher relationship in the case of the English translation of Simone de Beauvoir’s Le deuxième sexe. The socio-historical investigation of the case study demonstrates that the 1953 translation was complicated by several factors: the translator’s lack of philosophical knowledge, the editor’s demands to cut and simplify the text, the publisher’s intention to emphasize the book’s scientific cachet, and Beauvoir’s lack of cooperation. The investigation focuses on two aspects: the translator’s subservience and the involvement of multiple actors.
Primarily concerned with the interaction between the translator and other actors, this study seeks answers that require investigation into historical documents and the work of other scholars critical of The Second Sex. In this enquiry, more than one hundred letters between the translator, H. M. Parshley, and the publisher, Knopf, are thoroughly analyzed. The study combines Bruno Latour’s and Pierre Bourdieu’s sociological concepts in order to provide a more detailed and encompassing examination within the context of Translation Studies. The letter correspondence is the primary evidence on which the study’s conclusions are based. / Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
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They who part the grass: the Japanese government and early nikkei immigration to Canada, 1877–1908Nomura, Kazuko 04 April 2012 (has links)
This paper provides an account of early Japanese immigration to Canada in the years between 1877 and 1908 from the point of view of the Japanese Imperial government of the time. Drawing on Japanese diplomatic correspondence uncovered by Toshiji Sasaki in his 1999 work "Nihon-jin Kanada imin-shi" and accounts from Japanese-language newspapers published in Vancouver during the period, I examine the Japanese experience in Canada and describe how Japanese officials and emigrants responded to Canadian efforts to restrict Japanese emigration to Canada, culminating in the Vancouver Riot of 1907. I show how, when faced with this diplomatic crisis, Japanese officials reacted only reluctantly and, for the most part, ineffectually to limit emigration to Canada. The result of such restrictions as ultimately were imposed on the emigration of Japanese workers was not the end of Japanese emigration but the beginning of permanent settlement by Japanese families in Canada.
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Essays on discrimination in the marketplaceFumarco, Luca January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is composed of four self-contained papers and focuses on discrimination in themarket place. Essay 1: “Disability Discrimination in the Rental Housing Market – A Field Experiment onBlind Tenants.” Although discrimination against disabled people has been investigated inthe labor market, the housing market has received less attention in this regard. This paperfocuses on the latter market and investigates whether blind tenants assisted by guide dogsare discriminated against in the rental housing market. The data are collected through afield experiment in which written applications were sent in response to onlineadvertisements posted by different types of advertisers. I find statistically significantevidence that one type of online advertiser, that is, the apartment owner (i.e., a person whoadvertises and rents out his/her own apartment(s) on his/her own), discriminates againstblind tenants, because of the presence of the guide dog, not because of the disability.According to the legislation, this behavior qualifies as illegal discrimination. Essay 2: “Does the design of correspondence studies influence the measurement of discrimination?”(co-authored with Carlsson and Rooth). Correspondence studies can identify the extent ofdiscrimination in hiring as typically defined by the law, which includes discriminationagainst ethnic minorities and females. However, as Heckman and Siegelman (1993) show,if employers act upon a group difference in the variance of unobserved variables, thismeasure of discrimination may not be very informative. This issue has essentially beenignored in the empirical literature until the recent methodological development byNeumark (2012). We apply Neumark’s method to a number of already publishedcorrespondence studies. We find the Heckman and Siegelman critique relevant forempirical work and give suggestions on how future correspondence studies may address thiscritique. Essay 3: “Does Labor Market Tightness Affect Ethnic Discrimination in Hiring?” (co-authoredwith Carlsson and Rooth). In this study, we investigate whether ethnic discriminationdepends on labor market tightness. While ranking models predict a negative relationship,the prediction of screening models is ambiguous about the direction of the relationship.Thus, the direction of the relationship is purely an empirical issue. We utilize three (butcombine into two) correspondence studies of the Swedish labor market and two distinctlydifferent measures of labor market tightness. These different measures produce very similarresults, showing that a one percent increase in labor market tightness increases ethnicdiscrimination in hiring by 0.5-0.7 percent, which is consistent with a screening model.This result stands in sharp contrast to the only previous study on this matter, Baert et al.(forthcoming), which finds evidence that supports a ranking model. Essay 4: “Relative Age Effect on Labor Market Outcomes for High Skilled Workers – Evidencefrom Soccer.” In sports and education contexts, children are divided into age groups that arearbitrary constructions based on admission dates. This age-group system is thought todetermine differences in maturity between pupils within the same group, that is, relative904627 Luca Furmaco_inl.indd 5 2015-02-24 16:58age (RA). In turn, these within-age-group maturity differences produce performance gaps,that is, relative age effects (RAEs), which might persist and affect labor market outcomes. Ianalyze the RAE on labor market outcomes using a unique dataset of a particular group ofhigh-skilled workers: soccer players in the Italian major soccer league. In line with previousstudies, evidence on the existence of an RAE in terms of representativeness is found,meaning that players born relatively early in an age group are over-represented, whileplayers born relatively late are under-represented, even accounting for specific populationtrends. Moreover, players born relatively late in an age group receive lower gross wages thanplayers born relatively early. This wage gap seems to increase with age and in the quantileof the wage distribution.
