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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Linear and non-linear boundary crossing probabilities for Brownian motion and related processes

Wu, Tung-Lung Jr 12 1900 (has links)
We propose a simple and general method to obtain the boundary crossing probability for Brownian motion. This method can be easily extended to higher dimensional of Brownian motion. It also covers certain classes of stochastic processes associated with Brownian motion. The basic idea of the method is based on being able to construct a nite Markov chain such that the boundary crossing probability of Brownian motion is obtained as the limiting probability of the nite Markov chain entering a set of absorbing states induced by the boundary. Numerical results are given to illustrate our method.

Att producera en genreöverskrivande EP : Om sammanförandet av fyra olika låtar med tillämpning av olika musikaliska övergångar

Holmgren, Frida January 2018 (has links)
I detta konstnärliga examensarbete undersöks huruvida det går att binda samman fyra låtar av olika karaktär med hjälp av övergångar bestående av olika musikaliska- och icke musikaliska element. Fyra olika metoder för övergångar har testats och utvärderats för att se vilken som fungerar bäst. Metoderna som testats är: körarrangemang, atonala övergångar, ledmotiv och narrativt tal. Tidigt i arbetet stod det klart att körarrangemang var svårt att få till estetiskt och att tiden för att få till det bra skulle bli för knapp. Att arbeta atonalt var däremot lättare då inga regler sattes upp förutom att övergången skulle börja på tonarten som varit och landa i tonarten som skulle komma. När ledmotivet skrevs tonalt var det svårt att få till men då ett vindljud fick agera återkommande ledmotiv tillförde det rymd och rum till övergångarna. För att hitta de narrativa stroferna som skulle sägas lästes de fyra låttexterna igenom för att hitta nyckelfraser som bäst beskrev känslan inför kommande låt. Som resultat visade det sig senare att kombinationen av atonala syntar, vindljudet som agerade ledmotiv samt de narrativa stroferna passade bäst när de kopplades samman och arbetade tillsammans. / This artistic degree project researches if it is possible to link four different songs of diverse genres onto one EP through the use of both musical and non-musical elements that arise as bridges between the songs. Four different methods have been tested and evaluated to see which one gives the best result. The tested methods are: arrangements for choir, atonal bridges, leitmotif and narrative phrases. Early on it became clear that the arrangements for choir were hard to complete in the limited time that existed for the project. To work with atonal bridges was easier since the only guide line used was that the bridge should start in the key last heard and end on the same key as the upcoming song. When the leitmotif was written tonally it was difficult to do but using the sound of wind as a non-musical leitmotif added a nice space to the bridges. When working with the narrative phrases the songs were analysed carefully to find the key phrases of the lyrics from the four songs to use in the narrative speech. The result of this project indicates that the best way to create these bridges is to combine the different methods, use the atonal synthesizers with the non-musical wind sounds as a leitmotif along with the narrative phrases. The only method not used was the arrangement for choir. / <p>Jag bifogar en mp3-fil med övergångarna mellan låtarna samt de 4 låtarna jag arbetat med. </p><p>Musiker, låtskrivare, producent och mixare: Frida Holmgren Övriga musiker:Martin Axelsson, Oscar Treitler, Emma Beskow, Jonna Inge, Caroline Waldemarsson, Olle Roberg, Karolin Engman</p>

Karaktärsdanande matematikundervisning : En studie i hur elever angriper större karaktärsämnesnära matematikproblem på gymnasiets Restaurang- och livsmedelsprogram. / Mathematics in Vocational Training : A study in how students approach core subject-related mathematics problems in upper secondary Restaurant and Bakery programs.

