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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

El medio ambiente en el contexto de las relaciones internacionales: el caso de Costa Rica

Víquez Jiménez, Renato 07 April 2021 (has links)
Renato Víquez Jiménez. Abogado con especialidad en Derecho administrativo. Profesor de Derecho Internacional Público y Administrativo. Embajador de Costa Rica en Perú. / Se hará una contextualización y una valoración de la temática ambiental dentro del contexto internacional de un mundo cambiante así como el tratamiento y desarrollo que otorga el Estado Costarricense al medio ambiente.

Financial Independence and Economic Policy in Costa Rica

Calvo, Minor Vargas January 1978 (has links)
The main objective of the dissertation is to formulate a .system for financial analysis and planning in the Costa Rican economy. First, a tentative structure within which a model of the financial system can be organized is outlined, and the corresponding statistical tables are constructed for the period 1961-1975. It is expected that such tables will be periodically updated and incorporated into a series of publications which describe and analyze financial developments in Costa Rica. The study then analyzes the evolution of the Costa Rican financial system based on the generated data and a set of well-known financial indicators. Finally, alternative linear financial models are formulated and estimated; they are the basis for an analysis of financial interdependence, i.e., the process through which sectoral investment and/or saving decisions generate indirect financi~l consequences in the rest of the economy. Some interesting findings of the study, related to the analysis of financial developments during the period 1961-1975, are the observed rapid growth of the relative size of the Costa Rican financial super-structure, coupled with an accelerated process of monetization of the economy. In addition the importance of the foreign sector in the financial.activities of the country shows a considerable increase. The empirical evidence that emerges from estimating alternative linear financial models suggests a considerable degree of financial interdependence, with the government sector taking a predominant role in the generation of financial multiplier effects. It also indicates that the definition of sectoral preferences over liability holdings as a behavioral assumption in the underlying model, explains the pattern of sectoral financial behavior in the Costa Rican economy more effectively than the alternative assumption that preferences are defined over asset holdings. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Rural nonfarm employment and migration : the case of Costa Rica /

Schneider-Sliwa, Rita. January 1982 (has links)
No description available.

The Relationship Between the Slope of the Terrain and Agricultural Productivity in Costa Rica, Central America / Relationship Between Agricultural Productivity and Slopes

Sury, Milan 09 1900 (has links)
An average slope index and a number of agricultural productivity indices were determined for a sample of 100 districts in Costa Rica. To establish the relationship between these variables, correlation coefficients were calculated between the average slope index, on the one hand and, on the other, total gross agricultural income, total net agricultural income and also income and yields for individual crops. These relationships were calculated for the meseta central (the central, highly-populated area) and for areas outside of the meseta central and for the total sample taken from all of Costa Rica. Cases in which gross agricultural incomes were much lower than predicted by the study were investigated further to identify other factors which may have influenced the results. / Thesis / Master of Arts (MA)

Institution and Monstrosity in the Narrative of Fernando Contreras Castro

Villanueva, Aura 19 April 2017 (has links)
This thesis examines the ways in which the rapid economic changes, as portrayed in two Costa Rican novels, Única mirando al mar (1993) and Los Peor (1995) by Fernando Contreras Castro, serve as solid foundation for laying out the deep-rooted economic and political challenges that have profoundly affected not only Costa Rican society but many of the national institutions. It focuses on revealing the uprising unfertile relationship between the residents and the governmental institutions, whose monstrous model of behavior are incompatible with the Costa Rican Constitution and thus, generating a systematic shift in the social norms. It explores the historical and literary Costa Rican context demonstrating how the narrative shade considerable light on the complex system of governance and its fragility in a democratic society. / Master of Arts

An assessment of manpower and formal education needs in Extension in Costa Rica

Burhans, Jay Scot, 1955- January 1988 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to assess the rural Extension manpower needs and the needs for formal education in Extension in Costa Rica. The study surveyed all current Extension professionals of the Costa Rican Ministry of Agriculture Extension system to determine their educational qualifications, education in Extension, opinions regarding the educational qualifications needed to enter an Extension position and the levels of education appropriate for formal Extension education at time of the study and in 15 years and their perceptions of the current and future needs for Extension manpower in Costa Rica. Findings included: (1) all Extension professionals had a secondary level diploma and 55 percent held university level qualifications; (2) formal education was the most reported type of education in Extension; (3) twenty-five percent had neither formal education nor training in Extension; (4) the education qualifications needed and the levels of education appropriate for formal education in Extension were perceived as shifting upwards during the next 15 years; and (5) a 33 percent current and a 102 percent future increase in Extension manpower was perceived as necessary to meet clientele needs.

