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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Omgiven av en oändlig ocean : En intertextuell analys av Robinson Crusoe och Mr Foe / Surrounded by an Infinite Ocean: : An Intertextual Analysis of Robinson Crusoe and Mr Foe

Johansson, Hanna January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att genom en intertextuell analys identifiera vilka kopplingar som finns mellan Robinson Crusoe och Mr Foe och hur man skulle kunna använda verken i en undervisningskontext utifrån Edward W. Saïds teori om orientalism och intertextuellt perspektiv. Analysen utgår från Edward W. Saïds teori om dikotomier och hur fördomar kan accepteras som sanningar, samt Martha C. Nussbaums teori om beskrivande chauvinism och romantik. I analysen framkommer det att kopplingarna i Mr Foe främst anspelade på Crusoes romantiska bild av ön där han är härskare och Fredag är hans tjänare. Genom att diskutera Fredags olika roller i verken menar jag att man kan föra en diskussion i klassrummet där eleverna får öva sig i att se maktförhållandet i västerländsk syn på utomeuropeisk kultur.

Petrogénesis y geocronología 40Ar/39Ar del volcanismo intraplaca de la Dorsal de Juan Fernández, Placa de Nazca, Pacífico SE

Reyes Vizcarra, Javier Antonio January 2018 (has links)
Doctor en Ciencias, Mención Geología / La Dorsal de Juan Fernández (JFR) es una cadena volcánica (~ 800 km) de intraplaca emplazada sobre la Placa de Nazca en el Pacífico SE alejada de márgenes activos. Mediante datos de geoquímica (roca total y mineral), isotópicos (Sr-Nd-Pb) y geocronológicos (40Ar/39Ar) se busca comprender los procesos petrogenéticos implicados en la generación del volcanismo y en la evolución magmática de JFR. Se determina que los 4 edificios volcánicos más volumétricos de JFR: O Higgins (~ 9.26 8.41 Ma), Alpha (~ 4.63 4.58 Ma), Robinson Crusoe (~ 4.10 3.40 Ma) y Alejandro Selkirk (~ 0.94 0.83 Ma); satisfacen una progresión de edades más joven hacia el W coherente con la teoría de plumas mantélicas. La fase de construcción del escudo representa casi la totalidad del volumen de los edificios estudiados, se compone principalmente de basaltos con signatura geoquímica (e.g., alto contenido de TiO2, alto FC3MS y anomalía TITAN) e isotópica (FOZO-A con participación adicional de DM) que sugiere la presencia de piroxenita (formada a partir de corteza oceánica reciclada) como heterogeneidad en una fuente mantélica peridotítica. Dicha presencia es confirmada mediante un modelo petrogénetico para la pluma que indica una baja temperatura potencial (rango de 1290 1322 °C para Robinson Crusoe vs. 1312 1362 °C en Alejandro Selkirk), presión de término de fusión (2.34 2.54 vs. 2.24 2.52 GPa) probablemente relacionado al límite litósfera-astenosfera, y una similar participación en el melt final de fundidos provenientes de piroxenita (38.6 56.4 vs. 35.8 55.6 wt%) pese a su baja presencia en la pluma (4 8 vs. 6 12 wt%). Las variaciones composicionales internas se explican por fraccionamiento de olivino + clinopiroxeno ± plagioclasa, mezcla y/o recarga magmática y acumulación de cristales de olivino en una cámara magmática somera (~ 1 a 3 kbar) donde la temperatura de los magmas puede descender hasta 1156 1181 °C, y las variaciones entre volcanes se explica por variaciones temporales en la temperatura potencial y tasa de fusión parcial de la pluma mantélica. O Higgins y Robinson Crusoe también muestran una fase de volcanismo rejuvenecido formada por coladas de lava basanítica eruptadas tras un periodo de inactividad máximo de ~ 0.25 Ma en O Higgins, y ~ 1.73 Ma en Robinson Crusoe. Su mayor enriquecimiento geoquímico y signatura isotópica relativamente similar al escudo confirman que también se origina a partir de una pluma mantélica, pero posiblemente con sutiles variaciones en la proporción de sus constituyentes (peridotita y piroxenita), temperatura y grado de fusión parcial (ambas menores a la etapa de escudo). Estos magmas ascienden de manera directa (> 1300 °C), capturando xenocristales, con cristalización polibárica y poca diferenciación, ya que solo algunas son almacenadas por breves periodos en pequeños reservorios someros (a ~ 1256 1295 °C).

