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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Export Taxes In Argentina: A Case Study

Knight, Russell Henry 05 August 2005 (has links)
With the recent agreement on a framework in the Doha Round for the WTO, trade liberalization is taking another step forward. Unfortunately, export taxes get overlooked as only five countries have this protectionist/rent seeking policy: Argentina, Malaysia, Indonesia, Russia and Ukraine (USDA FAS, 2004). However, the impact of these policies can be felt all over the world. The focus of the case study is on the differential export taxes (DET) placed on soybeans by the Government of Argentina and analyzing the impact of government intervention on trade. Argentina is the third-largest producer of soybeans, and the worldâ s largest exporter of soybean oil and meal with domestic consumption totaling less than five percent of the meal and oil that is processed. In Argentina there is a constant export tax level of twenty percent that is applied to all commodities in agriculture but in the case of oilseeds, raw soybeans are taxed 3.5% more than all other grains and oilseed products. This differential tax favors the exports of valued-added products, i.e. soybean oil and meal. Previous attempts to eliminate the DET have failed. FEDIOL, the Federation that represents the vegetable oils and fats industry in the European Union, filed a complaint against Argentina in the late 1970s and again in the early 1980s, but failed because the DET was not listed as a subsidy under the GATT. / Master of Science

Dark Patterns : Den sura sidan av Candy Crush Saga

Fredell, Tilde, Haneling, Matilda January 2023 (has links)
Many mobile games use a user interface designed to get their players to spend more time, money or social engagement within their application. This is done by deliberately misleading or otherwise confusing the user by, for example, making the player lose track of time when playing or by giving rewards to players who spend money or invite their friends into the game. This can be taken to the extent that it strongly affects players negatively both financially and socially. This type of game elements is also known as dark patterns, which are not only used in games but also on websites, social media and other digital applications. Dark patterns have been discussed more in recent years since consumers and users have become more aware of how deceptive digital design affects behavior. This study examines the game design of Candy Crush Saga with a focus on dark patterns, and how these affect the game as a whole as well as the users who play it. The study focuses on three categories that characterize dark patterns, namely temporal, monetary and social. Based on these categories, they have subcategories that describe specific design elements with examples. The study that has been done consists of two parts: a heuristic evaluation and a survey where a number of active players have been asked to answer questions about their gaming habits in the game Candy Crush Saga. The study finds that the game contains several dark patterns, which in varying degrees affects the players’ experience in the game. The study also discusses how cumulative dark patterns enhance each other and can therefore be perceived as particularly problematic. / Många mobilspel använder sig av ett användargränssnitt utformat för att få sina spelare att spendera mer tid, pengar eller socialt engagemang inom deras applikation. Detta genom att medvetet vilseleda eller på annat sätt förvirra användaren genom att till exempel få spelaren att förlora uppfattningen av hur mycket tid de har spenderat i spelet eller genom att ge belöningar till spelare som spenderar pengar eller bjuder in sina vänner i spelet. Detta kan tas till den grad att det starkt påverkar spelarna negativt både ekonomiskt och socialt. Denna typ av spelelement kallas även dark patterns, som förutom i spel även används på webbsidor, sociala medier och andra digitala applikationer. Dark patterns har diskuterats mer under senare år då konsumenter och användare har blivit mer medvetna om hur vilseledande digital design påverkar beteenden. I denna studie har spelet Candy Crush Sagas speldesign undersökts med fokus på dark patterns, och hur dessa påverkar spelet i sin helhet och användarna som spelar. Studien har fokuserat på de tre kategorier som kännetecknar dark patterns, nämligen de temporala, monetära och sociala. Utifrån dessa kategorier har de underkategorier som beskriver specifika designelement med exempel. Studien som har gjorts består av två delar där det dels är en heuristisk utvärdering som har gjorts, samt en enkätstudie där en andel aktiva spelare har fått svara på frågor angående deras spelvanor i spelet Candy Crush Saga. Studien konstaterar att spelet innehåller flera dark patterns, som i varierande grad påverkar spelarnas upplevelse i spelet. Studien diskuterar även hur kumulativa dark patterns förhöjer varandra och därav kan upplevas som särskilt problematiska.

