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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Genèse d’un problème public : les « addictions ». : D’un concept médical à une catégorie d’action publique ou la transformation des drug policies contemporaines. / Genesis of a public problem : the “addictions”. : From a medical concept to a public policy category or the shift of contemporary drug policies.

Fortane, Nicolas 23 June 2011 (has links)
Voilà une vingtaine d’années que le concept d’addiction a été élaboré par quelques psychiatres et chercheurs en neurosciences afin de rendre compte, à travers un nouveau regard, des phénomènes de dépendance (en associant drogues illicites, alcool et tabac). Il a ensuite été utilisé pour la première fois en 1999 dans une politique publique en France, à savoir le plan triennal de la Mission Interministérielle de Lutte contre la Drogue et la Toxicomanie (MILDT).Le processus de construction du problème public des addictions constitue ainsi l’objet de cette thèse. Dans quelles mesures la reconfiguration de certains espaces des champs médical et politico-administratif a partie liée à l’institutionnalisation du paradigme addictologique et comment celui-ci a contribué à transformer les drug policies contemporaines ? Le problème public des addictions doit son émergence au succès politique d’un petit groupe d’acteurs qui a su transposer un concept médical dans le langage de l’action publique. Dans le prolongement des politiques de réduction des risques, les addictions bousculent le mode de régulation des usages de drogues, en favorisant leur sanitarisation plutôt que leur pénalisation. Par le biais d’une sociologie historique et politique de l’action publique, cette thèse retrace ainsi la genèse de l’addictologie et des drug policies françaises jusqu’au plan triennal de la MILDT de 1999. / It has been about twenty years that the addiction concept has been elaborated by some psychiatrists and neuroscientists in order to define dependence phenomena in a new way (by associating illicit drugs with alcohol and tobacco). Then it has been used for the first time in 1999 in a public policy in France, i.e. the three-year plan of the Mission Interministérielle de Lutte contre la Drogue et la Toxicomanie (MILDT).The construction process of the “addiction” public problem constitutes this thesis subject. In which way the reconfiguration of some spaces of the medical and political fields is connected to the institutionalization of the addictological paradigm and how this one has led to transform contemporary drug policies? The “addiction” public problem emerged thanks to the political success of a small group of actors who transposed a medical concept into the language of public policy. In the continuation of harm reduction policies, addictions reshape the regulation model of drug use by promoting their sanitarization rather than their criminalization. Through a political and historical sociology of public policy, this thesis thus traces the genesis of French addictology and drug policies until the MILDT’s three-year plan of 1999.

Crítica às políticas criminais de drogas à luz dos princípios constitucionais penais no estado democrático de direito / Critical of drug criminal policies inspired by criminal constitucional principles in democratic state of law