An analysis of Costa Rican export earnings under the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act (CBERA)

Murillo-Martinez, Carlos G. 18 November 1988 (has links)
This Thesis explores the possibility of increased export and export earnings stability for Costa Rica after the implementation of the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act (CBERA) or Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI). It was expected that this policy would not only increase trade and exports for some developing nations in the Caribbean but also promote development and economic stability. An export earnings model was calculated using the deflated export earnings to the U.S. and fitting a time trend equation by OLS to calculate the residuals. These residuals were then transformed to develop a risk or instability equation which included independent variables such as the export concentration index to reflect diversification of exports, the ratios of food, manufactures and raw materials in exports and the share of total Costa Rican exports deriving from the U.S. market. A reduced risk equation was estimated using OLS. The relative effect of the policy, measured by a dummy variable for the period 1983-1987 was estimated for each of the independent variables. The results indicate that there has been a distinct effect of the policy variable upon the diversification, manufactures, raw materials and food products exported by Costa Rica to the U.S. The increase in manufactured exports is significant, at the same time, there have been decreases in the value of traditional agricultural exports such as coffee, sugar, bananas and beef. Vegetables' and fruits' share of Costa Rican exports to the U.S. has increased noticeably. Although total export earnings for Costa Rica show negative growth during the period 1981-1983, U.S. export earnings have been consistently increasing. Export earnings from the U.S. show a significant increase as detected by the share of Costa Rican total exports earnings originating in the U.S. In 1980 less than 40% of Costa Rican export earnings came from the U.S. while in 1987 the figure is just over 60%, indicating increased dependency on this market as a source of export earnings. Export earnings instability, as measured in this research, shows statistically significant reductions after 1983 leading the author to conclude that this policy is possibly increasing trade and reducing the long term instability of Costa Rican exports to the U.S., therefore having some effect on the stability of long term development, and possibly, causing changes in the country's capability to deal with its debt and development efforts. The components of instability or risk of export earnings from the U.S. market yielded interesting insight into possible causes of these variations. Statistically significant negative signs were detected for the ratio of foods in exports and the dummy variable, indicating that reducing the share of foods in exports in this market would cause increases in risk and that the policy variable has had the consequence of reducing risk. The ratio of raw materials in exports was, as expected, of limited statistical significance although it consistency exhibited a negative sign indicating similar effects as the food exports. The manufacture ratio in exports was detected to be in general statistically significant during the trial estimations however, lacking consistency. The export concentration index was not determined to be statistically significant in causing export earnings instability in this particular case, however as with all independent variables tested, it was significantly changed after 1983. These results tend to support the original intention of the CBERA for the case of Costa Rica. Increases in exports and export earnings stability appear to have ocurred. However, the research suggest some caution in relying heavily in the U.S. market as a source of export earnings and supports the view that traditional exports bring about more stability than manufactures and raw material exports. / Graduation date: 1989

Tourisme et environnement, le grand paradoxe de l'écotourisme. Exemples de Madagascar et du Costa Rica. / Tourism and environment, the great paradox of ecotourism. Examples of Madagascar and Costa Rica

Ratel, Clemence 14 October 2014 (has links)
Le tourisme a connu une croissance spectaculaire à travers le monde depuis la seconde moitié du XXème siècle. Le tourisme ne concernait que 50 millions de touristes en 1960 pour atteindre 561 millions en 1995 et 980 millions en 2011, selon l’Organisation mondiale du tourisme.Liée à ce phénomène, la mondialisation a accentué la pensée écologique. En effet, on a vu apparaître avec le Rapport Meadows en 1972, une prise de conscience des problèmes écologiques de la planète sur la scène politique internationale.Depuis le Rapport Bruntland en 1987, en passant par le Sommet de la Terre à Rio et, plus récemment le Sommet Rio +20, le tourisme associé aux principe du développement durable semble correspondre aux attentes des sociétés.Le tourisme est-il synonyme de dégradation environnementale ou au contraire permet-il une préservation des espaces naturels ?Un travail de terrain à Madagascar et au Costa Rica nous a conduit à un questionnement de fond sur la pertinence des stratégies de développement qui s’appuie sur l’écotourisme, ainsi qu’à une analyse approfondie de la notion d’écotourisme dans son application concrète au niveau international. Il s’agit en définitive d’une étude dans le temps et l’espace, de la mise en place de l’activité écotouristique sur ces deux terrains de recherche et des implications économiques, sociales, culturelles et environnementales. / The tourist industry has seen spectacular development from the second half of the 20th Century. According to the World tourism organization, 50 million tourists in 1960 expanded to 561 million tourists in 1995 and to 980 million in 2011.Along with this phenomenon, globalization has increased ecological thinking and the Meadows Report in 1972 highlights political awareness to environmental problems around the world. From the Bruntland Report in 1987 to the Earth Summit in Rio and more recently, the Rio +20 Summit, the association of the tourism in the principles of sustainable development would seem to correspond to expectations of societies today. Does tourism induce environmental degradation or on the contrary, does it allow the preservation of natural sites ? Field work in Madagascar and Costa Rica has led me to question the pertinence of development strategies based on the notion of ecotourism, and an indepth analysis of this notion and it’s concrete application to major sites at an international level. It is a close examination in time and space of the establishment of ecotourism on these two areas of research and it’s consequences on the economie, social, cultural and environmental system.