Development of Pole Impact Testing at Multiple Vehicle Side Locations As Applied To The Ford Taurus Structural Platform

Warner, Mark Halford 24 November 2004 (has links) (PDF)
A test method was developed whereby repeated pole impacts could be performed at multiple locations per test vehicle, allowing a comparison of energy and crush relationships. Testing was performed on vehicles moving laterally into a 12.75 inch diameter rigid pole barrier. Crush energy absorption characteristics at the different locations were analyzed, and the results compared to test data from broad moving barrier crashes and available crash tests with similar pole impacts. The research documents the crush stiffness characteristics for narrow impacts at various points on the side of the Taurus vehicle platform. Factors encountered during the research include the importance of rotational energy accounting and uncertainties related to crush energy related to induced deformation. The findings show that the front axle and A-pillar regions are much stiffer than the CG and B-pillar areas to narrow rigid pole impact. The central CG region produced stiffness relations that correspond well with published broad-impact data when the effective crush width was assumed to be roughly three times the pole diameter. Results of this research sustain the theory that stiffness properties vary significantly along the side of a vehicle. Though not practical as a tool in every circumstance, the multiple impact location technique should be considered when side impact crush energy absorption characteristics are key to the outcome of an accident reconstruction.

The Role of the Vasculature and Immune System in Models of Glaucoma

Sabljic, Thomas F. 18 November 2016 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of the vasculature and immune system in models of glaucoma. Vascular changes have been implicated in glaucoma. As well there is mounting evidence that the immune system plays a role in the disease. It is my hypothesis that the vasculature and immune system play a role in the retinal response to injury in models of glaucoma. Methods: Immunohistochemistry, in vivo retinal imaging (Bright field, fluorescent, optical coherence tomography), Slit2 injections and Evan’s blue labeling were used to investigate vascular and immune changes associated with retinal ganglion cell death after optic nerve crush up to 28 days after injury. Histology, immunohistochemistry, and intravascular labeling were utilized to investigate the role of the vascular degeneration and the systemic immune response to elevated intraocular pressure in 8-16 week old AP-2β Neural Crest Cell Knockout (AP-2β NCC KO) mice. Results: The vascular and immune responses to optic nerve crush were not found to play a significant role in the response to retinal ganglion cell death. Conversely the role of vascular degeneration and immune cell recruitment to the retinas of AP-2β NCC KO mice demonstrated that these factors played a significant role in the retinal response to injury. Conclusion: The vasculature and immune system play a varied role in the response to retinal injury and neurodegeneration depending on the model being studied. The vascular and immune changes were of minimal significance in acute optic nerve crush injury. On the other hand, the chronic injury associated with elevated intraocular pressure in AP-2β NCC KO mice was associated with significant vascular degeneration and systemic immune cell infiltration. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Crush Strength Analysis of Hollow Glass Microspheres

Dillinger, Benjamin Eugene 21 September 2016 (has links)
Porous Wall Hollow Glass Microspheres (PWHGMs) were developed by the Savannah River National Laboratory. What makes these microspheres unique is the interconnected porosity spread throughout their wall allowing various materials to travel from the surface to the hollow interior. With their characteristic porosity, the PWHGMs are a great tool for encapsulating or filtrating different materials. Unfortunately, there is little information available on the mechanical properties of PWHGMs. The main goal of this research was to develop a method to crush individual microspheres and statistically analyze the results. One objective towards completing this goal was to measure the microsphere diameter distribution. Microsphere diameter is a major factor affecting strength as well as the Weibull parameters. Two different methods, microscopy counting and laser light scattering, used in the research yielded similar distributions. The main objective of this research was to analyze the crush strength of individual microspheres. Using nanoindentation, data were collected to analyze the crush strength of PWHGMs in uniaxial compression. Nanoindentation data were used to analyze how the strength of the PWHGMs changes through the different stages of production and at different diameter ranges. Data for 3M commercial microspheres were compared to ARC microspheres. Most data were analyzed using a statistical technique known as the two parameter Weibull analysis. The data indicated that the strength generally decreased as the microsphere diameter increased. Scattering in the data was nearly the same across all sample sets tested. Results indicated that the PWHGMs were weaker than the ARC hollow glass microspheres (HGMs). This is primarily due to the addition of wall porosity in the PWHGM. / Master of Science