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Dissenting Democrats : Nation and Democracy in the Republic of MoldovaJohansson, Andreas January 2011 (has links)
The Republic of Moldova was one of fifteen states to emerge from the dissolution of the Soviet Union. With weak historical legacy of statehood, deteriorating economy and serious national divisions, the young state lacked many of the prerequisites deemed necessary for successful democratization. From the very beginning of independence, Moldova became the battleground of Romanianists, propagating for the Romanian character of Moldova’s majority population, and Moldovanists, who viewed the people as a separate nation. In the literature on democracy and democratization, a divided nation is singled out as a serious threat to statehood and democratization efforts alike. Without a nation in place it is generally understood that democracy cannot take root. Nevertheless, Moldova in a few years time managed to make considerable progress on its path towards democracy. A main theme of the dissertation is thus the issue of national division and how it has affected political developments in general and democracy in specific. This picture is then further expanded by including close analysis of political support. The dissertation contributes to discussions about how nation and democracy goes together in transitional states with no legacy of either of them. The analysis shows that national division in Moldova works on different levels. While political actors often seek support from the electorate according to their positions on the nation, national identity by itself does not suffice to explain differences in political support. Instead other aspects, such as generational values, degree of urbanity and level of education, play a much larger role. Democracy, as a platform where different political ideas and ambitions may form, can both complicate transitions since it provides opportunities for conflicts, but democracy also holds the prospects to find ways to resolve disagreements. In the long run, this carries the seed of consolidation of both democracy and nation alike.
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Eventos de vida produtores de estresse e acidentes de trabalho: Estudo Pró-Saúde, Rio de Janeiro - Brasil / Life events produced by stress and work accidents: Estudo Pro-SaúdeFlávia dos Santos Barbosa 29 May 2007 (has links)
Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / A proposta desta tese consiste em um recorte de uma abordagem mais ampla da determinação dos acidentes de trabalho, e tem como objetivo geral investigar o perfil de acidentes de trabalho que acometem funcionários técnico-administrativos do quadro efetivo de uma universidade do Rio de Janeiro. Para o alcance do objetivo, esta tese está estruturada em dois artigos, e como tal pretende explorar o perfil sócio-demográfico e ocupacional de funcionários públicos na ocorrência de acidentes de trabalho (Artigo 1); e investigar a associação entre os eventos de vida produtores de estresse (EVPE) e a ocorrência de acidentes de trabalho (Artigo 2). Dados seccionais da fase 2 de um estudo de natureza prospectiva (Estudo Pró-Saúde) foram coletados entre 3572 funcionários. A história de acidentes de trabalho foi captada por
meio de perguntas dicotômicas (sim vs. não) para cada um dos seguintes tipos de acidentes: perfuração com agulha; perfuração com outro objeto; corte; queimadura; choque elétrico; contusão ou distensão muscular; fratura, entorse ou luxação; e envenenamento ou intoxicação. O período de referência para aferição tanto dos EVPE quanto da ocorrência de acidente de trabalho correspondeu aos 12 meses anteriores a aplicação de questionário autopreenchível. No artigo 1 utilizou-se a técnica de análise de correspondência múltipla para delimitar agrupamentos de funcionários quanto ao perfil sócio-demográfico e ocupacional associado à ocorrência de acidente de trabalho, de acordo com as seguintes Característica : sexo, idade, escolaridade, renda per capita, ocupação, setor e local de trabalho. No artigo 2, a associação entre EVPE e acidentes de trabalho foi avaliada através de análise multivariada por meio de modelo lineares generalizados (logpoisson), sendo os resultados expressos através de razões de prevalência (RP) ajustadas e seus respectivos intervalos de 95% de confiança (IC95%). A prevalência total de acidentes no período de 12 meses foi de 25,6%. Dos tipos de acidentes referidos, o mais frequente foi a contusão ou fratura, com cerca de (10,2%) de relatos. Em seguida, aparecem as perfurações com agulha (6,5%). Os resultados da análise de correspondência revelam três grupos, destacando-se aquele formado pelos que sofreram
perfuração com agulha com um perfil que abrange os auxiliares de enfermagem, trabalham no Hospital Universitário e setores adjacentes, especificamente em setores de terapia intensiva,
emergência, cirurgia geral, clinica geral e ambulatório. Em relação à associação com EVPE, ter sido testemunha de agressão foi o evento mais fortemente associado com acidentes de trabalho (RP= 1,98, IC95%= 1,67; 2,34). Este estudo trouxe informações acerca da importância das características sócio-demográficas e de aspectos psicossociais na ocorrência
dos acidentes de trabalho que podem ser úteis na elaboração de medidas para a prevenção desse importante problema de saúde pública. / This Thesis focuses on epidemiology of occupational accidents by describing their association with life events and socio-demographic and occupational variables among employees of a university in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Two original papers form the core of the Thesis, the first describes the socioeconomic and occupational profile associated to specific types of occupational accidents, and the second investigates the association between life events and the occurrence of occupational accidents. Sectional data obtained from phase 2 of a prospective study (Estudo Pró-Saúde) were collected for 3,572 participants. The history of occupational accidents was obtained using dichotomous questions (yes/no) for the following
types of injuries: needlestick; perforation by other objects; cut or laceration; burn; electric shock; contusion or bruise; fracture, dislocation or distortion; and poisoning. The period of
recall for accidents and life events was the 12-month before answering the self-reported questionnaire. In the first paper we used multiple correspondence analysis to identify groups
of participants regarding their socio-demographic and occupational profile related to accidents using the following variables: gender, age, literacy, income, occupational status, place of work and job sector. In the second paper the association of life events and work accidents was evaluated by multivariate generalized linear model (log-poisson), and the results expressed as adjusted prevalence ratios (PR) and their respective 95% confidence intervals (95%CI). The total prevalence of accidents in the 12-month period was 25.6%. The most common accidents were contusions or fractures (10.2%) followed by needlesticks (6.5%). Results from correspondence analysis revealed three groups, the most prominent was the one composed by those with needle stick injuries, working at the university hospital as nurse assistants, located specifically at intensive care, surgical, ambulatory or emergency units. Regarding life events, being witness of aggression was the event more strongly associated to occupational accidents (PR= 1.98, 95%CI= 1.67; 2.34). This study highlighted important information about the association between socio-demographic, occupational and psychosocial characteristics and occupational accidents. This information might be used when defining strategies to prevent this important public health problem.