Uma leitura intertextual da história e da literatura portuguesas por Helder Costa / An intertextual reading of the Portuguese history and literature by Helder Costa

Caroline de Almeida Nascimento 13 April 2015 (has links)
O presente estudo consiste na análise e na interpretação crítica do texto teatral A Viagem Camões Poeta prático, de autoria do encenador e dramaturgo português Helder Costa, sob a óptica do emprego de recursos intertextuais como a paródia, a paráfrase e a estilização, que compõem o tecido textual, que traz à baila episódios da história lusitana, trajados em novas roupagens, distintas, sob diversos aspectos, daquelas que predominam no imaginário coletivo luso. A partir da visão brechtiana de teatro, de que a função social dessa arte reside, em grande medida, em despertar a consciência popular para a situação do presente por meio da reflexão sobre o passado, o texto teatral, objeto da presente pesquisa, estabelece diálogo entre o pretérito áureo das expansões marítimas e o contexto de escrita da peça, logo após o término da ditadura salazarista. Outro enfoque desse trabalho é o atrito gerado a partir do emprego da metaficção historiográfica no preenchimento das lacunas deixadas pelos incontestáveis fatos históricos (mote para a escrita da peça teatral de Helder Costa), que são ficcionalizados de modo a evidenciar questões acerca da arbitrariedade das fronteiras entre Literatura e História. Observa-se, ora no plano macro, ora no plano micro, que a peça de Helder Costa configura-se como uma proposta de revisão da essência saudosista do ser português. / This study consists in the analysis and the critical interpretation of the theatrical text A Viagem Camões Poeta prático (The Journey Camões Practical poet), written by the Portuguese director and playwright Helder Costa, from the perspective of the employment of intertextual features such as parody, paraphrase and styling, which compose the textual content, which narrates episodes of the Portuguese history, repackaged, different in several respects from those that predominate in the Portuguese collective imagination. Based on the perspective of the Brechtian theater, that the social function of this art largely lies in the awakening of the popular awareness of the present through a reflection about the past, the theatrical text, object of this research, establishes a dialogue between the golden past of the maritime expansions and the context of the period in which the play was written, soon after the end of Salazars dictatorship. Another focus of this work is the friction generated from the use of historiographical metafiction in filling the gaps left by the incontrovertible historical facts (a motto for the writing of Helder Costas play), which are fictionalized in order to highlight questions regarding the arbitrariness of the borders between Literature and History. It can be observed, both in the macro and in the micro plan, that Helder Costas play is configured as a proposal to revise the nostalgic essence of the Portuguese being.

Modernos trópicos - Brasil e Brasília / Modern Tropical - Brazil and Brasília

Juliana Villela Junqueira 24 April 2014 (has links)
A cultura brasileira dos anos 20 aos 60 do século XX foi movida em grande parte pelo desejo de equacionar a nação na perspectiva de uma original combinação entre erudito e popular. Tendo como pressuposto os dilemas culturais trazidos pela modernidade em solo brasileiro, o presente trabalho pontua a relação entre o espaço natural brasileiro e os questionamentos acerca das esferas culturais e civilizatórias nele contidos. Pretende-se discutir conceitos e procedimentos aceitos no campo da arquitetura, relativos aos termos como paisagem, natureza, cultura, tradição e modernidade, que estão no bojo da experiência cultural nos Trópicos. Tendo em vista que a escala do espaço natural é traço diferencial inequívoco da cultura arquitetônica moderna brasileira que se desdobra via Rio de Janeiro, procura-se compreender o modo como Lucio Costa problematizou a relação entre construção e natureza frente à escala do território. Numa esfera social ampla, seria preciso esperar por Brasília para que a produção técnica pudesse representar a civilização dos trópicos, perante aos amplos espaços vazios do planalto central do país. / The Brazilian culture from 20s until 60s of the XX century was specially moved by the desire of setting out the nation on a perspective of an original combination between the erudite and the popular. It has the presupposition of the cultural dilemma brought by the modernity in Brazilian ground, the present research focus on the relation between the Brazilian natural space and the questionings about the cultural and civilization spheres on it involved. This intends to discuss accepted concepts and procedures on the architecture field, related to the terms as landscape, nature, culture, tradition and modernity, which are in the head of the cultural experience of tropics. Considering that the natural space scale is an undoubted differential trait of the culture of the Brazilian modern architecture that is proved by Rio de Janeiro, we aim to comprehend the way how Lúcio Costa analyses and questions the relation between the construction and nature facing the scale of the territory. In a wise social sphere, it would be necessary waiting for Brasilia, so the technical production could represent the civilization of the tropics, considering the wise empty spaces of the Central Plateau of the country.

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