Lilja, Anna, Block-Fredricson, Catharina January 2018 (has links)
Under många år har det pratats om ämnesintegrering i den svenska skolan. Detta skulle enligt forskare, Skolverket och Skolinspektionen vara ett sätt att öka engagemanget för matematik och förhoppningsvis öka kunskapsnivån i matematik hos Sveriges skolungdomar. Vår studie undersöker om elever på gymnasiets Restaurang- och livsmedelsprogram angriper matematikproblem olika beroende på graden av ämnesintegrering av programmets karaktärsämnen. Hela matematikkursen har präglats av denna typ av uppgifter för att sätta matematiken i en kontext som eleverna möter i sina karaktärsämnen och kommande yrkesliv.   Genom att både observera elever, då de löst större karaktärsämnesnära matematikuppgifter, och genomföra före-efter-diagnoser studerar vi hur eleverna formar sina lösningar men även hur deras kunskapsnivå i matematik påverkats av att kursen integrerats med karaktärsämnen.   Observationerna har analyserats med hjälp av boundary objects och boundary crossings mellan matematik och karaktärsämne. Dessa har tagits fram med hjälp av Engeströms (2005; 2015) aktivitetsteori samt Star och Griesemers (1989) utveckling av boundary crossing-teori.   Vi har i våra observationer sett att om uppgifter ligger nära elevernas kunskaper i karaktärsämnen har de lättare att hitta alternativa lösningsmetoder för matematikproblemen. Uppgifter kan vara färgade av karaktärsämnet men det är elevernas trygghet i sina karaktärsämneskunskaper som spelar störst roll huruvida de löser uppgiften med en traditionellt matematisk metod eller om de prövar alternativa metoder.   Elevernas kunskapsnivå i matematik förändras till största delen positivt, men inte så markant att det går att dra slutsatsen att ämnesintegrerad undervisning kan revolutionera svensk matematikundervisning.   Denna studie kan vara av intresse för fortsatt forskning kring ämnesintegrering samt för matematikkollegor som undervisar yrkeselever.

Conclusive formal verification of clock domain crossing properties / Vérification formelle concluante des propriétés des systèmes multi-horloges

Plassan, Guillaume 28 March 2018 (has links)
Les circuits microélectroniques récents intègrent des dizaines d'horloges afin d'optimiser leur consommation et leur performance. Le nombre de traversées de domaines d'horloges (CDC) et la complexité des systèmes augmentant, garantir formellement l'intégrité d'une donnée devient un défi majeur. Plusieurs problèmes sont alors soulevés : configurer le système dans un mode réaliste, décrire l'environnement par des hypothèses sur les protocoles, gérer l'explosion de l'espace des états, analyser les contre-exemples, ...La première contribution de cette thèse a pour but d'atteindre une configuration complète et réaliste du système. Nous utilisons de la vérification formelle paramétrique ainsi qu'une analyse de la structure du circuit afin de détecter automatiquement les composants des arbres d'horloge. La seconde contribution cherche à éviter l'explosion de l'espace des états en combinant des abstractions localisées du circuit avec une analyse de contre-examples. L'idée clé est d'utiliser la technologie de raffinement d'abstraction guidée par contre-exemple (CEGAR) où l'utilisateur influence la poursuite de l'algorithme en se basant sur des informations extraites des contre-exemples intermédiaires. La troisième contribution vise à créer des hypothèses pour des environnements sous-contraints. Tout d’abord, plusieurs contre-exemples sont générés pour une assertion, avec différentes raisons d’échec. Ensuite, des informations en sont extraites et transformées en hypothèses réalistes.Au final, cette thèse montre qu'une vérification formelle concluante peut être obtenue en combinant la rapidité de l'analyse structurelle avec l'exhaustivité des méthodes formelles. / Modern hardware designs typically comprise tens of clocks to optimize consumption and performance to the ongoing tasks. With the increasing number of clock-domain crossings as well as the huge complexity of modern SoCs, formally proving the functional integrity of data propagation became a major challenge. Several issues arise: setting up the design in a realistic mode, writing protocol assumptions modeling the environment, facing state-space explosion, analyzing counter-examples, ...The first contribution of this thesis aims at reaching a complete and realistic design setup. We use parametric liveness verification and a structural analysis of the design in order to identify behaviors of the clock and reset trees. The second contribution aims at avoiding state-space explosion, by combining localization abstractions of the design, and counter-example analysis. The key idea is to use counterexample-guided abstraction refinement as the algorithmic back-end, where the user influence the course of the algorithm based on relevant information extracted from intermediate abstract counterexamples. The third contribution aims at creating protocol assumptions for under-specified environments. First, multiple counter-examples are generated for an assertion, with different causes of failure. Then, information is mined from them and transformed into realistic protocol assumptions.Overall, this thesis shows that a conclusive formal verification can be obtained by combining inexpensive structural analysis along with exhaustive model checking.