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Les mots du pouvoir : la communication politique de la France dans le Saint-Empire au début de la Guerre de Trente Ans (1617-1624) / The words of power : the french political communication in the Holy Roman Empire at the beginning of the Thirty Years War (1617-1624)Desenclos, Camille 06 December 2014 (has links)
La notion de communication politique reçoit des définitions diverses qui paraissent irréconciliables : définition de politologue fondée sur une organisation contemporaine de la politique poussant le concept dans le domaine de la propagande, définition de médiéviste mettant l'accent sur l'oralité et la symbolique des images. Amorcé en Allemagne dans les années 1990, un mouvement historiographique tend à se développer en France, mais sans pour autant offrir une définition applicable à l'ensemble de la modernité.En revenant au sens premier de la communication politique, soit à l’histoire politique et plus particulièrement diplomatique, il s'agit ici d’étudier la politique extérieure de la France et ses moyens (réseaux de communication et d'information, correspondances, production imprimée, etc.) et ainsi de retrouver le sens de l’action diplomatique française. Au-Delà de la simple étude fonctionnelle, seule une étude approfondie de la communication peut permettre de voir si et comment un État peut maîtriser un tel outil et dans quel(s) espace(s).Pour ce faire, le Saint-Empire au début de la guerre de Trente Ans fait office de terrain d'étude. La mise en place des différents acteurs et le déroulement des premiers affrontements en font un élément d'observation riche. L'étude se place également dans une période bien définie de l'histoire politique française : l'exercice personnel par Pierre Brulart, vicomte de Puisieux, de la charge de secrétaire d'État aux Affaires étrangères entre avril 1617 et février 1624. / The concept of political communication is confronted to various definitions which seem incompatible. The political one is based onto a contemporary management of the politics which pulls the concept to the field of propaganda. The medievalist one emphasizes the orality and the symbolic of images. Some studies have been led in Germany since the 1990's and intend to grow up in France but they do not offer a definition which could apply the modern era.We would come back to the initial meaning of the political communication, i.e. to the political and diplomatic history, in order to study the foreign politics of France and its means (communication and information networks, correspondences, printed documents, etc.) and find the direction of the diplomatic action of France. In addition to a classic functional study, a thorough study of communication should allow to observe if and how a State can control such tool and in which space(s).The Holy Roman Empire at the beginning of the Thirty Years War has been chosen as object for this study. The establishment of the various protagonists and the first confrontations turn it to a rich observation field. The study focuses too on a well defined period of the french politic history: the personal practice by Pierre Brulart, viscount of Puisieux, of the office of secretary of State for Foreign Affairs between april 1617 and february 1624.
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Struktura ekvivalenčních množin / Structure of equality setsHadravová, Jana January 2015 (has links)
Title: Structure of equality sets Author: Jana Hadravová Department: Department of Algebra Supervisor: doc. Mgr. Štěpán Holub, Ph.D., Dept. of Algebra Abstract: Binary equality set of two morphisms g, h : ⌃⇤ ! A⇤ is a set of all words w over two-letter alphabet ⌃ satisfying g(w) = h(w). Elements of this set are called binary equality words. One of the important results of research on binary equality sets is the proof of the fact that each binary equality set is generated by at most two words provided that both morphisms g and h are non-periodic. Moreover, if a binary equality set is generated by exactly two words, then the structure of both generators, and therefore of the whole set, is uniquely given. This work presents the results of our research on the structure of binary equality sets with a single generator. Importantly, these generators can be decomposed into simpler structures. Generators which can not be further decomposed are called simple equality words. First part of the presented work describes the structure of simple equality words and introduces their detailed classification. The main result of the first part is a precise characterisation of su ciently large simple equality words. In the second part, the work describes the iterative process which transforms a general generator of a binary...
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