Ramos, Ana Flávia Jordão 10 December 2010 (has links)
This dissertation presents as thematic the public and criminal policies about illicit drugs consolidated in the Brazilian legal system. It will be made a critical analysis on the compatibility among the policies on drugs and the constitutional principles of the criminal law in the Democratic State under the rule Law. Due to complexity of social factors that guide the subject, a interdisciplinary approuch will be used, including theorical references of Law and sociological sciences, in onder to establish coherent bonds between those ones. The methodology consists in the bibliographical research of national and foreign sources, the search of data collected in official institutions, and finally, the study of sentences pronounced by the Brazilian Superior Tribunal Federal and of the argentinian Supreme Court. In the theoretical field, it focus in the reasons that justify the ambivalent treatment between dealers and users, as well as the social labelling that represents them. The principles of the Contemporary criminal law will be established as limits to the exercise of the social control by the State, considering the presence of new risks and the consequent expantion of the criminal norm. From there, it Will be developed a study about the preventive and symbolic functions of the criminal law in the contemporary society, especially, about the aspects involving the use of illicit drugs and the traffic s repression. This paper debates the functions of the criminal law in the democratic State undes the rule of Law and establishes the limits to the criminalization of behaviors under the principles of the minimum intervention and ofensivity. After trace these limits, it will be criticize the aspects of the criminal politics that are incompatible with the task of the contemporary criminal Law in order to demonstrate that the international policies of drugs imposes the criminalization of behaviors without considering the local features. This facts implies in the transference to the countries classified as as of transit and producers of the responsibility for the combat to the drug trafficking and in the inefficacy of the directed policies of public health to the consumer by the National System of Public Policies on Drugs (SISNAD). / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Esta dissertação apresenta como temática as políticas públicas e criminais sobre drogas ilícitas consolidadas no sistema jurídico brasileiro. Será realizada uma análise crítica sobre a relação de compatibilidade estabelecida entre as políticas sobre drogas e os princípios constitucionais do direito penal no Estado Democrático de Direito. Devido à complexidade de fatores sociais que norteiam o tema, será utilizada uma abordagem interdisciplinar, englobando referenciais teóricos das Ciências jurídicas e sociológicas, preocupando-se em estabelecer vínculos coerentes entre os mesmos. No que diz respeito à metodologia utilizada, a pesquisa bibliográfica de fontes nacionais e estrangeiras e a busca de dados colhidos nas instituições oficiais foi conjugada ao estudo de decisões judiciais do Superior Tribunal Federal brasileiro e da Suprema Corte argentina. No campo teórico, enfocar-se-ão as razões que fundamentam o tratamento ambivalente entre traficantes e usuários, bem como se demonstrarão os estigmas que recaem sobre os mesmos. Os princípios do direito penal Contemporâneo serão estabelecidos como limites ao exercício do controle social pelo Estado, considerando a presença de novos riscos e a conseqüente pauta expansiva do âmbito de incidência da norma penal. Daí provém o desenvolvimento do estudo sobre as funções preventivas e simbólicas do direito penal na sociedade contemporânea, especialmente, no que diz respeito ao uso de drogas ilícitas e repressão do tráfico dessas substâncias. Este trabalho debate as funções do direito penal no Estado democrático de direito e estabelece os limites impostos à criminalização de condutas pelos princípios da intervenção mínima e ofensividade. Ao traçar esses limites, criticam-se os aspectos da política criminal que são incompatíveis com a tarefa do direito penal contemporâneo e demonstra-se que a política internacional de drogas impõe a criminalização de condutas sem considerar as especificidades locais. Isso implica na transferência aos países de trânsito e produtores da responsabilidade pelo combate ao narcotráfico e na ineficácia das políticas de saúde pública dirigidas ao consumidor dispostas pelo Sistema Nacional de Políticas Públicas sobre Drogas (SISNAD).

L’application et l’interprétation de la Loi sur l’adéquation de la peine et du crime par les acteurs judiciaires entre 2010 et 2016

