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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Structural changes during cellulose composite processing

Halonen, Helena January 2012 (has links)
Two approaches for creating a new all-cellulose composite material have been studied: the biosynthesis of compartmentalised bacterial cellulose fibril aggregates and the compression moulding of commercial chemical wood pulps processed with only water. The objective was to study the structural changes during processing and the complexity of relating the mechanical properties of the final biocomposites to the nanoscale structure was highlighted. Solid-state CP/MAS 13C NMR spectroscopy was utilised to determine both the fibril aggregate width and the content of the different crystalline cellulose forms, cellulose I and cellulose II. Using this method, the quantities of hemicellulose present inside the fibre wall and localised at the fibre surfaces could be determined. The formation of cellulose fibrils was affected by the addition of hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC) to a culture medium of Acetobacter aceti, and the fibrils were coated with a thin layer of HEC, which resulted in loose bundles of fibril aggregates. The HEC coating, improved the fibril dispersion in the films and prevented fractures, resulting in a biocomposite with remarkable mechanical properties including improved strength (289 MPa), modulus (12.5 GPa) and toughness (6%). The effect of press temperature was studied during compression moulding of sulphite dissolving-grade pulps at 45 MPa. A higher press temperature yielded increases in the fibril aggregation, water resistance (measured as the water retention value) and Young’s modulus (12 GPa) in the final biocomposite. The high pressure was important for fibril aggregation, possibly including cellulose-cellulose fusion bonds, i.e., fibril aggregation in the fibre-fibre bond region. The optimal press temperature was found to be 170°C because cellulose undergoes thermal degradation at higher temperatures. The effect of hemicellulose was studied by comparing a softwood kraft paper-grade pulp with a softwood sulphite paper and a softwood sulphite dissolving-grade pulp. A significant fibril aggregation of the sulphite pulps suggested that the content and distribution of hemicellulose affected the fibril aggregation. In addition, the hemicellulose structure could influence the ability of the hemicellulose to co-aggregate with cellulose fibrils. Both sulphite pulp biocomposites exhibited Young’s moduli of approximately 12 GPa, whereas that of the kraft pulp was approximately half that value at 6 GPa. This result can be explained by a higher sensitivity to beating in the sulphite pulps. The effect of mercerisation, which introduces disordered cellulose, on the softwood sulphite dissolving-grade pulp was also studied under compression moulding at 170°C and 45 MPa. The mechanisms causing an incomplete transformation of cellulose I to II in a 12 wt% NaOH solution were discussed. The lower modulus of cellulose II and/or the higher quantity of disordered cellulose likely account for the decrease in Young’s modulus in the mercerised biocomposites (6.0 versus 3.9 GPa). / Två metoder för att skapa ett nytt kompositmaterial baserat på enbart cellulosa har studerats, biosyntes av fibrillaggregat bestående av bakteriecellulosa och varmpressning av kommersiella träfiberbaserade massor med vatten som den enda processkemikalien. Målet var att studera de strukturella förändringarna som sker under tillverkningsprocessen. Även komplexiteten i att relatera strukturen på nanonivå till de mekaniska egenskaperna hos de slutliga biokompositerna belystes. Med fastfas CP/MAS 13C NMR-spektroskopi var det möjligt att bestämma både fibrillaggregattjockleken och mängden av cellulosakristallformerna; cellulosa I och cellulosa II. Det var också möjligt att bestämma mängden hemicellulosa dels närvarande inuti fiberväggen och dels mängden lokaliserad på fiberytor. Tillsats av hydroxyetylcellulosa (HEC) i odlingsmediet för Acetobacter aceti påverkade bildandet av cellulosafibriller som blev belagda med ett tunt skikt av HEC, vilket också resulterade i löst bundna fibrillaggregat. HEC-beläggningen förbättrade fibrilldispersionen i filmerna och minskade sprickbildningen, vilket gav en biokomposit med mycket goda mekaniska egenskaper med kombinerad hög styrka (289 MPa), styvhet (12.5 GPa) och seghet (6%). Effekten av presstemperatur vid varmpressning (45 MPa tryck) studerades på sulfit dissolvingmassor. Högre presstemperatur gav ökad fibrillaggregering, ökat vattenmotstånd (mätt som vattenretentionsvärde) och högre styvhet (12 GPa) för biokompositen. Det höga trycket var också viktigt för fibrillaggregeringen, som troligen omfattar cellulosa-cellulosa samkristallisation dvs. fibrillaggregering i fiber-fiber-bindningsregionen. Den optimala presstemperaturen föreslogs vara 170° C pga. termisk nedbrytning av cellulosa vid högre temperaturer. Effekten av hemicellulosa studerades genom att jämföra sulfat pappersmassa med sulfit pappersmassa och sulfit dissolvingmassa. Mängden och fördelningen av hemicellulosa föreslogs ligga till grund för skillnaden i fibrillaggregering, som var mera uttalad i sulfitmassorna. Även hemicellulosans struktur kan påverka förmågan hos hemicellulosa att sam-aggregera med cellulosafibriller. Biokompositerna baserade på sulfitmassorna hade en styvhet på ca. 12 GPa, medan sulfatmassan bara hade hälften av den nivån ca. 6 GPa, vilket förklarades av sulfitmassornas högre känslighet för malning. Även effekten av mercerisering av sulfit dissolvingmassa varmpressad vid 170° C och 45 MPa studerades. Mercerisering introducerar oordnad cellulosa och mekanismerna som endast ger en partiell omvandling av cellulosa I till II i en 12 vikt% NaOH-lösning diskuterades. Den sämre styvheten hos den merceriserade biokompositen (6.0 resp. 3.9 GPa) förklaras troligen genom cellulosa II kristallens lägre styvhet och/eller den högre mängden av oordnad cellulosa. / <p>QC 20121106</p> / Wallenberg Wood Science Center / Biomime

