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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gerenciamento da cadeia de suprimentos : análise dos fatores críticos de sucesso nas relações da empresa Focal e seus fornecedores

Chidem, Denis Pereira January 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar os fatores críticos de sucesso no gerenciamento da cadeia de suprimentos, tendo como centro as relações da empresa focal e seus fornecedores. A amplitude dos assuntos tratados direciona a pesquisa para uma área com boas possiblidades de ganho, tanto em termos de custos, quanto em melhoria de processos, uma vez que as estratégias envolvidas neste contexto podem estabelecer grande diferencial competitivo no mercado atual (SCHOREDER, 2007). Para a construção do modelo de pesquisa e do instrumento de coleta de dados, foram utilizados como ponto de partida os estudos de Roldan, Hansen e Dalé (2011) e Teixeira e Lacerda (2009). O primeiro identifica e pesquisa doze dimensões que são consideradas fatores críticos de sucesso para a cadeia de suprimentos, o segundo é uma revisão bibliográfica dos principais assuntos abordados em pesquisas sobre cadeias de suprimentos e apresentados em um modelo que classifica, também, as revistas internacionais onde os artigos são publicados. Como forma de estruturar os constructos no instrumento de coleta de dados, foram agregados elementos retirados do referencial teórico e que servem como base para cada uma das questões. Para a verificação dos fatores utilizados, realizou-se uma pesquisa tipo survey com 159 gestores e analistas de logística de empresas do setor metal mecânico da Serra Gaúcha. As confirmações dos atributos do instrumento de coleta de dados e dos constructos utilizados foram realizadas por meio de análise fatorial exploratória e confirmatória. A análise de dados foi feita através de estatística descritiva, sendo verificado cada constructo separadamente e as questões de forma individual. Nesta etapa da pesquisa foram identificadas as percepções dos respondentes, onde resultados apontam como sendo, a agilidade nos processos, o fator mais importante para o sucesso da cadeia de suprimentos. Na sequência, os assuntos ligados ao compartilhamento de informações, confiança nos fornecedores e integração de métodos, também aparecem com destaque na opinião dos respondentes. Foi realizada ainda uma comparação entre duas amostras destacadas a partir dos perfis de entrevistados. Assim, analisou-se a percepção dos respondentes para as variáveis da pesquisa, sendo separados os indivíduos que trabalham em empresas de grande porte e empresas de porte inferior. Nesta análise observou-se que os respondentes vinculados às empresas de menor porte percebem os fatores apresentados na pesquisa com maior importância, do que os das empresas de grande porte. / This paper aims analyze the success critical factors in managing of the supply chain management, centered on the focal company actions and their suppliers. The range of treated subjects directs the search to an area with good possibilities of gain, both for terms of costs, as for processes improvement, since the involved strategies in this context may provide great competitive advantage in the current market (Schroeder, 2007). For the construct research model and the instrument of data collection constrution, as a first point the studies Roldan, Hansen and Dalé (2011) and Teixeira and Lacerda (2009) were used. The first identifies and researches twelve dimensions that are considered success critical factors for the supply chain, the second is a literature review of the main topics in research on supply chains and presented a model that also classifies international magazines where articles are published. As a way of structuring constructs in the instrument of data collection, elements taken from the theoretical reference were added and serve as basis for each of the questions. For the verification the factors used, a survey research with 159 managers and logistics analysts companies from the metal mechanic from Serra Gaúcha was conducted. The confirmations of the attributes of the data collection instrument and the used constructs were performed by means of exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. The data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics, with each issue and construct checked individually. At this stage of the research were the perceptions of the respondents identified, where the results point the agility process, as the most important factor for the success of the supply chain. Then, other the issues related to information sharing, trust in suppliers and integration methods, also featured prominently in the respondents opinion. It was also performed a comparison between two samples detached from the profiles of respondents. So, the perception of respondents to the survey variables was analyzed, with individuals from large and small companies separated. It was observed that respondents from to smaller companies perceive the factors presented in the survey with greater importance than those from large companies.

