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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le traitement médiatique de la catastrophe / The media coverage of the disaster

Laurent, William 15 December 2011 (has links)
La catastrophe est un événement ponctuel ou sériel, d'origine naturelle ou humaine et qui touche de nombreuses victimes en causant d'importants dégâts. Générateur d'un fort impact émotionnel, elle est un fait d'actualité justifiant un traitement médiatique. Ce traitement a vocation à informer le public. Il va osciller entre recherche de vérité et quête de profit pour les médias. Si la recherche de vérité est louable, elle peut parfois aboutir à la mise en cause de personnes ou d'institutions. Cette mise en cause participe du travail d'information et n'est, dès lors qu’elle est justifiée, pas contestable. En revanche, si cette dernière est abusive, elle entrera dans le champ pénal et aura vocation à être sanctionnée par le biais des infractions de presse. Le fait de rapporter la catastrophe peut également emporter d'autres conséquences judiciaires. Si la préservation du droit à l'information est primordiale, l'exposition d'un événement, particulièrement celui de la catastrophe est parfois abusif. Cet abus est le fruit d'une surenchère dans le sensationnalisme, comportement justifié par une quête de profit. Constitutifs d'infractions ou source de préjudice, ces comportements sont sanctionnés et ouvrent droit à réparation. Au delà, l'exposition de la catastrophe peut parfois, en dehors de tout abus, être source de préjudice qu'il convient d'indemniser. / The disaster is a punctual or serial event, of natural or human origin, which touches many lives by causing extensive damage. Generator of a strong emotional impact, it's a news requiring a media coverage. This coverage is intended to inform the public. It will oscillate between truth-seeking and profit-seeking for the media. If the search for truth is commendable, it can sometimes lead to the questioning of persons or institutions. This questioning is part of the work of information and is, therefore it is justified, indisputable. However, if it is misused, it will enter the criminal field and will have vocation to be sanctioned by the means of the infringements of press. The reporting of the disaster can also create other legal consequences. If preserving the right to information is of primary importance, the exposure of an event, especially the disaster, is sometimes abusive. This abuse is the result of an escalation in sensationalism, behavior justified by a pursuit of profit. Constitutive of infringements or sources of damage, these behaviors are sanctioned and open entitlement to compensation. In addition, the exposure of the disaster can sometimes, without any abuse, be a source of harm that should be compensated.

Straffansvaret på svenska arbetsplatser : -en granskning av svensk reglering och domstolarnas bedömningsgrunder vid dödsolyckor

Johansson, Sofie January 2010 (has links)
<p>Syftet med den här uppsatsen har varit att ta reda på hur domstolarna resonerar i sina bedömningar kring straffansvaret i fall där en arbetstagare omkommit på arbetsplatsen. Jag har även undersökt hur långt arbetsgivarens ansvar sträcker sig vad gäller det förebyggande arbetet och skyldigheter som uppkommer i samband med dödsfallen. Jag har genomgående använt mig av en rättsdogmatisk metod och en stor del av uppsatsen är av deskriptiv karaktär för att läsaren ska få en bra överblick i det rådande rättsläget.</p><p>Dödsfallen på arbetsplatserna i Sverige har under de senaste 50 åren minskat rejält men fortfarande omkommer varje år mellan 60-80 personer.  I förhållande till övriga europeiska länder är det en relativt låg siffra men fortfarande rör det sig om många människor som förlorar livet endast på grund av att de utför sitt arbete.</p><p>Största delen av regleringen kring arbetsgivarens ansvar finns i Arbetsmiljölagen, dess förordning och i Arbetsmiljöverkets föreskrifter. Regleringen är väldigt omfattande och klargör tydligt vilka skyldigheter arbetsgivaren har.</p><p>För att kunna redogöra och förstå domstolarnas bedömningsgrunder är en del i uppsatsen vikt åt den svenska straffrättens uppbyggnad gällande vem eller vilka i ett företag som besitter straffansvaret. I kapitlet beskrivs även företagaransvaret, delegering samt en del där övriga länders straffrätt redogörs.</p><p>I det avslutande kapitlet redovisas de slutsatser som framkommit. De visar bland annat att arbetsgivaren har ett omfattande ansvar för arbetsmiljön och besitter ofta själv straffansvaret. Domstolarnas bedömningsgrunder utgår från att först bedöma om det är den åtalade som besitter straffansvaret för att sedan kunna bedöma om det finns ett orsakssamband mellan den åtalades handling och den efterföljande konsekvensen. Om dessa krav uppfylls kan domstolen döma den åtalade för arbetsmiljöbrott enligt kap. 3:10 § BrB.</p>