Unterschiedliche Wirkungen der TNF-alpha-Rezeptoren auf De- und Regeneration peripherer NervenEine Studie an TNF-alpha-Rezeptor-Knockoutmäusen in zwei verschiedenen Tiermodellen für Nervenläsionen / Different effects of TNF-alpha-receptors on de- and regeneration of the peripheral nerveA study in TNF-alpha-receptor-knockout-mice in two different models of nerve injury

Stallforth, Sabine January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Noch immer ist die Behandlung von Neuropathien mit den gängigen therapeutischen Mitteln für viele Patienten sehr unbefriedigend. Als erfolgsversprechender therapeutischer Ansatz werden zur Zeit Wege erforscht, welche direkt in die molekularen Entstehungsmechanismen pathologischer Veränderungen und regenerationsfördernder Mechanismen eingreifen, um dadurch eine Heilung von Nervenschäden zu ermöglichen. Bisher sind die Erkenntnisse über diese Mechanismen nicht vollständig genug, um daraus eine sichere Behandlungsmöglichkeit abzuleiten. Wegweisende Erkenntnisse deuten sich allerdings durch Studien von unterschiedlichen Vertretern des Zytokinnetzwerkes an - darunter auch TNF-alpha - welche als molekulare Ursache neuropathischer Veränderungen diskutiert werden. In dieser Studie wurde an Knockoutmäusen der Einfluss des jeweiligen TNF-alpha-Rezeptors auf morphologische Veränderungen nach CCI (Chronic constriction injury) und Crush-Verletzung des N. ischiadicus untersucht. Nach 3,7,15 und 36 Tagen (CCI) bzw. 3,7 und 28 Tagen (Crush) wurden in Methylenblau gefärbten Semidünnschnitten intakte und degenerierte Nervenfasern, Makrophagen, Angioproliferation, Ödembildung udn Veränderung des Anteils nicht neuronaler Zellen lichtmikroskopisch beurteilt. Zusätzlich wurden Mac-1+ Makrophagen immunzytochemisch erfasst. Die Ergebnisse zeigten in beiden Modellen und bei beiden Knockouttypen eine starke axonale Schädigung, die von einer großen endoneuroalen Makrophagenansammlung begleitet war. Bei TNF-R1-/- Mäusen war eine stärkere und verlängerte Degeneration mit entsprechend höheren Makrophagenzahlen sichtbar. In den Immunzytochemischen Färbungen wiesen die TNF-R1-/- Mäuse hingegen den geringsten Makropahgenanteil auf.Trotz der starken Schädigung war die anschließende Regeneration im Gegensatz zu WT und TNF-R2-/- Mäusen besser. Die Ödembildung war bei den TNF-R2-/- nach CCI besonders stark ausgeprägt und von einer schlechten Regeneration gefolgt. Während die gefundenen Daten auf eine Beteiligung beider Rezeptoren während degenerativer Prozesse hindeuten, scheint insbesondere TNF-R2 regenerationsfördernde Effekte zu vermitteln. / Current Treatment of neuropathic disorders is still dissatisfactory for many patients. A promising approach is the investigation of agents that directly interfere with molecular development of pathologic changes and regeneration. Up to now, consolidated findings of the underlying mechanisms are not yet sufficent to allow therapeutic intervention. Pathbreaking findings come from studies investigating different agents of the cytokine network - as e.g. TNF-alpha - that are discussed as molecular cause of neuropathic changes. This study investigated the influence of both TNF-alpha-receptors on morphologic changes after CCI (chronic constriction injury) and crush-injury of the sciatic nerve of TNF-R-knockoutmice. After 3,7,15 and 36 days (CCI), and 3,7 and 28 respectively (Crush),intact and degenerating nerve fibers, macrophages, angioproliferation, development of edema and changes in the amount of non-neuronal cells were acquired by light microscopy of toluidin-stained semithin sections. Additionally Mac-1+ macrophages were acquired via immuncytochemically stained sections. The results showed strong axonal damage in both knockout-types accompanied by large amounts of endoneurial macrophages. TNF-R1-/-mice showed a longer degeneration phase including respectively higher amounts of macrophages. In contrast the TNF-R1-/-mice revealed the fewest amount of macrophages in immunocytochemical sections. Despite the strong damage better nerve regeneration was observed compared to WT and TNF-R2-/-mice. Formation of edema was pronounced in TNF-R2-/- after CCI and followed by poorly regeneration. Whereas these findings point to a participation of both receptors in degeneration, TNF-R2 seems to support regeneration.