JIT: Um estudo de casos dos fatores críticos para a implementação. / JIT: A Cases Study of Implementation Critical Factors

Rogério Augusto Profeta 21 July 2003 (has links)
As técnicas JIT, desenvolvidas na Toyota a partir da década de 40, apresentam hoje significativo nível de aplicação, sendo que importantes resultados têm sido atingidos com o seu uso, embora o processo de implementação possa apresentar uma série de problemas. Nesta pesquisa, uma revisão de literatura descreveu o conceito de JIT, resultados obtidos com sua implementação e principais problemas enfrentados. Os Fatores Críticos para a Implementação (FCI) foram definidos como fatores cuja consideração e tratamento são importantes para que a implementação tenha maior probabilidade de atingir os resultados dela esperados. Na revisão de literatura foi possível destacar FCI relacionados principalmente a aspectos ligados ao Apoio da Alta Administração, Educação e Treinamento, Produção, Organizacionais/Estruturais e Fornecedores. Teve-se como objetivo desta pesquisa identificar a forma de tratamento dos FCI das técnicas JIT em um conjunto de empresas industriais de Sorocaba, o que poderia contribuir com o melhor entendimento do processo de implementação. Como metodologia, optou-se pela proposta de Eisenhardt para a construção de teorias a partir de estudos de caso, que permite um maior aprofundamento na questão de pesquisa. A seleção das cinco empresas estudadas foi realizada por amostragem teórica e não estatística, e contou, como apoio, com uma pesquisa quantitativa sobre o uso de técnicas JIT tendo como universo as empresas industriais de Sorocaba. A coleta de dados no estudo de casos, predominantemente de cunho qualitativo, foi efetuada por uma equipe de pesquisa, abrangendo entrevistas pessoais aliadas à observação direta das instalações produtivas. O processo de análise incluiu a comparação entre os casos, a partir de uma perspectiva cronológica e segmentada por FCI, levando à formulação de hipóteses relacionadas à forma de tratamento destes FCI. Finalmente, compararam-se as constatações da pesquisa de campo com a literatura, propondo-se também implicações para a prática e sugestões para estudos posteriores. / Developed at Toyota since the 40’s, JIT techniques are nowadays intensively spread over the world, leading the organizations that applied them to obtain relevant results. On the other hand, its implementation may present a number of problems. In this research, a literature review described the JIT concept, results obtained by its use and major problems faced. Implementation Critical Factors (ICF) for JIT Techniques were defined as factors whose consideration and treatment are relevant to allow the implementation process to occur with greater probability of achieving the expected results. Five groups of ICF were identified in the literature review: Top Management Support; Education and Training; Manufacturing; Organizational/Structural and Suppliers. This work’s objective was to identify the way in which the ICF for JIT techniques were treated by a group of industrial enterprises in Sorocaba-SP. Such a study may contribute to a better understanding of the implementation process. Eisenhardt’s proposal for theory building from case study research was applied in the methodological field, allowing a deeper analysis of the research question. Five organizations were elected for the case studies, based on theoretical, not random, sampling. A survey among industrial enterprises of Sorocaba over the use of JIT techniques acted as a support to this choice. The data collection process in the case studies, focused mainly on qualitative information, was carried out by a research team, including personal interviews as well as direct observation of production facilities. This analysis enfolded a comparison between the implementation processes, from a chronological perspective and a cross sectional view, based on the groups of ICF, leading to the design of hypothesis. At last, the field research findings were compared to the existing literature and suggestions for further studies as well as for enterprises undertaking the JIT implementation were proposed.

Förtida projektavslut : En studie om vilka kritiska faktorer som kan påverka projekts framtid