Sienitas de la isla Robinson Crusoe, dorsal de Juan Fernández: interpretación petrogenética y significado geológico

Molina Sandoval, Roberto Sebastián January 2018 (has links)
Memoria para optar al título de Geólogo / La isla Robinson Crusoe (UTM 17H 699754 m E, 6275490 m N) corresponde a relictos de un complejo volcánico de intraplaca perteneciente a la Dorsal de Juan Fernández, un ridge asísmico de orientación aproximada E-W ubicado en la placa de Nazca. Se compone principalmente por secuencias basálticas, escasos niveles sedimentarios y un intrusivo félsico. Este cuerpo denominado Intrusivo Punta Larga (IPL) aflora en la península suroccidental de la isla (UTM 17H 693961.98 m E, 6274247.52 m S) y comprende una anomalía magmática dentro del complejo volcánico. En el presente estudio, se realiza un estudio petrográfico y geoquímico del IPL, que junto a un análisis de geocronología U-Pb en circones y termocronología U-Th/He en apatitos busca interpretar petrogenéticamente este cuerpo, junto con entregar tasas de erosión a largo plazo, para así comprender el significado del IPL dentro de la evolución geológica de la isla Robinson Crusoe. El Intrusivo Punta Larga corresponde a un conjunto de afloramientos discretos de rocas ígneas intrusivas clasificado como sienitas de clinopiroxeno. Se compone de cristales de plagioclasa ricas en calcio con bordes recrecidos de plagioclasa sódica y fracturas con relleno de ortoclasa, además de ortoclasa, clinopiroxeno y menor cuarzo. La roca albergadora corresponde a la Secuencia Punta Larga, unidad volcánica más antigua presente en la isla Robinson Crusoe. Es cogenético con la etapa de volcanismo tipo escudo presente en la isla y su proceso petrogenético dominante corresponde a una cristalización fraccionada de plagioclasa cálcica y clinopiroxeno, influenciada por un proceso de fraccionamiento de olivino y en menor medida de óxidos de Fe-Ti y apatito en los estadíos tempranos del sistema magmático El análisis conjunto de edades U/Pb en circones y U-Th/He en apatito indica que este cuerpo se cristaliza hace aproximadamente 3.8 Ma, emplazándose de forma somera a una profundidad entre 1.425-1.9 km aproximadamente, dentro o levemente por debajo de la zona de retención parcial del He para el sistema U-Th/He en cristales de apatito. Se infiere una tasa de erosión mínima con un rango entre 0.375-0.5 Km/Ma.

The Colonial Subject in the Early British Novel: Revisiting Colonial Captivity in "Robinson Crusoe"

Kunasek, Caleb John 05 1900 (has links)
Scholars today deem Robinson Crusoe the first British novel. Defoe's construction of Crusoe as the atypical British traveler asserts his collective subjectivity within the framework of intimate personal experiences, accentuating his individualism. Yet, as scholars of Orientalism and Transatlantic theory can attest, calling Robinson Crusoe the first novel provides problematic methodologies that arise from affiliating the novel form to a structure associated the British colonialism and fashioning a "superior" British subject. In this essay, I work to emphasize the hybridity present within the novel, utilize historical context to provide a voice to marginalized Indigenous Americans to show how the format relies upon a relationship between collectivism and individualism, assert Indigenous voices matter in the novel, and analyze the relationship of a new collectivism that arises from narratives that cross into American spaces.