Med musiken till hands : Funktionsinriktad musikterapi med två ungdomar, en med Cerebral Pares och en med mitokondriell sjukdom

Carlid, Cecilia January 2009 (has links)
Med musiken till hands – Funktionsinriktad musikterapi med två ungdomar, en med Cerebral Pares och en med mitokondriell sjukdom.   Funktionsinriktad musikterapi, FMT-metoden, är en neuromuskulär behandlingsmodell för barn och vuxna med olika funktionsnedsättningar. Jag har valt att i detta examensarbete för-klara vad metoden går ut på samt beskriva arbetet med två av mina elever, en med diagnosen Cerebral Pares och en med mitokondriell sjukdom. Jag har förklarat hur deras helhetsutveckling, främst arm-/handfunktionen, har påverkats. Båda ungdomarna har fått en utökad förmåga att greppa om olika föremål och sträcka ut för att nå ting som står långt ifrån dem.

Intensive training in group for children with Cerebral Palsy : Evaluation from different perspectives

Ödman, Pia January 2007 (has links)
There is a need of more evidence‐based knowledge of different treatment/training‐approaches for children with Cerebral Palsy (CP) to better describe the objectives of interventions, effects on functioning and fulfilment of health care needs. The general aim of this thesis was to evaluate the effectiveness of intensive training in groups (ITGs) with a habilitation approach and a conductive education approach. In addition, this thesis explored different meanings of participation in ITGs to parents from a parent perspective. This thesis consists of two parts, a quantitative evaluation of the effectiveness of two ITGs (paper I‐III) and a qualitative study exploring parents’ different ways of experiencing ITGs (paper IV). Fifty‐four children, 3‐16 years old, with different types of CP, intellectual capacity and level of gross motor function, participated with their parents in a four weeks ITG with a short‐term and a one‐year follow‐up (paper I‐III). The second sample was strategically composed of parents to 15 children with CP with experiences of ITGs in different settings. The results showed that the proportion of clinically significant change in gross motor capability, functional skills or self‐reported individualized goal measure didn’t show any major differences between the two ITGs. One period of ITG facilitated small clinical and parent reported improvements in functioning for the short‐term. Nine children out of 54 made a clinically significant improvement in gross motor capability (GMFM‐88 total score); 36 children improved if an improvement in any dimension A‐E was counted for. Twenty‐two children out of 52 improved in one of the domains self‐care, mobility and social function (PEDI Functional Skills). Twenty‐eight parents out of 54 perceived a clinically significant improvement on the self‐reported individualized goal measure. Most individualized goals dealt with motor activities and movement‐related body functions in both ITGs. The self‐reported individualized goal measure was not found to be more sensitive to change than the clinical measures. The one‐year follow‐up showed that children had a stable level of functioning. No child deteriorated on the clinical measures short‐term and at the one‐year follow‐up. A higher proportion of change was seen in the social function domain at the one‐year follow‐up, indicating a better potential to change in social function than in gross motor function. The majority of children had a high consumption of training delivered by the Child and Youth Habilitation and merely half of the group continued with repeated ITGs. The differences in functional outcome between children continuing with repeated ITGs compared with only customary Child and Youth Habilitation were limited to a higher proportion of improvements in social functioning. Parents perceived a high service quality in both ITGs. To parents, fulfilment of health care needs was as important as functional outcome. The probability for high service quality was associated with previous experience of the ITG, high expectations of improvements, if expectations and improvements in gross motor capability were achieved and if the child participated in the ITG with the habilitation approach. Therapists in the habilitation approach were more involved in discussions with parents about expectations for the ITG and knowledge exchange than conductors were, indicating more familycenteredness. The qualitative study points to a variety of parental needs that may be met at ITGs but also indicates some problems that should be addressed. Five overarching meaning categories of ITGs were described: ITGs as knowledge promotion, as a complementary training resource, as a bracket to ordinary life, as building up relations with therapists, and as a leisure‐activity. An additional category – “ITGs as risk for ill‐being” – subsumed different kinds of problems that may arise. Conceptions suggest that ITGs contribute to parents’ improved knowledge, support and well‐being, but ITGs could also negatively influence family‐functioning. Professionals and parents need to discuss parents’ previous experiences of ITGs, expectations of functional improvements, the functioning of the child and health care needs in order to individualize goals for ITGs and make the objectives for participation clear. There were no major differences in effectiveness between the two ITGs, a habilitation approach and conductive education approach. Various training approaches should be chosen depending on the child’s and family’s needs. In the choice between different training approaches it is of equal importance to acknowledge functional needs of the child as well as health care needs of the child and parent.