Thunberg, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
Något som finns i alla projekt är en uppstart och ett slut. Vägen till slutet är väl planerat innan projektet startar upp. Men vad händer om planen felar och det inte går att fullfölja den? Säg att det dyker upp ett antal oförutsägbara händelser på vägen, händelser som kan ske internt och externt. Går det inte att hantera dessa oförutsägbara händelser så kan det leda till att projektet läggs ner. Ett förtida projektavslut är ett ovanligt fenomen som behöver belysas mer, för att kunna ge projektledaren en chans att hantera de problem som kan uppstå. Denna studie har som mål att undersöka vilka interna och externa faktorer som kan bidra till ett förtida projektavslut. Data är insamlat från fyra olika verksamheter som arbetar med projekt, verksamheterna är aktiva inom olika branscher inom den svenska projekt- och organisationskulturen. Personerna som ingår i studien är representativa för verksamheten de representerar. De har befogenhet att yttra sig om området förtida projektavslut. Verksamheterna som ingår i studien är: -  Trafikverket väst. De framställer sig själva som en offentlig verksamhet som ansvarar för att planera transportsystemen i Sverige. De har även ansvar för byggnationen, driften och underhållet av statliga vägar och järnvägar. -  Landstinget i Värmland. Landstinget i Värmland är en offentlig verksamhet som arbetar med hälso- och sjukvård och även tandvård. Det finns cirka 30 vårdcentraler runt om i länet samt sjukhusen i Arvika, Karlstad och Torsby. Landstinget i Värmland är en politiskt styrd organisation. -  Tieto. Beskriver att de är en verksamhet vars mål är att vara kundernas förstahandsval för affärsförnyelse. De strävar efter att vara det ledande mjukvaru- och tjänsteföretaget i Norden. -  Valmet Corporation beskriver sin verksamhet som den ledande globala utvecklaren och leverantör av teknik, automation och service inom massa-, pappers- och energiindustrin. Data samlades in med hjälp av fem semistrukturerade intervjuer med individer med en högre hierarkisk befattning inom verksamheten som arbetar med projekt. Genom denna studie har jag kommit fram till följande slutsatser. Förtida projektavslut är ett ovanligt fenomen i de verksamheter som ingår i studien. Det är vanligare att projekt läggs på is under en kortare eller längre period, för att sedan tas upp vid ett senare tillfälle. De externa faktorerna spelar en avgörande roll för projektets framtid. Det är faktorer som finns i projektets omvärld som i denna studie avgör om projektet skall läggas ner eller inte. De interna faktorerna blir inte avgörande för beslut om att lägga ner ett projekt. / Something that exist in all projects is an start and an end. The road to the end is well planned before the project starts up. But what if the plan fails and it is not possible to fulfill the plan? What if it shows up a number of unpredictable events on the way, events that can occur internally and externally. If these unpredictable events cant be handled they may cause a shutdown for the project. An premature project closure is an unusual phenomenon in projects that need to be explored more. This study aims to investigate the internal and external factors that may contribute to the early shutdown in projects. Data is collected from four diffrent businesses working with projects, the businesses are active in different sectors. The subjects included in this study are representative of the business they represent. They have the authority to express themselves in the field of project premature project closure. The businesses included in this study is. -  Trafikverket väst. They present themselves as a public service responsibility to plan transport in Sweden. They are also responsible for the construction, operation and maintenance of state roads and railways. -  Landstinget in Värmland. As according to the Landstinget in Värmland it is a public agency that works with health care and even detal care. There are about 30 medical centers around the county and hospitals in Arvika, Karlstad and Torsby. The county council is a politically-driven organization. -  Tieto. Describes that they are an organization whose goal is to be the customers first choice for business renewal. They strive to be the leading software and services company in the nordic region. -  Valmet Corporation describes its business as a leading global developer and supplier of technology, automation and service of pulp, paper and energy industries. Data were collected with the help of five semi-structured interviews with individuals with a higher hierarchic position in their organization. Through this study, I have come to the following conclusions. Premature projcet closure is an unusual phenomenon in the activities included in the study. It is common for projects that they are put on ice for a shorter or longer period, then taken up again later. The external factors play a crucial role in the future of the project. There are factors that are in the project environment that this study will determine if the project should be closed or not. The internal factors are not crucial to the decision to close down a project.

Kritické faktory implementace manažerského informačního systému na platformě Tableau / Critical Factors of Management Information System Implementation on Platform Tableau

Svarovský, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
This master´s thesis deals with critical factors of management information systems implementation. In first part its describing the present state of the topic, defines the basic terminology, clarifies theoretical background and determines how to understand to a concept of management information systems. In next part is survey of current business intelligence solutions of three leaders of the world market and its detailed comparison, description of their basic properties their advantages and disadvantages. In Conclusion is detailed description of platform Tableau, its practical application, example of implementation, critical succes factors and benefits of its use in companies.