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder : circles of healing, transformation and reconciliation, Ke-ge-na-thee-tum-we-in

Mitten, H. Rae 24 August 2011
The Ph.D. dissertation encompasses an interdisciplinary study exploring qualitative, holistic strategies for individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in integrated areas of law, medicine, education, psychology and justice, through both inductive analysis of field research as well as through relevant documentary analysis, incorporating a global or comparative component. Compliance with Guidelines for Research Involving Aboriginal Peoples has been sustained through community partnerships with various First Nations and Métis Communities, Elders and Parents, as well as with an FASD Parental Advocacy Group, advised by a team of interdisciplinary researchers in the academy. Accordingly, emergent research protocols were co-constructed through ongoing collaboration with the various community partners. In Aboriginal research, it is essential not to parachute in and out of communities with the data, but rather to forge genuine, collaborative, long term partnerships, and to build capacity in those communities.<p> The dissertation format approved by the Student Advisory Committee is Manuscript Style, a format approved by the University of Saskatchewans College of Graduate Studies and Research (formerly referred to as X-Format) similar to a self-edited book or collection of articles with introduction, sub-text, intra-text and general discussion to link the manuscripts. The various manuscripts comprising the present thesis include:<p> 1.Framing the Research Anthology: A Vision Quest, Ékehohksimoht Ke-kiss-see Muya<p> Section One situates the research style, process, approach, substance and rationale of the dissertation. It is largely situated within holistic Indigenous epistemologies, which may require a paradigm shift, in contrast to more bounded western world views.<p> Interdisciplinary, holistic, community-based research on the topic of FASD, including a search for solutions, extends globally, across the lifespan, and across sectors.<p> II. Indigenous Disadvantage and Despair, An Evaluation of Recent Strategies and Alternatives: Healing and Transformation, Pluralism and Reconciliation, Ne wah kuma ka tik<p> Section Two explores historical and contextual factors leading to a high prevalence of FASD, as well as strategies to overcome disadvantage, including Reconciliation, Treaty Processes, and Research as Reconciliation. Local Narratives are privileged over Meta-narratives, to counter the power of global market forces usurping the sphere of family, community and culture.<p> III. Disjunctures and Discontinuities in the Law of Mental Intent: FASD as a Site of Resistance and Transformation, Esquiskuit<p> Section Three examines the disconnect between medical knowledge of FASD, on the one hand, and the Laws of Mental Intent, on the other, inspiring a search for a unified, integrated theory of mental disorder and criminal responsibility that takes into account modern neurocognitive conditions like FASD. Section Three further explores the present piecemeal and compartmentalized rules for fitness, responsibility, various levels of mental intent, and a resultant rationale, substance and process of law reform and systemic change.<p> IV. FASD and Holistic Literacies: A Talking or Sharing Circle, Wa-sa-cam-e-be-ke-skue<p> Section Fours inductive themes comprise model practice guidelines for the gestalt of Literacy and FASD, derived from inductive analysis of qualitative data collected in the field research. The data was collected using Sharing Circles with Aboriginal Elders, Parents, and Mentors of Individuals with FASD; Conversational Interviews with Parents and Children with FASD; as well as Interviews and Focus Groups with various Professionals who support individuals with FASD and their Families. Special protocols were followed in creating and participating in the Indigenous Research, Sharing Circles and Conversational Interviews. Meta-paradigmatic analysis situates Indigenous Research Methodologies among emerging, multi-disciplinary, inductive methodologies suitable for understanding the infinite complexity of natural phenomena, such as FASD.<p> V. Epilogue: An Honour Song, Kethou-ne-ka-mon<p> Circles of healing, transformation and reconciliation heal wounds, reconcile differences, and transform paradigms of justice, health, education and governance, through the incorporation of models of equitable, holistic relationships with one another and with Mother Earth. Multidisciplinary and cross-cultural perspectives, dialogues between local and global, and particular and universal, become matrices to support new paradigms embodying broader reflections of reality.