Hur kommunicerar man i skolan utan verbalt tal?

Alsbäck, Marie K, Täljeblad, Elaine January 2007 (has links)
I denna studie är syftet att undersöka hur kommunikationen fungerar för ett barn, i detta fall en flicka, som har diagnosen Cerebral pares, och dessutom saknar verbalt tal. Vi vill även undersöka hur skolan har lagt upp sin strävan att uppfylla läroplanens mål genom att inkludera en elev med ett funktionshinder. De frågor vi avsåg att besvara med studien var: Använder man med någon speciell metod för att stödja kommunikationen hos ett barn som har diagnosen Cerebral pares, och som saknar verbalt tal? Vilka fördelar respektive nackdelar finns för denna elev med att gå i en vanlig klass? Våra metoder består av observationer av eleven i olika miljöer i skolan samt intervjuer med tio personer där de intervjuade har god kännedom om den funktions¬hindrades kommunikativa förmåga. Fallstudien genomfördes på en skola i en kommun i norra Sverige. Resultatet av studien visar att metoden Move and Walk fungerar bra för denna flicka. Det framkom även i studien att elevassistenten har en viktig funktion för att stödja flickans kommunikativa utveckling. Vidare visade resultatet på att det fanns både fördelar och nackdelar för det aktuella barnet med att gå i vanlig klass. Den stora fördelen är att ett gott samspel kan utvecklas mellan flickan och klasskamraterna. De nackdelar som framkommit är bland annat att det höga tempot i skolan gör att barnet ibland har svårt att hinna med de aktiviteter som andra barn, utan detta handikapp, lättare klarar av.

Experiments of Search for Neutron Electric Dipole Moment and Spin-Dependent Short-Range Force