Franz Baermann Steiner - Précurseur du postcolonialisme / Franz Baermann Steiner – Precursor of Post-Colonialism

Parkhurst-Atger, Isabella 11 December 2010 (has links)
Franz Baermann Steiner [1909-1952], à la fois poeta doctus de langue allemande et anthropologue de langue anglaise, développe dans son oeuvre une pensée qui préfigure la théorie postcoloniale, d’une part par sa critique de l’eurocentrisme, de l’impérialisme colonial et de la violence épistémique occidentale, et d’autre part, à travers son ethnopoésie et la réécriture poétique du mythe robinsonien. La présente étude s'attache à analyser le discours postcolonial dans l’ensemble de son oeuvre qui comprend plus de 9500 aphorismes, quelques 300 poèmes et des écrits scientifiques. Présentant l’arrière-plan culturel et l’identité de Steiner, qui sont comparés à ceux des intellectuels postcolonialistes, l’étude examine d’abord les éventuelles structures coloniales dans l’Empire austro-hongrois, de la situation sociopolitique en Bohême et à Prague pendant la première République Tchèque. Ainsi elle révèle les éléments structurels qui ont favorisé l’éclosion du discours postcolonial chez Steiner : la position liminale et le caractère hybride de la communauté d’origine de Steiner – les juifs pragois germanophones –, l’impact discursif du sionisme culturel, son exil en Angleterre et, enfin, son appartenance à la Social Anthropology. Ensuite, elle retrace le discours aux accents postcoloniaux, depuis son origine dans ses aphorismes, dans son oeuvre anthropologique et poétique. La liminalité, notion centrale du postcolonialisme, est omniprésente dans l’oeuvre de l’auteur tant sur le plan méthodologique [positionnement discursif contestataire ou observateur] que thématique [esclavage, tabou, poète chaman, exil]. Malgré l’attachement de l’auteur à la pensée essentialiste, l'hybridité constitue un élément essentiel de son identité, irriguant toute son oeuvre. [Traduisibilité de faits culturels, ethnopoésie hybride, figure robinsonienne hybride]. / Franz Baermann Steiner [1909-1952], an exile from Prague, was a German poeta doctus who taught anthropology at the Oxford Institute after the Second World War. In his oeuvre, comprising more than 9500 aphorisms, over 300 poems and also anthropological writings, he sketches a critique of eurocentrism, colonial imperialism and epistemic violence, thus anticipating postcolonial theory. The first part of our thesis analyses how an assimilated Jew from Prague developed a discourse that takes up notions developed in the writings of Aimé Césaire and Edward Said. It therefore offers a complete analysis of his background in the Habsburg Empire from a post-colonial point of view, and an evaluation of the linguistic and social politics in Bohemia and Prague during the first Czech Republic. The study focuses, on the one hand, on the hybrid and liminal character of his milieu [i.e. German Jews in Prague] as well as the decisive discursive impact of cultural Zionism and, on the other hand, on his exile in England and the influence of British Social Anthropology. These are, from our point of view, the key elements of the post-colonial discourse emerging in Steiner’s writings. Taking his aphorisms as a starting point, our study then follows up the post-colonial thought in the entire oeuvre of the poet and anthropologist, underlining the various links between poetry, religion and science which are so characteristic of his original writings. The concept of liminality is present in all his writings on a methodological level [a liminal discursive positioning within the Western academic structures and an observant position in his poetry] and it also dominates the choice of themes [slavery, taboo, Shaman poet and exile]. Although Steiner never completely abandoned the essentialist vision of culture, the notion of hybridity is an essential factor of his identity, enriching his writings immensely [e.g. problem of cultural translatability, hybrid ethnopoetics and a new hybrid Robinson figure].