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder : circles of healing, transformation and reconciliation, Ke-ge-na-thee-tum-we-in

Mitten, H. Rae 24 August 2011 (has links)
The Ph.D. dissertation encompasses an interdisciplinary study exploring qualitative, holistic strategies for individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in integrated areas of law, medicine, education, psychology and justice, through both inductive analysis of field research as well as through relevant documentary analysis, incorporating a global or comparative component. Compliance with Guidelines for Research Involving Aboriginal Peoples has been sustained through community partnerships with various First Nations and Métis Communities, Elders and Parents, as well as with an FASD Parental Advocacy Group, advised by a team of interdisciplinary researchers in the academy. Accordingly, emergent research protocols were co-constructed through ongoing collaboration with the various community partners. In Aboriginal research, it is essential not to parachute in and out of communities with the data, but rather to forge genuine, collaborative, long term partnerships, and to build capacity in those communities.<p> The dissertation format approved by the Student Advisory Committee is Manuscript Style, a format approved by the University of Saskatchewans College of Graduate Studies and Research (formerly referred to as X-Format) similar to a self-edited book or collection of articles with introduction, sub-text, intra-text and general discussion to link the manuscripts. The various manuscripts comprising the present thesis include:<p> 1.Framing the Research Anthology: A Vision Quest, Ékehohksimoht Ke-kiss-see Muya<p> Section One situates the research style, process, approach, substance and rationale of the dissertation. It is largely situated within holistic Indigenous epistemologies, which may require a paradigm shift, in contrast to more bounded western world views.<p> Interdisciplinary, holistic, community-based research on the topic of FASD, including a search for solutions, extends globally, across the lifespan, and across sectors.<p> II. Indigenous Disadvantage and Despair, An Evaluation of Recent Strategies and Alternatives: Healing and Transformation, Pluralism and Reconciliation, Ne wah kuma ka tik<p> Section Two explores historical and contextual factors leading to a high prevalence of FASD, as well as strategies to overcome disadvantage, including Reconciliation, Treaty Processes, and Research as Reconciliation. Local Narratives are privileged over Meta-narratives, to counter the power of global market forces usurping the sphere of family, community and culture.<p> III. Disjunctures and Discontinuities in the Law of Mental Intent: FASD as a Site of Resistance and Transformation, Esquiskuit<p> Section Three examines the disconnect between medical knowledge of FASD, on the one hand, and the Laws of Mental Intent, on the other, inspiring a search for a unified, integrated theory of mental disorder and criminal responsibility that takes into account modern neurocognitive conditions like FASD. Section Three further explores the present piecemeal and compartmentalized rules for fitness, responsibility, various levels of mental intent, and a resultant rationale, substance and process of law reform and systemic change.<p> IV. FASD and Holistic Literacies: A Talking or Sharing Circle, Wa-sa-cam-e-be-ke-skue<p> Section Fours inductive themes comprise model practice guidelines for the gestalt of Literacy and FASD, derived from inductive analysis of qualitative data collected in the field research. The data was collected using Sharing Circles with Aboriginal Elders, Parents, and Mentors of Individuals with FASD; Conversational Interviews with Parents and Children with FASD; as well as Interviews and Focus Groups with various Professionals who support individuals with FASD and their Families. Special protocols were followed in creating and participating in the Indigenous Research, Sharing Circles and Conversational Interviews. Meta-paradigmatic analysis situates Indigenous Research Methodologies among emerging, multi-disciplinary, inductive methodologies suitable for understanding the infinite complexity of natural phenomena, such as FASD.<p> V. Epilogue: An Honour Song, Kethou-ne-ka-mon<p> Circles of healing, transformation and reconciliation heal wounds, reconcile differences, and transform paradigms of justice, health, education and governance, through the incorporation of models of equitable, holistic relationships with one another and with Mother Earth. Multidisciplinary and cross-cultural perspectives, dialogues between local and global, and particular and universal, become matrices to support new paradigms embodying broader reflections of reality.