Zheng, Wangzhi January 2012 (has links)
<p>It is of great importance to identify new sources of discrete symmetry violations because it can explain the baryon number asymmetry of our universe and also test the validity of various models beyond the standard model. Neutron Electric Dipole Moment (nEDM) and short-range force are such candidates for the new sources of P&amp;T violations. A new generation nEDM experiment was proposed in USA in 2002, aiming at improving the current nEDM upperlimit by two orders of magnitude. Polarized <super>3</super>He is crucial in this experiment and Duke is responsible for the <super>3</super>He injection, measurements of <super>3</super>He nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) signal and some physics properties related to polarized <super>3</super>He.</p><p>A Monte-Carlo simulation is used to simulate the entire <super>3</super>He injection process in order to study whether polarized <super>3</super>He can be successfully delivered to the measurement cell. Our simulation result shows that it is achievable to maintain more than 95% polarization after <super>3</super>He atoms travel through very complicated paths in the presence of non-uniform magnetic fiels.</p><p>We also built an apparatus to demonstrate that the <super>3</super>He precession signal can be measured under the nEDM experimental conditions using the Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID). Based on the measurement result in our lab, we project that the signal-to-noise ratio in the nEDM experiment will be at least 10. </p><p>During this SQUID test, two interesting phenomena were discovered. One is the pressure dependence of the T<sub>1</sub> of the polarized <super>3</super>He which has never been reported before. The other is the discrepancy between the theoretically predicted T<sub>2</sub> and the experimentally measured T<sub>2</sub> of the <super>3</super>He precession signal. To investigate these two interesting phenomena, two dedicated experiments were built, and two papers have been published in Physical Review A.</p><p>In addition to the nEDM experiment, polarized <super>3</super>He is also used in the search for the exotic short-range force. The high pressure <super>3</super>He cell used in this experiment has a very thin window (~250 &mu;m) to maximize the effect from the force. We demonstrate that our new method could improve the current best experimental limit by two orders of magnitude. A rapid communication demonstrating the technique and the result was published in Physical Review D.</p> / Dissertation

Adaptive Adjustment on CP/CF Ratio for Improving QoS Support in IEEE 802.11e Networks

Jiang, Chih-Shiuan 11 August 2005 (has links)
As the development of wireless networks, no doubt it brings much more convenience to us. Besides, QoS (Quality of Service) demand emerges due to the popularity of multimedia traffic. Therefore, it is quite worthwhile to do researches about how to provide QoS in wireless networks. 802.11 wireless networks are the most widespread wireless networks currently, and the main goal of 802.11e task group is to support QoS. This thesis proposes a method for further improving QoS under 802.11e environment. According to varying ratio of CBR-like / VBR-like traffic, it adaptively adjusts the proportion of CP/CF medium access mode, and selects the corresponding admission control mechanism. The basic philosophy is to choose favorable transfer ways for different traffic characteristics, hence to reduce average delay. In addition to reduce average delay, we propose another mechanism to maintain or improve system throughput as well.

GSC-Based Equalizer for CP-Free SIMO OFDM Systems with Oblique Projector

Tan, Mu-Chen 08 August 2008 (has links)
In orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems, when transmitted blocks of signal through the multipath channel, the present transmitted blocks of signal will be interfered by the previous one due to the effect of channel delay spread. In order to solve this problem, conventionally we introduce a guard interval in transmitted blocks of signal to avoid inter-block interference (IBI). The most popular methods of the guard interval insertion are zero-padding (ZP) and cyclic prefixing (CP). ZP insert the guard interval at the end of the transmitted blocks of signal, in which all elements are zeros. The length of this interval must be equal to or greater then the channel order. In this way we can avoid IBI, at the expense of lossing the orthogonality between subcarrier due to the multipath channel. However, we can use CP to cope whit this problem. In CP we copy the 25% length at the end of the transmitted blocks of signal, and put it in front of the transmitted block to suppress the inter-block interference and inter-carrier interference. In this thesis, we consider OFDM system without the guard interval, hence the received signal contains IBI and ICI. In our proposed scheme, we use an oblique projector (OB) to suppress IBI at first. Then we combine it with a generalized sidelobe canceller (GSC) based equalizer [1] for ICI supppression and demodulate the receiver signal. In computer simulations, we use the GSC-based equalizer with oblique projector to suppress IBI/ICI in the time-invariant channel and time-varying channel. As we will see, in the CP-free OFDM system, the oblique projector can suppress IBI exactly. Moreover we can get better performance in channel with larger order.