A SET-UP FOR OPERATING CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT IN ORGANIZATION PRIORITIZING FLOW EFFICIENCY : A Qualitative Case Study of PIM RBS Kista Ericsson / En Set-up för utförandet av Ständiga Förbättringar i Organisationer som Prioriterar Flödeseffektivitet : En Kvalitativ Fallstudie av PIM RBS Kista Ericsson

Welin, Anton, Mildenberger, Marcus January 2014 (has links)
Objective– The objective of this thesis is to provide a set-up for operating continuous improvement (CI) in organizations prioritizing flow efficiency. Design/Methodology/ Approach – The set-up was created by an elaboration on by literature identified critical factors for successful CI. Empirical findings were collected through a qualitative case study, including semi-structured interviews, observations, and document analysis. Findings – This research has shown that organizations prioritizing flow efficiency should form their improvement efforts around processes. Three different levels of CI have been suggested, each formed around the process and sub-processes being improved. The lowest level (local improvement teams) builds the foundation for CI, as it represents people performing the tasks being improved. The other two levels include forums with the purpose to involve management, link sub-processes, prioritize improvements, and make decisions regarding bigger improvements. Roles and responsibilities have also been identified. To maintain involvement for CI, it is suggested that each level should decide their own goals and priorities by involving executives, managers and workers. Further, it is essential that the operation of CI efforts have an integrated and standard methodology for driving CI, as it eases cross-functional interactions and communication. It is important that this integrated methodology is seen as a process/cycle and can be used in a dynamic way, demanding rather high knowledge and thus training amongst workers. Empirical Contribution – this paper provides recommendations for practitioners prioritizing flow efficiency that want to operate CI in their organizations. Theoretical Contribution – a theoretical contribution has been made, firstly by identifying important areas of critical factors to elaborate on in organizations prioritizing flow efficiency. Secondly, by elaborating on identified areas, difficulties and facilitators, together with potential solutions to the difficulties, could be identified. Thirdly, this thesis has contributed to useful and usable theories that help organizations make proper decisions when operating CI by suggesting a set-up for operating CI. / Syfte - Syftet med denna avhandling är att föreslå en set-up för att driva ständiga förbättringar (CI) i organisationer som prioriterar flödeseffektivitet. Design / metod / angreppssätt - Denna set-up skapades genom en utveckling av, genom litteraturen identifierade kritiska faktorer för CI. Empiriska data samlades in genom en kvalitativ fallstudie, bestående av semistrukturerade intervjuer, observationer och dokumentanalys. Resultat - Denna forskning har visat att organisationer som prioriterar flödeseffektivitet bör utforma sitt förbättringsarbete kring processer. Tre olika nivåer av CI har föreslagits, där varje nivå är formad kring den process och underprocess som förbättras. Den lägsta nivån (lokala förbättringsgrupper) bygger grunden för CI, eftersom dessa utgörs av människor som utför de uppgifter som ska förbättras. De andra två nivåerna inkluderar forum med syftet att involvera ledning, länka delprocesser, prioritera förbättringar, och fatta beslut om större förbättringsaktiviteter. Roller och ansvar har också identifierats. För att upprätthålla engagemang för CI, föreslås att varje nivå bör bestämma sina egna mål och prioriteringar genom att engagera chefer och arbetstagare. Vidare är det viktigt att utförandet av CI har en integrerad och standardiserad metodik, detta eftersom att det underlättar tvärfunktionella interaktioner samt kommunikation. Det är viktigt att denna integrerade metod ses som en process / cykel, och kan användas på ett dynamiskt sätt. Detta kräver ganska hög kunskap och därmed utbildning bland arbetare. Empirisk bidrag – Denna avhandling erbjuder rekommendationer för utövare som vill driva CI i organisationer som prioriterar flödeseffektivitet. Teoretisk bidrag – Ett teoretiskt bidrag har gjorts, dels genom att identifiera viktiga områden för kritiska faktorer i organisationer som prioriterar flödeseffektivitet. Genom att utveckla dessa identifierade områdena, har svårigheter och möjliggörare, tillsammans med potentiella lösningar på de identifierade svårigheterna, kunnat identifieras. Vidare har denna avhandling bidragit till nyttiga och användbara teorier som hjälper organisationer att ta rätt beslut i utförandet av CI.