Los crímenes de guerra en Colombia. Estudio desde el derecho internacional y desde el derecho colombiano

Estupiñan Silva, Rosmerlin 27 July 2011 (has links)
Esta investigación está dedicada al estudio de los crímenes de guerra y, en el marco de esta categoría de Derecho Internacional Penal, busca constatar los términos de su incorporación al derecho interno colombiano. En este sentido, se persigue identificar si, y de qué manera, la práctica jurídica nacional incorpora las exigencias del Derecho Internacional Penal en materia de elementos constitutivos, de responsabilidad penal individual y de ejercicio de la jurisdicción competente. Particularmente, se pretende desvelar los límites de la acción penal nacional en materia de crímenes de guerra y los límites de la jurisdicción en su ejercicio penal, con el fin de establecer el papel de cooperación y complementariedad de la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI). El Capítulo I desarrolla los antecedentes remotos y recientes de la noción de crímenes de guerra. El estudio histórico privilegia la dimensión jurídica, teniendo en cuenta la evolución del Derecho Internacional, a partir de la construcción de la soberanía estatal y haciendo énfasis en la consolidación del concepto de crímenes de guerra como categoría especial de Derecho Internacional Penal. El Capítulo II aborda los elementos constitutivos de los crímenes de guerra. Para ello, define la naturaleza y alcance de los elementos de los crímenes en el marco del Estatuto de Roma y de la jurisprudencia de la CPI, así como las discusiones doctrinales relativas a su naturaleza vinculante. La investigación define, en primer lugar, los elementos materiales de los crímenes de guerra del Estatuto de Roma, relativos a los conflictos armados internacionales y no internacionales. En segundo lugar, se aborda el elemento de intencionalidad de los crímenes de guerra en el Derecho Internacional Penal y en el derecho penal colombiano. En tercer lugar se estudian los elementos contextuales de los crímenes de guerra, desarrollando la tipología actual de los conflictos armados, con una especial referencia a la existencia, naturaleza y características del conflicto armado colombiano a la luz de la jurisprudencia y la doctrina. El Capítulo III emprende el análisis de la responsabilidad internacional penal del individuo. Con este propósito, la investigación identifica los principios que rigen la responsabilidad internacional penal del individuo por crímenes de guerra y define el modelo de responsabilidad del Estatuto de Roma y del Derecho Penal colombiano. A continuación el Capítulo III presenta las teorías de la responsabilidad internacional B penal aplicadas por los tribunales ad hoc, de la CPI y de la jurisdicción penal colombiana y acomete el análisis de las formas de participación en los crímenes de guerra, como autoría directa, co-autoría o co-perpetración, autoría indirecta o mediata y co-autoría indirecta, así como las formas accesorias de participación. El Capítulo IV estudia la jurisdicción competente para perseguir y sancionar los crímenes de guerra en Colombia. De la misma manera, el estudio incluye los límites de la jurisdicción relativos a la imputación, al comportamiento de los órganos del Estado, a los medios disponibles y al tratamiento que reciben las víctimas. Finalmente, el Capítulo IV se aproxima a las modalidades de cooperación y complementariedad de la CPI, inspirándose en los desarrollos de la propia corporación en la materia. Las conclusiones son una síntesis de conceptos y hechos que se consideran probados a lo largo de la investigación, que sirven como punto de partida a una serie de sugerencias y propuestas con miras al fortalecimiento de las instituciones democráticas en Colombia en su tarea de prevenir, perseguir y sancionar los crímenes de guerra que ofenden profundamente la dignidad humana. / This thesis is dedicated to the study of war crimes, and under this category of International Criminal Law, seeks to confirm the terms of its enactment into the Colombian law. In this sense, it aims to establish the role of cooperation and complementarity of the International Criminal Court (ICC). Chapter I develops remote and recent history of the notion of war crimes. The historical study establishes the legal dimension and emphasis of the concept of war crimes as a special category of International Criminal Law. Chapter II examins the nature and scope of the elements of war crimes under the Rome Statute, the jurisprudence of the ICC, and the doctrinal discussions concerning their binding character. The research defines the material, mental, and contextual elements of war crimes. In doing so it develops the current typology of armed conflict with special reference to the existence, nature, and characteristics of the Colombian armed conflict in the way of the jurisprudence and doctrine. An analysis of international criminal responsibility of the individual is offerred in chapter III by identifying its governing principles. In addition to including an analysis of the forms of participation in war crimes, the chapter also presents the theories of international criminal responsibility applied by the ad hoc tribunals, the ICC, and the Colombian criminal jurisdiction. The jurisdiction to prosecute and punish war crimes in Colombia is closely studied in chapter IV. This chapter includes the limits of the internal jurisdiction and is closed by the modalities of cooperation and complementarity of the ICC, inspired by the developments of the cooperation itself in the matter. a The findings are a synthesis of concepts and facts substantiated through research, which serves as a starting point to a number of suggestions and proposals for strengthening democratic institutions in Colombia in their efforts to prevent, prosecute and punishing war crimes that deeply offend human dignity.