Ramseyovské výsledky pro uspořádané hypergrafy / Ramsey-type results for ordered hypergraphs

Balko, Martin January 2016 (has links)
Ramsey-type results for ordered hypergraphs Martin Balko Abstract We introduce ordered Ramsey numbers, which are an analogue of Ramsey numbers for graphs with a linear ordering on their vertices. We study the growth rate of ordered Ramsey numbers of ordered graphs with respect to the number of vertices. We find ordered match- ings whose ordered Ramsey numbers grow superpolynomially. We show that ordered Ramsey numbers of ordered graphs with bounded degeneracy and interval chromatic number are at most polynomial. We prove that ordered Ramsey numbers are at most polynomial for ordered graphs with bounded bandwidth. We find 3-regular graphs that have superlinear ordered Ramsey numbers, regardless of the ordering. The last two results solve problems of Conlon, Fox, Lee, and Sudakov. We derive the exact formula for ordered Ramsey numbers of mono- tone cycles and use it to obtain the exact formula for geometric Ramsey numbers of cycles that were introduced by Károlyi et al. We refute a conjecture of Peters and Szekeres about a strengthening of the fa- mous Erd˝os-Szekeres conjecture to ordered hypergraphs. We obtain the exact formula for the minimum number of crossings in simple x-monotone drawings of complete graphs and provide a combinatorial characterization of these drawings in terms of colorings of ordered...

Kombinatorické otázky v geometrii / Combinatorial problems in geometry

Kynčl, Jan January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Pohybová aktivita užovky stromové v Poohří ve vztahu k silničnímu tělesu / Movement activity of Aesculapian Snake in Poohří in relation to the roadway

LAPÁČKOVÁ, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is focused on explaining the behaviour of population of Aesculapian Snake (Zamenis longissimus) in Poohří region related to a busy road which crosses its area of distribution. To avoid the busy road Aesculapian Snake uses the roads culverts to cross the road safely. Snakes used culverts the most often on July, when their activity culminates. One of the most used culverts was culvert Nr. 2, probably because of its proximity to man-made hatch. Snakes started their activity at 8:00 a.m. and finished at 7:00 p.m. In this study their activity culminates between 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. and by temperature between 21 - 25°C. None of adults of Aesculapian Snake was detected killed on the road. There were found only juvenile snakes of this species which weren't acquainted yet with local threats.

Porovnání biometrických a výtěžnostních ukazatelů kříženců kapra obecného s využitím dvou různých linií Amurského lysce / Comparison of biometrical and slaughtering indicators of crossbreeds of common carp with using two different breeds of Amur mirror carp

PRCHAL, Martin January 2013 (has links)
The objective of this thesis was to compare biometrical and slaughtering indicators of common carp crossbreeds using two different breeds of Amur mirror carp in performance testing. We applied top-crossing for the test establishment, using the Hungarian mirror carp (M2) on the maternal position. Males of Hungarian mirror carp (for the production of purebreed), Northern mirror carp (M72) and two breeds of Amur mirror carp (ALP ? bred in Pohořelice, ALV ? bred in Vodňany) were crossed on this breed and hybrids of scaly phenotype between Ropsha (ROP) and Tata carp (TAT) were used as a control group. The performance testing started in ponds (in the total of five localities) in the semi ? intensive way of management by releasing yolk sac fry (K0) and its subsequent rearing to the market size (K3). The performance test was completed in ponds after the third year of testing and the tested groups of fish were evaluated for biometrical and slaughtering indicators. In the overall evaluation of the edible parts of the body (processed body and fillets) by the ANCOVA method was not found a statistical difference among the mirror tested groups of fish. The only exception was the proportion of fillets without skin, which was significantly higher in the hybrid M2 x ALP than in breed M2, therefore I would not recommend this breed (M2) to commercial breeding. When comparing my results with other publications, the hybrid M2 x M72 could be used for commercial breeding together with the two hybrids of Amur mirror carp, who not only achieve high yield of edible parts of the body, but also the earlier tests confirmed higher growth, better survival and resistance to the KHV virus.