Análisis de los factores críticos que influyeron en las exportaciones de arándanos de Perú y Chile a Estados Unidos en el periodo 2012-2018

Canales Mendoza, Lalesca Patricia, De la Vega García, Maricielo Isabel 24 January 2020 (has links)
La presente investigación busca determinar y comparar cuales han sido los factores críticos que influenciaron en las exportaciones de arándanos frescos de Perú y Chile a los Estados Unidos, en el periodo 2012 - 2018. En el primer capítulo, se abordarán los antecedentes de la investigación, las bases teóricas de las estrategias de internacionalización, del comercio internacional, del producto elegido y los factores críticos identificados. Además, de la justificación teórica y práctica de la investigación. En el segundo capítulo, se desarrollará el plan de investigación se muestra la situación problemática, las hipótesis y los objetivos generales y específicos en ambos. Adicional a ello, se indicará la relevancia que tiene este estudio. En el tercer capítulo, se explicará la metodología utilizada, diseño aplicado, definición de las variables, tamaño de población y muestra, mediante los instrumentos metodológico escogidos para el recojo de la investigación. También, se hace un recuento de los aspectos éticos que involucran la información. En el cuarto capítulo, se muestra la información relacionada a cómo se desarrollan los cuatro factores críticos en estudio para Perú y Chile; así como, la aplicación de las herramientas escogidas para nuestra investigación, como las entrevistas a profundidad y las encuestas realizadas. En el quinto capítulo, se presenta los hallazgos y resultados de la investigación en relación con la información recopilada cualitativa (entrevistas) y cuantitativa (encuestas) realizadas a los especialistas. Se analiza y evalúa la información obtenida para probar que los factores críticos que se han identificado en el presente trabajo, influyeron en las exportaciones en el período analizado, tanto para el mercado chileno como para el peruano. Finalmente, se muestran las conclusiones y recomendaciones de la investigación realizada, respecto a los factores críticos que influyeron en las exportaciones de arándanos a los Estados Unidos, para luego determinar si se cumplieron los objetivos de la investigación y la hipótesis planteadas. / The present investigation seeks to determine and compare the critical factors that influenced the exports of fresh blueberries from Peru and Chile to the United States, in the period 2012 - 2018. In the first chapter, the research background, the theoretical basis of internationalization strategies, international trade, the chosen product and the critical factors identified will be addressed. In addition, the theoretical and practical justification of research. In the second chapter, the research plan will be developed showing the problematic situation, the hypotheses and the general and specific objectives in both. Additionally, the relevance of this study will be indicated. In the third chapter, the methodology used, applied design, definition of the variables, population size and sample will be explained, using the methodological instruments chosen to collect the research. Also, an account is made of the ethical aspects that involve the information. In the fourth chapter, information related to how the four critical factors under study for Peru and Chile are developed; as well as the application of the tools chosen for our research, such as in-depth interviews and surveys. In the fifth chapter, the research findings and results are presented in relation to the qualitative (interviews) and quantitative (surveys) information collected from specialists. The information obtained is analyzed and evaluated to prove that the critical factors that have been identified in this work, influenced exports during the period analyzed, both for the Chilean and Peruvian markets. Finally, the conclusions and recommendations of the research carried out are shown, regarding the critical factors that influenced blueberry exports to United States, and then determine whether the objectives of the investigation and the hypothesis planted were met. / Tesis

Implementationsprocess i ett startup : Kritiska faktorer som påverkar startups i deras implementationsprocess / The implementation process in a startup : Critical factors that who has an impact on startups in their implementation process