Straffansvaret på svenska arbetsplatser : -en granskning av svensk reglering och domstolarnas bedömningsgrunder vid dödsolyckor

Johansson, Sofie January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med den här uppsatsen har varit att ta reda på hur domstolarna resonerar i sina bedömningar kring straffansvaret i fall där en arbetstagare omkommit på arbetsplatsen. Jag har även undersökt hur långt arbetsgivarens ansvar sträcker sig vad gäller det förebyggande arbetet och skyldigheter som uppkommer i samband med dödsfallen. Jag har genomgående använt mig av en rättsdogmatisk metod och en stor del av uppsatsen är av deskriptiv karaktär för att läsaren ska få en bra överblick i det rådande rättsläget. Dödsfallen på arbetsplatserna i Sverige har under de senaste 50 åren minskat rejält men fortfarande omkommer varje år mellan 60-80 personer.  I förhållande till övriga europeiska länder är det en relativt låg siffra men fortfarande rör det sig om många människor som förlorar livet endast på grund av att de utför sitt arbete. Största delen av regleringen kring arbetsgivarens ansvar finns i Arbetsmiljölagen, dess förordning och i Arbetsmiljöverkets föreskrifter. Regleringen är väldigt omfattande och klargör tydligt vilka skyldigheter arbetsgivaren har. För att kunna redogöra och förstå domstolarnas bedömningsgrunder är en del i uppsatsen vikt åt den svenska straffrättens uppbyggnad gällande vem eller vilka i ett företag som besitter straffansvaret. I kapitlet beskrivs även företagaransvaret, delegering samt en del där övriga länders straffrätt redogörs. I det avslutande kapitlet redovisas de slutsatser som framkommit. De visar bland annat att arbetsgivaren har ett omfattande ansvar för arbetsmiljön och besitter ofta själv straffansvaret. Domstolarnas bedömningsgrunder utgår från att först bedöma om det är den åtalade som besitter straffansvaret för att sedan kunna bedöma om det finns ett orsakssamband mellan den åtalades handling och den efterföljande konsekvensen. Om dessa krav uppfylls kan domstolen döma den åtalade för arbetsmiljöbrott enligt kap. 3:10 § BrB.

Baudžiamoji atsakomybė už vagystę pagal Lietuvos ir užsienio šalių baudžiamąją teisę / The criminal responsibility of theft in lithuanian republic and foreign countries criminal law

Jadzevičius, Egidijus 25 November 2010 (has links)
Šio magistrinio darbo tema „Baudžiamoji atsakomybė už vagystę pagal Lietuvos Respublikos ir užsienio šalių baudžiamąją teisę“ yra aktuali šią dieną, nes vienas iš dažniausiai padaromų nusikaltimų ne tik Lietuvoje, bet ir kitose pasaulio valstybėse yra vagystė. Mūsų valstybė šio nusikaltimo kontrolei ir prevencijai skiria nemažą dėmesį, todėl šiandien yra aktualu paanalizuoti vieną iš dažniausiai padaromų nusikalstamų veikų nuosavybei – vagystę, kuri padaro žalą nuosavybei ar sukelia tokios žalos grėsmę. Vagysčių rūšys yra gana įvairios ir jų padarymo būdai nuolat tobulėja. Tai įtakoja prieštaringas nuomones, taikant ir aiškinant vagystės sudėties požymius. Nevienoda ir teismų praktika, taikant Lietuvos Respublikos baudžiamojo kodekso 178 straipsnį, todėl vagystės sudėties ir vagystę kvalifikuojančių požymių analizė naudinga baudžiamojo įstatymo taikymo praktikai. Magistrinis darbas susideda iš įvado, 5 pagrindinių darbo dalių ir išvadų. Pirmojoje dalyje nagrinėjama vagystės samprata ir įstatymų reglamentuojančių šią veiką raida. Toliau analizuojama vagystės sudėtis, tai yra objektyvieji ir subjektyvieji šios nusikalstamos veikos požymiai. Trečiojoje dalyje nagrinėjami vagystę kvalifikuojantys požymiai, ketvirtojoje dalyje nagrinėjama vagystė kaip baudžiamasis nusižengimas. Magistriniame darbe taip pat nagrinėjamas vagystės atskyrimas nuo kitų panašių nusikalstamų veikų nuosavybei pagal Lietuvos Respublikos ir užsienio šalių baudžiamąją teisę. Kiekvienoje dėstymo dalyje... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The theme of this master thesis “Criminal responsibility for a theft according to the criminal law of the Republic of Lithuania and foreign countries” is relevant nowadays, because one of the most frequent crimes, not only in Lithuania but also in other foreign countries, is theft. Our country for the prevention and control of this crime gives quite a big attention, thus today it is relevant to analyze one of the most frequent criminal activities involving property – theft, which does harm to property or causes a threat for such harm. There is a big variety of thefts, and methods of its performance develop all the time. That influences the controversial opinions when applying and explaining the attributes of theft composition. As well as the courts‘ practise is not the same, when applying the 178th article of Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania, thus the analysis of theft composition and attributes, qualifying a theft, is useful for the application practise of criminal law. The master thesis consists of introduction, 5 principle parts of the thesis and conclusions. In the first part there is being analyzed the conception of the theft and the development of laws, regulating this activity. Further on is being analyzed the composition of theft; these are objective and subjective symptoms of this criminal activity. In the third part there are being analyzed symptoms, qualifying a theft. In the fourth part there is being analyzed a theft as a criminal offence. In the master... [to full text]