Poitras-Labonté, Pier-Anne 12 1900 (has links)
La législation actuelle permet la prise en compte du temps de détention présentencielle dans la détermination de la peine. Le paragraphe 719(3) du Code criminel encadre la comptabilisation du crédit sur la peine de ce type de détention. Depuis l’entrée en vigueur de la Loi sur l’adéquation de la peine et du crime en 2010, le Code criminel stipule que le juge doit appliquer un crédit de un jour sur le temps de la peine pour chaque jour passé en détention présentencielle. Un maximum d’un jour et demi pour chaque jour de détention présentencielle peut être accordé lorsque les circonstances le justifient. Cette loi, qui s’inscrit dans un durcissement des politiques pénales, apporta un resserrement législatif en circonscrivant le pouvoir judiciaire quand au calcul du crédit pour le temps déjà passé sous garde. L’objectif de l’étude est de comprendre l’application et l’interprétation de la Loi sur l’adéquation de la peine et du crime par les acteurs judiciaires entre 2010 et 2016. Pour ce faire, une analyse d’arrêts de la Cour du Québec et de l’arrêt Summers (2014) de la Cour Suprême du Canada a été réalisée. Les motifs évoqués par les juges quant au calcul du crédit ont été mis en lumière. Il ressort que les conditions de vie en détention présentencielle et que le comportement de l’accusé appuient les décisions des juges. En effet, les résultats de l’étude indiquent que la difficulté des conditions de détention est un motif qui contribue à l’octroi d’un crédit majoré. Ce motif repris par les juges fait appel à un argument de la jurisprudence antérieure aux changements législatifs de 2010. De plus, le « mauvais comportement » de l’accusé peut amener les juges à calculer le crédit à la baisse. Nous concluons que les acteurs judicaires ont résisté face à la politique pénale de 2010, mais aussi qu’une sévérité pénale teinte le calcul du crédit. / Current legislation allows for pre-sentence detention time to be taken into account in sentencing. Subsection 719 (3) of the Criminal Code regulates the accounting of the credit for the penalty for this type of detention. Since the Truth in Sentencing Act came into force in 2010, the Criminal Code stipulates that the judge must apply on the sentence a one-day credit for each day spent in pre-sentence detention. A maximum of one and a half days for each day of pre-sentence detention may be granted when the circumstances warrant. This law, which would be part of a punitive turn of criminal policies, brought in legislative tightening by circumscribing the judicial power when calculating the credit for the time already spent in custody. The objective of this study is to understand the application and interpretation of the Truth in Sentencing Act by judicial actors between 2010 and 2016. To do so, an analysis of judgments of the Court of Quebec and R.v. Summers (2014) of the Supreme Court of Canada has been carried out. The reasons given by the judges for the calculation of the credit have been highlighted. It appears that the living conditions in pre-sentence detention and that the behavior of the accused support the judges' decisions. Indeed, the results of the study indicate that the difficulty of the remand conditions is a reason which contributes to the granting of increased credit. This reason taken up by the judges draws on an argument from the case law prior to the legislative changes of 2010. In addition, the “bad behavior” of the accused may lead the judges to calculate the credit downwards. From this, we conclude that the judicial actors partly resisted the penal policy of 2010, but also that a penal severity tints the calculation of the credit.

L'emprisonnement avec sursis : des politiques aux pratiques

Euvrard, Elsa 08 1900 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est de comprendre comment se construit la pénalité, des politiques jusqu’aux pratiques, à travers l’exemple de la peine d’emprisonnement avec sursis. Elle propose une lecture transversale de la pénalité à travers chacun des niveaux du système pénal (politiques, organisations, pratiques). La thèse conceptualise le système pénal comme un système doté d’une rationalité et composé d’espaces autonomes, mais en constante communication les uns avec les autres, au sein desquels les pratiques s’opèrent. A partir d’une méthodologie qualitative fondée sur une analyse de discours politiques et une enquête de terrain au sein de huit agences de surveillance communautaires au Québec, la thèse montre que : 1) à l’issue d’un rapport de force entre différents groupes aux valeurs antagonistes, le cadre normatif du sursis a été construit selon une logique de gestion des risques ; 2) les organisations sont dotées de cultures pénales et locales qui façonnent les représentations et les identités professionnelles et 3) les pratiques individuelles sont le résultat d’un arbitrage entre une interaction, une culture locale et un cadre normatif. / This thesis aims at understand how penalty is built, from policies to practices, through the example of conditional sentence in Canada. It proposes a transversal reading of the penalty through each level of the penal system (policies, organizations, practices). The penal system is conceptualized as a social system governed by a rationality and composed of different spaces. The spaces are autonomous but communicate with each other; practices take place inside them. Our dataset was built from a qualitative study based on political speeches analysis and a field survey conducted in 8 community-based organizations from Quebec. Results show that: 1) the normative frame of the conditional sentence has been built according to a logic of risk management; 2) organizations develop criminal and local cultures that shape representations and professional identities; 3) individual practices are the result of a combination of interactions, local culture and the normative framework.

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