Johansson, Felix, Bodén, Hanna January 2023 (has links)
This study aims to explore critical factors about the implementation process in start-ups or small companies. Earlier research has indicated that there are several critical factors that have a negative influence on the performance if not being reached. The theoretical background is based on four different dimensions, critical factors, strategic work, phases, and the organizational size. It states that some critical factors of why implementation processes often disclose as a failure, depend on, not enough resources allocated in terms of both time and economics. The theoretical background also indicates that the strategic alignment between its purpose and the existing processes align together as an important factor for success. Research also indicates that perhaps it’s not the company size that matters, but the collection of people within the project. To come up with how small companies could make implementation processes work. The study has collected empirical findings by five semi structured interviews. The collected findings tell us that communication is highly rated, both for problem solving and to learn about each other to increase the trust between us. But also, that the first phase of a project is perhaps the most important and therefore also more communication is considered better. It tells us the importance of the right competence in the right places, this is considered more important than a fancy strategical work in smaller companies. The analysis and discussion suggest that there need to be more focus on factors in general processes to ensure that they are always thought of. This could possibly generate greater results. Also, it’s suggested that smaller companies should focus more on internal competence rather than which strategic road map they should take. Conclusion, the study cannot say that smaller companies need to adjust their approach in an implementation process compared to a greater company, instead it seems to rely on other factors. The study has identified eight specific factors that are of great value in small companies. Including, competence, communication, and resource allocation. / Studiens syfte är att utforska faktorer i implementationsprocesser hos mindre företag för att avgöra vilka som är mest kritiska för att lyckas med ett implementationsprojekt. Tidigare forskning har visat att det finns flertalet critical factors som har en negativ inverkan ifall de inte uppfylls. Tidigare forskning utgår ifrån fyra dimensioner; kritiska faktorer, strategiarbete, faser och organisationens storlek. Den visar att många implementationsprocesser misslyckas på grund av att mängden resurser i form av tid och pengar underskattas. Det strategiska arbetet är viktigt samt, att det är synkroniserat med de redan existerande processerna. Tidigare forskning och litteratur har påvisat att det inte behöver vara storleken på ett företag som bestämmer dess begränsningar eller möjligheter. Snarare är det sammansättningen av personer i projektet som är avgörande. Studien använder semistrukturerade intervjuer för datainsamling av fem informanter. Den insamlade empirin, visar att det är viktigt med kommunikation för att lära känna varandra och kunna lösa problem. Likaså ansågs kommunikation vara en avgörande faktor i de första faserna av projektet för att så tidigt som möjligt lösa alla frågetecken och skapa förtroende för varandra. Det ansågs även att kompetens på rätt plats var betydligt viktigare än strategin som helhet, speciellt i ett mindre företag. Analys och diskussionsdelen tar upp vilka kritiska faktorer mindre företag anser är de viktigaste och hur de används i implementationsprocessen. . Det kan finnas en poäng för mindre företag att specialisera de interna kunskaperna istället för att testa äventyrliga strategier för tidigt. Slutsatsen från studien är att företag inte behöver tänka annorlunda i implementationsprojekt. Studien har identifierat åtta faktorer som påverkar snarare än storlek samt att fokus bör ligga på att förhålla sig till dessa, däribland kompetens, kommunikation och resursalokering.

Modelo para localização de instalações em escala global envolvendo vários elos da cadeia logística. / Model for facilities location in a global scale considering several echelons in the supply chain.

Hamad, Ricardo 12 April 2006 (has links)
A localização de fábricas, fornecedores e/ou CDs é um problema de grande complexidade, principalmente em empresas com operações internacionais. Na literatura mundial são poucos os modelos desenvolvidos que tratam da localização de instalações em escala global. Este trabalho propõe um modelo de Programação Linear Inteira Mista que soluciona o problema minimizando os custos logísticos (custos fixos, custos de transferência, custos de distribuição, impostos não recuperáveis, estoques, take-or-pay, matéria-prima e custos de agregação de valor e transbordo) levando em consideração vários elos da cadeia de suprimentos. Como principais contribuições do modelo citam-se a inclusão de benefícios fiscais em transações internacionais, tais como o drawback, o cálculo pioneiro para custo no carregamento dos estoques e o tratamento dado aos custos tipo take-or-pay. São sugeridas adaptações do modelo para utilização em quaisquer segmentos de indústria. O modelo foi aplicado com sucesso em um caso real de uma indústria do segmento químico. / The location of factories, suppliers and distribution centers has always been a problem of great complexity, mainly for companies with global operations. In the literature, there are a few models developed for facilities location in a global scale. This work proposes a Mixed Integer Linear Programming model that solves the problem minimizing the total logistic cost (fixed, transfer and distribution costs, non recoverable duties, carrying, take-or-pay, raw material, added value and handling costs) taking into consideration several echelons in the supply chain network. The main contributions of the proposed model are the considerations regarding fiscal benefits in international trade such as drawback, the pioneer carrying cost calculation and the treatment given to the take-or-pay costs. Some adaptations of the model have been suggested for use in any type of industry. The model was successfully applied in a real case of a chemical industry.