Traversée d'intersection et évitement de collision en conduite automobile : identification du support perceptif et des marqueurs du couplage information-mouvement / Intersection crossing and collision avoidance in driving : identification of perceptual substrate and markers of an information-movement coupling

Mathieu, Julie 14 December 2017 (has links)
L’objectif principal de ce travail de thèse était d’étudier les mécanismes perceptivomoteurs qui sous-tendent la réalisation d’une tâche d’approche et de traversée d’intersection en conduite automobile. Dans la première partie de ce manuscrit les enjeux humains, économiques et sociétaux liés à la réussite d’une telle tâche sont évoqués. Les principaux résultats obtenus dans les études ayant porté sur l’identification des risques associés à la réalisation de ce type de manœuvre sont présentés. La plupart des travaux réalisés s’étant focalisés sur les processus de haut niveau (e.g., jugement d’un temps d’arrivée), nous avons souhaité durant cette thèse centrer notre attention sur les processus de bas-niveau mis en œuvre. Ce travail de thèse est adossé à l’approche Ecologique de la Perception et de l’Action qui nous a semblé proposer un cadre théorique pertinent pour étudier cette tâche complexe. La deuxième partie est consacrée aux expériences réalisées au cours de ce travail de thèse. Pour réaliser nos trois expériences, un simulateur de conduite à base fixe a été utilisé. Ce travail a permis (i) d’acquérir une meilleure compréhension du support perceptif impliqué dans la réalisation d’une tâche de traversée d’intersection et (ii) d’identifier différents marqueurs du couplage information-mouvement. Les résultats ont révélé que le support perceptif utilisé pour réaliser une tâche perceptive n’était pas le même que celui utilisé pour réaliser une tâche perceptivo-motrice. Les résultats ont également permis d’étayer la thèse selon laquelle le contrôle de la tâche d’approche et de traversée d’intersection reposerait sur un couplage information-mouvement. / This Ph.D. project aims at studying the perceptual-motor mechanisms implicated in intersection crossing task. The first part of this manuscript explains the human, economic and societal challenges associated with the successfully complete the intersection crossing task. The main results of the former studies that have examined the identification of risks associated with this type of maneuver at an intersection are developed. These former studies mainly focused on high-level processes (e.g., discrete judgment or decision tasks), we have decided to focus our attention on low-level processes (e.g., visual guidance) during this Ph.D. project. For this to happen, the Ecological Approach to Perception and Action seems to be a relevant theoretical framework for studying this complex task. Indeed, it preserves the natural link between information and movement. The second part of this manuscript is devoted to the experiments completed during this research. In order to carry out our three experiments, virtual reality fixed-base driving simulator was used. This work contributes to better understand the perceptual substrate involved in intersection crossing task. Also, this work identifies different markers of control based on information-movement coupling. Firstly, our results revealed that the perceptual substrate underlying judgments of arrival time of a vehicle moving towards an intersection is distinct from the perceptual substrate underlying the active control of one’s own approach to the same intersection. Secondly, the results have also strengthened the assumption that the control of approach and intersection crossing task is based on information-movement coupling.

Seleção e Melhoramento em Populações Clonais de Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex Maiden / Selection and Breeding in Clonal Populations of Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex Maiden