BAESHEN, LAMIA MOHAMED SALEH. January 1986 (has links)
Hayy Bin Yaqzan is a famous Arabic narrative written by the Muslim philosopher Abu Bakr Ibn Tufail in the twelfth century and translated first into Latin by Edward Pocock, the son, in 1671, then into English by George Keith in 1674, by George Ashwell in 1686, and by Simon Ockley in 1708. Ibn Tufail's work is mentioned in connection with Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe, which appeared in 1719, by many critics who either accentuate or repudiate its significance as a possible source. This study goes beyond the off-hand question of derivation to compare these two analogous books, not to take part in the long-standing dispute but to inquire into the premises it stands upon and investigate its motivating grounds. After pointing out the identical settings of two men each stranded on a desert island, this study proceeds to analyze the approach of each book to the relationship between man and Nature. In the process of mastering their environments, Hayy and Crusoe awaken to the providential presence behind natural forces and learn to regulate themselves within the divine scheme and to form strong relations with God. The narratives of Ibn Tufail and Defoe share a concern not only with their heroes' solitude but also with their attitudes toward society, which threatens their sense of individuality. Whereas Hayy prefers his solitary state to immersion in human society and remains on his island accompanied only by one faithful apostle, Crusoe eagerly sails back to the world of men, although he too adjusts poorly to the spirit of society and spends the rest of his life roaming the globe. Examining the technical aspects of Robinson Crusoe and Hayy Bin Yaqzan, their narrative methods, their chronological order, their structure, style, and delineation of character, the study concludes that although the two books belong to different genres, they are still more similar than ordinarily assumed. It also finds that the question of indebtedness, which may never be resolved, is less significant than the broader similarities in cultural, political, and religious circumstances which may be at work.

The Adventure of a Lifetime: Examining Life Lessons in Eighteenth Century Literature

Ferre, Griffin 01 January 2017 (has links)
Embedded within various works of Eighteenth-Century literature lie themes regarding how the protagonists of these stories pursue their own versions of happiness. This thesis examines how characters from a wide variety of Eighteenth-Century novels engage with their surroundings, often resisting the dominant social structures of the time, to fashion more fulfilling lives for themselves. From Robinson Crusoe to Elizabeth Bennet to Frankenstein's monster, these characters come from a wide variety of backgrounds but all reveal several unifying themes. They seek out personal connections rather that striving to fulfill antiquated social expectations and they focus on their own agency, rather than circumstances out of their control. Their respective journeys are often fraught with peril, but each one is a journey worth embarking on.