Phénoménologie des mésons B et Chromodynamique sur réseau

Blossier, Benoît 28 June 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Quelques aspects de la physique des mésons B ont été étudiés par la<br />simulation numérique de la Chromodynamique Quantique sur réseau, qui est une approche non perturbative - basée sur les principes premiers de la Théorie Quantique des Champs - de calculer les fonctions de Green de la théorie. <br />Les couplages $\hat{g}$ et $\tilde{g}$ paramétrant le Lagrangien chiral effectif qui décrit les interactions entre mésons lourd-légers et pions mous ont été calculés au-delà de l'approximation quenched (à N_f=2). L'opérateur<br />$\bar{q}\gamma_\m \gc q$ a été renormalisé non perturbativement en utilisant les identités de Ward chirales. On trouve <br />$\hat{g}=0.4\div 0.6$ et $\tilde{g}=-0.1\div-0.3$. <br />La masse du quark étrange a été estimée par<br />une simulation unquenched (à N_f=2): elle a été renormalisée<br />dans le schéma non perturbatif RI-MOM. On obtient en faisant le raccordement avec le schéma MSbar m_s^{MSbar}(2 GeV)=101\pm 8^{+25}_{-0} MeV. <br />Une méthode a été proposée pour évaluer sur le réseau les facteurs de<br />forme associés aux transitions semileptoniques à recul nul <br />B \to D^{**} décrites dans le cadre de la Théorie Effective des Quarks Lourds. La constante de renormalisation de l'opérateur $\bar{h}\gamma_i \gc D_j h$ a été calculée à l'ordre d'une boucle de la théorie des perturbations.<br />On trouve \tau_1/2(1)=0.3\div 0.5 et \tau_3/2(1)=0.5\div 0.7. <br />Enfin le paramètre de sac associé à l'amplitude de mélange B_s-anti B_s a été évalué, en choisissant une action pour le quark étrange qui vérifie la symétrie chirale à maille a du réseau finie. De cette manière les erreurs systématiques, provenant des mélanges de chiralité, sont nettement réduites lors de la renormalisation de l'opérateur à 4 fermions $\bar{h}\gamma_{\m L}q\bar{h}\gamma_{\m L}q$. On obtient dans l'approximation quenched $B_{B_s}=0.92(3)$.

Quantum Times: Physics, Philosophy, and Time in the Postwar United States

Crystal, Lisa 18 September 2013 (has links)
The concept of time in physics underwent significant changes in the decades following World War II. This dissertation considers several ways in which American physicists grappled with these changes, analyzing the extent to which philosophical methods and questions played a role in physicists' engagement with time. Two lines of questioning run through the dissertation. The first asks about the professional identities of postwar American physicists in relation to philosophy, as exemplified by their engagement with the concept of time. The second analyzes the heterogeneous nature of time in physics, and the range of presuppositions and assumptions that have constituted this "fundamental" physical concept. The first chapter looks to the development of atomic clocks and atomic time standards from 1948-1958, and the ways in which new timekeeping technologies placed concepts such as “clock”, “second,” and “measure of time” in a state of flux. The second chapter looks to the experimental discovery of CP violation by particle physicists in the early 1960s, raising questions about nature of time understood as the variable “t” in the equations of quantum mechanics. The third chapter considers attempts to unify quantum mechanics and general relativity in the late 1960s, which prompted physicists to question the “existence” of time in relation to the universe as a whole. In each episode considered, physicists engaged with the concept of time in a variety of ways, revealing a multiplicity of relationships between physics, philosophy, and time. Further, in each case physicists brought a unique set of assumptions to their concepts of time, revealing the variety ways in which fundamental conceptsfunctioned and changed in late twentieth century physics. The result is a heterogeneous picture of the practice of physics, as well as one of physics’ most basic concepts. / History of Science

Search for a Permanent Electric Dipole Moment of <sup>225</sup>Ra

Kalita, Mukut R. 01 January 2015 (has links)
The observation of a permanent electric dipole moment (EDM) in a non-degenerate system would indicate the violation of discrete symmetries of Time reversal (T) or combined application of Charge (C) and Parity (P) symmetry violation through the CPT theorem. The diamagnetic 225Ra atom with nuclear spin I=1/2 is a favorable candidate for an EDM search. Experimental sensitivity to its EDM is enhanced due to its high atomic mass and the increased Schiff moment of its octupole deformed nucleus. An experimental setup is developed where laser cooled neutral radium atoms are collected in a magneto-optical trap (MOT). The collected atoms are transported 1 meter with a far off-resonant optical dipole trap (ODT) and then the atoms are transferred to a second standing-wave ODT in an experimental chamber. The atoms are then optically polarized and allowed to Larmor precess in parallel and antiparallel electric and magnetic fields. The difference between the Larmor precession frequency for parallel and antiparallel fields is experimentally determined to measure the EDM. This thesis is about the first measurement of the EDM of the 225Ra atom where an upper limit of |d(225Ra)|<5.0*10-22 e cm (95\% confidence) is reached.

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