Avaliação do tratamento com crioterapia em modelo experimental de compressão do nervo isquiático em ratos wistar / Assessment of treatment with cryotherapy in an experimental model of sciatic nerve compression in wistar rats

Karvat, Jhenifer 26 February 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T14:17:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao_ Jhenifer Karvat.pdf: 2486983 bytes, checksum: 33eaca14028c159e971fc3ae3f9fc94f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-26 / This thesis consists of an introduction and general literature review, as well as two scientific articles. Injury to the peripheral nerves can occur by crushing, compression and transection, resulting in pain, reduction or loss of sensory and motor in the innervated area. Among the most common disorders is compression the sciatic nerve, responsible for the innervation of the back leg thigh and foot. Various forms of treatment can be used for this dysfunction, and within the physical therapy there is cryotherapy, however there is a lack in the literature regarding cryotherapy as a treatment for peripheral nerve injury. Thus, this study has the aim to evaluate treatment with cryotherapy in an experimental model of sciatic nerve compression in Wistar rats. 42 rats were randomly separated in groups: G1 - control; G2, G3 and G4 - groups that were submitted to sciatic nerve compression without receiving any treatment, being euthanized on the 3rd, 8th and 15th postoperative (PO), respectively; G5, G6 and G7 - groups that were submitted to sciatic nerve compression and treated with cryotherapy, euthanized at 3rd, 8th and 15th PO, respectively. The sciatic nerve compression was performed using a hemostat for 30 seconds. For treatment with cryotherapy in G5, G6 and G7, the animals were placed on the injured hind limb (right) immersed in a container with water and ice at 5 °C for 20 minutes, the first intervention immediately after the injury. G5 was only submitted to a treatment session, while G6 and G7 returned to the treatment of the 3rd to the 7th PO. Functional assessments were performed using the Sciatic Functional Index (SFI), functional disability test, nociception and edema, which occurred in stages: pre-injury, 2nd PO and the corresponding day euthanasia of each injured group, and G1 rated at the same time that the groups submitted to injury, however euthanized in 15th PO. After the intervention period, the animals were under anesthesia and the sciatic nerve collected for morphological analysis. It was used ANOVA mixed model for statistical analysis with 5% significance level. According to the results, there was a decrease of SFI after injury, independent of cryotherapy. The functional disability test showed an increase in paw rise time after injury. Nociception held at the injury site showed decreased the withdrawal threshold of the injured groups, however there was increase in the threshold in groups related to the assessments of the 8th and 15th PO. Nociception held in the plantar region was similar to the previous one, but the withdrawal threshold did not increase. In the evaluation of edema animals showed edema after the injury in the groups evaluated on 2nd PO corresponding the G1, G4 and G7, and on 3nd PO, which is not reduced. Regarding morphological analysis, G1 had nerve fibers with standard morphology, while the injured groups have nerve degeneration, and G6 showed a slight recovery of the nerve fibers, and present