Análisis del radioteatro a través de la obra de Julio Cortázar : Adiós, Robinson

Carrera, Patricia 04 1900 (has links)
SOMMAIRE Cette recherche est basée sur l’étude de la pièce Adieu, Robinson, écrite par Julio Cortazar pour le théâtre radiophonique en 1977. Publiée en 1984, elle a été rééditée en 1995 –après le décès de son auteur– et diffusée, vers la fin des années 70, sur tous les continents. L’analyse de l’œuvre a été réalisée en tenant compte de deux orientations différentes mais complémentaires: l’une plus formelle ou technique et l’autre idéologique. Il y a, d’abord, l’étude du théâtre radiophonique comme discours qui utilise un langage spécifique –le langage radiophonique– et suppose un “théâtre écrit pour la radio”, et ce, à partir des œuvres de Rudolf Arnheim, Armand Balsebre et Etienne Fuzellier. Puis, il y a une mise en contexte de la pièce en faisant référence à la situation particulièrement mouvementée de l’Amérique latine, pendant les années 70, en mettant en rapport le sujet de la “décolonisation” avec celui de la libération. Avant d’aborder le sujet du théâtre radiophonique –ce qui inclut ses origines en Argentine, les premières pièces et les caractéristiques du format– et en prenant comme référence l’auteur Jésus Martin-Barbero, nous revoyons brièvement l’histoire du mélodrame, ce spectacle de forte valeur émotionnelle présent en Amérique latine, notamment, dans le théâtre radiophonique et le feuilleton télévisé. Suivant une revue des caractéristiques concernant le style d’écriture de Cortazar, nous analysons la pièce théâtrale d’un point de vue qui tient compte, principalement, des catégories d’espace et de temps, particulièrement importantes dans l’étude d’une œuvre radiophonique. Finalement, cette étude prétend démontrer que le but de Julio Cortazar, en écrivant Adieu, Robinson, n’était pas de proposer un passe-temps radiophonique, mais plutôt d’atteindre un public plus vaste via un puissant moyen de communication en lui offrant une fable anticolonialiste. Mots-clés : Cortazar, Robinson Crusoé, décolonisation, sémiologie du théâtre radiophonique. / This research work is based on the study of the play Adiós, Robinson (Goodbye, Robinson), a radio script written by Julio Cortázar in 1977, published in 1984, reedited in 1995 -after the death of the author-, and broadcast in every continent in the late 1970s. The analysis of this piece was carried out taking into consideration two different but complementary perspectives: one more formal or technical and the other ideological. Thus, on the one hand, radio drama is examined as a type of discourse that uses a specific language -radiophonic language-, and constitutes “a theatrical presentation written for radio", based on the works of Rudolf Arnheim, Armand Balsebre and Etienne Fuzellier. On the other hand, the text contextualized by referring to the troubled situation in Latin America in the 1970s, and relating the topic of "decolonization" to that of liberation. Before addressing the subject of radio drama -including its origins in Argentina, the first pieces for radio, and the characteristics of its format- and taking the author Jesús Martín-Barbero as a source of reference, a brief history of melodrama is presented. This genre, characterized by strong emotional content, is very much present in Latin America, particularly in radio drama and soap operas. After describing Cortázar’s writing style, the script is analyzed from a viewpoint that focuses mainly on the categories of space and time, which are especially of interest when studying a piece of radio drama. Finally, this study pretends to demonstrate that Julio Cortázar did not write Adiós, Robinson as a mere piece of radio entertainment. On the contrary, the author, aware of the power exercised by this type of media, uses it to reach a wider audience and present it with an anti-colonial fable.

Mechanical operations of the spirit : the Protestant object in Swift and Defoe

Neimann, Paul Grafton 07 February 2011 (has links)
This study revises a dominant narrative of the eighteenth-century, in which a secular modernity emerges in opposition to religious belief. It argues that a major challenge for writers such as Jonathan Swift and Daniel Defoe, and for English subjects generally, was to grasp the object world--including the modern technological object--in terms of its spiritual potential. I identify disputes around the liturgy and common prayer as a source of a folk psychology concerning mental habits conditioned by everyday interactions with devotional and cultural objects. Swift and Defoe therefore confront even paradigmatically modern forms (from trade items to scientific techniques) as a spiritual ecology, a network of new possibilities for practical piety and familiar forms of mental-spiritual illness. Texts like A Tale of a tub (1704) and Robinson Crusoe (1719) renew Reformation ideals for the laity by evaluating technologies for governing a nation of souls. Swift and Defoe's Protestantism thus appears as an active guide to understanding emotions and new experience rather than a static body of doctrine. Current historiography neglects the early modern sense that sectarian objects and rituals not only discipline religious subjects, but also provoke ambivalence and anxiety: Swift's Tale diagnoses Catholic knavery and Puritan hypocrisy as neurotic attempts to extract pleasure from immiserating styles of material praxis. Crusoe, addressed to more radical believers in spaces of trade, sees competent spiritual, scientific and commercial practice on the same plane, as techniques for overcoming fetishistic desires. Swift's orthodoxy of enforced moderation and Defoe's oddly worldly piety represent likeminded formulae for psychic reform, and not--as often alleged--conflicts between sincere belief and political or commercial interests. Gulliver's travels (1726) and A Journal of the plague year (1722) also link mind and governance through different visions of Protestant polity. Swift sees alienation from the national church--figured by a Crusoe or Gulliver--as refusal of common sense and problem solving. Defoe points to religious schism, exemplified by dissenters' exclusion from state church statistics, as a moral and medical failure: the city risks creating selfish citizens who also may overlook data needed to combat the plague. / text