Analysis Of Critical Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction In Modular Kitchen Sector

Ozer, Semih 01 May 2009 (has links) (PDF)
This study starts with the review of the literature in customer satisfaction, customer satisfaction methods and models. After selecting a proper customer satisfaction method and model, the study conducts a survey and a questionnaire among the customers and professionals in the modular kitchen sector. The aim of the study is to analyze the factors affecting customer satisfaction and finding out the ones related with the modular kitchen sector. After applying the survey, the relations between the inputs and outputs of the satisfaction are analyzed with the overall satisfaction itself. The strong and weak factors are determined and a proper CRM tool is build-up to realize a decision-support and forecast tool in the study, which can be seen as a beginning for the companies in the real sector in this business to build a much more detailed and ERP integrated software and to use them. The results of the survey are compared with the similar studies from the literature.

Alinhamento estratégico entre os planos de tecnologia da informação e os planos de negócio: uma análise dos fatores influenciadores / Strategical alignment among of information technology plans and business plans: an analysis of the factors influence

Freitas, Paulo Luis Carvalho de 13 June 2007 (has links)
In recent years the subject, strategical alignment, has been treated for several authors of the area as an important tool of enterprising management, which provides to the company, conditions to act in way integrated with its business-oriented areas, optimizing resources in order to reach efficiently its objectives. This study it was done in two great companies, with the proposal to know how they make possible the strategical alignment among the Information Technology and Business Plans to guide the internal and external actions of each company being aimed the market demands where they act. This reseach used the multicase and collected data methods through an instrument adapted for this study and semi-structuralized interviews, on the basis of the models of Strategical Alignment by Henderson and Venkatraman (1993), Maturity of Alignment by Luftman (2000) and described the Critical Factors of Success by Teo and Ang (1998) as strategical alignment facilitators. Since the analysis from the answers, the orientation of the strategical alignment of each company can be identified, as well as the level of maturity of it among the IT area and other areas of business from the same ones and, the critical factors of success that also must deserve special attention of the management, to enhance the possibilities of a successful relationship among the Strategical Information Technology Plans and Strategical business Plans. The results of the research presented elements that will serve of base for future studies, pointing out the importance of the balance that must exist among the areas of business with the area of IT to any company, to optimize the performance and reach the desired effectiveness / O tema alinhamento estratégico, nos últimos anos, tem sido tratado por diversos autores da área como uma importante ferramenta de gestão empresarial que proporciona a empresa, condições de atuar de maneira integrada com suas áreas de negócios, otimizando recursos a fim de alcançar eficazmente seus objetivos. Este estudo foi realizado em duas empresas de grande porte, com o propósito de conhecer como viabilizam o alinhamento estratégico entre os Planos de Tecnologia da Informação e os Planos de Negócio para orientar as ações internas e externas de cada empresa visando atender as demandas do mercado em que atuam. O método de pesquisa utilizado foi o multicaso e os dados coletados através de um instrumento de pesquisa adaptado para este estudo e de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, com base nos modelos de Alinhamento Estratégico de Henderson e Venkatraman (1993), de Maturidade de Alinhamento de Luftman (2000) e dos Fatores Críticos de Sucesso descritos por Teo e Ang (1998) como viabilizadores do alinhamento estratégico. A partir da análise das respostas, pode-se identificar a orientação do alinhamento estratégico de cada empresa, bem como o nível de maturidade do alinhamento estratégico entre a área de TI e as demais áreas de negócio e os fatores críticos de sucesso que, também, devem merecer atenção especial da gerência para realçar as possibilidades de um relacionamento bem sucedido, entre o Plano Estratégico de Tecnologia da Informação (PETI) e o Plano Estratégico de Negócios (PEN). Os resultados da pesquisa apresentaram elementos que servirão de base para futuros estudos, salientando a importância da sintonia que deve existir entre as áreas de negócio de qualquer empresa com a área de TI, para otimizar o desempenho e alcançar a eficácia desejada

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