Baudžiamosios ir administracinės atsakomybės už intelektinės nuosavybės teisės pažeidimus tendencijos Lietuvoje / Tendency of administrative and criminal ersponsibility for violation of intelectuals rights in Lithuania

Kaleinykas, Sigitas 21 December 2006 (has links)
The problem of copyrights recently is one of the most relevant, talking about legal aspects of information society. The objective risk of expropriation of sofware or various documents arises, while using communicative network, which is very popular among members of the society nowadays, without compliance with authors. This concerns the lack of legislation, which should regulate the rights of using the software, variuos files or production situated in the network. The problem of copyrights is the most relevant for data put in the net, as communicative web has become more and more popular source of information lately. Practice evidences, that protection of intellectual property only by means of civil defence of copyrights, is not possible, therefore administrative and criminal responsibility carries out an important role. Consequently, the administrative and criminal responsibility for violation of intellectual property will be analysed in the final work. The peculiarities of violation of administrative and criminal responsibily were not studied widely by any of the lithuanian authors. While improvement of information technologies is increasing, thereby it is essential to sift legal laws regulating administrative and criminal responsibility for violation of these rights, taking into consideration both theoretical and practical aspects. So, in this work the administrative and criminal responsibilty for violation of intellectual property and its pecularities applied in the... [to full text]

Compliance Programs as a Mechanism to Fight Corruption: Special Reference to Self-Regulation of Companies / Programas de Cumplimiento Como Mecanismo de Lucha Contra la Corrupción: Especial Referencia a La Autorregulación de Las Empresas

Astudillo Meza, Guillermo, Jiménez Montes, Sandra 10 April 2018 (has links)
This article analyzes the influence self-regulation has had in the recent years as a law instrument that helps monitor corporate organizations, as well as its consequences in the fight against public corruption through corporate compliance programs. / El presente artículo analiza la influencia que en los últimos años ha tenido el fenómeno de la autorregulación para el derecho como mecanismo de supervisión de las organizaciones empresariales y sus implicancias en la lucha contra la corrupción pública a través de los programas de cumplimiento para las empresas.

The Immunity Clause in the Statute of the 'African Criminal Court' and Its Impact in the Exercise of the Courts' Jurisdiction over the Crimes

Filbert, Nicksoni January 2017 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM (Criminal Justice and Procedure) / In June 2014, the AU adopted a Protocol which included in its annexe a Statute of the African Court of Justice and Human and Peoples' Rights. The Protocol proposes to expand the jurisdiction of the African Court of Justice and Human and Peoples' Rights (ACJHPR) by vesting it with criminal jurisdiction. The ACJHPR will comprise of three sections, namely, a General Affairs Section, a Human and Peoples' Rights Section and an International Criminal Law Section. The Malabo Protocol, therefore, confers the proposed ACJHPR with criminal jurisdiction over international and transnational crimes. Although the Malabo Protocol and its Statute are not yet in force, the fact that in Africa there is a possibility of having the 'African Criminal Court (ACC)' deserves a critical analysis.

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