regeneration in the G4 and G7. We conclude that the cryotherapy protocol used was not effective to recover all the functional parameters analyzed, however, there was a slight improvement in the morphology of the group euthanized on the 8th PO. / Esta dissertação é composta por uma introdução geral, pela revisão de literatura geral e por dois artigos científicos. Lesões dos nervos periféricos podem ocorrer por esmagamento, compressão e transecção, o que resulta em dor e em redução, ou perda, da sensibilidade e da motricidade no território inervado. Entre as afecções mais comuns está a compressão do nervo isquiático, responsável pela inervação da parte posterior da coxa, da perna e do pé. Diversas formas de tratamento podem ser utilizadas para essa disfunção, sendo que, dentro da fisioterapia existe a crioterapia, embora haja uma carência na literatura a respeito dessa modalidade no tratamento da lesão nervosa periférica. Dessa maneira, o objetivo do estudo foi avaliar o tratamento com crioterapia em modelo experimental de compressão do nervo isquiático de ratos Wistar. Foram utilizados 42 ratos distribuídos aleatoriamente nos grupos: G1 controle; G2, G3 e G4 grupos que foram submetidos à compressão do nervo isquiático, mas não receberam tratamento, eutanasiados no 3º, 8º e 15º pós-operatório (PO), respectivamente; G5, G6 e G7 grupos que foram submetidos à compressão do nervo isquiático e tratados com crioterapia, eutanasiados no 3º, 8º e 15º PO, respectivamente. A compressão do nervo isquiático foi realizada com o auxílio de pinça hemostática, durante 30 segundos. Para o tratamento com crioterapia em G5, G6 e G7, os animais foram posicionados com o membro pélvico lesionado (direito) imerso em recipiente com água e gelo a 5ºC por 20 minutos, sendo a primeira intervenção imediatamente após a lesão. G5 foi submetido apenas a uma sessão de tratamento, enquanto G6 e G7 retornaram ao tratamento do 3º ao 7º PO. As avaliações funcionais foram realizadas por meio do índice funcional do isquiático (IFC), teste de incapacidade funcional, nocicepção e edema, que aconteceram nos seguintes momentos: pré-lesão, 2º PO e no dia correspondente a eutanásia de cada grupo lesionado, sendo G1 avaliado nos mesmos momentos que os grupos submetidos à lesão, porém, eutanasiado no 15º PO. Após o período de intervenção, o nervo isquiático foi coletado e processado para a análise morfológica. Os dados obtidos foram analisados por meio de ANOVA mista, com nível de significância de 5%. De acordo com os resultados, houve diminuição do IFC após a lesão, independente da crioterapia. O teste de incapacidade funcional mostrou aumento do tempo de elevação da pata após a lesão. A nocicepção realizada no local da lesão mostrou diminuição do limiar de retirada dos grupos lesionados, entretanto, houve aumento do limiar nos grupos relacionados às avaliações do 8º e 15º PO. Já a nocicepção realizada na região plantar foi semelhante a anterior, porém, o limiar não aumentou. Além disso, os animais apresentaram edema no 2º PO correspondente a G1, G4 e G7 e no 3º PO, o qual não reduziu. Em relação à análise morfológica, G1 apresentou fibras nervosas com aspecto morfológico normal, enquanto que nos grupos lesionados houve degeneração nervosa. Houve uma discreta recuperação das fibras nervosas em G6, bem como regeneração em G4 e em G7. Conclui-se que o protocolo de crioterapia utilizado não foi eficaz na recuperação de todos os parâmetros funcionais analisados, entretanto, houv