Souza, Izabel Christina Gava de [UNESP] 29 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by IZABEL CHRISTINA GAVA DE SOUZA null (izabelsouza@suzano.com.br) on 2016-09-30T11:03:11Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese_Izabel_2016_1.pdf: 1921899 bytes, checksum: cce906c3ffd78242151254d344282fb0 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Juliano Benedito Ferreira (julianoferreira@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-09-30T13:09:58Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 souza_icg_dr_bot.pdf: 1921899 bytes, checksum: cce906c3ffd78242151254d344282fb0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-30T13:09:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 souza_icg_dr_bot.pdf: 1921899 bytes, checksum: cce906c3ffd78242151254d344282fb0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-07-29 / Este trabalho teve como objetivo propor um novo método de melhoramento para Eucalyptus visando obter materiais genéticos para plantio operacional, por meio dos seguintes estudos: a) avaliar o ganho em produtividade volumétrica de madeira na seleção aplicada numa população clonal de Eucalyptus grandis oriunda da mistura de clones selecionados em progênies de polinização controlada (irmãos completos); b) avaliar a variabilidade genética a partir de marcadores moleculares microssatélites na população clonal selecionada, quando submetida a diferentes condições ambientais e níveis de seleção. Com as sementes obtidas no cruzamento controlado foi instalado um plantio experimental na Fazenda Ribeirão Grande (município de Salesópolis/SP) de propriedade da Suzano Papel e Celulose no ano de 2001. Aos 6 anos de idade foi realizada a seleção de árvores superiores (clones) com base nos caracteres silviculturais e densidade básica da madeira. Foram selecionados 57 clones (irmãos completos), os quais foram propagados vegetativamente, misturados para a formação do minijardim clonal e posterior produção de mudas para plantio operacional na empresa. Este material genético foi recomendado para plantio em 2010. Para este trabalho foram selecionadas três áreas de plantio operacional desse material genético, denominado aqui população clonal inicial com idade de 3,3 a 3,5 anos. Em cada local foram estabelecidas 3 parcelas de 100 árvores e realizada a avaliação silvicultural das árvores. Com os dados de DAP foi feita a ordenação dos valores (maior para o menor) e selecionadas as 40 árvores com maiores valores de DAP e boa forma do tronco, e as 15 árvores com menores valores de DAP totalizando 405 árvores. O perfil genético por meio de marcadores moleculares microssatélites foi realizado para as árvores selecionadas, clones que formam a população clonal inicial e clones genitores. O Incremento Médio Anual com casca aos 7 anos de idade (IMA7; m3/ha/ano) foi estimado por parcela e níveis de seleção de 10%, 20%, 30% e 40%. Com o perfil genético das 40 árvores selecionadas por parcela obteve-se os clones presentes na seleção, como também, os clones presentes nas 15 árvores de comportamento silvicultural inferior. Os resultados mostram que o método de seleção e melhoramento em populações clonais de E. grandis é promissor, diminuindo o tempo de obtenção de materiais genéticos para plantio operacional. Os níveis de seleção de 30% e 40% são os mais indicados para conservar um bom número de clones e obter ganhos em produtividade em curto prazo. / The objective of this work was to propose a new method for breeding to Eucalyptus in order to obtain genetic material for commercial planting by the following studies: a) evaluate the gain, in wood volumetric productivity, in the selection applied to a clonal population of Eucalyptus grandis coming from a selected clonal mixture obtained in cross-pollinated progenies (full sibling); b) evaluate the genetic variability using microsatellite markers obtained in a selected clonal population when subjected to different environmental conditions and levels of selection. Using the seeds obtained in the hand pollination, an experimental plantation was established, in 2001, at the Ribeirão Grande Farm in the municipality of Salesópolis, State of São Paulo, Brazil, owned by Suzano Pulp and Paper. At the age of 6 years old, a selection of superior trees (clones) was carried out based on silvicultural traits and wood density. Fifty-seven clones (full-siblings) were selected, propagated using vegetative technique and used for mixed plantation in a clonal garden to subsequent production of seedlings for commercial planting. This genetic material (initial clonal population) was recommended for planting in 2010. For this study, three commercial areas planted with these genetic materials at ages ranging from 3.3 to 3.5 years old were selected. On each site, 3 plots of 100 trees were established and the silvicultural evaluation of trees was made. The trees were ordered using the diameter at breast height (DBH) data (highest to lowest) and the 40 trees with the highest DBH values and good shape of the trunk were selected, and the 15 trees with lower DBH values, totaling 360 trees. The genetic profile through microsatellite markers was conducted for selected trees, for clones that form the initial clonal population and for parental clones. The Annual Average Increase in shell to the 7 years old (IMA7; m3 / ha.year) was estimated per plot and 10, 20, 30 and 40% selection of levels. Throughout the genetic profile of the 40 selected trees per plot, the presented clones in the selection were obtained, but also, the clones present in 15 trees with lower silvicultural behavior. The results show that the method selection and improvement in clonal populations of E. grandis is promising, decreasing the time for obtaining genetic materials for commercial plantation. Check levels of 30 and 40% are the most suitable to preserve a good number of clones and to obtain short-term productivity gains.

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