Análisis del radioteatro a través de la obra de Julio Cortázar : Adiós, Robinson

Carrera, Patricia 04 1900 (has links)
SOMMAIRE Cette recherche est basée sur l’étude de la pièce Adieu, Robinson, écrite par Julio Cortazar pour le théâtre radiophonique en 1977. Publiée en 1984, elle a été rééditée en 1995 –après le décès de son auteur– et diffusée, vers la fin des années 70, sur tous les continents. L’analyse de l’œuvre a été réalisée en tenant compte de deux orientations différentes mais complémentaires: l’une plus formelle ou technique et l’autre idéologique. Il y a, d’abord, l’étude du théâtre radiophonique comme discours qui utilise un langage spécifique –le langage radiophonique– et suppose un “théâtre écrit pour la radio”, et ce, à partir des œuvres de Rudolf Arnheim, Armand Balsebre et Etienne Fuzellier. Puis, il y a une mise en contexte de la pièce en faisant référence à la situation particulièrement mouvementée de l’Amérique latine, pendant les années 70, en mettant en rapport le sujet de la “décolonisation” avec celui de la libération. Avant d’aborder le sujet du théâtre radiophonique –ce qui inclut ses origines en Argentine, les premières pièces et les caractéristiques du format– et en prenant comme référence l’auteur Jésus Martin-Barbero, nous revoyons brièvement l’histoire du mélodrame, ce spectacle de forte valeur émotionnelle présent en Amérique latine, notamment, dans le théâtre radiophonique et le feuilleton télévisé. Suivant une revue des caractéristiques concernant le style d’écriture de Cortazar, nous analysons la pièce théâtrale d’un point de vue qui tient compte, principalement, des catégories d’espace et de temps, particulièrement importantes dans l’étude d’une œuvre radiophonique. Finalement, cette étude prétend démontrer que le but de Julio Cortazar, en écrivant Adieu, Robinson, n’était pas de proposer un passe-temps radiophonique, mais plutôt d’atteindre un public plus vaste via un puissant moyen de communication en lui offrant une fable anticolonialiste. Mots-clés : Cortazar, Robinson Crusoé, décolonisation, sémiologie du théâtre radiophonique. / ABSTRACT This research work is based on the study of the play Adiós, Robinson (Goodbye, Robinson), a radio script written by Julio Cortázar in 1977, published in 1984, reedited in 1995 -after the death of the author-, and broadcast in every continent in the late 1970s. The analysis of this piece was carried out taking into consideration two different but complementary perspectives: one more formal or technical and the other ideological. Thus, on the one hand, radio drama is examined as a type of discourse that uses a specific language -radiophonic language-, and constitutes “a theatrical presentation written for radio", based on the works of Rudolf Arnheim, Armand Balsebre and Etienne Fuzellier. On the other hand, the text contextualized by referring to the troubled situation in Latin America in the 1970s, and relating the topic of "decolonization" to that of liberation. Before addressing the subject of radio drama -including its origins in Argentina, the first pieces for radio, and the characteristics of its format- and taking the author Jesús Martín-Barbero as a source of reference, a brief history of melodrama is presented. This genre, characterized by strong emotional content, is very much present in Latin America, particularly in radio drama and soap operas. After describing Cortázar’s writing style, the script is analyzed from a viewpoint that focuses mainly on the categories of space and time, which are especially of interest when studying a piece of radio drama. Finally, this study pretends to demonstrate that Julio Cortázar did not write Adiós, Robinson as a mere piece of radio entertainment. On the contrary, the author, aware of the power exercised by this type of media, uses it to reach a wider audience and present it with an anti-colonial fable. Keywords: Cortazar, Robinson Crusoe, decolonization, semiology of radio drama.

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