Apports de l'analyse comparée des processus de fragmentation et de création de débris dans la compréhension du comportement à l'écrasement de structures composites aéronautiques / Contributions of the comparative analysis of fragmentation and debris generation processes to the understanding of the behaviour of aeronautical composite structures under crushing

Tostain, Floran 02 December 2016 (has links)
La certification des aéronefs au crash ou à l’atterrissage dur nécessite de concevoir et dimensionner des structureslégères vérifiant les exigences d’absorption d’énergie. Le critère de performance est l’énergie d’absorptionspécifique (Specific Energy Absorption, SEA). Nos travaux expérimentaux et numériques visent une meilleurecompréhension de la contribution favorable ou défavorable des modes de ruine à la stabilité et à l’amplitude del’énergie consommée. Le travail expérimental, réalisé sur des échantillons plaques stratifiées en T700/M21 faible grammage et interlock 55% ou 100%, compare les niveaux et les évolutions des forces d’écrasement avec l’apparition et le maintien desmodes de ruine majeurs que sont l’évasement, les fragmentations en coeur de plis et localisée en bout de pli.L’observation et la mesure des processus dynamiques de fragmentation représentent un verrou contourné ici parune analyse point à point de la synchronisation entre les films des essais et les courbes force-déplacement, et parl’observation post-mortem des échantillons, des débris et des fragments. Les plaques ont une performance àl’écrasement sensible à l’épaisseur des plis et aux vitesses de déformation. Pour les interlocks, c’est le sens detissage qui a le plus d’effet sur l’amplitude et la stabilité de la SEA, et génère un évasement global plus instable.La simulation numérique dynamique transitoire non-linéaire est utilisée comme outil complémentaire de mesureet d’analyse des essais sur plaques T700/M21 [0°/90°]. La morphologie d’écrasement est bien reproduite.L’analyse des processus de ruine à l’échelle du pli fait apparaître l’interaction entre la résistance mécanique encompression transverse du matériau (Yc) et la résistance à la déchirure en cisaillement de la structure (GIIc), etl’articulation et/ou la compétition entre évasement et fragmentation en cœur de pli qui en découlent. La mesurede la contribution des trois modes de ruine dans l’énergie consommée effectuée au travers de l’évolution desseuils de ruine permet de suivre l’évolution correspondante de l’effort d’écrasement. Une étude a été menée surla robustesse du modèle, et permet d’évaluer plus généralement la sensibilité en amplitude et en stabilité de laSEA aux propriétés de résistance mécanique identifiées comme influentes. / The certification of aircrafts to hard landing or crash situations needs to design lightweight structures meetingrequirements in term of energy absorption. The Specific Energy Absorption (SEA) is used to compare theperformance of different structures. Experimental and numerical studies led in our work aim to improve theunderstanding of the influence of ruin modes on the crushing stability and the energy absorption capacity.Crushing experimental tests are carried on low-weight T700/M21 CFRP laminated plates and on 55% or 100%Interlock configurations. The crushing force value and its variations are compared to the proportion of inside plyfragmentation, localized fragmentation and splaying mode observed during the crushing process. The observationand the measure of the dynamic process of fragmentation are lock problems circumvented by two means. First, astep by step observation of synchronized tests’ pictures and force-displacement points is conducted. Second, apost-mortem observation of the specimen and a collect of debris and fragments is carried out. It is shown thatcomposite laminates behaviour is influenced by the ply thickness and the strain-rate parameters. For the Interlock,the woven directions have the most important effect on the SEA value and stability and can produce a globalfragmented splaying with some instability. Nonlinear transient dynamic numerical simulations are used as an additional tool to measure and analyse the experimental tests on T700/M21 [0°/90°] plates. The crushing morphology is correctly reproduced. The analysis of damage at the mesoscale shows the interaction between the mechanical transverse compressive strength of thematerial (Yc) and the shear strength of interfaces between plies (GIIc), and the link and/or the competition betweensplaying and inside ply fragmentation. The measure of the contribution of the three ruin modes in the dissipatedenergy is performed and linked to the variations of the crushing force. A study is carried out on the robustness ofthe model and allows linking the SEA value and stability to the mechanical strength properties identified asinfluential parameters.

Topology optimisation of structures exposed to large (non-linear) deformations

Christensen, J. January 2015 (has links)
PhD by portfolio. Research aim: To investigate if topology optimisation can be used for the development of mechanical structures exposed to large (non-linear) deformations. Research objectives: 1. Analyse and critically evaluate the potential for using state of the art commercially available Finite Element software (and associated topology optimisation algorithms) for topology optimisation of structures exposed to large-deformations. 2. Based on 1 (where feasible) suggest, develop and critically appraise opportunities, methodologies and tools for enhancing the accuracy and precision of current state of the art topology optimisation algorithms for non-linear applications. 3. Based on the outcomes of 1 and 2 define / refine and integrate a topology optimisation algorithm / methodology with enhanced levels of accuracy for structures exposed to large (non-linear) deformations. 4. Critically analyse and assess the outcomes of the tool developed in 3 to competing algorithms and “sound engineering judgement” using case-studies and objectively evaluate the potential for further development/refinement of the proposed algorithm/methodology.

Coupled Sequential Process-Performance Simulation and Multi-Attribute Optimization of Structural Components Considering Manufacturing Effects

Najafi, Ali 06 August 2011 (has links)
Coupling of material, process, and performance models is an important step towards a fully integrated material-process-performance design of structural components. In this research, alternative approaches for introducing the effects of manufacturing and material microstructure in plasticity constitutive models are studied, and a cyberinfrastructure framework is developed for coupled process-performance simulation and optimization of energy absorbing components made of magnesium alloys. The resulting mixed boundary/initial value problem is solved using nonlinear finite element analysis whereas the optimization problem is decomposed into a hierarchical multilevel system and solved using the analytical target cascading methodology. The developed framework is demonstrated on process-performance optimization of a sheetormed, energy-absorbing component using both classical and microstructure-based plasticity models. Sheetorming responses such as springback, thinning, and rupture are modeled and used as manufacturing process attributes whereas weight, mean crush force, and maximum crush force are used as performance attributes. The simulation and optimization results show that the manufacturing effects can have a considerable impact on design of energy absorbing components as well as the optimum values of process and product design variables.

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